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Regarding the doxxing of members, infiltrators and normalization of negative behaviors

Voice of Enki [JG]

Joy of Satan Guardian
Sep 20, 2017
Say we have a hypothetical situation. Someone is presumed to be an infiltrator, and people have issues with the said person. Due to the hatred and animosity we all rightfully have and feel towards the jews and any who dare to infiltrate our forum with intent to harm or stain our Spiritual Satanic gathering here, people decide to target the said person who is presumed to be an infiltrator based on anecdotal evidence and unreliable statements made by others or things discussed in private outside of the forum by members.

The ones who know it all because they have meditated a little bit, and feel almighty with their great intuition they developed for a year or two, are convinced beyond any doubt the said person is indeed an infiltrator. Perhaps they are right, perhaps they are wrong. Realistically, this presumption cannot be made with certainty in most of these cases.

Out of a sense of ego driven righteousness, said people decide to expose the presumed infiltrator to justify their issues with them, posting even the personal picture of said person on the forum to validate their claims of them being jews.

Look, he's a jew, he's got a big nose and a big mouth! I told you so! My great wisdom is almighty, now you do not have to doubt me anymore!

Indeed, perhaps they are indeed a jew. This time. However, what if they are not? Do any of you who engage in this behavior stop to think or consider even for a small moment the consequence of doing so in case you are wrong?

One must remember, even the physical evidence is not concrete. To recognize a jew based on physical features is in some cases easier said than done. There are a lot of gentiles with features that may look out of place and appear jewish, because jews also have them, however, one must remember why the jew has them in the first place.

It is because the jew has race mixed with all races on Earth, they obtain many strange features that give them their recognizable appearance. There's also gentiles who have mixed, sometimes tracing back many generations, which can lead to features not usually found in the gentile race had they been of unmixed origin to show up. Therefore, to recognize a person as a jew based on appearance alone is in actual fact quite unreliable, especially in those fringe cases where it is not certain beyond any reasonable doubt.

A combination of traits has to be present to make a claim with some level of certainty. In some cases it is simply too obvious, the features are so alien looking, one can recognize beyond any reasonable doubt they are not gentile, but this is not always the case.

Confusion persists regarding this topic for a reason. It isn't always clear cut.

Now let us presume one is right about this. What does this actually accomplish? You oust an infiltrator by exposing their jew mug, and showing the world what kind of creature they really are.

Haha, I got you! Look at my almighty foresight and my incredible ability to unmask this vile creature for you all!

Usually, this sort of thing is done purely out of an ego driven desire to validate ones self. This is a useless endeavor. For one, you will never catch all infiltrators with such an immature and unprofessional method, because you will never find all their faces courtesy to the anonymity of the internet.

Even when one does, it doesn't accomplish anything more. Perhaps one can curse the person, to feel good about yourself. Wasting your precious energy to attack a single worm, rather than focus on fighting the whole hive. People give far too much credence to the singular worms that try to wriggle their way in here, and far too much credence to finding out those singular insignificant things.

What matters more is to improve the general attitude of this forum, for negativity incompatible with the Joy of Satan to be rooted out on a fundamental, ideological and intellectual level, for the standard of conduct by all members here, as well as the expected morality to improve to a point where any infiltrators and otherwise incompatible crap simply cannot rub off on anyone here.

Where this crap cleans itself out due to a universal improvement to the standards, professionalism, maturity and attitude of all Joy of Satan members as a whole. Something we must work on together, and we must continuously improve on together.

The kind of in my opinion abhorrent and immature behavior such as doxxing and sharing pictures openly of members on the forum to give credence to your personal conflicts is absolutely not compatible or even acceptable in terms of the conduct we are expected to follow as followers of our Gods.

If this is allowed once, people will see this and think it to be acceptable. Over time people start doing this more, and become more lax in their assessments, eventually throwing pictures and private conversations around as the norm in order to discuss their personal conflicts with everyone here, because they are so very important.

This cannot be allowed even once, by anyone, because this behavior should never be normalized. The benefit of doing so is nill, it is illegal, and the harm is does over time is enough to destroy the forum permanently.

Congratulations to you who are aiding and abetting this behavior, you are successfully helping the jew to ruin our Spiritual Satanic place of gathering here. In other words, you are no different than them. I'd have a whole lot more colorful words to say to you who engages in these if I would not uphold my own imposed standards this very moment.

In case one does this and is mistaken, you have no endangered the life of a gentile and ruined their potential as a Satanist. Congratulations. You now carry a heap of karma you cannot escape because you were such an idiot to endanger the life and soul of a fellow gentile to validate your own little insignificant ego. Good luck dealing with that.

The chance to be mistaken is significantly greater than many of you care to admit, because many of you are far too self absorbed in your own little ego spiel. It is painful and sad to see the state of so many active members of the Joy of Satan forum to be so low.

We can do better. It is our duty.

Hail Satan!
I feel you, brother. I also don't understand why anyone would think it necessary to take it upon themselves this task of outing the infiltrators. It's not their duty, and in my opinion it shows a lack of trust in the Gods and the clergy. Bans will be issued when needed. It makes me wonder if they think the mods are there for decoration.

This time and effort could be better spent on other things such as uplifting newcomers, internet warfare, writing up a new insightful post, and perhaps more. There's so much potential for positivity and raising ourselves and each other up, but it's wasted on this empty mission that only ends up doing more harm than it does good in the final assessment.

I'm curious what prompted this post of yours though. I might have missed some things, but I saw a few comments on a thread about One Wire Phenomenon. Is this related?
VoiceofEnki said:
We can do better. It is our duty.

Hail Satan!

It does worry me these patterns of late. Satan tells us to keep his house united and not fall divided. Understandably we have men paranoid to keep our house clean of the rats filth. But we must be wary of overcorrection. I appreciate every member I've seen here, but some spend a bit too much time and energy directing energy towards what should be treated as allies.

The benefit of the doubt is given but it's sparse at times. We must not allow our house to be divided.

I can admit when I was wrong, which I was here. You may think it wasn’t the best idea but it’s what I felt was the right thing to do. So I encourage HC to take whatever against me he feels necessary. Wether it’s a banning/banishment or a deletion of it all (Everyone has seen it by now).

My intentions were good. You have a situation where there’s constant attempts of subversion and forming covens outside of JoS, which is only helped with your idea of keeping everything private no matter what. My idea is what JFK said.

The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society.

Sticking to the strict code of secrecy is how the enemy thrives. Notable Infiltrators always do these things behind the scenes and try to rope in as many people as possible promising not to tell, and it works because no one wants to come forward and blow the lid on it.

So you can bet if I acquire serious dirt on someone (Lawfully) I’m going to make everyone else aware of it. This isn’t some gangster hood. I don’t have a “no snitching” code. I’m not going to figuratively hide Jews under my floorboard in the name of some made up oath of silence. Take care.
Thats right. They behaved wrong with One Wire Phenomen. And too many members behave as drama queens.
Exposing specific jews should be done in an appropriate manner. Not in this manner. Shooting out another person's information is a non acceptable practice in the board. This is for quite a few reasons one can easily understand.

Most people are dead wrong in their "pressupositions", and only some end up being right. But damage cannot be allowed to be done to nobody based on this.

Regardless, the so called "Picture" in what you did, when put in a search engine, is already online and public. This does not constitute doxxing or revelation of something that wasn't already public. This is not what is the case in a public picture. So there is therefore nothing of this in that case.

VoE's post should be understood in a general light, not about this incident, but in GENERAL.

If you use one picture of Billy Gates here and it's already in Facebook, Instagram, or a News Article, this is not "Doxxing", because it's on the public.

Lastly, OneWirePhenomenon was not the person in the picture, nor any other member, or anyone at all. This was just a random jew with a public picture.

This person was a random, so moderation assumed this was a joke or something of this caliber, or just a random jew. In the case this would be a jew that is exposed, the picture wouldn't be made public, solely to protect the board however, not the jew.

The case is a non issue besides everyone firing from the hip for no reason. It's strongly advised to NOT do this in this manner again. Lastly, banning won't solve this, just don't repeat pointlessly in the future.

Strong discretion should be the case for all of these things.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:

I can admit when I was wrong, which I was here. You may think it wasn’t the best idea but it’s what I felt was the right thing to do. So I encourage HC to take whatever against me he feels necessary. Wether it’s a banning/banishment or a deletion of it all (Everyone has seen it by now).

My intentions were good. You have a situation where there’s constant attempts of subversion and forming covens outside of JoS, which is only helped with your idea of keeping everything private no matter what. My idea is what JFK said.

The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society.

Sticking to the strict code of secrecy is how the enemy thrives. Notable Infiltrators always do these things behind the scenes and try to rope in as many people as possible promising not to tell, and it works because no one wants to come forward and blow the lid on it.

So you can bet if I acquire serious dirt on someone (Lawfully) I’m going to make everyone else aware of it. This isn’t some gangster hood. I don’t have a “no snitching” code. I’m not going to figuratively hide Jews under my floorboard in the name of some made up oath of silence. Take care.
Mindless accusations will only create more discord between us, and seed chaos for no reason at all. This could be what enemy wants. I wouldn’t be surprised if actual Jews are coming here to sow infighting.

Do not go here and randomly accuse people of being jews if you do not have proof, please. Let’s not act as bunch of 5 year olds.

Thank you in advance everyone.

Hail Satan!
yes ok, cobra prevented me before from giving otu info on infiltrators.

BUT it was correct. it saved lives. he told me i cannot post it. but no problem in helping tho.

privacy is bullshit if u protect jews with it. u think its small matter? is not. they make covens, damage, corrupt people. but yea, it cannot be posted here and wont be.

VoiceofEnki said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

SouthernWhiteGentile said:

I can admit when I was wrong, which I was here. You may think it wasn’t the best idea but it’s what I felt was the right thing to do. So I encourage HC to take whatever against me he feels necessary. Wether it’s a banning/banishment or a deletion of it all (Everyone has seen it by now).

My intentions were good. You have a situation where there’s constant attempts of subversion and forming covens outside of JoS, which is only helped with your idea of keeping everything private no matter what. My idea is what JFK said.

The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society.

Sticking to the strict code of secrecy is how the enemy thrives. Notable Infiltrators always do these things behind the scenes and try to rope in as many people as possible promising not to tell, and it works because no one wants to come forward and blow the lid on it.

So you can bet if I acquire serious dirt on someone (Lawfully) I’m going to make everyone else aware of it. This isn’t some gangster hood. I don’t have a “no snitching” code. I’m not going to figuratively hide Jews under my floorboard in the name of some made up oath of silence. Take care.

Well One Wire Phenomenon pretty much said he’s leaving the forums. I hope he reconsidered knowing that SWG posts occasionally some paranoia. But knowing what I’ve read, he probably did. It is a shame.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Exposing specific jews should be done in an appropriate manner. Not in this manner. Shooting out another person's information is a non acceptable practice in the board. This is for quite a few reasons one can easily understand.

Most people are dead wrong in their "pressupositions", and only some end up being right. But damage cannot be allowed to be done to nobody based on this.

Regardless, the so called "Picture" in what you did, when put in a search engine, is already online and public. This does not constitute doxxing or revelation of something that wasn't already public. This is not what is the case in a public picture. So there is therefore nothing of this in that case.

VoE's post should be understood in a general light, not about this incident, but in GENERAL.

If you use one picture of Billy Gates here and it's already in Facebook, Instagram, or a News Article, this is not "Doxxing", because it's on the public.

Lastly, OneWirePhenomenon was not the person in the picture, nor any other member, or anyone at all. This was just a random jew with a public picture.

This person was a random, so moderation assumed this was a joke or something of this caliber, or just a random jew. In the case this would be a jew that is exposed, the picture wouldn't be made public, solely to protect the board however, not the jew.

The case is a non issue besides everyone firing from the hip for no reason. It's strongly advised to NOT do this in this manner again. Lastly, banning won't solve this, just don't repeat pointlessly in the future.

Strong discretion should be the case for all of these things.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:

I can admit when I was wrong, which I was here. You may think it wasn’t the best idea but it’s what I felt was the right thing to do. So I encourage HC to take whatever against me he feels necessary. Wether it’s a banning/banishment or a deletion of it all (Everyone has seen it by now).

My intentions were good. You have a situation where there’s constant attempts of subversion and forming covens outside of JoS, which is only helped with your idea of keeping everything private no matter what. My idea is what JFK said.

The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society.

Sticking to the strict code of secrecy is how the enemy thrives. Notable Infiltrators always do these things behind the scenes and try to rope in as many people as possible promising not to tell, and it works because no one wants to come forward and blow the lid on it.

So you can bet if I acquire serious dirt on someone (Lawfully) I’m going to make everyone else aware of it. This isn’t some gangster hood. I don’t have a “no snitching” code. I’m not going to figuratively hide Jews under my floorboard in the name of some made up oath of silence. Take care.

Well One Wire Phenomenon pretty much said he’s leaving the forums. I hope he reconsidered knowing that SWG posts occasionally some paranoia. But knowing what I’ve read, he probably did. It is a shame.
Ramier108666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

SouthernWhiteGentile said:

Well One Wire Phenomenon pretty much said he’s leaving the forums. I hope he reconsidered knowing that SWG posts occasionally some paranoia. But knowing what I’ve read, he probably did. It is a shame.

Recently a person was banned because their hobby was to, oftentimes without any proof whatsoever, call everyone a jew on the boards for years and chase them around doing this over and over again.

At the same rate, they couldn't recognize jews sitting next to them for years. Or even helped jews copiously to get in and do damage. All of this, was done without them really wanting it, just because of confusion.

Regardless the damage is done and the above is not a sensible practice without anything to back it up.

When this is done wrong in everyway, this is the result. Also, the member in question that is leaving, was also being extremely non serious on how he dealt with this and what messages he gave others. So massive confusion was bound to happen sooner or later.

Maybe all sides will reconsider and he might return. It's up to them now.
Ramier108666 said:

Ramier in regards to your new rights, these are posting rights. You can post without approval. Not moderator rights. It means you are off moderation [unmoderated], not a moderator. Thanks.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society.


I reached out to one wire for consolation. I'll try reassuring him again that he doesn't have to be chased away.
The boards here will never be used for this type of thing. I know I have been subject to copious "doxxing" and attacks on all sorts of jewish platforms, but we don't intend to do the same here on our own website platform in any willing manner to even them, to avoid poisoning OUR platform.

I know they all know it's illegal and that they don't care about it of course, but we have some standards we are following.

Regardless, measures will be taken in other ways, but not in this manner. So we are always open to information.

siatris666 said:
yes ok, cobra prevented me before from giving otu info on infiltrators.

BUT it was correct. it saved lives. he told me i cannot post it. but no problem in helping tho.

privacy is bullshit if u protect jews with it. u think its small matter? is not. they make covens, damage, corrupt people. but yea, it cannot be posted here and wont be.

VoiceofEnki said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ramier108666 said:

Ramier in regards to your new rights, these are posting rights. You can post without approval. Not moderator rights. It means you are off moderation [unmoderated], not a moderator. Thanks.

Thanks for the heads up. VoE thought I was a moderator. Lol. I didn’t think I was one.
Just to verify again as I did on the thread that was deleted with the pic for those who didn't see, this was the pic that one wire sent some of us of someone he wanted away from his family. A thread was made about it where we replied.

This person is far from a jew. I know we can look at last names and such funny but so much more must be taken into consideration. I even admitted to this as well and that it wasn't fair.

His behavior is not jewish at all. I hope he comes back but also that learns not to be too open for his own good.
Ramier108666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ramier108666 said:

Ramier in regards to your new rights, these are posting rights. You can post without approval. Not moderator rights. It means you are off moderation [unmoderated], not a moderator. Thanks.

Thanks for the heads up. VoE thought I was a moderator. Lol. I didn’t think I was one.

My compliments Ramier and please use this privilege wisely.
Ramier108666 said:
Well One Wire Phenomenon pretty much said he’s leaving the forums. I hope he reconsidered knowing that SWG posts occasionally some paranoia. But knowing what I’ve read, he probably did. It is a shame.
What does “leaving the forum” mean? Are they just going to stop posting of viewing all together? This person is schizophrenic. They’ll be back tomorrow writing more tall tales.
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

SouthernWhiteGentile said:


I reached out to one wire for consolation. I'll try reassuring him again that he doesn't have to be chased away.

Tell him Slyscorpion is sorry too and I just got paranoid and confused by the various things I saw from and about him. The some people said Jew I took that as gospel truth. Oh and to repeat since the thread was deleted I said that on apparently and I don't think he saw it. I have no intention to post any picture of him real or fake and never did not did I ever do that to anyone so he can relax.

Master said:
Ramier108666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ramier in regards to your new rights, these are posting rights. You can post without approval. Not moderator rights. It means you are off moderation [unmoderated], not a moderator. Thanks.

Thanks for the heads up. VoE thought I was a moderator. Lol. I didn’t think I was one.

My compliments Ramier and please use this privilege wisely.

I have every intention on helping others like always. After this little incident, I’m making it my goal to help potential members and current members to get ahead. I usually stay silent unless necessary. Guess I can’t really now. Actually I won’t be silent. If we’re to be leaders we’ve got to perfect ourselves and help each other. Like in the military we all are a team. If one falls we might as well all fall. We can’t have weak links or things like this incident as of past will happen. I get Slyscorpion and SWG trying to be protective of our forums from enemy lurkers but we must not judge too harshly from now on unless necessary and with complete factual evidence to provide our judgment.

Also thank you Master.
slyscorpion said:
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I reached out to one wire for consolation. I'll try reassuring him again that he doesn't have to be chased away.

Tell him Slyscorpion is sorry too and I just got paranoid and confused by the various things I saw from and about him. The some people said Jew I took that as gospel truth. Oh and to repeat since the thread was deleted I said that on apparently and I don't think he saw it. I have no intention to post any picture of him real or fake and never did not did I ever do that to anyone so he can relax.

What’s done is done Slyscorpion. I’ll try to see if @Shadowcat has his email and try to contact him. Just keep advancing and if you need help or are stuck on something regarding advancement let us know. I get your feelings of reservation and all, but we are a team. We all must get stronger. We have to see potential members as such: potential members. We can judge their actions if it is proven with complete conviction that they are not beneficial to themselves or us. This is a mutual understanding brother. Keep up your advancement.

Hail Satan
Ramier108666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Shadowcat said:
I reached out to one wire for consolation. I'll try reassuring him again that he doesn't have to be chased away.

Tell him Slyscorpion is sorry too and I just got paranoid and confused by the various things I saw from and about him. The some people said Jew I took that as gospel truth. Oh and to repeat since the thread was deleted I said that on apparently and I don't think he saw it. I have no intention to post any picture of him real or fake and never did not did I ever do that to anyone so he can relax.

What’s done is done Slyscorpion. I’ll try to see if @Shadowcat has his email and try to contact him. Just keep advancing and if you need help or are stuck on something regarding advancement let us know. I get your feelings of reservation and all, but we are a team. We all must get stronger. We have to see potential members as such: potential members. We can judge their actions if it is proven with complete conviction that they are not beneficial to themselves or us. This is a mutual understanding brother. Keep up your advancement.

Hail Satan

Congratulations for moving up the ranks. Thank you for standing up for me. I will also try and do better from now on and not make silly posts. I learnt a lesson
slyscorpion said:
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I reached out to one wire for consolation. I'll try reassuring him again that he doesn't have to be chased away.

Tell him Slyscorpion is sorry too and I just got paranoid and confused by the various things I saw from and about him. The some people said Jew I took that as gospel truth. Oh and to repeat since the thread was deleted I said that on apparently and I don't think he saw it. I have no intention to post any picture of him real or fake and never did not did I ever do that to anyone so he can relax.

Its okay im glad we can be cool.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ramier108666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Well One Wire Phenomenon pretty much said he’s leaving the forums. I hope he reconsidered knowing that SWG posts occasionally some paranoia. But knowing what I’ve read, he probably did. It is a shame.

Recently a person was banned because their hobby was to, oftentimes without any proof whatsoever, call everyone a jew on the boards for years and chase them around doing this over and over again.

At the same rate, they couldn't recognize jews sitting next to them for years. Or even helped jews copiously to get in and do damage. All of this, was done without them really wanting it, just because of confusion.

Regardless the damage is done and the above is not a sensible practice without anything to back it up.

When this is done wrong in everyway, this is the result. Also, the member in question that is leaving, was also being extremely non serious on how he dealt with this and what messages he gave others. So massive confusion was bound to happen sooner or later.

Maybe all sides will reconsider and he might return. It's up to them now.

Thank you for handling it very professionally. I thought i was very seriously when i wrote what i wrote anyway i hope i did not cause damage to anyboby here or the forum.
Im very happy that i am NOT a jew and we can continue.
I will try and do better next time and not make silly posts aswel because this place is no joke.
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

SouthernWhiteGentile said:


I reached out to one wire for consolation. I'll try reassuring him again that he doesn't have to be chased away.

Does he have an email I can contact him by?
Shadowcat said:
Just to verify again as I did on the thread that was deleted with the pic for those who didn't see, this was the pic that one wire sent some of us of someone he wanted away from his family. A thread was made about it where we replied.

This person is far from a jew. I know we can look at last names and such funny but so much more must be taken into consideration. I even admitted to this as well and that it wasn't fair.

His behavior is not jewish at all. I hope he comes back but also that learns not to be too open for his own good.

Thank you ShadowCat you are a true friend to have.
Although I'm fairly certain what's going here is just a somewhat well played gimmick by both sides to waste our time with some senseless drama, I'm glad that some are managing to stay by their morals for the integrity of the community and I really respect that.

There's a meme about the vaccine, I think it goes by "Don't clean the fish, clean the bowl" which I think can be applied here.

I've only informed a few members who I genuinely care about regarding certain users because I know they've established a network of users they talk to. But I've discontinued having relations outside a long time ago, I use to think this would be the solution to the problem but it isn't because that would be running away.

We also do not know who's gonna be a sell out or who is actually an infiltrator because the reality is, there are some of the enemy who're very capable of appearing as genuine SS, they've studied our material more than enough than the average to appear as an adept and even provide valuable input, in which the person attempted to oust them would instead have their own credibility questioned and risk having the tables turned on them, Mageson and Zola are such examples and proved this was a reality. But some of you should pay attention, as many have blatantly revealed themselves, otherwise all I've ever done was just watch, the only that can be done and I know others are sharing this predicament and I'm glad the right people know.

It's also interesting to see that the ones that are naïve and gullible to their gimmicks are the same ones are so eager to publicize themselves as "ascended", when the fact is they don't want to admit they've spent so many years and are still stuck in the same level.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Shadowcat said:
Just to verify again as I did on the thread that was deleted with the pic for those who didn't see, this was the pic that one wire sent some of us of someone he wanted away from his family. A thread was made about it where we replied.

This person is far from a jew. I know we can look at last names and such funny but so much more must be taken into consideration. I even admitted to this as well and that it wasn't fair.

His behavior is not jewish at all. I hope he comes back but also that learns not to be too open for his own good.

Thank you ShadowCat you are a true friend to have.

Remember what i said and keep still about too many personal details and you will be fine ;)
Shadowcat said:
Ramier108666 said:
Shadowcat said:
I reached out to one wire for consolation. I'll try reassuring him again that he doesn't have to be chased away.

Does he have an email I can contact him by?

[email protected]

He said he's comin back just taking care of things :)

Yeah he contacted me earlier this morning. He told me he’s not leaving.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Ramier108666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Tell him Slyscorpion is sorry too and I just got paranoid and confused by the various things I saw from and about him. The some people said Jew I took that as gospel truth. Oh and to repeat since the thread was deleted I said that on apparently and I don't think he saw it. I have no intention to post any picture of him real or fake and never did not did I ever do that to anyone so he can relax.

What’s done is done Slyscorpion. I’ll try to see if @Shadowcat has his email and try to contact him. Just keep advancing and if you need help or are stuck on something regarding advancement let us know. I get your feelings of reservation and all, but we are a team. We all must get stronger. We have to see potential members as such: potential members. We can judge their actions if it is proven with complete conviction that they are not beneficial to themselves or us. This is a mutual understanding brother. Keep up your advancement.

Hail Satan

Congratulations for moving up the ranks. Thank you for standing up for me. I will also try and do better from now on and not make silly posts. I learnt a lesson

Not a problem brother, just be wary and advance as you can. We are all here to help. We all ride under the same banner of Satan regardless of our respective habits and personalities.
slyscorpion said:
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I reached out to one wire for consolation. I'll try reassuring him again that he doesn't have to be chased away.

Tell him Slyscorpion is sorry too and I just got paranoid and confused by the various things I saw from and about him. The some people said Jew I took that as gospel truth. Oh and to repeat since the thread was deleted I said that on apparently and I don't think he saw it. I have no intention to post any picture of him real or fake and never did not did I ever do that to anyone so he can relax.

It’s kinda weird to find you in such thread, considering you are responsible for at least two members leaving the forums. Remember when you accused people of cursing each other which later was proven false. No? Come on, you probably do. There is no way you forgot all the drama you caused.
Larissa666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Shadowcat said:
I reached out to one wire for consolation. I'll try reassuring him again that he doesn't have to be chased away.

Tell him Slyscorpion is sorry too and I just got paranoid and confused by the various things I saw from and about him. The some people said Jew I took that as gospel truth. Oh and to repeat since the thread was deleted I said that on apparently and I don't think he saw it. I have no intention to post any picture of him real or fake and never did not did I ever do that to anyone so he can relax.

It’s kinda weird to find you in such thread, considering you are responsible for at least two members leaving the forums. Remember when you accused people of cursing each other which later was proven false. No? Come on, you probably do. There is no way you forgot all the drama you caused.

Actual infiltrators are never going to reveal their name or a picture of themselves for reasons that should be beyond obvious. This is what happens when people start using these boards like facebook, and spend more time talking about each other than relevant topics.

I understand there are some who pursue some form of celebrity status which in an anonymous forum is ludicrous.

Jews that infiltrate the forums are more subtle than straight up posting blatant blasphemous dogshit, or outrageous posts that bring a lot of attention to themselves. These are almost always confused or ignorant members.
VoiceofEnki said:
Say we have a hypothetical situation. Someone is presumed to be an infiltrator, and people have issues with the said person. Due to the hatred and animosity we all rightfully have and feel towards the jews and any who dare to infiltrate our forum with intent to harm or stain our Spiritual Satanic gathering here, people decide to target the said person who is presumed to be an infiltrator based on anecdotal evidence and unreliable statements made by others or things discussed in private outside of the forum by members.

The ones who know it all because they have meditated a little bit, and feel almighty with their great intuition they developed for a year or two, are convinced beyond any doubt the said person is indeed an infiltrator. Perhaps they are right, perhaps they are wrong. Realistically, this presumption cannot be made with certainty in most of these cases.

Out of a sense of ego driven righteousness, said people decide to expose the presumed infiltrator to justify their issues with them, posting even the personal picture of said person on the forum to validate their claims of them being jews.

Look, he's a jew, he's got a big nose and a big mouth! I told you so! My great wisdom is almighty, now you do not have to doubt me anymore!

Indeed, perhaps they are indeed a jew. This time. However, what if they are not? Do any of you who engage in this behavior stop to think or consider even for a small moment the consequence of doing so in case you are wrong?

One must remember, even the physical evidence is not concrete. To recognize a jew based on physical features is in some cases easier said than done. There are a lot of gentiles with features that may look out of place and appear jewish, because jews also have them, however, one must remember why the jew has them in the first place.

It is because the jew has race mixed with all races on Earth, they obtain many strange features that give them their recognizable appearance. There's also gentiles who have mixed, sometimes tracing back many generations, which can lead to features not usually found in the gentile race had they been of unmixed origin to show up. Therefore, to recognize a person as a jew based on appearance alone is in actual fact quite unreliable, especially in those fringe cases where it is not certain beyond any reasonable doubt.

A combination of traits has to be present to make a claim with some level of certainty. In some cases it is simply too obvious, the features are so alien looking, one can recognize beyond any reasonable doubt they are not gentile, but this is not always the case.

Confusion persists regarding this topic for a reason. It isn't always clear cut.

Now let us presume one is right about this. What does this actually accomplish? You oust an infiltrator by exposing their jew mug, and showing the world what kind of creature they really are.

Haha, I got you! Look at my almighty foresight and my incredible ability to unmask this vile creature for you all!

Usually, this sort of thing is done purely out of an ego driven desire to validate ones self. This is a useless endeavor. For one, you will never catch all infiltrators with such an immature and unprofessional method, because you will never find all their faces courtesy to the anonymity of the internet.

Even when one does, it doesn't accomplish anything more. Perhaps one can curse the person, to feel good about yourself. Wasting your precious energy to attack a single worm, rather than focus on fighting the whole hive. People give far too much credence to the singular worms that try to wriggle their way in here, and far too much credence to finding out those singular insignificant things.

What matters more is to improve the general attitude of this forum, for negativity incompatible with the Joy of Satan to be rooted out on a fundamental, ideological and intellectual level, for the standard of conduct by all members here, as well as the expected morality to improve to a point where any infiltrators and otherwise incompatible crap simply cannot rub off on anyone here.

Where this crap cleans itself out due to a universal improvement to the standards, professionalism, maturity and attitude of all Joy of Satan members as a whole. Something we must work on together, and we must continuously improve on together.

The kind of in my opinion abhorrent and immature behavior such as doxxing and sharing pictures openly of members on the forum to give credence to your personal conflicts is absolutely not compatible or even acceptable in terms of the conduct we are expected to follow as followers of our Gods.

If this is allowed once, people will see this and think it to be acceptable. Over time people start doing this more, and become more lax in their assessments, eventually throwing pictures and private conversations around as the norm in order to discuss their personal conflicts with everyone here, because they are so very important.

This cannot be allowed even once, by anyone, because this behavior should never be normalized. The benefit of doing so is nill, it is illegal, and the harm is does over time is enough to destroy the forum permanently.

Congratulations to you who are aiding and abetting this behavior, you are successfully helping the jew to ruin our Spiritual Satanic place of gathering here. In other words, you are no different than them. I'd have a whole lot more colorful words to say to you who engages in these if I would not uphold my own imposed standards this very moment.

In case one does this and is mistaken, you have no endangered the life of a gentile and ruined their potential as a Satanist. Congratulations. You now carry a heap of karma you cannot escape because you were such an idiot to endanger the life and soul of a fellow gentile to validate your own little insignificant ego. Good luck dealing with that.

The chance to be mistaken is significantly greater than many of you care to admit, because many of you are far too self absorbed in your own little ego spiel. It is painful and sad to see the state of so many active members of the Joy of Satan forum to be so low.

We can do better. It is our duty.

Hail Satan!

I think I'm going to be in tears over this because this is exactly what I needed to read after my terrible experiences I've had elsewhere. Targeting members of the JoS is absolute bullshit. I been seeing a lot of idiots doxxing others pretending to be individuals here in the forums including myself and other members here.

I was only sucked into the toxic situation and wasn't even at other forums til my email, pictures and phone number was used I had to go back to take care of the bullshit. Oh not to mention using my family photos. That was definitely crossing the line. So after that. I've had enough of it.

I'm really glad members here are good about that. Because it helps to know who is doing what. As to who I found out the culprit was, it was Thoth/Hermes who told me was responsible and I was guided into look back in joyofsatan forums based on infiltrators and what to do about it.

No doubt there are infiltrators here.

Anyway this post, I'll say kind made me feel "cared" for. Like speaking directly to me even though it was to infiltrators or whatever.

Thank you.
Dahaarkan said:
Actual infiltrators are never going to reveal their name or a picture of themselves for reasons that should be beyond obvious. This is what happens when people start using these boards like facebook, and spend more time talking about each other than relevant topics.

I understand there are some who pursue some form of celebrity status which in an anonymous forum is ludicrous.

Jews that infiltrate the forums are more subtle than straight up posting blatant blasphemous dogshit, or outrageous posts that bring a lot of attention to themselves. These are almost always confused or ignorant members.

I agree with this. They will even pose as a JoS member or somewhat into it then gain your trust exchange pictures and seem like friends then turn around and backstab you by doxxing.

By the way I know this post was to what happened to someone on the forum,, my condolences on what happened I hope you guys got this straightened out.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
