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RE-Read-It WEEKENDS: Looking back at Important Material [Week 10]


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2019
I created some mp3's with my voice, some mp3s with my A.I TTS engine generated by my own voice*(feels monotone though), and some like I have been doing, let me know, I still have a long way to go before I perfect my reading skills but I am practicing all the time. I used to be way worse hahah.

Article 1
MP3 https://mega.nz/file/itIHUCbB#Jh8REJsWbas475Sa3b3Mlm23BeaMeD6NQAVmJhGBjwE
History Re-Written
Post Tue Feb 28, 2017 4:14 am
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

Greetings to all our People and Satanic Comrades.

I notice a lot of people aren't aware that History can be re-written, or if they are, they never thought about to what EXTENT this can happen. In fact, they can imagine this, but they never understand how deep this can go. You can literally remove anyone and everything from history, especially if you are a globalist power like jews. Globalism = the death of all other opinions, differences, cultures and of course, knowledge and information. Globalism is something evil that only the enemy would want for the world.

This is important and people need to understand this. Imagine an alternative here.

You are who you are and everything, living your life. When you stop existing, or if the public were to 'reject' your existence, would you NOT exist? Let's say your ID and your name meant nothing one day. This is what the enemy does to people, only that they kill them too most of the time, and make them 'disappear' from society. This is the communist practice the enemy has followed to erase many people from existence, mostly after they were dead.

The other thing is that most people don't understand how DEEP this can go. In fact, history itself has been made to confront and fit in the 6000 torah lie as well. Making civilization seem far smaller than it is. You have to think outside of the (((Box))) in that case.

In a future that will come if we stop the spiritual warfare, one that the enemy will have total power, our memory may as well be erased. We will no longer exist in history, and nobody, unless they find a CD (and the means to use/decipher it), or some printed material, or anything else left by any of us, will ever, ever know. Does that mean we never existed?

In the above example, the 'rapid' advances of technology would have rendered CD's 'obsolete'. Nobody could read this. If they opened the CD because well, in a free society they could find some means anyway, they may not have been able to read it. If they read it, they may not have understood it well, or at all. The same thing happens with Spirituality, due to the exact fact the enemy has corrupted information deeply, same as the means of translation.

This is why the enemy on one hand owns all the physical publishing, and this gives almost total control. Everything can be re-written. But see now how in the digital age, everything can be re-written without any evidence, and claimed to be 'true'. For example take jewbook, twitter and anything else. When the enemy has full control, they do these things. They don't do these now, as it will result in their death. When 'paper' and 'ink' will be obsolete, they will do this.

Notice the Egyptians, didn't largely use oil, ink or paper. They used sturdy papyrus, and giant, immovable rocks to record history. Somehow the enemy calls them prelithic, but were they? We can still know what happened in their history, after thousands of years. Will people 10 or 20 thousands of years after, know of us, as we know of these great civilizations now?
The Gods also have advanced technology that stores information in Crystals and other materials, that cannot be destroyed, or diamonds. Therefore the Truth remains intact.

Memory erasing is very common in enemy diktat "civilizations". This is common in the USSR and in other states where nobody checks what is going on, because they may end up in the gulag. The same has been done to National Socialists in history, painting them as more xian than they are, then you have a thing called 'conflicting evidence'. Conflicting evidence results as a result of someone, lying.

For example, some people see Hitler as a hyper-xian, even-though it doesn't agree with any of his actions, his visions, or his undertaking, or anything at all. But well it was 'said' he was, and written in a few books. People assume, they do not know. Most of the time not even evidence is needed.

I mean, the enemy says things about us here, on a daily basis, that doesn't make any sense or agree to us in the slightest. This will improve. This is the mentality of the media. Presented things over evidence. People are living in a lie. Unless you think Photoshop is real life. And who owns all this lie-creating machine? The enemy.

Therefore people should understand what happened with Xianity. Xianity destroyed all information and knowledge on past civilization. Until the 1700's, evidence and knowledge of the past was scarce. Normal people didn't know one thing. The only way to know is through the enemy lenses, alliance with the enemy on a higher level (And knowledge was only given so it would be corrupted) and zero to no other ways. People in the bottom of society, were lucky if they knew how to write their own name.

Notice for example how every history book written today, 'paints' things. Hitler this, Hitler that. Hannibal the very bad guy. This or the other thing. Jewish 'acceptance' has platted everything. If its accepted, its promoted. Does it kiss jewish ass? True. Does it not? False. From the Ancient Greek Manuscripts, its estimated and its known that around less than 5% have survived, and also, all these that 'survived' were basically confronted to the demands of the church. That's why they were allowed to exist.

The other thing the enemy does is when something is too big to destroy, they just bastardize its notion. You see in the bible for example, only the strongest Demons and deities are recognized, the leader of which is Satan. Now, the enemy could allow these to skip into memorial destruction. Other Gods have went almost in memorial destruction. Whats even better for the jews to do, is NOT let them skip into memorial destruction.

Its to taint their memory and direct the hatred of their own children to them. Do you see how it goes? From the position and power of Satan in the bible and the enemy manuscripts we can easily figure out, that even if people cannot find 'direct' evidence in the west (There is still extremely much if one does digging such as we did), Satan was probably worshiped everywhere on the planet or something. In India much of it has survived intact, because the Hindus did guard their culture.

People talk anything they have HEARD about Satan. If they one night prayed to him, and if their mind wasn't so strongly afraid and programmed, just allowing themselves to SEE, maybe what they saw would be drastically different. This is what WE have done. We just used our brain to think. I myself was very reluctant when I went to meet Satan in my first steps as a Satanist. Even-though of tens of years of drumming the false knowledge, however, the so called 'instinct' is more powerful and knows better. Obviously this doesn't overrule evidence, as many would like to think. Because if so then the instinct of the jews to kill everyone of you here is 'legit' and 'accepted'.

I am a Satanist because of knowledge and of instinct, and without instinct, I would never be. Without knowledge I may definitely have been again. Now, the gut instinct, or other higher types of instinct, have to deal with Soul memory, and the Serpent (on the high levels) or advanced reasoning in the lower spheres.

From Philo the jew who burned the library of Alexandria, to Zuckerberg that wants to turn all knowledge into 'digital', you can see the jews follow the same racial pattern. That of destroying evidence and leaving it to be easily malleable and changeable so in the future they can lie to people. Then we have what jews are doing into philosophy and science. They always cry that there is no "Truth" and that everything is "Relative", unless one of course questions the imagined jewish 'holocaust'. Then its TRUTH Goyim. Do you question it? You need to go to jail Goyim!

Imagine if you were an alien invader and you saw beings like humans here. Of course, you would be going after their culture, understanding, and things they have known as facts, especially if these beings get safety, power and protection from such.

After all, whom do they affirm they hate? Satan, in the anglicized version of the term. Satyan in Sanskrit means eternal Truth. Sat in most languages means light, positive, eternal, respected, and all sorts of other things. By all means that's what they hate.

In the future if Humanity advances enough and all individuals raise spiritually (the Devil, Satan's Serpent), the Truth then becomes known, and lying ceases from civilization. This is not only based on instinct, but grounded evidence. Evidence exists in general, and its a most important thing.

This is why until that time I go over and over again on how people need to print, plant some things, and other stuff. I don't say all these to everyone to tire you, or to make you waste a CD that costs 0.20$. Its just that this CD or USB drive may be discovered in generations to come, and save people, as we have been saved today, by others who chose be thrown into the fire, than succumb, and chose sacrifice, over their head.

Another reason why the enemy abolishes property is that they can storm every place so nothing can be 'hidden' nowhere. Forests and many other places make for excellent hiding places, for anything one wants to hide, same as mountains etc.

Our heads are worth nothing if nobody knows about it and cannot make use of our sacrifice, knowledge, warm or even victories, all of which we are doing today.

Respect civilization and seek to uphold it. Those who act like animals, beat them in line with the Spiritual means. We are sitting on a mine of gold that billions never had, so use your existence and time well.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Article 2
MP3 https://mega.nz/file/elJV2YyI#X9IuO9JdoZuXvVQAFWeBHqO5vJl6hy62ZFhgKjZFV38
So Who Said Satan is Evil...?
Post Sat Mar 18, 2017 5:49 pm
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

Everywhere in our infested culture nowadays, we keep hearing and its drummed into everyone that, Satan is somehow "Evil". From jews, be it in the opposing side, or in the jewish infested "Satanism", they always shout it loud, that "Satan" is "Evil".

Satan is basically the spiritual Hitler in a sense. No matter what evil happens, Satan is always blamed, in the same way and imagery that Hitler is always blamed. At some other age and time, it was something else. Rumors, hearsay, no evidence, and just 'feelings' that are easily manipulated by mass media, television, and the staggering global jewish control of literature.

Their faithful servants who read their literature, also agree. "Satan is Evil". Thus says the jewish culture, because according to jews, this entity and some others, don't want the Jewish plans to succeed and they are at war with them. The mass term for jews is "Jehova", their racial hive, and "Satan" is the one who opposes them and seeks to destroy them. "Satan" is the obstacle between them, and their apocalyptic globalist society, where everything is enslaved, equalized, and flattened in "God's" name.

Still some Gentiles who read these texts, watch netflix, or some jewish, hollywood movie, they say: "Oh, Satan is Evil". When evidence is required, there is none. Experience, neither. What is just provided is what the bible, a book created a couple of years ago, was stated.

At best, they have the opinion of a demented christian, so brainwashed by the program that they believed in, that they say "Satan is chasing them". Most of the times, the so called 'Christian' fellow is also tyrannized by mental disease, or one can plainly see that they are of a susceptible nature.

At other times, a person with strikingly the facial features of a psychopath, or a person of the jewish tribe, does a few murders, and of course, to evade prison, blames an Indian Totem, some Hindu God, mental illness, or the jewish favorite: "Satan". Satan is by far the most marketing and judge friendly solution. The poor jew, never wanted to kill anyone, but who the "Dark Lord" instructed.

Might result in softed judgement to show that you have feel a victim of the bad guy, and you indeed yourself were a good guy. In prison, if you bow to Jehova enough, you might get our faster, too. Because as we know, that's what good guys do.

Even when the Vatican enslaves, murders, and when jews wipe out nations, or when the Illuminati and Freemasons of Adam Weisthaupt, do murder, enforce globalism, or financially enslave countries, even if inside their own material they claim it openly all this is done for "Jehova" and to facilitate the return of their beloved "Jesus" who is their master, somehow, all of this is discredited: Satan again becomes the scapegoat. Always, no matter what happens, no matter how obvious, no matter how hidden, the jews will tell us its Satan's fault.

This is no different from how Hitler is blamed, after he has been absent from this world for over 70 years, for all the perils of Humanity. Someone falls of the staircase, didn't you know Hitler pushed you down? Hitler, the ultimate scapegoat. He who the jewish world has renounced. According to some jews, Hitler was also the Anti-Christ. He committed fantastical crimes such as gassing 6,000,000,000,000 jews. There is no need for any proof. Like Satan, Hitler, and other beings of importance, please, don't do any research: Take what the jews said as fact, and move on.

One opens the bible, and all the things that "Satan" is by imagination blamed, are done for Jehova (the "good" God) and for his "Son", jewsus christ). Satan is the supposed receiver of blood sacrifice, but every Sunday at the church, people are "Drinking the flesh and blood" of an imaginary, stolen from Pagan, fictitious Rabbi.

Satan is the supposed bringer of death and destruction, but well, in the "New Testament", and its "Prophecies" that were inspired from "God", 2/3 of Human population has to die off the planet, because of disobedience to "God". And roast in eternal hellfire. The "Good God" also carries full blown genocide against the enemy tribes of the jews. Of course, all done in perfect good "Will".

The jewish bible, filled with lies, pseudepigraphal history, on one hand, claims that "Satan" is some sort of "underbog" to jews. On the other hand, this supposed "Underbog" is revealed to have existed long before the jewish race even came to be, and even in the same ficticious book, he seeks to eliminate them.

The Demons that appear in the bible, by a huge coincidence, do also point out to the most important deities of the Pantheons that the jews have hated, and desecrated. "Satan" comes from Satyan, the Sanskrit word of Eternal Truth. Apollyon comes from Appolon, the Greek God of the Sun, Music, and Light. The throne of Satan in Pergamus, is actually the throne of Zeus, head of the Greek Pathneon. Of course, these are "Demons" who are seeking a final reckoning. Quite a coincidence, right?

Some random entities called "Angels", that come from nowhere and have no historical basis, are suddenly called 'real' and believe to be as such. While Gods and Demons who existed tens of thousands of years prior, are dismmised.

Somehow, some Gentiles also claim that the jews are themselves the "Satanists". Based on some quote in the bible, where Rabbi Yashua (Also known as Jesus) mocks his own that they have lost their path and they are called by the degoratory term "Synagogue of Satan"- that is, of opposing the larger jewish interest. Because well, Satan here too is against Jewish interest as the primal source of fuckups for the jew.

Every institution the jews have owned, from Hollywood, to the Church, to many other places, even some artificial created groups that push "Satanism", do infact mock Satan, and always force him into the reverse-christian standards. Never had this figure had any research done for them, unless we did it. Uncovering the Truth for everyone to see.

Of course, we are being demonized, attacked, and driven away from the spotlight as much as possible, while the "Jews" play both their "good and evil" game against the unsuspecting middle.

The Gods that everyone worshipped, suddenly end up to be hated, despised, and replaced with ficticious entities. Satan gives knowledge, understanding and the ability of consciousness to people. But somehow, he ends up being the evil one all along. Some plural entities that wanted humanity to stay completely ignorant, were unhappy with it and waged war at him.

The jews admit themselves of being in a COVENANT with these entities as well. Isn't that a bit suspicious too? What entities are they? Wasn't "God" a sole person? Why is "Elohim" in the original, jewish text, plural. Why does "God" need to "Descend down and look at Adam" or "searches for him in the garden", anyway?

Then, we have the other arguement. That Satan was, somehow, created by the jews. The same thing the jews claim for the Myth of the Garden of Eden (Stolen from the Sumerian Myth of Creation), the Bible, Morality, Ethics, even Science, and whatever else Humanity has ever created.

Egypt, Greece, Rome, Sumer, Akkad, Hindus all of these were idiots and did nothing at all. Therefore, wherever jews ruled with christianity or islam (Their Abrahamic Programs) they have wiped out and destroyed all evidence, because well, it didn't matter at all. According to jews their existence was really trivial and meant nothing at all, anyway. They were just a preparation for the mighty jew to show up in the scene, to steal their culture, and let us know how THEY created everything.

They also claim they made the universe. After all, "JHVH", their blueprint for their own race parading as a "God", claims it made EVERYTHING.

Didn't you know that the jews made the universe, and everything in it? Because well, that's what they state. Didn't you know the world only began around 5500 to 6000 years ago? The jews claim this too. It must be real, same as anything else the jews have claimed. All the creation is the creation of some jew, and all creation conspires and revolves around the jews of course. Because the jew is the real, and only, son of 'god' as well.

The whole world must be standing on their toes, work and toil for the jews, because they should be expecting a fictitious rabbi of rabbis, to appear. Otherwise, be prepared to die in eternal fire and anguish.

But isn't all the above dillemas and crap, coming from analyzing the jewish gimmick? That always try to shroud ANY perception about Satan, with something negative. Why should we listen the opinion of a racial minority, that sucks baby penis, and is responsible for so much murder and corruption on the world, let alone other things?

Who is STUPID enough to take their opinion and lies as factual?

How come though, Satan is evil? What is the so called 'experience' of anyone that speaks such about Satan? Have they met him, spoken to him? Has Satan ever spoke for himself but recently? Why are all our Pagan Gods and deities suddenly, "Demons".

Why do we "Exorcise" our own Gods, who were said to have created sciences, art, civilization, the art of warfare and survival, and everything else that Humanity enjoys and has to show as an achievement, today?

In a final analysis, nobody that says an opinion about Satan, has anything found about him, that doesn't come from a jewish source, is not a jewish lie, or is biased. If anyone is interested in speaking about Satan, and is non-jewish, one can do some research and inquiry for themselves. Otherwise, one is proclaimed and open enemy, who speaks on Satan only on unfounded, jewish views and modes of thinking, that were inspired by them.

What People who seek Satan/Lucifer, will find, if they look at him with serious inquiry, may be surprising for the best for everyone.

Isn't it the time for those interested, to seek Satan on their own, without lenses or fake expectations?

Here's a door:


Article 3
MP3 https://mega.nz/file/q4BzVKLb#TgHA5q8QVWWFviASIwDjZC3sThmODfMV5yWjZ3jDNnE
Christianity, Islam and Judaism = Counter-Cultures
Post Fri Mar 17, 2017 7:02 pm
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

what everyone needs to understand is that the tribe of jews never had their own culture. Everything is stolen. What these beings could only do, is conjure counter-cultures, from the cultures of their host populations and civilizations. This is why, in what they have labelled as "Satanism", collective term for Gentile Paganism, everything is reversed.

Imaginary thoughforms of the jews are the 'good', some jew named jewsus is the savior, and jews are kings. Exactly the reverse of what the cultures of their native hosts had. The jews have created counter-cultures all the time. This is still practiced to this day. Instead of making anything, they stole the pattern, and reversed the meanings in it.

Then, this counter-culture was imposed on the native population by war, bloodshed, and was imposed as the "NORMAL" and the "REAL" culture. All those who knew or believed otherwise, were killed and slaughtered. As they destroyed the knowledge of the past culture, the real cultures ceased to be known, and the counter-culture they created to benefit the jewish race, became the 'real' culture of their host.

The story of jewsus is stolen from Pagan Gods, the letters of the jewish alphabet, the style of writing the books, the list goes. In the same way the jews steal the blood of the people due to hybrid-ization and race mixing, to infiltrate, the same pattern is done in their so called 'culture'.

They steal the physical appearance of the victim by race-mixing with the native populations, and inject different content in it. The distortions are present, but not anyone can see them, especially if their own culture doesn't wake them up to this fact. Unless one's sense and knowledge is strong, they cannot notice the small, wearing differences, or the complete reversals. Magick of the jews covers their tracks, and they push this process for centuries.

This is why all the Demons are Pagan Gods, Satan has went from the light of the World and Truth, to being the 'abomination', and why jews have went from slaves and beings of excrement to world rulers. This process took hundreds of years, but was eventually successful. Now, we have dumb-asses who think 'Christianity' and Judaism filth are part of their own 'culture' and 'race'. Therefore, the jews always maintain these 'cultures' going.

Culture defines the definitions about life and society. What is good, bad, or evil. What people give their attention and existence to. Instead of any of these being good or beneficial for the survival of the people who make up this culture, the 'cultures' of today just serve the jews, and their agenda and race. Therefore, jews are made into 'god' by parasitism of the native power, work, labor, and psychic energy of their victims. When this process finalizes, not even this fake ass culture is needed, as it has served its purpose.

Then, the jews push what we know politically as 'communism' and remove all culture, identity, and everything that defines their living slaves, even if its corrupted and hijacked. The slave looses all identity, and in the jewish wet dream, the jews rule supreme over the powerless cattle and slaves, now and for all eternity.

One when they get this concept they have understood mostly what the jews does, and you can notice their operation. In plain, they copy, creating a perverted copy of anything, and then they keep doing this while forcing the copies as the original, mainly by violence and distorted xians and other debilitates who are infected by their lies.

The same thing is done by a cell that is infected by a virus. The virus instills the destroyed DNA into the cell, the cell replicates with the virus encoded in it, and this process keeps going, growing the virus with it, unless of course the body's defenses end this process. The jew works like a virus and a parasite in many ways.

"We are the Antidote" - Lilith

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Article 4
MP3 https://mega.nz/file/7oQlyA7K#0meAMUOYl2Zw-ESnRKal850AfpVY2fomMdy9Cua6Ots
Racist Jews Force Gentiles into Race-Hate
Post Sat Mar 11, 2017 3:53 am
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

Let's not forget something.

The jews have been parasitizing and attacking all Gentiles for thousands of years. Doesn't matter what race one falls under. The jews are a global element that has destroyed all Gentile Races. Even the races who seem more successful today, have been mercilessly messacred by the jews and many others. To save themselves from being found out, the jews create endless, non-necessary "racism" amongst Gentiles.

This is all hard-coded in the Torah, same as it is for the attempts to mix all races into "ONE" culture. Dr Tony Martin who was a Black African, mentioned that there is a curse on "Ham" (supposedly the progenitor of black people in the bible) and that they are damned eternally to be cursed.

Of course, the jews followed this, and owned 90% of the slave ships. They were the bringers and marketers of the slaves, same as other rotten xian africans who decided to sell their own for a quick buck, and then lastly, some stupid White goyim that wanted to buy 'slaves'.

What I am trying to say...Look from where it begins.

If we only look where it ends, we are on the level that jews want us to be, and one is being ignorant. And infection that ends up in death, has to be located BEFORE it causes this. When death draws close, its too late, and its not useful to look at corpses. Its better to just find it on the beginning stage and treat it. When the jews START to corrupt, this is what must never happen. From there on, many horrible things will happen between anyone involved.

This friction and these attempts to destroy all individuality on earth, are the exact causes of strife. The enemy profits from all of this, and then lets the "Goyim", Black, White, Asian, Arab, whatever, to fight it out.

Europe has had most of its civil warfare, between White people, who have killed each, half of each, year after year, for closely a thousand years. The same thing is ongoing in many other places of the world, eventhough people are in fact of the same racial families, and they should be closer.

Its to be remembered in the bible, the enemy alien hive labelled as "JHVH", says that the races and people have been scattered on different regions, and their languages destroyed. For this reason you see people that are closely entirely the same, and for bizarre reasons, they have to kill each other out. This is blatantly wrong.

Look what they are doing in Europe. The jews like a parasite, stole the leadership of the continent. Then, they opened the gates of it, after they enslaved the native Europeans into cattle within their own civilization, keeping them asleep on their death-song. Now, many jews are going back to Israel or elsewhere, and letting the "Goyim" slaves do the fighting, looting, and murdering on their own.

What's best than destroying BOTH of your enemies at ONCE? Now Blacks, Arabs, and Europeans, will be in the same melting pot, and the jew will want them to fight it out. All losses and casualties will be welcome to the jewish agenda, that could give a shit less about anyone's life. Of course, this whole thing is overseen by the jews who will be flying to Israel when this is said and done. But that's all there is to it. The same thing happens in America.

Whenever America tries to make some progress in its multi-racial terrain, and any balance or understanding is attained it either goes to these ways: Assimilate into a borg, race mixed cattle, OR, civil warfare to kill everyone. For the jew, there is no in-between, because if there was, they would be thrown into the sea.

Check out the jewish Hollywood for example. It always makes the jews look as "Gods" and now, more obviously than ever, forces it down to Whites, Blacks and everyone else involved, all sorts of ideas to fight and kill one another. Cultures and differences are ridiculed, and kikes who portray or have infiltrated either the "Black", "White", or "Asian" race, are actually running the whole game. People are oblivious because they don't know these people aren't Gentiles, but actually JEWISH MIX-HYBRIDS. Most of them openly practice judaism, which should wake up many.

All "Races" and everyone in this world has done things such as have slaves, and all people have done acts that we understand today to be 'deplorable'. What all Gentiles need to have in mind, is that when the Serpent of Consciousness drops, in humans, no matter "Who" it is, one is bound into stupidity, and chaos.

From there, all chaos and problems arise, as there is no progress. The jews attacked ALL Pagan religions for a reason. They attacked ALL Gentiles. The surviving elements in Asia, Europe, Africa or elsewhere, these served us all today to regenerate a mass culture and find roots again. Many people have done their part.

Lastly, we here are in the court of Satan, and the Gods of Hell. Do not fall into the loops of those who don't know the Truth, because well, you do. In post xian/mudslime times, there was HARDLY EVER any 'religious war' documented as such. Maybe people fought for other reasons, especially in the late centuries where the enemy has been massacring civilizations, but never about "RELIGION". Religious and cultural warfare came only with the jews, who caused this because they never had a native culture.

Gentiles need to help each other get up, rather than destroy them. The enemy ALWAYS forcibly removes civilization from people. In Europe, the knowledge about meditation and Kundalini came in the early 1900's, after being burried for closely two thousand years. Only those who were very lucky, or in league with Satan, or in league with the jews, had the slightest chance to learn anything. The average person knew nothing. Illiteracy was rampant.

I am doing a documentary that requires me to look in Africa, and the jews have massacred this place, same as the native religions, and forcibly replaced them with xianity. Only few people were to practice in secret. Of course, the major problems "WHY" people are having civil war in Africa, well, you guessed it, are Pisslam and Xianity.

Tibet has also been massacred, especially in these last six decades. China had communism, which destroyed its deep spiritual foundations, and the enemy has made these bleed early on by Buddhism. Then, the Islamic's have went on onslaught rampage against India as well. Who hides behind all of this, all of us know.

All of us here are the most dangerous to the enemy, because we know and apply the Truth. On one hand, none of the failure mind tricks of the enemy do work, on the other hand, all of us here work in mutual respect and with higher aims for Gentile humanity as a whole, our own people included. We are indestructible, and we are immunized to the cancers of the enemy. Therefore the enemy knows that if more people become like us, there will be no more infighting and all wars will cease.

We simple know how it goes. Good Person-> Good Race (Many Good Persons)->Good Races-> Good Humanity. It cannot go into any other formula, because if the enemy gets their way, all individuality and ability to advance in any serious way, same as any purpose for the betterment of the world would be completely lost. All that would have remained is a cattle that has zero identity, past culture, let alone any serious power to do anything, since people will be extremely divided to manage.

Look on how the enemy mixes cultures, and creates strife, and these cultures then have grudges, and therefore fight it out instead of fighting the enemy. This is an ancient trick. The jew packs the first punch, and the jew runs away while the goyim fight it out.

Unless we are talking for a serious war against these beings who created all of this, of course.

Teach others what you know (from safe and effective grounds) and things will flow on their own. When people see what has been done to them by jews, as we have, then, this revolution by knowledge will take the forms required to save everyone from this. Humanity may actually see a golden age again.

The Golden Age was the age of peace, spoken by all Ancient Cultures, at the time where the Gods were physically present on the planet. From "These" times, the flourishing of all different civilizations was on the high levels. This can happen again, by consistent spreading of the Truth and rebuilding what has been destroyed.

Only that this time, the enemy will never have their way again...

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Article 5
MP3 https://mega.nz/file/2hZnBAAb#C6U2OeofgwKxf6JH872VM0qdwutndrVzLZy6cYAyyOM

The 'Troll God' of Meme's named "KEK"
Post Thu Mar 09, 2017 6:23 pm
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

Now I write this partly for the lol'z, partly because its a fact...

For those that don't know about "KEK", this is a meme used by "White Supremacists" and other "Radicals" that is used around to troll the enemy incessantly. As the jews say, Trump got elected because of the 'meme war'.

Image (couldnt find image)

Kek is closer to the "Satanic" principle than many understand. The Ancient Egyptian deity named "KEK" is associated with Serpents, Cats and Frogs. Serpents are obviously the par excellence Satanic symbol. Cats were burned in the Middle Ages for being the symbols of Satan, the "Watchers", and also are famous familiars for witches. Satan gives the guardian cats of the Witches, and the infamous "Black Satanic Cat", which was considered deadly and a bringer of "misfortune" to the judeo-christian system. As such, Cats were mass burned in the hundreds to ward off "Satan" from their midst.

Frogs are considered unholy, Satanic, and a curse in the world of jews. Jews even nowadays have extreme superstition about frogs. Frogs are associated with Satan, and when it rains frogs, or other such things, Judaism considers frogs to be minions of Satan, and sending the message of punishment to anyone. Frogs in general symbolize misfortune for the enemy, but frogs are really a misunderstood animal.

They in fact show transformation from a spiritual form to another, and they are very Eco-friendly. However, the enemy considers frogs "demonic", because they start from an Embryo that looks like a Serpent, and then they become full frogs. Different animals represent different things, and Cats also symbolize the Serpent Power.

Frogs, like other animals, were held in respect in Egypt, because well, they saved everyone from parasites such as mosquitoes, who were a serious problem in Egypt. Parasitic Mosquitoes. I think I know one that drains with the nose, but it drains shekels...

The frog is born in water, as thus the primordial waters of creation. The enemy denies the occult lore that claims that the universe was made in Water, or in Fire (both of which are Pagan) and they claim a jew farted this out of their stinky ass, something like 6000 years ago. The primordial water and fire is actually the Aether- the Darkness, which deities like Set and "Kek" do represent. Kek, like the Ancient titans, is a primordial energy force, and not a "God" exactly. The Ogdoad is basically the natural concepts, as understood by the occult lore.

Here, the Satan, or the "Great Beast" spits frogs from its mouth. Frogs are associated with the power to curse by occult means:

Revelation 16:13 ESV
And I saw, coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs.

As for the Serpent headed, Satan appears in the garden as a Serpent, and we all know the opinion of the jews on that one.

"Keket" and "Kekui" is actually the female and male counterparts of the same diety. "Kek" is supposed to be androgynous, and symbolizes the primordial darkness. Satan is called by the enemy, the lord of Darkness. Darkness is the Aether of Creation, and its not darkness, nor light, but a state before both. As thus "KEK" is a concept that deals with this creation state.

The thing that "Kek" (Darkness) suddenly became famous is again no coincidence, it broke as a meme because it's a concept rooted in the spiritual past. Things like that resurface at some point, in one form of another. Therefore, "Satan" always returns.

Unconsciously, people re-create their older belief systems as this comes from the Soul. This is one example how people in the Black Metal scene "Accidentally" conjured Satan and the Gods again. And shortly, this became Satanist and Satanism, etc. The Pagan Gods are all in this category as well. Why is this happening? Because this is deeply ingrained and hardwired in people, and can never be driven out. Everything worthwhile in this world and civilization, is always of "Satan". In fact, the pisslamic hordes and many others openly claim that civilization is of Satan, and it needs to be destroyed.

The enemy has made all of this dismissed as "superstition" and "false Gods", but why is a Rabbi named Jewsus considered "Real"? Even when his identity is proven to be a stolen mass of older Gods who have been (((declared))) "Dead" by the enemy?

Notice how the enemy attacks ISIS and calls their terrorist organization with the Name of the Goddess ISIS, from which the mother of the kike rabbi was stolen. ISIS is the mother of the Divine Child, Horus. Horus is the Savior that saved Egypt (A Symbolic Gentile civilization). All this is an unconscious game.

Why? Because if someone wants to curse this Jewish Created Terrorist Organization, they have to use the name "ISIS", and therefore misdirect the curse to the Goddess. Also, the hate tainted on this name, can equally be misdirected.

Anyway, if you like "Kek", you're kind of dealing with the "Dark" side already. Have a nice stay.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Please give some feedback/criticism of the mp3's. thanks
SATchives said:
Please give some feedback/criticism of the mp3's. thanks
It was better quality than I thought before listening. The robotic monotony can still be heard, and if you could get rid of that then I would say 10/10. This current one is something like 7/10. Not bad.
Henu the Great said:
SATchives said:
Please give some feedback/criticism of the mp3's. thanks
It was better quality than I thought before listening. The robotic monotony can still be heard, and if you could get rid of that then I would say 10/10. This current one is something like 7/10. Not bad.

How would you rate the one I did naturally?
Please include more things from HPS Maxine. Her posts are very important. Old ones, from 2005, etc. These are things I revisit myself every year too. Extremely helpful.

Thanks for all you do Brother.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Please include more things from HPS Maxine. Her posts are very important. Old ones, from 2005, etc. These are things I revisit myself every year too. Extremely helpful.

Thanks for all you do Brother.
Understood, and I agree, I'll start doing that immediately.

let me just say,

THANK You for all You do Brother, and let this thanks reach out to all our other Clergy and Dedicated peoples.

Personally, everything I have done, although important in my own way, is little work in comparison to what You and HPS Maxine Dietrich have done. So everytime you thank me I want to thank you a hundred time over, and I do very much appreciate your thanks, and in return I must thank the Clergy again.

These are my feelings, and simple truths,

High Priest Maxine Dietrich without her video Sermons, her words which rang true, and all the information brought together by Her we would have nothing. Her videos really opened me and my dad up to Spiritual Satanism. and to this day it gives me goosebumps listening to her videos, lets never forget She is the one who FREED the Demons.

However I'm doing my best to reciprocate the Clergy efforts with efforts of my own.I feel its my obligation to do so, for Satan and our Future, as I'm sure all of our Clergy and Dedicated Brothers and Sisters of Satan feel this too, but I have much growing to do. so I must be humble, what I've done is not much it is the bare beginning of my path. I'll keep growing and eventually I'll find more ways to apply myself.

I want to humble myself, These words I record and copy every week are not mine, but the Clergy's. yes I believe what I am doing is very important in a sense, especially when I get to putting them into videos, but lets be honest all I am doing is something anyone can do.

However the information brought together, and the words written by our Clergy are extremely moving and not just anyone can write these things the way you all do these . As everyone's way of writing is different and unique to themselves.

for others to understand how my process was, I was going through a folder of google cache files I had saved from the old forums so this was not intentional, In this folder just happened to be 95% where HP HoodedCobra666 and 5% HPS Maxine Dietrich's.
solun said:
SATchives said:
Please give some feedback/criticism of the mp3's. thanks

Article 5 mp3 didn't play at all for me

fixed, it was simple human error by me when uploading, thanks for calling it out, please judge this one, human not machine.
I wish Maxine can post again so i know she is okay and still in charge of the forums?
I somtimes feel and no offense to the Hp's that this forum has been hacked and in control of the enemy which they are slowly and systematically changing the truths that she told us in the beginning,but im probably 95 % wrong in feeling that.I have been gone for so long im not really surprised some things have changed..
She said that she has been attacked every time she came on the forums! I hope our people crushed them! i Think that next time if she comes then thouse people
and kikes should be banned immediately!!
She started these forums and should be treated with the utmost respect!!! She is a goddess in human form,I doen't see anyone in this world closer to a god than she is,not even Hitler. I wish i could meet her one day.
People may think im a joke or jokeing but consider all the extremely rare information she revealed,that is impossible for a normal human to do. She is living proof that their are higher beings out there,because that is where she got it from.
Infact i have not seen one other Satanist who did the same,yes maby one or two big truths revealed but not a whole library like she did.. So anyone who laughs at me for thinking she is a god or on godly level should really think about what i just sayed about the information she gave to us.
SATchives said:
How would you rate the one I did naturally?
Very close to as good as it can be. I think there are occasions where you could rhythm it just a bit better and also I noticed some small "hiccups". 9/10.

Your HAIL SATAN was awesome! :D
Henu the Great said:
SATchives said:
How would you rate the one I did naturally?
Very close to as good as it can be. I think there are occasions where you could rhythm it just a bit better and also I noticed some small "hiccups". 9/10.

Your HAIL SATAN was awesome! :D

haha thanks, I will be trying to get better too everytime I record I'll get better, I notice evertime I do it (((they))) thoughtforms or whatever you have it try at me hard. but I just push through it, years ago their energy was so bad it was a lot more difficult, but now, I've noticed they have gotten a lot weeker with the enemy thoughtforms and their energy in general, I can just brush it off, we are really doing a lot of damage to them, and it's great! HAIL SATAN!!
One Wire Phenomenon said:
I wish Maxine can post again so i know she is okay and still in charge of the forums?
I somtimes feel and no offense to the Hp's that this forum has been hacked and in control of the enemy which they are slowly and systematically changing the truths that she told us in the beginning,but im probably 95 % wrong in feeling that.I have been gone for so long im not really surprised some things have changed..
She said that she has been attacked every time she came on the forums! I hope our people crushed them! i Think that next time if she comes then thouse people
and kikes should be banned immediately!!
She started these forums and should be treated with the utmost respect!!! She is a goddess in human form,I doen't see anyone in this world closer to a god than she is,not even Hitler. I wish i could meet her one day.
People may think im a joke or jokeing but consider all the extremely rare information she revealed,that is impossible for a normal human to do. She is living proof that their are higher beings out there,because that is where she got it from.
Infact i have not seen one other Satanist who did the same,yes maby one or two big truths revealed but not a whole library like she did.. So anyone who laughs at me for thinking she is a god or on godly level should really think about what i just sayed about the information she gave to us.
You have been saing this a lot. HP Maxine is busy. The God's are keeping her busy, we don't know more. Just because she doesnt post as much does not mean she is not here checking the forums. HP HoodedCobra is the one who is moderating these forums, years ago it was Maxine. Everyone has different duties and darmha, maybe HP HoodedCobra is better for the role of moderator. Usually when HP Maxine comes back to the forum its because she has big news, so its always exciting when she starts to post ;)

Either way we are not here to worship the HP's. So really there is no point in having Maxine here all days, I think HoodedCobra does a great job, if you want Maxine because you think she Is going to make you advance faster, let me tell you this is something only you can do. Meditate and reach her spiritual level, this is something everyone can do with the information we have thanks to the God's and of course HP Maxine for Jos!
I'll start working on Week 11 tonight, a few hours from now. They will be HPS Maxine's from 2002-2005 volume 1 and 2, I'll be going through these for the next few weeks, as there is a lot of good information not many have seen or might not remember seeing. Anyways thanks for understanding the delay.
Henu the Great said:
SATchives said:
How would you rate the one I did naturally?
Very close to as good as it can be. I think there are occasions where you could rhythm it just a bit better and also I noticed some small "hiccups". 9/10.

Your HAIL SATAN was awesome! :D
I also want to hear them,can someone put it on youtube please
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Henu the Great said:
SATchives said:
How would you rate the one I did naturally?
Very close to as good as it can be. I think there are occasions where you could rhythm it just a bit better and also I noticed some small "hiccups". 9/10.

Your HAIL SATAN was awesome! :D
I also want to hear them,can someone put it on youtube please

Youtube will take them down instantly, I have already tried with past articles.
I have them linked so you can download them, why can you not download and listen to them? They are mp3 files so essentially any video player / music player will be able to play them. if you have a computer or a phone, download them and play them.

One I get the animations that our brothers are workin on I am going to make them into videos and put them on LBRY and Bitchute
SATchives said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Henu the Great said:
Very close to as good as it can be. I think there are occasions where you could rhythm it just a bit better and also I noticed some small "hiccups". 9/10.

Your HAIL SATAN was awesome! :D
I also want to hear them,can someone put it on youtube please

Youtube will take them down instantly, I have already tried with past articles.
I have them linked so you can download them, why can you not download and listen to them? They are mp3 files so essentially any video player / music player will be able to play them. if you have a computer or a phone, download them and play them.

One I get the animations that our brothers are workin on I am going to make them into videos and put them on LBRY and Bitchute

It tells me the file ia corrupt and i should disable file third party cookie extensions which i did do.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
SATchives said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
I also want to hear them,can someone put it on youtube please

Youtube will take them down instantly, I have already tried with past articles.
I have them linked so you can download them, why can you not download and listen to them? They are mp3 files so essentially any video player / music player will be able to play them. if you have a computer or a phone, download them and play them.

One I get the animations that our brothers are workin on I am going to make them into videos and put them on LBRY and Bitchute

It tells me the file ia corrupt and i should disable file third party cookie extensions which i did do.

the only one that was corrupt was article 5, because i made a mistake but i re uploaded it, you can even watch it from the site itself. just click play, I just tested this out. I have no idea what you're talking about, sounds strange to me.
Thanks for fixing it! I agree with Henu that some improvement in rythym would be nice. I do prefer the human over AI. I also listened to all of week 11 and it seems you've improved. I felt a sense of calm hearing Maxine's old sermons read. Thanks for posting these.

SATchives said:
solun said:
SATchives said:
Please give some feedback/criticism of the mp3's. thanks

Article 5 mp3 didn't play at all for me

fixed, it was simple human error by me when uploading, thanks for calling it out, please judge this one, human not machine.
solun said:
Thanks for fixing it! I agree with Henu that some improvement in rythym would be nice. I do prefer the human over AI. I also listened to all of week 11 and it seems you've improved. I felt a sense of calm hearing Maxine's old sermons read. Thanks for posting these.

SATchives said:
solun said:
Article 5 mp3 didn't play at all for me

fixed, it was simple human error by me when uploading, thanks for calling it out, please judge this one, human not machine.

You're welcome, & thanks for your input and yeah I'll just keep getting better I'm sure. I think human will always be better than A.I.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
