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Re: I am working more than regular members here, so why you banned m

Oct 13, 2006
I looked at your FB page, Djn13f. There's a whole blog post that you put up about HungAryan, an old thread from the JoS Forums. It was bashing HP Don, HPS Myla and the comments are by ignorant hogwashing people who know NOTHING, and I repeat NOTHING, about Spiritual Satanism, meditation and what Satan wants for His people and for this world. They are heavily bashing the JoS clergy and JoS itself. And you PUT THIS ON YOUR FB PAGE? I know it's your page and all, but posts bashing JoS and its clergy is NOT cool in my book. At all. Especially more so if you are a member of these JoS groups.
What are you trying to accomplish, exactly? If you hate JoS so much, just leave the groups, stop whining about being banned in the main JoS and Teen JoS group. Obviously you were banned for a reason.HS/88!

On Monday, July 20, 2015 5:09 AM, "djn13f@... [SSHealth]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I am working more than regular members here, so why you banned me now even from JoyofSatan main group?

First was happen with Teens4Satan, and now with main group, why? I am Love For EA Enki on forum and here djn13f, Maxime even share my idea hove to online fight   http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic9789.html      , i even risk my life do find new members, i have facebook pages all have above now 1000 people, and i every day in lot of groups share links, groups that have 20-30 members on facebook, why you banned me? You know what, i can stop doing, and guess what, i will not be that person who will be punish by Satan, i do my job and i do it good, but admins will punish.Also, most of members do not even know hove to educate pople, here is my page  https://www.facebook.com/Lucifer.EA.Enki?ref=bookmarks   , i working from here and from my account, depend of what i want to share, i will make new account, but, if you again ban me, i will shut down page and stop fight for all of us, i will do just meditation for myself and also i will complain to Satan.

@Magus: That's why exactly I banned him from this group and deleted his thread. He tried to post a message bashing HP Don and promoting an enemy jewish blog.
Yeah this is also Love for EA Enki on the Prophpbb JOS forums. He emailed me yesterday trying to bash HP Don. I set the record straight but he seems ingrained in his defamatory ways...
<td val[/IMG]I've seen this guys post before. Posting HP Maxine's old stuff making it seem like he wrote it.
I know for a fact the very first HP that gets bashed by infiltrators is HP Don, because he is always so straightforward with the truth. Their lizard minds get so angry at someone exposing the truth so blatantly without any wishy washyness. Not that the other HPs don't expose the truth, it's just Don has his own way of doing it that really pisses the kikes off.

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On Jul 20, 2015, 10:49:37 PM, billoblueskees@... [SSHealth] wrote: Yeah this is also Love for EA Enki on the Prophpbb JOS forums. He emailed me yesterday trying to bash HP Don. I set the record straight but he seems ingrained in his defamatory ways...
@Yog The infiltrators who slander HP Don copypaste and plagiarize his posts at the same time. LOL. Speaking of Don I hope he comes into our group sometime. He's a Reiki master so he must know lots of things about spiritual healing as well as about jews controlling the medical industry.
Thanks j.l3mm0n and Shannon for banning this person.

On Monday, July 20, 2015 10:24 PM, "j.l3mm0n@... [SSHealth]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @Magus: That's why exactly I banned him from this group and deleted his thread. He tried to post a message bashing HP Don and promoting an enemy jewish blog.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
