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RE-Read-It WEEKENDS: Looking back at Important Material [Week 12]


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2019

I wish to all my Dedicated Brothers and Sisters of Satan, that next year be the best year it can be, for you and your loved ones.
Articles 1
Sorry for What?
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


Sorry for What?

A Catholic priest took a 12-year-old boy out for ice-cream right after his father
had committed suicide. The priest used the opportunity to rape him. All we hear
from the Christians is excuses, excuses, and more excuses... Their own bible
reads: "Ye shall know them by their fruits." Not one good thing has come out of
Christianity or the Christian Church. Things that appear to be good are always
tainted in some way. Everything that has to do with Christianity is negative and
the Christians can't hide it. As for so called Christian "charity," the Red Cross,
United Nations and Social Welfare departments, to name a few, have done
much, much more, without the obsessive proselytizing and the demanding of
one's soul in return for basic survival needs.

We hear horror stories of how people turn to the Nazarene. There is nearly
always fear, near death, desperation or some other negative factor involved that
persuades them to do that.

Christian prophets and angels always bring ill omens and messages of
misfortune. Angels are notorious for preying upon children, then the children wind
up dead. The Fatima incident is just as bad with the alien virgin bitch predicting
the destruction of humanity and an early death of one of the three children there.

Satan came into my life when things were going good [and still are] and I was
happy. He has always been and is a very uplifting and positive presence in my
life. To this day, I don't have so much as one negative thing to say about him. All
of his works are positive, helpful, and loving. The same thing I can say for the
Demons I have established relationships with.

I was walking down the street some time ago, thinking about the worthless
Christian religion. Anyone who knows Father Satan knows he has a sense of
humor. Father Satan said to me in my head sarcastically "Everyone always has
to be sorry." This made me laugh. The professional victim Nazarene always
expects everyone to be so sorry. In truth, it is the Nazarene who should be sorry.
There are things I have done in my life that I regret, but I am sorry to those of
whom I committed the wrong acts against, *not* the stupid Nazarene and
nefarious alien company! What I had done at that time was done because of a
lack of knowledge. I wouldn't do anything like this now because I KNOW
BETTER. The reason people have a lack of knowledge is because of how
Christianity removed all spiritual knowledge and replaced it with lies and cut us
off from our own spiritual senses.

Who's responsible for the ignorance of humanity? Who is responsible for
depriving mankind of knowledge when Satan wanted us to have knowledge?? In
the end, who is really responsible for all the suffering and crimes and misery?

Not humanity. When we have regrets about the past and how we should have
done some things differently, the main reason is because we didn't have the
knowledge at the time. If we did, none of this would have happened and things
would have worked out all right for everyone concerned.

The aliens who are behind the program of Christianity are part of a movement
called “The Intergalactic Federation.” The IGF’s agenda is one of “noninterference.”
They plan to stand idly by while humanity blows itself to
smithereens with nuclear weapons.

The visit from the virgin bitch is typical of the IGF. There is a theme of negative
prophesy while the sadistic aliens stand by and watch, not lifting a finger to help.
In most cases, children are involved and preyed upon. The alien Greys and
enemy Nordics [angels], who have an insatiable hatred of humanity work with the

Satan and the Original Gods are from The Empire of Orion. The IGF is at war
with The Empire of Orion. The IGF works through many of the “New Age” people
and mystics to Christianize everything. The IGF aliens do not bother to help their
human lackeys when they are having problems and in addition, they are sadistic
and tell them of their misfortunes before they occur. Gifted humans are prohibited
from using their powers freely, even if this means saving their own lives or the life
of a loved one. Upon their death, they are absorbed into “the light.” The light is
also called “The One” and is a mass of harvested human souls used by the alien
Greys. There have been reports the Vatican made a deal with the Greys- wealth
and power in exchange for souls. This explains why the Catholic Church works
relentlessly to suppress human spiritual advancement and is nothing but dead
materialism devoid of any spirituality.

Satan and his Demons do not give negative prophesy. If you ever experience an
entity telling you something bad is going to happen, you can be sure this is not
Satan or any of the Demons.

Satan does not stand by and watch us suffer needlessly. He saved my life
literally more than once. He, himself stepped in for me. Whenever I experienced
severe attacks from angels, Azazel appeared immediately and chased them
away. All of us experience setbacks as this is life, but when things get serious, he
is right there for his disciples. I had an astrologically devastating year in July
2004- June 2005. On the night of April 30th of 2004, Satan spoke to me at length
during my ritual. I expressed my concerns about the coming year. I had seen this
year coming for over ten years. It was the year I was to die as I can predict death
astrologically. He informed me that he would be handling the energies for the
coming year and not to worry. He said I would experience some setbacks and
“not to lose heart.” The setbacks were quite minor given the magnitude of my
planetary aspects and in many respects, the year turned out to be joyous for me.
This was a miracle. I am grateful to him beyond words.

I wrote the above sermon several years ago. To this day, Satan has always been
very positive in every way for me. He is the most lovable being I have ever

Article 2
There are No Mediators in Satanism
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


There are No Mediators in Satanism

I am writing this sermon in reply to a letter posted to the Teens for Satan e-group
concerning someone who was using Satanism and a feigned relationship with
Satan to manipulate other people. The victims were young and unknowing.

All it takes is one person who has a little intelligence and manipulative ability than
the average person. Manipulative ability can be obtained while doing prison time.
The ex-con then gets out and looks for those who are young or vulnerable to
prey on. He/she more than likely uses drugs, although less than his/her followers
who he/she remains in control of and with what these individuals advocate, if
they haven't already been to prison, they will more than likely wind up there.
Drugs are part of the control. Charles Manson learned this in prison and applied
it to his followers. He did lesser amounts of the drugs while his followers got
stoned out of their minds. This was one way he manipulated them. Most are now
spending the rest of their lives in prison.

Another letter was posted in the Teen group today. A girl is a virgin. She is
comfortable with this. Her friend was wondering whether she would have to "lose
her virginity in order to become a Satanist."

The point is- remember true Satanism is about being yourself and being free. No
one is expected to do anything that they are uncomfortable with or anything that
is not a part of their nature.

I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature
— Satan [from the Al Jilwah]

There are books written about magickal practice, I believe some by Aleister
Crowley. These teachings instruct the readers that they must do certain things to
break down barriers. This is utter bullshit and I equate it to walking out in front of
a large truck in order to see what it feels like to get run over [if one survives]. I am
adept. I have never had to resort to any of this misinformation and garbage.
Neither should anyone else.

There are many different ways of empowering one's self and overcoming
limitations, both physical and psychic, without having to resort to harmful actions.
For example, advanced martial arts training gives one an enormous amount of
power. This, when properly directed and applied can accomplish all kinds of
feats. Most martial artists do not have the knowledge of how to apply this power
outside of physical combat. We Satanists do.

People who use kids or claim to have an "in" with the Devil in order to manipulate
others and feed off their energies are in reality very weak. The ONLY initiation
one needs is between one's self and Satan. No "High Priest/ess" or anyone else
should have any control or power over another person. Satanic clergy offer
guidance and support- that is it. Members of the Satanic priesthood are gifted
people who can act as mediums in imparting knowledge, but if you are ever in
doubt, go to Satan yourself. If something doesn't feel right for you, then don't
accept it.

Remember, as a Satanist, the only one with authority is Satan himself. We do not
answer to any human beings.

Article 3
Spirit Abuse
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


Spirit Abuse

I wrote this sermon a long time ago when I was new. Much has happened since
then. This sermon concerns spiritual abuse. The Demons are no longer bound.
Five dedicated priests of Satan performed energy work on each of the Demons
by connecting our souls to theirs over a four-month period. The Goetic Demons
are not monsters we found, but important and popular Pagan Gods, many of
which are Ancient Egyptian. Anyone who is foolish enough to call up a Demon
using the abusive methods taught in the popular Jewish written grimoires such as
the "Key of Solomon" will be in for a rude awakening.

There is so much literary trash filling the bookstore shelves concerning the occult
and magickal practice. Many so-called esoteric societies and orders are nothing
more than Christians as they honor and work directly with Jehovah’s angels, use
Christian and Hebrew symbols and practice spirit abuse.

I read one of these books written on Goetic evocation.* In preparation to "calling
up a Demon," the author who is nothing more than an abusive sorcerer describes
in grave seriousness all of the senseless daily rituals, prayers to "YHVH," along
with special diets, sexual abstinence, ritual bathing and “fumigation.” In addition,
this foolish individual is terrified of the Demon he is so intent upon abusing, so of
course, he has to petition angels for help.

After the abuser’s repeated and exhausting attempts, the Demon finally appears,
some months down the line and roars, scaring the holy shit out of the abuser and
his partner. "Thou Fools!" the Demon roared. This author is so stupid and
spiritually ignorant; he can't even see that the Demon is toying with him. The
spiritually abusive author trembles in the confines of a 9-foot circle, along with his

The book reads on and after repeated attempts using coercion, threats, and so
forth, the author is able to secure a few more visits and becomes bold enough to
demand financial assistance. The Demon replies that he is "unable to come
through," as he has "no power over the economy in this day and age.” All the
author got out of the experience was lies, double-talk and much wasted energy.
The author said the experience "took everything out of him," aging him
physically, mentally and spiritually. He got what he deserved! These fools never
stop to think that in death, there is no protective 9-foot circle and when one's soul
leaves one's body permanently, the Demons they have made enemies of will be
waiting. The energy of a human spirit is nothing compared to the power of a
Demon. I know because I have invoked both Demons and deceased human

When we go to Satan with a pure heart [total honesty], we are rewarded with
knowledge and spiritual wisdom that few are ever able to receive. Demons
appear to me on my altar, speak to me at various times, and give me advice and

support very often. They just come to me. I don't even have to ask, not to forget
to mention money. I don't know how many times I have found or practically
walked right into money. I have never gone without. It is also comforting for me to
know I have real spirit friends who look out for me. I will be happy meeting them
when death comes. I always treat the Demons with extreme respect and always
try to give something back in gratitude.

I have found in my relationship with Father Satan, one of the most important
things to him is honor. Satan hates phonies, hypocrites, liars, weaklings, cowards
and people whose word is no good. Satan is strong on commitment and above
all, honesty. You make a promise to Father Satan and he will take you up on it,
keeping his end of the deal as well.

I was surprised to have Demon friends I never even met or summoned, offer their
assistance when I was having problems. Andras, who has a reputation for killing
those who try to summon him, appeared to me and offered to help me. The
reason he has been upset is because of the extreme disrespect and spiritual
abuse he and other Demons been shown for centuries by idiots, such as the
author of the above mentioned book.

In addition to the Demons who suffered horrendous abuse [worse than the
above], at the hands of this Jewish scum for centuries, these abusers extend
their abuse to other beings such as elementals, pixies and other astral beings.
Abusive sorcerers are hated by astral beings everywhere and in death and in
their future lives, they will pay.

Satanism is the only way to true spirituality. In finishing, I would like to add, there
is little or no need for props, OTHER, than of course, those shown out of respect,
such as incense to sweeten the air, candles, an altar and other tokens of respect,
if one desires to perform ceremonial rituals. I always bathe before a ritual out of
respect to Father Satan and wear clean clothes.

Demons don't need "a license to depart." This is as insulting as the 9-foot circle.
Remember, we are Satanists and the Demons are our friends. -High Priestess
Maxine Dietrich

*Goetic Evocation: The Magician's Workbook Volume 2 by Steve Savedow,
second printing, 1999

The author wrote of his experience in summoning Bim/Bune. Many Satanists
have met Bune. She is friendly and helpful when shown the proper respect and
summoned through Satan. The sad thing is these Demons are friendly beings
and they have been viciously abused for centuries under the direction of those
alien angels and the related alien entities that operate as the fictitious Jehova,
and who work through abusive sorcerers who use parasitical magick, mainly

In closing, for additional information and personal study:
Libellus Magicus

This is the Black Book used by the Catholic Order of the Jesuits [Society of
Jesus]. The linked webpage contains more links to Jewish written grimoires at
the bottom.

Article 4
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich



A familiar is an animal that is a gift from Satan to one of his disciples. This animal
forms an extremely tight and loving bond with the owner. The animal is different
from other animals in that he/she is inhabited by a lesser Demon soul. The bond
is usually so close, should the owner fall sick, the animal often will feel ill as well.
Dogs, cats, birds, rodents, and reptiles can be familiars. A witch can have several
familiars. One will find they are looked after and protected by helpful Demons
who will see to their well-being. These animals are gifts from Satan, and should
be treated very well. Witches were said to take great care of their familiars.

Animals are sacred in Satanism and should always be treated with consideration
and respect. This includes all animals.

Thoughtforms can also be implanted in or attached to a familiar, but this is
advanced and you should make sure you know what you are doing so no harm
comes to your familiar. Always go through Satan. Never do anything that could
harm your familiar.

Familiars are highly protective. They can help in magick as a partner. Witches
who do not have familiars can send out a psychic call to attract the right animal.
Familiars are known to be sensitive to psychic power and are welcome partners
for the raising of power, the casting of spells, scrying, spirit contact, and other
magickal work. They also serve as psychic radar, visibly reacting to the presence
of any unwelcome or negative energy. The pet dog of a High Priest viciously
growled and snarled, with his hair bristled when the presence of an angel was
detected and warned his owner of this unwanted presence.

The protection goes both ways. The owner will also be psychically protective
towards his/her familiar. The bond here is a strong as parent to child. In contrast
to all of the enemy claims and horror stories, Satan holds animals in high regard
and wishes for his people to treat them with much respect. In the Al Jilwah, he
states, "The beasts of the earth, the birds of heaven, and the fish of the sea are
all under the control of my hands."

One of the reasons for the rampant spread of the bubonic plague [Black Death]
in Europe during the 14th century was the Christian Church declared cats to be
of the Devil and people killed them en masse. This left the rat population to
explode at an alarming rate and the fleas that were common to rats spread the
plague to humans.

Article 5
Truth about Satan
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


The Truth About Satan

One of the most important things we can do as Satanists, is to establish a strong
relationship with Satan. Many people look to books, writings, and other
information, instead of going directly to Satan himself. Reading books can open a
door, but this also instills in one’s mind many assumptions, that when meeting
him and getting to know him, we find are false and confusion ensues.

There has been so much Misinformation, slander and lies written about Father
Satan. Nearly all, if not entirely, this has been invented and spread by his
enemies, people who don't know him, people out to make a fast buck and people
indoctrinated with Christian or other related lies.

These lies have shaped much of the mass mind concerning Satan. I receive
many e-mails from people who have been misinformed and expect Satan to be a
certain way. Take the Satanic Bible and the advocating of greed. I can tell you
from experience, Satan is not greedy. We can easily see how greedy the
Christian Churches are. Nearly everything of what the false enemy god is and
does, is blamed on Satan as a distraction.

True Satanism is not a trip through Disneyland. True Satanism is about personal
advancement along with becoming and evolving into a god, which brings spiritual
liberation. Satan helps us in our lives with whatever we need, but in contrast to
the many stories, he does not bestow extreme riches, fame and fulfill every wish
in exchange for one's soul.

When we give our souls to Satan, he assists us with bestowing upon us much
knowledge, direction, wisdom and personal power that will enable us to evolve
and advance into godhead. When we die, we will no longer be just a spirit, we
will emerge much more powerful and if we reincarnate, we will be born into a
higher existence, a better life. In advancing to become a god, one's life will
change for the better. One will no longer have to tolerate injustice as one will
have serious power and understanding, way beyond that of the average person,
with the ability to heal one's self and affect one's environment, influence and
even control others.

One advances by living life to the fullest, pushing one's self past physical,
psychological, mental and spiritual limitations and overcoming boundaries.
Inactivity and abstinence lead to degeneration. The human body is a perfect
example in that muscles that are not used, atrophy. A mind that is unused
becomes dull and stupid. The same can be said for the human soul.
SATchives said:

I wish to all my Dedicated Brothers and Sisters of Satan, that next year be the best year it can be, for you and your loved ones.
Articles 1
Sorry for What?
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


Sorry for What?

A Catholic priest took a 12-year-old boy out for ice-cream right after his father
had committed suicide. The priest used the opportunity to rape him. All we hear
from the Christians is excuses, excuses, and more excuses... Their own bible
reads: "Ye shall know them by their fruits." Not one good thing has come out of
Christianity or the Christian Church. Things that appear to be good are always
tainted in some way. Everything that has to do with Christianity is negative and
the Christians can't hide it. As for so called Christian "charity," the Red Cross,
United Nations and Social Welfare departments, to name a few, have done
much, much more, without the obsessive proselytizing and the demanding of
one's soul in return for basic survival needs.

We hear horror stories of how people turn to the Nazarene. There is nearly
always fear, near death, desperation or some other negative factor involved that
persuades them to do that.

Christian prophets and angels always bring ill omens and messages of
misfortune. Angels are notorious for preying upon children, then the children wind
up dead. The Fatima incident is just as bad with the alien virgin bitch predicting
the destruction of humanity and an early death of one of the three children there.

Satan came into my life when things were going good [and still are] and I was
happy. He has always been and is a very uplifting and positive presence in my
life. To this day, I don't have so much as one negative thing to say about him. All
of his works are positive, helpful, and loving. The same thing I can say for the
Demons I have established relationships with.

I was walking down the street some time ago, thinking about the worthless
Christian religion. Anyone who knows Father Satan knows he has a sense of
humor. Father Satan said to me in my head sarcastically "Everyone always has
to be sorry." This made me laugh. The professional victim Nazarene always
expects everyone to be so sorry. In truth, it is the Nazarene who should be sorry.
There are things I have done in my life that I regret, but I am sorry to those of
whom I committed the wrong acts against, *not* the stupid Nazarene and
nefarious alien company! What I had done at that time was done because of a
lack of knowledge. I wouldn't do anything like this now because I KNOW
BETTER. The reason people have a lack of knowledge is because of how
Christianity removed all spiritual knowledge and replaced it with lies and cut us
off from our own spiritual senses.

Who's responsible for the ignorance of humanity? Who is responsible for
depriving mankind of knowledge when Satan wanted us to have knowledge?? In
the end, who is really responsible for all the suffering and crimes and misery?

Not humanity. When we have regrets about the past and how we should have
done some things differently, the main reason is because we didn't have the
knowledge at the time. If we did, none of this would have happened and things
would have worked out all right for everyone concerned.

The aliens who are behind the program of Christianity are part of a movement
called “The Intergalactic Federation.” The IGF’s agenda is one of “noninterference.”
They plan to stand idly by while humanity blows itself to
smithereens with nuclear weapons.

The visit from the virgin bitch is typical of the IGF. There is a theme of negative
prophesy while the sadistic aliens stand by and watch, not lifting a finger to help.
In most cases, children are involved and preyed upon. The alien Greys and
enemy Nordics [angels], who have an insatiable hatred of humanity work with the

Satan and the Original Gods are from The Empire of Orion. The IGF is at war
with The Empire of Orion. The IGF works through many of the “New Age” people
and mystics to Christianize everything. The IGF aliens do not bother to help their
human lackeys when they are having problems and in addition, they are sadistic
and tell them of their misfortunes before they occur. Gifted humans are prohibited
from using their powers freely, even if this means saving their own lives or the life
of a loved one. Upon their death, they are absorbed into “the light.” The light is
also called “The One” and is a mass of harvested human souls used by the alien
Greys. There have been reports the Vatican made a deal with the Greys- wealth
and power in exchange for souls. This explains why the Catholic Church works
relentlessly to suppress human spiritual advancement and is nothing but dead
materialism devoid of any spirituality.

Satan and his Demons do not give negative prophesy. If you ever experience an
entity telling you something bad is going to happen, you can be sure this is not
Satan or any of the Demons.

Satan does not stand by and watch us suffer needlessly. He saved my life
literally more than once. He, himself stepped in for me. Whenever I experienced
severe attacks from angels, Azazel appeared immediately and chased them
away. All of us experience setbacks as this is life, but when things get serious, he
is right there for his disciples. I had an astrologically devastating year in July
2004- June 2005. On the night of April 30th of 2004, Satan spoke to me at length
during my ritual. I expressed my concerns about the coming year. I had seen this
year coming for over ten years. It was the year I was to die as I can predict death
astrologically. He informed me that he would be handling the energies for the
coming year and not to worry. He said I would experience some setbacks and
“not to lose heart.” The setbacks were quite minor given the magnitude of my
planetary aspects and in many respects, the year turned out to be joyous for me.
This was a miracle. I am grateful to him beyond words.

I wrote the above sermon several years ago. To this day, Satan has always been
very positive in every way for me. He is the most lovable being I have ever

Article 2
There are No Mediators in Satanism
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


There are No Mediators in Satanism

I am writing this sermon in reply to a letter posted to the Teens for Satan e-group
concerning someone who was using Satanism and a feigned relationship with
Satan to manipulate other people. The victims were young and unknowing.

All it takes is one person who has a little intelligence and manipulative ability than
the average person. Manipulative ability can be obtained while doing prison time.
The ex-con then gets out and looks for those who are young or vulnerable to
prey on. He/she more than likely uses drugs, although less than his/her followers
who he/she remains in control of and with what these individuals advocate, if
they haven't already been to prison, they will more than likely wind up there.
Drugs are part of the control. Charles Manson learned this in prison and applied
it to his followers. He did lesser amounts of the drugs while his followers got
stoned out of their minds. This was one way he manipulated them. Most are now
spending the rest of their lives in prison.

Another letter was posted in the Teen group today. A girl is a virgin. She is
comfortable with this. Her friend was wondering whether she would have to "lose
her virginity in order to become a Satanist."

The point is- remember true Satanism is about being yourself and being free. No
one is expected to do anything that they are uncomfortable with or anything that
is not a part of their nature.

I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature
— Satan [from the Al Jilwah]

There are books written about magickal practice, I believe some by Aleister
Crowley. These teachings instruct the readers that they must do certain things to
break down barriers. This is utter bullshit and I equate it to walking out in front of
a large truck in order to see what it feels like to get run over [if one survives]. I am
adept. I have never had to resort to any of this misinformation and garbage.
Neither should anyone else.

There are many different ways of empowering one's self and overcoming
limitations, both physical and psychic, without having to resort to harmful actions.
For example, advanced martial arts training gives one an enormous amount of
power. This, when properly directed and applied can accomplish all kinds of
feats. Most martial artists do not have the knowledge of how to apply this power
outside of physical combat. We Satanists do.

People who use kids or claim to have an "in" with the Devil in order to manipulate
others and feed off their energies are in reality very weak. The ONLY initiation
one needs is between one's self and Satan. No "High Priest/ess" or anyone else
should have any control or power over another person. Satanic clergy offer
guidance and support- that is it. Members of the Satanic priesthood are gifted
people who can act as mediums in imparting knowledge, but if you are ever in
doubt, go to Satan yourself. If something doesn't feel right for you, then don't
accept it.

Remember, as a Satanist, the only one with authority is Satan himself. We do not
answer to any human beings.

Article 3
Spirit Abuse
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


Spirit Abuse

I wrote this sermon a long time ago when I was new. Much has happened since
then. This sermon concerns spiritual abuse. The Demons are no longer bound.
Five dedicated priests of Satan performed energy work on each of the Demons
by connecting our souls to theirs over a four-month period. The Goetic Demons
are not monsters we found, but important and popular Pagan Gods, many of
which are Ancient Egyptian. Anyone who is foolish enough to call up a Demon
using the abusive methods taught in the popular Jewish written grimoires such as
the "Key of Solomon" will be in for a rude awakening.

There is so much literary trash filling the bookstore shelves concerning the occult
and magickal practice. Many so-called esoteric societies and orders are nothing
more than Christians as they honor and work directly with Jehovah’s angels, use
Christian and Hebrew symbols and practice spirit abuse.

I read one of these books written on Goetic evocation.* In preparation to "calling
up a Demon," the author who is nothing more than an abusive sorcerer describes
in grave seriousness all of the senseless daily rituals, prayers to "YHVH," along
with special diets, sexual abstinence, ritual bathing and “fumigation.” In addition,
this foolish individual is terrified of the Demon he is so intent upon abusing, so of
course, he has to petition angels for help.

After the abuser’s repeated and exhausting attempts, the Demon finally appears,
some months down the line and roars, scaring the holy shit out of the abuser and
his partner. "Thou Fools!" the Demon roared. This author is so stupid and
spiritually ignorant; he can't even see that the Demon is toying with him. The
spiritually abusive author trembles in the confines of a 9-foot circle, along with his

The book reads on and after repeated attempts using coercion, threats, and so
forth, the author is able to secure a few more visits and becomes bold enough to
demand financial assistance. The Demon replies that he is "unable to come
through," as he has "no power over the economy in this day and age.” All the
author got out of the experience was lies, double-talk and much wasted energy.
The author said the experience "took everything out of him," aging him
physically, mentally and spiritually. He got what he deserved! These fools never
stop to think that in death, there is no protective 9-foot circle and when one's soul
leaves one's body permanently, the Demons they have made enemies of will be
waiting. The energy of a human spirit is nothing compared to the power of a
Demon. I know because I have invoked both Demons and deceased human

When we go to Satan with a pure heart [total honesty], we are rewarded with
knowledge and spiritual wisdom that few are ever able to receive. Demons
appear to me on my altar, speak to me at various times, and give me advice and

support very often. They just come to me. I don't even have to ask, not to forget
to mention money. I don't know how many times I have found or practically
walked right into money. I have never gone without. It is also comforting for me to
know I have real spirit friends who look out for me. I will be happy meeting them
when death comes. I always treat the Demons with extreme respect and always
try to give something back in gratitude.

I have found in my relationship with Father Satan, one of the most important
things to him is honor. Satan hates phonies, hypocrites, liars, weaklings, cowards
and people whose word is no good. Satan is strong on commitment and above
all, honesty. You make a promise to Father Satan and he will take you up on it,
keeping his end of the deal as well.

I was surprised to have Demon friends I never even met or summoned, offer their
assistance when I was having problems. Andras, who has a reputation for killing
those who try to summon him, appeared to me and offered to help me. The
reason he has been upset is because of the extreme disrespect and spiritual
abuse he and other Demons been shown for centuries by idiots, such as the
author of the above mentioned book.

In addition to the Demons who suffered horrendous abuse [worse than the
above], at the hands of this Jewish scum for centuries, these abusers extend
their abuse to other beings such as elementals, pixies and other astral beings.
Abusive sorcerers are hated by astral beings everywhere and in death and in
their future lives, they will pay.

Satanism is the only way to true spirituality. In finishing, I would like to add, there
is little or no need for props, OTHER, than of course, those shown out of respect,
such as incense to sweeten the air, candles, an altar and other tokens of respect,
if one desires to perform ceremonial rituals. I always bathe before a ritual out of
respect to Father Satan and wear clean clothes.

Demons don't need "a license to depart." This is as insulting as the 9-foot circle.
Remember, we are Satanists and the Demons are our friends. -High Priestess
Maxine Dietrich

*Goetic Evocation: The Magician's Workbook Volume 2 by Steve Savedow,
second printing, 1999

The author wrote of his experience in summoning Bim/Bune. Many Satanists
have met Bune. She is friendly and helpful when shown the proper respect and
summoned through Satan. The sad thing is these Demons are friendly beings
and they have been viciously abused for centuries under the direction of those
alien angels and the related alien entities that operate as the fictitious Jehova,
and who work through abusive sorcerers who use parasitical magick, mainly

In closing, for additional information and personal study:
Libellus Magicus

This is the Black Book used by the Catholic Order of the Jesuits [Society of
Jesus]. The linked webpage contains more links to Jewish written grimoires at
the bottom.

Article 4
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich



A familiar is an animal that is a gift from Satan to one of his disciples. This animal
forms an extremely tight and loving bond with the owner. The animal is different
from other animals in that he/she is inhabited by a lesser Demon soul. The bond
is usually so close, should the owner fall sick, the animal often will feel ill as well.
Dogs, cats, birds, rodents, and reptiles can be familiars. A witch can have several
familiars. One will find they are looked after and protected by helpful Demons
who will see to their well-being. These animals are gifts from Satan, and should
be treated very well. Witches were said to take great care of their familiars.

Animals are sacred in Satanism and should always be treated with consideration
and respect. This includes all animals.

Thoughtforms can also be implanted in or attached to a familiar, but this is
advanced and you should make sure you know what you are doing so no harm
comes to your familiar. Always go through Satan. Never do anything that could
harm your familiar.

Familiars are highly protective. They can help in magick as a partner. Witches
who do not have familiars can send out a psychic call to attract the right animal.
Familiars are known to be sensitive to psychic power and are welcome partners
for the raising of power, the casting of spells, scrying, spirit contact, and other
magickal work. They also serve as psychic radar, visibly reacting to the presence
of any unwelcome or negative energy. The pet dog of a High Priest viciously
growled and snarled, with his hair bristled when the presence of an angel was
detected and warned his owner of this unwanted presence.

The protection goes both ways. The owner will also be psychically protective
towards his/her familiar. The bond here is a strong as parent to child. In contrast
to all of the enemy claims and horror stories, Satan holds animals in high regard
and wishes for his people to treat them with much respect. In the Al Jilwah, he
states, "The beasts of the earth, the birds of heaven, and the fish of the sea are
all under the control of my hands."

One of the reasons for the rampant spread of the bubonic plague [Black Death]
in Europe during the 14th century was the Christian Church declared cats to be
of the Devil and people killed them en masse. This left the rat population to
explode at an alarming rate and the fleas that were common to rats spread the
plague to humans.

Article 5
Truth about Satan
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


The Truth About Satan

One of the most important things we can do as Satanists, is to establish a strong
relationship with Satan. Many people look to books, writings, and other
information, instead of going directly to Satan himself. Reading books can open a
door, but this also instills in one’s mind many assumptions, that when meeting
him and getting to know him, we find are false and confusion ensues.

There has been so much Misinformation, slander and lies written about Father
Satan. Nearly all, if not entirely, this has been invented and spread by his
enemies, people who don't know him, people out to make a fast buck and people
indoctrinated with Christian or other related lies.

These lies have shaped much of the mass mind concerning Satan. I receive
many e-mails from people who have been misinformed and expect Satan to be a
certain way. Take the Satanic Bible and the advocating of greed. I can tell you
from experience, Satan is not greedy. We can easily see how greedy the
Christian Churches are. Nearly everything of what the false enemy god is and
does, is blamed on Satan as a distraction.

True Satanism is not a trip through Disneyland. True Satanism is about personal
advancement along with becoming and evolving into a god, which brings spiritual
liberation. Satan helps us in our lives with whatever we need, but in contrast to
the many stories, he does not bestow extreme riches, fame and fulfill every wish
in exchange for one's soul.

When we give our souls to Satan, he assists us with bestowing upon us much
knowledge, direction, wisdom and personal power that will enable us to evolve
and advance into godhead. When we die, we will no longer be just a spirit, we
will emerge much more powerful and if we reincarnate, we will be born into a
higher existence, a better life. In advancing to become a god, one's life will
change for the better. One will no longer have to tolerate injustice as one will
have serious power and understanding, way beyond that of the average person,
with the ability to heal one's self and affect one's environment, influence and
even control others.

One advances by living life to the fullest, pushing one's self past physical,
psychological, mental and spiritual limitations and overcoming boundaries.
Inactivity and abstinence lead to degeneration. The human body is a perfect
example in that muscles that are not used, atrophy. A mind that is unused
becomes dull and stupid. The same can be said for the human soul.

To you too i hope your year starts better than mine.
The IGF’s agenda is one of “noninterference.”
They plan to stand idly by while humanity blows itself to
smithereens with nuclear weapons

And of course when plans start going south, as in humanity actually becomes reactive to their agenda to some extent, then that plan ends up in the dumpster and end up swarming the skies.
Specter said:
The IGF’s agenda is one of “noninterference.”
They plan to stand idly by while humanity blows itself to
smithereens with nuclear weapons

And of course when plans start going south, as in humanity actually becomes reactive to their agenda to some extent, then that plan ends up in the dumpster and end up swarming the skies.

It should be pointed out that they(IGF) or certain other aliens whom interact with humanity. Have also stated disarm your nuclear weapons and remove them. They are probably afraid nukes are one of the few things that can really do a lot of damage to them.

It's not just "non-interference" but also nuclear disarmament with some aliens whom probably are two sides to the same coin i.e. play both sides against the middle.
Specter said:
The IGF’s agenda is one of “noninterference.”
They plan to stand idly by while humanity blows itself to
smithereens with nuclear weapons

And of course when plans start going south, as in humanity actually becomes reactive to their agenda to some extent, then that plan ends up in the dumpster and end up swarming the skies.

Yeah, it's the same "Non Interference" such as the jews. Don't mind us while we sit here and we completely ruin your planet with our influences, goy. We are non interfering in nothing. We control everything by coincidence.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
