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RE-Read-It WEEKLIES: Looking back at Important Material [Week 23]


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2019
Sorry for disappearing on you all, had a bit of a mental crisis, and took the time to pick myself back up, just a lot happened, without sounding like a joke, here is these things, In the long run I came to the conclusion again,(not the first time might not be the last time) and thought to myself (most of my disappearance was because of guilt from a mistake I made, almost feeling not worthy because of the dumbshit I did) but It reoccurred to me why be a little bitch about it we make mistakes I've made many and probably will make many more (hopefully not) but not only is this a spiritual war but a personal war, we are all fighting for our evolution as well as fighting the enemy, I almost felt borderline schizo this past few months fighting against my self, my laziness, by past terrible habits, one part of me this and one part of me that, both fighting each other. but truly only thing that is important is the RTR's and the betterment of myself, It sometimes gets me down with how slow my advancement has been, but we are all individual and I am fault for the damage I have done to myself in the far past, I want to say it's extremely true when the clergy says don't let anyone stop you not even yourself because sometimes your thoughts your laziness or comfort-ability whatever you may *or the enemy intruding into your thoughts* can put you in a far worse situation than anything else., In truth some one who I was friends wiith awhile back not really a true SS i would say but they where the only real life friend I knew and thought I had, they were going down the road of that shitty cannabis, long story short, in the attempts let them do their thing because I coudlnt talk them out of it, the energy of it all fucked me up, and i did some shit i regret, and as i was talking to them for along time i was strong but I did fuck up, but then pulled myself out of it, I felt like I lost so much just from that mistake as i broke an oath to myself and the Gods, and I have to almost essentially what feels like start over, I became mentally lazy and slowly was doing less and less for myself and trying to do more and more online warfare which backfired, obvious to me, I made the mistake and it was almost like a dual personality thats why i mentioned schizo, being empathic already naturally its easy for me to be influenced by anyone if I do not put up a strong enough wall or have a strong enough AOP or clean my aura effeciently all these lack of these things brought me almost to my downfall, but I never will and never have lost faith in myself and I never will lose faith in Father(that goes without saying if you have known me on the forums I thank the Gods and Father Satan for everrything), never have and never even gotten close, I know the truth and once you have the truth you never can unsee it when you have read as much as I have andhad as many experiences (especially the ones where i should have died) and yet always the Gods are there and have my back, I know they are dissapointed in the mistakes that I have made, I could beat the shit out of myself for being the dumbass I was, I know they are disappointed because I myself am disappointed, as my defenses fell and mentally I ended up fighting myself, fighting what I had fought so hard to get away from that I even moved states, I almost fell into bad habits again, but staying strong, even though I did fuck up and kicked the shit I might have fallen to my knees in guilt for a few month or so but no matter what happens I will always pick myself back up and continue marching down the left handed path with my dedicated Brothers and Sisters of Satan, There is no way I cannot, there is so much work to do and it constantly is keeping me awake at night not doing what I must do.
There are many workings I still need to do, I am rebuilding my meditation routine as it fell to only the basics( AOP AOC YOGA RTR)

Now I don't want your pity I don't want anyone's pity, I originally was going to not write this, but for two reasons I feel better just typing this, and hope this, so that if anyone out there who reads this is letting your guilt / mistakes for doing some dumbshit and having it hold you back, Don't let anyone stop you not even yourself damnit we all make mistakes, some worse than others, sometimes we go through bad astrological times and we don't have high enough energy to face it, or we are facing issues from our past lives, and have yet to work through it spiritually, even though not great, and very disappointing to me and everyone,I know it could have been worse, I know I didnt lose much for it, but it's very important to not beat yourself up too much because that itself can be damaging to your soul.

I hope my mistakes can also be a lesson to others in retrospect I know I should have been stronger and kick the "friend" out of my life, simple fact was I was not strong, but also let myself get negatively influenced, not that I can't be strong but I wasn't and that is a learning path for me to figure out better ways to strengthen myself, and that in the future I just need to work harder in order to be more in control of myself my mind my soul and there are workings that I put off that need to be done next available chance, there countless things that need to be done for me personally, and if there is something that you are putting off and know deep inside you need to do it, stop putting it off and focus on yourself as well, long story short forgive yourself if you fuck up and work towards being stronger so you don't keep fucking up, I almost feel like im in a cycle of mistakes and im trying to gnaw my way out, one reason why I used to have the name perseverance13666, no matter what you must persevere, follow your feelings. Satan and The Gods wont give up on you as long as you don't give up on yourself or them.

HP HC please read the above, you're a better judge of things I say and if they should be posted, I will post this, if its not a good idea just delete it. It's at least nice to to type this out.

Here is the week 23 2/3 =.666 Hail Satan! I neglected this thread, but no more

P.S I wont be doing the audio for awhile, I switched over to arch linux and am learning everything, did so because big tech is saying fuck you to my fourth amendment more than ever, and I no longer have that software which made editing/fixing audio easy and fast, as I am a bit of perfectionist and I don't have the time to spend 3-5 hours on audio, I will leave it some other talented individual, and if no one picks it up I'll revisit these later and do the audio when I am more stable time wise
(I also still need to catch up and make the rest of the videos from the previous recordings and remake the ones I already made because to be honest I don't think they are good enough I have issues with the music etc)

Article 1

Ancient Greek Stolen Concepts Of The Kabbalah
by HP. Hoodedcobra666 Nov 15, 2018

The issue is the jews lived within the Greek empire and they saw the Greeks taking over the
world and expansion of Alexander the Great's Empire. They were exposed to the growth of the
empire and could observe how empires are run for a very long time.

The situation is the same with the Romans who had them, albeit the hatred for the larger
population, somehow always latched on their back for the whole time of existence of both of the
Greek and the Roman empire. By the time the Romans understood the existential corrosion it
was already too late as they couldn't suppress the jews militarily or otherwise.

The mainstream history just states this was done for whatever reason but the outcome of the
effects of actions do show that Alexander wanted to re-aryanize the places where there was
prior an Aryan Pagan culture but just create an empire based on the Pagan re-awakening. By
Alexanders time the spiritual downfall was already evident people were just swimming more and
more in gross lack of spirituality.

Also many White or otherwise Greek racially people were scattered in all the areas where the
Greeks dominated and this is why Alexander the Great got a "Barbarian" wife whose name was
Roxanne. Through Roxanne also and the noble family Alexander tried to expand into the Hindu
region in order to manifest the first objective of the empire which was the restoration of the
Vedic culture. But he died before any of this even manifested properly.

It's to be stated however all non Pagan expressions of faith such as Judaism were punishable
by death. And the jews of the time therefore attempted to merge in with the "Hellenized" thought
to avoid execution. This death would not only come from the government but the normal people
as well. The Greek empire allowed ALL other Pagan faiths, and anything Pagan, but it only had
a beef with jews.

The Roman future of how the jews sacrificed babies, promoted spiritual hoaxes, overthrown and
perverted Rome, and did spiritual crimes, just plainly shows why this was the case.

The jews had to live under two systems of rulers one was the Greeks and the other was the
Romans who were based on the Greeks. And the Greeks created the first modern Vedic empire
after a very long time of nothing existing of this kind. Later this empire also merged with Egypt
and lasted hundreds and hundreds of years.

This was instated by Alexander whose teacher was Aristotle, and Aristotle was called a Sage as
how the Hindus call their own Rishis. All the Greek philosophers of the era also were aware of
the eastern connection, the origins of the east, and the ancient pre-homeric Vedic culture. Even
Homer was considered part of this Vedic culture.

Aristotle's second existence was not that of the empirical scientist but the occult mastermind.
There are descriptions where Aristotle taught Alexander how to do binding rituals and how to
summon the Gods and many other things. The whole story has been physicalized as some sort
of dumb conquest of the world for whatever things.

The Greeks of the time were rich and just fine they didn't require to enter lands that were utterly
pointless in resources, in 'barbarians' and many other things. But it was known that since the
ancient times there were leftovers of White populations in the middle-east. Just hovering there
as barbarians while racially they were Aryans. Artemisia for whom a movie was made in the 300
sequel was a woman top military commander of the Persian empire who was Greek in blood.

However with the Greeks something happened the Greeks did not just sit idly with the spiritual
knowledge to get stoned, they utilized this knowledge and created one of the world's most
significant civilizations. Like the Egyptians did. And the jews were observing this from the
closeby and were a 5th column in what was the Greek empire of the time. At the time of the
Greeks and the Egyptians the sages only wanted to return the world to a "Vedic" type of
civilization which existed in the Golden age.

The jews had hijacked later Platonism which was the root teachings of the spiritual side of the
Greek empire and the higher occult mystery schools. They could never get into the inner core of
these such as the Orphics or the Delphics but they could pseudo-philosophize as they do today.
They also acted as a racial 5th column inside the Greek empire as they were jews in blood but
they were raised in Greek literacy under the Greek empire. They were called the Exile or the
Diaspora as far as the jews as concerned.

The jew who burned the library of Alexandria or Philo Judaueus was one of these dispora racial
jews who had Greek education. The greatest crime against the Greeks and the whole of the
Pagan civilization back then was the torching of all the inherited knowledge of mankind until this
point in the Alexandrian Library. Thousands upon thousands of labors, toils, researching, and
knowledge about the history of mankind was simply torched. Today the jews cannot torch the
libraries of mankind but they have won the information war simply by desecrating anything
meaningful and corrupting it. And censoring information.

This to be understood is context is how the jews today in America pretend to be American, try to
decide for America, and are claiming they are American, while all they do is simply take America
down the multicultural, unholy drain. This is the same behavior the jews always engaged when
being under any empire. Today modern jews say the jews are in exile under Esau in America,
as Esau is one code name for Whites they use in their context. And that Esau needs to be
destroyed. The jews also call America the second Rome, and parellel it with Ancient Greek
empire and it's abuse towards jews. Because as anyone can see the jews have a very hard life
in the US, occupying the best provisions in everything, and living in Beverly Hills for example.

So like we have "American Jews" today, who are racially and in conscience jews, but in
passport and nationality "American", we have had thousands of years ago "Hellenistic" jews.

The Hellenistic Jews were basically racial jews who in order to escape execution from the Greek
empire, pretended that Judaism was to some extent "Hellenized" in order to save themselves
from execution. Just covering up for the facts of what they really were working on.

The disapora's purpose was to steal knowledge from the native populations. And corrupt it's
native knowledge. While delivering the stolen information in the hands of the jewish Rabbinate.
This amassing of information took tens of centuries until the jews could reach a level of
understanding enough to use this knowledge to dominate the planet directly. And it makes
sense this knowledge in the first place was used as a formative knowledge for prior empires.

The Gematria of the jews is simply what is called Geometria or Geometry of the Platonists or
Pythagoreans this is simply the study of numbers, shapes, and their natural connotations. The
jews just ripped off this system and they created the Gematria.

The Kabbalah is based on the concept of Kavana which in Greek means "The Bell". The "Bell"
is just the symbol of the living vibration of words. The Ain Soph of the jews means "Mia Sophia"
which means "The one Wisdom". This is the name of the so called universal creator. The Ein
Soph is also an anagram from the Greek Ena Phos which means the Singular Light which the
Egyptians also described as the power of Ra. Which was the basis of the Solar Religion.

The Jews also name the "Chakras" the "Sephirot" which is just a ripoff of the Greek Zephyro
which is "Jewel". In the east all the chakras are described as jewels. Zephyro also comes from
Zephyros which is the Greek God of the Vital wind, the Vayu of the East.

Nefesh is also stolen from the Greek Nefos which means heavenly deity of the clouds. As
Nefesh is used as a term to describe the sum of the vital winds inside the body. Even Christos
which is pulled from the backdoor in the Kabbalah, Christos just means "The One Initiated In the
Mysteries" and absolutely nothing else. It's an epithet.

The "Adam" of the jews comes of the Greek Adamas which means "rare jewel" or "supremely
rare stone", or in literal translation, the Diamond. The "Body of Adam" or "Adam Kadmon" is the
Diamond body of the East, another corrupted statement.

Adam Kadmon is also ripped off from the Greek Mythical King Kadmus, King of Thebes, who
was born from the mouth of the Serpent as is the common myth of the Thebean Greek people.
Kadmus fought the dragon/serpent and when he won he was born from his mouth. Kadmus is
also coming from Kekadme which means "To Shine Brightly" in Greek, and Keka comes from
that which is resulted from burning as in Kekamena, or the Cleansing by Fire process. Which
results to Kadmus the fire body.

The tale also says according to Herodotus Kadmus came from the Phoenician lands but this is a
racial matter not an alphabetical debate as it appears the Greek Alphabet existed before the
Phoenician Alphabet, as the first correlations measurable correlations are seen in 1000 Bc while
Herodotus based on his time says that Kadmus settled in Greece 1600 years earlier. So the
whole meme that Greek was from Phoenician simply cannot stand, as there is a 1000 years
gap, with Herodotus living at around 500 bc and saying that Kadmus was the Greek king 2000
years ago, but the first correlations between "Phoenician" and "Greek" appearing in 1050 Bc.

Making the "everything started from Phoenicians" as far as the theory is concerned more than
likely wrong. In anyway the Phoenicians were probably just Indo-European whites anyway as
this was a term used by the Greeks for the people living in the region of Tyre, or whom the jews
call Canaaites, and where, aside the Greeks, one of the races that are destined for
extermination in the Bible. Its clear the Jews didn't just peacefully co-exist nor with Greeks nor
with the Phoenicians and wanted them dead. Because apparently both the Phoenicians and the
Greeks simply had enough of the kikes and opposed them and wanted them gone.

They constantly were programmed by all these people and they ripped off knowledge from them
forcefully, to the point the native populations always chased them around to murder them.

Adam - Kadmon forms Adam-Admon which is close to Adamantinos which means
Adamantinum and is the strongest essence that can be found in nature. Adamantine in
Mythology was the most incorruptible element in existence, showing full indestructibility.
Kadmus in Greek Mythology came from the Serpent/Dragons Teeth. Today we know
Adamantine is part of our teeth. This is because the Dragon resides on the Holy Bone or the
Tailbone which is also to imply the indestructible quality of rebirth. The bone itself looks like a
giant tooth.

Angel which the jews use is also another stolen statement, it is another epithet meaning simply
and without any other connotation, messenger. Hermes was the Angelos of Zeus since he
moved Zeus's decrees. The jews call their angels "Cheruvim" which possibly relates to Heru
which is stolen from Chi-Ra, and Hera literally means "The Hand". Hera is also the name of
Zeus's wife showing what this is about. As such we have the concept of the "Hand of God" or
the "Angels who act in his behalf". After centuries the Christards said that "Mother Mary Was
Cherubim", to show how much corruption a statement like that can get unto itself. Mother Hera
became Mother Mary, and Hera became the "Cherubim".

The Klippoth of Kabbalah which means just "Husks" comes from the Greek word "Kelyphos"
which means the covering or the shroud, or the exoskeleton, carapace. Literally Keliphos which
in female is Kelipha means "Light Imprisonment". The jews state they try to remove the "Kelipha
From the Sephirot" which should be clear by now what they mean. As a derogatory statement,
they call the Pagan Gods (from which all of this is stolen from...add insult to injury...) Klippoth.

To show that our Gods are the greatest existential problem of jews and do not allow them to
even liveor thrive. Everything negative the jews experience they say it's the Klipot doing it,
which has two meanings, one is our Gods, and the second is the stolen meaning of problems
with the soul light. Apparently what makes us Gentile shine simply makes the jews dim out and

The jews also in Kabbalah to show reduction they add the Greek prefix KAT in front of their
words. Like Katnut which is the concept of reduction in their Kabbalistic writings.

Keter or Crown simply means K-Ether which is actually the Greek Ethere or Ether or Aether. K
is from Korona which means Crown. This is the symbolic of the Crown chakra on the top of the
head. Korach in the Kabbalah simply means.

Metatron which the jews call their top angel is simply a fully ripped of concept of the Meta-
Thronos which means the one beyond the Throne and is symbolic of the Crown Chakra as well.

Neshama which is the name of the should comes from Anasema which means "The Breath" or
the power to breathe. This again goes to the Hindu Vayu and the concept of the breath.

Adonai is ripped off from Adonis which was the love of Aphrodite.

The whole of the jewish alphabet is just also a ripoff of a couple of languages such as the
Egyptian "Yoth" which they later turned into Yod, and many other examples. As far as Greek is
concerned many of these letters are just ripped off from Greek alphabet as well.

Alpha into Alef, Beta into Bet, Gamma into Gimel and so forth. Similarly the jews have acted in
other examples such as mistranslated the names of the Gods so in their language they mean
different things such as Astarte to Astoreth which means excrement in hebrew.

The name itself of the whole stolen culture as "Kabbalah" can probably be traced down to the
word Kymbala which are just instruments of music that produce vibration. The drums are used
as symbolism to show vibration and Kabbalah is based as a concept of the creation through the
speech and vibration fields. This is also an Egyptian word stolen verbatim anyway.

The Rabbis are divided in two aspects here. Those that do admit that it's all stolen from the
'exiles' and that it's knowledge accumulated from Gentiles the so called "Kabbalah", and
jewdized to the core. And those that are against mentioning this too openly who scorn the big
rabbis who even admitted this such as Maimonedes. The jews are aware of their theft and
ultimate perversion and they rejoice it either way.

The fact the Kabbala is an Ancient Greek system of ascent based on Egyptian and Vedic
principles should be clear. Since all the Ancient Greek sages were in reality, at least the
important ones, studied in Egypt, while some also went into the Far East. Same as all those
who provided the system to raise spiritually in the cryptic schools like Pythagoras who was
directly an Egyptian student and also into the Greek mysteries at the same time.

Iamvlichus from whom we have surviving texts about Pythagoras just highlights that in the mind
of those in the know the Greek mysteries and the Ancient Egyptian ones were just the same.
And it was all traced back to the Far East the first Golden Age Civilization. As such they also
moved towards the east, the later 'conquerors' such as Alexander.

However even in the time of Pythagoras when he tried to bring the mysteries back to Greece he
had found that the general spiritual condition of people was already steeping too low and a
people alienated to what a few centuries earlier was it's actual culture.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Article 2

Blessed Life And A Very Important Answer On Family
by HP. Hoodedcobra666 » Apr 05, 2018

Many people relate to me in astrology and in some other ways, that they are the last of their
family, that they do not have siblings, that they do not want to have children and many other
such things.

This is because largely, it has been made into an awareness by the enemy, that this is a very
difficult thing, full of hazardous responsibilities, that doesn't give happiness, and everyone
knows the enemy's hatred for the traditional family values, which are not wrong, but they are
brought forth from life. The enemy wants only individuals, easy to control, and fragmentation in
society. Well of course, when one is younger, one naturally doesn't really want a family which it
also makes sense from a natural perspective. The destruction of the family unit, it's
fragmentation, and it's ruin is well documented in the protocols of Zion.

If you look at the jews they have 5 children at a minimum. The Rabbis in particular also have
many of their diseased offspring to walk the planet, and they discipline them in reptilian
standards to do what they must do for the survival of the jewish race. On the other hand, the
same jews push the destruction of the Gentile family unit.

There have been cases of families as well where the person is the last White person, or where
everyone in the family is into race mixing or race mixed themselves, while the person has come
clean somehow. There are also cases of bad families, but this shouldn't affect the native. In the
first place, as yourself, why would one be in a wrong family, rather than a better one? Because
such spiritual families who are better off are becoming scarce and rarer by the day.

This can manifest in that due to someone to reincarnate properly, they may have to do so in a
more inferior family, that will however give them the necessary gifts they need to advance
further. This can be highly unpleasant. And from where this began in the first place? From the
matter that nobody wanted to make nice families and that society is at war with families in

Now, the enemy in the bible has major curse to exterminate the generations of their enemies.
And to make them go fully extinct. In the families such as above I have also been let known a
grandparent or someone else may have had some abilities ranging from spiritually minor to
some being quite gifted.

The enemy does curses to end these generations of spiritual people. They obviously do not do
such curses on the retards who become coal burners, they do this because from these
generations can emerge some more spiritual people that are of Satan and therefore a problem
to their agenda. Admixture dilutes this process. As such all races had pure aristocratic families,
this was a spiritual concept based on spiritual inheritance of powers.

If you are a Satanist, and you are not somewhere that you have to do something binding and
important (these when done seriously can rob the freedom of someone) one must consider
having children. Not like immediately but as a goal, aside others, for your life. If you are worried
about not being that good of a parent, ask yourself how retarded people are having children
everyday, and how much good you could do to your own children. If you are worried about
partners, work spiritually to get a good partner. It's worth it for more than one reasons.

The fact that you are a Satanist and that you are a very unique creature doesn't have to work
against you, or ruin you. Satan gives us family and belonging and regenerates our powers
which could have been defeated by a world that is anti-us in many ways. The fact this world can
be largely against us, doesn't mean we cannot dominate such world, and that we cannot live a
fully rewarding life. The enemy is cursing, we are blessing, and one must remember, Satan is
always on top of the enemy, and always was, for tens of thousands of years ago.

With the powers Satan gives it's ridiculous if one doesn't do some basics in their life, and this
means one is an inner defeatist or doesn't want to do something with their life. In other words,
the blame is on the person and one must evaluate why this is the case. One can fix the majority
of ugly situations that may hamper someone internally our outwardly.

The fact that Satan gives someone a happy life and whatever they need is not fully a lie
generated by the enemy, but something the enemy observed by looking at the ancient people of
the day. As jew Eli Ravage said, we were innocent, happy and beautiful, healthy and very
sensually spiritual, and the enemy hated us for it.

One can have at least 2 children, if they can, the optimal amount be 3. You are not 'obligated',
but if you consider the blessings of such you will understand it's good to have a point like this for
down the road. One must instill a lot of understanding on their kids early on, and give them eyes
to see for themselves. All of this is not that difficult as it looks, as kids are very clever and they
absorb. While we respect opinions we must not respect that our kids or children befall into
retardation or be unable to see the Truth as simply this is a deadly thing for all lifeforms, such as
facts about race, that they must not defile themselves, and that they must be spiritual creatures.

95% of the cases simply by you being a good parent, your children will follow the proper ways
by idolizing you. The more attention you put to children, and especially in their first years, they
will not deviate from what you teach them, in the same way we were all influenced from our
parents for better or for worse. If damages have been done to you, then it's a good opportunity
to make sure one produces healthy kids that don't procure the problems one had.

As for those who are married, and they have children, even with people whom are christians
and have fell back when they have catapulted in the front in their advancement, don't hesitate to
spiritually control these people. One must be walking in the wrong understanding that the
opinion of these people matters, it does not, and if you have children, you must be the dominant
influence on your children, not some self-destructive christian. Do what is necessary to control
the situation. You may not be able to change others if they are unwilling, but you can change
your stance so that you deal with them in a better way. In all cases feel blessed you have
children, under whichever conditions, and look out for the absolute best for them.

One must not use Satanism as an excuse to make the wrong choices in life, as this is
disrespectful to Satan as well. Satanism aside everything else it gives spiritually, can give a
blessed life if you follow it the whole way, and this comes from inner healing, realization and
increasing your natural intelligence, from mistakes or failures even, but the Satanist treats these
lessons differently and learns faster.

Unlike normal people who are oblivious to their own negative energies, you can actually do
something about the situation by digging the depths of your soul.

Spiritual Satanism is like a sun in one's life, it can burn the negativity, and it can give nourishing
life which one must not reject, but openly accept. The above takes advancement, learning and
time, but in the end, the decks will be stacked to your advantage to win this game of life, no
matter where you are now. If you make the steps to advance then you *WILL* in every level that

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Article 3

Exposing More Corruption... 20/January/2018
by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich » Jan 21, 2018

For those who are new, the Jews (who are of an alien race and soul), stole copiously from Pagan
(Gentile) religions and spiritual knowledge, removed and corrupted the spiritual, and invented
Christianity and Islam with this.

Following, they used the Christians and the Muslims to mass murder and destroy the Pagans. This
was done to enslave Gentiles both physically and spiritually. The Jews then become "God." With all
occult power in the hands of the top Rabbis and an endless supply of psychic energy from the
unknowing, dumbed down Gentile believers who slavishly worship.

This is why we now have the terms "esoteric" "occult" "hidden" "secret" and related. This spiritual
knowledge should be made available to everyone. The lack of this spiritual knowledge is the reason
for all of the suffering and ugliness in this world. The Jews are responsible for this curse upon

I also want to add regarding the "Blood Libel" accusations. Lying comes naturally to a Jew. It's in
their nature. For one, Rabbi authors try to claim there were no blood libel accusations before the
Middle Ages. NOT SO. High Priest Jake Carlson did an in depth research and article on Jewish
Ritual Murder and there are accounts going back to Ancient Rome.
http://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSu ... rder2.html

In addition, Rabbi authors again lie concerning kosher laws prohibiting the ingestion of blood. It is
known, especially in the orthodox Jewish communities, during a circumcision, the Rabbi sucks the
blood from the penis of the infant. The kosher crap is just a front.
Getting back to the secreted knowledge,

Here... Quote from the book "The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages" by Paul Foster Case:
"In all ancient copies of the Book of Formation, the planetary attributions to the double letters are
purposely mixed in order to mislead uninitiated readers into whose hands the book might fall. The
correct attributions were reserved for mouth to ear instruction."

The Book of Formation, also known as "The Sefer Yetzirah" goes back centuries and is of the
Jewish Kabbalah, where a lot of their stolen spiritual knowledge is hidden.

The many occult organizations out there such as the Golden Dawn and related who use the Jewish
mysticism, Kabbalah, Hebrew letters and related Jewish spiritual filth are way off regarding
spiritual advancement and knowledge.

Satan and Azazel revealed to me what the "Philosopher's Stone" really is. I wrote about this in an
article regarding the Magnum Opus on the JoS website in the meditation section some time ago.
Now here is a blatant example of corruption. Most of you know who "St. Peter" is. A Jewish
invented character disciple of that foul Nazarene.

OK. Now, "Peter" is a name meaning "Rock or Stone" having it's origin in the word prefix or base
of "Petra." In geology (the scientific study of the earth), PETROLOGY is the study of ROCKS.
So, Jewish corrupted legend has it that this Jewish Goon sits outside the pearly gates of heaven,
holds the keys to the gate of heaven, etc.

Special Thanks to Satan and Azazel for revealing the Truth on this farce.
As I wrote before, the REAL Philosopher's Stone is created by collecting the energy buzz you get
after meditation and/or yoga and condensing it into a ball.

This ball is then circulated through the chakras. This is known as the Chariot of Ra. The Jewish
corrupted version of this is Ezekiel's Chariot, of which is nothing more on the face of it than Jewish
nonsense and rabbinical drivel.
So this St Peter character was stolen from the concept of the sacred Philosopher's Stone. Ezekiel's
Chariot was stolen from Amon Ra.

The "Gates of Heaven" are the 6th and 7th chakras. The little energy ball is circulated here and then
dropped into the pineal of which it drastically opens and activates. The pineal gland is often
symbolized by a pearl.

So here is where those degenerate filthy rabbinical scum got the idea for the "Pearly Gates" and that
Jewish invented dink St Peter.

The phoney crucifixion of this Jewish Goon was on an inverted cross. The inverted cross is
symbolic of the solar 666 chakra (the 3rd chakra) where the little energy ball is stored and nurtured.
All of the spiritual has been removed.

No Christian or Muslim will ever reach immortality. Neither do those deluded individuals who
belong to those Jewish operated and controlled occult organizations.

I also want to add how again, Christian gross stupidly, claims Freemasonry is "Satanic." NOT SO.
It is common knowledge, the Freemason initiate places his hands upon a Judeo/Christian Bible and
swears an oath. This ensures all of his energy with any Masonic rituals he participates in will be
funneled to the Jewish agenda. Especially rebuilding the Temple of Solomon; the New Jerusalem,
which is the climax of the Judeo/Christian Bible.

Jews by nature are obsessive, compulsive and relentless. Their obsession with their Messiah
resulted in the character of jewsus. Using Gentile slavish worship, with a powerful subliminal tie-in
to bring their Messiah (the second coming of Christ). The New Jerusalem is the climax of the
Christian program. New Jerusalem bibles anyone?

Each Gentile, as stated by rabbinical authors is to be a "stone in the Temple of Solomon."
Only through Satan can we learn the truth and put a STOP to this funeral wreath upon the entire

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Article 4

All Yoga is of Satan
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

From the year 2010

The question was what is yoga and this is what some Catholic prayer warriors
said in a Catholic forum. Don't do it. It's not safe for Christians to do. It's
dangerous. If you want something to stretch, try Pilates, but don't do yoga.

Many other Christian sects say the same thing. They know all of Yoga is of
Satan. All of yoga works toward the same end goal of raising the kundalini
SERPENT [Satan]. When you read deeper into the doctrines of advanced yoga,
even though these have been corrupted, there are plenty of 'Satan' anagrams,
such as 'Satnam'. Another reason is because nearly everything in that foul bible
of lies of theirs was stolen and corrupted from the Far East. This knowledge was
shut up like a trap years ago, but is now coming out in the open.
Christian 'Miracles'

Hard Question - If Christian miracles like when Mary walked on the church a
while back and other miracles of Christianity happened then why are people
telling me there's no heaven or Christian god because there has to be some
explanation for these miracles???

Some people are confused regarding so-called 'miracles' they have either heard
about or in rare cases, have seen; of the enemy. I explain this below. There is
nothing SPIRITUAL about the enemy or their works. Everything of the enemy is
false; this is an artificial spirituality. For those who are new- 'Christian' means

This isn't a 'hard question' for me. I can see through the enemy's bullshit. The
enemy 'god' is a collective whole of human hating and human exploiting aliens.
So, just what is so spiritual about that filthy stinking alien bitch 'walking the
church'? How does this help or advance humanity? What is the spiritual
significance of this crap? Who cares?

My entire point here is YES, I am well aware that the program of Christianity has
had its so-called 'miracles' and some prayers answered, BUT- there is a huge
difference between the 100% material and SPIRITUALLY INSIGNIFICANT

The enemy grants a miracle or answered prayer every so often for show. The
unenlightened then go on to praise and exalt this nefarious collective of aliens
with misplaced faith, etc.

The enemy can be plainly seen in their works in that there is NOTHING
material favors that are temporary [in this life only] and still remains an
unenlightened SLAVE.

In contrast, Satan is very spiritual and cares about our spiritual well-being.
Through Satan, we heal ourselves from the inside - out. Through Satan, our
spiritual eyes are opened and we can spot potential serious errors in our lives
before they occur. We can also see our own errors and how they impact our lives
and the lives of others and through this, we are healed. Drug and alcohol and
emotional and all sorts of other addictions are healed through Satan at the soul.
Through Satanic power meditations, the addictions eventually go away and one
is free.

While the enemy may take away [very few and far in-between- just for a show]
someone's drug addiction, the person still remains a slave, hits a dead end
where no more spiritual advancement occurs, and remains unknowing with no
knowledge of how this was achieved.

Satan gives us the knowledge we need to empower, to heal and to advance
spiritually. We know and we understand HOW these feats are accomplished. We
are then motivated all the more to advance our souls in many more ways than
just one. Through empowering our souls the way our True Creator God Satan
intended for us to do so, we can both understand and accomplish our own
miracles without being a perpetual Christian slave to an alien asshole with an
ugly agenda. Satan gives this knowledge to all of his dedicated ones. In contrast
the enemy picks out only a select few and then there is a dead end, other than
that few go on to zealously proselytize and promote the enemy agenda to the

Satan shows us the way to our own spiritual freedom; our liberation and our
empowerment. Satan is spiritual and works with the soul, while the enemy works
to deceive and to enslave. With the enemy, the very few who are healed just for
show, never go on to understand or to know how to heal themselves. NONE OF
Article 5
Does Satan Ever Leave His Disciples?
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
From the year 2010

Does Satan ever leave is disciples? Sometimes I feel like he has left me.

Be strong and keep up on your meditations and try to do kundalini and hatha
yoga every day. Satan and his Demons are and have been extremely busy.
There are times I don't hear from them for days or more. I understand because I
know they are busy. There is a lot at stake here and what is going on in this
world right now.

The Eve of Beltane will more than likely be exceptionally busy for the Powers of
Hell this year. Try to work on empowering yourself and join in the fight to destroy
our enemies. Christianity is falling fast. We need more and more people to work
relentlessly to completely destroy this hideous and most odious monster.

There have been many times I have not heard from Satan or any Demons for
days, but they are responsible and always on top of things. There was a near
extremely serious and potentially disastrous situation, which would have been
catastrophic for a loved one. I called upon Satan urgently and again, experienced
another one of his miracles. Nothing happened to my shock and amazement.
The loved one was shocked as well, and will always remember this, and knows
Satan is real. This was very personal, but I can't say enough of how thankful I
was to Satan [again and hundreds of times over], and how Satan handled this
situation, which was nothing short of a total miracle. I have experienced many of
his miracles.

Satan doesn't leave us
I'm glad you posted this. I started missing these "re-read weekly."

It's okay to make mistakes. Everyone has.

I hope you feel better now, and that this "friend" is not preventing you from advancing spiritually. In the past, I had to end some "friendships" too, you know. This person was constantly surrounded by negativity, drugs and alcohol... At some point, I think you have to let go of something. If you don't let them go, they'll pull you in into their negativity and that's when it's harder to get out.
Meteor said:
SATchives said:

I know what it's like to fall into confusion and do things you regret, and then feel so ashamed of what happened that it's almost paralysing. But it is as you say; no matter how you feel about your mistakes, the best thing to do is to pick yourself up again and do your best to rebuild things. Overly indulging in guilt and regret will only waste time and hold one back. So, welcome back.

The sermon about family comes at a good time for me, as it was on my mind. I've often wondered if I'm stubborn for wanting to have children despite the odds being against me in so many ways; and yet I can't help but feel like it's an important life goal to me. Despite the doubts I've had, over time I began to think that it isn't wrong for me to want that after all, and this sermon reassured me that aiming for something like that might actually be a good thing after all, even if it's difficult. There's no harm in trying my best.
"The fact that you are a Satanist and that you are a very unique creature doesn't have to work against you, or ruin you."
I found this inspiring. The same uniqueness that makes it difficult for me, has also driven me to develop such resolve and ability that I might just make it happen, one way or another. I realised that even my weakness can turn into a strength when it is overcome.

Thank you for sharing!
Glad I picked out some good articles this week, thank you for your words and I wish you the best of luck with making a family
Meteor said:
SATchives said:
Meteor said:
Glad I picked out some good articles this week, thank you for your words and I wish you the best of luck with making a family

Thank you, maybe it's silly but that means a lot to me.

Hey, it's not silly, it's something we all should strive for, a healthy family is very important and very Satanic, like I said i wish you the best of luck, and I hope you find someone who makes you happy and that you are compatible with, personally for me I still have many things I need to work on before I try to settle down, but I also someday wish to make a family and settle down.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
