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RE-Read-It Series: Looking back at Important Material 42


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2019

Hail The Great Satan!! [4th of July]
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrch

Today is the 4th of July, the official birthday of the USA. The USA is also known as "The Great

In spite of Jewish filth and other rot trying to destroy this wonderful country, we still have
freedoms here that many other countries do not. Thanks to our Satanic Founding Fathers,
we have this most wonderful country.

Idiots and those who are too weak to live in reality, those who lack the knowledge and the
education and other ignorant people, are unaware.

Life in many other countries is abominable. One woman who was taken to the USSR as a
child, was trapped over there for some 50 years and risking her life and placing herself in
extreme danger, finally made it back here. She knelt down and actually kissed the ground
when she exited the ship.

We have libraries, open schools, modern conveniences, open bookstores, fun, recreation,
and so many things to be grateful for here in the USA. You can get just about anything here.
Many necessities, modern conveniences, recreation and fun are often either banned,
prohibited or just unavailable in many other countries.

In the world of Islam, life is brutal. The rotten and most negative attitudes, along with
slavishly worshipping and prostration before total rot has taken its toll. Endless violence,
bombs, sick and debased hatred of women, "infidels" desertification and bareness of the
land, total indifference towards domestic animals and overall misery. Prostrating before and
worshipping pure evil attracts ugliness, misfortune and violence, as what the mind and soul
dwell upon, even more so with the masses, they attract. I recently saw a photo of an older
Islamic woman. Her eyes looked so sad from a lifetime of brutal slave labor and misery.

Even worse is how the Muslims, as they slavishly worship that total rot they are deluded into
believing is "God" work to spread the worst imaginable misery to Europe, the USA and other
countries that have not been afflicted by that most vile plague that creates violent
murderers who are depraved, capable of anything, spiritually debased and criminally insane.

I just finished reading a book how young girls are kidnapped from the USA and Europe and
sold as brides to Islamic men and boys in places such as Yemen. Life in these places is
horrific. The girls wind up being slaves who are brutality worked under the most heinous
conditions, and raped. All of their rights and freedoms are gone. Pedophilia is rampant in
Islam as it is with all the Jewish invented programs that have the audacity to call themselves
"religions." Another fact is no one is just free to leave these places.

Most of these countries are stuck in the Dark Ages. The populace is forced to attend those
rotten mosques and those caught eating during the fasting time for Islam, Ramadan, are
severely punished.

Freedom must be fought for. Here in the USA, we still have many freedoms, though the
Jewish filth that has infested and taken control of our government, our press, corrupted our
legal system and our educational systems, working to promote their injustices, and bent on
destroying this wonderful country, using racial tensions, lies and their malignant "religious"
programs in attempts to make us fall to their communism.

I'm proud and very grateful to be an American. Hail the Great Satan!

We will have the last 2 RTRs later this month. Repeatedly doing these rituals is destroying
the enemy. The Christian churches are crumbling, though there are still pockets of stupid,
deluded individuals, but these will also cease to exist in time.

After these next RTRs, we will then be working on the worst plague to ever afflict humanity,
outside of the Jewish root... Islam.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


I thought Satan was the Egotist...
by High Priest Hoodedcobra666 Aug 09, 2017

Another lie the jews rant and rave about is how Satan was some sort of egotistic,
egomaniac entity, that wanted all the glory for himself or something. They blame the
Pagan Gods which were in the hundreds and shared the kingdoms of the earth in peace,
for being somehow 'egotistic'.

Their whole writings aimed at the goyim, are all about 'leaving ego behind'. Satan they
call evil for having "pride" or something and basically rising against the egomaniac entity
they call "God". The White Race and any people with a sense of self at large they call an
"EGO" in many of their writings, and they relate their war against this "EGO" of
humanity. "EGO" has to be crushed. Amalek is directly associated with having a Ego,
and every race that manifests that is to be crushed, especially if this has to do with
retribution against jews [1]

Jews rant and rave, Gentiles having an Ego is their greatest problem, while the Ego of
jews is the object of all their 'striving', and correcting it. Who would want their enemies
to have an Ego? Ego brings resistance and justice for the jews and their crimes. Without
an 'Ego', people are left to do injustice as they see fit. There is no revenge at all. No
consequence for jews. The jews can be egomaniacs and sick without any consequence.
The dream of every bastardized reptilian, come true, is an egoless cattle, so they can be
egomaniac enough to abuse everyone eternally.

Rabbi Ariel Tzadok in one of his writtings (he appears in Ancient Aliens, blaming Satan
of being a reptilian, typical reverse blame-shifting for his race as usual), writes about how
the fools who play with the 6th chakra and the Crown are "Neutralized" because of their
spiritual doctrines. In other words, the foolish new agers and many others who meditate
in what the jews call the higher triangle, the chakras on the head, are neutralized into the
ego-pacifistic crap, and they are never able to react or even see the jews. In fact, they are
the most retarded of all, as they are reaching a higher spiritual level only to abolish their
ego. [4]

The jews have authored the practice of ego-destruction, for others. Because their own
faith is all about developing the self and reaching Tikkun which is something like a
reptilian and low grade version of the Godhead. [2]

Obviously the will of nature is for beings, as they advance, to have a sense of self and an
ego. Not the negative and rotting type, but in the higher sense that is capable of also
altruism and the ability to transcend any retarded poison. Acting like a retard or an
egomaniac has more in common with the lowest of germs, than it has to do with having
an actual 'ego'.
As Rav Laitman admits the EGO of the inhabitants of the earth has to be crushed so that
the jews as a secret agent can take over the 'large ego'. There must be no personality, not
any defense, and no objections- only cattle that allow themselves to be raped, looted and
pillaged. [3]

We know this has nothing to do with 'god' as a force per se...They literally put human
emotions of this, such as jealousy and so forth, these are characteristics of living entities
or egregores at best.

Behind this mask of "God" or "JHVH", there is more. It's only a mask for aliens that seek
to make humans a hive mind and servile for all eternity. The jews are into this objective
and they are servile towards this thing. JHVH and all the angelic 'host' are recognized in
deep kosher Judaism not as concepts...but as ALIENS. [4]

These aliens are also called the BIG BROTHER, and the NEW WORLD ORDER in
literal reality, by the Rabbi Ariel Tzadok who is a high profile Kosher Rabbi. He also
admits these aliens are the ones who try to run the jewish world order, and preaches
people have to literally sit and take it finally. Ie, one of the most serious type of Rabbis
and the most learned. Because he admitted this, other Rabbis from Israel immidiately got
on him... [5]

Guys like Laitman and Tzadok who are of the most legit kabbalah sources have ruined
their own by admitting their own inner insanity publicly, in order to attract jews into their
fold who have deserted. Long story short, this is a disaster for them too though.
But let's look what the jews themselves admit for their so called 'god' and what kind of a
diseased, morbid egotistical idiot it is. Remember so, that they represent this 'god' here.
"He does not appear greedy, nor haughty, but an egotist nonetheless. If there are
opinions in the world other than his, then people are disregarding him. If something
occurs not to his liking, it is a conspiracy against him. Whatever G-d does in His world is
either his reward or his punishment. All things are given meaning only as they relate to
his self. He does not know of a world without him.

So we tell him [the follower of the above god]: The first step in moving forward is to
leave yourself behind."

-Maamar Heichaltzu 5659; Hayom Yom, 10 Tevet; Torat Menachem, vol. 11, p. 68. [6]
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tikkun
[3] Kabbalah for Beginners, 4th edition, Rev Laitman PhD
[4] Ariel Bar Tzadok, Sermons, Plus Ancient Aliens S07E01
[5] http://www.mesora.org/TamarYonah.htm
[6] Maamar Heichaltzu 5659; Hayom Yom, 10 Tevet; Torat Menachem, vol. 11, p. 68.


Jesus is A Mass Sacrifice Symbol For Jewish "Salvation"
by High Priest HoodedCobra666 Feb 12, 2018

The Jews have a doctrine about the purification of their sins by the death of some other entity. The
entity is transferred the 'sins' of the Jewish people and then killed. This is what they are doing to
animals and why they are sacrificing. Instead of cleaning their soul, they heap their negativity on
innocent victims, and then slaughter them.

This ritual has many forms in the Jewish blood cult, but three important to mention are the Kapparot
(this is done to a chicken), the Goat of Azazel on Yom Kippur (Goat Symbolizes Satan and the
Pagan Gods but also the disobedience 'heathen' nations), and third is the Human Sacrifice they carry
on Esther and in many other times of the year. During this, they take a child or some other grown up
person (They pick people from the Aryan Race as they consider them the 'great victims' and the
ones who need to be destroyed so that the world will be 'good' again). Good as in a world without
opposition to the Jewish objectives.

As Sadhguru stated this blood horror filth has nothing to do with anyone who knows anything of
spirituality. It's well known even in corrupted Hinduism today. True Hindus who know anything of
meditation, actually hunt down these people to exterminate them as this practice was only lately
introduced in ancient history. The Jews have been attacked by all Gentiles because they practice
alien spirituality.

If you pay attention and know anything of Christianity, Jesus is called "The Lamb of Sacrifice". The
death and sacrifice of "Jesus" was necessary for the fulfilment of the Talmudic and Messianic law,
even in this fictitious story. This is because they used the best Jew (Rabbi Yeshua/Jesus) to sacrifice
him in order to gain salvation.

This is nothing strange to Jewish history as sacrificing even their own is a necessity. The 6 million
that supposedly died, were admittedly by the rabbis, the "Sinful". Of course they never died, and
like Jesus that never existed, they project this as fact to generate the effect that truly the Jews have
suffered, and that they have paid their 'dues' to 'god'. As stated in the Middle Ages, "God" can be
fooled - if one is to 'fast' one can call steak broccoli and the 'fasting' counts. Because of course there
is no all knowing 'god' but only a bizarre idea these creeps are believing in. This is well known to

Even in the case the story was literal, they had to actually kill the "Christ" in order to fulfil their
ritual. This is taken from the fact that Rabbi Jesus was actually used as a sacrifice. The greatest of
Jews sacrificed to save the Jewish race from their sins, that's the idea.

The symbol of this 'saving' of the Jewish race was put in the face of a Jewish rabbi who is formed of
stolen Pagan Legend. They put this egregore in front of the Gentiles to worship simply because,
they want energy funnelled in their ritual to increase it's effectiveness. The purpose of this ritual is
to redeem the Jews of all their 'sins', which they believe are what is keeping them from gaining the
planet and enslaving everyone in it as admitted by their texts. Like anything else they do, they eat
the 'sacrificial lamb', same as they drink the blood of humans which they sacrifice.

If you pay attention people are dying for 'Jesus', transferring emotion to 'Jesus', suffer for 'Jesus',
writhe for 'Jesus', killing for 'Jesus', losing their soul for 'Jesus', all for this rabbi. To no outcome.
The only one who gets an outcome from this is the Jew. From a slave non-existent race, they happen
to be very close of fulfilling their dream to enslave the planet.

The New Testament is quite open on this fact, when "Jesus" comes back to cleanse the Jews from
their 'sins', he gives them the world and the 'messianic order' is established. While all the Goyim
(Unclean nations) are exterminated and subjugated.

The Jews do not believe in Jesus any more someone who runs a steel making factory believes and
worships fire. In other words, they are just using this tool to bring about their ends. It's detestable
for the Jews to worship a tool they are using, and they know they are using it.

"Jesus" is the grand Kapparot ritual to destroy the gentiles and take over the planet. In the place of
the chicken below, people happen to be every year. And in the future, when the Jews enslave all the
"Goyim" (the humans whom they consider animals), "Kapparot" will be done on living humans. As
it's shown in the rabbinical best seller of the bible.


As admitted, the non-Jew is an animal in human form. So what happens to this chicken is not in
anyway prohibited to happen to Gentiles.


Newsflash also, these people largely run the planet now.

Maybe this needs to change? If you think it must...

Join us and do the RTRs.


- High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The "Kaaba" Idol Stone
By High Priest HoodedCobra666

Let's get into this diseased thing so we can see what this "Kaaba" is about.
First of all, in these places everything in Islam is stolen and corrupted from
Sanskrit. Even "Allah" is a word for "God" that came from Sanskrit. As with
everything else, it was stolen and corrupted. The prayer that is 5 times a day,
also has its root in the East, where one has to meditate for short intervals 5 or
more times a day.

One has to get on their knees, turn to the direction of the "Kaaba" and channel
their life-force, adorations and energy, while meanwhile, the Moslems are
actually worshipping this Idol their whole existence- only to claim they have "no
idols" in "Islam".

But what is this "Kaaba" stone?

First of all, the name of this foul stone is stolen by the "KA-BA" which means
Soul. KA-BA-ANKH, the Egyptian parts of the Soul. Ka and Ba are the male and
female parts of the Soul.

The stone itself has been destroyed and reconstructed many times over the
centuries. It no longer represents the Sumerian or the Pagan stone it once did,
and definitely like the Pyramids, this was a monument of splendor. The
uneducated slaves on the Middle East would never figure out, that the jew bit by
bit, stole their original Pagan religion, and replaced EVERYTHING with a HOAX
only for them to get benefits. AS thus, the jews are now wiping them off the face
of the Earth, drive them out of their countries, and will soon, unless people
change their ways, decimate them after they have thoroughly used them to wipe
out their White enemies.

Back to the "Holy [Excrement] Kaaba.” Only the "Royal" [Jewish] Saudi Arabian
family has the key "into" the Kaaba, and they go in the Kaaba to "Pray" once a
year. Or let's say, get the amassed energies through prayer, to bless their
endeavors and the alien hoax behind this thing.

The color Black is just because, the black is a color that draws energies in. This
makes sure the Kaaba is more receptive to drawing energies in.

Inside this Idol Kaaba, there are "Verses" written; carved on it. These are verses
like the bible, which have to do with the conquering of Islam over the world,
praise to the (((Royal Family))) and the list goes endless. In short, like the bible,
this foul box is charged with energy, and then the inscribed verses on it, do gain
power and form realities accordingly. This is the same as charging any other

Kaaba is technically a shape for the Christian Cross. Its the same thing.
The Kaaba is just in the shape of a "Human Soul" at least in some ways.

Normally, this is definitely copied from the Sanskrit and Egyptian religions, and
made into Jewish and alien ET drivel meant to enslave humanity.
There are 3 pillars in the Kaaba. These pillars symbolize the Ida, the Pingala,
and the Shushumna accordingly.

The three "levels" on these pillars, are actually meant to symbolize the three
levels, hips chakras, shoulder chakras, and the top of the pillar, the crown
chakra. The bolt upon which these bells and resonating things hang, are to
symbolize the Mantras and the Vibration. The "Cube" on itself is the supposed
"body" of the Soul. The pillars have one thing from which the bells hang, which is
meant to symbolize how the three pillars connect on the level of the head.

On the corner, this foul stone, has an actual VAGINA. Now tell us about the
enemy alien ET's being ironic and laughing at the face of humanity, because they
do. While a stone vagina is being worshipped, which is the Divine Yoni, all
women are beat to death in these countries. However, this of course has a
positive effect on this alien structure, making it a "Feminine" and as thus
"Capable of Birth" statue. The energies are drew in from the "Black Walls" and
then, the "Vagina" gives actual "birth" to things. Black is also symbolic of the
"Dark" part of the Human Soul, the creative principle.

Mudslimes have to go around this foul stone 7 times, symbolizing the 7 Chakras
the creative energy has to cross to go to the crown.

The stone in the Kaaba, some say it’s a meteor, some say it’s a normal and
generic stone, there are many opinions. What is known for CERTAIN is that in
this foul stone, the enemy has stolen a rock of Egypt, which is probably meteor
stone, and is specifically inclined to help with materialization of desires. People
that attempted to even investigate on the stone, were assassinated, killed, or just
driven away. No scientific observation is allowed on this stone.
So what is this stone?

A structure on the shape of Soul, that contains verses (engravings), symbolizes
the Jews and the (((Royal Saudi Family))) and billions worship this thing daily,
and charge this. Of course, the verses certainly do contain the enemy nefarious
ET's, so this is what this is about: People charging their own destruction. Of
course, there are tie-ins and links to everyone, including the foul Koran, which is
also charged.
SATchives said:

Can I make a suggestion to you? I think having 4 posts all together is too many at once. People may feel like this is becoming a reading assignment and just skip over parts of it.

I would just aim for two posts, which can stay up for some time and allow discussion on the topic. You may also want to change your title to reflect this: Instead of "Important Material 42", you can say "RE-Read-It Series: 4th of July and Jesus as a Sacrifice", which may better catch the attention of people.

As for making audio files, everyone should be aware that there are apps that can do this well enough, both on the phone and computer. However, a better use of your time would be to go through the passages and bold the key parts or lessons. This would break up the monotony of the text and encourage more reading.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=415971 time=1674590557 user_id=21286]
SATchives said:

Can I make a suggestion to you? I think having 4 posts all together is too many at once. People may feel like this is becoming a reading assignment and just skip over parts of it.

I would just aim for two posts, which can stay up for some time and allow discussion on the topic. You may also want to change your title to reflect this: Instead of "Important Material 42", you can say "RE-Read-It Series: 4th of July and Jesus as a Sacrifice", which may better catch the attention of people.

As for making audio files, everyone should be aware that there are apps that can do this well enough, both on the phone and computer. However, a better use of your time would be to go through the passages and bold the key parts or lessons. This would break up the monotony of the text and encourage more reading.

Alright, I'll give this a shot since I'm doing this everyday. but I would like to counter this, I don't think reading 4 articles is too much. we should train ourselves to read a lot more everyday. I know we live in a society that is all about instant gratification and fast fast fast, but this is detrimental in the long run and shouldn't be like this. It took me 10 minutes to read these articles.

And it is a reading assignment, we should strive to be elite. and at 4 articles a day it will take 305 days to get through all of Satan's Library material. but just because it's a reading assignment, shouldn't mean it's not enjoyable.

My thoughts on using tech to turn this articles into audio is it doesn't sound good. and the main reason I think the biggest benefit of turning Satan's library into audio is the thousands of videos that can be used in warfare. however I truly think another voice profile other than mine would be better.

but I'll take your advice, and run with it 2 a day, I agree it might bring forth more discussion, and attention if I change the title.

and it shouldn't be difficult to highlight the important parts.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
