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Re:Read:It Series: The Year 2000 by Joseph Goebbels | 1/09/11 - Re: Adam


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2019
The Year 2000 by Joseph Goebbels


The three enemy war leaders, American sources report, have agreed at the
Yalta Conference to Roosevelt’s proposal for an occupation program that
will destroy and exterminate the German people up until the year 2000. One
must grant the somewhat grandiose nature of the proposal. It reminds one of
the skyscrapers in New York that soar high into the sky, and whose upper
stories sway in the wind. What will the world look like in the year 2000?
Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt have determined it, at least insofar as the
German people are concerned. One may however doubt if they and we will
act in the predicted manner.

No one can predict the distant future, but there are some facts and
possibilities that are clear over the coming fifty years. For example, none of
the three enemy statesmen who developed this brilliant plan will still be
alive, England will have at most 20 million inhabitants, our children’s
children will have had children, and the events of this war will have sunk
into myth. One can also predict with a high degree of certainty that Europe
will be a united continent in the year 2000. One will fly from Berlin to Paris
for breakfast in fifteen minutes, and our most modern weapons will be seen
as antiques, and much more. Germany, however, will still be under military
occupation according to the plans of the Yalta Conference, and the English
and Americans will be training its people in democracy. How empty the
brains of these three charlatans must be — at least in the case of two of

The third, Stalin, follows much more far-reaching goals than his two
comrades do. He certainly does not plan to announce them publicly, but he
and his 200 million slaves will fight bitterly and toughly for them. He sees
the world differently than do those plutocratic brains. He sees a future in
which the entire world is subjected to the dictatorship of the Moscow
Internationale, which means the Kremlin. His dream may seem fantastic and
absurd, but if we Germans do not stop him, it will undoubtedly become
reality. That will happen as follows: If the German people lay down their
weapons, the Soviets, according to the agreement between Roosevelt,
Churchill, and Stalin, would occupy all of East and Southeast Europe along
with the greater part of the Reich. An iron curtain would fall over this
enormous territory controlled by the Soviet Union, behind which nations
would be slaughtered.

The Jewish press in London and New York would
probably still be applauding. All that would be left is human raw material, a
stupid, fermenting mass of millions of desperate industrialized working
animals who would only know what the Kremlin wanted them to know
about the rest of the world. Without leadership, they would fall helplessly
into the hands of the Soviet blood dictatorship. The remainder of Europe
would fall into chaotic political and social confusion that would prepare the
way for the Bolshevization that will follow. Life and existence in these
nations would become hell, which was after all the point of the exercise.

Aside from domestic problems of economic, social, and political nature,
England would suffer a declining population that would leave it even less
able to defend its interests in Europe and the rest of the world than it is
today. In 1948, Roosevelt’s campaign for reelection would fail, just as
Wilson’s did after the First World War, and a Republican isolationist would
become president of the USA. His first official act would likely be to
withdraw American troops from the European witch’s kettle. The entire
population of the USA would doubtless approve. Since there would be no
other military power on the continent, in the best case 60 British divisions
would face 600 Soviet divisions. Bolshevism certainly would not have been
idle during the period. A Labor government, perhaps even a radical half
Bolshevist one, would be in power in England. Under the pressure of public
opinion whipped up by the Jewish press and a people weary of war, it would
soon announce its lack of interest in Europe. How fast such things can
happen is clear from the example of Poland today.

The so-called Third World War would likely be short, and our continent
would be at the feet of the mechanized robots from the steppes. That would
be an unfortunate situation for Bolshevism. It would without doubt leap over
to England and set the land of classic democracy ablaze. The iron curtain
would fall once more over this vast tragedy of nations. Over the next five
years, hundreds of millions of slaves would build tanks, fighters, and
bombers; then the general assault on the USA would begin. The Western
Hemisphere, which despite lying accusations we have never threatened,
would then be in the gravest danger. One day those in the USA will curse
the day in which a long forgotten American president released a
communiqué at a conference at Yalta, which will long since have sunk into

The democracies are not up to dealing with the Bolshevist system, since they
use entirely different methods. They are as helpless against it as were the
bourgeois parties in Germany over against the communists before we took
power. In contrast to the USA, the Soviet system needs to take no regard for
public opinion or its people’s living standard. It therefore has no need to fear
American economic competition, not to mention its military. Even were the
war to end as Roosevelt and Churchill imagine, the plutocratic countries
would be defenseless before the competition from the Soviet Union on the
world market, unless they decided to greatly reduce wages and living
standards. But if they were to do that, they would not be able to resist
Bolshevist agitation. However things turn out, Stalin would always be the
winner and Roosevelt and Churchill the losers. The Anglo-American war
policy has reached a dead end. They have called up the spirits, and can no
longer get rid of them. Our predictions, beginning with Poland, are
beginning to be confirmed by a remarkable series of current events. One can
only smile when the English and Americans forge plans for the year 2000.
They will be happy if they survive until 1950.

No thinking Englishman fails to see this today. The British prime minister
wore a Russian fur coat at the Yalta Conference. This aroused unhappy
comment in the English public. When the London news agencies later
reported that it was a Canadian fur coat, no one believed them. People saw
in the matter a symbol of England’s subordination to the Kremlin’s will.
What happened to the days when England had an important, even decisive
say in world affairs! An influential American Senator recently remarked,
“England is only a small appendix to Europe!” His comrades treat it that
way already. Has it deserved any better? At a dramatic moment in European
history, it declared war against the Reich, unleashing a world conflagration
that not only went out of control but also threatened to leave England itself
in ruins. A tiny extension of Germany into purely German territories to the
East was sufficient ground to see a threat to the European balance of power.
In the resulting war, England found it necessary to throw out its 200-year
old policy of the balance of power. Now a world power has entered
Europe that begins to the East in Vladivostok and will not rest in the West until it
has incorporated Great Britain itself into its dictatorship.

It is more than naive for the British prime minister to plan for the political
and social status of the Reich in the year 2000. In the coming years and
decades, England will probably have other concerns. It will have to fight
desperately to maintain a small portion of its former power in the world. It
received the first blows in the First World War, and now during the Second
World War faces the final coup de grace.

One can imagine things turning out differently, but it is now too late. The
Führer made numerous proposals to London, the last time four weeks before
the war began. He proposed that German and British foreign policy work
together, that the Reich would respect England’s sea power as England
would respect the Reich’s land power, and that parity would exist in the air.

Both powers would join in guaranteeing world peace, and the British Empire
would be a critical component of that peace. Germany would even be ready
to defend that Empire with military means if it were necessary. Under such
conditions, Bolshevism would have been confined to its original breeding
grounds. It would have been sealed off from the rest of the world. Now
Bolshevism is at the Oder River. Everything depends on the steadfastness of
German soldiers. Will Bolshevism be pushed back to the East, or will its
fury flood over Western Europe? That is the war situation. The Yalta
Communiqué does not change things in the least. Things depend only on this
crisis of human culture. It will be solved by us, or it will not be solved at all.
Those are the alternatives.

We Germans are not the only ones who say this. Every thinking person
knows that today, as so often in the past, the German people have a
European mission. We may not lose our courage, even though the mission
brings with it enormous pain and suffering. The foolish know-it-alls have
brought the world more than once to the edge of the abyss. At the last
moment, the sight of the terrifying misery alarmed humanity enough for it to
take the decisive step backwards at the critical moment. That will be the case
this time as well. We have lost a great deal in this war. About all we have
left are our military forces and our ideals. We may not give these up. They
are the foundation of our existence and of the fulfillment of our historical
obligations. It is hard and terrible, but also honorable. We were given our
duty because we alone have the necessary character and steadfastness. Any
other people would have collapsed. We, however, like Atlas carry the weight
of the world on our shoulders and do not doubt.

Germany will not be occupied by its enemies in the year 2000. The German
nation will be the intellectual leader of civilized humanity. We are earning
that right in this war. This world struggle with our enemies will live on only
as a bad dream in people’s memories. Our children and their children will
erect monuments to their fathers and mothers for the pain they suffered, for
the stoic steadfastness with which they bore all, for the bravery they showed,
for the heroism with which they fought, for the loyalty with which they held
to their Führer and his ideals in difficult times. Our hopes will come true in

their world and our ideals will be reality. We must never forget that when we
see the storms of this wild age reflected in the eyes of our children. Let us
act so that we will earn their eternal blessings, not their curses.


1/09/11 - Re: Adam

By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


" JoyofSatan666 Member wrote:
The Yezidi texts are slightly altered of course. The same why in certain places in
Qu'ret al Yezid says that Satan is an archangel when Satan was never an angel."

Fire_starter666 is correct in that there are alterations in some of the Yezidi texts.
The Yezidis have hidden their writings to protect them from further persecution.
Also, within the Yezidi texts, there are allegories and code-words that can only be
understood when one is open enough and has enough knowledge, and this
comes from Satan. In many texts, 'angels' are another code word. You have to
be careful though in working with these, as some are literal. Ask for guidance in
this from the Powers of Hell.

Anyways, the 'Adam and Eve' story in that bible is a corruption. There are several
factors involved in this. The story in genesis in the bible can be exposed as a
corruption when one has the knowledge of the human soul, the nadis, and such.
The 'Tree of Knowledge' is a map of the human soul- the trunk being the spine
and the branches the 144,000 nadis [energy pathways] and the fruits being the
benefits of meditation and empowering the soul. The Sacred Serpent,
symbolizing Our God Satan, is the Kundalini. Through empowering the Serpent
and raising the Serpent, we have all-knowing, all-seeing wisdom and power.

Now, when I was new to Satanism, many years ago, I had very little to go on in
regards to what was beyond Anton LaVey's writings which brought me to
Satanism. In a ritual, I asked Satan who he was, as Demons were already
communicating with me and I knew the Powers of Hell were very real. He led me
to the Luciferian Liberation Front website- http://www.luciferianliberationfront.org/
This explained to me that they were all Extra-terrestrials, which made perfect
sense. The beings I communicated with were not spooks or goblins, like the
judeo/xian crap tries to get us all to believe. At that time, I can't remember
whether this was on the LLF website or not, but there was a reading list. Most of
the books listed were authored by Zecharia Sitchin. Yes, I know he is a Jew.

Most books out there in the bookstores are all written by Jews unfortunately. My
point here and I know this is a bit long and detailed, but I got an e-mail also this
past week asking me to explain, so this is why I am getting into more here.
I had very little background in Ancient history other than what I took in courses at
the University which mainly focused on the political and not the spiritual. These
little paperback books were affordable and easy to read and introduced me to the
Original Gods, their names and their lives here on earth.
Satan later informed me that the main points such as human beings being
created for slavery and such are accurate, but many details in the books are not.
The book 'Enochian Magic' by Donald Tyson also gives an account of this,

originating from Edward Kelly's [who worked with John Dee] scryings, of which
he [Edward Kelly] saw the same thing, way back several hundred years ago.
Now, the Lost Book of Enki [there are pdf copies of this book in the files' section
of most of these e-groups] explains a lot, though the details are not precise.
Given other sources, the whole picture comes together. The Nordic Gods created
humanity to begin with to serve as slaves. The exact details as for what exactly
are unknown. Satan, being a top leader, advanced scientist, and doctor began
adding more Nordic genes to the humans, and also gave them an advanced
soul. These humans began to resemble the Nordic Gods more and more. Satan
eventually had sex with a human woman and she bore him a son 'Adapa' aka
'Adam.' The other Gods could see this 'human' baby was very different with hair
as white as wool, eyes as blue as the sky, and skin as white as snow.

Now given other sources, there are many legends that also back up the one
above in relation to the Gods fathering children with human mothers, namely the
human mother of Heracles, of whom Zeus raped and impregnated. The Nordics
are some 7-8 feet tall and very large. We humans are not. Heracles' mother 'had
in her womb a child of the Gods' and the legend goes on that her labor and
delivery were very difficult and painful, as the baby was much larger than a
normal human being.

There was a split and eventual war over humanity. The Gods were planning to
destroy humanity after completion of their project, but many of the Gods [our
side] befriended human beings and also had children with them. These are what
the enemy calls 'Fallen Angels.' Satan and the other Gods wanted us to advance
in every way and to be as the gods themselves, with full spiritual power and

The earth, being isolated in a far corner of the Milky Way Galaxy has been
attacked and exploited. The enemy has been using humanity for energy- the
greys, which are parasites, for one. Enemy Nordics and also reptilians are

Now someone asked me as to the Planet-X. I personally do not believe that what
Sitchin wrote in this regard has any real accuracy. From my own studies, now I
could be wrong here, as I don't know 100%, but I now believe that the asteroid
belt, aka as 'Tiamat' is the remnants of another planet. It is obvious given the
tilted axis of the earth and other anomalies concerning the planetary orbits and
such that there was some cataclysm thousands of years ago. Now, this remnant I
believe was Phaethon, also known as the 'Black Sun' which is a nodal point of
energy left from the remnant of the planet the Nordics originally came from.
Not to digress [sorry this is getting to be so long], but the Nordic Race of ETs
also live on many different planets within our Galaxy- some in the Pleiades, and
other solar systems. Satan and his Demons, from what I have been led to believe

may have came from Phaethon, and Phaethon blew up somehow so they could
never go back. They now reside in Orion. The Black Sun still remains as a very
powerful vortex of energy of which the enemy does NOT want for us to tie into,
as it awakens our original heritage.

Looking at the 'Goetia' one can see these Gods as friends of humanity in that
they worked to civilize us and to teach us in many different ways, scientifically,
spiritually and in agriculture and many other different subjects.
What the Lost Book of Enki reads concerning Adapa:

"On the roof of a dwelling when Batanash was bathing Enki by her loins took
hold, he kissed her, his semen into her womb he poured. With a child Batanash
was, her belly was truly swelling; To Lu-Mach from Shurubak word was sent: To
the Edin return, a son you have! To the Edin, to Shurubak, Lu-Mach returned, to
him Batanash the son showed.

White as the snow his skin was, the color of wool was his hair, Like the skies
were his eyes, in a brilliance were his eyes shining. Amazed and frightened was
Lu-Mach; to his father Matushal he hurried. A son unlike an Earthling to
Batanash was born, by this birth greatly puzzled I am! Matushal to Batanash
came, the newborn boy he saw, by his likeness amazed he was. Is one of the
Igigi the boy's father? Of Batanash Matushal the truth demanded; To Lu-Mach
your spouse whether this boy his son is, the truth reveal!

None of the Igigi is the boy's father, of this upon my life I swear! So did Batanash
him answer To his son Lu-Mach Matushal then turned, a calming arm on his
shoulders he put A mystery the boy is, but in his oddness an omen to you is
revealed, Unique he is, for a task unique by destiny he was chosen.'

'Enki encounters and mates with two Earthling females One bears a son,
Adapa, the other a daughter, Titi Keeping his parenting a secret, Enki raises
them as foundlings Adapa, highly intelligent, becomes the first Civilized Man."
Pumpkin671 said:
Goebbels was not too far off.

indeed it was quite an accurate prediction for his time, but they where very aware of the kikes and what they had planned.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
