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Jul 24, 2022
When will the Satanists who have worked hard here receive recognition for their deeds?
For saving the world?

Since the Frtr's are finished.

Just think, the world completely improved.
But nobody knows that, or who the hero was?
I think such a collective psychic awakening will take time.

The important thing is the recognition by the Gods and ourselves of our own spiritual value and our personal ascent towards the Magnum Opus to complete Satan's work.

JoS is by far the best example that is incomparable to anything else regarding meritocracy in a spiritually healthy society
If you take a fish from the desert and release it into the sea and it doesn't know it belongs in the sea, you can't expect it to appreciate you for that. Everyone wants to be appreciated and I understand and respect that and it can even give you a natural motivation which is great; I know that what I have done for JoS is not enough and it is "little things" but in essence I did not do all these "little things" to get appreciation.

This world is like a small child infected with germs. No parent whose child is sick is afraid of the medicine, the money or the road.

There is no doubt that JoS has now built a tower for her child that no storm can destroy. even if JoS is not recognized worldwide
Today an old non-SS friend of mine sent me a post on the internet that explained in detail where the abrahamic religions came from and the purpose for which they were created.

I never delved into this with him and yet just today after the FRTR program ended it happened.

The voice of the Gods is now louder, let's wait!
Every good deed that we've done and doing is +1 onto our karmic and soul, meaning those efforts are seen and rewarded by the Gods and it get us closer to the MO as we are worthy.
Many people are suffering now as a consequence of the frtrs, though in truth they have always suffered in some variety. Now at least they suffer as a transition to liberty and truth, and not within an endless exploitative cycle of indentured servitude. Not everyone will understand this, and might take out their frustrations on you. The pat on the back you're asking for isn't worth the attacks from the many who would blame you for their own stupidity and ignorance.
That would be nice indeed, right? 😅

But honestly people's opinion is not important when you are with God.. at least that's how i see it.
When will the Satanists who have worked hard here receive recognition for their deeds?
For saving the world?

Read this:

Just think, the world completely improved.
But nobody knows that, or who the hero was?

This will not be the case. But even if it is, you will know. That's all that matters in the end. All that matters is that you made the good choice because you know it's the good thing to do and your Gentile soul has a spontaneous tendency to do the good thing (that's why we have a natural tendency to develop civilizations and not to, you know, destroy it and subvert it from within like other non-human groups of beings do)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
