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Re-Read-It Series: Capitalism, Communism, Christianity - Cohen Control | The Deadly Danger of Christianity and Kabbalah


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Jul 16, 2019
Capitalism, Communism, Christianity - Cohen Control

Cohen is the name of the Jewish Rabbi leadership.

Capitalism has been best defined as state-sponsored usury. The Jewish Rabbi,
Karl Marx, defined Capitalism as the religion of the Jews. If the Communist
system were to give all ownership to the party state, then you would have a
synthesis of pure Capitalism and Communism. In State Capitalism, the Jews
control the state. Communism, like Capitalism, is globalist. The Communist
movement is just the finalization of Jewish control by ownership and the
liquidation of all Gentile wealth into the hands of the Jews. Fulfilling the
messianic promise of the Torah-Talmud. The Jews shall have ownership over the
whole planet and all the wealth of it. Gentiles are considered animals in the
Torah and put on this earth to be under chattel ownership of the Jews which is
part of the wealth promised to the Jews. The Torah states that only Jews are
under the category of People and Human, and Human rights don't apply to

Capitalism ends with the liquidation of all wealth into hands of the Plutocracy that
incorporates as the state in a global situation and takes control by ownership.
Why do you think the Capitalist philosopher, the Jewesses Ann Rand
(Rosenbaum), promoted this ideal as the ultimate outcome for Capitalism? A
Global Plantation State, run by Jewish Plutocracy. In her words, all races, nations
[except for Israel] cultures, and even the family unit would vanish. Only
cosmopolitan consumerism would exist on a global plantation state. Why did
Rosenbaum hide her real name? For the same reason Trotsky did.

The New Testament, as I have written about before, is designed to establish this
outcome for the Jews. Let us look at how Capitalism really works as state
sponsored usury. The Torah tells the Jews to use money lending (usury) as a
weapon to conqueror the goyim and make them bonded slaves to the Jews. The
New Testament tells a person that they are born in the DEBT of sin, and they
must pay their entire lifetime. That they are here on earth only to labor and toil for
daily bread and pay their DEBTS, which is the cycle of usury. Nothing more then
slave labor. A worker, a consumer. In this world, the state is God, and within this,
the family unit, national unit, racial unit, and Gentile cultural unit is all dissolved
away into a global universal plantation state where the majority of the population
is reduced to chattel slavery by force and have no identity other than Christian,
Communist, Consumer.

This describes Jewish Communism, Jewish Capitalism and Jewish Christianity
all at the same time. The three C's of control on a planet that marks time in BC
and AD.

As for the Christian arguments on this subject, Christianity allowed for Jews to
use usury but forbade this practice to Christians unless they paid an expensive
license they couldn't afford. By ensuring that Gentiles could not economically
compete with the Jews and their usurious Capitalist system, all the wealth and
property fell into the hands of the Jews with ease. With it, control of the goyim by
ownership. Banning usury for one but not the other ends with a monopoly that
holds one under the control of the other. The Jews quickly stole the wealth of the
goyim with usury rates of up to 84%, which quickly enslaved the Gentiles into
DEBT slavery to the Jewish owners. With this wealth and power, they then
finalized this control with Communism. Total ownership. The Three C's of
Christianity, Communism, and Capitalism, are two C's: Cohen Control

July 14, 2017

Joy of Satan Forums Contributions


The Deadly Danger of Christianity
and Kabbalah for Gentiles

The core of Kabbalistic Theurgy, or ritual magic, especially for what is given to
Gentiles by Jews, is based on the creation of the "Holy Guardian Angel". This is
so important that the Theurgy texts state that one cannot be successful in any
Kabbalistic ritual magic without this.

The process involves lengthy twice a day rituals on the power points of the
sunrise and sunset to be started on the equinox of spring (when important
workings are started and set into motion) and then six months straight. Where
one generates the thoughtform, the "Holy Guardian Angel", one uses this as the
conduit to access the enemy matrix of energy they call "god", the individual then
is to bring this thoughtform within themselves and embed this into their soul.

After this stage, the connecting to this generated angelic thoughtform and
reconnecting this over and over again into the soul is the crucial opening part of
all Kabbalistic ritual workings. This is done while chanting Hebrew words of
power and evoking other thoughtforms (Angels). The Hebrew words of power
and connecting with this all act to imprint this into ones soul. Much of the intense
asceticism of fasting, isolation, and sleep deprivation that accompany the
process leading up to the rituals are simply to breakdown the conscious ego
mind personality to remove any active mental states that might interfere with
connecting with the energy and becoming a channel.

The situation is, as stated in Hinduism, Shakti energy in the human being is the
creative mind or imagination in which one can create an energy imprint and form
it with the Akasha principal in the astral with and infuse this with energy and bring
it to life as a servitor. This can then be programmed with specific names or words
of power to empower it more and to connect with it. The Kabbalah is very open
about this in the texts specifically for other Rabbis and that these "Angels" are
just thoughtforms, servitors. This is the Ayn Sop the Akasha principal their god
form Elohim was then formed out of and infused with its program by the 22
Hebrew letters by the Rabbis in Kabbalah.

The reason why this "Holy Guardian Angel" is set up is the link to the Jewish
matrix of energy the individual is embedding into their soul. It’s to become a
vessel into the material world.

This is also where the cube comes in. The images of ritual magic in the Kabbalah
show the Rabbi standing in a circle with the symbols of the Zodiac and planets
making the circle the Rabbi stands in. They are the cube in the middle of this
acting as the conduit to bring this energy into the material through them. The
symbols of the circle are substituted for the Hebrew letters they represent and
connect into. Astrology is geocentric. The four corners of the cube are the four
poles of the fixed points of the Zodiac around the earth, which the cube

This is why the Gentiles who get deep into Kabbalah to this level, like Crowley
and others of the serious Gentile Kabbalistic Societies of the day, always met
with total disaster. They literally poisoned their soul with this negative Jewish
energy and became possessed by a Jewish thoughtform, which is infused with
countless ritual murders of Humans and animals and curses on Gentiles. The
Christian ritual of Communion is a form of Kabbalistic sympathetic magic to
connect unconsciously with this in the astral and amplify this. The Jews have an
alien reptilian soul and this is the energy of their collective soul matrix. As
mentioned in the Torah, their god is the ten spheres of their Kabbalah tree. The
Jewish soul in the individual, or microcosm tree, that is connected with the larger
tree, or macrocosm, the matrix of energy. The letter Aleph shows this as well and
is why the Shema is the most important prayer in Judaism that is prayed on the
power points of dawn and dusk. It connects their individual soul into the larger
matrix of this energy. Their collective soul. The Jew acts like the cube. They bring
this energy down into the material world with the Shema and manifest this.

This is why the Jews flooded Gentile Spiritual Societies they infiltrated with these
specific Kabbalistic teachings. To simply do stronger what they are already doing
with Christianity, and infuse the Goyim with a pseudo Jewish soul that ties into
their matrix of energy and ruin them with vampiring them and cursing them.

The Christ-form of the Jews is the same "Holy Guardian Angel" and its purpose
is just on the level of the mass mind. The exercises given to the Christians for the
Clergy and lay people to connect with this are from the Kabbalah and designed
to generate this "Holy Guardian Angel" in the image of Christ and then embed
this into their souls strongly for the same reason. This is why you’re supposed to
bring this "jesus" into your soul and be born again (possessed by this
thoughtform). The practices of the "Saints" in the Christian writings have the
exact same exercises described in the Kabbalah and "Christian Kabbalah" for the
Goyim. It’s the same with the Jesuits. For the same reason, to posses them with
this Jewish thoughtform and use them as conduits to bring its purpose of a
Jewish World Government into being, in which the Gentiles are destroyed by the
Jews in their great Messianic war. Christianity's use is to destroy the Goyim.

This is the reason why the Jews hate the name Satan, Satanas, Satanama. It’s
the original mantra that holds the vibrational template of the Gentile soul. It’s the
five frequency templates of the elements that form the Gentile soul and the name
of the living God Satan, who gave us our Soul. It’s the sound-form of the Gentile
serpentine energy that forms our soul on all levels and empowers it. This mantra,
if one uses it, will find it scrubs all the enemy energy right out of the soul and
activates the Kundalini serpent, which detoxes one of all negative energy
imprints on the soul. Which is why Satanama is the highest name of God in the
original Sanskrit language and mantras. It’s still used as the highest name of God
in Sikhism, which was founded by a Hindu Guru and infused with many Sanskrit,
Hindu elements.

This is why the Jews, even the secular ones, fear to speak the name of Satan. It’
harmful to their evil and alien soul, which is why the Jews use all kinds of
substitution names instead in their religious texts like Samel and such.

The Tree of Life, Israel, Regardie
The 72 Names of God, Baal Kadmon
The 32 Paths of Solomon, Hogan

natalie_lion's_heart wrote:
I used to try explain to New Agers I'd encounter that this was bound to be the
case for Gentiles tapping into Jewish magic but no matter the evidence, it's as if
they were so tied down into the whole thing - especially by their pitfalls, bad
habits, horrible life experiences, etc - one person I knew used to do a ton of
angel magic, because they were sadly abused when they were younger,
essentially allowing the entities to abuse them in some kind of passive
aggressive relationship and couldn't see how wrong it was. They probably could
also have been mentally ill. It's just one example and it gets much worse.

It's really bad because when people even just play around lightly with
Kabala or Sefirot Angel stuff, it changes them forever, in a really bad way.
I've seen people enter those forums wanting to explore and learn about the
powers of the soul, and a few weeks later, they are outright planning
animal blood sacrifice rituals. Horrific, to put it lightly.

I've quit trying to inform those circles because it's impossible, it's like the
name Satan triggers those types' instilled Kike-complex and you find
yourself banned. Seeing those poor souls, makes me more than glad that I
found Satanism first.

It never ends well for the Gentiles who get into this stuff. Even basic Christianity
over time makes people more dysfunctional, negative and alien after awhile. It
they get into it deep they just become alien and evil-minded people. The amount
of people who get sick in the churches with all kinds of aliments that should not
even be that bad but kills them quick, is unbelievable. It’s the negative death
energy in the Christian program they are tied into. The RTRs can save one’s life,
especially the 72, as it wipes out all this energy off the soul and out of existence.

Academic Scholar wrote:
Thank you this explains a lot. Do you recommend any academic
sites/books/authors that prove ancient Sanskrit is the original language of
humanity and earth? I’ve researched myself but I’ve only found that Tamil
comes up as the most ancient language. I’ve met xians who legit think and
try to argue with me that Hebrew is older than Sanskrit...

Tamil is from Sanskrit. There is this strange Tamil propaganda that somehow it’s
not and everything on Earth came from Tamils. It’s the We Wuz Kangz of the
East. Southern India and Tamil Nadu was given it’s Vedic heritage by Aryans
such as Agastya Muni who came down from the North of India. The fact the
Vedas have been rolled back to eight thousand years with the Saraswati river
civilization being discovered proves that Sanskrit is the oldest. But christards
think the world is six thousand years old and it was all created by a Hebrew
speaking rabbi in the sky who watches you go to the bathroom.

February 20, 2018
Joy of Satan Forums Contributions

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
