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Re: [JoyofSatan666] Отв: Microchipping humans


New member
Jul 20, 2013
I know demons are only to be summoned for emergencies but can they be summoned to help solve a murder with no clues? It's been over a year and they have nothing and I'm wondering if the person who died is on the astral because of it. How do I know if the man that died moved on? And can a demon be summoned in an astral temple?
On Mon, 3/27/17, Edward Lonsa edwardtgao8@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Отв: Microchipping humans
To: "Yahoogroups" <[email protected], "Yahoogroups" <[email protected], "Yahoogroups" <[email protected], "Yahoogroups" <[email protected], "Yahoogroups" <[email protected], "Yahoogroups" <[email protected]
Date: Monday, March 27, 2017, 2:55 PM

Russian people to be
microchipped untill 2025

Till 2025 Russia will be microchipped and the
law is already signed by Russian government. For those still
facinated with "alt-right", Putin, libertarianism,
"far-right libertarian", [soviet jewess] Ain Rand
objectivism etc........... Putin signed law many years ago
for microchipping Russians. I post here the quote from this
law from official website where all Russian laws are
available - Consultant. There is English welcome there you
can read and see for yourselves, It is official law
advertizing site. Though I learned aboutnit from NS article,
I did not believe and did not take seriously, but when I saw
quotes I decided to open Consultant and I not only found
this Law, I found these quotes... I translate them here -
what you read below is not NS, WN or whatever article,
propaganda, my fantasy or smth. It is a LAW!!
If smth is not seen, open "message
history" button because yahoo thinks that it is a
"history". I put first original, then

The name of
the law:Приказ Минпромэнерго №311 от
7 августа 2007 года “Об
утверждении Стратегии развития
электронной промышленности
России на период до 2025 года” и
приложенная к нему Стратегия
развития электронной
промышленности России на период
до 2025 года.
Order No. 311 of the Ministry of Industry and
Energy of August 7, 2007 "On the Approval of the
Strategy for the Development of the Electronic Industry of
Russia for the Period until 2025" and the Strategy for
the Development of the Electronic Industry of Russia for the
Period until 2025 attached to it.
This law
in Russian index:Приказ Минпромэнерго
РФ от 07.08.2007 N 311 "Об утверждении
Стратегии развития электронной
промышленности России на период
до 2025 года" / КонсультантПлюс


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|   | 
Приказ Минпромэнерго РФ
от 07.08.2007 N 311 "Об утверждении
Стратегии ...
   |   |



Full text:"Консультант
Плюс" - законодательство РФ:
кодексы, законы, указы,
постановления Правительства
Российской Федерации,
нормативные акты


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|   | 
"Консультант Плюс" -
законодательство РФ: кодексы,
законы, указы,...

Консультант Плюс -
законодательство РФ, кодексы и
законы в последней редакции.
Удобный поиск законов, кодексов,
...  |   |



нанотехнологий должно еще
больше расширить глубину её
проникновения в повседневную
жизнь населения. Должна быть
обеспечена постоянная связь
каждого индивидуума с
сетями типа Internet.

Наноэлектроника будет
интегрироваться с биообъектами
и обеспечивать непрерывный
контроль за поддержанием их
жизнедеятельности, улучшением
качества жизни, и таким образом
сокращать социальные расходы

Широкое распространение
получат встроенные беспроводные
наноэлектронные устройства,
обеспечивающие постоянный
контакт человека с окружающей
его интеллектуальной средой,
получат распространение
средства прямого беспроводного
контакта мозга человека с
окружающими его предметами,
транспортными средствами и
другими людьми. Тиражи такой
продукции превысят миллиарды
штук в год из-за её повсеместного

промышленность должна быть
готова к этому вызову, так как
способность производить все
компоненты сетевых систем будет
означать установление
фактического контроля над всеми
их пользователями, что
неприемлемо для многих стран с
точки зрения сохранения их
суверенитета. Аналогичной точки
зрения придерживаются эксперты
стран ЕС в связи с глобальной
экспансией производителей
электроники из стран
Юго-Восточной Азии и намерением
США обеспечить себе постоянное
технологическое лидерство в
этой области. Поэтому в период
2016-2025 гг. следует ожидать
очередного усиления роли
электроники в жизни общества и
быть экономически готовыми к
новому витку глобальной
конкуренции стран на базе

наноэлектронной технологии.”. 

introduction of nanotechnology should further expand the
depth of its penetration into the everyday life of the
population. It should be ensured constant communication of
each individual with global information-management networks
such as the Internet.
Nanoelectronics will
integrate with bio-objects and ensure continuous monitoring
of the maintenance of their vital functions, improving the
quality of life, and thus reduce the social costs of the
Wireless nanoelectronic devices that
provide permanent contact of a person with the surrounding
intellectual environment will become widespread, and the
means of direct wireless contact of the human brain with
surrounding objects, vehicles and other people will be
spread. Circulations of such products will exceed billions
of pieces per year because of its ubiquitous

industry should be prepared for this challenge, since the
ability to produce all components of network systems will
mean establishing actual control over all of their users,
which is unacceptable for many countries in terms of
preserving their sovereignty. The experts of the EU
countries adhere to a similar point of view in connection
with the global expansion of electronics manufacturers from
the countries of South-East Asia and the intention of United
States to provide for itself a permanent technological
leadership in this field. Therefore, in the period 2016-2025
gg. We should expect another strengthening of the role of
electronics in the life of society and be economically ready
for a new round of global competition of countries based on
nanoelectronic technology. "

    вторник, 13
декабря 2016 15:53 Edward Teach <edwardtgao8@...


Microchip Mind Control,
Implants And Cybernetics

1974 Congressional Testimony of Dr. Jose Delgado -
"We need a program of
purpose is PHISICAL CONTROL OF THE MIND. Everyone who
deviates from the given norm can be SURGICALLY MUTILATED.
"The individual may
think that the most important reality is his own existence,
but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks
historical perspective.
"Man does NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to develop
his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great
armies and generals will be controlled by electric
stimulation of the brain."
Dr. Jose M.R. Delgado Director of
Neuropsychiatry Yale University Medical School Congressional
Record, No. 26, Vol. 118 February 24, 1974
(Author of "PHYSICAL
The following article was
originally published in the 36th-year edition of the
Finnish-language journal, SPEKULA (3rd Quarter, 1999).
SPEKULA is a publication of Northern Finland medical
students and doctors of Oulu University OLK (OULUN
By Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD Former Chief
Medical Officer of Finland
In 1948 Norbert Weiner published a book,
CYBERNETICS, defined as a neurological communication and
control theory already in use in small circles at that time.
Yoneji Masuda, "Father of Information Society,"
stated his concern in 1980 that our liberty is threatened
Orwellian-style by cybernetic technology totally unknown to
most people. This technology links the brains of people via
implanted microchips to satellites controlled by
ground-based super-computers.
The first brain implants were surgically
inserted in 1874 in the state of Ohio, U.S.A., and also in
Stockholm, Sweden. Brain electrodes were inserted into the

skulls of babies in 1946 without the knowledge of their
parents. In the 50's and 60's, electrical implants
were inserted into the brains of animals and humans,
especially in the U.S., during research into behavior
modification, and brain and body functioning. Mind control
(MC) methods were used in attempt to change human behavior
and attitudes. Influencing brain functions became an
important goal of military and intelligence services.
Thirty years ago brain
implants showed up in xrays the size of one centimeter.
Subsequent implants shrunk to the size of a grain of rice.
They were made of silicon, later still of gallium arsenide.
Today they are small enough to be inserted into the neck or
back, and also intraven-ously in different parts of the body
during surgical operations, with or without the consent of
the subject. It is now almost impossible to detect or remove
It is technically
possible for every newborn to be injected with a micro-chip,
which could then function to identify the person for the
rest of his or her life. Such plans are secretly being
discussed in the U.S. without any public airing of the
privacy issues involved. In Sweden, Prime Minister Olof
Palme gave permission in 1973 to implant prisoners, and Data
Inspection's ex-Director General Jan Freese revealed
that nursing-home patients were implanted in the mid-
1980's. The technology is revealed in the 1972:47
Implanted human
beings can be followed anywhere. Their brain functions can
then be remotely monitored by supercomputers and even

altered through the changing of frequencies. Guinea-pigs in
secret experiments have in-cluded prisoners, soldiers,
mental patients, handicapped children, deaf and blind
people, homosexuals, single women, the elderly, school
children and any group of people considered
"marginal" by the elite experimenters. The
published experiences of prisoners in Utah State Prison, for
example, are shocking to the conscience.
Today's microchips
operate by means of low-frequency radio waves that target
them. With the help of satellites, the implanted person can
be tracked anywhere on the globe. Such a technique was among
a number tested in the Iraq war, according to Dr. Carl
Sanders, who invented the intell-igence-manned interface
(IMI) biotic, which is injected into people. (Earlier during
the Vietnam War, soldiers were injected with the Rambo chip,
designed to increase adrenaline flow into the bloodstream.)
The U.S. National Security Agency's (NSA) 20 billion
bits/second supercomputers could now "see and
hear" what soldiers experience in the battlefield with
a remote monitoring system (RMS).
When a 5-micromillimeter microchip (the
diameter of a strand of hair is 50 micromillometers) is
placed into optical nerve of the eye, it draws neuroimpulses
from the brain that embody the experiences, smells, sights
and voice of the implanted person. Once transferred and
stored in a computer, these neuroimpulses can be projected
back to the person's brain via the microchip to be
re-experienced. Using a RMS, a land-based computer operator
can send electromagnetic messages (encoded as signals) to
the nervous system, affecting the target's performance.
With RMS, healthy persons can be induced to see
hallucinations and to hear voices in their heads.
Every thought, reaction,
hearing and visual observation causes a certain neurological
potential, spikes, and patterns in the brain and its elect-
romagnetic fields, which can now be decoded into thoughts,
pictures and voices. Electromagnetic stimulation can
therefore change a person's brainwaves and affect
muscular activity, causing painful muscular cramps
experienced as torture.
The NSA's electronic surveillance system
can simultaneously follow and handle millions of people.
Each of us has a unique bioelectrical reson- ance frequency
in the brain, just like we have unique fingerprints. With
electro-magnetic frequency (EMF) brain stimulation fully
coded, pulsating electromagnetic signals can be sent to the
brain, causing the desired voice and visual effects to be
experienced by the target. This is a form of electronic
warfare. U.S. astronauts were implanted before they were
sent into space so their thoughts could be followed and all
their emotions could be registered 24 hours a day.
The Washington Post reported
in in May 1995 that Prince William of Great Britain was
implanted at the age of 12. Thus, if he were ever kidnapped,
a radiowave with a specific frequency could be targeted to
his microchip. The chips signal would be routed through a
satellite to the computer screen of police headquarters,
where the Princes movements could be followed. He could
actually be located anywhere on the globe.
The mass media have not
reported that an implanted person's privacy van- ishes
for the rest of his or her life. S/he can be manipulated in
many ways. Using different frequencies, the secret
controller of this equip- ment can even change a
person's emotional life. S/he can be made aggress- ive
or lethargic. Sexuality can be artificially influenced.
Thought sig-nals and subconscious thinking can be read,
dreams affected and even induced, all without the knowledge
or consent of the implanted person.
A perfect cyber-soldier can thus be created.
This secret technology has been used by military forces in

certain NATO countries since the 1980's without civilian
and academic populations having heard anything about it.
Thus, little information about such invasive mind-control
systems is available in professional and academic
The NSA's
Signals Intelligence can remotely monitor information from
human brains by decoding the evoked potentials (3.50HZ, 5

milliwatt) emitted by the brain. Prisoner experimentees in
both Gothenburg, Sweden and Vienna, Austria have been found
to have [missing word] brain lesions. Diminished blood
circulation and lack of oxygen in the right temporal frontal
lobes result where brain implants are usually operative. A
Finnish experimentee experienced brain atrophy and
intermittent attacks of unconsciousness due to lack of
Mind control
techniques can be used for political purposes. The goal of
mind controllers today is to induce the targeted persons or
groups to act against his or her own convictions and best
interests. Zombified individ-uals can even be programmed to
murder and remember nothing of their crime afterward.
Alarming examples of this phenomenon can be found in the
This silent war is
being conducted against unknowing civilians and sold-iers by
military and intelligence agencies. Since 1980 electronic
stim- ulation of the brain (ESB) has been secretly used to
control people tar-geted without their knowledge or consent.
All international human rights agreements forbid
nonconsensual manipulation of human beings even in pri-sons,
not to speak of civilian populations. Under an initiative of
U.S. Senator John Glenn, discussions commenced in January
1997 about the dan-gers of radiating civilian populations.
Targeting peoples brain functions with electromagnetic
fields and beams (from helicopters and airplanes,
satellites, from parked white vans, neighboring houses,
telephone poles, electrical appliances, mobil phones, TV,
radio, etc.), is part of the radiation problem that should
be addressed in democratically elected government bodies.
In addition to electronic
MC, chemical methods have also been developed. Mind-altering
drugs and different smelling gasses affecting brain function
negatively can be injected into air ducts or water pipes.
Also, bacteria and viruses have been tested this way in
several countries.
Today's supertechnology, connecting our
brain functions via microchips (or even without them,
according to the latest technology) to computers via
satellites in the U.S. or Israel, poses the gravest threat
to human-ity. The latest supercomputers are powerful enough
to monitor the whole worlds population. What will happen
when people are tempted by false premises to allow
microchips into their bodies? One lure will be a micro-chip
identity card. Compulsory legislation has even been secretly
pro-posed in the U.S. to criminalize removal of an ID
Are we ready for
the robotization of mankind and the total elimination of
privacy, including freedom of thought? How many of us would
want to cede our entire life, including our most secret
thoughts, to Big Brother? Yet the technology exists to
create a totalitarian "New World Order." Covert
neurological communication systems are in place to
counteract independent thinking and to control social and
political activity on behalf of self-serving private and
military interests.
our brain functions are already is connected to
supercomputers by means of radio implants and microchips, it
will be too late for protest. This threat can be defeated
only by educating the public, using available literature on
biotelemetry and information exchanged at international

One reason
this technology has remained a state secret is the
widespread prestige of the psychiatric DIAGNOSTIC
STATISTICAL MANUAL IV produced by the U.S. American
Psychiatric Association (APA), and printed in 18 lan-guages.
Psychiatrists working for U.S. intelligence agencies no
doubt participated in writing and revising this manual. This
psychiatric "bible" covers up the secret
development of MC technologies by labelling some of their
effects as symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia.
Victims of mind control
experimentation are thus routinely diagnosed, knee-jerk
fashion, as mentally ill by doctors who learned the DSM
symptom list in medical school. Physicians have not been
schooled that patients may be telling the truth when they
report being targeted against their will or being used as
guinea pigs for electronic, chemical and bacteriological
forms of psychological warfare.
Time is running out for changing the direction
of military medicine, and ensuring the future of human
freedom. -- Rauni Kilde, MD December 6, 2000 ___
By Dr. Rauni Leena Kilde, MD
September 25, 1999
Helsingin Sanomat, the largest newspaper in
Scandinavia, wrote in the September 9, 1999 issue that
Scientific American magazine estimates that after the
Millenium perhaps ALL people will be implanted with a
"DNA microchip".
How many people realize what it actually means?
Total loss of privacy and total outside control of the
person's physical body functions, men-tal, emotional and
thought processes, including the implanted person's
subconscious and dreams! For the rest of his life!
It sounds like science
fiction but it is secret military and intelligence
agencies' mind control technology, which has been
experimented with for almost half a century. Totally without
the knowledge of the general public and even the general
academic population.
Supercomputers in Maryland, Israel and
elsewhere with a speed of over 20 BILLION bits/sec can
monitor millions of people simultaneously. In fact, the
whole world population can be totally controlled by these
secret brain-computer interactions, however unbelievable it
sounds for the uninformed.
Human thought has a speed of 5,000 bits/sec and
everyone understands that our brain cannot compete with
supercomputers acting via satellites, implants, local
facilities, scalar or other forms of biotelemetry.
Each brain has a unique set
of bioelectric resonance/entrainment characteristics. Remote
neural monitoring systems with supercomputers can send
messages through an implanted person's nervous system
and affect their performance in any way desired. They can of
course be tracked and identified anywhere.
involuntary human experimentation has been going on with the
so-called "vulnerable population" for about 50
years, in the name of "science" or "national
security" in the worst Nazi-type testing, contrary to
all human rights. Physical and psychological torture of mind
control victims today is like the worst horror movies. Only,
unlike the horror movies, it is true.
It happens today in the USA, Japan, and Europe.
With few exceptions, the mass media suppresses all
information about the entire topic.
Mind control technology in the USA is
classified under "non-lethal" weaponry. The name
is totally misleading because the technology used IS lethal,
but death comes slowly in the form of "normal"
illnesses, like cancer, leukemia, heart attacks,
Alzheimer's disease with loss of short term memory
first. No wonder these illnesses have increased all over the
When the use of
electromagnetic fields, extra-low (ELF) and ultra-low (ULF)
frequencies and microwaves aimed deliberately at certain
individ-uals, groups, and even the general population to
cause diseases, disori-entation, chaos and physical and
emotional pain breaks into the awareness of the general
population, a public outcry is inevitable.
[Eleanor White comment:
ELF/ULF frequencies on their own cannot be focussed and are
practically impossible to transmit in the usual manner of
radio transmissions. ELF/ULF cannot carry voice.
ELF/ULF CAN be carried on
radio and ultrasound carrier signals, however, and are
effective in things like setting up a target to be more
receptive to hypnosis, force a target to be unable to sleep,
and force a target to fall asleep daytime. This is like the
reverse process of reading the brain's natural ELF/ULF
electrical activity using biofeedback.]
Who is behind a sinister
plan to microchip and control and torture the general
White's comment: Reports from persons targetted by
neuro- electromagnetic experimentation show that not
everyone is implanted. The fact that those few victims who
have had implants removed cannot get custody of the implants
means someone has a keen interest in controlling the use of
covert implants and preventing the publication of this
The Patent
Office of the U.S.A. has granted patents for purposes of
mental monitoring and mind alteration.
Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring
and altering brainwaves, methods for inducing mental,

emotional and physical states of conscious- ness, in human
beings. Method of and apparatus for desired states of
consciousness are among some of them.
People who have been implanted, involuntarily
or through deception vol- untarily have become bilogical
robots and guinea pigs for this activity under the guise of
national security.
real consequences of microchip implantation (or with
today's advanced hidden technology, using only microwave
radiation for mind control,) are totally hidden from the
public. How many know the real dangers of mic- rowaves
through mobile phones?
How many believe the disinformation that
microwave radiation is not causing health problems? The
economic issues in the mobile phone industry are enormous.
Therefore health issues are deliberately brushed aside.
However, the same thing is
inevitable in the future as with the tobacco industry. When
economic compensation for health damages becomes big enough,
as in the tobacco industry, health hazards will be admitted
and users are then responsible for their tobacco-related

Today, already
about 50% of Finns, Swedes and Norwegians use mobile phones,
especially the young population.
Mobile phones used in mind control was a
brilliant idea. Military and police agencies can follow
every user, influence their thoughts through microwaves,
cause healthy people to hear voices in their heads and if
needed burn their brains in a second by increasing the
current 20,000 times.
That probably happened to Chechnyan leader
General Dudayev who died talking to a mobile phone.
Heating effect of tissues
with the speed of light is a known effect of high power
microwave and electromagnetic pulse weapons.
According to Navy studies
they also cause fatigue states, depression, insomnia,
aggressiveness, long and especially short term memory loss,
short catatonic states, cataracts, leukemia, cancer, heart
attacks, brain tumors and so forth.
Alteration of behavior and attitudes hs been
demonstrated as well.
Ross Adey has found out that by using 0.75 milliwatts per
square centimeter intensity of pulse modulated microwave at
a frequency of 450 MHz it is possible to control ALL aspects
of human behaviour!
Microwave radiation excites the hydrogen bond
in the cells and can interfere with meiosis, which leads to
All our emotions,
moods, and thoughts have a specific brain frequency which
has been catalogued. If these records fall into the wrong
hands, our behaviour and attitudes can be manipulated by
persons whose ethics and morals are not in our best
Both military
and intelligence agencies have been infiltrated with such
persons. The Director of the Swiss Secret Service had to
resign in September 1999 because of his agency's
involvement in illegal arms deals and a plan to create an
ORGANIZATION within the legal Secret Service.
This globally infiltrated
organization has "octopus type" activities in all
major intelligence services in the world, working together
with the Mafia and terrorists. It has recruited people from
all important government institutions, state and local
It owns
Star Wars technology which is used against military and

civilian populations, claiming it is "non-lethal"
"Down and
out" people, jobless, freed prisoners, mental
outpatients, students and orphans are trained by this
organization to harass, follow, and torture innocent people,
who for whatever reason have been put on the
organization's hit list. They are ALREADY in every
apartment block!
White comment: This gang-like colour-coding is not reported
in all areas. Dr. Kilde's experience is with northern
Deception is the
name of the game, so recruits are told untrue sinister
stories of their victims to keep them motivated. They have a
military order and get rewarded for their evil actions,
which include Satanism, and symbols and yellow-orange-black
colors. However, fresh recruits must wear pink - and the

highest elite wears yellow ties with dark suits.
Even dashes of yellow or
orange in their ties may signal their recruitment as well as
yellow shirts or other objects with that color for
Too many
world leaders fit into this signalling. However, it is quite
possible they are only used as fronts for this global
organization without any knowledge of it's criminal
activity in the field against innocent people. Mass media
and big industry are also infiltrated.
Who are the targets? Experimentation with
soldiers and prisoners may continue, as well as handicapped
children, mental patients, homosexuals and single women.
They are still experimental guinea pigs for electronic and
chemical warfare. But today ANYONE can become a target, even
those who invented the system.
Researchers who find out about this secret
radiation of the population become targets themselves.
The U.S. Senate discussed
the issue on January 22, 1997. The U.S. Air Force's
"Commando Solo" aircraft have been used to send
subliminal radio frequency messages to manipulate even the
minds of foreign nations in their elections. Haiti and
Bosnia are a couple of recent examples.
In July 1994 the U.S.
Department of Defense proposed the use of
"non-lethal" weapons against anyone engaged in
activities the DoD opposes. Thus opposing political views,
economic competitors, counterculture individuals and so
forth can be beamed to sickness or death.
The Psychiatric Diagnostic
Statistical Manual (DSM) for mental disorders has been a
brilliant cover up operation in 18 languages to hide the
atrocities of military and intelligence agencies'
actions towards their targets. THE MANUAL LISTS ALL MIND
If a target is under
surveillance with modern technology via TV, radio,
telephone, loudspeakers, lasers, microwaves, poisoned with
mind altering drugs via airducts, giving familiar smells
which cause headache, nausea and so forth, if he claims his
clothes are poisoned, his food or tap water as well --- all
medical schools teach their students that the person is
paranoid, ESPECIALLY if he believes intelligence agencies
are behind it all.
is the medical profession told that these are routine
actions all over the world by intelligence agencies against
their targets. Thus, victims of mind control are falsely
considered mentally ill and get no help since they are not
believed and their suffering is doubled by ignorant health
unethical abuses of power by individuals in charge of
biomedical telemetry are incomprehensible to normal
The goal of mind
control is to program an individual to carry out any mission
of espionage or assassination even against their will and
self- preservation instict and to control the absolute
behavior and thought patterns of the individual. The purpose
of mind control is to disrupt memory, discredit people
through aberrant behavior, to make them insane or to commit
suicide or murder.
How is
it possible that this technology is not stopped by political
top authorities? They themselves will also be targets
someday, a fact they have not always realized. How much are
they involved?
This year
the 1999 European Parliament in "Resolution on
Environment, Security, and Forein Policy", in
paragraphs 23, 24, and 27 calls for "non-lethal"
weapons technology and development of new arms strategies to
be covered and regulated by international conventions.
Also, it calls for an
international convention introducing a GLOBAL BAN on all
developments and deployments of weapons which might enable
Project HAARP in Alaska is a
global concern, and calls for it's legal, ecological,
and ethical implications to be examined by an international
independent body before any further research and testing.
It is possible that the USA
will ignore those resolutions. The dangers of non-lethal
mind control weapons were already revealed in an expert
meeting of the International Committee of the Red Cross in
Geneva, in July 1994.
Only increased public awareness of the
microchip implants, their frightful consequences to privacy
by influencing of individuals' thoughts and actions,
causing people to become biological robots with physical and
emotional pain whenever the supercomputer technician so
wishes, is enough reason to refuse to take the chip into
your body for whatever reason.

It is the biggest threat to humanity and the
most sinister plan to enslave the human race forever.
If you have a choice and
want to remain a normal human being with privacy, do not
have your children nor yourself implanted with a DNA
microchip. Otherwise your vision, hearing, sensing,

thoughts, dreams and subconscious will be influenced by an
outsider, who does not have your best interests in mind.
Recommended reading: Mind
Controllers, Dr. Armen Victorian, 1999, UK Mind Control,
World Control, Jim Keith, 1997, USA Microwave Mind Control,
Tim Rifat, The Truth Campaign, winter 1998, UK 
Microchip Mind Control, Implants And

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Mind Control, Implants And Cybernetics
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вторник, 13 декабря 2016 15:47 Edward Teach

[end of the article]Jamming Tags Block RFID

Scanners.  RFID tags combined with access to commercial
databases could give the government great power to monitor
people's interests and activities.  For example… RFID
tags in shoes could create a data trail of who wearers are
and where they go.Mediamatic RFID workshop.  "RFID
and The Internet of Things" is a workshop for a maximum
of 16 designers and artists who want to learn more about
RFID and its possible (cultural) effects and uses.  In this
workshop you'll make your ownprototype where the virtual
and the real world come together by using RFID tools.DHS
borderchief:  Ask me about potato chips, not RFID chips. 
We already know that some aging politicians and bureaucrats
are prone to less-than-coherent ramblings about the
technological topics that fallwithin their job descriptions.
… You can imagine what goes through their minds:  I
really need to show the public that I get it.  The only
problem is that it doesn't always work.RFID and
Gillette:  RFID stands for Radio Frequency IDentification,
a technology that uses tiny computer chips smaller than a
grain of sand to track items at a distance.  RFID "spy
chips" have been hidden in the packaging of Gillette
razor products and in other products you might buy at a
local Wal-Mart, Target, or Tesco - and they are already
being used to spy on people.Transportation Department will
use RFID for road nannying.  With government funding [of
course] and access to a large swath of radio spectrum, four
RFID developers are starting work on a new generation of
products aimed at bringing greater safety and new wireless
applications to U.S. roads.  Any system of this type would
require this technology to be built into new vehicles.The
Editor says...
Let me make a prediction: 
This system can and will be used to determine the location
and the speed of every car on the highway.  And just like
air bags, you'll have to pay forthis feature in your new
car, whether you want it or not.  I further predict it will
be optional at first, and eventually become mandatory —
in the interest of "safety", of course.U.N.'s
Universal Postal Union Gears Up for Large RFID Pilot. 
Three Middle Eastern countries — Qatar, Saudi Arabia and
the United Arab Emirates — joined together in a
three-month pilot earlier this year to test the suitability
of employing radio frequency identification as a tool for

measuring the performance of mail delivery services.  The
pilot, led by Qatar's General Postal Corp. (Q-Post) and
also including Saudi Post and Emirates Post, leveraged both
passive EPC Gen 2 tags and active tags placed on
approximately 3,120 test letters that circulated among the
three nations.New York to offer enhanced driver's
license.  New York drivers can begin applying today for an
enhanced driver's license that will comply with tighter
travel controls adopted after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist
attacks.  The state becomes the nation's second, after
Washington state, to offer licenses that can be shown at the
U.S. border instead of a more expensive passport.Farmers See
'Mark of the Beast' in RFID Livestock Tags.  A
group of community farmers, some of them Amish, are
challenging rules requiring the tagging of livestock with
RFID chips, saying the devices are a "mark of the
beast."  Michigan and federal authorities say the
radio frequency identification devices (RFID) will help
monitor the travels of bovine and other livestock
diseases.Road Tolls Hacked:  Hacking the FasTrak wireless
transponders.  A researcher claims that toll transponders
can be cloned, allowing drivers to pass for free.RFID
Compliance Monitoring as a Condition of Federal Supervised
Release.  Some states have moved to chemically castrating
certain types of sex offenders, while others have considered
implementing lifetime GPS monitoring. And, for the better
part of two years, the chipping of convicted sex offenders
has lingered in the minds of concerned citizens and
government officials alike, mutually frustrated with the
serious inadequacies of existing sex offender punishment and
registration regimes.Electronic Vehicle Registration Picks
Up Speed.  In South Africa, at least 500,000 RFID tags are
now being affixed to metal license plates to automatically
identify vehicles and verify they are properly registered. 
Within the next two years, 10 million cars in that country
are expected to sport electronic license plates.RFID to keep
a watch on your reading habits in public waiting rooms.  So
the next time you visit your doctor for your appointment and
flip through the pages of the magazines kept in the
reception room unknowinglyto kill time you might not be
aware of the fact that a watch is being kept on your reading
habits using RFID.HiddenHealthcare Reform Objective:  Feds
Want to Know Your Number.  Imagine, if you will, that you
are living in a changed America, or in President Obama's
words, an America that begged "re-making."  In
this now-changed America, hope is in big government and her
closest ally, big science.  Now imagine that you and your
spouse give birth to a child in this brave, new America, in
a hospital linked by law to the federal citizens database. 
Immediately upon your child's birth, a hospital clerk
assigns your newborn with a "Unique
HealthIdentifier" (UHI), a specially coded number,
which is then put into a national electronic database, along
with your newborn's fingerprints and any other
identifiers the bureaucrats in D.C. have demanded. ...
Imagine that it is even required that your newborn, before
leaving the hospital, be fitted with a surgically implanted
microchip, the way babies are now, in many states, required
to be vaccinated and blood-typed.The Editor says...
When people are implanted with RFID chips,
where will the chips be placed?  I predict they will be
inthe hand or in the forehead.  Not everyone has hands, but
everyone has a forehead.  Theinsertion of the RFID chip in
the forehead or in the hand will leave a visible mark,
without which you will not be able to buy or sell
anything.  Years of over-reliance on debit cards and
ATMswill lead to a cashless society, and the next step after
that is to have all your digital moneyreside on your
implanted RFID chip.  My advice is this:  DO NOT ACCEPT
without it, but eventually you will be better off for
refusing it.California Students Get Tracking
Devices. California officials are outfitting preschoolers
in Contra Costa County with tracking devices they say will
savestaff time and money.Obamacare's secret
surveillance:  Blog sites have been buzzing about the
National Medical Device Registry, a new office in the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration that was created in the
Obamacare reconciliation package.  Concerncenters on the
registry's authority to conduct "postmarket device
surveillance activities on implantable medical
devices," including those that feature radio-frequency
identification.  The word "surveillance" conjures
ominous images of government tracking and reporting.  Some
have suggested the law lays the groundwork for compulsory
microchip implantation so the state can keep tabs on
everyone — for their own good, naturally.Man infects
himself withcomputer virus.  University of Reading
researcher Mark Gasson has become the first human known tobe
infected by a computer virus.  The virus, infecting a chip
implanted in Gasson's hand, passed into a laboratory
computer.  From there, the infection could have spread into
other computer chips found in building access
Re: Scientist Infects
Himself With Computer Virus.  I'd think that for this
to be at all possible, it would have to be a very specific
attack against a particular vendor's hardware or RFID
communication stack.  The idea of an RFID chip infecting
arbitrary equipment is about as believable as the virus Jeff
Goldblum used to bring down the alienmothership in
Independence Day.DigitalTotalitarianism -- The Conspiracy to
Abolish Cash.  For many years figures on the political
fringe, especially on the right, have claimed that the
government and its corporate owners want to transform us
into a cashless society.  Their warnings about the
conspiracy against paper money fell on deaf ears,primarily
because the digitalization of financial transactions seemed
more like the result of organic business trends than the
manifestation of some sinister conspiracy.  Now, however,
those who want to do away with liquid currency are stepping
out of the shadows.Privacy No More!  You may thinkthis is
crazy, but the Green Police are coming to a town near you! 
I am serious!  Many thinkthe [advertisement] put out by
Audi during the 2010 Superbowl is funny and cannot happen
here in the United States — think again; it is happening
now!  Seriously, your garbage and recyclables are
beingmonitored (in some cities in the USA) via RFID (Radio
Frequency Identification) either put on your garbage
containers/recycling bins or on your garbage bags.  Plus,
there are people who are called "Green Police"or
the "Eco Police" that can then give you a fine of
$25-$100 for not recycling or not recycling correctly.  In
other countries in Europe you can go to court if you do not
recycle correctly or not enough — these RFID can even
weigh how much garbage is being picked up at each address
and then it is used to see if each address is doing enough
to recycle.The Editor says...
The RFID chip
is like a bar code.  It can identify the person who has
been issued a specific recycle bin, but the RFID chip is not
a scale.  The bin can be weighed by the garbage truck

easily enough, and that's how they'll determine if
you're not recycling enough.  There are numerous ways
around this problem, but I'll leave them to the reader
as an exercise.  Let's just say I'll never be
accused of recycling too little.
RFID -- Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Its
Impact on Privacy


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RFID -- Radio Frequency Identification
Technology and Its Impact on Privacy
Frequency Identification technology, or RFID, is being used
in a number of settings from grocery stores an... 
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    вторник, 13 декабря 2016
15:39 Edward Teach <edwardtgao8@...

[the end of the article]
tags:  Big Brother in small packages. The privacy threat
comes when RFID tags remain active once you leave a store. 
That's the scenario that should raise alarms — and
currently the RFID industry seems to be giving mixed signals
about whether the tags will be disabled or left enabled by
default.  In an interview with News.com's Gilbert …
Gillette Vice President Dick Cantwell said that its RFID

tags would be disabled at the cash register only if the
consumer chooses to "opt out" and asks for the
tags to be turned off.  "The protocol for the tag is
that it has built in opt-out function for the retailer,
manufacturer, consumer," Cantwell said.  Wal-Mart, on
the other hand, says that's not the case.VeriChip
Launches IPO.  Although the provider of human-implantable
RFID chips scaled back the size of its IPO, demand for the
company'sstock seemed fairly strong, with more than
2 million shares trading hands.Update:
Human Chipping Company Omits Salient Risks from
IPO Disclosure.  VeriChip Corporation, the
much-hatedpurveyor of the VeriChip human ID implant, is
airing its dirty laundry this week.  This is notby choice,
mind you, but because the Securities and Exchange Commission
required the company to disclose its "risk
factors" prior to launching its initial public offering
of stock (IPO) Friday [2/9/2007].VeriChip:  The VeriChip
Personal Identification System is a small radio frequency
identification device (RFID) that is implanted into the
human body.  VeriChip raises the same privacy issues as
RFID tags.  For an initial "chipping" fee, as
well as a monthly subscription fee, customers' arms are
implanted with a glass chip about the size of a grain of
rice, containing a unique verification number.Chip Implants
Linked to Animal Tumors.  When the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration approved implanting microchips in humans, the
manufacturer said it would save lives, letting doctors scan
the tiny transponders to accesspatients' medical records
almost instantly. … But neither the company nor the
regulators publicly mentioned this:  A series of veterinary
and toxicology studies, dating to the mid-1990s, stated that
chip implants had "induced" malignant tumors in
some lab mice and rats.RFID is Watching You.  It looks like
RFID is about to come of age.  In fact, with the level of
backing that MIT's RFID program the Auto-ID Center now
has, it could soon be as ubiquitous as money.  Sun
Microsystems is the latest to announce its support, joining
other big brand names such as Procter and Gamble, Gillette,
International Paper, Wal-Mart and Tesco.  Together this
industry co-operative aims to help build wireless digital
identificationtags into everything, from razor blades to
magazines to pharmaceuticals to milk cartons.Kodak's
RFID Moment:  The company recently filed a patent for a
digestible radio frequency identification tag, which would
monitor the ingestion of medicine, but Kodak won't
divulge its commercial intentions.W.Va. Coal Mine Tests to
Locate Workers During Emergencies.  The company is using
active 2.4 GHz RFID tags to pinpoint miners workingin a
3.5-mile series of tunnels.In an Academic Study, RFID
Fractal AntennaWins Out.  Researchers at Finland's
Tampere University of Technology found that a fractal UHF
RFID handheld reader antenna performed better than four
traditional antenna designs.Electronic Accountability System
Uses RF Technology.  An electronic accountability system
developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory willresult in
savings of more than $2 million per year at one federal
facility alone and will ensure 100 percent accountability
of employees.RFID tracking:  The article [above] … claims
(among other things) safety benefits from knowing the
locations of all employees duringan emergency (of some kind
that miraculously manages not to knock out any part of the
tracking computers or their sensor network, or to damage
anyone's RFID).RFID Tags:  Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID) is the generic term used to describe
technologies using radio waves to automatically identify
people or objects.  We need to be aware of the privacy
implications of this technology as its use becomes more
widespread.Wisconsin Bans Forced Human RFID Chipping. 
Civil libertarians cheered yesterday [5/30/2006] upon news
that Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle signed a law making it a
crime to require an individual to be implanted with a
microchip.  Activists and authors Katherine Albrecht and
Liz McIntyre joined the celebration, predicting this move
will spell trouble for the VeriChip Corporation, maker of
the VeriChip human microchip implant.UK considers RFID tags
for prisoners.  The UK government is considering implanting
prisoners with RFID tags containing data on identity,
address and criminal record.  The RFID tags, about the size
of two grains of rice, would be injected under the skin and
could be scanned by a reader.  There are also proposals to
link the RFID tags to a larger GPS device to monitor the
location of high risk prisoners.Consumer Watchdogs Demand
Recall of Spychipped Credit Cards.  Consumer watchdog group
CASPIANis demanding a recall of millions of RFID-equipped
contactless credit cards in light of serious security flaws
reported today [10/23/2006] in the New York Times.  The
paper reports that a team of security researchers has found
that virtually every one of these cards tested is
vulnerableto unauthorized charges and puts consumers at risk
for identity theft.Wal-Mart commits billions to RFID. 
Wal-Mart plans to spend $3 billion over the next few years
ona new inventory tracking technology that uses radio
frequency signals to keep tabs on merchandise, sources
familiar with the project said.  The system is based on a
technology known as radio frequency identification (RFID), a
new breed of computer network designed to track the location
ofeveryday objects such as razors and shoes by embedding
them with special microchips.  Wal-Marthas enlisted its top
100 merchandise suppliers to participate in the high-profile
project, which is one of the first and largest of its kind
in the retail industry.Water vending machine uses RFID to
track bottles.  The new Aquaduct system, designed by S2C
Global to deliver recyclable, five-gallon plastic bottles of
water directly to the customer, targets a growing number of
consumers who are time poor, but still have concerns over
unhealthy products that damage the environment. According
to the manufacturer, consumers purchase bottled water
through outdoor vending machines with a credit, debit or
pre-paid aqua card.Retailers See RFID's Potential to
Fight Shrinkage.  A growing number of retailers are
beginning to see RFID as a tool not only for improved
product visibility, but also for preventing product
theft — or, at least, for reducing the negative impacts

of product shrinkage.RFID Helps Car Wash Customers Cruise
Through Lines.  Car-wash operator Cruz Thru Express is
employing an RFID system it designed itself to automate the
way it provides services to its customers. ... After trying
both bar-coded labels and license-plate recognition, Cruz
Thru Express adopted a system last year using passive
EPC Gen 2 RFID tags.'Hardcore' crime teens to be
tagged instead oflocked up.  Hundreds of Scotland's
most serious young offenders will be allowed to stay in
their communities with an electronic tag rather than being
locked up.Privacy Best Practices for Deployment of RFID
Technology.  There are many possible applications of RFID
that do not pose major privacy concerns.  But to the extent
that RFID devices can be linked to personally identifiable
information ("PII"), including where such devices
facilitate the tracking of an individual's location,
RFID raises important privacy questions.Old Big Brother Had
a Farm.  If only Orwell could get a load of this.  The
U.S. Department of Agriculture is promoting a system that
would have farm-animal owners and livestock handlers attach
microchips or other ID tags to their furry and feathered
charges so they could be monitored throughout their
lifetimes by a centralized computer network.RFID Meets
GeorgeOrwell's Telescreen.  British company Ubisense
has paired the remote tracking power of Radio Frequency
Identification with a modern-day version of the telescreen
from George Orwell's novel 1984. Ubisense claims that
it has developed a way to use RFID tags to track human
beings and objects to within 12 inches of their locations
and beam a real-time 3-dimensional map of it all to computer
screens for live monitoring of offices, manufacturing
facilities, and even retail stores.Orwell Today  compares
the world George Orwell describedin "1984" with
the world we are living in today.Britons 'could be
microchipped like dogs in a decade'.  Human beings may
be forced to be 'microchipped' like pet dogs, a
shocking official report into the rise of the Big Brother
state has warned.  The microchips — which are implanted
under the skin — allow the wearer's movements to be
tracked and store personal information about them.The
hands-free way to steal a credit card:  Adam Laurie, an
RFID security expert, used the Black Hat DC 2008 conference
here, to demonstrate a new Python script he's working on
to read the contents of smart-chip-enabled credit cards. As
part of his presentation Wednesday [2/20/2008], Laurie asked
for someone from the audience to volunteer asmart card. 
Without taking the card out of the volunteer's wallet,
Laurie both read and displayed its contents on the
presentation screen — the person's name, account
number, and expiration clearly visible. Demonstrations like
that show the potential misuse of RFID technology in the
near future.RFID hack could crack open 2 billion smart
cards.  A student at the University of Virginia has
discovered a way to break through the encryption code of
RFID chips used in up to 2 billion smart cards used to open
doors and board public transportation systems.RFIDIOt  is
an open source Python library for exploring RFID devices,
written by Adam Laurie, a freelance security
consultant.Cracked it!  Threemillion Britons have been
issued with the new hi-tech passport, designed to frustrate
terrorists and fraudsters. So why did Steve Boggan and a
friendly computer expert find it so easy to break the
security codes?Doubts raised over passport security. If you
have an Australian passport issued in the last year, you may
know that it contains a computer chip to enhance security. 
The Government says it's the most secure Australian
passport ever.  But a London computer expert has raised
doubts about its operation and its vulnerability to identity
fraud.  Using anew Australian passport, he's easily
cracked the security protection of the new computer chip and
accessed information within it.UK Biometric Passports not
Secure.  A security expert has cracked one of the UK's
RFID-equipped passports, stealing personal data from a
distance.Medical Microchips — Risk and Uncertainty.  It
is a sad reality that many federal laws result in unintended
consequences for thepublic which must abide by them.  Such
has been the fate of the much touted Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA), a law so
cumbersome it took the Department of Health and Human
Services almostseven years to figure out how to
implement it.You need not be paranoid to fear RFID.  If
this sounds paranoid, take it up with IBM.  The company
filed a patent application in 2001 which contemplates using
this wireless snooping technology to track people as they
roam through "shopping malls, airports, train stations,
bus stations, elevators, trains, airplanes, rest rooms,
sports arenas, libraries, theaters, museums, etc."Chips
Could Track Car Plates.  A controversial plan to embed RFID
chips in license plates in the United Kingdom also may be
coming to the United States, experts told UPI's Wireless
World.Malaysia to embed car license plates with microchips
to combat theft.  Malaysia's government, hoping to
thwart car thieves, will embed license plates with
microchips containing information about the vehicle and its
owner, a news report said Saturday [12/2/2006].  With the
chips in use, officials can scan cars at roadblocks and
identify stolen vehicles, the New Straits Times reported. 
The "e-plate" chip system is the latest strategy
to prevent car thieves from getting away with their crimes
by merely changing the plates, the report said.[Why would
they need roadblocks?  Why not scan every car at every
major intersection?]Brit License Plates Get Chipped. The
British government is preparing to test new high-tech
license plates containing microchips capable of transmitting
unique vehicle identification numbers and other data to
readers more than 300 feet away.RFID-enabledlicense plates
to identify UK vehicles.  The UK-based vehicle licence
plate manufacturer, Hills Numberplates Ltd, has chosen
long-range RFID tags and readers from Identec Solutions to
be embedded in licenceplates that will automatically and
reliably identify vehicles in the UK.RFID ... Powder!? 
Word has it Hitachi's latest batch of RFID chips are so
small, "you won't even know they're
there."Does Implantable RFID Need More Volunteers? 
There hasn't been a whole lot of positive response for
the RFID chip implant business, despite the industry's
clamoring for volunteers.  For a while there,
VeriChip's controversial implantable RFID (developed to
improve the accuracy of surgery and other
applications)dominated headlines.  But according to Mobile
magazine and other media, VeriChip has sunk a lot of its own
money into making these things -- but people aren't
buying.HomelandSecurity May Drop RFID Plans Entirely.  US
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff told a House
committee hearing today [2/9/2007] that his department is
dropping plans for RFID tags.  Chertoff said the technology
isn't the solution the Department of Homeland Security
needs to keep would-be terrorists out of the United States,
according to reports.E-Passports Less Reliable Than
Traditional Passports.  A document obtained by EPIC from
the State Department reveals that 2004 government tests
found passports with radio frequency identification (RFID)
chips that are read 27% to 43% less successfully than the
previous Machine Readable Zone technology (two lines of text
printed at the bottom of the first page of a passport).UK
RFID Passport Cracked. Three million Britons have been
issued with the new hi-tech passport, designed to frustrate
terrorists and fraudsters.  So why did Steve Boggan and a
friendly computer expert find it so easy to break the
security codes?The RFID Hacking Underground:  They can
steal your smartcard, lift your passport, jack your car,
even clone the chip in your arm.  And you won't feel a
thing.Orwellian eyes.  TheEZPass automated highway-toll
system used by nine East Coast states, including Virginia,
uses an RFID chip attached to a transponder or Smart Tag on
the vehicle's windshield.  The chip is read by a small
machine posted at the toll booth and allows drivers to whiz
past while the cost is deducted from a debit or credit
card.  The RFIDs already are a part of electronic vehicle
identification systems used for access to military bases,
airports, gated communities, hospitals, state parks and
country clubs.Boycott Gillette.  Hidden cameras in Gillette
spy shelves take mug shots of people who pick up their
products!  Consumers have asked Gillette to stop putting
RFID "spy chips" in their products, but Gillette
has ignored our concerns.Department of Homeland Security
Wants Beefed up RFID  to silently ID people 25 feet
away.Tagging surgical spongescould prevent medical errors. 
Putting tiny tracking chips on sponges could help prevent
the objects from being left in patients accidentally after
surgery, say U.S. researchers who tested the idea.Wal-Mart
is RFID tagging in Texas.  In addition to violating the
call for a moratorium on RFID-tagged items in stores,
Wal-Mart has begun a consumer education campaign that
CASPIAN is calling unethical.  "Read the FAQs at the
Wal-Mart corporate web site and you'll find plenty of
half truths," [Katherine] Albrecht says. 
"Theycall it consumer education, but the omissions and
spin make it feel more like a calculated disinformation
campaign."Wal-MartRadio Tags to Track Clothing. 
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. plans to roll out sophisticated
electronic ID tags to track individual pairs of jeans and
underwear, the first step in a system that advocates say
better controls inventory but some critics say raises
privacy concerns.Spychipped Levi's Brand Jeans Hit the
U.S..  New information confirms that Levi Strauss & Co.
is violating a call for a moratorium on item-level RFID by
spychipping its clothing.  What's more, the company is
refusing todisclose the location of its U.S.
test.Albertsons' assets sold to CVS, Supervalue
andinvestor group.  The total value of the sale was about
$17.4 billion in cash, stock and assumeddebt. … No word
on whether the "preferred" card is going to stick
around, but with that price we suspectthey are going to use
every trick they can to recoup their investment.Oakland
Requires ID Chips for Dogs.  City officials have drafted an
ordinance that requires dog owners to have a rice-sized I.D.
chip implanted in their pets.  And those who don't
comply could be hit with a fine of $100 for a secondoffense
and $1,000 for subsequent infractions.Chip and PIN –
Whose goods are you paying for?  The "chip and
PIN" system is not automatically synchronized with the
rest of the checkout, and customers may be being charged for
the wrong amount on an ongoing basis if the cashier is not
aware to check the receipts for consistency.California Gov
Terminates RFID ID Bill.  On Saturday [10/07/2006],
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed SB 768,
theIdentity Information Protection Act of 2006, which would
have been the first state bill to address how RFIDtechnology
may be used in identification documents issued by state and
local governments and agencies.Pfizer's RFID Pilot Is
the Start of Something Big.  Pfizer, which began shipping
RFID-tagged bottles of Viagra for U.S. distributionlast
December, is looking to the future use of RFID technology
throughout the pharmaceutical supply chain. As the company
approaches the one-year mark of its pilot program, McKesson,
HD Smith and other wholesalershave completed 200,000
authentications of both item- and case-level tags.  Of
those, only 19 tags were found to be "dead" after
leaving the facility, according to Peggy Staver, director of
product integrity at Pfizer.Storm building over RFID-enabled
passports.  As the U.S. government prepares to complete a
conversion to the controversial RFID-based electronic
passports, traditional paper-only IDs are still available
for a few months to those listening to the raging debate
over security and privacy concerns swirling around the
electronic documents. Here Come the Next-Generation
Passports.  The U.S. State Department has begun rolling out
"e-passports," new high-tech documents that
bolster border security through identity safeguards.  In a
dangerous world, upgradingpassports is prudent policy that
serves the interests of Americans at home and abroad, but
not everyone is happy wit<br/<br/(Message over 64 KB, truncated)
Unless the victim was a close family member and the unsolved murder is causing you severe emotional strife, do not summon a Demon to solve a random murder. It is unfortunate that the person was murdered and horrible things like murder are due to removal of spiritual knowledge and degeneration of the human soul. If people had spiritual knowledge, they could protect themselves against things like murder and will not be lost if they go to the astral.
The victim was a cousin of mine and its tearin the family apart that there is no justice brought about. He was a christian and knew nothing else. His death has not really affected me. I just wanted to help my family out because they are so paranoid. Thank you for responding.
On Tue, 3/28/17, johnson_akemi@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:thanks

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Отв: Microchipping humans
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2017, 11:47 AM

Unless the victim was a
close family member and the unsolved murder is causing you
severe emotional strife, do not summon a Demon to solve a
random murder. It is unfortunate that the person was
murdered and horrible things like murder are due to removal
of spiritual knowledge and degeneration of the human soul.
If people had spiritual knowledge, they could protect
themselves against things like murder and will not be lost
if they go to the astral.
I don't believe the antichrist bs the "bible" says but wtf is the government trying to do by microchipping people? Is Satan against this?
On Tue, 3/28/17, Shael shael666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Отв: Microchipping humans
To: [email protected]
Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2017, 10:04 AM

Very interesting read.
I've always felt strange when electrical devices made
those high-frequency tones. Is theee a chance I'm
chipped? I'll make a 40 day working to destroy possible
implants in my body, just to be sure. But what do you think?
I believe it could be that those tones just effect
everybody, regardless of being chipped or not. 


  On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at
22:00, Edward Lonsa edwardtgao8@...
[JoyofSatan666]<[email protected]

Russian people to be microchipped untill

2025 Russia will be microchipped and the law is already
signed by Russian government. For those still facinated with
"alt-right", Putin, libertarianism,
"far-right libertarian", [soviet jewess] Ain Rand
objectivism etc........... Putin signed law many years ago
for microchipping Russians. I post here the quote from this
law from official website where all Russian laws are
available - Consultant. There is English welcome there you
can read and see for yourselves, It is official law
advertizing site. Though I learned aboutnit from NS article,
I did not believe and did not take seriously, but when I saw
quotes I decided to open Consultant and I not only found
this Law, I found these quotes... I translate them here -
what you read below is not NS, WN or whatever article,
propaganda, my fantasy or smth. It is a LAW!!
If smth is not seen, open "message
history" button because yahoo thinks that it is a
"history". I put first original, then

The name of the law:Приказ
Минпромэнерго №311 от 7 августа 2007
года “Об утверждении Стратегии
развития электронной
промышленности России на период
до 2025 года” и приложенная к нему
Стратегия развития электронной
промышленности России на период
до 2025 года.
Order No. 311 of the Ministry of Industry and
Energy of August 7, 2007 "On the Approval of the
Strategy for the Development of the Electronic Industry of
Russia for the Period until 2025" and the Strategy for
the Development of the Electronic Industry of Russia for the
Period until 2025 attached to it.
This law
in Russian index:Приказ Минпромэнерго
РФ от 07.08.2007 N 311 "Об утверждении
Стратегии развития электронной
промышленности России на период
до 2025 года" / КонсультантПлюс

|   |    |


|   |
Минпромэнерго РФ от 07.08.2007 N 311
"Об утверждении Стратегии ...
   |   |



Full text:"Консультант
Плюс" - законодательство РФ:
кодексы, законы, указы,
постановления Правительства
Российской Федерации,
нормативные акты

|   |    |


|   |
"Консультант Плюс" -
законодательство РФ: кодексы,
законы, указы,...

Консультант Плюс -
законодательство РФ, кодексы и
законы в последней редакции.
Удобный поиск законов, кодексов,
...  |   |



нанотехнологий должно еще
больше расширить глубину её
проникновения в повседневную
жизнь населения. Должна быть
обеспечена постоянная связь
каждого индивидуума с
сетями типа Internet.

будет интегрироваться с
биообъектами и обеспечивать
непрерывный контроль за
поддержанием их
жизнедеятельности, улучшением
качества жизни, и таким образом
сокращать социальные расходы

Широкое распространение
получат встроенные беспроводные
наноэлектронные устройства,
обеспечивающие постоянный
контакт человека с окружающей
его интеллектуальной средой,
получат распространение
средства прямого беспроводного
контакта мозга человека с
окружающими его предметами,
транспортными средствами и
другими людьми. Тиражи такой
продукции превысят миллиарды
штук в год из-за её повсеместного

промышленность должна быть
готова к этому вызову, так как
способность производить все
компоненты сетевых систем будет
означать установление
фактического контроля над всеми
их пользователями, что
неприемлемо для многих стран с
точки зрения сохранения их
суверенитета. Аналогичной точки
зрения придерживаются эксперты
стран ЕС в связи с глобальной
экспансией производителей
электроники из стран
Юго-Восточной Азии и намерением
США обеспечить себе постоянное
технологическое лидерство в
этой области. Поэтому в период
2016-2025 гг. следует ожидать
очередного усиления роли
электроники в жизни общества и
быть экономически готовыми к
новому витку глобальной
конкуренции стран на базе
наноэлектронной технологии.”.
introduction of nanotechnology should further expand the
depth of its penetration into the everyday life of the
population. It should be ensured constant communication of
each individual with global information-management networks
such as the Internet.
Nanoelectronics will
integrate with bio-objects and ensure continuous monitoring
of the maintenance of their vital functions, improving the
quality of life, and thus reduce the social costs of the
Wireless nanoelectronic devices that
provide permanent contact of a person with the surrounding
intellectual environment will become widespread, and the
means of direct wireless contact of the human brain with
surrounding objects, vehicles and other people will be

spread. Circulations of such products will exceed billions
of pieces per year because of its ubiquitous

National industry should be prepared for this
challenge, since the ability to produce all components of
network systems will mean establishing actual control over
all of their users, which is unacceptable for many countries
in terms of preserving their sovereignty. The experts of the
EU countries adhere to a similar point of view in connection
with the global expansion of electronics manufacturers from
the countries of South-East Asia and the intention of United

States to provide for itself a permanent technological
leadership in this field. Therefore, in the period 2016-2025
gg. We should expect another strengthening of the role of
electronics in the life of society and be economically ready
for a new round of global competition of countries based on

nanoelectronic technology. "

вторник, 13 декабря 2016 15:53 Edward Teach


Microchip Mind Control,
Implants And Cybernetics

Actual 1974 Congressional Testimony of Dr. Jose

Delgado -
"We need a
society. The purpose is PHISICAL CONTROL OF THE MIND.
Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be SURGICALLY
individual may think that the most important reality is his
own existence, but this is only his personal point of view.
This lacks historical perspective.
"Man does NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to develop
his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great
armies and generals will be controlled by electric
stimulation of the brain."
Dr. Jose M.R. Delgado Director of
Neuropsychiatry Yale University Medical School Congressional
Record, No. 26, Vol. 118 February 24, 1974
(Author of "PHYSICAL
The following article was
originally published in the 36th-year edition of the
Finnish-language journal, SPEKULA (3rd Quarter, 1999).
SPEKULA is a publication of Northern Finland medical
students and doctors of Oulu University OLK (OULUN

By Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde,
MD Former Chief Medical Officer of Finland
In 1948 Norbert Weiner
published a book, CYBERNETICS, defined as a neurological
communication and control theory already in use in small
circles at that time. Yoneji Masuda, "Father of
Information Society," stated his concern in 1980 that
our liberty is threatened Orwellian-style by cybernetic
technology totally unknown to most people. This technology
links the brains of people via implanted microchips to
satellites controlled by ground-based super-computers.
The first brain implants
were surgically inserted in 1874 in the state of Ohio,
U.S.A., and also in Stockholm, Sweden. Brain electrodes were
inserted into the skulls of babies in 1946 without the
knowledge of their parents. In the 50's and 60's,
electrical implants were inserted into the brains of animals
and humans, especially in the U.S., during research into
behavior modification, and brain and body functioning. Mind
control (MC) methods were used in attempt to change human
behavior and attitudes. Influencing brain functions became
an important goal of military and intelligence services.
Thirty years ago brain
implants showed up in xrays the size of one centimeter.
Subsequent implants shrunk to the size of a grain of rice.
They were made of silicon, later still of gallium arsenide.
Today they are small enough to be inserted into the neck or
back, and also intraven-ously in different parts of the body
during surgical operations, with or without the consent of
the subject. It is now almost impossible to detect or remove
It is technically
possible for every newborn to be injected with a micro-chip,

which could then function to identify the person for the
rest of his or her life. Such plans are secretly being
discussed in the U.S. without any public airing of the
privacy issues involved. In Sweden, Prime Minister Olof
Palme gave permission in 1973 to implant prisoners, and Data
Inspection's ex-Director General Jan Freese revealed
that nursing-home patients were implanted in the mid-
1980's. The technology is revealed in the 1972:47
Implanted human
beings can be followed anywhere. Their brain functions can
then be remotely monitored by supercomputers and even
altered through the changing of frequencies. Guinea-pigs in
secret experiments have in-cluded prisoners, soldiers,
mental patients, handicapped children, deaf and blind
people, homosexuals, single women, the elderly, school
children and any group of people considered
"marginal" by the elite experimenters. The
published experiences of prisoners in Utah State Prison, for
example, are shocking to the conscience.
Today's microchips
operate by means of low-frequency radio waves that target
them. With the help of satellites, the implanted person can
be tracked anywhere on the globe. Such a technique was among
a number tested in the Iraq war, according to Dr. Carl
Sanders, who invented the intell-igence-manned interface
(IMI) biotic, which is injected into people. (Earlier during
the Vietnam War, soldiers were injected with the Rambo chip,
designed to increase adrenaline flow into the bloodstream.)
The U.S. National Security Agency's (NSA) 20 billion
bits/second supercomputers could now "see and
hear" what soldiers experience in the battlefield with
a remote monitoring system (RMS).
When a 5-micromillimeter microchip (the
diameter of a strand of hair is 50 micromillometers) is
placed into optical nerve of the eye, it draws neuroimpulses
from the brain that embody the experiences, smells, sights
and voice of the implanted person. Once transferred and
stored in a computer, these neuroimpulses can be projected
back to the person's brain via the microchip to be
re-experienced. Using a RMS, a land-based computer operator
can send electromagnetic messages (encoded as signals) to
the nervous system, affecting the target's performance.
With RMS, healthy persons can be induced to see
hallucinations and to hear voices in their heads.
Every thought, reaction,
hearing and visual observation causes a certain neurological
potential, spikes, and patterns in the brain and its elect-
romagnetic fields, which can now be decoded into thoughts,
pictures and voices. Electromagnetic stimulation can
therefore change a person's brainwaves and affect
muscular activity, causing painful muscular cramps
experienced as torture.
The NSA's electronic surveillance system
can simultaneously follow and handle millions of people.
Each of us has a unique bioelectrical reson- ance frequency
in the brain, just like we have unique fingerprints. With
electro-magnetic frequency (EMF) brain stimulation fully
coded, pulsating electromagnetic signals can be sent to the
brain, causing the desired voice and visual effects to be
experienced by the target. This is a form of electronic
warfare. U.S. astronauts were implanted before they were
sent into space so their thoughts could be followed and all
their emotions could be registered 24 hours a day.
The Washington Post reported
in in May 1995 that Prince William of Great Britain was
implanted at the age of 12. Thus, if he were ever kidnapped,
a radiowave with a specific frequency could be targeted to
his microchip. The chips signal would be routed through a
satellite to the computer screen of police headquarters,
where the Princes movements could be followed. He could
actually be located anywhere on the globe.
The mass media have not
reported that an implanted person's privacy van- ishes
for the rest of his or her life. S/he can be manipulated in
many ways. Using different frequencies, the secret
controller of this equip- ment can even change a
person's emotional life. S/he can be made aggress- ive
or lethargic. Sexuality can be artificially influenced.
Thought sig-nals and subconscious thinking can be read,
dreams affected and even induced, all without the knowledge
or consent of the implanted person.
A perfect cyber-soldier can thus be created.
This secret technology has been used by military forces in
certain NATO countries since the 1980's without civilian
and academic populations having heard anything about it.
Thus, little information about such invasive mind-control
systems is available in professional and academic
The NSA's
Signals Intelligence can remotely monitor information from
human brains by decoding the evoked potentials (3.50HZ, 5
milliwatt) emitted by the brain. Prisoner experimentees in
both Gothenburg, Sweden and Vienna, Austria have been found
to have [missing word] brain lesions. Diminished blood
circulation and lack of oxygen in the right temporal frontal
lobes result where brain implants are usually operative. A
Finnish experimentee experienced brain atrophy and
intermittent attacks of unconsciousness due to lack of
Mind control
techniques can be used for political purposes. The goal of
mind controllers today is to induce the targeted persons or
groups to act against his or her own convictions and best
interests. Zombified individ-uals can even be programmed to
murder and remember nothing of their crime afterward.
Alarming examples of this phenomenon can be found in the
This silent war is
being conducted against unknowing civilians and sold-iers by
military and intelligence agencies. Since 1980 electronic
stim- ulation of the brain (ESB) has been secretly used to
control people tar-geted without their knowledge or consent.
All international human rights agreements forbid
nonconsensual manipulation of human beings even in pri-sons,
not to speak of civilian populations. Under an initiative of
U.S. Senator John Glenn, discussions commenced in January
1997 about the dan-gers of radiating civilian populations.
Targeting peoples brain functions with electromagnetic
fields and beams (from helicopters and airplanes,
satellites, from parked white vans, neighboring houses,
telephone poles, electrical appliances, mobil phones, TV,
radio, etc.), is part of the radiation problem that should
be addressed in democratically elected government bodies.
In addition to electronic
MC, chemical methods have also been developed. Mind-altering
drugs and different smelling gasses affecting brain function
negatively can be injected into air ducts or water pipes.
Also, bacteria and viruses have been tested this way in
several countries.
Today's supertechnology, connecting our
brain functions via microchips (or even without them,
according to the latest technology) to computers via
satellites in the U.S. or Israel, poses the gravest threat
to human-ity. The latest supercomputers are powerful enough
to monitor the whole worlds population. What will happen
when people are tempted by false premises to allow
microchips into their bodies? One lure will be a micro-chip
identity card. Compulsory legislation has even been secretly
pro-posed in the U.S. to criminalize removal of an ID
Are we ready for
the robotization of mankind and the total elimination of
privacy, including freedom of thought? How many of us would
want to cede our entire life, including our most secret
thoughts, to Big Brother? Yet the technology exists to
create a totalitarian "New World Order." Covert
neurological communication systems are in place to
counteract independent thinking and to control social and
political activity on behalf of self-serving private and
military interests.
our brain functions are already is connected to
supercomputers by means of radio implants and microchips, it
will be too late for protest. This threat can be defeated
only by educating the public, using available literature on
biotelemetry and information exchanged at international
One reason
this technology has remained a state secret is the
widespread prestige of the psychiatric DIAGNOSTIC
STATISTICAL MANUAL IV produced by the U.S. American
Psychiatric Association (APA), and printed in 18 lan-guages.
Psychiatrists working for U.S. intelligence agencies no
doubt participated in writing and revising this manual. This
psychiatric "bible" covers up the secret
development of MC technologies by labelling some of their
effects as symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia.
Victims of mind control
experimentation are thus routinely diagnosed, knee-jerk
fashion, as mentally ill by doctors who learned the DSM
symptom list in medical school. Physicians have not been
schooled that patients may be telling the truth when they
report being targeted against their will or being used as
guinea pigs for electronic, chemical and bacteriological
forms of psychological warfare.
Time is running out for changing the direction
of military medicine, and ensuring the future of human
freedom. -- Rauni Kilde, MD December 6, 2000 ___
By Dr. Rauni Leena Kilde, MD
September 25, 1999
Helsingin Sanomat, the largest newspaper in
Scandinavia, wrote in the September 9, 1999 issue that
Scientific American magazine estimates that after the
Millenium perhaps ALL people will be implanted with a
"DNA microchip".
How many people realize what it actually means?
Total loss of privacy and total outside control of the
person's physical body functions, men-tal, emotional and
thought processes, including the implanted person's
subconscious and dreams! For the rest of his life!
It sounds like science
fiction but it is secret military and intelligence
agencies' mind control technology, which has been
experimented with for almost half a century. Totally without
the knowledge of the general public and even the general
academic population.
Supercomputers in Maryland, Israel and
elsewhere with a speed of over 20 BILLION bits/sec can
monitor millions of people simultaneously. In fact, the
whole world population can be totally controlled by these
secret brain-computer interactions, however unbelievable it
sounds for the uninformed.
Human thought has a speed of 5,000 bits/sec and
everyone understands that our brain cannot compete with
supercomputers acting via satellites, implants, local
facilities, scalar or other forms of biotelemetry.
Each brain has a unique set
of bioelectric resonance/entrainment characteristics. Remote
neural monitoring systems with supercomputers can send
messages through an implanted person's nervous system
and affect their performance in any way desired. They can of
course be tracked and identified anywhere.
involuntary human experimentation has been going on with the
so-called "vulnerable population" for about 50
years, in the name of "science" or "national
security" in the worst Nazi-type testing, contrary to
all human rights. Physical and psychological torture of mind
control victims today is like the worst horror movies. Only,
unlike the horror movies, it is true.
It happens today in the USA, Japan, and Europe.
With few exceptions, the mass media suppresses all
information about the entire topic.

Mind control technology in the
USA is classified under "non-lethal" weaponry. The
name is totally misleading because the technology used IS
lethal, but death comes slowly in the form of
"normal" illnesses, like cancer, leukemia, heart
attacks, Alzheimer's disease with loss of short term
memory first. No wonder these illnesses have increased all
over the world.
When the
use of electromagnetic fields, extra-low (ELF) and ultra-low
(ULF) frequencies and microwaves aimed deliberately at
certain individ-uals, groups, and even the general
population to cause diseases, disori-entation, chaos and
physical and emotional pain breaks into the awareness of the
general population, a public outcry is inevitable.
[Eleanor White comment:
ELF/ULF frequencies on their own cannot be focussed and are
practically impossible to transmit in the usual manner of
radio transmissions. ELF/ULF cannot carry voice.
ELF/ULF CAN be carried on
radio and ultrasound carrier signals, however, and are
effective in things like setting up a target to be more
receptive to hypnosis, force a target to be unable to sleep,
and force a target to fall asleep daytime. This is like the
reverse process of reading the brain's natural ELF/ULF
electrical activity using biofeedback.]
Who is behind a sinister
plan to microchip and control and torture the general
White's comment: Reports from persons targetted by
neuro- electromagnetic experimentation show that not
everyone is implanted. The fact that those few victims who
have had implants removed cannot get custody of the implants
means someone has a keen interest in controlling the use of
covert implants and preventing the publication of this
The Patent
Office of the U.S.A. has granted patents for purposes of
mental monitoring and mind alteration.
Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring
and altering brainwaves, methods for inducing mental,
emotional and physical states of conscious- ness, in human
beings. Method of and apparatus for desired states of
consciousness are among some of them.
People who have been implanted, involuntarily
or through deception vol- untarily have become bilogical
robots and guinea pigs for this activity under the guise of
national security.
real consequences of microchip implantation (or with
today's advanced hidden technology, using only microwave
radiation for mind control,) are totally hidden from the
public. How many know the real dangers of mic- rowaves
through mobile phones?
How many believe the disinformation that
microwave radiation is not causing health problems? The
economic issues in the mobile phone industry are enormous.
Therefore health issues are deliberately brushed aside.
However, the same thing is
inevitable in the future as with the tobacco industry. When
economic compensation for health damages becomes big enough,
as in the tobacco industry, health hazards will be admitted
and users are then responsible for their tobacco-related
Today, already
about 50% of Finns, Swedes and Norwegians use mobile phones,
especially the young population.
Mobile phones used in mind control was a
brilliant idea. Military and police agencies can follow
every user, influence their thoughts through microwaves,
cause healthy people to hear voices in their heads and if
needed burn their brains in a second by increasing the

current 20,000 times.
That probably happened to Chechnyan leader

General Dudayev who died talking to a mobile phone.
Heating effect of tissues
with the speed of light is a known effect of high power
microwave and electromagnetic pulse weapons.
According to Navy studies
they also cause fatigue states, depression, insomnia,
aggressiveness, long and especially short term memory loss,
short catatonic states, cataracts, leukemia, cancer, heart
attacks, brain tumors and so forth.
Alteration of behavior and attitudes hs been
demonstrated as well.
Ross Adey has found out that by using 0.75 milliwatts per
square centimeter intensity of pulse modulated microwave at
a frequency of 450 MHz it is possible to control ALL aspects
of human behaviour!
Microwave radiation excites the hydrogen bond
in the cells and can interfere with meiosis, which leads to
All our emotions,
moods, and thoughts have a specific brain frequency which
has been catalogued. If these records fall into the wrong
hands, our behaviour and attitudes can be manipulated by
persons whose ethics and morals are not in our best
Both military
and intelligence agencies have been infiltrated with such
persons. The Director of the Swiss Secret Service had to
resign in September 1999 because of his agency's
involvement in illegal arms deals and a plan to create an
ORGANIZATION within the legal Secret Service.
This globally infiltrated
organization has "octopus type" activities in all
major intelligence services in the world, working together
with the Mafia and terrorists. It has recruited people from
all important government institutions, state and local

It owns Star Wars technology which is used
against military and civilian populations, claiming it is
"non-lethal" weaponry.
"Down and out" people, jobless, freed
prisoners, mental outpatients, students and orphans are
trained by this organization to harass, follow, and torture
innocent people, who for whatever reason have been put on
the organization's hit list. They are ALREADY in every
apartment block!
White comment: This gang-like colour-coding is not reported
in all areas. Dr. Kilde's experience is with northern
Deception is the
name of the game, so recruits are told untrue sinister
stories of their victims to keep them motivated. They have a
military order and get rewarded for their evil actions,
which include Satanism, and symbols and yellow-orange-black
colors. However, fresh recruits must wear pink - and the
highest elite wears yellow ties with dark suits.
Even dashes of yellow or
orange in their ties may signal their recruitment as well as
yellow shirts or other objects with that color for
Too many
world leaders fit into this signalling. However, it is quite
possible they are only used as fronts for this global
organization without any knowledge of it's criminal
activity in the field against innocent people. Mass media
and big industry are also infiltrated.
Who are the targets? Experimentation with
soldiers and prisoners may continue, as well as handicapped
children, mental patients, homosexuals and single women.
They are still experimental guinea pigs for electronic and
chemical warfare. But today ANYONE can become a target, even
those who invented the system.
Researchers who find out about this secret
radiation of the population become targets themselves.
The U.S. Senate discussed
the issue on January 22, 1997. The U.S. Air Force's
"Commando Solo" aircraft have been used to send
subliminal radio frequency messages to manipulate even the
minds of foreign nations in their elections. Haiti and
Bosnia are a couple of recent examples.
In July 1994 the U.S.
Department of Defense proposed the use of
"non-lethal" weapons against anyone engaged in
activities the DoD opposes. Thus opposing political views,
economic competitors, counterculture individuals and so
forth can be beamed to sickness or death.
The Psychiatric Diagnostic
Statistical Manual (DSM) for mental disorders has been a

brilliant cover up operation in 18 languages to hide the
atrocities of military and intelligence agencies'
actions towards their targets. THE MANUAL LISTS ALL MIND
If a target is under
surveillance with modern technology via TV, radio,
telephone, loudspeakers, lasers, microwaves, poisoned with
mind altering drugs via airducts, giving familiar smells
which cause headache, nausea and so forth, if he claims his
clothes are poisoned, his food or tap water as well --- all
medical schools teach their students that the person is
paranoid, ESPECIALLY if he believes intelligence agencies
are behind it all.
is the medical profession told that these are routine
actions all over the world by intelligence agencies against
their targets. Thus, victims of mind control are falsely
considered mentally ill and get no help since they are not
believed and their suffering is doubled by ignorant health
unethical abuses of power by individuals in charge of
biomedical telemetry are incomprehensible to normal
The goal of mind
control is to program an individual to carry out any mission
of espionage or assassination even against their will and
self- preservation instict and to control the absolute
behavior and thought patterns of the individual. The purpose
of mind control is to disrupt memory, discredit people
through aberrant behavior, to make them insane or to commit
suicide or murder.
How is
it possible that this technology is not stopped by political
top authorities? They themselves will also be targets
someday, a fact they have not always realized. How much are
they involved?
This year
the 1999 European Parliament in "Resolution on
Environment, Security, and Forein Policy", in
paragraphs 23, 24, and 27 calls for "non-lethal"
weapons technology and development of new arms strategies to
be covered and regulated by international conventions.
Also, it calls for an
international convention introducing a GLOBAL BAN on all
developments and deployments of weapons which might enable
Project HAARP in Alaska is a
global concern, and calls for it's legal, ecological,
and ethical implications to be examined by an international
independent body before any further research and testing.
It is possible that the USA
will ignore those resolutions. The dangers of non-lethal
mind control weapons were already revealed in an expert
meeting of the International Committee of the Red Cross in
Geneva, in July 1994.
Only increased public awareness of the
microchip implants, their frightful consequences to privacy
by influencing of individuals' thoughts and actions,
causing people to become biological robots with physical and
emotional pain whenever the supercomputer technician so
wishes, is enough reason to refuse to take the chip into
your body for whatever reason.

It is the biggest threat to
humanity and the most sinister plan to enslave the human
race forever.
If you have
a choice and want to remain a normal human being with
privacy, do not have your children nor yourself implanted
with a DNA microchip. Otherwise your vision, hearing,
sensing, thoughts, dreams and subconscious will be
influenced by an outsider, who does not have your best
interests in mind.
Recommended reading: Mind
Controllers, Dr. Armen Victorian, 1999, UK Mind Control,
World Control, Jim Keith, 1997, USA Microwave Mind Control,
Tim Rifat, The Truth Campaign, winter 1998, UK 
Microchip Mind Control, Implants And

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Microchip Mind
Control, Implants And Cybernetics
   |  |


вторник, 13 декабря 2016 15:47 Edward Teach

[end of the
article]Jamming Tags Block RFID Scanners.  RFID tags
combined with access to commercial databases could give the
government great power to monitor people's interests and
activities.  For example… RFID tags in shoes could create
a data trail of who wearers are and where
they go.Mediamatic RFID workshop.  "RFID and The
Internet of Things" is a workshop for a maximum of 16
designers and artists who want to learn more about RFID and
its possible (cultural) effects and uses.  In this workshop
you'll make your ownprototype where the virtual and the
real world come together by using RFID tools.DHS
borderchief:  Ask me about potato chips, not RFID chips. 
We already know that some aging politicians and bureaucrats
are prone to less-than-coherent ramblings about the
technological topics that fallwithin their job descriptions.
… You can imagine what goes through their minds:  I
really need to show the public that I get it.  The only
problem is that it doesn't always work.RFID and
Gillette:  RFID stands for Radio Frequency IDentification,
a technology that uses tiny computer chips smaller than a
grain of sand to track items at a distance.  RFID "spy
chips" have been hidden in the packaging of Gillette
razor products and in other products you might buy at a
local Wal-Mart, Target, or Tesco - and they are already
being used to spy on people.Transportation Department will
use RFID for road nannying.  With government funding [of
course] and access to a large swath of radio spectrum, four
RFID developers are starting work on a new generation of
products aimed at bringing greater safety and new wireless

applications to U.S. roads.  Any system of this type would
require this technology to be built into new vehicles.The
Editor says...
Let me make a prediction: 
This system can and will be used to determine the location
and the speed of every car on the highway.  And just like
air bags, you'll have to pay forthis feature in your new
car, whether you want it or not.  I further predict it will
be optional at first, and eventually become mandatory —
in the interest of "safety", of course.U.N.'s
Universal Postal Union Gears Up for Large RFID Pilot. 
Three Middle Eastern countries — Qatar, Saudi Arabia and
the United Arab Emirates — joined together in a
three-month pilot earlier this year to test the suitability
of employing radio frequency identification as a tool for
measuring the performance of mail delivery services.  The
pilot, led by Qatar's General Postal Corp. (Q-Post) and
also including Saudi Post and Emirates Post, leveraged both
passive EPC Gen 2 tags and active tags placed on
approximately 3,120 test letters that circulated among the
three nations.New York to offer enhanced driver's
license.  New York drivers can begin applying today for an
enhanced driver's license that will comply with tighter
travel controls adopted after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist
attacks.  The state becomes the nation's second, after
Washington state, to offer licenses that can be shown at the
U.S. border instead of a more expensive passport.Farmers See
'Mark of the Beast' in RFID Livestock Tags.  A
group of community farmers, some of them Amish, are
challenging rules requiring the tagging of livestock with
RFID chips, saying the devices are a "mark of the
beast."  Michigan and federal authorities say the
radio frequency identification devices (RFID) will help
monitor the travels of bovine and other livestock
diseases.Road Tolls Hacked:  Hacking the FasTrak wireless
transponders.  A researcher claims that toll transponders
can be cloned, allowing drivers to pass for free.RFID
Compliance Monitoring as a Condition of Federal Supervised
Release.  Some states have moved to chemically castrating
certain types of sex offenders, while others have considered
implementing lifetime GPS monitoring. And, for the better
part of two years, the chipping of convicted sex offenders
has lingered in the minds of concerned citizens and
government officials alike, mutually frustrated with the
serious inadequacies of existing sex offender punishment and
registration regimes.Electronic Vehicle Registration Picks
Up Speed.  In South Africa, at least 500,000 RFID tags are
now being affixed to metal license plates to automatically
identify vehicles and verify they are properly registered. 
Within the next two years, 10 million cars in that country
are expected to sport electronic license plates.RFID to keep
a watch on your reading habits in public waiting rooms.  So

the next time you visit your doctor for your appointment and
flip through the pages of the magazines kept in the
reception room unknowinglyto kill time you might not be
aware of the fact that a watch is being kept on your reading
habits using RFID.HiddenHealthcare Reform Objective:  Feds
Want to Know Your Number.  Imagine, if you will, that you
are living in a changed America, or in President Obama's
words, an America that begged "re-making."  In
this now-changed America, hope is in big government and her
closest ally, big science.  Now imagine that you and your
spouse give birth to a child in this brave, new America, in
a hospital linked by law to the federal citizens database. 
Immediately upon your child's birth, a hospital clerk
assigns your newborn with a "Unique
HealthIdentifier" (UHI), a specially coded number,
which is then put into a national electronic database, along
with your newborn's fingerprints and any other
identifiers the bureaucrats in D.C. have demanded. ...
Imagine that it is even required that your newborn, before
leaving the hospital, be fitted with a surgically implanted
microchip, the way babies are now, in many states, required
to be vaccinated and blood-typed.The Editor says...
When people are implanted with RFID chips,
where will the chips be placed?  I predict they will be
inthe hand or in the forehead.  Not everyone has hands, but
everyone has a forehead.  Theinsertion of the RFID chip in
the forehead or in the hand will leave a visible mark,
without which you will not be able to buy or sell
anything.  Years of over-reliance on debit cards and
ATMswill lead to a cashless society, and the next step after
that is to have all your digital moneyreside on your
implanted RFID chip.  My advice is this:  DO NOT ACCEPT
without it, but eventually you will be better off for
refusing it.California Students Get Tracking
Devices. California officials are outfitting preschoolers
in Contra Costa County with tracking devices they say will
savestaff time and money.Obamacare's secret
surveillance:  Blog sites have been buzzing about the

National Medical Device Registry, a new office in the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration that was created in the
Obamacare reconciliation package.  Concerncenters on the
registry's authority to conduct "postmarket device
surveillance activities on implantable medical
devices," including those that feature radio-frequency
identification.  The word "surveillance" conjures
ominous images of government tracking and reporting.  Some
have suggested the law lays the groundwork for compulsory
microchip implantation so the state can keep tabs on
everyone — for their own good, naturally.Man infects
himself withcomputer virus.  University of Reading
researcher Mark Gasson has become the first human known tobe
infected by a computer virus.  The virus, infecting a chip
implanted in Gasson's hand, passed into a laboratory
computer.  From there, the infection could have spread into
other computer chips found in building access
Re: Scientist Infects
Himself With Computer Virus.  I'd think that for this
to be at all possible, it would have to be a very specific
attack against a particular vendor's hardware or RFID
communication stack.  The idea of an RFID chip infecting
arbitrary equipment is about as believable as the virus Jeff
Goldblum used to bring down the alienmothership in
Independence Day.DigitalTotalitarianism -- The Conspiracy to
Abolish Cash.  For many years figures on the political
fringe, especially on the right, have claimed that the
government and its corporate owners want to transform us
into a cashless society.  Their warnings about the
conspiracy against paper money fell on deaf ears,primarily
because the digitalization of financial transactions seemed
more like the result of organic business trends than the
manifestation of some sinister conspiracy.  Now, however,
those who want to do away with liquid currency are stepping
out of the shadows.Privacy No More!  You may thinkthis is
crazy, but the Green Police are coming to a town near you! 
I am serious!  Many thinkthe [advertisement] put out by
Audi during the 2010 Superbowl is funny and cannot happen
here in the United States — think again; it is happening
now!  Seriously, your garbage and recyclables are
beingmonitored (in some cities in the USA) via RFID (Radio
Frequency Identification) either put on your garbage
containers/recycling bins or on your garbage bags.  Plus,
there are people who are called "Green Police"or
the "Eco Police" that can then give you a fine of
$25-$100 for not recycling or not recycling correctly.  In
other countries in Europe you can go to court if you do not
recycle correctly or not enough — these RFID can even
weigh how much garbage is being picked up at each address
and then it is used to see if each address is doing enough
to recycle.The Editor says...
The RFID chip
is like a bar code.  It can identify the person who has
been issued a specific recycle bin, but the RFID chip is not
a scale.  The bin can be weighed by the garbage truck
easily enough, and that's how they'll determine if
you're not recycling enough.  There are numerous ways
around this problem, but I'll leave them to the reader
as an exercise.  Let's just say I'll never be
accused of recycling too little.
RFID -- Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Its
Impact on Privacy

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RFID -- Radio Frequency Identification
Technology and Its Impact on Privacy
Frequency Identification technology, or RFID, is being used
in a number of settings from grocery stores an... 
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    вторник, 13
декабря 2016 15:39 Edward Teach <edwardtgao8@...


[the end of the article]
RFID tags:  Big Brother in small
packages. The privacy threat comes when RFID tags remain
active once you leave a store.  That's the scenario
that should raise alarms — and currently the RFID
industry seems to be giving mixed signals about whether the
tags will be disabled or left enabled by default.  In an
interview with News.com's Gilbert … Gillette Vice
President Dick Cantwell said that its RFID tags would be
disabled at the cash register only if the consumer chooses
to "opt out" and asks for the tags to be turned
off.  "The protocol for the tag is that it has built
in opt-out function for the retailer, manufacturer,
consumer," Cantwell said.  Wal-Mart, on the other
hand, says that's not the case.VeriChip Launches IPO. 
Although the provider of human-implantable RFID chips scaled
back the size of its IPO, demand for the company'sstock
seemed fairly strong, with more than 2 million shares
trading hands.Update:
Human Chipping Company
Omits Salient Risks from IPO Disclosure.  VeriChip
Corporation, the much-hatedpurveyor of the VeriChip human ID
implant, is airing its dirty laundry this week.  This is
notby choice, mind you, but because the Securities and
Exchange Commission required the company to disclose its
"risk factors" prior to launching its initial
public offering of stock (IPO) Friday [2/9/2007].VeriChip: 
The VeriChip Personal Identification System is a small radio

frequency identification device (RFID) that is implanted
into the human body.  VeriChip raises the same privacy
issues as RFID tags.  For an initial "chipping"
fee, as well as a monthly subscription fee, customers'
arms are implanted with a glass chip about the size of a
grain of rice, containing a unique verification number.Chip
Implants Linked to Animal Tumors.  When the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration approved implanting microchips in
humans, the manufacturer said it would save lives, letting
doctors scan the tiny transponders to accesspatients'
medical records almost instantly. … But neither the
company nor the regulators publicly mentioned this:  A
series of veterinary and toxicology studies, dating to the
mid-1990s, stated that chip implants had "induced"
malignant tumors in some lab mice and rats.RFID is Watching
You.  It looks like RFID is about to come of age.  In
fact, with the level of backing that MIT's RFID program
the Auto-ID Center now has, it could soon be as ubiquitous
as money.  Sun Microsystems is the latest to announce its
support, joining other big brand names such as Procter and
Gamble, Gillette, International Paper, Wal-Mart and Tesco. 
Together this industry co-operative aims to help build
wireless digital identificationtags into everything, from
razor blades to magazines to pharmaceuticals to milk
cartons.Kodak's RFID Moment:  The company recently
filed a patent for a digestible radio frequency
identification tag, which would monitor the ingestion of
medicine, but Kodak won't divulge its commercial
intentions.W.Va. Coal Mine Tests to Locate Workers During
Emergencies.  The company is using active 2.4 GHz RFID
tags to pinpoint miners workingin a 3.5-mile series of
tunnels.In an Academic Study, RFID Fractal AntennaWins
Out.  Researchers at Finland's Tampere University of
Technology found that a fractal UHF RFID handheld reader
antenna performed better than four traditional antenna
designs.Electronic Accountability System Uses RF
Technology.  An electronic accountability system developed
at Oak Ridge National Laboratory willresult in savings of
more than $2 million per year at one federal facility alone
and will ensure 100 percent accountability of
employees.RFID tracking:  The article [above] … claims
(among other things) safety benefits from knowing the
locations of all employees duringan emergency (of some kind
that miraculously manages not to knock out any part of the
tracking computers or their sensor network, or to damage
anyone's RFID).RFID Tags:  Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID) is the generic term used to describe
technologies using radio waves to automatically identify
people or objects.  We need to be aware of the privacy
implications of this technology as its use becomes more
widespread.Wisconsin Bans Forced Human RFID Chipping. 
Civil libertarians cheered yesterday [5/30/2006] upon news
that Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle signed a law making it a
crime to require an individual to be implanted with a
microchip.  Activists and authors Katherine Albrecht and
Liz McIntyre joined the celebration, predicting this move
will spell trouble for the VeriChip Corporation, maker of
the VeriChip human microchip implant.UK considers RFID tags
for prisoners.  The UK government is considering implanting
prisoners with RFID tags containing data on identity,
address and criminal record.  The RFID tags, about the size
of two grains of rice, would be injected under the skin and
could be scanned by a reader.  There are also proposals to
link the RFID tags to a larger GPS device to monitor the
location of high risk prisoners.Consumer Watchdogs Demand
Recall of Spychipped Credit Cards.  Consumer watchdog group
CASPIANis demanding a recall of millions of RFID-equipped
contactless credit cards in light of serious security flaws
reported today [10/23/2006] in the New York Times.  The
paper reports that a team of security researchers has found
that virtually every one of these cards tested is
vulnerableto unauthorized charges and puts consumers at risk
for identity theft.Wal-Mart commits billions to RFID. 
Wal-Mart plans to spend $3 billion over the next few years
ona new inventory tracking technology that uses radio
frequency signals to keep tabs on merchandise, sources
familiar with the project said.  The system is based on a
technology known as radio frequency identification (RFID), a
new breed of computer network designed to track the location
ofeveryday objects such as razors and shoes by embedding
them with special microchips.  Wal-Marthas enlisted its top
100 merchandise suppliers to participate in the high-profile
project, which is one of the first and largest of its kind
in the retail industry.Water vending machine uses RFID to
track bottles.  The new Aquaduct system, designed by S2C
Global to deliver recyclable, five-gallon plastic bottles of
water directly to the customer, targets a growing number of
consumers who are time poor, but still have concerns over
unhealthy products that damage the environment. According
to the manufacturer, consumers purchase bottled water
through outdoor vending machines with a credit, debit or
pre-paid aqua card.Retailers See RFID's Potential to
Fight Shrinkage.  A growing number of retailers are
beginning to see RFID as a tool not only for improved
product visibility, but also for preventing product
theft — or, at least, for reducing the negative impacts

of product shrinkage.RFID Helps Car Wash Customers Cruise
Through Lines.  Car-wash operator Cruz Thru Express is
employing an RFID system it designed itself to automate the
way it provides services to its customers. ... After trying
both bar-coded labels and license-plate recognition, Cruz
Thru Express adopted a system last year using passive
EPC Gen 2 RFID tags.'Hardcore' crime teens to be
tagged instead oflocked up.  Hundreds of Scotland's
most serious young offenders will be allowed to stay in
their communities with an electronic tag rather than being
locked up.Privacy Best Practices for Deployment of RFID
Technology.  There are many possible applications of RFID
that do not pose major privacy concerns.  But to the extent
that RFID devices can be linked to personally identifiable
information ("PII"), including where such devices
facilitate the tracking of an individual's location,
RFID raises important privacy questions.Old Big Brother Had
a Farm.  If only Orwell could get a load of this.  The
U.S. Department of Agriculture is promoting a system that
would have farm-animal owners and livestock handlers attach
microchips or other ID tags to their furry and feathered
charges so they could be monitored throughout their
lifetimes by a centralized computer network.RFID Meets
GeorgeOrwell's Telescreen.  British company Ubisense
has paired the remote tracking power of Radio Frequency
Identification with a modern-day version of the telescreen
from George Orwell's novel 1984. Ubisense claims that
it has developed a way to use RFID tags to track human
beings and objects to within 12 inches of their locations
and beam a real-time 3-dimensional map of it all to computer
screens for live monitoring of offices, manufacturing
facilities, and even retail stores.Orwell Today  compares
the world George Orwell describedin "1984" with
the world we are living in today.Britons 'could be
microchipped like dogs in a decade'.  Human beings may
be forced to be 'microchipped' like pet dogs, a
shocking official report into the rise of the Big Brother
state has warned.  The microchips — which are implanted
under the skin — allow the wearer's movements to be
tracked and store personal information about them.The
hands-free way to steal a credit card:  Adam Laurie, an
RFID security expert, used the Black Hat DC 2008 conference
here, to demonstrate a new Python script he's working on
to read the contents of smart-chip-enabled credit cards. As
part of his presentation Wednesday [2/20/2008], Laurie asked
for someone from the audience to volunteer asmart card. 
Without taking the card out of the volunteer's wallet,
Laurie both read and displayed its contents on the
presentation screen — the person's name, account
number, and expiration clearly visible. Demonstrations like
that show the potential misuse of RFID technology in the
near future.RFID hack could crack open 2 billion smart
cards.  A student at the University of Virginia has
discovered a way to break through the encryption code of
RFID chips used in up to 2 billion smart cards used to open
doors and board public transportation systems.RFIDIOt  is
an open source Python library for exploring RFID devices,
written by Adam Laurie, a freelance security
consultant.Cracked it!  Threemillion Britons have been
issued with the new hi-tech passport, designed to frustrate
terrorists and fraudsters. So why did Steve Boggan and a
friendly computer expert find it so easy to break the
security codes?Doubts raised over passport security. If you
have an Australian passport issued in the last year, you may
know that it contains a computer chip to enhance security. 
The Government says it's the most secure Australian
passport ever.  But a London computer expert has raised
doubts about its operation and its vulnerability to identity
fraud.  Using anew Australian passport, he's easily
cracked the security protection of the new computer chip and
accessed information within it.UK Biometric Passports not
Secure.  A security expert has cracked one of the UK's
RFID-equipped passports, stealing personal data from a
distance.Medical Microchips — Risk and Uncertainty.  It
is a sad reality that many federal laws result in unintended
consequences for thepublic which must abide by them.  Such
has been the fate of the much touted Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA), a law so
cumbersome it took the Department of Health and Human
Services almostseven years to figure out how to
implement it.You need not be paranoid to fear RFID.  If
this sounds paranoid, take it up with IBM.  The company
filed a patent application in 2001 which contemplates using
this wireless snooping technology to track people as they
roam through "shopping malls, airports, train stations,
bus stations, elevators, trains, airplanes, rest rooms,
sports arenas, libraries, theaters, museums, etc."Chips
Could Track Car Plates.  A controversial plan to embed RFID
chips in license plates in the United Kingdom also may be
coming to the United States, experts told UPI's Wireless
World.Malaysia to embed car license plates with microchips
to combat theft.  Malaysia's government, hoping to
thwart car thieves, will embed license plates with
microchips containing information about the vehicle and its
owner, a news report said Saturday [12/2/2006].  With the
chips in use, officials can scan cars at roadblocks and
identify stolen vehicles, the New Straits Times reported. 
The "e-plate" chip system is the latest strategy
to prevent car thieves from getting away with their crimes
by merely changing the plates, the report said.[Why would
they need roadblocks?  Why not scan every car at every
major intersection?]Brit License Plates Get Chipped. The
British government is preparing to test new high-tech
license plates containing microchips capable of transmitting
unique vehicle identification numbers and other data to
readers more than 300 feet away.RFID-enabledlicense plates
to identify UK vehicles.  The UK-based vehicle licence
plate manufacturer, Hills Numberplates Ltd, has chosen
long-range RFID tags and readers from Identec Solutions to
be embedded in licenceplates that will automatically and
reliably identify vehicles in the UK.RFID ... Powder!? 
Word has it Hitachi's latest batch of RFID chips are so
small, "you won't even know they're
there."Does Implantable RFID Need More Volunteers? 
There hasn't been a whole lot of positive response for
the RFID chip implant business, despite the industry's
clamoring for volunteers.  For a while there,
VeriChip's controversial implantable RFID (developed to
improve the accuracy of surgery and other
applications)dominated headlines.  But according to Mobile
magazine and other media, VeriChip has sunk a lot of its own
money into making these things -- but people aren't
buying.HomelandSecurity May Drop RFID Plans Entirely.  US
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff told a House
committee hearing today [2/9/2007] that his department is
dropping plans for RFID tags.  Chertoff said the technology
isn't the solution the Department of Homeland Security
needs to keep would-be terrorists out of the United States,
according to reports.E-Passports Less Reliable Than
Traditional Passports.  A document obtained by EPIC from
the State Department reveals that 2004 government tests
found passports with radio frequency identification (RFID)
chips that are read 27% to 43% less successfully than the
previous Machine Readable Zone technology (two lines of text
printed at the bottom of the first page of a passport).UK
RFID Passport Cracked. Three million Britons have been
issued with the new hi-tech passport, designed to frustrate
terrorists and fraudsters.  So why did Steve Boggan and a
friendly computer expert find it so easy to break the
security codes?The RFID Hacking Underground:  They can
steal your smartcard, lift your passport, jack your car,
even clone the chip in your arm.  And you won't feel a
thing.Orwellian eyes.  TheEZPass automated highway-toll
system used by nine East Coast states, including Virginia,
uses an RFID chip attached to a transponder or Smart Tag on
the vehicle's windshield.  The chip is read by a small
machine posted at the toll booth and allows drivers to whiz
past while the cost is deducted from a debit or credit
card.  The RFIDs already are a part of electronic vehicle
identification systems used for access to military bases,
airports, gated communities, hospitals, state parks and
country clubs.Boycott Gillette.  Hidden cameras in Gillette
spy shelves take mug shots of people who pick up their
products!  Consumers have asked Gillette to stop putting
RFID "spy chips" in their products, but Gillette
has ignored our concerns.Department of Homeland Security
Wants Beefed up RFID  to silently ID people 25 feet
away.Tagging surgical spongescould prevent medical errors. 
Putting tiny tracking chips on sponges could help prevent
the objects from being left in patients accidentally after
surgery, say U.S. researchers who tested the idea.Wal-Mart
is RFID tagging in Texas.  In addition to violating the
call for a moratorium on RFID-tagged items in stores,
Wal-Mart has begun a consumer education campaign that
CASPIAN is calling unethical.  "Read the FAQs at the
Wal-Mart corporate web site and you'll find plenty of
half truths," [Katherine] Albrecht says. 
"Theycall it consumer education, but the omissions and
spin make it feel more like a calculated disinformation
campaign."Wal-MartRadio Tags to Track Clothing. 
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. plans to roll out sophisticated
electronic ID tags to track individual pairs of jeans and
underwear, the first step in a system that advocates say
better controls inventory but some critics say raises
privacy concerns.Spychipped Levi's Brand Jeans Hit the
U.S..  New information confirms that Levi Strauss & Co.
is violating a call for a moratorium on item-level RFID by
spychipping its clothing.  What's more, the company is
refusing todisclose the location of its U.S.
test.Albertsons' assets sold to CVS, Supervalue
andinvestor group.  The total value of the sale was about
$17.4 billion in cash, stock and assumeddebt. … No word
on whether the "preferred" card is going to stick
around, but with that price we suspectthey are going to use
every trick they can to recoup their investment.Oakland
Requires ID Chips for Dogs.  City officials have drafted an
ordinance that requires dog owners to have a rice-sized I.D.
chip implanted in their pets.  And those who don't
comply could be hit with a fine of $100 for a secondoffense
and $1,000 for subsequent infractions.Chip and PIN –
Whose goods are you paying for?  The "chip and
PIN" system is not automatically synchronized with the
rest of the checkout, and customers may be being charged for
the wrong amount on an ongoing basis if the cashier is not
aware to check the receipts for consistency.California Gov
Terminates RFID ID Bill.  On Saturday [10/07/2006],
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed SB 768,
theIdentity Information Protection Act of 2006, which would
have been the first state bill to address how RFIDtechnology
may be used in identification documents issued by state and
local governments and agencies.Pfizer's RFID Pilot Is
the Start of Something Big.  Pfizer, which began shipping
RFID-tagged bottles of Viagra for U.S. distributionlast
December, is looking to the future use of RFID technology
throughout the pharmaceutical supply chain. As the company
approaches the one-year mark of its pilot program, McKesson,
HD Smith and other wholesalershave completed 200,000
authentications of both item- and case-level tags.  Of
those, only 19 tags were found to be "dead" after
leaving the facility, according to Peggy Staver, director of
product integrity at Pfizer.Storm building over RFID-enabled
passports.  As the U.S. government prepares to complete a
conversion to the controversial RFID-based electronic
passports, traditional paper-only IDs are still available
for a few months to those listening to the raging debate
over security and privacy concerns swirling around the
electronic documents. Here Come the Next-Generation
Passports.  The U.S. State Department has begun rolling out
"e-passports," new high-tech documents that
bolster border security through identity safeguards.  In a
dangerous world, upgradingpassports is prudent policy that
serves the interests of Americans at home and abroad, but<br/<br/(Message over 64 KB, truncated)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
