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Redneck "Culture"

Europe Gladio

Sep 22, 2017
Redneck culture is a disgrace to white racial preservation. For one thing, alot of them are racist assholes who spend their lives downing piss beer and boast about their trucks. Satanism is NOT about racial discrimination(with the exception of racial mixing). We respect any person who is respectful back. Hitler had much respect for Jesse Owens in the 1935 Olympic games. Mr Owens stated that he was treated poorly back in the United States when compared to "supremacist" Germany. My point being that Redneck culture is disgusting and to live healthy lives. I hope it made sense.
Why do you feel the need to signal against lower socio economic class Whites? Many of whom have been exploited by the capitalist class brutally, which is were the word Red Neck comes from when the miners organized themselves for social justice against the owners. They put a red scarf around their necks. The owners sent in armed goons to beat, shoot and terrorize the workers and their families. When that didn't work they sent in their armed troops and ended up fighting an armed battle against them. These people are mainly good but have also suffered the degrading effects of generational poverty due to capitalist exploitation and social stagnation. Even then the area's they live in are some of the most low crime in America. Many of them are also rural people so the Jews hate them for being White, Rural and working class. So they attack them with all kinds of anti White Memetics like the ones you are using. We need to uplift our White Brothers and Sisters not trend them down.

Why don't you bitch about lower socio economic class Blacks in the Ghetto's many whom are racist and are part of violent race based criminal organizations that terrorize their own communities and murder people. You can walk down the Red Neck town at night and be fine. But you better be in after dark in the Ghetto. And especially you better not be their if your White.
It's true that there are some degenerates among working-class Whites, but at their core they are a strong, resilient type of people. A lot of the "racism" in their culture is just natural in-group preference which is necessary to preserve an economically and socially vulnerable group, and which has been considered normal for thousands of years.

Liberals like to make fun of "rednecks" because that way they can put down working-class Whites while maintaining their facade of moral superiority. The same people who accuse working-class Whites (many of whom are highly skilled and self-reliant) of being stupid are the same people who think that the definition of intelligence is believing everything Dr. Noseberg writes in his textbook. Being able to grow your own food, wire your own house, and repair your own car? Stupidity. Critical race theory? Fucking brilliant, man.
:oops: I am disgraceful for what I said earlier. It is just that while I was reflecting on who I used to be friends with, it came upon me that I went to school with people who live in the country as well as classmates who think they are missing out on living in the ghetto. They were the most obnoxious and rudest classmates I had to put up with(of course some we're polite and humble). Alot of them were assholes and attention whores who think it's a great idea to do fucking burn outs in the parking lot while everyone else is either asleep or trying to go home and play distasteful rap while on a class trip hiking in the woods. I thought I was gonna get hit when one kid was trying to do a donut in the rain. I knew a few guys who hated black people but they were the biggest hypocrites in the universe because they listened to rap music. If you were wondering why my last post was questionable, my rage was on those classmates in school. I am now aware that I was venting to the wrong demographic.
I also went to a ghetto school before and I know what it's like to be in such a noisy hollering environment when you're the only one in class trying to learn frustrated by all of this nonsense. My thought was that if I went to a smaller school, than I wouldn't have to deal with this ghetto nonsense. I was partially right but there were many white people in my class who tried to act and even write ghetto speech. So in conclusion my last post was geared at the wrong demographic and was more of a vent towards people I had to go to school with. I know that everyone had to deal with people we hated being with but it's part of life we have to sit through. Again, I feel terrible for what I stated earlier but that was where that frustration originated from. Lesson of the story: Public school is a terrible idea. Homeschool your children.
Lol I live in the south in a culturally appalachian area. The people here are WAY nicer and they're not stupid alcoholics as the Jewish media would have you believe. Even the poorer ones that live in trailer houses make them look nice, they decorate them, have gardens, etc. Yes they express their dislike of other races in hushed voices but what's the problem with that? Different races shouldn't be living together.

Pagan comes from Paganus which means country-folk or redneck, makes you think
I am a working class White dude and I find I prefer my own fellow class having also worked in White collar area's and been around the middle class types I don't care for them collectively, individually some of them are great people.. I find they are afflicted collectively by a class induced neurosis as a group they are very insecure, judgemental, arrogant, snobbish and are obsessed with virtue signaling their wealth, shitlib nonsense and paper mill degree's to each other. As you mention if Dr. Noseberg didn't write it in a book or say it on Teevee then it has no legitimacy.

That stupid show "Everyone Loves Raymond" is the middle class neurosis as a script. These people are not comfortable within their own being. I think it comes from their parents also pushing them insanely to over achieve. They have connected their sense of self-worth to certain types of social approval. And they feel easily threated by ideals, truths and realities that might cost them social credit. Their career and money status is tied into their social status.

HailVictory88 said:
It's true that there are some degenerates among working-class Whites, but at their core they are a strong, resilient type of people. A lot of the "racism" in their culture is just natural in-group preference which is necessary to preserve an economically and socially vulnerable group, and which has been considered normal for thousands of years.

Liberals like to make fun of "rednecks" because that way they can put down working-class Whites while maintaining their facade of moral superiority. The same people who accuse working-class Whites (many of whom are highly skilled and self-reliant) of being stupid are the same people who think that the definition of intelligence is believing everything Dr. Noseberg writes in his textbook. Being able to grow your own food, wire your own house, and repair your own car? Stupidity. Critical race theory? Fucking brilliant, man.
The working class English despite living in a caste system were found to be better educated and smarter then the aristocracy and bourgeoisie educated money class under them. The working People were self educated and consumers of intellectual magazines on many different subjects. It was also mentioned the upper-class were too arrogant to develop any meaningful understanding and preferred their virtue signalling and snobbery. The working class didn't really posses this bad attitude and were thus able to have greater understanding as they were not biased with bad attitudes.

My grandparents left England to escape the classism and when they came here they were able to quickly achieve a standard of living and success they never would have been allowed in England. People don't understand the depth of the National Socialist revolution in Germany. The German social order was identical to the English one.

Hitler was also the son of the working classes as was Dr.Gobbel's and many other NS leaders. They understood the combination of xianity and capitalism had created an artificial social caste system and were replacing it with a natural aristocracy based on meritocracy.

AscendingSun said:
Lol I live in the south in a culturally appalachian area. The people here are WAY nicer and they're not stupid alcoholics as the Jewish media would have you believe. Even the poorer ones that live in trailer houses make them look nice, they decorate them, have gardens, etc. Yes they express their dislike of other races in hushed voices but what's the problem with that? Different races shouldn't be living together.

Pagan comes from Paganus which means country-folk or redneck, makes you think
That is the toxic modern urban culture the Jews are poisoning people with.

Europe Gladio said:
:oops: I am disgraceful for what I said earlier. It is just that while I was reflecting on who I used to be friends with, it came upon me that I went to school with people who live in the country as well as classmates who think they are missing out on living in the ghetto. They were the most obnoxious and rudest classmates I had to put up with(of course some we're polite and humble). Alot of them were assholes and attention whores who think it's a great idea to do fucking burn outs in the parking lot while everyone else is either asleep or trying to go home and play distasteful rap while on a class trip hiking in the woods. I thought I was gonna get hit when one kid was trying to do a donut in the rain. I knew a few guys who hated black people but they were the biggest hypocrites in the universe because they listened to rap music. If you were wondering why my last post was questionable, my rage was on those classmates in school. I am now aware that I was venting to the wrong demographic.
I also went to a ghetto school before and I know what it's like to be in such a noisy hollering environment when you're the only one in class trying to learn frustrated by all of this nonsense. My thought was that if I went to a smaller school, than I wouldn't have to deal with this ghetto nonsense. I was partially right but there were many white people in my class who tried to act and even write ghetto speech. So in conclusion my last post was geared at the wrong demographic and was more of a vent towards people I had to go to school with. I know that everyone had to deal with people we hated being with but it's part of life we have to sit through. Again, I feel terrible for what I stated earlier but that was where that frustration originated from. Lesson of the story: Public school is a terrible idea. Homeschool your children.
This is an interesting topic. I believe blacks, especially in the US, are slowly but surely becoming what brazillians in poor areas are. I'd say that the poorer brazillian communities are the final product of the jewish program.

A mixed people with a massive hardon for violence and murder, low intelligence and adoration for thug culture and lawlessness. Brazil is hell on earth in my opinion. I'm sure there are other regions like this, but Brazil stands out as these people seem to have a fetish with filming brutal murders and putting them on the internet.

I haven't been to Brazil, and I sure as hell have no intention of going anywhere near that place. But I've seen so many videos of brazillian people being brutally tortured and murdered on camera I sometimes wonder if there's any hope at all for these people. In a way we can look at Brazil as a warning of what will happen to our people if we remain idle.

I'm not going to put up such videos as an example for obvious reasons but you'll find them if you look for them.

Then there's the nations that are poisoned with Islam but we know all there is to know about that already.
Some of the best people I've known are rednecks. They are community-minded, protective of their own, willing to lend a hand, and real. As HP Mageson wrote, most white-collars are not comfortable with their own being. Rednecks are who they are, they don't try to impress anyone, because who cares about trying to impress random people based on things that don't even actually matter.
Again, I think I was venting to the wrong demographic. I have much respect for the white working class who mostly live in isolated communities and rely on themselves. I was mainly venting at people I used to go to school with. I applaud them for their talent of craftsmanship and mechanical work, it's just their behavior I couldn't stand alot of the time.
HP Mageson666 said:
Why do you feel the need to signal against lower socio economic class Whites? Many of whom have been exploited by the capitalist class brutally, which is were the word Red Neck comes from when the miners organized themselves for social justice against the owners. They put a red scarf around their necks. The owners sent in armed goons to beat, shoot and terrorize the workers and their families. When that didn't work they sent in their armed troops and ended up fighting an armed battle against them. These people are mainly good but have also suffered the degrading effects of generational poverty due to capitalist exploitation and social stagnation. Even then the area's they live in are some of the most low crime in America. Many of them are also rural people so the Jews hate them for being White, Rural and working class. So they attack them with all kinds of anti White Memetics like the ones you are using. We need to uplift our White Brothers and Sisters not trend them down.

Why don't you bitch about lower socio economic class Blacks in the Ghetto's many whom are racist and are part of violent race based criminal organizations that terrorize their own communities and murder people. You can walk down the Red Neck town at night and be fine. But you better be in after dark in the Ghetto. And especially you better not be their if your White.

So true, you are wise, to see this, and we agree on all points. So many things are obvious if on would just look but they are blinded by politicaly correct propaganda with no bias in pragmatic reality.
I do not know if in North America it is very different than in Europe, but all the experiences I have had with the rural people have been quite good, they are usually friendly people with much better values than the average people in the city.
All in all,Rednecks,Blacks from Ghetto,Brazilians from poverty stricken hoods,all i can work towards is a Satanic world where no one will be Judged based on the colour of their skin,colour of their eyes,texture of their hair but Satanic Character in them.For if we try to put white superiority ahead of everything simply because they are directly from Father Satan and look down upon Blacks claiming they ar from Gods,are we not trying to imply that which comes from The Gods is inferior to that which comes from Father Satan?
So far,i have come to note that some people have become victims of their circumstances and the Jews have taken advantage of that.And this Supremacy and Inferior think,i guess it all started with this dirty jews for claiming Gentiles were created humans since jews culdnt be served by animals.Huh?

I personally do not believe claims if I cannot see physical evidence to back them up. And honestly, when you put all the accomplishments and contributions to mankind's progress made by all the races, whites do in fact stand out as the greatest creators and inventors of all mankind.

Nations built and maintained by white people are more advanced and more prosperous than black nations for example, and like it has been said here, white neighborhoods are safer and more civilized than black neighborhoods. Tommy Sotomayor is a black youtuber who also said his life improved dramatically when he moved away from a black community and started living in a white community.

History shows that there is greater potential in white people than other races. The jews stand out as the lowest of the low as they haven't really contributed with ANYTHING of value to mankind. In fact they have gone great lengths to harm any progress made.

Whites are superior not because we just "happen" to lucky enough to descend from Satan, but because we have worked our asses off throughout history so that the modern lifestyle we have today is made possible.

To accept white superiority is to acknowledge these accomplishments, not to submit to mistreatment or oppression as the jews would have you believe. If you work more and accomplish more than your fellow workers, you are deserving of more praise and of being acknowledged as the superior worker.

Black people also have great potential, but they choose to moan and complain in the hopes that whites will lower themselves to their level, instead of working to elevate themselves.
The redneck-meme has been played to death.
From experience these folks are not as trusting BUT once you've earned it, it means something. They seem more territorial and loyal because they have led a harder and, in some ways, simpler life.
That's the big difference to metro-"open folks" who are buddy-buddy but when push comes to shove many escape faster than a "flatus".
The vilification of lower class whites by the media, academics, "bourgeoisie" aka "gatekeeper millionairs" is a huge issue in and of itself. Most of my life I've had contact to people who are on the poorer or richer side and many of the "better off crowd" have a disgusting ego which takes time to show itself.
Of course there are poor people who are BIG assholes too. :)
HorusLucis said:
All in all,Rednecks,Blacks from Ghetto,Brazilians from poverty stricken hoods,all i can work towards is a Satanic world where no one will be Judged based on the colour of their skin,colour of their eyes,texture of their hair but Satanic Character in them.For if we try to put white superiority ahead of everything simply because they are directly from Father Satan and look down upon Blacks claiming they ar from Gods,are we not trying to imply that which comes from The Gods is inferior to that which comes from Father Satan?
So far,i have come to note that some people have become victims of their circumstances and the Jews have taken advantage of that.And this Supremacy and Inferior think,i guess it all started with this dirty jews for claiming Gentiles were created humans since jews culdnt be served by animals.Huh?
I was trying to convey a similar message to begin with but it came out the wrong way.
And like Dahaarkan said,whites have contributed largely towards the progress of the world though the only thing that try to pull them back is these Parasitic jews.And having interacted with Blacks alot,most of those who are well off and well educated,tend to look down and despise their fellow Blacks who have not made it in life instead of aiding them to their progress.Stil there are those downtrodden Blacks who are nothing but total assholes and they hate their fellow well off Blacks and despise whites.If only the world would emulate on what Hitler tried to establish,a world where those are superior are emulated & admired while those who are down are uplifted towards their progress but its so unfortunate the jews hold this back.
Hail Satan!
I haven't had too much contact with the Middle class but looking at history like Germany Reborn by Hermann Goering and he observes that many complete scoundrels run the Social Democrat-Marxist paradigm. Today is no different - we have the Republican and Democratic party and these scoundrels who are nothing more than criminals have anti-satanic subversive ideologies and spread them when they can.

The lower class and middle class both have good people obviously. Like Herman Goering notes in his book Germany Reborn many people are driven into self destructive and destructive theories of life (like any form of Marxist intellectuality) and become poisonous because they have been fooled by the Jews and their lackeys who run these programs.

This has all been much more toned down as the Swastika flag and the Nazis and Nazi Germany have showed their defiance and brought about a revolution in thinking - ushering in the age of Aquarius. The Nazi's fearless defiance has set the stage and only strengthened the satanic inclined souls of the world confidence in their right to life and freedom on Earth.
Dahaarkan said:
I haven't been to Brazil, and I sure as hell have no intention of going anywhere near that place.
Brazil is bigger than Europe so I asure there are a variety of places to go and to not go there, I would recommend the South in general if anyone is interested, and to stay away from the North, São Paulo or Rio:

This naive Irish girl thinks that not taking the gas yourself for your car is a smart Brazilian idea but the fact is if people in Brazil would fill the car by themselves like Europe or USA only a few people would pay for it:

I'm talking about the more problematic and poor areas (favelas and such). I know not all of Brazil is like that, but those communities I mentioned are in just fully blown jewish mode.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
