I have found this on /pol/, i couldn't find any information anywhere else, judge it for yourself.
>For the prosperity and strength of the people, the revival of the nation’s people, rise of China, at the age of 30 I shall establish at the city of Kaifeng Shilongting district the China National Socialist Worker’s Party, abbreviated as China’s National Socialist Party.
>China National Socialist Worker’s Party Six Key Principles
>1. Nationals (people)
>2. People’s rights
>3. People’s livelihood (including communism)
>4. Unite territory (collect back territorial lands and disputed lands and complete the huge task of the unification of nation)
>5. Unite people (ethnicities) (nationwide usage of Chinese as teaching medium, abolish ethnic labels on identity cards, all existing ethnicities in China are equally Chinese nationals, crack down on all internal and external separatist forces)
>6. Purpose unification (the ultimate purpose of the party is to continue the dream of the nation’s people, the dream of revival, the conceptual dream of a strong country and to build up the People’s Liberation Army to be equipped with space battleship fleet and bases on other planets, build up China to be prosperous and strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious, equal, fair, with rule of law, and to cross the solar system and become a space empire.)
>My party will use science and democracy as developmental visions, with 3 Peoples, 3 Unites, 6 Large Key Party Principles as the basis of 25 constitutions of the party.
>The upper part of the party’s emblem is China’s National Bird, the king of 1000 birds, the gyrfalcon. It symbolizes a strong future military, fast attack speed, invincible, earth-shaking power and vigor, protecting Chinese people at all times.
>I shall in the year 2035 by the position of China’s National Socialist Party Central Members’ President participate in China’s presidential race.
(My personal notes: the man on the picture seems to looks honest and intelligent, unlike the media promoted alt right feds like Dugin,Weev,Anglin or Spencer.)
>For the prosperity and strength of the people, the revival of the nation’s people, rise of China, at the age of 30 I shall establish at the city of Kaifeng Shilongting district the China National Socialist Worker’s Party, abbreviated as China’s National Socialist Party.
>China National Socialist Worker’s Party Six Key Principles
>1. Nationals (people)
>2. People’s rights
>3. People’s livelihood (including communism)
>4. Unite territory (collect back territorial lands and disputed lands and complete the huge task of the unification of nation)
>5. Unite people (ethnicities) (nationwide usage of Chinese as teaching medium, abolish ethnic labels on identity cards, all existing ethnicities in China are equally Chinese nationals, crack down on all internal and external separatist forces)
>6. Purpose unification (the ultimate purpose of the party is to continue the dream of the nation’s people, the dream of revival, the conceptual dream of a strong country and to build up the People’s Liberation Army to be equipped with space battleship fleet and bases on other planets, build up China to be prosperous and strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious, equal, fair, with rule of law, and to cross the solar system and become a space empire.)
>My party will use science and democracy as developmental visions, with 3 Peoples, 3 Unites, 6 Large Key Party Principles as the basis of 25 constitutions of the party.
>The upper part of the party’s emblem is China’s National Bird, the king of 1000 birds, the gyrfalcon. It symbolizes a strong future military, fast attack speed, invincible, earth-shaking power and vigor, protecting Chinese people at all times.
>I shall in the year 2035 by the position of China’s National Socialist Party Central Members’ President participate in China’s presidential race.
(My personal notes: the man on the picture seems to looks honest and intelligent, unlike the media promoted alt right feds like Dugin,Weev,Anglin or Spencer.)