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Reminder Beltane Ritual in Honor of Beelzebub


New member
Jan 12, 2005
I will not be online over the next week due to obligations in my personal life so i wanted to remind the e-groups to try to do what they can to add to this ritual that regards the earth and is in honor of the great god Beelzebub. Do anything possible and WE CAN make a difference.


Once posting that I would like to put together a group ritual for Beltane in
honor of Beelzebub I got more feedback than I expected. There were some
individuals who wanted to participate but could not due to lack of privacy or
not having the tools to conduct the ritual. I will do my best to make the
following ritual so that everyone has an opportunity to participate.
The following ritual is to be performed on the Eve of Beltane which occurs on
April 30th . You should conduct this ritual after sunset preferably during the
hours of the Sun. If you cannot do it during this time don't worry conduct it
whenever you are able except during the hours of Saturn for we do not need this
planets destructive energies. This ritual is in honor of the God Beelzebub for
this is his time of year. To present this ritual in honor of Beelzebub I suggest
placing his sigil on your alter or wherever you are conducting the ritual and
writing a prayer in honor of Beelzebub stating thanks to him for all that he
does for humanity.
This ritual is going to be nothing but positive and is going to focus upon
giving life and energy back to the earth. Over the centuries of xtian rule the
earth has been hurting. This is our gift from Satan and just seeing how it is
hurting hurts me just the same as it should every dedicated Satanist. Since this
is going to deal with the earth just to further empower and represent the
purpose I also suggest having flowers or some sort of plant on your alter or
near you if you will not be performing this on an alter. You can also dedicate
these flowers/plant to Beelzebub as I did with my last ritual to Astaroth. If
you do dedicate these flowers to Beelzebub I suggest burying them once they have
Now this is just my opinion but when I conduct a ritual of any sort I like to
use runes for they are very powerful and can be used to invoke a great amount of
energy. However if you prefer to to use other means of invoking the energy than
do whatever you feel you are more accustomed to.
Besides using runes I also suggest we use our own life force to further empower
the ritual. Since the life force from the earth is being drained it is our duty
to replenish her and give some of the life force she has given us back. This can
either be through blood, semen, or vaginal secretions. I will be explaining
their use within the actual ritual outline.
We will be conducting this ritual in the format of either a standard ritual or
the grand Satanic ritual as written by HP Vovim. If you do not have the proper
tools do not worry you can just use your finger instead of an atheme and
incense, candles and such are not necessary. All you truly need is your mind,
will and body.
For those who will be using incense you should use Sun incense or anything
Since we will be burning the ritual I know some parents do not allow stuff to be
burnt or for those who need to hide their workings I will be explaining an
alternative to burning the sigil within the main outline so that the energy
still goes into the earth and heals her.
Since this is a completely positive ritual we cannot have any negative energy
surrounding the ritual area. So please before starting the ritual or placing
anything dealing with the ritual on your alter or in the area you will be
conducting the ritual imagine vibrant blue flames. Affirm that these flames are
very hot and burning away any negative energies.

Tools Needed: (If you do not have any tools do not worry, I will be explaining
alternatives in the outline)
1. Standard ritual tools
2. Incense- Sun, or anything earthbound
3. One or more candles (preferably yellow, green, brown or blue as these
represent either the sun or the earth)
4. Ritual Sigil
5. Beelzebub Sigil
6. Prayer to Beelzebub
7. Body fluids (obtained while ritual is being performed)
8. Some form of plant either flowers or greens (You can dedicate these flowers
to Beelzebub if you like)
9. If you prefer the drawn out runes but these are not necessary in order to
raise their energy.

Ritual Affirmation- the Energies raised tonight will work to completely and
totally replenish the earth of her life sustaining capabilities and allow her to
once again defend herself.

Runic Affirmation- The energies of ____________ are continuously working to
completely and totally restore life sustaining energy and the life force into
the earth.

Ritual Prayer- As before I feel this is very personal in one's ritual. So I
highly suggest writing your own. This will not only make this ritual more yours,
but it will also motivate one to conduct it and make the change they want to
make. As long as your ritual prayer involves giving life and energy back to the
earth anything you write is fine.

Sigil- Create a sigil that includes the runes in which we will be using and it
should include some sort of image that depicts the earth.

Runes being used:
Kenaz- sex magic, energy penetrating the earth
Gebo- sex magic, blood
Wunjo- no disease, healing, unity between us, uniting our energy
Jera- earth, fruitfulness
Nauthiz- Gives spiritual strength (energy) to carry on in the face of disaster,
brings resistance (pollution, other hurtful environmental problems)
Sowilo- final triumph, spark of life. Enlighten others, empowers other runes

1. First open the ritual using the standard Satanic ritual or the Grand Satanic
Ritual. Again for those who do not have ritual tools they are not required.
Instead of an atheme use your finger to direct the energy. Instead of a chalice
use a clean glass, instead of a burning bowl use any clean dish you can find
around the house. What is important is your intention and the energy you raise,
not what tools you use in the ritual. For those who cannot burn anything I will
be explaining an alternative somewhere further in the outline.

2. Read your ritual prayer with passion. Afterwards burn the prayer in your
burning bowl. If you are not allowed to burn anything do not worry, as long as
you read this with passion and intent its job will get done. What is important
is the sigil and this is where I will be explaining the alternative.

3. Now recite your prayer to Beelzebub thanking him for all that he has done for
us. This is also where you can dedicate flowers, wine or anything else you may
want to give him at this time. This is also where you can male promises to
Beelzebub in return for what he has done for us. I highly suggest kneeling or
bowing to the north when you conduct these steps. This will show respect and
that you think highly of him. Afterwards burn the prayer. If you are not allowed
to burn anything read the above.
4. Now place the sigil on your alter/in front of you.
5. While focusing on your sigil repeat the ritual affirmation with intent.
6. Start with the rune Wunjo. On the inhale while focusing upon the sigil recite
the runic affirmation stating that "The energies of Wunjo are continuously
working to completely and totally restore life sustaining energy and the life
force into the earth". On the exhale vibrate this rune. While vibrating the rune
see all of the Wunjo symbols on your sigil glowing in a bright white/gold
energy. Repeat this process nine times and after the ninth time while focusing
upon the sigil repeat the ritual affirmation with intent.
7. Now use the rune Jera. On the inhale while focusing upon the sigil repeat the
runic affirmation "The energies of Jera are continuously working to completely
and totally restore life sustaining energy and the life force into the earth".
On the exhale vibrate the rune while visualizing all of the Jera symbols on the
sigil glowing in a bright white/gold. Repeat the process nine times and at the
end of the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation with intent while focusing
upon the sigil.
8. Next go onto the Nauthiz rune. On the inhale while focusing upon the sigil
repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Nauthiz are continuously working
to completely and totally restore life sustaining energy and the life force into
the earth". On the exhale vibrate the rune while visualizing all of the Nauthiz
symbols on the sigil glowing in a bright white/gold. Repeat the process nine
times and at the end of the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation with intent
while focusing upon the sigil.
9. Now go onto the Gebo rune. . On the inhale while focusing upon the sigil
repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Gebo are continuously working to
completely and totally restore life sustaining energy and the life force into
the earth". On the exhale vibrate the rune while visualizing all of the Gebo
symbols on the sigil glowing in a bright white/gold. Repeat the process nine
times and at the end of the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation with intent
while focusing upon the sigil.
10. I will be explaing the blood offering of this rune after all of the runes
have been completed
11. Now go onto the Kenaz rune. On the inhale while focusing upon the sigil
repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Kenaz are continuously working to
completely and totally restore life sustaining energy and the life force into
the earth". On the exhale vibrate the rune while visualizing all of the Kenaz
symbols on the sigil glowing in a bright white/gold. Repeat the process nine
times and at the end of the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation with intent
while focusing upon the sigil.
12. I will be explaining the sex magic part after all of the runes are
13. Next it is the Sowilo rune. On the inhale while focusing upon the sigil
repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Sowilo are continuously working to
completely and totally restore life sustaining energy and the life force into
the earth". On the exhale vibrate the rune while visualizing all of the Sowilo.
Symbols on the sigil glowing in a bright white/gold. Repeat the process nine
times and at the end of the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation with intent
while focusing upon the sigil.
14. Now visualize the entire sigil glowing with a bright white/gold. Repeat the
ritual affirmation nine more times. After each recitation imagine the sigil
glowing brighter and brighter.
15. Turn the sigil over and write the ritual affirmation on the back while
visualizing in your mind the outcome coming into reality.
16. Place the sigil in your burning bowl. If you cannot burn anything leave the
sigil in front of you and I will be explaining the alternative further below.
17. Now it is time to give the blood offering. Prick or cut your left index
finger and drop a few drops of blood onto the sigil. As you are doing this
affirm "My blood is greatly empowering this sigil and the energy within it
making definite that its purpose will be completely and totally carried out".
As you are affirming this imagine the sigil glowing in a blinding white/gold
18. Since the Eve of Beltane has was a celebrated by means of orgy and sex I
think as Satanists we should honor this tradition and take part in the same.
This is also capable of empowering this ritual even more by means of sex magic.
19. I highly suggest reaching orgasm and as you are about to reach orgasm for
those who know how send the energy raised up your spine (chakras) and out of
your crown chakra connecting this energy to that of the sigil. Visualizing the
energy further empowering the ritual.
20. For those who wish to do so collect the semen or vaginal secretions for
these fluids contain the life force and are EXTREMELY POWERFUL. Pour them over
the ritual affirming that "My semen/vaginal secretions which contain the life
force are empowering this sigil and will replenish the earth of her own life
21. It is now time for the end of the ritual. Burn the sigil and recite the
ritual affirmation nine times. As it is burning visualize the perfect health,
strong earth. Visualize no pollution, toxic air, visualize vast vegetation,
forests, animal life, clear oceans and etc.
22. For those who cannot burn anything what you need to do is take the sigil
outside and bury it in the ground. As you are burying it in the ground affirm
that "Once buried the energies of this sigil will continuously and totally leak
into the earth replenishing her of her life giving capabilities and life force"
Once buried visualize the entire ground glowing in a blinding white/gold light.
And visualize the perfect health earth as stated above. THIS SHOULD BE DONE
23. Now state "In honor of the Great God Beelzebub this ritual will completely
heal the earth"
24. Close the ritual as you would a normal ritual.
Everyone should do this ritual disregarding your spiritual abilities. Every
little bit helps and can make a great impact. As Satanists we need to protect
our home it is our duty.

This is only the standard outline if anyone as any suggestions or changes they
thing should be made please do not hesitate to say so.

Hail Satan
I was able to perform this ritual(although without the candles and incense). If felt pretty good, when I bowed I felt as though Beelzebub was there in the room with me.
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sonofegypt11" <horrorfan89@... wrote:

I will not be online over the next week due to obligations in my personal life so i wanted to remind the e-groups to try to do what they can to add to this ritual that regards the earth and is in honor of the great god Beelzebub. Do anything possible and WE CAN make a difference.


Once posting that I would like to put together a group ritual for Beltane in
honor of Beelzebub I got more feedback than I expected. There were some
individuals who wanted to participate but could not due to lack of privacy or
not having the tools to conduct the ritual. I will do my best to make the
following ritual so that everyone has an opportunity to participate.
The following ritual is to be performed on the Eve of Beltane which occurs on
April 30th . You should conduct this ritual after sunset preferably during the
hours of the Sun. If you cannot do it during this time don't worry conduct it
whenever you are able except during the hours of Saturn for we do not need this
planets destructive energies. This ritual is in honor of the God Beelzebub for
this is his time of year. To present this ritual in honor of Beelzebub I suggest
placing his sigil on your alter or wherever you are conducting the ritual and
writing a prayer in honor of Beelzebub stating thanks to him for all that he
does for humanity.
This ritual is going to be nothing but positive and is going to focus upon
giving life and energy back to the earth. Over the centuries of xtian rule the
earth has been hurting. This is our gift from Satan and just seeing how it is
hurting hurts me just the same as it should every dedicated Satanist. Since this
is going to deal with the earth just to further empower and represent the
purpose I also suggest having flowers or some sort of plant on your alter or
near you if you will not be performing this on an alter. You can also dedicate
these flowers/plant to Beelzebub as I did with my last ritual to Astaroth. If
you do dedicate these flowers to Beelzebub I suggest burying them once they have
Now this is just my opinion but when I conduct a ritual of any sort I like to
use runes for they are very powerful and can be used to invoke a great amount of
energy. However if you prefer to to use other means of invoking the energy than
do whatever you feel you are more accustomed to.
Besides using runes I also suggest we use our own life force to further empower
the ritual. Since the life force from the earth is being drained it is our duty
to replenish her and give some of the life force she has given us back. This can
either be through blood, semen, or vaginal secretions. I will be explaining
their use within the actual ritual outline.
We will be conducting this ritual in the format of either a standard ritual or
the grand Satanic ritual as written by HP Vovim. If you do not have the proper
tools do not worry you can just use your finger instead of an atheme and
incense, candles and such are not necessary. All you truly need is your mind,
will and body.
For those who will be using incense you should use Sun incense or anything
Since we will be burning the ritual I know some parents do not allow stuff to be
burnt or for those who need to hide their workings I will be explaining an
alternative to burning the sigil within the main outline so that the energy
still goes into the earth and heals her.
Since this is a completely positive ritual we cannot have any negative energy
surrounding the ritual area. So please before starting the ritual or placing
anything dealing with the ritual on your alter or in the area you will be
conducting the ritual imagine vibrant blue flames. Affirm that these flames are
very hot and burning away any negative energies.

Tools Needed: (If you do not have any tools do not worry, I will be explaining
alternatives in the outline)
1. Standard ritual tools
2. Incense- Sun, or anything earthbound
3. One or more candles (preferably yellow, green, brown or blue as these
represent either the sun or the earth)
4. Ritual Sigil
5. Beelzebub Sigil
6. Prayer to Beelzebub
7. Body fluids (obtained while ritual is being performed)
8. Some form of plant either flowers or greens (You can dedicate these flowers
to Beelzebub if you like)
9. If you prefer the drawn out runes but these are not necessary in order to
raise their energy.

Ritual Affirmation- the Energies raised tonight will work to completely and
totally replenish the earth of her life sustaining capabilities and allow her to
once again defend herself.

Runic Affirmation- The energies of ____________ are continuously working to
completely and totally restore life sustaining energy and the life force into
the earth.

Ritual Prayer- As before I feel this is very personal in one's ritual. So I
highly suggest writing your own. This will not only make this ritual more yours,
but it will also motivate one to conduct it and make the change they want to
make. As long as your ritual prayer involves giving life and energy back to the
earth anything you write is fine.

Sigil- Create a sigil that includes the runes in which we will be using and it
should include some sort of image that depicts the earth.

Runes being used:
Kenaz- sex magic, energy penetrating the earth
Gebo- sex magic, blood
Wunjo- no disease, healing, unity between us, uniting our energy
Jera- earth, fruitfulness
Nauthiz- Gives spiritual strength (energy) to carry on in the face of disaster,
brings resistance (pollution, other hurtful environmental problems)
Sowilo- final triumph, spark of life. Enlighten others, empowers other runes

1. First open the ritual using the standard Satanic ritual or the Grand Satanic
Ritual. Again for those who do not have ritual tools they are not required.
Instead of an atheme use your finger to direct the energy. Instead of a chalice
use a clean glass, instead of a burning bowl use any clean dish you can find
around the house. What is important is your intention and the energy you raise,
not what tools you use in the ritual. For those who cannot burn anything I will
be explaining an alternative somewhere further in the outline.

2. Read your ritual prayer with passion. Afterwards burn the prayer in your
burning bowl. If you are not allowed to burn anything do not worry, as long as
you read this with passion and intent its job will get done. What is important
is the sigil and this is where I will be explaining the alternative.

3. Now recite your prayer to Beelzebub thanking him for all that he has done for
us. This is also where you can dedicate flowers, wine or anything else you may
want to give him at this time. This is also where you can male promises to
Beelzebub in return for what he has done for us. I highly suggest kneeling or
bowing to the north when you conduct these steps. This will show respect and
that you think highly of him. Afterwards burn the prayer. If you are not allowed
to burn anything read the above.
4. Now place the sigil on your alter/in front of you.
5. While focusing on your sigil repeat the ritual affirmation with intent.
6. Start with the rune Wunjo. On the inhale while focusing upon the sigil recite
the runic affirmation stating that "The energies of Wunjo are continuously
working to completely and totally restore life sustaining energy and the life
force into the earth". On the exhale vibrate this rune. While vibrating the rune
see all of the Wunjo symbols on your sigil glowing in a bright white/gold
energy. Repeat this process nine times and after the ninth time while focusing
upon the sigil repeat the ritual affirmation with intent.
7. Now use the rune Jera. On the inhale while focusing upon the sigil repeat the
runic affirmation "The energies of Jera are continuously working to completely
and totally restore life sustaining energy and the life force into the earth".
On the exhale vibrate the rune while visualizing all of the Jera symbols on the
sigil glowing in a bright white/gold. Repeat the process nine times and at the
end of the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation with intent while focusing
upon the sigil.
8. Next go onto the Nauthiz rune. On the inhale while focusing upon the sigil
repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Nauthiz are continuously working
to completely and totally restore life sustaining energy and the life force into
the earth". On the exhale vibrate the rune while visualizing all of the Nauthiz
symbols on the sigil glowing in a bright white/gold. Repeat the process nine
times and at the end of the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation with intent
while focusing upon the sigil.
9. Now go onto the Gebo rune. . On the inhale while focusing upon the sigil
repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Gebo are continuously working to
completely and totally restore life sustaining energy and the life force into
the earth". On the exhale vibrate the rune while visualizing all of the Gebo
symbols on the sigil glowing in a bright white/gold. Repeat the process nine
times and at the end of the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation with intent
while focusing upon the sigil.
10. I will be explaing the blood offering of this rune after all of the runes
have been completed
11. Now go onto the Kenaz rune. On the inhale while focusing upon the sigil
repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Kenaz are continuously working to
completely and totally restore life sustaining energy and the life force into
the earth". On the exhale vibrate the rune while visualizing all of the Kenaz
symbols on the sigil glowing in a bright white/gold. Repeat the process nine
times and at the end of the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation with intent
while focusing upon the sigil.
12. I will be explaining the sex magic part after all of the runes are
13. Next it is the Sowilo rune. On the inhale while focusing upon the sigil
repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Sowilo are continuously working to
completely and totally restore life sustaining energy and the life force into
the earth". On the exhale vibrate the rune while visualizing all of the Sowilo.
Symbols on the sigil glowing in a bright white/gold. Repeat the process nine
times and at the end of the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation with intent
while focusing upon the sigil.
14. Now visualize the entire sigil glowing with a bright white/gold. Repeat the
ritual affirmation nine more times. After each recitation imagine the sigil
glowing brighter and brighter.
15. Turn the sigil over and write the ritual affirmation on the back while
visualizing in your mind the outcome coming into reality.
16. Place the sigil in your burning bowl. If you cannot burn anything leave the
sigil in front of you and I will be explaining the alternative further below.
17. Now it is time to give the blood offering. Prick or cut your left index
finger and drop a few drops of blood onto the sigil. As you are doing this
affirm "My blood is greatly empowering this sigil and the energy within it
making definite that its purpose will be completely and totally carried out".
As you are affirming this imagine the sigil glowing in a blinding white/gold
18. Since the Eve of Beltane has was a celebrated by means of orgy and sex I
think as Satanists we should honor this tradition and take part in the same.
This is also capable of empowering this ritual even more by means of sex magic.
19. I highly suggest reaching orgasm and as you are about to reach orgasm for
those who know how send the energy raised up your spine (chakras) and out of
your crown chakra connecting this energy to that of the sigil. Visualizing the
energy further empowering the ritual.
20. For those who wish to do so collect the semen or vaginal secretions for
these fluids contain the life force and are EXTREMELY POWERFUL. Pour them over
the ritual affirming that "My semen/vaginal secretions which contain the life
force are empowering this sigil and will replenish the earth of her own life
21. It is now time for the end of the ritual. Burn the sigil and recite the
ritual affirmation nine times. As it is burning visualize the perfect health,
strong earth. Visualize no pollution, toxic air, visualize vast vegetation,
forests, animal life, clear oceans and etc.
22. For those who cannot burn anything what you need to do is take the sigil
outside and bury it in the ground. As you are burying it in the ground affirm
that "Once buried the energies of this sigil will continuously and totally leak
into the earth replenishing her of her life giving capabilities and life force"
Once buried visualize the entire ground glowing in a blinding white/gold light.
And visualize the perfect health earth as stated above. THIS SHOULD BE DONE
23. Now state "In honor of the Great God Beelzebub this ritual will completely
heal the earth"
24. Close the ritual as you would a normal ritual.
Everyone should do this ritual disregarding your spiritual abilities. Every
little bit helps and can make a great impact. As Satanists we need to protect
our home it is our duty.

This is only the standard outline if anyone as any suggestions or changes they
thing should be made please do not hesitate to say so.

Hail Satan
First off thank you for your involvment in this ritual. I know we made an impact on the earth. I know what you mean when you said you felt him there next to you. After opening the ritual i read my prayer of thanksgiving to Beelzebub and i could feel him there the entire time.

I will be planning a ritual in honor of Azazel next and than i will be moving onto other gods. Every demon deserves to have a ritual conducted in their honor. I will also be working on a ritual where everyone who participates will be conducting it in the name of their guardian/guardians. Now that ritual i am looking forward to.

I am also looking to write a destruction ritual with the targrt of Islam. I hope i can have your support in these upcoming rituals as well.

Hail Satan
Hail Beelzebub

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "sonofegypt11" <horrorfan89@... wrote:

I will not be online over the next week due to obligations in my personal life so i wanted to remind the e-groups to try to do what they can to add to this ritual that regards the earth and is in honor of the great god Beelzebub. Do anything possible and WE CAN make a difference.


Once posting that I would like to put together a group ritual for Beltane in
honor of Beelzebub I got more feedback than I expected. There were some
individuals who wanted to participate but could not due to lack of privacy or
not having the tools to conduct the ritual. I will do my best to make the
following ritual so that everyone has an opportunity to participate.
The following ritual is to be performed on the Eve of Beltane which occurs on
April 30th . You should conduct this ritual after sunset preferably during the
hours of the Sun. If you cannot do it during this time don't worry conduct it
whenever you are able except during the hours of Saturn for we do not need this
planets destructive energies. This ritual is in honor of the God Beelzebub for
this is his time of year. To present this ritual in honor of Beelzebub I suggest
placing his sigil on your alter or wherever you are conducting the ritual and
writing a prayer in honor of Beelzebub stating thanks to him for all that he
does for humanity.
This ritual is going to be nothing but positive and is going to focus upon
giving life and energy back to the earth. Over the centuries of xtian rule the
earth has been hurting. This is our gift from Satan and just seeing how it is
hurting hurts me just the same as it should every dedicated Satanist. Since this
is going to deal with the earth just to further empower and represent the
purpose I also suggest having flowers or some sort of plant on your alter or
near you if you will not be performing this on an alter. You can also dedicate
these flowers/plant to Beelzebub as I did with my last ritual to Astaroth. If
you do dedicate these flowers to Beelzebub I suggest burying them once they have
Now this is just my opinion but when I conduct a ritual of any sort I like to
use runes for they are very powerful and can be used to invoke a great amount of
energy. However if you prefer to to use other means of invoking the energy than
do whatever you feel you are more accustomed to.
Besides using runes I also suggest we use our own life force to further empower
the ritual. Since the life force from the earth is being drained it is our duty
to replenish her and give some of the life force she has given us back. This can
either be through blood, semen, or vaginal secretions. I will be explaining
their use within the actual ritual outline.
We will be conducting this ritual in the format of either a standard ritual or
the grand Satanic ritual as written by HP Vovim. If you do not have the proper
tools do not worry you can just use your finger instead of an atheme and
incense, candles and such are not necessary. All you truly need is your mind,
will and body.
For those who will be using incense you should use Sun incense or anything
Since we will be burning the ritual I know some parents do not allow stuff to be
burnt or for those who need to hide their workings I will be explaining an
alternative to burning the sigil within the main outline so that the energy
still goes into the earth and heals her.
Since this is a completely positive ritual we cannot have any negative energy
surrounding the ritual area. So please before starting the ritual or placing
anything dealing with the ritual on your alter or in the area you will be
conducting the ritual imagine vibrant blue flames. Affirm that these flames are
very hot and burning away any negative energies.

Tools Needed: (If you do not have any tools do not worry, I will be explaining
alternatives in the outline)
1. Standard ritual tools
2. Incense- Sun, or anything earthbound
3. One or more candles (preferably yellow, green, brown or blue as these
represent either the sun or the earth)
4. Ritual Sigil
5. Beelzebub Sigil
6. Prayer to Beelzebub
7. Body fluids (obtained while ritual is being performed)
8. Some form of plant either flowers or greens (You can dedicate these flowers
to Beelzebub if you like)
9. If you prefer the drawn out runes but these are not necessary in order to
raise their energy.

Ritual Affirmation- the Energies raised tonight will work to completely and
totally replenish the earth of her life sustaining capabilities and allow her to
once again defend herself.

Runic Affirmation- The energies of ____________ are continuously working to
completely and totally restore life sustaining energy and the life force into
the earth.

Ritual Prayer- As before I feel this is very personal in one's ritual. So I
highly suggest writing your own. This will not only make this ritual more yours,
but it will also motivate one to conduct it and make the change they want to
make. As long as your ritual prayer involves giving life and energy back to the
earth anything you write is fine.

Sigil- Create a sigil that includes the runes in which we will be using and it
should include some sort of image that depicts the earth.

Runes being used:
Kenaz- sex magic, energy penetrating the earth
Gebo- sex magic, blood
Wunjo- no disease, healing, unity between us, uniting our energy
Jera- earth, fruitfulness
Nauthiz- Gives spiritual strength (energy) to carry on in the face of disaster,
brings resistance (pollution, other hurtful environmental problems)
Sowilo- final triumph, spark of life. Enlighten others, empowers other runes

1. First open the ritual using the standard Satanic ritual or the Grand Satanic
Ritual. Again for those who do not have ritual tools they are not required.
Instead of an atheme use your finger to direct the energy. Instead of a chalice
use a clean glass, instead of a burning bowl use any clean dish you can find
around the house. What is important is your intention and the energy you raise,
not what tools you use in the ritual. For those who cannot burn anything I will
be explaining an alternative somewhere further in the outline.

2. Read your ritual prayer with passion. Afterwards burn the prayer in your
burning bowl. If you are not allowed to burn anything do not worry, as long as
you read this with passion and intent its job will get done. What is important
is the sigil and this is where I will be explaining the alternative.

3. Now recite your prayer to Beelzebub thanking him for all that he has done for
us. This is also where you can dedicate flowers, wine or anything else you may
want to give him at this time. This is also where you can male promises to
Beelzebub in return for what he has done for us. I highly suggest kneeling or
bowing to the north when you conduct these steps. This will show respect and
that you think highly of him. Afterwards burn the prayer. If you are not allowed
to burn anything read the above.
4. Now place the sigil on your alter/in front of you.
5. While focusing on your sigil repeat the ritual affirmation with intent.
6. Start with the rune Wunjo. On the inhale while focusing upon the sigil recite
the runic affirmation stating that "The energies of Wunjo are continuously
working to completely and totally restore life sustaining energy and the life
force into the earth". On the exhale vibrate this rune. While vibrating the rune
see all of the Wunjo symbols on your sigil glowing in a bright white/gold
energy. Repeat this process nine times and after the ninth time while focusing
upon the sigil repeat the ritual affirmation with intent.
7. Now use the rune Jera. On the inhale while focusing upon the sigil repeat the
runic affirmation "The energies of Jera are continuously working to completely
and totally restore life sustaining energy and the life force into the earth".
On the exhale vibrate the rune while visualizing all of the Jera symbols on the
sigil glowing in a bright white/gold. Repeat the process nine times and at the
end of the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation with intent while focusing
upon the sigil.
8. Next go onto the Nauthiz rune. On the inhale while focusing upon the sigil
repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Nauthiz are continuously working
to completely and totally restore life sustaining energy and the life force into
the earth". On the exhale vibrate the rune while visualizing all of the Nauthiz
symbols on the sigil glowing in a bright white/gold. Repeat the process nine
times and at the end of the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation with intent
while focusing upon the sigil.
9. Now go onto the Gebo rune. . On the inhale while focusing upon the sigil
repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Gebo are continuously working to
completely and totally restore life sustaining energy and the life force into
the earth". On the exhale vibrate the rune while visualizing all of the Gebo
symbols on the sigil glowing in a bright white/gold. Repeat the process nine
times and at the end of the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation with intent
while focusing upon the sigil.
10. I will be explaing the blood offering of this rune after all of the runes
have been completed
11. Now go onto the Kenaz rune. On the inhale while focusing upon the sigil
repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Kenaz are continuously working to
completely and totally restore life sustaining energy and the life force into
the earth". On the exhale vibrate the rune while visualizing all of the Kenaz
symbols on the sigil glowing in a bright white/gold. Repeat the process nine
times and at the end of the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation with intent
while focusing upon the sigil.
12. I will be explaining the sex magic part after all of the runes are
13. Next it is the Sowilo rune. On the inhale while focusing upon the sigil
repeat the runic affirmation "The energies of Sowilo are continuously working to
completely and totally restore life sustaining energy and the life force into
the earth". On the exhale vibrate the rune while visualizing all of the Sowilo.
Symbols on the sigil glowing in a bright white/gold. Repeat the process nine
times and at the end of the ninth time repeat the ritual affirmation with intent
while focusing upon the sigil.
14. Now visualize the entire sigil glowing with a bright white/gold. Repeat the
ritual affirmation nine more times. After each recitation imagine the sigil
glowing brighter and brighter.
15. Turn the sigil over and write the ritual affirmation on the back while
visualizing in your mind the outcome coming into reality.
16. Place the sigil in your burning bowl. If you cannot burn anything leave the
sigil in front of you and I will be explaining the alternative further below.
17. Now it is time to give the blood offering. Prick or cut your left index
finger and drop a few drops of blood onto the sigil. As you are doing this
affirm "My blood is greatly empowering this sigil and the energy within it
making definite that its purpose will be completely and totally carried out".
As you are affirming this imagine the sigil glowing in a blinding white/gold
18. Since the Eve of Beltane has was a celebrated by means of orgy and sex I
think as Satanists we should honor this tradition and take part in the same.
This is also capable of empowering this ritual even more by means of sex magic.
19. I highly suggest reaching orgasm and as you are about to reach orgasm for
those who know how send the energy raised up your spine (chakras) and out of
your crown chakra connecting this energy to that of the sigil. Visualizing the
energy further empowering the ritual.
20. For those who wish to do so collect the semen or vaginal secretions for
these fluids contain the life force and are EXTREMELY POWERFUL. Pour them over
the ritual affirming that "My semen/vaginal secretions which contain the life
force are empowering this sigil and will replenish the earth of her own life
21. It is now time for the end of the ritual. Burn the sigil and recite the
ritual affirmation nine times. As it is burning visualize the perfect health,
strong earth. Visualize no pollution, toxic air, visualize vast vegetation,
forests, animal life, clear oceans and etc.
22. For those who cannot burn anything what you need to do is take the sigil
outside and bury it in the ground. As you are burying it in the ground affirm
that "Once buried the energies of this sigil will continuously and totally leak
into the earth replenishing her of her life giving capabilities and life force"
Once buried visualize the entire ground glowing in a blinding white/gold light.
And visualize the perfect health earth as stated above. THIS SHOULD BE DONE
23. Now state "In honor of the Great God Beelzebub this ritual will completely
heal the earth"
24. Close the ritual as you would a normal ritual.
Everyone should do this ritual disregarding your spiritual abilities. Every
little bit helps and can make a great impact. As Satanists we need to protect
our home it is our duty.

This is only the standard outline if anyone as any suggestions or changes they
thing should be made please do not hesitate to say so.

Hail Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
