Personally, I use loud music so that I can do the final RTR louder without anyone in my household hearing me. I know it feels strange doing it for the first time, but just stick with it. Making weird sounds you aren't used to might not come naturally at first but you'll get there and soon, you'll get into a good pace.
Also, be loud and confident when performing this ritual, even if it makes you feel silly. You want your voice to be heard with this, the louder the better. Channel any anger you have into it. Know that even if you don't say everything perfectly, your intent is still powerful and you are still helping dismantle any and all jewish influence. We need as much help as we can get when it comes to doing the Final RTR; you feeling uncomfortable hearing your own voice is not a very justified excuse for not doing it.
Here is my advice on doing the rtr and some tools that I use. I hope it will be helpful to you and that you can overcome your discomfort.
The first time I did the full final RTR, it took me two hours. The next took me about an hour. Now I find it easier to break it up into 3 rounds of saying everything 3 times. Doing 1 round of 3 takes me about 20-30 minutes. This is the optimal way for me to do the RTR currently because I am not using so much energy at once and I can space it throughout my day instead of doing it all at once.
I use Dahaarkan's Final RTR Gifs to aid in my visualization:
They are helpful because when I visualize them myself, I can't always make them disappear entirely and I don't want that to manifest on the astral or any other level. After each set of vibrations, I simply focus on each gif while repeating the end affirmation, "Each and every one of the hebrew letters has lost all of its power in every way totally, permanently, and completely. The hebrew alphabet is now dead in every way," in my mind. This helps me keep focus. I do this 1-3 times for every gif, which is why it may take me a bit longer than others to do the final RTR.
I also follow along with High Priestess Maxine's MP3:
Even though by now, I know how to pronounce everything without it, I still find it helpful to keep me focused. I also feel like having another voice alongside my own makes it more powerful, even if it is just a recording. Whether or not it actually is, I do not know, that is just how I feel personally.
I hope these tools can help you as much as they have helped me in doing the Final RTR!