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by HP. Hoodedcobra666 Jul 31, 2018
There are some people who just complain all the time about 'fame' and consider it a very
important factor in things such as world domination or enlightening the world.
It matters, but it's not everything. It's definitely far from being the most important thing in
changing the world in it's current state.
"Why the JoS doesn't have 10,000,000 members?".
But I will tell you the real reason. I have witnessed myself the Gods wipe out the minds of
humans overnight, in ways that are impossible to be done by any natural means. They have
power over humanity, and they can unscrew any human in a matter of seconds. They can turn
anyone they want to 'their side', but they just do not care to attract anyone on this planet as it's
not necessary. This would only hamper the progress of their work which is to find people who by
their own understanding and free will, decide to undertake the Great Work.
However as you can see, they have done tremendous work globally to open the roads to
knowledge for all human beings. Even in the most remote villages, you can find the way now.
This process is not finalized yet, but we are in a very good way. In other words, one can exit the
jewtrix if they want it really much, and they will draw this upon themselves.
Those who are capable spirituality are a minority on this planet. And rare souls. Yet any such
people would be serious allies to the Gods and people worth investing time into.
The enemy keeps telling people that "fame" has to do with power in many ways. But this is not
the only way to power. And power is not decided through this in the world.
All the people that run the world, most people have never heard of them. And this is not about
Merkel. These are just people the average person has seldom heard about in their life. For
example, how many people know Mario Draghi who is the deciding factor for every bill-note in
Europe? This is one example. These people that run the world appear almost nowhere. The
more you go into what really runs the world, you do not see anything.
Also, all the people who are the heads of the European Jew-nion, none of these are elected.
Fame is irrelevant to this. They are hand-picks of higher authorities of which, nobody even has
awareness. The 5 jews of Europe decide more than all the parliaments of Europe combined.
The drunkard Juncker, the hag Merkel, the vampire Draghi, the creep Schulz, these people
influence the EU more than all the parliaments combined.
Meanwhile, we have "Democracy" they tell the goyim. And don't forget your vote counts. It
counts yet, unfortunately for the jews, but they are doing everything they can to make this null
and void. At this point any elected party doesn't really matter to any measurable extent.
Now take Kim Kardashian, the fake jew queen. 115 million followers, or in other words, 1/3rd of
Americans just focuses on two fake jewish pieces of meat.
George Soros, Elder of Zion, has been shaping this planet for like decades. "Fame" factor, 9k
followers. Or let's say less than an average size mall in any developed town.
I do not think however her ass controls the universe, however this rotting jew is actually deciding
the fate of nations. And this is one very, very famous jew, especially because many people
focus on him as if he were some particular foot soldier in the enemy's work. But he is too, just a
pawn in a giant chess game.
The people of the surface may have fame, and obvious power, but they do not have any base
power in themselves. Also, who would be 'imaginative' enough to assume that some old, rotting
Rabbis from Israel literally run the planet through phonecalls? All the way up from the
Kabbalists? How many people have heard about such people in their life? Of course to them it
sounds all as a conspiracy theory.
these people run the planet and have been running it for centuries.
Do you know any of their names?
The other question, will anyone ever know they exist at all?
Push came to shove only lately. And still many so called "awake" of these people like Pagans,
WN'ists and Nationalists, just deny that these old people have any power whatsover.
Eventhough it's proven they visit someone in an office, like the leader of the planet such as what
they did to Bush. And get him to change the world's policy the next day.
Kim Kardashian cannot change the world nor Michael Jackson did. However these old,
seemingly weak fucks, do indeed control the planet, until now, and for centuries, to a full extent.
"Fame" has to be reconsidered. What matters is doing influential acts. There are acts that any of
you can do which exact more influence to this world than if you were mayors in big cities at this
point. These powers are granted by Satan to turn the situation around, and they are doing this
So we keep doing these and we will triumph:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
“Genocide is Permissible” according to insane Times of Israel Op-Ed
The agenda is the total extermination of the Palestinians in the Gaza strip. The
Israeli government admits that Hamas was not responsible for the kidnapping
and killing of the three Jewish teens, they used as the premise for the current
slaughter on Gaza under false premise of such blaming Hamas. Because that
was just a lie to act as cover for the destruction of the Palestinian state and the
stealing of all its land, which is what the Jews have been doing from the start of
the Jewish state.
The full plans for the maximum expansion of the Jewish state as drafted by the
Jews calls for the extermination of millions of Arabs and the destruction of whole
nations. They tried to expand further into Lebanon with the civil war Mossad
admits it started to use an excuse to invade southern Lebanon steal its resources
and annex its land into Israel. While the Lebanese where busy killing each other
along religious lines. This resulted in the deaths of 120,000 people in Lebanon.
This backfired on them and they where driven out, they reinvaded in 2006 to be
defeated again. They have pushed outwards into Syrian land with the Golan
Heights. And have funded the proxy forces working to destroy Assad to wipe the
Syria nation out and replace it with weak Islamic bandit regions that can easily be
taken by Israel at any time. This conflict they are behind in Syria has killed almost
200,000 people at this point and is still raging.
The Jews pulled 911 to pull America into Wars and occupations in the ME to
build the Greater Israel and destroy all their rivals in the Middle East. This is why
Iraq was destroyed and occupied with a death toll of several million Iraqi's and
they where forcing and still trying to get a war against Iran. And tried to pull
American into war in Syria. 911 was just a bigger version of what they did with
the USS Liberty attack and Lavon affair.
The real 911 Truth:
Literally millions of Arabic men, women, and children have been killed along with
thousands of American's in the name of the Jewish war mongering in the Middle
What the Jewish Talmud says about Gentiles:
Sanhedrin 59a: "Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal."
Abodah Zara 26b: "Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed."
Hilkkoth Akum X1: "Show no mercy to the Goyim."
“Genocide is permissible” according to insane Times of Israel Op-Ed
The Times of Israel is under fire on Friday after publishing a blog post titled
“When Genocide Is Permissible.” The post, written by Yochanon Gordon, was
quickly removed from the Times’ website, but cached and screen-captured
versions of the piece quickly proliferated on social media.
In the article, Gordon blasts the United Nations for its recent admonition against
the “disproportionate” use of force by Israel in Gaza, insisting that international
observers “are completely out of touch with the nature of this foe and are
therefore not qualified to dictate or enforce the rules of this war.”
Because of the supposedly unique menace that Hamas presents to Israel,
Gordon contends that “nothing … can be considered disproportionate when we
are fighting for our very right to live.”
He continues later on in the piece:
Hamas has stated forthrightly that it idealizes death as much as Israel celebrates
life. What other way then is there to deal with an enemy of this nature other than
obliterate them completely?
News anchors such as those from CNN, BBC, and Al-Jazeera have not missed
an opportunity to point out the majority of innocent civilians who have lost their
lives as a result of this war. But anyone who lives with rocket launchers installed
or terror tunnels burrowed in or around the vicinity of their home cannot be
considered an innocent civilian.
And then concludes by asking the following rhetorical question:
If political leaders and military experts determine that the only way to achieve its
goal of sustaining quiet is through genocide, is it then permissible to achieve
those responsible goals?
Gordon does not cite any “political leaders and military experts” who have called
for the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. However, recent weeks have seen a
spate of hard-line Israel supporters in the media aggressively justifying Israel’s
campaign in Gaza, which has already claimed the lives of nearly 1,500
Palestinians, many of them civilians.
Gordon, for his part, seems to be sticking to his guns. A Twitter account that
appears to belong to the writer responded to critics on Friday afternoon. (Update:
Gordon’s twitter account has been deactivated, and his tweets deleted.)
The page where Gordon’s piece was original published now bears a note
reading: “The contents of this post have been removed for breaching The Times
of Israel’s editorial guidelines.” The original headline has been removed entirely.
According to his author page on the Times’ website, Gordon has been blogging
for the newspaper since April.
Update: The Times of Israel has released a formal statement about the article,
calling it “damnable and ignorant” and stating that the newspaper has
discontinued Gordon’s blog. “We will not countenance blog posts that incite to
violence or criminal acts,” the statement reads.
Gordon, meanwhile, has issued an apology of his own, stating that “I never
intended to call to harm any people although my words may have conveyed that
“I pray and hope for a quick peaceful end to the hostilities and that all people
learn to coexist with each other in creating a better world for us all,” the note
Israeli Calls For Total Ethnic cleansing Of Gaza
A relative carries the body of four-year-old Qassim Elwan during his funeral in
Gaza City on 19 July. Qassim was killed along with his brother by Israeli shelling
the previous day. (Ezz al-Zanoun / APA images)
Israel must attack Gaza even more mercilessly, expel the population and resettle
the territory with Jews, the deputy speaker of Israel’s parliament, the Knesset,
has said.
Moshe Feiglin, a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud
Party, makes the call in an article for the Israeli news website Arutz Sheva.
Feiglin demands that Israel launch attacks “throughout Gaza with the IDF’s
[Israeli army’s] maximum force (and not a tiny fraction of it) with all the
conventional means at its disposal.”
Force Gaza population out
“After the IDF completes the ‘softening’ of the targets with its firepower, the IDF
will conquer the entire Gaza, using all the means necessary to minimize any
harm to our soldiers, with no other considerations,” Feiglin writes in one of
several calls for outright war crimes.
Following the reconquest, Israel’s army “will thoroughly eliminate all armed
enemies from Gaza. The enemy population that is innocent of wrongdoing and
separated itself from the armed terrorists will be treated in accordance with
international law and will be allowed to leave,” Feiglin writes.
“Gaza is part of our land”
“Gaza is part of our Land and we will remain there forever,” Feiglin concludes.
“Subsequent to the elimination of terror from Gaza, it will become part of
sovereign Israel and will be populated by Jews. This will also serve to ease the
housing crisis in Israel.”
Feiglin has a long history of incitement. Last week he expelled Arab members of
the Knesset who dared to criticize Israel’s ongoing slaughter in Gaza and called
for Israel to cut off power to dialysis patients there.
As of now, ninety percent of Gaza is without electricity, journalist Mohammed
Omer reports, and most Palestinians in Gaza are getting as little as two hours of
electricity per day.
Death toll climbs relentlessly
More than 100 Palestinians have been killed in the last 48 hours as Israel
continues its indiscriminate attacks on Palestinians throughout the occupied
Gaza Strip by land, sea, and air.
By Saturday afternoon in Gaza, the thirteenth day of Israel’s current
bombardment and invasion of the coastal territory, 339 people, the vast majority
civilians, had been killed in total and 2,500 injured.
Tens of thousands have fled their homes, primarily in the north and east of Gaza,
seeking shelter from the Israeli assault in United Nations-run schools.
Genocidal demands
Feiglin’s call for the destruction of the Palestinian community in Gaza has some
Just a day before Feiglin’s article, Rabbi Ben Packer made a similar demand,
calling the current assault “an opportunity for Israel to achieve a victory – to move
the border” by conquering northern Gaza.
Packer is the director of “Heritage House,” a settlement in occupied East
Jerusalem that houses so-called “lone soldiers,” men recruited from overseas to
join the Israeli occupation forces.
Israel’s former settlers in Gaza, evacuated in 2005, would be given the first
opportunity to “settle in the regained territory,” Packer said.
Packer, a settler from the United States and volunteer in the Israeli army,
previously served as the “Rabbi on Campus” at the University of North Carolina
and Duke University.
Calls like Feiglin’s and Packer’s for genocidal-scale violence against Palestinians
are being heard with ever more frequency from Israeli leaders.
A call for genocide of the Palestinians by Ayelet Shaked, a rising star in Israel’s
Habeyit Hayehudi (Jewish Home) party, part of the government, received global
notoriety after The Electronic Intifada translated and exposed it earlier this
"One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail," – Rabbi Yaacov Perri
by HP. Hoodedcobra666 Jul 31, 2018
There are some people who just complain all the time about 'fame' and consider it a very
important factor in things such as world domination or enlightening the world.
It matters, but it's not everything. It's definitely far from being the most important thing in
changing the world in it's current state.
"Why the JoS doesn't have 10,000,000 members?".
But I will tell you the real reason. I have witnessed myself the Gods wipe out the minds of
humans overnight, in ways that are impossible to be done by any natural means. They have
power over humanity, and they can unscrew any human in a matter of seconds. They can turn
anyone they want to 'their side', but they just do not care to attract anyone on this planet as it's
not necessary. This would only hamper the progress of their work which is to find people who by
their own understanding and free will, decide to undertake the Great Work.
However as you can see, they have done tremendous work globally to open the roads to
knowledge for all human beings. Even in the most remote villages, you can find the way now.
This process is not finalized yet, but we are in a very good way. In other words, one can exit the
jewtrix if they want it really much, and they will draw this upon themselves.
Those who are capable spirituality are a minority on this planet. And rare souls. Yet any such
people would be serious allies to the Gods and people worth investing time into.
The enemy keeps telling people that "fame" has to do with power in many ways. But this is not
the only way to power. And power is not decided through this in the world.
All the people that run the world, most people have never heard of them. And this is not about
Merkel. These are just people the average person has seldom heard about in their life. For
example, how many people know Mario Draghi who is the deciding factor for every bill-note in
Europe? This is one example. These people that run the world appear almost nowhere. The
more you go into what really runs the world, you do not see anything.
Also, all the people who are the heads of the European Jew-nion, none of these are elected.
Fame is irrelevant to this. They are hand-picks of higher authorities of which, nobody even has
awareness. The 5 jews of Europe decide more than all the parliaments of Europe combined.
The drunkard Juncker, the hag Merkel, the vampire Draghi, the creep Schulz, these people
influence the EU more than all the parliaments combined.
Meanwhile, we have "Democracy" they tell the goyim. And don't forget your vote counts. It
counts yet, unfortunately for the jews, but they are doing everything they can to make this null
and void. At this point any elected party doesn't really matter to any measurable extent.
Now take Kim Kardashian, the fake jew queen. 115 million followers, or in other words, 1/3rd of
Americans just focuses on two fake jewish pieces of meat.
George Soros, Elder of Zion, has been shaping this planet for like decades. "Fame" factor, 9k
followers. Or let's say less than an average size mall in any developed town.
I do not think however her ass controls the universe, however this rotting jew is actually deciding
the fate of nations. And this is one very, very famous jew, especially because many people
focus on him as if he were some particular foot soldier in the enemy's work. But he is too, just a
pawn in a giant chess game.
The people of the surface may have fame, and obvious power, but they do not have any base
power in themselves. Also, who would be 'imaginative' enough to assume that some old, rotting
Rabbis from Israel literally run the planet through phonecalls? All the way up from the
Kabbalists? How many people have heard about such people in their life? Of course to them it
sounds all as a conspiracy theory.
these people run the planet and have been running it for centuries.
Do you know any of their names?
The other question, will anyone ever know they exist at all?
Push came to shove only lately. And still many so called "awake" of these people like Pagans,
WN'ists and Nationalists, just deny that these old people have any power whatsover.
Eventhough it's proven they visit someone in an office, like the leader of the planet such as what
they did to Bush. And get him to change the world's policy the next day.
Kim Kardashian cannot change the world nor Michael Jackson did. However these old,
seemingly weak fucks, do indeed control the planet, until now, and for centuries, to a full extent.
"Fame" has to be reconsidered. What matters is doing influential acts. There are acts that any of
you can do which exact more influence to this world than if you were mayors in big cities at this
point. These powers are granted by Satan to turn the situation around, and they are doing this
So we keep doing these and we will triumph:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
“Genocide is Permissible” according to insane Times of Israel Op-Ed
The agenda is the total extermination of the Palestinians in the Gaza strip. The
Israeli government admits that Hamas was not responsible for the kidnapping
and killing of the three Jewish teens, they used as the premise for the current
slaughter on Gaza under false premise of such blaming Hamas. Because that
was just a lie to act as cover for the destruction of the Palestinian state and the
stealing of all its land, which is what the Jews have been doing from the start of
the Jewish state.
The full plans for the maximum expansion of the Jewish state as drafted by the
Jews calls for the extermination of millions of Arabs and the destruction of whole
nations. They tried to expand further into Lebanon with the civil war Mossad
admits it started to use an excuse to invade southern Lebanon steal its resources
and annex its land into Israel. While the Lebanese where busy killing each other
along religious lines. This resulted in the deaths of 120,000 people in Lebanon.
This backfired on them and they where driven out, they reinvaded in 2006 to be
defeated again. They have pushed outwards into Syrian land with the Golan
Heights. And have funded the proxy forces working to destroy Assad to wipe the
Syria nation out and replace it with weak Islamic bandit regions that can easily be
taken by Israel at any time. This conflict they are behind in Syria has killed almost
200,000 people at this point and is still raging.
The Jews pulled 911 to pull America into Wars and occupations in the ME to
build the Greater Israel and destroy all their rivals in the Middle East. This is why
Iraq was destroyed and occupied with a death toll of several million Iraqi's and
they where forcing and still trying to get a war against Iran. And tried to pull
American into war in Syria. 911 was just a bigger version of what they did with
the USS Liberty attack and Lavon affair.
The real 911 Truth:
Literally millions of Arabic men, women, and children have been killed along with
thousands of American's in the name of the Jewish war mongering in the Middle
What the Jewish Talmud says about Gentiles:
Sanhedrin 59a: "Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal."
Abodah Zara 26b: "Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed."
Hilkkoth Akum X1: "Show no mercy to the Goyim."
“Genocide is permissible” according to insane Times of Israel Op-Ed
The Times of Israel is under fire on Friday after publishing a blog post titled
“When Genocide Is Permissible.” The post, written by Yochanon Gordon, was
quickly removed from the Times’ website, but cached and screen-captured
versions of the piece quickly proliferated on social media.
In the article, Gordon blasts the United Nations for its recent admonition against
the “disproportionate” use of force by Israel in Gaza, insisting that international
observers “are completely out of touch with the nature of this foe and are
therefore not qualified to dictate or enforce the rules of this war.”
Because of the supposedly unique menace that Hamas presents to Israel,
Gordon contends that “nothing … can be considered disproportionate when we
are fighting for our very right to live.”
He continues later on in the piece:
Hamas has stated forthrightly that it idealizes death as much as Israel celebrates
life. What other way then is there to deal with an enemy of this nature other than
obliterate them completely?
News anchors such as those from CNN, BBC, and Al-Jazeera have not missed
an opportunity to point out the majority of innocent civilians who have lost their
lives as a result of this war. But anyone who lives with rocket launchers installed
or terror tunnels burrowed in or around the vicinity of their home cannot be
considered an innocent civilian.
And then concludes by asking the following rhetorical question:
If political leaders and military experts determine that the only way to achieve its
goal of sustaining quiet is through genocide, is it then permissible to achieve
those responsible goals?
Gordon does not cite any “political leaders and military experts” who have called
for the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. However, recent weeks have seen a
spate of hard-line Israel supporters in the media aggressively justifying Israel’s
campaign in Gaza, which has already claimed the lives of nearly 1,500
Palestinians, many of them civilians.
Gordon, for his part, seems to be sticking to his guns. A Twitter account that
appears to belong to the writer responded to critics on Friday afternoon. (Update:
Gordon’s twitter account has been deactivated, and his tweets deleted.)
The page where Gordon’s piece was original published now bears a note
reading: “The contents of this post have been removed for breaching The Times
of Israel’s editorial guidelines.” The original headline has been removed entirely.
According to his author page on the Times’ website, Gordon has been blogging
for the newspaper since April.
Update: The Times of Israel has released a formal statement about the article,
calling it “damnable and ignorant” and stating that the newspaper has
discontinued Gordon’s blog. “We will not countenance blog posts that incite to
violence or criminal acts,” the statement reads.
Gordon, meanwhile, has issued an apology of his own, stating that “I never
intended to call to harm any people although my words may have conveyed that
“I pray and hope for a quick peaceful end to the hostilities and that all people
learn to coexist with each other in creating a better world for us all,” the note
Israeli Calls For Total Ethnic cleansing Of Gaza
A relative carries the body of four-year-old Qassim Elwan during his funeral in
Gaza City on 19 July. Qassim was killed along with his brother by Israeli shelling
the previous day. (Ezz al-Zanoun / APA images)
Israel must attack Gaza even more mercilessly, expel the population and resettle
the territory with Jews, the deputy speaker of Israel’s parliament, the Knesset,
has said.
Moshe Feiglin, a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud
Party, makes the call in an article for the Israeli news website Arutz Sheva.
Feiglin demands that Israel launch attacks “throughout Gaza with the IDF’s
[Israeli army’s] maximum force (and not a tiny fraction of it) with all the
conventional means at its disposal.”
Force Gaza population out
“After the IDF completes the ‘softening’ of the targets with its firepower, the IDF
will conquer the entire Gaza, using all the means necessary to minimize any
harm to our soldiers, with no other considerations,” Feiglin writes in one of
several calls for outright war crimes.
Following the reconquest, Israel’s army “will thoroughly eliminate all armed
enemies from Gaza. The enemy population that is innocent of wrongdoing and
separated itself from the armed terrorists will be treated in accordance with
international law and will be allowed to leave,” Feiglin writes.
“Gaza is part of our land”
“Gaza is part of our Land and we will remain there forever,” Feiglin concludes.
“Subsequent to the elimination of terror from Gaza, it will become part of
sovereign Israel and will be populated by Jews. This will also serve to ease the
housing crisis in Israel.”
Feiglin has a long history of incitement. Last week he expelled Arab members of
the Knesset who dared to criticize Israel’s ongoing slaughter in Gaza and called
for Israel to cut off power to dialysis patients there.
As of now, ninety percent of Gaza is without electricity, journalist Mohammed
Omer reports, and most Palestinians in Gaza are getting as little as two hours of
electricity per day.
Death toll climbs relentlessly
More than 100 Palestinians have been killed in the last 48 hours as Israel
continues its indiscriminate attacks on Palestinians throughout the occupied
Gaza Strip by land, sea, and air.
By Saturday afternoon in Gaza, the thirteenth day of Israel’s current
bombardment and invasion of the coastal territory, 339 people, the vast majority
civilians, had been killed in total and 2,500 injured.
Tens of thousands have fled their homes, primarily in the north and east of Gaza,
seeking shelter from the Israeli assault in United Nations-run schools.
Genocidal demands
Feiglin’s call for the destruction of the Palestinian community in Gaza has some
Just a day before Feiglin’s article, Rabbi Ben Packer made a similar demand,
calling the current assault “an opportunity for Israel to achieve a victory – to move
the border” by conquering northern Gaza.
Packer is the director of “Heritage House,” a settlement in occupied East
Jerusalem that houses so-called “lone soldiers,” men recruited from overseas to
join the Israeli occupation forces.
Israel’s former settlers in Gaza, evacuated in 2005, would be given the first
opportunity to “settle in the regained territory,” Packer said.
Packer, a settler from the United States and volunteer in the Israeli army,
previously served as the “Rabbi on Campus” at the University of North Carolina
and Duke University.
Calls like Feiglin’s and Packer’s for genocidal-scale violence against Palestinians
are being heard with ever more frequency from Israeli leaders.
A call for genocide of the Palestinians by Ayelet Shaked, a rising star in Israel’s
Habeyit Hayehudi (Jewish Home) party, part of the government, received global
notoriety after The Electronic Intifada translated and exposed it earlier this
"One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail," – Rabbi Yaacov Perri