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Receiving Help From The Gods: Is It An Exchange?

Adolf Hitler said:
Hello, I was kind of wondering after i have done several sessions personally at home and on my college campus, of the satanic void meditations. As well as everyday i have done a power meditation i have done for me to get employed for a part-time job very soon. since my temp job has ended last week. i have been asking Father Satan and working with the spirit of Adolf Hitler. to get a quick hiring for some of the job applications i have sent out to Panda Express, Subway Sandwiches, and to Starbucks. Yet i have not received any replies yet from Starbucks and even from subway after i had an interview with their boss last Saturday. Panda decided to reject me after some "careful consideration" after my first interview with panda expresses boss. So, I was wondering if my meditations of giving me the results i want? Since i know the enemies of stan. like to stop Satan's children from success in their magic workings and raising their witch power. Since I prefer to be a hard-working person, then a burdensome waste that is always stuck panhandling. That is way i prefer to keep working even near my college. As a taxpayer too. Not to be like a house mate of mine who uses their disability as an excuse to use and abuse others including me, and by leeching off others and me. Or does Father Satan just want me to make it big and get massive amounts of easy money through panhandling, instead of working a part-time job paying for the new world order? Or are the enemies of Father Stan using an old accusation that I support Adolf Hitler at the College to get me to never be hired again?
I have even been trying my hand also at awakening my aura, my kundalini serpent, even the ability to feel and see energy too. I even tried at bit of trance work too. Hopefully I will get better at that too. As well as being able to clear and open a bit better my Aura and open my chakras too.

Hello, a gentle reminder that is disrespectful to use the name of our beloved Gods as usernames, as you're nowhere near their level. None of us is.
There are just some things you cannot (and do not need to) change. I feel like everything happens for a reason.
Maybe Chia's energy would be better spent pursuing another path as I suspect they are meant to.
Breakups suck. It feels like grieving even. I had one breakup where I spent months pretty grief stricken. So if you're reading Chia.... please grieve, let out the emotions, cry, get angry, scream it's unfair to the world, whatever you have to do. Take the time that you need, be safe, and move on.
Adolf Hitler said:
Hello, I was kind of wondering after i have done several sessions personally at home and on my college campus, of the satanic void meditations. As well as everyday i have done a power meditation i have done for me to get employed for a part-time job very soon. since my temp job has ended last week. i have been asking Father Satan and working with the spirit of Adolf Hitler. to get a quick hiring for some of the job applications i have sent out to Panda Express, Subway Sandwiches, and to Starbucks. Yet i have not received any replies yet from Starbucks and even from subway after i had an interview with their boss last Saturday. Panda decided to reject me after some "careful consideration" after my first interview with panda expresses boss. So, I was wondering if my meditations of giving me the results i want? Since i know the enemies of stan. like to stop Satan's children from success in their magic workings and raising their witch power. Since I prefer to be a hard-working person, then a burdensome waste that is always stuck panhandling. That is way i prefer to keep working even near my college. As a taxpayer too. Not to be like a house mate of mine who uses their disability as an excuse to use and abuse others including me, and by leeching off others and me. Or does Father Satan just want me to make it big and get massive amounts of easy money through panhandling, instead of working a part-time job paying for the new world order? Or are the enemies of Father Stan using an old accusation that I support Adolf Hitler at the College to get me to never be hired again?
I have even been trying my hand also at awakening my aura, my kundalini serpent, even the ability to feel and see energy too. I even tried at bit of trance work too. Hopefully I will get better at that too. As well as being able to clear and open a bit better my Aura and open my chakras too.

I am totally not sure if this is an ok user name or not. It seems maybe a little disrespectful to me and makes me feel a little uncomfortable. I know your intentions were good but this is similar to signing up with HP in front of your name and just being a regular member.

Btw with your question keep an open mind for opportunities I really don't think as long as your not doing anything really unethical the Gods care. They want you to have money if you can. Invest in Crypto btw I am becoming a big supporter of that. Get to know about it you could turn that small job into a lot of money.
Hablando de amores imposibles, yo tengo tres hombres atravesados, uno que tengo desde los 22 años y tengo 35 años ahorita
y no andamos por el momento, pero he estado con este 13 años con este hombre y es puritano, a mí me gustaba mucho y en la actuaidad me gusta ya menos por tanto tiempo que llevamos él y yo tenemos 8 años de diferencia y lo sigo amando a pesar
de que se ha puesto feo a mi mama y a mi papá no le agradan por lo mismo que es clase baja...
Y pues le sigo hablando y ya me había propuesto matrimonio y queríamos tener hijos y todavía no nos casamos desde hace 4 años que me lo propuso pero es un hombre pobre y no se ha podido para pagar una boda al menos en civil u ortodoxa...bueno
ahorita sigo con esa idea de darle hijos pero ahorita amo a otro segundo hombre que vive en un lugar abandonado y ando con él pero se me atravesó y no sé porque se me incrusta tanto ser de luz porque el anterior es ortodoxo y este es que de mente universal y es ser de luz y no le agradan mis cosas diabolicas pero me las respeta igual que el otro me respetan, pero el problema es en especial que tnego obsesion por los tres que el otro es un dueño de una vivienda del que me enamoré y es un devota y creyente de jesucristo y no quiero compartir cosas intimas pero no sé qué hacer porque yo tengo una enfermedad sexual y nunca he tenido relaciones en mi vida estoy como sedienta de tener algo con alguien pero ya entré en deseos de tres hombres que jamas se me ha dado la oportunidad tengo una enfermedad sexual muy grave y me duele y nunca puedo estar en intimidad con nadie estoy frustrada! y ya se me juntaron ellos 3, pero estoy cargada de puro ser de luz seres de ese tonto. En síntesis, tengo problemas con la sexualidad y problemas con la fidelidad, si uno ve que tengo hijos con otro me va a mandar al carajo y también lo amo, otro que es casado (el tercero) y quiero separarlo de su pareja pero mi carga pesada es el de tener hijos con el primer mencionado por desgracia nunca he estado con ningun pagano como yo que me guste.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The best way to proceed with said desire, if you still want this or are after this, is that you could do a working instead that you two are finally together. You also have that choice but that doesn't look like it was any good until now. However, the more we do mistakes in a situation, the more difficult it is to turn the situation around.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Can you tell me which working I should do for relationship issues brother? I'm barely hanging on after my best friend, mother to my kids and lover have decided to quit trying with me altogether. The past year we've already been living apart but still seeing each other somewhat regularly and still had a sexual relationship as well. But now she has said she doesn't wanna try anymore and I'm completely devastated. I never imagined being with anyone else and I can't. I don't want to be alone the rest of my life. It's probably because I did minimal work on bettering myself the past year and I also fell off my advancement and even basic cleansing and protection schedule. Only made a couple ritual schedules as well and minimal RTRs due to my overwhelming depression. I'm sure it's mostly my fault and I'm probably fucked but if there's a working to help I have to try it. She's everything to me along with my kids. I've started back cleansing and protecting as of yesterday even though I can barely even muster up the ability to eat and do basic daily functions. I really hope there's a working that can help me... I'm lost and have never felt so hopeless in my entire life.
I got help from a guardian and he lead me to the truth and im not even allowed to talk about it.

I guess everyone has their own path and truth to find.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Chialod said:
Hello, I would like to tell you a long story as short as I can. I had a girlfriend, her family is very conservative and her family learned about our situation, unfortunately we had to break up after that. This happened 1 year ago. At that time, I wouldn't interrupt my meditations, yoga and rtr's. Then I want fix this situation. I wanted to cast a spell for her, but at that moment I thought that my spiritual power could not do such a complicated spell, because I had to gain the consent of her family, they hated me, so it was very difficult to change their minds. I decided to get help from the satan, I did a h standard ritual for help me for this situation, so I wanted the girl to come back to me and continue our relationship from where we left off. It must be August at that time, I did 250 rtr in total for 2 months and I participated in all war calendars, I also did extra rtrs. of course Since my request was a bit complicated, I wanted to give an equal response, even though I kept promise and did all my rtr, during which time i gave extra focus to my spirituality, meditations etc. almost 8-9 hours a day was just meditation rtr and other things (by the way, from this event) I stated in my standard rite that I take responsibility for all things that may occur due to it. 2 months later when I came across this things ended in the worst possible way and even the girl's family sued me and I'm still dealing with these cases it really ended in the worst possible way and since then I would do the standard ritual and ask the satan why he didn't help me Because I kept promise and I was doing everything carefully, but the result was like this, so it's really over with the worst that could happen, now I'm asking you all my hard work was wasted I was broken and lived away from the SS until now, I distracted myself for months without meditation and rtr, but if I decide to come back now, it is not possible for me to renew my faith in the satan without getting an answer to this question, I can answer any questions. Thanks in advance for the answers (Sorry for bad translate i tried my best for this complicated situation)

The correlation that since we do Spiritual Warfare or some obligation [which is for our own collective future and yes, the Gods appreciate this and take one seriously] does not mean that you will not undergo negative or even excessively negative events in life.

Exchanging service for penance is not how this works. There is way more to life than this.

This false presupposition is simply unreal, and is rooted on enemy religions. Yes, the Gods are going to help people, and they will provide you the necessary tools to help yourself above all.

How you will use your power and free will is however resting in your own hands.

These events have to do with our choices, our souls and our outlook of existence. Sometimes, they only have to do with others and their own unattended garbage. With more and more development, we can just navigate these blows of life more and more, or at least make our life and our experience easier, but these never really go "away".

This is why we build spiritual powers based on the teachings of the Gods, so that we are able to navigate these situations. They will happen in everyone's life and there is no avoiding this. That is also why it's emphasized in Spiritual Satanism to be strong, be ready for black magick, have a justice oriented mind etc. Because life's rules are life's rules.

Asking help from the Gods provides help and guidance, but these erupt and these are inscribed and karmic inside, ie, other beings can alter these only so far.

Instead of asking yourself why the relationship should not continue, which is a valid lesson or thing to ask in itself, you can also ask yourself how more worse it could have went if continued. It appears you forcing this to continue has caused an array of problems in itself and that the people of the other side aren't people who want to live without problems either.

Certain toxic relationships only keep increasing in toxicity, until the people in them are destroyed. None of the Gods would help a person destroy themselves.

Personally, there are quite a few things I have asked for help from the Gods, and what I wanted especially in the early years was the absolute most negative choice or outcome for my own life. Due to a small mind, we cannot comprehend this and it might take years to comprehend.

Gods provide quality help but above all help through giving understanding. Eventually then you become happier and more attained than simply when one gets what they "want".

If one asked for example the Gods for help in getting a fix of heroin, they would not receive any help. In fact, they might show the person necessary events to even deter them from this decision.

Of course most people only want to do what "they want" and in this case we are on our own in making our negative choices. We hurt over not getting what we "wanted" yet when things go wrong, who assists in something is the person that receives every complaint.

For example, you "wanted" to go after the said person at all costs even after probably, as I gather from your post, you have been called off by them. You didn't take no for an answer at all, and this escalated into further and further problems until even the law got involved because of the girl's puritan parents.

As the situation sounds obsessive on both sides, it could be even worse.

The Gods do provide a different form of help here which is indirect, which is showing you the proper way to walk your existence in contrast to merely going after your wants. Knowing what one wants and cutting losses is also a necessary part of life, albeit the part where people hate the most.

The best way to proceed with said desire, if you still want this or are after this, is that you could do a working instead that you two are finally together. You also have that choice but that doesn't look like it was any good until now. However, the more we do mistakes in a situation, the more difficult it is to turn the situation around.

Do not sacrifice your path because of negative events or obstacles that come in your way, because it's simply not worth it. The obstacles can also frequently be highly internal - repressed desires, a stuck mind, lies we want to tell ourselves, the list goes.

In closing, be aware that this is not an exchange and it must not be treated in a gross way of payments such as trying to pay one's desire out with Rituals, praise or whatever. The relationship with the Gods extends way beyond this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HP this song is how you make me feel every time i get upset throw my tantrums, bad mouth you and stuff but you have a soft heart i see and care and alwys have room to understand in a way that is heart warming to me.I can feel you i mean you sometimes don't talk but i feel a connection with you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Chialod said:
Hello, I would like to tell you a long story as short as I can. I had a girlfriend, her family is very conservative and her family learned about our situation, unfortunately we had to break up after that. This happened 1 year ago. At that time, I wouldn't interrupt my meditations, yoga and rtr's. Then I want fix this situation. I wanted to cast a spell for her, but at that moment I thought that my spiritual power could not do such a complicated spell, because I had to gain the consent of her family, they hated me, so it was very difficult to change their minds. I decided to get help from the satan, I did a h standard ritual for help me for this situation, so I wanted the girl to come back to me and continue our relationship from where we left off. It must be August at that time, I did 250 rtr in total for 2 months and I participated in all war calendars, I also did extra rtrs. of course Since my request was a bit complicated, I wanted to give an equal response, even though I kept promise and did all my rtr, during which time i gave extra focus to my spirituality, meditations etc. almost 8-9 hours a day was just meditation rtr and other things (by the way, from this event) I stated in my standard rite that I take responsibility for all things that may occur due to it. 2 months later when I came across this things ended in the worst possible way and even the girl's family sued me and I'm still dealing with these cases it really ended in the worst possible way and since then I would do the standard ritual and ask the satan why he didn't help me Because I kept promise and I was doing everything carefully, but the result was like this, so it's really over with the worst that could happen, now I'm asking you all my hard work was wasted I was broken and lived away from the SS until now, I distracted myself for months without meditation and rtr, but if I decide to come back now, it is not possible for me to renew my faith in the satan without getting an answer to this question, I can answer any questions. Thanks in advance for the answers (Sorry for bad translate i tried my best for this complicated situation)

The correlation that since we do Spiritual Warfare or some obligation [which is for our own collective future and yes, the Gods appreciate this and take one seriously] does not mean that you will not undergo negative or even excessively negative events in life.

Exchanging service for penance is not how this works. There is way more to life than this.

This false presupposition is simply unreal, and is rooted on enemy religions. Yes, the Gods are going to help people, and they will provide you the necessary tools to help yourself above all.

How you will use your power and free will is however resting in your own hands.

These events have to do with our choices, our souls and our outlook of existence. Sometimes, they only have to do with others and their own unattended garbage. With more and more development, we can just navigate these blows of life more and more, or at least make our life and our experience easier, but these never really go "away".

This is why we build spiritual powers based on the teachings of the Gods, so that we are able to navigate these situations. They will happen in everyone's life and there is no avoiding this. That is also why it's emphasized in Spiritual Satanism to be strong, be ready for black magick, have a justice oriented mind etc. Because life's rules are life's rules.

Asking help from the Gods provides help and guidance, but these erupt and these are inscribed and karmic inside, ie, other beings can alter these only so far.

Instead of asking yourself why the relationship should not continue, which is a valid lesson or thing to ask in itself, you can also ask yourself how more worse it could have went if continued. It appears you forcing this to continue has caused an array of problems in itself and that the people of the other side aren't people who want to live without problems either.

Certain toxic relationships only keep increasing in toxicity, until the people in them are destroyed. None of the Gods would help a person destroy themselves.

Personally, there are quite a few things I have asked for help from the Gods, and what I wanted especially in the early years was the absolute most negative choice or outcome for my own life. Due to a small mind, we cannot comprehend this and it might take years to comprehend.

Gods provide quality help but above all help through giving understanding. Eventually then you become happier and more attained than simply when one gets what they "want".

If one asked for example the Gods for help in getting a fix of heroin, they would not receive any help. In fact, they might show the person necessary events to even deter them from this decision.

Of course most people only want to do what "they want" and in this case we are on our own in making our negative choices. We hurt over not getting what we "wanted" yet when things go wrong, who assists in something is the person that receives every complaint.

For example, you "wanted" to go after the said person at all costs even after probably, as I gather from your post, you have been called off by them. You didn't take no for an answer at all, and this escalated into further and further problems until even the law got involved because of the girl's puritan parents.

As the situation sounds obsessive on both sides, it could be even worse.

The Gods do provide a different form of help here which is indirect, which is showing you the proper way to walk your existence in contrast to merely going after your wants. Knowing what one wants and cutting losses is also a necessary part of life, albeit the part where people hate the most.

The best way to proceed with said desire, if you still want this or are after this, is that you could do a working instead that you two are finally together. You also have that choice but that doesn't look like it was any good until now. However, the more we do mistakes in a situation, the more difficult it is to turn the situation around.

Do not sacrifice your path because of negative events or obstacles that come in your way, because it's simply not worth it. The obstacles can also frequently be highly internal - repressed desires, a stuck mind, lies we want to tell ourselves, the list goes.

In closing, be aware that this is not an exchange and it must not be treated in a gross way of payments such as trying to pay one's desire out with Rituals, praise or whatever. The relationship with the Gods extends way beyond this.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HP this song is how you make me feel every time i get upset throw my tantrums, bad mouth you and stuff but you have a soft heart i see and care and alwys have room to understand in a way that is heart warming to me.I can feel you i mean you sometimes don't talk but i feel a connection with you.

or maby my guardian acting as you jot sure
Goast-The Lone Wolf said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The best way to proceed with said desire, if you still want this or are after this, is that you could do a working instead that you two are finally together. You also have that choice but that doesn't look like it was any good until now. However, the more we do mistakes in a situation, the more difficult it is to turn the situation around.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Can you tell me which working I should do for relationship issues brother? I'm barely hanging on after my best friend, mother to my kids and lover have decided to quit trying with me altogether. The past year we've already been living apart but still seeing each other somewhat regularly and still had a sexual relationship as well. But now she has said she doesn't wanna try anymore and I'm completely devastated. I never imagined being with anyone else and I can't. I don't want to be alone the rest of my life. It's probably because I did minimal work on bettering myself the past year and I also fell off my advancement and even basic cleansing and protection schedule. Only made a couple ritual schedules as well and minimal RTRs due to my overwhelming depression. I'm sure it's mostly my fault and I'm probably fucked but if there's a working to help I have to try it. She's everything to me along with my kids. I've started back cleansing and protecting as of yesterday even though I can barely even muster up the ability to eat and do basic daily functions. I really hope there's a working that can help me... I'm lost and have never felt so hopeless in my entire life.

I am sorry for displaying such weakness here brothers and sisters. As a Spiritual Satanist I should be stronger then that. Fuck that stupid bitch I don't need her. This realization hit me hard today as I finally decided to skip the alcohol after being on a 2 week bender and got back to lifting weights which is one of my favorite passions. I love getting myself stronger and can't believe I let another person weaken me so much. I lost sight of who I was temporarily but NEVER again. Heading full speed ahead back onto the path of advancement and physical training. She'll be sorry she decided to leave eventually but I won't. I don't know if it was the strength of Satan his self that finally snapped me out of it or my guardian demon or little bit of both because I'm not advanced enough yet to know for sure but I am grateful for it nonetheless. Anyone else that might be reading this and going through similar situation I want you to know you can get through to the other side and ANYONE willing to walk out of your life isn't worth chasing. Fuck em and let em go.

If you're new to JOS ministries, please disregard this post. My name is James Edith and I have a request to make. I'm a genius with a 200 IQ, I spoke at 6 months, and I am the most intelligent person you would ever meet. However I have an issue, I have severe brain damage from an accident that occurred when I was young, I hit my head and my brain sustained cognitive function and memory loss. My IQ operates below 120 and my memory is less than functional. I'm interested in having my brain healed but I don't know where to start, I'm looking for help from you as I believe I could be an invaluable member of the team. I am conveniently an Aryan with family nazi ties.
JamesEdith said:
If you're new to JOS ministries, please disregard this post. My name is James Edith and I have a request to make. I'm a genius with a 200 IQ, I spoke at 6 months, and I am the most intelligent person you would ever meet. However I have an issue, I have severe brain damage from an accident that occurred when I was young, I hit my head and my brain sustained cognitive function and memory loss. My IQ operates below 120 and my memory is less than functional. I'm interested in having my brain healed but I don't know where to start, I'm looking for help from you as I believe I could be an invaluable member of the team. I am conveniently an Aryan with family nazi ties.

This brain damage is likely karmic in nature. Perhaps you would see it in your astrology chart.

Regardless, to heal yourself, you must first develop the spiritual power to do so. Start with this beginner guide, then you will be more able to get into the specifics of healing. https://satanslibrary.org/hp_hooded_cobra_40_day_meditation_program.pdf

If you have any further questions, please reach out again.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=369122 time=1656114823 user_id=21286]
JamesEdith said:
If you're new to JOS ministries, please disregard this post. My name is James Edith and I have a request to make. I'm a genius with a 200 IQ, I spoke at 6 months, and I am the most intelligent person you would ever meet. However I have an issue, I have severe brain damage from an accident that occurred when I was young, I hit my head and my brain sustained cognitive function and memory loss. My IQ operates below 120 and my memory is less than functional. I'm interested in having my brain healed but I don't know where to start, I'm looking for help from you as I believe I could be an invaluable member of the team. I am conveniently an Aryan with family nazi ties.

This brain damage is likely karmic in nature. Perhaps you would see it in your astrology chart.

Regardless, to heal yourself, you must first develop the spiritual power to do so. Start with this beginner guide, then you will be more able to get into the specifics of healing. https://satanslibrary.org/hp_hooded_cobra_40_day_meditation_program.pdf

If you have any further questions, please reach out again.

Hey Blitz. I love reading your posts, your info is always so useful. Keep being such a bright flame for others to follow.

Be well Brother.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
