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Red Ice mentions JOS


New member
Feb 5, 2021
In an episode posted to the members section on April 18, 2021 Red Ice TV mentions the Joy of Satan but they spoke negatively of us... saying we never got anywhere with our work. They said that the Nazis were all Christian lol. Also that Satanists were being used to destroy the white nationalist movement. Wow, shocking to say the least. Controlled Opposition?

Interesting they have been talking more about Satanists (the non theistic ones, or larpers) lately in general. I hate to post this negative thing but just wanted to warn you guys. I know some people here watch them.
Tell Red Ice TV I cordially said to them that thanks for the press coverage.

We have definitely not slandered Red Ice nor we specifically intend to insult any other organization, to like them try, get extra braindead points. They constantly attack each other like animals in these places, to prove they are "legitimate".

We consider this on the other hand a total waste of time and energy. We know what we are.

Tell them also they are excused for being spiritually inept and stupid, and spiritually numb that lately they aren't understanding Jews are doing spells against the JoS and so on, they are therefore excused on grounds of being spiritually incompetent.

Lana and her friend are going to keep benefiting from us and our spiritual efforts. Someone has to remind Lana she didn't even exist because "crazy people" like us started doing mass Rituals to get this whole thing going. It is understandable these people of lesser spiritual understanding will not understand the hand that has been feeding them.

We'll insist into doing the proper things required for our side regardless as Lana's opinion is equal to that of a child at best.
Could I also get a video where we are called for being as bad as we are?
You'd think the fact that both Hitler and Satan being synonyms with absolute evil and antisemitism would give these idiots an idea about how the things really are.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Tell Red Ice TV I cordially said to them that thanks for the press coverage.

..Lana's opinion is equal to that of a child at best.

Oh man.. The most direct, polite and completely devasting bants. It's hilarious how hard they got shut down by this, and you weren't even being provocative or cruel just truthful.

Shut down :lol: :lol: :lol:
Andromedus1488 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Tell Red Ice TV I cordially said to them that thanks for the press coverage.

..Lana's opinion is equal to that of a child at best.

Oh man.. The most direct, polite and completely devasting bants. It's hilarious how hard they got shut down by this, and you weren't even being provocative or cruel just truthful.

Shut down :lol: :lol: :lol:

Basically this is a replay like Sinnead McCarthy who was throwing fits on the JoS as well a couple years ago.

On a request to actually interview me they fell silent. I wouldn't have a problem to give some credibility to Lana by going to their show, because clearly she is extremely biased.
WhiteDawn666 said:
In an episode posted to the members section on April 18, 2021 Red Ice TV mentions the Joy of Satan but they spoke negatively of us... saying we never got anywhere with our work. They said that the Nazis were all Christian lol. Also that Satanists were being used to destroy the white nationalist movement. Wow, shocking to say the least. Controlled Opposition?

Interesting they have been talking more about Satanists (the non theistic ones, or larpers) lately in general. I hate to post this negative thing but just wanted to warn you guys. I know some people here watch them.

They said that the Nazis were all Christian lol. Also that Satanists were being used to destroy the white nationalist movement. Wow, shocking to say the least. Controlled Opposition?

Nice either way that JOS has press coverage now people will be curious and look us up. Too bad it had to be negative.

These are the xtian NS types that will call you a jew for being of Satan. There are alot of "pagans" still with strong ties to xnity. They are hypocrites. They worship a jew on a stick yet praise Hitler and call themselves pagan, but then will call those jews with no ties to abrahamic crap who actually do look up to and follow the Gods. They basically still are under a spell and have a very xtian association with the word "Satan"

There are national socialist groups claiming pagan elements that do have alot of mixed racial jews.
The sheep will sleep while we protect them from the wolves, what's new? I've long given up on trying to get people to understand what we're doing because they're so caught up in their own echo chambers of limited morality they're willing to drag us, humanity as a whole, to our collective doom.

On a smaller scale I constantly eat flak from xian energy protecting family from their own stupidity, but as with these "Red Ice" people, the rituals we do will put the truth on display for everyone whether they like it or not.
If I could speak on behalf, I would ask Red Ice to demonstrate exactly when and where we have attacked Red Ice TV in order to defraud them or any other organization because clearly they are acting as the aggressor in this situation. It matters not. Most organizations who've heard of us hate us, because they cannot either see from our point of view or are so stuck within their own dogma that they've closed their mind tighter than a casino's vault.
Us >>>>>>>> Satanic Temple/Libertarians/non-leftists in general that use Satan's name in a positive light >>>>>>>> Anyone who is somewhat "aware" about the enemy agenda and yet spit on Satan's name, which goes from Alex Jones to even NatSoc organizations like National Vanguard, Rentagoy Tribune and now Red Ice, which imo is as counter-productive and useless as PC jewed (((satanism))). "We are so aware about the enemy, please take this knife to slit our throats while we backstab the only God who can help us fight back, also let's bow to the totally non-Jew, muh 'Solar Christus' Yeshua ben David."
On a request to actually interview me they fell silent. I wouldn't have a problem to give some credibility to Lana by going to their show, because clearly she is extremely biased.

Typical. All bark and no bite.

They know if our HP had a chance to speak, they would have easily succumb under pressure.
How unfortunate for them to be making this mistake.

I myself have mentioned them here before in a manner to give them credibility and i thought they were just a little misguided. I didn't know they were this bad. My intuition made me not try hard enough to watch them recently.

They sometimes would report on something as truth that was debunked and only made the Right or people against the establishment look bad.

Someone once sent them a paid chat to read saying that xians are naturally enemies of real Pagans and Lana and her buddy defended xians saying all that evil stuff the xians did to our people back then doesn't matter anymore. LOL. The nerve. So many Pagans are STILL bashing Pagans as the bad guys or look down at Pagans.

Hopefully they won't be cowards. They should actually try to get our side on this instead of acting like the people they're against and ignorantly speak for us.

They can't prove anyhting they falsely claim about us unlike how we can prove why our enemies are the evil ones.

They should really go about this in a purely objective manner. Any other way would prove they're not credible.
Nice either way that JOS has press coverage now people will be curious and look us up. Too bad it had to be negative.

That was the situation for Satanism when we came to Satan, but I would say a lot if not all of us who came to the JOS when it fist began were already with Satan in a past life. Many of us like me who were here at the beginning when the JOS first got founded came through the church of Satan and, as Maxine said, always thought that there was something more to it. The temple of Set was on the right track but not quite there.

I see this as being the same thing; people will listen to this and most who listen will dismiss us at first but they will be slowly drawn in as the cracks in the armour of their forced dogma will begin to show and they will soon see that what they are seeing are not cracks but the spaces through prison bars that have been rusted through the RTRs. Some will huddle in a corner, plug their ears and scream over the sound of us telling them to break free, but most will heed our word and bust out and finally see the sun.
ShadowTheRaven said:
If I could speak on behalf, I would ask Red Ice to demonstrate exactly when and where we have attacked Red Ice TV in order to defraud them or any other organization because clearly they are acting as the aggressor in this situation. It matters not. Most organizations who've heard of us hate us, because they cannot either see from our point of view or are so stuck within their own dogma that they've closed their mind tighter than a casino's vault.

The problem with that, and the way that people need to know how these 'news outlets', work is remembering these three simple words: Everything is yes. Us not saying anything means yes, us coming forward and saying something means yes. The difference between the two is that with us not coming forward and them just yapping means that people will have to just take their word for it and that is something people are just not doing anymore. With information literaly right at their fingertips, more and more people are doing their own research and finding out just how full of it these people are.

Other than doing the RTR's, other magic and meditations and talking to people that come to us, these bozos have done the hard (and dangerous) work for us.
Wait what? I do actually appreciated them and when she putted paganism and cucknitism in the same plate i thought she did that to not trigger the xians from her fanbase and work them all against the globalism (jews).
I didn't actually watched them anymore since they been banned from youtube because now on bitchute most of their contents are podcast for hours long.

Please can you offer a link to the video if you can, you maked me curious.
Funny, recall, HP Hoodedcobra666 said in the RTR recent post, that there will be pointless taunting to waste our time. We know how scared everyone is of SATAN. As advised, let's not waste time on this bullshit, remember we multiply our Power with the RTR, not just to say remember but we feel it, we know it.

Lana should give me just 1 non jewish based argument, from a non jewish source, that is to prove to me that Satanism is so negative. And I'll be willing to listen.

The problem to people like Lana is, that their brain has been conditioned to hate Satan because jews programmed their brain. There is no other viable reason to hate the Joy of Satan.

We've done no evil to any of their morals or those of the race. In fact, the JoS hits 15 millions of hits monthly [which when early years before things I made were constructed over was 50,000-100,000 a year total in everything if that]. Sometimes, this reaches 25 millions per month.

People like Lana don't even understand they are being brainwashed and she simply googled "Satanism", found the first kosher jewish result, and she continued what the Church said, that's it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lana should give me just 1 non jewish based argument, from a non jewish source, that is to prove to me that Satanism is so negative. And I'll be willing to listen.

The problem to people like Lana is, that their brain has been conditioned to hate Satan because jews programmed their brain. There is no other viable reason to hate the Joy of Satan.

We've done no evil to any of their morals or those of the race. In fact, the JoS hits 15 millions of hits monthly [which when early years before things I made were constructed over was 50,000-100,000 a year total in everything if that]. Sometimes, this reaches 25 millions per month.

People like Lana don't even understand they are being brainwashed and she simply googled "Satanism", found the first kosher jewish result, and she continued what the Church said, that's it.

I remember watching one episode they did back in the day on jewtube where she had some older guy on the show as a guest, and he was talking about how the spirit of Wotan will protect his native people of Europe from being wiped out, or something like that. She was nodding her head the whole time and completely going along with it. I'd like to see her face when she realizes from reading your sermon about the origin of the name Wotan. ;)
Last year I've been watching a program on Bitchute it was called "Controlled Opposition" where were all the biography of Lana were shown. Interesting fact that her father (I don't know about the rest of her family members) is a Russian jew who with the second wave of jewish emigration from Russia, moved into the China and after to USA, where he has worked as a radio executive on some Slavic radio. That makes Lana a jew as well. That might explains her point of view and the irrational behaviour.
And what she is bleating through the Red Ice TV about that Satanists were being used to destroy the white nationalist movement it might be partially true. I'll post for you an article about O9A which I found on ex White Resisters (Daily Archives) website, so as I understand, after O9A was exposed they started to blame all the Satanic community and compare everyone to O9A.
Here is this article https://dailyarchives.org/index.php/reports/3649-leaked-documents-suggest-the-fbi-and-british-intelligence-are-using-cointelpro-tactics-against-nationalists?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+whiteresister%2FxoPm+%28+The+Daily+Archives+-+DailyArchives.org%29

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lana should give me just 1 non jewish based argument, from a non jewish source, that is to prove to me that Satanism is so negative. And I'll be willing to listen.

The problem to people like Lana is, that their brain has been conditioned to hate Satan because jews programmed their brain. There is no other viable reason to hate the Joy of Satan.

We've done no evil to any of their morals or those of the race. In fact, the JoS hits 15 millions of hits monthly [which when early years before things I made were constructed over was 50,000-100,000 a year total in everything if that]. Sometimes, this reaches 25 millions per month.

People like Lana don't even understand they are being brainwashed and she simply googled "Satanism", found the first kosher jewish result, and she continued what the Church said, that's it.

Christcucks doing what they know best, the only thing they're good at. Of course, with coverage of this nature their testimony is almost solely based on some random dabblers, imaginary people, or the wrong people. Or straight up paid opposition doing damage control.
So from what I've seen Lana identifies as Pagan. The thing is that the Devil Satan's symbolism (such as horns and the trident) is 100% Pagan and predates judeo christianity. Even the name Satan which means adversary or enemy in the language of the jews comes from sanskrit and means eternal truth, if Lana could make 2+2 she would see how much sense this makes. Or how the Bible refers to Satan as king of this world which is literally Enki in Sumerian. The tale with the serpent making Adam and Eve eat from the tree of knowledge is also Pagan and is already found in Odin's sacrifice to give humans the knowledge of the runes, among other myths.
Has Lana ever condemned christianity? This jew worshipping cult founded on the worship of a fictitious, human hating, filthy jew whose stories are stolen from Pagan figures... This program that damaged the White race more than marxism and communism can ever hope to achieve.
Has she ever condemned christianity or promoted Paganism?
I've never heard of them. Maybe because I'm a luddite. Maybe they think more highly of themselves than they're worth.
Either way, free advertising.
Funny, I used to listen to Red Ice's podcasts nearly every day. And I even asked about Red Ice at one point 2 years ago. Too bad she lacks the insight to see what we're actually doing, and how we've saved Humanity from ignorant fools like her.

No matter how based and awake most people seem, they all refuse Satan. So it's better to keep quiet and carry on for now.

Though, I must say they have a sizeable audience. So even the mention of JoS is better than nothing, and it helps reincarnated SS to find us.

ultrawhite said:
Last year I've been watching a program on Bitchute it was called "Controlled Opposition" where were all the biography of Lana were shown. Interesting fact that her father (I don't know about the rest of her family members) is a Russian jew who with the second wave of jewish emigration from Russia, moved into the China and after to USA, where he has worked as a radio executive on some Slavic radio. That makes Lana a jew as well. That might explains her point of view and the irrational behaviour.
And what she is bleating through the Red Ice TV about that Satanists were being used to destroy the white nationalist movement it might be partially true. I'll post for you an article about O9A which I found on ex White Resisters (Daily Archives) website, so as I understand, after O9A was exposed they started to blame all the Satanic community and compare everyone to O9A.
Here is this article https://dailyarchives.org/index.php/reports/3649-leaked-documents-suggest-the-fbi-and-british-intelligence-are-using-cointelpro-tactics-against-nationalists?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+whiteresister%2FxoPm+%28+The+Daily+Archives+-+DailyArchives.org%29

Hail Satan!

Interesting read yeah hooking up with Al-Qaeda -

(Who knows if this is even the original group for all intents and purposes it's probably a proxy group for recruitment by ISIS/ISIL(Israeli Secret Intelligence Services) or Daesh as they call themselves now a days to avoid Trump's hulk-smash of the group)(We criticize Trump and many do, we've even mentioned the jewishness of Trump but I give credit and respect where it's due at least he promised to wipe out ISIS/ISIL and did so even taking out Al-bagdahdi who should have been killed nearly 5 years! earlier by Obeezy but no lets just keep sucking that jewish cock).

It seems reading the article it seems like it's just a bunch of honeypot and or more specifically let's push the goyim to commit acts, leftists do but lets blame them for everything. Oy vey muh poor lefty mensch mah poor commie mensch they innocent 'n' gud 'n' sheit. Man it's like jews want to be hated. So much for being good people of the book. The communist people and their communist pushing. It's those ebil debil Satanic-Right Wingers.

It seems like all the Gentiles and jews behind this organization are inciting leftist activities in clothing of right wingers or supposed right wingers who knows what kind of documentation the Government's of the World have on NSDAP. It seems like the shabbos are told "Oy vey das Nazi ist rigth-winger".

Well everyone who has studied [my history] on these forums I've mentioned this 3 or 4 times but I believe in my own personal opinion from studying Mein Kampf and studying various people. The only thing the NS is a Centralist-All Wing Left/Right leaning organization of black spectrum political opposition in comparison to other political colors. In Colburn the incident in Mein Kampf when the NSDAP fought against communists it was reactionary it activated or leaned on it's rightness and reacted towards the communist occupation zone kinda like anti-fa autonomous zone but when dealing with the people and it's issues it fell on the left wing or a balance of freedom, not too much freedom as freedom can be a burden to some people, What do I do? said the lost freedom lover but also fell on the left to promote certain socialistic values without delving into the quagmire of pure socialism like Maduro(Fellow goys I HELP OLD PEOPLE LULZ I'm gud 'n' sheit) or (Give everyone a million bucks a month and we be gud 'n' sheit).

I can't help but think this is just a bunch of bullshit trying to destroy a Nationalist organization. It seems from reading on the BNP, British Nationalist Party. It seems funny enough like "The goyim who work for the government are so [judaically-bolshevized] both spiritually and physically. That to even formulate anything against them is tantamount to creating a counter-communist organization in Soviet Russia with rabbi Stalin in power.

It seems like reading this article it stands to reason EVERYONE no matter what MUST accept globalism, MUST accept internationalism, and MUST accept a kalergi plan and or some sort of racial blob to borg everyone.

IT seems like the people in these organizations MI5, MI6, FBI etc.etc. are pussies simple as anyone can state. The Government is filled with incompetent pussies who are so scared of actually creating and working in a civilization they create fake terrorist charges or fake groups or promote COINTEL(Counter-Intelligence) for no reason what so ever.

What do you MEAN I HAVE to work and do the right thing I just want to berg and stein shekels like daddy god said and the yewish people? said the stupid shabbos goyim.

For ANYONE out there reading this message AS a member of Joy of Satan and as a member of the S.N.W.O. DO NOT engage with any fucktard glow niggers(federalis/fed posters). Do not engage with any acts of terrorism. The only act of terrorism we perform is Spiritual Warfare whereby we delete the kabalistic backing of the enemy. In regards to this article you can make an argument these organizations failed to fully label O9A or anyone else for that matter as PURE terrorist succeed in some things but mostly failed.

My best guess is Satan is rising and seeing cockknockers like these create situations even IF O9A is reprehensible shows the Satanic magick is working for everyone. So FBI, MI5, MI6 etc.etc. and other shabbos goyim succeeded in said infiltration but never managed to successfully crack the groups. So we should probably be aware that maybe Satan or a Daemon probably noticed the situation would get worst if they succeeded.

Anyways preferential treatment "Oy vey our communist/leftist people das gud 'n' sheit but dem right-wingers and conservatives are ebil debil goyim people".

Keep the terroristic activities towards the F-RTR and other rituals we perform. It's all in the Spiritual Warfare, we've gotten this far performing counter-kabalistic rituals. Who knows how far we could get if all these Satanic groups would STFU and just fall in line with us. ON US should be the scream they hear.

Anyways guys just don't get physically involved unless your life is being threatened and even then like in New Jersey if someone breaks into your home you have to run away, WTF?! but seriously physical = last resort. When SHTF that's when the situation needs the physical and even then I'd avoid it as much as possible and make others manipulate reality for you.

Remember just like the jews Spiritual first and foremost just sit back live your life and fire the anti-kabalisitic rituals. Any other engagement of warfare such as Online activism and or informing the diamonds among the rough to wake their asses up is welcome as well.

BUT PHYSICAL LAST RESORT. Dare I say for us Satanists it's the nuclear option the weapon of ultimate last resort.

Honestly this article should be a red alert to all groups of this kind to formulate something better. IF they collapsed on US it would be a huge boost to the legitimacy of destroying xtianity. It seems we'd put many people into Spiritual Warfare and would elevate our organization for good or ill depending on someones view I can see it being bad but at this point I think we'd be able to handle the situation.

Anyways thanks Red Ice for the free propaganda. Like I said merely implanting the idea into people incites a revolution. They find us study us and go "Damn these people are something else".

Typical kosher dialect Oy vey, vey yO das ebil debil 'n' shit. *crickets* It doesn't work anymore.

They shilled out as Xians, i used to watch them and then they just went full retard
Bravera said:
They shilled out as Xians, i used to watch them and then they just went full retard

"JoS is evil because we believe in Rabbi Christ and the whole bullshit story from the levant".

Wow, such a legit argument from them. It doesn't get more emotional and inaccurate than this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bravera said:
They shilled out as Xians, i used to watch them and then they just went full retard

"JoS is evil because we believe in Rabbi Christ and the whole bullshit story from the levant".

Wow, such a legit argument from them. It doesn't get more emotional and inaccurate than this.

I cant imagine their actually so unintelligent to completely disregard our community. I always heard how "Journalists" were supposed to give the Unaltered truth. Even if today they claim we are evil, the information they learned here wont be forgotten.

As our people continue to rise in power, these petty groups will be made forced to give the truth or they will quickly fade.
Bravera said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bravera said:
They shilled out as Xians, i used to watch them and then they just went full retard

"JoS is evil because we believe in Rabbi Christ and the whole bullshit story from the levant".

Wow, such a legit argument from them. It doesn't get more emotional and inaccurate than this.

I cant imagine their actually so unintelligent to completely disregard our community. I always heard how "Journalists" were supposed to give the Unaltered truth. Even if today they claim we are evil, the information they learned here wont be forgotten.

As our people continue to rise in power, these petty groups will be made forced to give the truth or they will quickly fade.

Their choices are against them. All that is, is kosher bias.

Love how they comment on every shit group with 100 people in it, or kosher places with 35 lunatics, but they fail to mention the JoS at the magnitude where it stands.

None of this is by mistake, and all of it deliberate. Imagine seeing elephants and promoting ants...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bravera said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"JoS is evil because we believe in Rabbi Christ and the whole bullshit story from the levant".

Wow, such a legit argument from them. It doesn't get more emotional and inaccurate than this.

I cant imagine their actually so unintelligent to completely disregard our community. I always heard how "Journalists" were supposed to give the Unaltered truth. Even if today they claim we are evil, the information they learned here wont be forgotten.

As our people continue to rise in power, these petty groups will be made forced to give the truth or they will quickly fade.

Their choices are against them. All that is, is kosher bias.

Love how they comment on every shit group with 100 people in it, or kosher places with 35 lunatics, but they fail to mention the JoS at the magnitude where it stands.

None of this is by mistake, and all of it deliberate. Imagine seeing elephants and promoting ants...

The last time you mentioned an estimate to the best of my knowledge was February 2019. You mentioned about 118,000+ or so give or take, JoS members.

At the current level we are in MAYBE 200,000+ or so. You've mentioned some startling numbers mentioning something like several million(25 million?) views per month. So who knows how many "diamonds" are coming out of the rough. I doubt the average person out there joins us or is intrigued by us especially the whole National Socialist property which is something seen as Hitler/NS = Ebil, Debil bullshit and then so by that logic JoS SS = Ebil, Debil bullshit.

But IF JoS/NS/Hitler = Ebil, Debil bullshit! Then why is the World collapsing unto communism, zionism, judiaism, and generally everything associated with God(Judeo-bolshevism) is making it happen.

As Rabbi Isaac Luria once pondered making machinations and false flags for goyim kind. OH! Those lovable jews always machinating against Gentiles. He pondered "IF G-d is GOOD, Why is there evil?"

INDEED OF COURSE I can't for the life of me ask such a better question. IF jews and god is good! Why is there always evil and why do people spread evil ignorantly and more so in many cases on purpose. After all God and jews are GOOD.

Anyways what is your current estimate on members currently around circa Spring 2021 and what is your estimate as we expand and perform more rituals and internet battalion etc.etc.

200,000+ fair assessment Winter 2019 -to- Spring 2021? Future estimates?

Like you mentioned Lockdowns have far increased our forces and far increased the enemies decline and kabalistic intent even IF the enemy is going berserk and seems like it's trying for another World War Armageddon scenario. A concocted plan of a supposed view into the future, "Oy vey goyim world ends at some point" lulz laughed the Gods and Gentiles who know better.

*inserts dog meme* Oh you!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
