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RE-Read-It WEEKENDS: Looking back at Important Material [week 3]


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2019
Hello everybody, its friday again so here we go,

Article 1
What Happens if We Win
Post Sun May 28, 2017 8:24 pm
By HP HoodedCobra666

Many people don't understand where this is going if we WIN this war. While the jew's winning will be the funeral wreath of the planet, us winning this war totally will signify much bliss, evolution, and forward advancement for the world.

To be a Spiritual Satanist in such scenario, will mean that people will get at the top, so to say. Satanists will become a privileged caste. Spiritual people will not be hunted down like evil or mad, as in today, but rather be upheld and their gifts recognized. There will be no fear for one's life, one's reputation, etc.

In short, Spiritual Satanists (those who fight to bring this about) will be also the first to benefit from it. Not in an unjust manner such as that of free favors, but indeed, the world as it will be then, will be a million times better than it is now, from the rookie spiritual person, to the grand-master. All others are also included in this.

Let's call this world...Natural but Golden Age type of society...

To make some rough estimations...

Some of the things the Gods want to eradicate, are world pollution, impoverishment, homelessness, lack of spirituality, culture, and generally, they will rectify the planet. We can actually, if the jews are defeated sooner than later, re-create the planet from scratch, and possibly with far more Eco-friendly technology, bring this planet back to a complete normal. This will take some time, but paradise can really return.

No subhuman scum like the enemy jews right now, will be able to destroy the planet, destroy the seas, burn the forests down for no reason, and kill people just for the sake of it. These things will be met with extreme punishments, beyond the realm of simple mortality or death, or imprisonment. As one could see in ALL PAGAN PEOPLE, their first concern was the earth and the cultivation of the planet.

This madness of destroying the planet is recent and is a reptilian invention. The enemy wants the planet to 'warm up' and become extremely hot (not even life Africa, almost burning hot) and as thus they promote technologies like the Nuclear explosions, fill the air with Carbon, and wipe out the earth's ozone layer, which will kill all humans, no matter how 'black' they are.

As for spiritual ignorance, if the enemy goes down, people need not concern themselves about the 'Goyim' or those who just hoover right now in the middle of ignorance. There will be no 'punishments' just for people being retarded, but there will be punishments for purposeful retardation, such as deadly ignorance. These people will quickly follow suit with those in power, and spirituality, even if not 'forced', will become mandatory in the world where the Gods rule.

People like Tesla will be revered as semi-Gods and they will not be busy trying to see if someone wants to kill them, subdue them, or leave them dying from Hunger in a hotel. They will be allowed to fully exercise their power to make humanity better, as Tesla did with the returning electric current, or like the inventor of the Internet did with the Internet, and so forth.

Freedom will be total, so far things don't promote the reptilians or the enemy in anyway, or alien invading lifeforms. In short, we will work towards really setting humanity free, without wrecking and weakening down humanity beyond recognition as the 'future' of the enemy where people are made into cyborgs, dependent on a computer centralized in Israel.

The Age of Aquarius without jews, will be age of extreme knowledge, spirituality, and highest wisdom, but also true humanitarianism without the false qualms of helping parasites and people who are purely deadly, so to say, to themselves and to other people.

Not that of misplaced and crappy mercy, but sensible and level-headed one, that is generous where it's due, and not only on behalf of agenda, like the jews. All those who will want to spiritually or otherwise advance, will be able to. From the leader of the nation to the leaders of the smallest village, people will have, and we will work for it, to be the best.

Healthy co-operation between people and races will exist, same as sharing technology advancements, and all sorts of uplifting things. There will be low tolerance for people who are evil, in the sense of ruining the planet, acting negatively towards children or animals, and everyone, from birth, will be handed over the chance to advance spiritually.

Fog will also, as far as our advances allow, completely give in. People will actually have a choice, to an extent of their evolution, PLUS civilization, to get somewhere in their existence and life. People just being numbers will completely cease. This is not to say false promises that all people will be kings, far from it, but of course, all these billions of jewish obstacles people experience today for the absolute necessities will cease.

Geniuses, controlled by us and spiritual masters at the top, same as leaders and ministers, will look for the best of the people that they rule. Therefore 'corruption' and jewish mentality will end. No longer will be leaders parasites and cancers upon the people. They will be only positive influences.

Most if not all hangups that people are born with, which make them feel really negatively about themselves, or really fearful, will give place and melt in the understanding of one's race, community and people as part of one's self. The Gods will balance individuality and the world in a sane way.

Criminality more than likely, when all these advances happen, will cease existing to a high extent, not because of tyrranical rule, but because most reasons that lead to crimes will no longer exist.

We do not say we will overthrow nature or make any other such promises. These things will take time, but it will be extremely easy, like in the Golden Age, to do so, if the enemy goes down. From there on we can have a global spiritual community and uplift humanity very fast, especially by having the correct ministers in the physical realm. In short, everyone will have to do their part, and it will not happen out of nowhere.

With the enemy removed from all spheres of public life, things will shockingly skyrocket for humanity. We are talking advances in 15 and 20 years that haven't happened in the last century.

It goes beyond saying that no Spiritual Satanist will be hopeless, striving to meet 'ends' and other things which are now consuming the whole life of people for no (((reason))) whats-over. This is a purposeful system for the enemy.

The massive population of the planet can guarantee that many people will be working, and to tackle unemployment (The enemy wants people replaced by robots for example) we will just replace all jobs with humans who are alive, get a decent pay, and have time to have a life experience, rather than only working 24/7 like slaves. Workaholics will be easy to work.

It will NOT be a world of false mercy and false freebies, but for one to survive, it will take just raising a hand to, you know, do a duty, even if it means cleaning a street or something. Everyone will fall into this in accordance to their soul development, talents etc, and everyone will have 'social mobility'. If wisdom and power etc, do grow, the person will not remain stuck in the bottom of the food chain for no reason other than jewish insanity.

Buying and selling will not be based only in "Shekels" and one's ability to scam other people and so forth. It will be based on creativity. Nobody who gives an input to society, will be without any input into them.

Do not forget our purpose is NOT to take down the jews only- but to actually rebuild this world after this is done, and completely set a foundation so that humanity will never have to endure these things again.

Lastly, do not forget. Nothing of these things is "DISTANT". The National Socialists, well before the Age of Aquarius, excluded the jews from public life, and they saved a completely broken country in a few years, making it from a country based on terror and war, roads filled with hungry and corpses, into the paradise and free nation of their time. In short, if willingness is there, these things can easily happen.

To put it bluntly, all the forces of civilization which now point DOWNWARDS and towards DECAY, will be focused exactly in the opposite direction, that of betterment, advancement, and improvement.

This is what happens if we win. If we don't, forget about it, and we might as well forget about this planet, our freedoms, and everything that is up to here. We will turn into a wasteland, and unfortunately, this is already happening.

The time is closing in where Humanity has only TWO choices to take. Either go through a more eternal, balanced and advanced future with the help of the Gods, where people live for eternity and will in the end escape the snare of 'time' too...Or become a reptilian wasteland, filled with excrement, evil and corruption, where continents are trash-bins, focused on nothing for the future and nothing in particular but the production of slaves, a place where every minute is filled with anguish and panic, as it is today for so many people...

We have to make our choice...

Article 2

Most Powerful?
Post Fri Aug 18, 2017 12:51 am
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

This is a reply I sent to the Teen group. I'm resending this to all the JoS groups, as it is important.

Given centuries of indoctrination, being force fed lies created from Jewish filth and such, too many people unknowingly apply this crap to Satan.

Judaism and its Christian idiots and Islamic vermin keep promoting the LIE that their "God" is omnipotent, omnipresent and all kinds of other "omni" shit.

This is an outrageous lie and is fueled by doubletalk and endless nonsense and excuses.

This is no different from people being indoctrinated with the "Sell your soul to the Devil for wealth, fame, power and riches." When this doesn't happen, then there is a huge letdown.

Satan and our Gods are here to help us spiritually advance. They give us knowledge. Also, there are certain things one cannot do without the direct help of a Demon/ess. They are here to help us.

If someone wants wealth, power, fame and riches, they have to do the workings for it. Many who have achieved this (from all walks of life), have had it programmed onto their souls and/or have already achieved this in past lives. It is etched into the soul.

The universe is infinity. No, our Gods are not the most powerful. The reference in the Al Jilwah (There is no place that does not know My presence), is an allegory for the life force, vril, energy that links everything. This is no different from the reference to how long we live, as this has to do with the soul. Our time of death is programmed into our souls from past lives.

I do want to add, Satan does have the power to change what is on the soul. This is individual though. My own time should have been up in 2005. Satan changed that for me. Death can be seen in one's astrology, but you really have to know what you're doing and not make thoughtless predictions.

Through Satan, we can be given the knowledge to remove this, as well as remove the program that causes aging.

Satan and our Gods are trying to help us. There are certain things each of us have on our souls as a result of experiences, past lives, etc. Our Gods give us the knowledge to remove these (many of which are negative and detrimental). Through meditation, we achieve the power to take control of our own destinies.

Christianity, Islam and other Jewish invented filth strives to remove all spiritual knowledge and to keep humanity as slaves.

Satan DOES have the power to reincarnate His own. Also, when any dedicated Satanists die, Demons escort them to Hell. This is to protect.

The reason we do the RTRs and such is to do our part. Astaroth once told me "You do your part and we will do ours."

We are fighting for our spiritual liberation and freedom. We must fight relentlessly and fight hard.

No, unfortunately Satan is not the most powerful.

The enemy also is NOT the most powerful.

We need to keep fighting.

True Satanism is about achieving spiritual freedom and the power to take control of our own destinies.

The universe, with 100+ billion galaxies is infinity. There is no "one" out there with total power.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Article 3

Tesla and the Nazis
Post Sun Jun 11, 2017 11:53 am
By HP Hoodedcobra666

Reading on Tesla, one quickly understands that this man wasn't really a "Scientist" or even a "Genius". He was a God in the flesh in more than one ways, same as Hitler and other beings of such stature. He openly states in his auto-biography going to other planets by astral projection, and meeting beings and his friends. It should be evident that a man with such great heart, was not assosciating with human hating aliens, or other hostile entities.

It's well know Tesla took 95% of his inventions to his grave. This refusal shows that he was allied to good forces out there. Tesla was an Aryan, White Serbian man. He stored all his inventions in his mind, so to say. He had the plans for free electricity for all mankind, free energy, healing machines and so forth. Tesla's complaint was basically that Humanity wasn't ready for it. He however gave us the circulating current, which later resulted in the advanced machinery, the internet and all these other things which have permanently improved our life.

Tesla, rather than wasting his time like the psychopath jew Einstein, in creating Atomic bombs and other things that would destroy humanity, focused his mind on other endeavors, mainly, technology for peace.

In anyway, Tesla's 'potentially befriending' Nazis was known. Its written that Tesla had a friendship with George Sylvester Viereck, National Socialist propagandist in the USA. Viereck also stated that Tesla's worldview was a view of worldwide Eugenics for the future of humanity. Which was the central thesis of the National Socialist Party. Tesla never refuted that claim, but neither endorsed it. It doesn't sound unlikely at all. Eugenics was a major idea of the time.

It's well known that Tesla also was snubbed and attacked by the "(((Scientific Community)))" of his time, including JP Morgan, a well known jewish rabbinical family line racketeer, denied to give him a small loan of a few millions to give free, wireless electricity to all mankind. This would be the end of Judah and their financial system.

This would throw off the Oil Trade, which as you can see, is the money making scheme of the jews, which pollutes and destroys the planet. The only good thing this does is fill the jewish pockets.

The (((American))) government did everything they could to restrain, and keep Tesla under tabs, at least physically.

What I want to focus upon is Tesla's anti-gravity saucers and anti-gravity technology. Many people can't seem to figure out how Tesla invented these things and how at the same time, the National Socialists were developing these things to win the war. Tesla could have made the USA win the war and very easily, but decided to rather not intervene. This shows he obviously, didn't have any hostile feelings against the National Socialists.

At the time, National Socialist Germany was the superpower of the world, having the most advanced technology, with projects even today completely misunderstood from scientists. The USA became the next superpower, when the German scientists were taken over in the USA by operation paperclip, and only then.

They won the war on their numbers- not on technology. They were in the stone age in technology until the German scientists came to help them. The jews developed weaponry and other naturally disastrous weapons, but never anything really beneficial for humanity.

A lot of UFO-logists cannot make sense...How Telsa's anti gravity tech and other inventions actually made it in Germany, or at least were shared.

This is simple: Because Tesla and Hitler, were talking to the same extraterrestrials. It's well known Hitler denied the creation of the Atomic Bomb, as he knew what a disaster such a bomb would be. It renders existence of life ill and pointless, and is a weapon hostile and pure evil to all life on earth. Therefore they put scientists to work on other venues.

Tesla, at least from what I know, never shared the tech that he knew how to create. For this reason the USA government bullied him, harassed him, and also punished him severely towards the end of his life. Tesla could have opened his mouth, but he knew where this whole deal was going, and therefore took the route of least resistance and let it go. It would ruin humanity. Tesla's weapons were more than likely hundreds of times stronger than atomic bombs.

It's well known Tesla could have developed a "Death Beam" that would turn troops into jelly, and was he an "American" as many fools claim, he would have given this to the Kosherites of his time to end up the war with the National Socialists really fast. He decided to stay silent.

On the other hand, the extraterrestrials of the enemy, shared the Atomic bomb and other ugly weaponry to their enemies. Even nowadays, they do thousands of such experimentation, and explosions in deserts, every month. Many diseases such as the diseases of Thyroid and many other cancers did not exist before this 'technology' was given to the world by the jews. The jews developed this ugly technology.

So in closing I am led to believe that on an Astral level and via the proxy of the Gods, Tesla and the National Socialists were working for the same, or in the very least, a very SIMILAR purpose. Tesla could never be physically present in Nazi Germany, as basically, the FBI was tailing him 24/7. There is a report of 300 pages on Tesla.

He had limited if any physical freedom. However it seems from the striking resemblances in understanding, and in how BOTH Tesla and the Nazis came up with Anti-Gravity technology, they both talked to the same ET's. Watching this documentary by Willian Lyne on Tesla and Nazi Anti-Gravity tech, is interesting to see Tesla's understanding of the tech.

In his biography Tesla states he went into other worlds, and made real good friendships with people from other worlds there.

Tesla knew about the Ether and the real nature of the world, compared to the jew Einstein, which only stole a falsified theory of relativity, ultimately leading humanity nowhere but in the atomic bomb and sensuous materialism. Tesla was a spiritual scientist. He wasn't a materialist nut-cracker.

Tesla in one of his last interviews just said also that he knew about immortality and that this had to deal with the light returning to it's original form. Which shows he might have had a solution for that too, figured out. Tesla, 'dying' at 1943, had just left humanity with what was absolutely enough and necessary to get into the next phase, but didn't advance humanity further because he knew where the whole deal was going.

Tesla also was known to have superhuman abilities such as sleeping for 3 to 4 hours, controlling his body controls (he talks about this), astral projection, superhuman reflexes, and many other spiritual gifts. His death in short, may have been his conscious choice to die.

This was his choice, and it's not by coincidence he chose to do so when the war turned against National Socialist Germany. He knew what could have befallen him later if it was for the enemy to rule the world, so he left. Since, scientific advances have been childish and limited compared to what Tesla has given to the world, except of advanced rocketry, which was again given by Werner Von Braun, another German.

In the end, even if Tesla was not interested in micro-politics, he must have been acutely aware of the jewish problem, or at least, experienced the misery coming from it.

Tesla was a victim of the same people Hitler tried to stop. And both of them had a greater vision for Humanity which the very same people, tried to suppress and destroy. As they do with everything good in life anyway, since forever.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
* comments by me

Article 4
Top Rabbi Admits in Video: Jews Are Alien Race
Post Thu May 18, 2017 11:01 am
By HP HoodedCobra666

"The JoS is crazy, you know? With their things about how "Jews are Reptilian offspring" and from another planet stuff. With their outlandish stories of how Jews are Aliens from another Planet or Galaxy that want to take over and enslave the Goyim! haha! And how the jews infiltrate humanity, take over nations and states, to enforce a Globalist order on behalf of their alien overlords. To superimpose complete and total rulership over the Goyim and finish them off in a global dictatorship."

Well it turns out this is only hard for Gentiles to fathom. For Jews in Israel, it's everyday life... It's just most people are busy drinking kool-aid and pretending they know everything, while the jews actually formulate plans to take over the world. I have saved this video and added some captions to it, although the video is self explanatory.

In this video, it's Rabbi Laitman. Laitman is a Rabbi that knows the facts, and he is one of the top Rabbis of Judaism alltogether. He is one of the heads of Israel, all in all. In Israel, while your kids learn crap like feminism, how good multiculturalism is, whatever...they hold classes on how the Alien Jews will take over the World and enslave it. It's probably a Kabbalah Center or something. This guy is a top Kabbalistic Authority in Judaism. In sort, a pope-like guy for Judaism. He is not a junkie, nor a nobody. He is a prominent and higher up rabbi, who has studied Judaism for 40 years to reach in the deepest understanding. His mission is basically to unite jews for what he calls 'world domination' basically. And to rule the people's of this planet.

The original was forcibly removed from the internet. Many people have looked for it, to find nothing in the end. Because this video was a giant mistake. With that being stated, make sure to keep this video.

Do not skip the following video, by the way. Watch it. Don't let them make an idiot out of you.

Rabbi Laitman has been heavily criticized over the fact that he has revealed too much in the public, because the Goyim would know. And guess what, it happened. He has been scorned by top Rabbinical authority for it. However Laitman believes it's just okay, and there is no problem with it at all. Because, why not? The Goyim are too stupid, and they are too indoctrinated to not believe their own eyes when they see things. No matter what they are told, they will always defend the jews, and rule them out as 'crazy' or 'persecuted' or 'victims'. Everything it takes but to accept the sad Truth.

And if they find out, then what? They will run back to xianity, or their left brain logical overthinking, or something. Well, "accidents" happen and people aren't THAT stupid.

I tell you also something more to understand the backround, this guy is a SOFTCORE Rabbi in how he appears to the public, who has been attacked by others for being too soft-core and too open and allowing facts out. How that video made it in jewtube is a miracle really. As he specifies in the video, this is only the tip of the tip of the iceberg... The shit he says on this video are what a professor says first graders on their first days at school. Be ready for a reality check...

One person brought up in the comments, very correctly... As Amdusias told the JoS Ministry in 2003: "Just as the enemy has people who cannot see us, we cannot see them. However, they will manifest blatantly as we get closer to the climax of our cause."

Now everyone needs to watch this.

Jews Aliens From Another Galaxy

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEdjud8D7uk *(YT deleted, video below is the same video)


The Solution:

topic19430.html *(= The Final RTR)

article 5
The Scary Nazism in "Satanism"
Post Tue Feb 28, 2017 1:51 pm
By HP HoodedCobra666

It's funny how a label changes everything.

I notice many called 'Satanists' do get afraid by things like Nazism, and without evidence or against evidence, they are very ready to attack the notions of Satanism. Little do they observe that they actually follow these and put these in their lives, the moment they come into an alliance with whom they call as the "Dark Lord". There is a lot of emo that goes there, and many of these people on purpose throw away the history and the NS history of Satanism, such as how the NS and the dark sinister Satanism were both perceived as the worse of the worst.

For example, Satanism is about being strong and self reliant. Defending your honor etc. These notions put under he label of National Socialism scare these otherwise wise and intellectual people.

Satanism follows nature. To not racemix is not really nothing but following natures dictation. Ideally one should seek the best for their offspring, same as all animals, and incessant race mixing through generations weakens people, lowers IQ and makes many other perils happen which should better be avoided.

They say they are also against stupidity, which is a common Satanic law. I beg you pardon, so if beings are born with an IQ lower than a retard, is this good? This again explains the race mixing thing. We cannot be gambling with nature. Nothing that promotes retardation should be accepted. The same goes of all these useless, infested by Jews, practices of sacrifice etc.

As about one's living "lair" or space and how this is to not be intruded. Even if thought from an animalistic standby, it make sure perfect sense that people love their country, protect their natural territory en masse (country/continent) and maintain others who are of the same species as them. Most people in nowadays world don't even have a house or territory anymore. Unlike this system of rent, the NS wanted to give all families and people affordable housing.

Mind you there are also nut cases who are like accepting to jewsus, Mohamed, Jews, and they dare take the name of Satan in their so called religious title. They act as if all is fine just different beliefs. Maybe for THEM it is, but for the others? Meanwhile, these people whom they accept, would gladly have their gutters for supper, in more or less uncivilized ways. IQ level, dumb stone level.

Another thing is individuality, and somehow neglecting herd mentality. The majority of the people are no longer a herd at all. Most humans are egoistical fucks since the uprising of the civil society/town life. Everyone thinks they are a super drama hero, living their own life of Hollywood. Individualism is really not a revolutionary value at all, hasn't been for more than 300 years, it's more than obviously herd mentality. These so called individuals are also some of the most easily controlled and malleable creatures ever created, being the most submissive followers of government to ever exist,

National Socialism is not pro or against massive or individual, everything just goes where it's met. But I guess it's really bad about ones freedom and Satanic individuality to have exercise programs, healthy gender relations, education, focus on personal health etc. Today's individuality of "Satanism" cannot be like that of the NS of course. It has to be just emo, druggie, weed party, because these are highly individual as you can see, and not literally the cattle herd incarnate. Even though more people fry their brain with spaz anymore than those who don't. Yay for freedoom.

Then we have anti-Semitic ideology which is a problem. What is honestly the problem with "antisemitism" if you are a Satanist? This is the race that wrote the slander, defamations, lies about us, even Satanists in general. They are the race of jesuits and many others who would gladly fry us alive, irrespectively of if a few members of theirs of blood may have pretended to think other otherwise. Also, just WHY be a philosemite?

Should it be obligatory in the Satanism where supposedly one does love who they want and hate who they want? Obviously not. Unless it comes for kikes and somehow having to accept them at all costs. Why is that again. Because well kikes as the Torah says, are supposed to have all the goyim's doors open to enjoy as they see fit. Jews and their methods of animal sacrifice and other rabbinical defamations have made Satanism look evil, dark, stupid. They have wrote, aside with their followers who espoused their ideas, all the evil, emo, deathly crap about Satanism. What is there to love exactly, unless one is a similar morbid lowlife?

There is no reason to be philosemetic, but when one does the research there are many reasons to be antisemetic.

There is no reason why one should like or not even be non-spiritually aggressive against Jews. Especially when evidence has piled up so greatly it's not even a joke anymore about their racial lobbying and activities, that happen on the expense of all others. So to deny this... One transgresses therefore only to the realm of cowardice, stupidity, or of course being themselves a Jew.

Then we have self gratification. Where does National Socialism go against self gratification? The fact that it banishes Hollywood beliefs? National Socialism doesn't put restrains to sexuality or any other form of gratification. The frivolous gangbangs down to family joy and gratification were all available in NS Germany.

Another honorable thing in Satanism should be logic, common sense, and scientific inquiry. National Socialism never, ever, went against any of these, they also pushed science beyond the subhuman, cucked limitations. While respecting natural boundaries such as the atomic bomb. Much of the technolgy, inventions, and scientific foundations actually did come from the so called Nazis as well. They just applied the science that was known at the time to their movement. It was 1940's anyway.

Lastly and most importantly. Satanism is advancement. To advance, become, overcome and become better and stronger. This is infact the focus of National Socialism. It is what National Socialism is on a political level. A battle for a state as a mass entity, same as the people within it, to rise above limitations, above fate, and become their own "Gods" through the advancement of Science, arts, culture etc.

If you follow any of the above you are in essence already a National Socialist to an extent, and in mindset. The association and alliance with a Satan and the Gods, even indirectly, name these values as you want, but THESE are the values they have passed down their followers anyway, in all their multitude.

Lastly on an occult standpoint, the NS literally believed to whom to Xians and Jews, was Satan. This is evident in all of the enemy's writings. Satan was the giver of their spiritual agenda, let alone their occultism and all spiritual tenets were Pagan, Satanic, you name it: the return of what was abolished as Satanism by the abrahamic frontiers. One also cannot deny the art and how closely ritualistic it was, like the SS uniform, the rings, the daggers, and all these other cool stuffs some Satanists still decide to wear as part of the black metal scene. This type of fashion really began there long time. The skulls, deaths head, equal arms cross, etc etc, as alchemical allegories in dressing or art.

In closing verdict what is the problem and the unrelated nature of the two, nowhere. It's just personal bias on most people's plate, or Jewish blood in their chains, sorry I meant veins, or just the indoctrination of emo Satanism that they have underwent by Jews again.

It's just that Jews feel non comfy and their hardwired Torah cannot take it that they can no longer dictate lies and defame whom they hate the most. Ha-Satan, the Adversary in their own hebrew . It's a natural revenge over the non Jews speaking about their own faith once again, which the Jews have defamed under the category of Satanism since forever. So they seek to destroy them for monopoly. Same as they did to Pagans and others who well, we may call Satanists again today if we want a better title.

So what's the Scary Nazism in Satanism again, that cannot be accepted... I guess only if you are looking like this:

SATchives said:

article 5
The Scary Nazism in "Satanism"
Post Tue Feb 28, 2017 1:51 pm
By HP HoodedCobra666

It's funny how a label changes everything.

I notice many called 'Satanists' do get afraid by things like Nazism, and without evidence or against evidence, they are very ready to attack the notions of Satanism. Little do they observe that they actually follow these and put these in their lives, the moment they come into an alliance with whom they call as the "Dark Lord". There is a lot of emo that goes there, and many of these people on purpose throw away the history and the NS history of Satanism, such as how the NS and the dark sinister Satanism were both perceived as the worse of the worst.

For example, Satanism is about being strong and self reliant. Defending your honor etc. These notions put under he label of National Socialism scare these otherwise wise and intellectual people.

Satanism follows nature. To not racemix is not really nothing but following natures dictation. Ideally one should seek the best for their offspring, same as all animals, and incessant race mixing through generations weakens people, lowers IQ and makes many other perils happen which should better be avoided.

They say they are also against stupidity, which is a common Satanic law. I beg you pardon, so if beings are born with an IQ lower than a retard, is this good? This again explains the race mixing thing. We cannot be gambling with nature. Nothing that promotes retardation should be accepted. The same goes of all these useless, infested by Jews, practices of sacrifice etc.

As about one's living "lair" or space and how this is to not be intruded. Even if thought from an animalistic standby, it make sure perfect sense that people love their country, protect their natural territory en masse (country/continent) and maintain others who are of the same species as them. Most people in nowadays world don't even have a house or territory anymore. Unlike this system of rent, the NS wanted to give all families and people affordable housing.

Mind you there are also nut cases who are like accepting to jewsus, Mohamed, Jews, and they dare take the name of Satan in their so called religious title. They act as if all is fine just different beliefs. Maybe for THEM it is, but for the others? Meanwhile, these people whom they accept, would gladly have their gutters for supper, in more or less uncivilized ways. IQ level, dumb stone level.

Another thing is individuality, and somehow neglecting herd mentality. The majority of the people are no longer a herd at all. Most humans are egoistical fucks since the uprising of the civil society/town life. Everyone thinks they are a super drama hero, living their own life of Hollywood. Individualism is really not a revolutionary value at all, hasn't been for more than 300 years, it's more than obviously herd mentality. These so called individuals are also some of the most easily controlled and malleable creatures ever created, being the most submissive followers of government to ever exist,

National Socialism is not pro or against massive or individual, everything just goes where it's met. But I guess it's really bad about ones freedom and Satanic individuality to have exercise programs, healthy gender relations, education, focus on personal health etc. Today's individuality of "Satanism" cannot be like that of the NS of course. It has to be just emo, druggie, weed party, because these are highly individual as you can see, and not literally the cattle herd incarnate. Even though more people fry their brain with spaz anymore than those who don't. Yay for freedoom.

Then we have anti-Semitic ideology which is a problem. What is honestly the problem with "antisemitism" if you are a Satanist? This is the race that wrote the slander, defamations, lies about us, even Satanists in general. They are the race of jesuits and many others who would gladly fry us alive, irrespectively of if a few members of theirs of blood may have pretended to think other otherwise. Also, just WHY be a philosemite?

Should it be obligatory in the Satanism where supposedly one does love who they want and hate who they want? Obviously not. Unless it comes for kikes and somehow having to accept them at all costs. Why is that again. Because well kikes as the Torah says, are supposed to have all the goyim's doors open to enjoy as they see fit. Jews and their methods of animal sacrifice and other rabbinical defamations have made Satanism look evil, dark, stupid. They have wrote, aside with their followers who espoused their ideas, all the evil, emo, deathly crap about Satanism. What is there to love exactly, unless one is a similar morbid lowlife?

There is no reason to be philosemetic, but when one does the research there are many reasons to be antisemetic.

There is no reason why one should like or not even be non-spiritually aggressive against Jews. Especially when evidence has piled up so greatly it's not even a joke anymore about their racial lobbying and activities, that happen on the expense of all others. So to deny this... One transgresses therefore only to the realm of cowardice, stupidity, or of course being themselves a Jew.

Then we have self gratification. Where does National Socialism go against self gratification? The fact that it banishes Hollywood beliefs? National Socialism doesn't put restrains to sexuality or any other form of gratification. The frivolous gangbangs down to family joy and gratification were all available in NS Germany.

Another honorable thing in Satanism should be logic, common sense, and scientific inquiry. National Socialism never, ever, went against any of these, they also pushed science beyond the subhuman, cucked limitations. While respecting natural boundaries such as the atomic bomb. Much of the technolgy, inventions, and scientific foundations actually did come from the so called Nazis as well. They just applied the science that was known at the time to their movement. It was 1940's anyway.

Lastly and most importantly. Satanism is advancement. To advance, become, overcome and become better and stronger. This is infact the focus of National Socialism. It is what National Socialism is on a political level. A battle for a state as a mass entity, same as the people within it, to rise above limitations, above fate, and become their own "Gods" through the advancement of Science, arts, culture etc.

If you follow any of the above you are in essence already a National Socialist to an extent, and in mindset. The association and alliance with a Satan and the Gods, even indirectly, name these values as you want, but THESE are the values they have passed down their followers anyway, in all their multitude.

Lastly on an occult standpoint, the NS literally believed to whom to Xians and Jews, was Satan. This is evident in all of the enemy's writings. Satan was the giver of their spiritual agenda, let alone their occultism and all spiritual tenets were Pagan, Satanic, you name it: the return of what was abolished as Satanism by the abrahamic frontiers. One also cannot deny the art and how closely ritualistic it was, like the SS uniform, the rings, the daggers, and all these other cool stuffs some Satanists still decide to wear as part of the black metal scene. This type of fashion really began there long time. The skulls, deaths head, equal arms cross, etc etc, as alchemical allegories in dressing or art.

In closing verdict what is the problem and the unrelated nature of the two, nowhere. It's just personal bias on most people's plate, or Jewish blood in their chains, sorry I meant veins, or just the indoctrination of emo Satanism that they have underwent by Jews again.

It's just that Jews feel non comfy and their hardwired Torah cannot take it that they can no longer dictate lies and defame whom they hate the most. Ha-Satan, the Adversary in their own hebrew . It's a natural revenge over the non Jews speaking about their own faith once again, which the Jews have defamed under the category of Satanism since forever. So they seek to destroy them for monopoly. Same as they did to Pagans and others who well, we may call Satanists again today if we want a better title.

So what's the Scary Nazism in Satanism again, that cannot be accepted... I guess only if you are looking like this:

ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww those kikes look FUCKING DISGUSTING :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
