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Re: Just when you thought Joooz couldn't be any DUMBER....

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002

In reply to [JoyofSatan666] post:
This thread implies that Jews are stupid. NEVER underestimate the enemy!!!!! Yes, there are some stupid Jews, but not as a whole. These people are not stupid, not the ones who have had us Gentiles for the past 2,000 years. They are very clever at lying and deceiving. Many of the Jews have an IQ [level of intelligence] above the top 2% of the population. I saw this myself when I joined American Mensa [which is by invitation only after passing a supervised IQ test that proves your intelligence is in the top 2% or above of the population]. They had an orientation that was compulsory to attend. It was in the home of a Jewish couple for one and for another, out of some 30 people give or take, I was only one of three, maybe four Gentiles there. This is not to say that Gentiles are not intelligent. The IQs of Nazi leaders were way on top in the genius level and they were onto the Jewish problem. Many Jews are in professional occupations like law. They also know loopholes and brag openly about this and they are very deceptive to an extreme. Not to mention, at the upper levels they are organized and they have money and resources that would make a lot of people’s eyes water.
In addition to this, the Jews call themselves “people of the book.” There is a Jewish joke: “A Jewish drop out is a Jew who did not complete their PhD degree.” The universities and colleges are loaded with them. While they push and indoctrinate the suicidal notion in that lethal bible, enforce on the populace enslaved under Jewish communism, that knowledge is something evil [the Serpent of Satan in the bible represents knowledge], they, themselves know it is the key to everything. For a slave state to exist and function, slaves must be ignorant. The word “ignorant” means “unknowing.” It is a sad fact that there are some people here who have to have the word explained as I just did. I am not talking non-Americans either.
The average Gentile comes home, snaps on that TV set, goes to the fridge and takes out an ice cold beer, and then sits down in front of that TV for the rest of the night [many even eat their evening meals on TV trays], and watches PROGRAMS. YES, PROGRAMS AND FROM THESE PROGRAMS, THEY ARE PROGRAMMED.
I, myself place too much value and respect for my own time and mind to sit in front of some of the worst stupidity and waste hours at this. Not to mention the stupidity and blatant Jew-Communist programming is as far as my concern, not only totally unworthy of my precious time, but it is also sickening and boring to the extreme. So, ask yourself… what are you learning from this?? There ARE movies [DVDs] and such that can be educational, even those solely for entertainment. Those sitcoms, Jew run talk shows and related to me are nauseating. Wasted days and wasted nights… lead to a wasted life and a waste of a human being. The Jew dictates both directly and indirectly how you should think, what you should and should not believe, how you should live your life and everything else. THEY PROGRAM YOU!!
Another blatant example… those of you who understand the workings of the mind and meditate enough to have the experience already are aware of just how one’s thoughts, focus and attention are so sensitive. Just placing your awareness to ‘feel’ your aura and your chakras is very powerful. You can do this easily right now and you will see what I mean just how rapidly this manifests- just the smallest bit of focus, attention and awareness.
Just as the Jewish program of communism perpetually and most forcibly indoctrinates the populace [their victims] with endlessly repeated slogans enforcing blatant communist lies [the Jews have long been aware of the powers of the mind and soul, while systematically removing these from the Gentile populace with the programs of Christianity and Islam]; the very same is done with the “Holy Bible” being called “The Good Book.” This is a very obvious example of the stupidity and ignorance of those who believe that SHIT! Never has there been such a horrific conglomeration of perverted, corrupted and stolen legends, concepts, literature and other crap and above all- ENDLESS CURSES AND I MEAN EXTREME CURSES AGAINST HUMANITY!!!!!
IGNORANT people keep extolling and praising and giving their energies to this extreme negativity and its destructive forces. These are all aimed at destroying civilization and humanity as a whole. There was a time when our Gods had control over the earth and this was called the "Golden Age." It was a time of peace and prosperity for Gentile humanity. With enforcing of the Christian program, this was the REAL "Paradise Lost" and humanity has unfortunately degenerated ever since. Christianity, Islam and its Jewish root have taken a lethal toll and the world is now facing disaster. Yes, ignorance is bliss as the saying goes. Most people who spend hour after hour wasting their time in front of the TV set, playing endless games on the PC for hours and hours and engaging in other wastes of time are unaware of just how bad things are in the world. Some are so stupid they just don’t even bother to care. Where would we all be here right now if Satan and the Powers of Hell didn’t care? We would still all be fucking slaves back in the Dark Ages. I also know that Christians are subliminally PROGRAMMED to obsessively push Christianity. In this I am mainly referring to the fundamentalists and those who are steeped in the Christian energy.
Things are REALLY bad, such as the environment. What Jewish communism did to the environment has put a funeral wreath to hang over the entire earth. Whiling away the hours is what they WANT you to do. Be stupid, be unaware, don’t bother so put any effort into developing your mind, don’t put any effort into studying or learning. Just wait until it is all far too late to do anything. What the Jews have done and are now doing WILL EVENTUALLY EFFECT EVERYONE.
There is a wealth of information that everyone should be studying here. Satan represents knowledge. For those who are just too fucking lazy and unmotivated, JoS ministry and other very dedicated members have already done the work for you. Even the worst slum in the USA is a paradise compared to living under Jewish communism. Unbeknownst to many uninformed dolts who just don’t bother to read, the USA is the number one target for a communist take-over. The USA is the last major power that still has some freedom and this is being rapidly destroyed. Our legal system, our law enforcement, out bill of rights and anything related to ensuring individual freedoms are being viciously attacked, undermined and if something isn’t done will be eventually destroyed. Many talk the talk, but when reality hits, it is a different story. We are in a very dire situation. Few understand the tactics of communist take-over such as how the Jews destroy the law-enforcement, of which they are doing right now blatantly. The next step is total anarchy of which they enthusiastically promote and then when they get some real power in a country, such as they did in the former USSR , they go on a mass murder rampage. The police and related are usually the first in line to be murdered, along with the educated classes they label the “intelligentsia.” No, for the dummies here, you don’t have the right to a trial, nor does your family. You are just butchered, and everything you once had and owned is taken form you and now belongs to the Jew-run “State.” This is another example of how they push their slogans. The word “people’s” is analogous with communism. NO, NOTHING BELONGS TO THE “PEOPLE” IN REALITY. Everything becomes the property of the Jew-owned and run state. The Jews are very adept at inventing slogans that are outright total lies and perverting these and enforcing them as truths upon the populace. When communism fails as it did in the early 1990’s, the first thing they then do is to push the Christian program. Fundamentalist Christians are allowed into the victimized country in droves, the bible is then reinstated into the local languages and churches and mosques are opened up and again running. This puts the entire nation back at square one again…under Jewish spiritual control. As I have stated repeatedly, but will again, the bible is the foundation for Jewish communism. When it has done its job and a nation falls to Jewish communism, the bible, the churches and the mosques are no longer needed and all of the stolen materials they used that were hijacked and corrupted from Pagan religions around the world are then done away with, ensuring the ENTIRE memory is gone. If this fails, as I already wrote in the above, they revert right back to using the bible again. This way, the spiritual energies of the populace are under their direct control. The Jews have survived as they have because like that foul Nazarene character, they mutate like a virus. They mutate and adapt to the current times, but they never change in character, nor does their goal of enslaving the entire world. A communist state is a slave state. Christianity and Islam, while pushing the slogans of “freedom” “peace” “equality” and “brotherhood” are in truth, the total opposites.
Below is a list of JoS websites that have a very large number of pdfs available for absolutely free. Many of us have put in years of our time in serious study, creating these works and websites in the service of Satan. We do this because we care. Not only do we work for Satan and the Powers of Hell, we strongly support and believe in Satan’s plans for this world.
http://www.angelfire.com/dawn666blacksu ... caust.html
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


HP Maxine,
Looking back at my quick post, I realize I should have chosen a wiser title. Of course when I said "DUMBER", this was the first "degrading" word to come to mind.
Yes, make no mistake, these Jooz are conniving, sinister little pricks. Every Joo I've ever dealt with has been a sneaky liar who loved making shit up and talking about how great they were.
I was NOT trying to water down the fact that they have been the literal bane of Gentile existence for as you said, over 2,000 years. 
I saw the article about which I posted to the group and I though "how dumb" and "what will these idiots think up next?... they seem to just BOMBARD us with all types of nonsense."
Anyway, I am actually glad my slight misuse of words has inspired you to respond. Everything you write is chock full of wisdom and inspiration.
Thank you for everything you have done for JOS and humanity. You and the other HPs and JOS members who are working hard to bring down the enemy, are true heroes in my book. And in my humble opinion, you are a true hero of the highest order.
Thanks again,

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
