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Re: SS Women

Rabbis and jewish mystics are working overtime to incite disunity in our ranks because of the harm we are doing their people with the reverse torah rituals - this is how they have won and succeeded for so long, by dividing us.

Being aware of this is half the battle. If you are unaware of it, and in any sense not actively seeking unity and accepting what is required to achieve it even at cost to your own selfish interests that are at odds with those of Satan, you have become an agent of division influenced by the enemy. Not out of jewishness or of their bloodline but serving their interests and blindsided by their magic.

Wake up.
Okay these fights and arguments can't all be just a coincidences. There must be something attacking the group or some sort of planetary alignment. This is insane.
Well, since it keeps going and you are past the point of being able to do anything about, but outright ban you and censor you to get this group calm, the time approaches that the evidence should make it public. So that you will not able to further lie about it.
These people are egopathic and except of wrecking Satanic unity, they are actually continuing with their instigation of infighting. Everyone told them to stop again, and again...And again...And they still go with obnoxious behavior.
This goes to the 3-4 of you, who are behind this instigation, and obviously, this doesn't have to do with anyone else. Lying to make it seem like its otherwise, is not going to work.
I told you to change your ways and stop continuing with these personal attacks, defamation, psychotic gibberish etc. You continued. I let it all make this on the public, where I could shun your so called "voice".

Also, I told you to set the SIDF straight, and straighten up yourselves, because the SIDF is does not BELONG to you. Its not a belonging of yours. It was supposed to be a medium for Satan's work, which is what we endorsed and accepted. Not your opinions, desires and childish flaming tea party. 
You disregarded this warning and kept on, pretending to be innocents and not only that, but you furthered the personal attacks on my name and integrity.

Its the policy of these groups o give forgiveness if needed, and to reconcile what has been wrong, where intentions have been good and people have changed. You merely kept abusing this for your own benefit. Not only that, but you carried this into a personal crusade against me.

I could gladly ban and censor all of you, but me, being an original supporter of freedom of speech, I allowed all of you to say lies, your repulsive paranoia and anything in front of anyone. Even if it was to my possible severe defamation.

Now, I take my turn by my freedom of speech and I will publicly let everyone know of the Truth.

After so many accusations and name calling against me (even as far to call me a "Communist", which is the worst), I should have my say. I denied to have my say all this time, to protect the interests of the group and not humiiate you publicly on your lies, giving you a chance for respecting your work. I gave you chance, after chance, after chance...It became tiring.

It seems this goes down as rain on a raincoat to you and you want to gamble it, thinking you are going to get your way. This is especially revealed on Redtail's (Spiritualsatanist92's) tweets, on how you think "tyrants" (ie, me or HP Don) can go "down" in these planets. You placed your gamble on the wrong place and you hereby lost.

The Truth will therefore be brought out. I will therefore proceed with what should rightfully be done, since this instigated attacks, hatred and name calling has become very specific on me. I will though deal with this issue not because I care, but to also teach the group.

I am sorry. You aren’t little bitches. This I take back.

You are huge whores. Big, deceitful, lying gang of whores, that gang up on the groups and on Clergy to just get your ways. And that respect nobody, neither Satan, neither the groups that gave life to your so called endeavor and own group. But of course, all this is alien to you for sure.

Yes, certainly this was my mistake, so I apologize for just calling you just little bitches. This was an understatement. Oy vey, presecuted one's... Don't say mean words to them...Just allow them to carry the meanest of acts and say nothing! Oy vey!
There is a darker motivation, which is common to a few members within the SIDF: They just want to make me seem like less than what I am, subvert me and attack me, because they see Don and me as obstacles into getting them what they want, which as will be proven is the infiltration of the JoS groups and Ministry. And imposing their will on the groups and everyone else, being the problematic brats they are.
Now, I will hereby post all the evidence and show the people here what you are, as a trust exercise for between the legitimate and intelligent, loyal members and people, in relation to their Clergy.
After this, I have nothing further to comment and will not mind the subject no more. I infact really let this be, which you did not.
This topic will remain closed and the evidence will be posted shortly.

Στις 9:48 π.μ. Πέμπτη, 5 Μαΐου 2016, ο/η "'Gerecht Ror' gerechtror@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

  I believe Teloc you did this with good intentions at the beginning.
But now you should stop bashing and offending (you did!) the Clergy and replying indefinitely. You should appologize for this. You are not supported by the Clergy as it has been said by HP Hoodedcobra so all this matter has gone too far. If you are serious in Satan, much better work for him with RTRs and let this episode fade away together with the excess Ego causing this (I don't want to think you are not loyal) and start again from zero with JoS.
Just my 2 cents, and my last message involved in this.

Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2016 at 11:49 PM
From: "Teloc Vovim teloc.vovim666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Subject: Re: Σχετ: [JoyofSatan666] Re: SS Women



All your doing is talking shit, and that's all I see... If I was so wrong it would be blatantly wrong to every body and it's not. People message me with they are confused is to why this received so much negative attention. People even pointed how, how it seems like once a week or so you guys pick one person to tear down.. All this is, is a big shit talking fest. I'm wrong cause your calling me names? I'm not sure that's how it works.
"The absence of darkness in a person does not suggest an abundance of light, for to know the light you must have known the darkness."

On Wednesday, May 4, 2016 4:33 PM, "HC hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote: 



And obviously nobody replied because they do "Care" about them personally. We just do this to show this further to the members. We don't want another Gibbons episodes, where people were crying after all is said and done, only to find themselves in done-with positions. This is all a recurring situation.
The fact that they went forward to bash us, play the passive aggressive victims and such, should be apparent. Still, no logical points given, because there are none. We are only worried about the safety of the group. These people have nothing concrete to offer to the community. They just drink milk from their mother's breast and then try to attack their own mother.

Hasn't it dawned to naive women in the groups, that if all SS women are in a group based on "women", based on questionable moderators and such, their names, addresses and anything could be tapped in, for instance?

Hasn't it dawned to women that if they conversate about their "womanly" and "personal" things, they are just making a relation with other supposed "SS" women, based on sheer emotionalism?

Which can quickly rob new people, teenagers and more naive and trustful persons into slaves like TJS or something?

Hasn't it also dawned to many people, that you are safe in this group in the midst of hundreds of experiences and legit Satanists, who have a strong opinion and can cut short any bullshit of infiltrators and overly ambitious teenagers that want to use Satan as a tool for their own psychopathic ends, such as making a figure of themselves?

The main groups are based on logic and not sheer emotionalism, grudges or anything else. This is why they operate in this way and these people hate them. When push comes to shove, these people are useless and they just can't see beyond their own nose. That's all. This is a negative paradigm for any person that wants to become a successful Satanist, same as working for Satan, but also in their personal life.

Yes...They want to make the group better...So they form another group and forum, take long conversations about overthrowing certain clergy, and make passive aggressive mercy-tweets or angry rants online. As about helping the group and all of you here, not one conversation. All of this exists in documented evidence. You will only be "helped" if you follow their ass and comply, kiss their ass, etc. Otherwise, you receive no help. OR even worse, thou shall be expulded from their "group".

The JoS meanwhile, helps freely, openly, even the Satanists or anyone who might have a different opinion or grudges, whatever. Nobody is forced to make friendly relations, or get in assosciations with anyone, kiss anyone's ass, to gain anything or know anything. 
As for the unappriciative people, who have such a never to attack their own "mother", metaphorically, the JoS who made them Satanists, nothing can be said. The same obnoxious, pathological and sickening people will always exist.
The next reply, when this is the time, will just be the evidence. Nobody cares personally about the issue, other than the aim of the hygiene of the group and the safety of the members.
In thoughts of how some innocents may be foiled into all of this, we ought reply with RTR's and more work for Satan!
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Στις 12:30 π.μ. Πέμπτη, 5 Μαΐου 2016, ο/η HC <hoodedcobra666@... έγραψε: 

Just let them humiliate themselves further. What's up has already been revealed to those who know of that sort of thing. There is much evident involved, things that both SIDF members know and Clergy has become aware of by members and such, the list goes. Nobody acts out of anything “personal” in this case, but the accusers of such. Its just out of the will to protect younger members who are being prey'd upon.

Those of you who have had the misfortune to know the case of Brian Gibbons or even worse be close to them, not only these methods should be apparent, but they will undersand clearly what's up here. Friendish, lying, "let's be friends" obnoxious behavior (so you can accept all the shit I talk about the JoS, or my own opinions without logical points, per se), all had a different aim.
Not only neither of them made it into any “friendship”, but they betrayed these people and did all sorts of other malefic things to them. These people prohibit others from becoming successful and powerful Satanists, merely reducing them to the level of their own stupidity and consciousness. Then their methods are projected to their enemies and they outrageously lie in front of the group or something. That's all.
This is online, people. Cope with it. You can be talking to a person everyday, all day, they could send you pictures that they are the wife of your dreams, or the friend you always wished for, and you can be talking to a freaking kike from Israel that is an organ seller or something. Are people so naïve? You are intelligent enough to not believe in the kike slob story of a “god”. Why believe random idiots online?

This is just another “Brian Gibbons”, “Lucy Lovato”, “Audrey” type of situation and members should well know by history. Some had the misfortune to know, because yes, we have enemies and many of them aren’t dumb. Newbies can't know naturally so they can now learn. With obviously many innocent members that are being used, by the same old infiltrators, there are certain people that guide the rot again. The same psychological factors always guide certain people to act in this way. Most of the time, these people are failures in their personal life and just need to find recognition online.
Rarely they really work for Satan, as all those who have been graced by him know that actually silence and being on the backscene doesn’t really matter.
These people want the spotlights they never had in their lives and are unworthy of, and they will not hesitate to even use Satanism as mean for their ends. When they find the door slammed into their face and they are boo’d, they of course become even more spiteful. Some of these people have been around, as they say, since 2009, being the eternal JoS rejects. That never took ONE moment to think WHY they are being rejected or why this happens. According to them, it must be that they are so overly important. And like, anyone gives a fuck about them. Well, its just that they are deluded and sick. Nothing else. There could also be worse cases in many ways.
That never understood since that if they could change their sickening ways, could be fine and dandy with everyone here and other legitimate Satanists. So the same disturbed cases go over...and over...and over again. Instigating, attacking, starting rumors and lies behind scenes, staging coups in their own mind, etc. All of which are always foiled. They do not have the decent intelligence to understand that these things simply will not pass. I mean, the one whose name they take in vain all the time, Satan, has his eyes placed fixed upon everyone. Don’t they know?

Then, the idiots, they repeat it again. Until they turn like Brian Gibbons into a judaism priest or something. Which was what they wanted all along, anyway. When Satan and Satanism do not comply to the demands of these little bitches, as they hate the fact they do not have a podium to tell everyone of you how awesome, amazing, and useful they are (all words of course, never deed) they lash out like teenagers on heat against their parents. Many of these people who are making "SIDF" forums and call the SIDF a separate entity (while of course kissing the JoS's ass and being predators of JoS members who want to legitimately work for Satan).

Censorship for them just means basically, we do not allow them to carry their psychopathic demands and egopathy in front of anyone, as to foil the mission Satan has given us, which transcends the mere personal wishes of any person involved. Someone though has to go ahead and solve this.
Of course, they take in mouth the wills of Satan to approach the naive members, but at the same time, the Will of Satan that his Clergy works for him, is not correct. It’s like, whatever doesn't agree with their egopathic sickness, must be blotted out. And the groups of thousands of people, with tens and hundreds of newcomers everyday, must become a toilet for their tea party of theirs and their friends.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Στις 11:49 μ.μ. Τετάρτη, 4 Μαΐου 2016, ο/η "kyleshand@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε: 


@...666 I happen to be one of those who had the unfortunate experience of being a part of that now defunct e-group which was formed in 2013. In fact I can even tell you the NAMES of all the infiltrators if you like. Actually, it was Aldric himself who set the group up, Brian was only one of the moderators.

The group was set up by Aldric with the honest intention of helping newcomers with meditation. Within days it turned into a warzone of infighting with people bashing the clergy, people advocating and even bragging about rape and cannibalism and literally the sickest stuff you can imagine. Their names were Brian.Gibbons and his girlfriend Raven.Crowley. Djinn Draconis, ch_3_coo, Kait Jordan, Eve and Mike As, among others who were blocked either because they were outright infiltrators or were decieved and deluded by them.

This gang of FREAKS, these perverted mistakes of nature, nearly managed to split the JoS in two with one half hating the part we are in now while they lead gullible members downwards into a pit of barbarism.

So when people like me and yourself and Cobra and others tell Teloc what their doing is extremely ill advised it's not because of looking down on women or because we think she is an infiltator, it's because of YEARS OF EXPERIENCE with this sort of thing, we have seen how the patterns form and where they lead.



I dont understand any of you. The points were made names were called feelings have been hurt. We have disagreements that should debated maturely. This infighting is just pathetic. Put aside your personal inhibitions and do the rite thing. Stop fighting move on and focus on what is important. Do you not realize many members and also Clergy not to mentions Satan and the Gods are seeing this? Do you all not think all of you are making a mockery of your self? One of the main rules Satan gave to us is NO INFIGHTING AND THAT SATANIST NEED TO BE UNITED. Plain and simple to understand. This thread needs to stop before it gets out of hand. Nothing is being gained from this but the chance to hurt our own organization and the possibility to hurt more Satanic organizations that are here or will be here in the future.     

On Thursday, May 5, 2016 6:10 AM, "Thomas Schweitzer thomas_schweitzer66@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Teloc: <[/IMG]”not to [/IMG]Brain and Raven did things they shouldn't have done, but your calling them jews, which they are not.”[/I]
.... what's wrong with that? I mean that's part of the experience this group has gained in dealing with infiltrators. It'd be foolish to just forget it; I think it should always serve as a reminder and as a reference too. Is funny especially the part with "you're calling them jews" ... this "jooing" thing doesn't seemed to bother you that much when those within the SIDF circle (namely John Templar) said I have "a jew mindset," but when Hoodedcobra mentioned it in regards to Brian and Raven, you seem pretty disturbed. I mean those who are older here know all too well the Gibbons story; they might not be joos, but they surely were infiltrators. So yeah, clear double standards there on your part.  
Teloc: This women's group shouldn't threaten anyone, I said if you want to join you can, and if not that's fine that's it. So I'm not sure where all this backlash came from. You can't say your proud to be a woman without being called a feminist, which is ridiculous. The Joy of Satan website and e groups were started by a woman, so I'm not sure were all the misogyny is coming from."[/I]
.... you constantly bring this up, as much as Dual Serpent (on SIDF) did. I am totally unaware of women being called "feminists" here on JoS Groups, for saying they're proud of being women. I am genuinely curious about when and if this actually occurred. And I'd appreciate it if you'd come up with actual evidence for this. 
@hailourtruegod (aka John Templar on SIDF) ... funny to read all those messages of yours mate. Yeah, I mean it's especially funny to hear all those things from the guy who called us "deluded morons" for choosing to leave SIDF. It seems pretty OK when you do it, huh? And when someone else dares to call you out for what you are, you portrait them as the embodiment of evil. The way to go, indeed. 

On Thursday, May 5, 2016 9:01 AM, "hailourtruegod@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:
  Who's lashing out? You are the only one writing whole essays that is nothing but shit talking. Teloc is nowhere near to how you been acting and you're literally the one acting the way you're saying we are acting and as well making up BS. How is one supposed to have respect for a so called leader when he acts like this? For you to call hardworking dedicated SS "little bitches" shows who you really are. Oh but I bet I'll get a respond saying I'm being rude and disrespectful and having a tantrum lol.

PS you do remember you getting pissed only because I was making a concern about how wording is important (as it says in the JoS) when it comes to magick and meditation and even politely questioned you as to how you said and I quote "I was not aware of that statement (?). I have therefore not been mean to anyone " me saying that doesn't make sense at all because one can not say they didn't do something because they don't remember and I didn't show any disrespect whatsoever but you made an angry reply saying I am only trying to cause chaos with my questions and as well when someone else only asked a simple question if we should be doing other RTRs because they felt it was important. Us like many many many others where shut down by you for asking a few simple questions that could of just been answered with professionalism and poise, like a real leader should.

And insults is all you are able to see, because your reasoning is dead it seems, Teloc...

I know the names, seen them, read about them...

You are wrong, and everybody, apart from your minions who "respect" you, see it. The tactics you and others, are using are all too clear. For someone who has seen them.

Yeah, I too respected one of the "Satanist" - and you know what? I was defending the person, only to be STABBED in the back by him who was going against the Clergy, and later that idiot started openly saying that Spiritual Satanism is for kids, immature people.

Where is that egopath now?


Judge for yourselves. This had to be posted on the forums, since screenshots and pictures cannot be posted here. Now, this topic dies and all the replies will be deleted, as it uses un-nessescary space.

For offbase flaming, playing the victims when you are the instigators, or anything, you are free to anywhere, or everywhere that this thing is welcomed, accepted and considered Satanic.

Here, it is not.
Not are you the one blatantly lying about why we started calling you names that fit you and others was because YOU STARTED calling us all this shit FIRST. you are manipulating everything. It is why you decided to delete your message where you were talking shit. We have it though. You can't hide from it. Now only is that such a jew way to act but when you said for this to stop you were also talking shit in that post. "Oh let's stop this arguing but fuck you guys and you're little bitches BUT DON'T SAY NOTHING BACK BECAUSE I ALREADY SAID IT'S OVER" and then have other members talk shit to us and we defend ourselves but you're saying we're the ones that kept going? Are you okay? Is there something really wrong with you?

I know you're way too scared to let this message go through because it completely contradicts everything you're saying and as well as the other message I just sent a little while ago that did the same on contradicting what people where saying about us because they were wrong and I proved it in that last message.

We have nothing to hide. Unlike you hooded cobra.
o one "disrespected" HC until he *first* started talking shit to Teloc and then to the other members who are hard at work for Satan. It's all there and he even deleted his own post where he was talking shit. How is that for the good of the group? To hide how he is?

 You all say we should respect someone who is very disrespectful to us and if we stand up for ourselves we're the evil ones? Is it really that unbelievable that that doesn't make sense to me or to the others he has been trying to tear down and those who he *has* teared down?
@Stan Smith. Agreed. If me and taol can do it, so can everyone else. But Hooded_Cobra is not at fault here. You have to keep in mind it is more complicated for him as a High Priest, he has the interests of all of us to think about. Like any leader he has to make decisions which affect everyone here not just himself and those decisions may not be popular with everyone at first but it is what is best for the group. And when someone calls a high priest of Satan a Communist, that is an attack on all of us. It's not my place to say whether these people should recieve a banning for this but whatever Cobra's decision, I respect it.

We're not Communists, but we are Socialists. National Socialists. And we do what is best for the group, not the individual.
I'm tired of seeing shit like this. It's not good to be new and see this. Not a good example. I thought you guys were better than this.
On May 5, 2016 9:47 AM, "hailourtruegod@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  You're one to talk. Being outright rude and disrespectful to people and when someone called you blind you threw a bitch fit and said "Oh you're calling me names now? nice" lol. That right there is a jew mindset. You've proved to be an unbalanced person over and over again and that example shows it.

You're crying about me calling you all deluded morons but who was the one who went and talked bad about Redtail behind his back in the Romanian groups... in Romanian. Oh but let's not call that a jew mindset set because that'll be wrong right? Doesn't make sense at all.

And yes I did call you all that because it holds true. Mate. Never called you something you weren't unlike what is being called of us.
Shit... this is just like another sneak attack towards our clergy!

Attempting to coup our Aryan brothers Don and Hooded Cobra!

---In [email protected], <hoodedcobra666@... wrote :


Judge for yourselves. This had to be posted on the forums, since screenshots and pictures cannot be posted here. Now, this topic dies and all the replies will be deleted, as it uses un-nessescary space.

For offbase flaming, playing the victims when you are the instigators, or anything, you are free to anywhere, or everywhere that this thing is welcomed, accepted and considered Satanic.

Here, it is not.
i dont care who is or is not at fault. there is much better ways of dealing with issues then the way this was handled. it just needs to stop.   
Just so it's noted. I made those two message long before HC put his newest post. Idk if he's trying to manipulate it to seem like I wrote it after he made his post about exposing people or what but it's blatant what he can get from that. Make it seem like I'm batching and whining.

The truth always prevails at the end.
In their attempts to come on top and prove others wrong (because who gives a fuck about evaluating one's betrayal and mistakes) more lies are being made up. So to deal with two more circulating lies by Teloc.
1. No names were given but the names they have always had online. SpiritualSatanist92 went publicly by his screename. Nothing was "revealed" that wasn't already public in regards to names and handles.
2. Teloc was, one year ago, while still being a legitimate worker for Satan, ordained in a concealed manner as possible to later become Clergy publicly. This however is void in the public and someone has to keep it a secret until they are publicly ordained.  
She betrayed this secrecy that was expected by going open about it, to probably spitefully attack HPS Maxine, and again, betray all of us and make up more lies up again. 
The only reason of her delay, was that after this, like so many others, she went on a high horse, started attacking people on the forums and trying to impose her opinions, etc. 
Then we were informed that she had other feelings going on in regards to the Clergy. Which later came in to be a concrete Truth and not some mere accussation. The Gods blantantly informed us that we had to wait and they also intervened.
So we waited. And then more and more information amassed. To the point of breakout. 
Everyone is accountable for their motives, and their decisions. Nobody is excluded. Its a natural law. So when one gets omen after omen and they still jump to the pit, is their own choice. What was reaped behind the scenes, is what has been sowed by these individuals.
Playing the eternal victim, lying, or having others to fall into one's own pit, do not matter. What matters is one either corrects themselves, or get down with it. 
What's next in about the lying? 
HoodedCobra came with a spaceship in your backyard and hit you 6 trillion times with a golden stick? 
HoodedCobra the evil overlord did ride a giant whale like a harley, and tried to tremple your temple? 

Στις 7:18 π.μ. Παρασκευή, 6 Μαΐου 2016, ο/η "hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:


Judge for yourselves. This had to be posted on the forums, since screenshots and pictures cannot be posted here. Now, this topic dies and all the replies will be deleted, as it uses un-nessescary space.

For offbase flaming, playing the victims when you are the instigators, or anything, you are free to anywhere, or everywhere that this thing is welcomed, accepted and considered Satanic.

Here, it is not.

So this is why, out of all the people on that useless thread of infighting, the only person who's aura felt "off" was Teloc Vovim and everyone else's aura just felt angry, except for you HC who's aura was impossible for me to get a read on at all.
I double checked and listened to one of Teloc's videos to make sure I wasn't imagining it and sure enough I felt sick listening to the aura in her voice.
I didn't say anything because I wasn't sure but after seeing the way she slandered you and the way all those SIDF guys joined in and called you a communist it all makes sense now.
So basically she was going to be an HP but it wasn't a final decision yet and she got a big head and started trying to replace the clergy?
I can never understand what such people are thinking.How any dedicated SS can do so much good work but then fuck it all up over egotistical bullshit -_-

On Friday, May 6, 2016 3:42 AM, "HC hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  In their attempts to come on top and prove others wrong (because who gives a fuck about evaluating one's betrayal and mistakes) more lies are being made up. So to deal with two more circulating lies by Teloc.
1. No names were given but the names they have always had online. SpiritualSatanist92 went publicly by his screename. Nothing was "revealed" that wasn't already public in regards to names and handles.
2. Teloc was, one year ago, while still being a legitimate worker for Satan, ordained in a concealed manner as possible to later become Clergy publicly. This however is void in the public and someone has to keep it a secret until they are publicly ordained.  
She betrayed this secrecy that was expected by going open about it, to probably spitefully attack HPS Maxine, and again, betray all of us and make up more lies up again. 
The only reason of her delay, was that after this, like so many others, she went on a high horse, started attacking people on the forums and trying to impose her opinions, etc. 
Then we were informed that she had other feelings going on in regards to the Clergy. Which later came in to be a concrete Truth and not some mere accussation. The Gods blantantly informed us that we had to wait and they also intervened.
So we waited. And then more and more information amassed. To the point of breakout. 
Everyone is accountable for their motives, and their decisions. Nobody is excluded. Its a natural law. So when one gets omen after omen and they still jump to the pit, is their own choice. What was reaped behind the scenes, is what has been sowed by these individuals.
Playing the eternal victim, lying, or having others to fall into one's own pit, do not matter. What matters is one either corrects themselves, or get down with it. 
What's next in about the lying? 
HoodedCobra came with a spaceship in your backyard and hit you 6 trillion times with a golden stick? 
HoodedCobra the evil overlord did ride a giant whale like a harley, and tried to tremple your temple? 

Στις 7:18 π.μ. Παρασκευή, 6 Μαΐου 2016, ο/η "hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:


Judge for yourselves. This had to be posted on the forums, since screenshots and pictures cannot be posted here. Now, this topic dies and all the replies will be deleted, as it uses un-nessescary space.

For offbase flaming, playing the victims when you are the instigators, or anything, you are free to anywhere, or everywhere that this thing is welcomed, accepted and considered Satanic.

Here, it is not.

The people behind this aren't jews.They don't have a jewish aura, just a RETARDED oversized ego.

On Friday, May 6, 2016 12:39 AM, "yc28@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Shit... this is just like another sneak attack towards our clergy!

Attempting to coup our Aryan brothers Don and Hooded Cobra!

---In [email protected], <hoodedcobra666@... wrote :


Judge for yourselves. This had to be posted on the forums, since screenshots and pictures cannot be posted here. Now, this topic dies and all the replies will be deleted, as it uses un-nessescary space.

For offbase flaming, playing the victims when you are the instigators, or anything, you are free to anywhere, or everywhere that this thing is welcomed, accepted and considered Satanic.

Here, it is not.

@... why don't you just stick to making your youtube videos and if women have questions on here related to being a woman, then do your best to answer them here or better still allow older, more spiritually advanced women with far more knowledge like High Priestess Maxine, High Priestess Shannon or High Priestess Zildar Rassi answer them? Or even Lilith or other Demons. We can't summon Lilith but we can still pray to her.

Honestly, I have been a Satanist for years and even I have got some things very wrong in the past, not intentionally. But you really underestimate the enemy and overestimate yourself if you think you are beyond being mislead and misleading others yourself accidently, not to mention infiltators and disinfo agents attacking your group. There are so many subliminal messages out there, enemy thoughtforms, propaganda, psychic energy and the like directed against all of us and relations between the sexes is a very very sensitive topic.
HP Maxine has stressed this many times to us DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE JEWS! You have not been made a High Priestess yet for a reason. Some day you may be and I do see a lot of potential in you and can admire your enthusiasm. But it really is for your own benefit that you let this go for now.

HAIL SATAN! Praise Be To The Gods!
@ Sweet Revenge

I fully understand you, which is why it is good that you encountered this, as you can see 1st hand what an egopath is, and how they shed their false mask of "wanting to help the oppressed." I too had the displeasure of seeing the same shit being done to us some time ago.

Some people here suffer from self-importance - a crucial factor in recruiting to KGB, as you would have learned from Yurij Bezmeonv's YT vids. And no, this is not HP Hooded Cobra - on the contrary.

It is clear for us, genuine Satanists, that the Clergy has the obligation to see farther and be as impartial as it is possible. Of course, egopaths will NEVER like it, hence the strife.

Learn from the mistakes of those deluded idiots, so that you could warn others and see past the deception, so that you could never be deceived.


Yuri Bezmenov: Deception Was My Job (Complete)  
This is very bizarre indeed! The behavior speaks for itself, and the actions also. People not have having enough respect for people that have given their entire lives to Satan's cause(Clergy) and having no consideration of this FACT, is quite disgusting to say the least. This whole thing is disgusting. The aftermath is either the continuous need to inflate the ego by posting tweets online, and going on with the plan of forming a small click or changing and TRULY UNDERSTANDING THE TRUTH. Which as we can see above has not been understood in any way by such individuals. 
It is sad indeed that people only want the titles, and really miss the bigger picture. Always using Satan's name and the Gods name to cover up their underhanded goals and desires, trying to be mediators, because THEY MATTER SOOOO MUCH, just because they tell you they do. Having overly inflated egos to the point of never learning from their mistakes or taking advice. Because again, they matter so much and your advice is only opinion to them. THEN BLATANTLY TRYING TO CAUSE A SEPARATION TO THE #1 GROUP OF SATAN (Satan's united team). WHICH *WILL* ONLY DELAY THE CLIMAX OF OUR COLLECTIVE EFFORT. IF THEY TOOK THE TIME TO *THINK* TO REALIZE THIS, BUT NO THEY MATTER TOO MUCH AND ARE THE CEO's OF THE SIDF, AND THEY ARE BIGGER THAN THIS. THEIR FOCUSES ARE ON THE TITLE NOT THE GOAL, NOT THE FUTURE OF THIS UNIT, THEY *BOLDLY* WENT AGAINST IT!Well, let this will only serve as a lesson for new and experienced members, even future member. 
As soon as the message was posted in the E-groups, many members grew concerned, and this was unusual as a "SS women's group" did not pose as a threat and does seem like a rather fair and just title at first. But many users DID object and soon after the truth blows up in your face! Sometimes our intuition does reveal us many truths, ESPECIALLY WHEN ALIGNED WITH SATAN'S WILL! The eternal truth, DESTROYER OF LIES! Scandals like these blow up in your face and your like, REALLY? WTF! AH! I am dedicated to Satan, I trust his team, I trust his unit, and I work for him and I try my best to LEARN from those that have MORE EXPERIENCE and GROW = Knowing truth from lies. Very simple equation for success.

Don't ever turn away from what elevated you and MADE YOU THE BEST YOU COULD EVER BE, doing so is going against the will of Satan. Who represents the JoS and Satan? The clergy! His truly dedicated ones! And the actions and behavior of the individuals above speaks for itself. So take your notes, store this event in your memory, and let this serve as a very VALUABLE LESSON FOR EVERYONE!

Hail Satan!


On Wed, 5/4/16, tjs4satan@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: SS Women
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Wednesday, May 4, 2016, 8:51 PM


I am no one's Slave, I have stated this over
and over, The ones who have gained my respect are High
Priestess Maxine Dietrich and Teloc Vovim
The rest of you act like communist
using psychological warfare the way you do, to beat anyone
down with an honest idea, or that opposes you, its
Look here a
HP calling his Brothers in Sisters in Satan
I capatalize
because it must be hard for you to read.
I work for SATAN


But we all know, you already know
all this. plus a lot more.
Yet you go on and on about this and

that lie, doing you best to make Spiritual Satanists who
have been around for years WORKING for SATAN for years look
bad, because what, you feel threatened? 
This shit isn't

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Hi the enemy attacks me that I am Jewish. Can u feel my aura for me and tell me weather or not it's Jewish.Does it feel off?
On May 6, 2016, at 8:07 AM, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  So this is why, out of all the people on that useless thread of infighting, the only person who's aura felt "off" was Teloc Vovim and everyone else's aura just felt angry, except for you HC who's aura was impossible for me to get a read on at all.
I double checked and listened to one of Teloc's videos to make sure I wasn't imagining it and sure enough I felt sick listening to the aura in her voice.
I didn't say anything because I wasn't sure but after seeing the way she slandered you and the way all those SIDF guys joined in and called you a communist it all makes sense now.
So basically she was going to be an HP but it wasn't a final decision yet and she got a big head and started trying to replace the clergy?
I can never understand what such people are thinking.How any dedicated SS can do so much good work but then fuck it all up over egotistical bullshit -_-

On Friday, May 6, 2016 3:42 AM, "HC hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  In their attempts to come on top and prove others wrong (because who gives a fuck about evaluating one's betrayal and mistakes) more lies are being made up. So to deal with two more circulating lies by Teloc.
1. No names were given but the names they have always had online. SpiritualSatanist92 went publicly by his screename. Nothing was "revealed" that wasn't already public in regards to names and handles.
2. Teloc was, one year ago, while still being a legitimate worker for Satan, ordained in a concealed manner as possible to later become Clergy publicly. This however is void in the public and someone has to keep it a secret until they are publicly ordained.  
She betrayed this secrecy that was expected by going open about it, to probably spitefully attack HPS Maxine, and again, betray all of us and make up more lies up again. 
The only reason of her delay, was that after this, like so many others, she went on a high horse, started attacking people on the forums and trying to impose her opinions, etc. 
Then we were informed that she had other feelings going on in regards to the Clergy. Which later came in to be a concrete Truth and not some mere accussation. The Gods blantantly informed us that we had to wait and they also intervened.
So we waited. And then more and more information amassed. To the point of breakout. 
Everyone is accountable for their motives, and their decisions. Nobody is excluded. Its a natural law. So when one gets omen after omen and they still jump to the pit, is their own choice. What was reaped behind the scenes, is what has been sowed by these individuals.
Playing the eternal victim, lying, or having others to fall into one's own pit, do not matter. What matters is one either corrects themselves, or get down with it. 
What's next in about the lying? 
HoodedCobra came with a spaceship in your backyard and hit you 6 trillion times with a golden stick? 
HoodedCobra the evil overlord did ride a giant whale like a harley, and tried to tremple your temple? 

Στις 7:18 π.μ. Παρασκευή, 6 Μαΐου 2016, ο/η "hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] έγραψε:


Judge for yourselves. This had to be posted on the forums, since screenshots and pictures cannot be posted here. Now, this topic dies and all the replies will be deleted, as it uses un-nessescary space.

For offbase flaming, playing the victims when you are the instigators, or anything, you are free to anywhere, or everywhere that this thing is welcomed, accepted and considered Satanic.

Here, it is not.

Posted by: fake name <angryshaman666@...
@taol_van_sherwood Thank you. And likewise, no hard feelings towards you either.

HAIL SATAN! Praise Be To The Gods!
No one "disrespected" HC until he *first* started talking shit to Teloc and then to the other members who are hard at work for Satan. It's all there and he even deleted his own post where he was talking shit. How is that for the good of the group? To hide how he is?

You all say we should respect someone who is very disrespectful to us and if we stand up for ourselves we're the evil ones? Is it really that unbelievable that that doesn't make sense to me or to the others he has been trying to tear down and those who he *has* teared down?
Oh, to deal with two other lies these people are circulating around.

Firstly, I gave no "names" but their screennames given on their account(s). SpiritualSatanist92 had this name up. I used the screenname provided. Nobody knew about what their real names were, except of what they posted online by themselves.


Teloc shares her mail from last year, from when she was a legitimate worker for Satan and had the support of everyone. Lately, after going into a high horse and thinking the Clergy is a house of demands and that she is the "crusader" that will bring the evil ones in the "purgatory", she tried to triumphantly force her opinions, and slowly after finding the door, scorned the Clergy she thought of responsible for this, behind the scenes and stage coups behind their back.

This is why the Gods instructed that we should blantantly wait and that something went really wrong in regards to the whole situation after a point.

Nothing is set in stone and everyone has free will and accountability for their actions. To attempt escape this doesn't work at all. How one handles things is heir bussiness and they are self-responsible about it.

So what came is evident. Just a few months after this, serious backstabbings began, as behind the scenes activity. All this became apparent now. As the SIDF grew, these grew as well and members related this to the Clergy. They publicly lie and will keep lying until the end of time. I wonder what is going to be next. Maybe they own a spaceship in their backyard or something.

Also, Teloc was supposed to have kept this email and her concealed ordainment confidential, but in her last attempt to deceive people, betrayed this unworded oath to secrecy, same as herself, us and everyone involved, she shoot it out in revenge for HPS Maxine, maybe as well. It was another spiteful attack of a deranged individual.

As I have affirmed, nobody's ordainment has any value if its not made public.

Literally, congratulations on betraying everyone and resorting into such low level grade of manipulation.

Their only concern is that they got foiled before anything more important could happen. That's all.

But behind this all rests the enemy, who with their incessestant magick and their spiritual pawns does attack the group and all of us. Such acts are manifestations of their existence, and people need to be aware, and together, to avoid these things. What we are doing with attacking the enemy spiritually and deconstruting them, nobody in the world is doing. This should be ingrained into the minds of our people who are fighting against that living enemy scum.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
If you are in support of the infiltrator, the door out is as open for you as it is for her. 
If you are pathetically pissed off that her and her clique of retards were shamed, you can eat shit, no one really cares. 
Turldock vovim and her clique of infiltrators who were banned and exposed along with Brian Gibbons have sought for the destruction of the integrity of the Joy of Satan groups as well as the infiltration of Clergy as they feel that their clique is above all else and should have the exclusive authority of running the JoS ministry. That shit does not fly by us here and if you attempt to let it fly you'll get the same treatment Turd-lock did. 
These groups aren't for sissies or pansies either,  if you're going to start crying and slitting your wrist when you're put in your place for getting out of your place,  we can't give a shit. 
I suggest you rid of your weakness and your vile submission to Turd-lock and her retard clique. 
On Fri, 6 May, 2016 at 4:14, hailourtruegod@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   No one "disrespected" HC until he *first* started talking shit to Teloc and then to the other members who are hard at work for Satan. It's all there and he even deleted his own post where he was talking shit. How is that for the good of the group? To hide how he is?

You all say we should respect someone who is very disrespectful to us and if we stand up for ourselves we're the evil ones? Is it really that unbelievable that that doesn't make sense to me or to the others he has been trying to tear down and those who he *has* teared down?
Take note that if Teloc Vovim and all her teenage lackeys were TRULY spiritually advanced they would never do this shit.If they really meditated every day to where they actually could feel the results they'd never let their ego turn them into spoiled retarded brats.
And all the work Teloc Vovim did was shit we already did on our own anyway.All her videos were just audio narrations of what the HP's already wrote on the JOS site.
She didn't make any of this shit herself.
and as for the SIDF, that was my idea but she stole it and since I'm not the type to dick around on a computer all day running an egroup I wasn't going to do it myself anyway.She just took my idea and claimed the credit since I wasn't going to do it.
I said "since the jews mass report our vids, we should do the same to them!"Teloc Vovim saw an opportunity to gain followers by doing this and made the SIDF, A group name I personally hated because it still has the "defense force" initials in it and makes me think of the IGF.

Then she turned it into a hangout for bratty teenagers who thought they could put one over on the gods, thus proving I was right to be suspicious even of the acronym she picked when she took my idea of mass reporting the jews and ran with it.

I also sensed something nasty in her aura in her recent videos but until she flat out called HP HC a communist I wasn't sure.My senses so far have always been 100% accurate. I sensed something off about Teloc Vovim and it turned out to be true.If I could sense this then of course the gods saw right through her and exposed this to the HP's.
Thus these bratty teenagers who spent all their time on the internet instead of meditating and actually bettering themselves all got banned.

On Saturday, May 7, 2016 4:40 AM, "Fourth Reich fourth_reich666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  If you are in support of the infiltrator, the door out is as open for you as it is for her. 
If you are pathetically pissed off that her and her clique of retards were shamed, you can eat shit, no one really cares. 
Turldock vovim and her clique of infiltrators who were banned and exposed along with Brian Gibbons have sought for the destruction of the integrity of the Joy of Satan groups as well as the infiltration of Clergy as they feel that their clique is above all else and should have the exclusive authority of running the JoS ministry. That shit does not fly by us here and if you attempt to let it fly you'll get the same treatment Turd-lock did. 
These groups aren't for sissies or pansies either,  if you're going to start crying and slitting your wrist when you're put in your place for getting out of your place,  we can't give a shit. 
I suggest you rid of your weakness and your vile submission to Turd-lock and her retard clique. 
  No one "disrespected" HC until he *first* started talking shit to Teloc and then to the other members who are hard at work for Satan. It's all there and he even deleted his own post where he was talking shit. How is that for the good of the group? To hide how he is?

You all say we should respect someone who is very disrespectful to us and if we stand up for ourselves we're the evil ones? Is it really that unbelievable that that doesn't make sense to me or to the others he has been trying to tear down and those who he *has* teared down?

Why not shut the fuck up already?

---In [email protected], <hailourtruegod@... wrote :

Just so it's noted. I made those two message long before HC put his newest post. Idk if he's trying to manipulate it to seem like I wrote it after he made his post about exposing people or what but it's blatant what he can get from that. Make it seem like I'm batching and whining.

The truth always prevails at the end.
         I'm quite disgusted by this so called "debate" that we are having here. We as Brothers and Sisters of Satan are supposed to work with each other, not against each other. This entire argument is just a waste of time and the enemy is likely laughing at us. These pointless arguments are getting us nowhere, in fact they're just setting us back. THIS IS WHAT THE ENEMY WANTS, IT'S WHAT THEY'VE ALWAYS WANTED!! If we oppose each other it makes us weak and from the looks of it, unintelligent.
         It's quite obvious that we're not sorting anything out so I believe a course of action needs to be taken. The Joy of Satan organization has always, and will ALWAYS be what we will follow. If you are at a disagreement with something someone has said you can feel free to state your reasoning. BUT don't let your opinions take things this far to the point where we are fighting against one another. This entire situation is completely unnecessary, and we as Spiritual Satanists and a Family need to completely disregard this topic, because it’s quite obvious we can’t resolve it.
         The fact that some of us are opposing the HPs, who have put all of their effort into this organization, is preposterous. THEY ARE THE REASON YOU ARE HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE. They are the ones who have given us access to this knowledge on the internet and without them you wouldn’t be living the life you are now. We all need to stop this immediately and place our thoughts on destroying our enemies, not each other.   
It's true. I trust only Maxime and HC. I respect Mageson. But trust only those two.

Sent from Samsung Mobile

-------- Original message --------
From: "Sims Motal simsmotal@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date: 06/05/2016 18:42 (GMT+01:00)
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: SS Women


Hail Satan!


On Wed, 5/4/16, tjs4satan@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: SS Women
To: [email protected]
Date: Wednesday, May 4, 2016, 8:51 PM


I am no one's Slave, I have stated this over
and over, The ones who have gained my respect are High
Priestess Maxine Dietrich and Teloc Vovim
The rest of you act like communist
using psychological warfare the way you do, to beat anyone
down with an honest idea, or that opposes you, its
Look here a
HP calling his Brothers in Sisters in Satan
I capatalize
because it must be hard for you to read.
I work for SATAN


But we all know, you already know
all this. plus a lot more.
Yet you go on and on about this and

that lie, doing you best to make Spiritual Satanists who
have been around for years WORKING for SATAN for years look
bad, because what, you feel threatened? 
This shit isn't

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-------- Original message --------
From: "Sims Motal simsmotal@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date: 06/05/2016 18:42 (GMT+01:00)
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: SS Women


Hail Satan!


On Wed, 5/4/16, tjs4satan@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: SS Women
To: [email protected]
Date: Wednesday, May 4, 2016, 8:51 PM


I am no one's Slave, I have stated this over
and over, The ones who have gained my respect are High
Priestess Maxine Dietrich and Teloc Vovim
The rest of you act like communist
using psychological warfare the way you do, to beat anyone
down with an honest idea, or that opposes you, its
Look here a
HP calling his Brothers in Sisters in Satan
I capatalize
because it must be hard for you to read.
I work for SATAN


But we all know, you already know
all this. plus a lot more.
Yet you go on and on about this and

that lie, doing you best to make Spiritual Satanists who
have been around for years WORKING for SATAN for years look
bad, because what, you feel threatened? 
This shit isn't

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No, we respect him because he is maybe the biggest and the most best one who is working for Satan. He deleted his post because he wanted this topic to die, because we just keep on arguing. Teloc Vovim is like HC said with just a big ego satanist, who thinks that the clergy is bad and that she only is the best of all the HP and HPS.

And sorry if i remembered wrong. I was writing this before i read the HC post again. So sorry about it if i remembered it wrong. But the point is, that Teloc is a woman and HC i a man so, sorry if i am attacking, why is there women too in the leading places of the clergy. Arent the clergy like our leaders? Women do have little skill at leading dont they?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
