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Re: Your thoughts

Fucking good fucking idea.Just don't get caught fucking in public.Actually I think most of us would advise against it but I'm one of those who thinks that would be hot.Orgasming in a church though could be bad.
Having sex with a degenerate soul is only going to weaken you. Why would you want to have sex with someone that is equal to spiritual excrement? 

When you have sex with someone you create a link between you and the other person. When the person is a xian then you will tie into his energy and this in turn will fuck up your aura. Unless you are very powerful spiritually you might not get any kind of negative influence, but it won't do anything to empower you. 

Having sex in a church is probably a stupid idea aswell, because a church is filled with negative energy and having sex there isn't going to do you any good spiritually.. It's not going to magicaly consecrate the church either. 

Before you have sex with someone make sure the other persons aura is not full of holes and other crap otherwise doing so will only cause you trouble. In case of a xian, having sex with them is utterly useless... 
When you have sex with someone that associates themselves with Xian programming or love of jews, even if you have the slightest feelings for them you're literally connecting your energies with them.

It cannot be empowering

It will not "destroy" or cause the church any trouble, at least not any significant value.

I've dabbled with this before, only one person, and let me tell you'll need a powerful aura of protection you'll be spending the entire day deep cleaning your chakras and your aura.

You want an effective method for fighting the church?

Here You Go: Cursed Nazarene  
I believe someone just read Vampire Academy (one of the main characters dated a guy called Christian and they had sex in church...). It probably won't empower you... I think it could happen that you'll sexual energy could get stolen... Oh if you end up going, bring a bunch of pieces of paper with links to 666blacksun, exposingchristianity & joyofsatan and a permanent marker...
Yeah! Twisted...To say the least. Why would you want that dark energy all over you?
Hail Satan!


On Thu, 10/13/16, 'kingsceasar@...' kingsceasar@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Your thoughts
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Thursday, October 13, 2016, 4:05 AM


Where did u get that idea from? And i dont
understand how that would empower u. Can u explain?

from Yahoo Mail on Android


I was thinking of fucking a
"Christian" guy and I would also want to fuck in a
church. I feel that will empower me. Your thoughts?

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As I said previously, this is what I am THINKING of doing....and ask for your thoughts on it. I felt these thoughts in me, if I can explain it like that....that's where the idea came from. I do not want to attract ANY negative onslaught hence why I asked about this first before doing it
On 14/10/2016 2:46 AM, "'kingsceasar@...' kingsceasar@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Where did u get that idea from? And i dont understand how that would empower u. Can u explain?

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
  I was thinking of fucking a "Christian" guy and I would also want to fuck in a church. I feel that will empower me. Your thoughts?
You don't empower yourself with theatrics. You do this by meditation, yoga, & Satanic Witchcraft (to put it simply). This is just a hang up manifesting itself in the form of rebellion to what you thought was an authority, which it is not and NEVER was. It's understandable, but essentially will do nothing to truly EMPOWER you. These are bullshit jewish type of ideologies where true empowerment is replaced by unnecessary theatrics (this goes along with affirmations with not raising or directing of energies, burning bibles, and such). If you feel you wanna do it as a "fuck you" to the jewish "god" feel free, but do you think that's what the enemy fears? No they don't care if you were to fuck a xian in a church, that is no threat to them. But daily Satanic practices (meditation, yoga, obtaining proper knowledge through study, witchcraft, & warfare (RTR, online warfare, leaving tracts in real life), these are what empowerment is about, this is what threatens and will ultimately defeat our enemy and obliterate them.

On a side not people do seem to forget the importance of participating in warfare. What good are you to Satan, the Gods, humanity, and our home (Earth) if you do not put the power you are gaining to use. If you do not bring justice to the enemy you ARE the enemy. That's how I see it. Even if you are brand new and can only do a fraction of the reps. DO THEM! Every bit helps, picture every RTR as the flaming sword of Justice ablaze with blue hellfire striking down one more jew. Every rep is another stab into this evil cabal, every time the 72 names are reversed you are stripping away a layer of their "armor". Everybody can fight, and should. If you feel too energized afterwards ask Satan to relieve you of some of that energy so the powers of Hell can use it. Every little bit helps and your action/inaction can make the difference. You could be the straw that breaks the proverbial camel's back. FIGHT ON COMRADES!!! WE ARE THE ONLY WARRIORS THE EARTH HAS LEFT. WE ARE LED BY THE GOD WHO IS ETERNAL TRUTH!!!!

Hail Satan!!!
Hail the Gods and Goddesses of Hell!!!
The jews WILL be trampled under Satanic feet!!!
Thank you to the ones who responded respectfully. That is how we should treat our fellow brothers and sisters in Father Satan. It is much appreciated....I did not mention in my first post that I was thinking of doing this with my husband (still married under that filth of a Xian god) but recently have been blessed by Father Satan to find Him and chose the left hand path....we will very soon marry under our beloved Father Satan. Thank you Father SATAN for my true brothers and sisters in YOU that replied and gave me the knowledge I was seeking. HAIL SATAN!!!!
On 15/10/2016 9:02 AM, "Jay Eff curbstompchrist666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  You don't empower yourself with theatrics. You do this by meditation, yoga, & Satanic Witchcraft (to put it simply). This is just a hang up manifesting itself in the form of rebellion to what you thought was an authority, which it is not and NEVER was. It's understandable, but essentially will do nothing to truly EMPOWER you. These are bullshit jewish type of ideologies where true empowerment is replaced by unnecessary theatrics (this goes along with affirmations with not raising or directing of energies, burning bibles, and such). If you feel you wanna do it as a "fuck you" to the jewish "god" feel free, but do you think that's what the enemy fears? No they don't care if you were to fuck a xian in a church, that is no threat to them. But daily Satanic practices (meditation, yoga, obtaining proper knowledge through study, witchcraft, & warfare (RTR, online warfare, leaving tracts in real life), these are what empowerment is about, this is what threatens and will ultimately defeat our enemy and obliterate them.

On a side not people do seem to forget the importance of participating in warfare. What good are you to Satan, the Gods, humanity, and our home (Earth) if you do not put the power you are gaining to use. If you do not bring justice to the enemy you ARE the enemy. That's how I see it. Even if you are brand new and can only do a fraction of the reps. DO THEM! Every bit helps, picture every RTR as the flaming sword of Justice ablaze with blue hellfire striking down one more jew. Every rep is another stab into this evil cabal, every time the 72 names are reversed you are stripping away a layer of their "armor". Everybody can fight, and should. If you feel too energized afterwards ask Satan to relieve you of some of that energy so the powers of Hell can use it. Every little bit helps and your action/inaction can make the difference. You could be the straw that breaks the proverbial camel's back. FIGHT ON COMRADES!!! WE ARE THE ONLY WARRIORS THE EARTH HAS LEFT. WE ARE LED BY THE GOD WHO IS ETERNAL TRUTH!!!!

Hail Satan!!!
Hail the Gods and Goddesses of Hell!!!
The jews WILL be trampled under Satanic feet!!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
