RockSeed13 said:
Fanboy said:
No Satan does not want us to use trickery and manipulation PERIOD.
all you can do next time you guys are hanging out, as it is time for you to part ways. Simply mention that you need to get back and do some yoga or meditation.
Your friend will either express interest and push the issue, or won't say anything. If she expresses interest, just tell her you are empowering and purifying the soul with meditation. And that you do it everyday.
If she asks to know more about it, send her the Joy of Satan link. If she doesn't ask about it then let the subject go.
No matter what do not engage in trickery. It has to be an obvious and flat out choice on your friends part to either seek or deny the Gods. No manipulations whatsoever
I am not suggesting manipulation nor trickery. What I suggested for Wolfnihilo to do is to drop hints of truth here and there and make her interested in pagan (Satanic) spirituality. No one is going to be redpilled on the jews being proxy bioweapon created by the reptillians and greys to subvert earth so that they could use humans as an energy source and that Adolf Hitler being the one saving humanity from doom of communism from the get go.
None of that is on the joyofsatan main page.
Just send the link to your friend. It's the most honest and good move. Peppering in bits of Satanism here and sprinkling in a little paganism there is called trickery.
It's a tricky little slimy weasel bitch tactic. It's exactly how Baldur died. And the Gods will not appreciate you prozealotizing your friends.
It's a the hallmark jewish tactic. "God wants you to be a good happy person, god has a plan, you will go to heaven Jesus loves you. You are God's chosen, the Gentiles are not. Those without God are dammed. There will be a rapture, the messiah will give you slaves, she Gentiles are a resource, the jews will be destroyed if they fail, the jews will be destroyed if they win. The jews have no immortal soul and are created to be disposable. The jews only purpose is to bring ruin and death. The jew will be create weapons of mass destruction and tools of slavery for their masters and will fall in line along with everyone else when the time comes or burn.
The manipulation technique is what the jews do. If a person can't handle some jarring information then they can't handle being a satanist. This life is nothing but jarring. Truth is scary and it's supposed to be that way. A fearful cowardly soul will only hurt himself with power.
Imagine you teach a yoga class for old ladies and you have then doing thoth vibration to the 3rd eye telling them "it's to get you in touch with your feminine intuition"
That's a lie and a manipulation and that kind of stuff gets people hurt.