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Re: [HellsArmy666] RE: Russia Is Under Jewish Control

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
    I haven't read through all of this thread due to a lack of time. I will tell you this... This is what I keep reiterating, how the Jews take control of both sides. This is a very blatant example. Putin is a Jew. His father was a Talmud scholar. Of course, he is a Jewish communist and claims to be “against Israel.” They all do. This takes the heat off of the correct accusations that communism is a Jewish program.   Now, the former Soviet Union, being under Jewish communist control, and being very clever; USSR would take the side of whatever country Israel was against, such as supposedly supporting Arab nations. This was all a front. USSR would send these countries inferior weapons, many of which didn't even function. Jews in USSR would also publicly whine and blatantly about the "anti-Semitism" under communism. This is all for show and to confuse you. So, Israel openly supports the free world, and the USSR openly supports the enemies of Israel, but the both are working together under the table for world communism.   This is no different from Christianity. The Jews claim to be against it, even going as far to promote they "killed christ" "are of the devil" and so forth. They forever whine about being persecuted by Christianity. Now, look a little deeper. Every page on that stupid bible has the word "Jew/s" written on it, "Israel" The nazarene was a Jew, his disciples were Jews, his mother and father were observant Jews, both the Old and New Testaments are nothing but Jewish patriarchs, Jewish heroes, denigration of Gentiles and the Jewish teachings promoting communism. Now, just how can Christianity be against Jews? It is all a false front. People are under a powerful spell and they cannot see this.   It is a fact, that communism, is a Jewish invention; all of its top leaders are Jewish, and/or married to Jews and like the bible, it is a swindle. The Jews know this and protect it. They protect their most important programs by pretending to be enemies of them, but underneath it all, they control both sides, and work these both sides to their agenda. This is one of the most important keys to understanding how they operate. It has been extremely effective for centuries. People fall for it all of the time.   This is no different from how they control the Gay Rights Movement: http://gblt.webs.com/Enemy_Control.htm   In their religious writings, homosexuality is an abomination. Their real intention is to have everyone live under Old Testament and Talmudic law. Open sexuality, let alone homosexuality was NOT tolerated in the USSR. Gay and in the gulag was commonplace. Even heterosexual free sex, nudity and so forth were severely punished. Jewess Sharon Osbourne, wife of Ozzy Osbourne, wrote an autobiography. She included that during the late 1980’s during “Glasnost” for the first time, the USSR allowed Ozz fest. She wrote how a teenage Russian girl in the audience pulled up her t-shirt and bared her breasts openly. The KGB immediately moved in within seconds, yanked the girl from the bleachers, and proceeded to savagely beat her with clubs before they hauled her off and no doubt, she must have been given a long prison sentence under the most brutal conditions.   My point is, there are so many total idiots who actually believe that communism is liberal and free. In communist countries, you can go to prison [and these are some of the most brutal and heinous places known to humanity], for simple fortification [having sexual intercourse without a marriage license].   For those of you who are ignorant about communism, I suggest you read some of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s books, such as The Gulag Archipelago, One day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch, and many more. The latter you can also watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdkvpopu0kY   People really need to read Russian history. Millions upon million of innocent people were falsely arrested, tortured [many of the methods very similar to the Inquisition], packed into prison cells the same way the Jews pack farm animals into tiny crates and cages [“goyim” means “cattle”], and then given long and intensely brutal sentences in a Siberian slave labor camp, of which very few ever returned. Russian author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn survived and lived to tell about it. His crime? He was corresponding with a friend and happened to lightly criticize Josef Stalin. His mail was censored, he was arrested, tortured and sent off to Siberia, like millions of others.   I have also made several posts regarding what is now going on in Red China. The slave labor. This is ALL Jewish. The late Mao Tse-Tung, no different from Stalin, mass murdered and tortured millions upon millions of innocent Chinese. This is not something to take lightly. Stupid idiots who spend their time in front of the Jew-tube, watching endless streams of worthless crap, playing nothing but video games and listening to the Jewish indoctrination; those who are ignorant of history and believe “it could never happen here” are in for a very serous rude awakening.   I also want to add that Putin is working with all the other controlling Jews to try to bring Russia under communist control again. There are Russian patriot groups over there and of course, most are infested with Christianity. THIS IS HOW THEY GET CONTROL...WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!     High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

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Thank you HP [/IMG]</var> 

---In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

    I haven't read through all of this thread due to a lack of time. I will tell you this... This is what I keep reiterating, how the Jews take control of both sides. This is a very blatant example. Putin is a Jew. His father was a Talmud scholar. Of course, he is a Jewish communist and claims to be “against Israel.” They all do. This takes the heat off of the correct accusations that communism is a Jewish program.   Now, the former Soviet Union, being under Jewish communist control, and being very clever; USSR would take the side of whatever country Israel was against, such as supposedly supporting Arab nations. This was all a front. USSR would send these countries inferior weapons, many of which didn't even function. Jews in USSR would also publicly whine and blatantly about the "anti-Semitism" under communism. This is all for show and to confuse you. So, Israel openly supports the free world, and the USSR openly supports the enemies of Israel, but the both are working together under the table for world communism.   This is no different from Christianity. The Jews claim to be against it, even going as far to promote they "killed christ" "are of the devil" and so forth. They forever whine about being persecuted by Christianity. Now, look a little deeper. Every page on that stupid bible has the word "Jew/s" written on it, "Israel" The nazarene was a Jew, his disciples were Jews, his mother and father were observant Jews, both the Old and New Testaments are nothing but Jewish patriarchs, Jewish heroes, denigration of Gentiles and the Jewish teachings promoting communism. Now, just how can Christianity be against Jews? It is all a false front. People are under a powerful spell and they cannot see this.   It is a fact, that communism, is a Jewish invention; all of its top leaders are Jewish, and/or married to Jews and like the bible, it is a swindle. The Jews know this and protect it. They protect their most important programs by pretending to be enemies of them, but underneath it all, they control both sides, and work these both sides to their agenda. This is one of the most important keys to understanding how they operate. It has been extremely effective for centuries. People fall for it all of the time.   This is no different from how they control the Gay Rights Movement: http://gblt.webs.com/Enemy_Control.htm   In their religious writings, homosexuality is an abomination. Their real intention is to have everyone live under Old Testament and Talmudic law. Open sexuality, let alone homosexuality was NOT tolerated in the USSR. Gay and in the gulag was commonplace. Even heterosexual free sex, nudity and so forth were severely punished. Jewess Sharon Osbourne, wife of Ozzy Osbourne, wrote an autobiography. She included that during the late 1980’s during “Glasnost” for the first time, the USSR allowed Ozz fest. She wrote how a teenage Russian girl in the audience pulled up her t-shirt and bared her breasts openly. The KGB immediately moved in within seconds, yanked the girl from the bleachers, and proceeded to savagely beat her with clubs before they hauled her off and no doubt, she must have been given a long prison sentence under the most brutal conditions.   My point is, there are so many total idiots who actually believe that communism is liberal and free. In communist countries, you can go to prison [and these are some of the most brutal and heinous places known to humanity], for simple fortification [having sexual intercourse without a marriage license].   For those of you who are ignorant about communism, I suggest you read some of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s books, such as The Gulag Archipelago, One day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch, and many more. The latter you can also watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdkvpopu0kY   People really need to read Russian history. Millions upon million of innocent people were falsely arrested, tortured [many of the methods very similar to the Inquisition], packed into prison cells the same way the Jews pack farm animals into tiny crates and cages [“goyim” means “cattle”], and then given long and intensely brutal sentences in a Siberian slave labor camp, of which very few ever returned. Russian author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn survived and lived to tell about it. His crime? He was corresponding with a friend and happened to lightly criticize Josef Stalin. His mail was censored, he was arrested, tortured and sent off to Siberia, like millions of others.   I have also made several posts regarding what is now going on in Red China. The slave labor. This is ALL Jewish. The late Mao Tse-Tung, no different from Stalin, mass murdered and tortured millions upon millions of innocent Chinese. This is not something to take lightly. Stupid idiots who spend their time in front of the Jew-tube, watching endless streams of worthless crap, playing nothing but video games and listening to the Jewish indoctrination; those who are ignorant of history and believe “it could never happen here” are in for a very serous rude awakening.   I also want to add that Putin is working with all the other controlling Jews to try to bring Russia under communist control again. There are Russian patriot groups over there and of course, most are infested with Christianity. THIS IS HOW THEY GET CONTROL...WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!     High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

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Thats right! Finally I see Putin exposed in a good group, and it happened to be here.He was KGB agent for 16 years, one leader among them. The guy is trained, and he just present the fake oposition. 
Instead of doing everything for the liberal marxist side, he does aswell some good things, pretending to be nationalist and rough and traditional, to get the other side support.
You can see Russia says to USA "don't fuck with Syria or you will have war, we will stand for Syria", but Russia wants Syria to make deals for non chemycal weapons aswell, taking the strong weapon from Syria to defend itself. 
They create two fake opposite sides so people get stuck in this lower level of a lie and don't wake up for the truth, for example saying that catholics are different and hate jewish. Just creating fake conflicts to get peoples attention and control their minds.
You will see this video. You may think its england, sweden or france swarmed with immigrant muslims, but this is MOSCOW. This is Putin and his atempt to get Eurasia support from outsiders. This is how everyone in the east will be under the same black cloud known as jewish race.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AE7BZ_MRSrA 

---In [email protected], <wilsonmike904@... wrote:

Thank you HP [/IMG]</var> 

---In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

    I haven't read through all of this thread due to a lack of time. I will tell you this... This is what I keep reiterating, how the Jews take control of both sides. This is a very blatant example. Putin is a Jew. His father was a Talmud scholar. Of course, he is a Jewish communist and claims to be “against Israel.” They all do. This takes the heat off of the correct accusations that communism is a Jewish program.   Now, the former Soviet Union, being under Jewish communist control, and being very clever; USSR would take the side of whatever country Israel was against, such as supposedly supporting Arab nations. This was all a front. USSR would send these countries inferior weapons, many of which didn't even function. Jews in USSR would also publicly whine and blatantly about the "anti-Semitism" under communism. This is all for show and to confuse you. So, Israel openly supports the free world, and the USSR openly supports the enemies of Israel, but the both are working together under the table for world communism.   This is no different from Christianity. The Jews claim to be against it, even going as far to promote they "killed christ" "are of the devil" and so forth. They forever whine about being persecuted by Christianity. Now, look a little deeper. Every page on that stupid bible has the word "Jew/s" written on it, "Israel" The nazarene was a Jew, his disciples were Jews, his mother and father were observant Jews, both the Old and New Testaments are nothing but Jewish patriarchs, Jewish heroes, denigration of Gentiles and the Jewish teachings promoting communism. Now, just how can Christianity be against Jews? It is all a false front. People are under a powerful spell and they cannot see this.   It is a fact, that communism, is a Jewish invention; all of its top leaders are Jewish, and/or married to Jews and like the bible, it is a swindle. The Jews know this and protect it. They protect their most important programs by pretending to be enemies of them, but underneath it all, they control both sides, and work these both sides to their agenda. This is one of the most important keys to understanding how they operate. It has been extremely effective for centuries. People fall for it all of the time.   This is no different from how they control the Gay Rights Movement: http://gblt.webs.com/Enemy_Control.htm   In their religious writings, homosexuality is an abomination. Their real intention is to have everyone live under Old Testament and Talmudic law. Open sexuality, let alone homosexuality was NOT tolerated in the USSR. Gay and in the gulag was commonplace. Even heterosexual free sex, nudity and so forth were severely punished. Jewess Sharon Osbourne, wife of Ozzy Osbourne, wrote an autobiography. She included that during the late 1980’s during “Glasnost” for the first time, the USSR allowed Ozz fest. She wrote how a teenage Russian girl in the audience pulled up her t-shirt and bared her breasts openly. The KGB immediately moved in within seconds, yanked the girl from the bleachers, and proceeded to savagely beat her with clubs before they hauled her off and no doubt, she must have been given a long prison sentence under the most brutal conditions.   My point is, there are so many total idiots who actually believe that communism is liberal and free. In communist countries, you can go to prison [and these are some of the most brutal and heinous places known to humanity], for simple fortification [having sexual intercourse without a marriage license].   For those of you who are ignorant about communism, I suggest you read some of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s books, such as The Gulag Archipelago, One day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch, and many more. The latter you can also watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdkvpopu0kY   People really need to read Russian history. Millions upon million of innocent people were falsely arrested, tortured [many of the methods very similar to the Inquisition], packed into prison cells the same way the Jews pack farm animals into tiny crates and cages [“goyim” means “cattle”], and then given long and intensely brutal sentences in a Siberian slave labor camp, of which very few ever returned. Russian author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn survived and lived to tell about it. His crime? He was corresponding with a friend and happened to lightly criticize Josef Stalin. His mail was censored, he was arrested, tortured and sent off to Siberia, like millions of others.   I have also made several posts regarding what is now going on in Red China. The slave labor. This is ALL Jewish. The late Mao Tse-Tung, no different from Stalin, mass murdered and tortured millions upon millions of innocent Chinese. This is not something to take lightly. Stupid idiots who spend their time in front of the Jew-tube, watching endless streams of worthless crap, playing nothing but video games and listening to the Jewish indoctrination; those who are ignorant of history and believe “it could never happen here” are in for a very serous rude awakening.   I also want to add that Putin is working with all the other controlling Jews to try to bring Russia under communist control again. There are Russian patriot groups over there and of course, most are infested with Christianity. THIS IS HOW THEY GET CONTROL...WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!     High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

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Ok, as [/IMG]</var>   "

---In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

    I haven't read through all of this thread due to a lack of time. I will tell you this... This is what I keep reiterating, how the Jews take control of both sides. This is a very blatant example. Putin is a Jew. His father was a Talmud scholar. Of course, he is a Jewish communist and claims to be “against Israel.” They all do. This takes the heat off of the correct accusations that communism is a Jewish program.   Now, the former Soviet Union, being under Jewish communist control, and being very clever; USSR would take the side of whatever country Israel was against, such as supposedly supporting Arab nations. This was all a front. USSR would send these countries inferior weapons, many of which didn't even function. Jews in USSR would also publicly whine and blatantly about the "anti-Semitism" under communism. This is all for show and to confuse you. So, Israel openly supports the free world, and the USSR openly supports the enemies of Israel, but the both are working together under the table for world communism.   This is no different from Christianity. The Jews claim to be against it, even going as far to promote they "killed christ" "are of the devil" and so forth. They forever whine about being persecuted by Christianity. Now, look a little deeper. Every page on that stupid bible has the word "Jew/s" written on it, "Israel" The nazarene was a Jew, his disciples were Jews, his mother and father were observant Jews, both the Old and New Testaments are nothing but Jewish patriarchs, Jewish heroes, denigration of Gentiles and the Jewish teachings promoting communism. Now, just how can Christianity be against Jews? It is all a false front. People are under a powerful spell and they cannot see this.   It is a fact, that communism, is a Jewish invention; all of its top leaders are Jewish, and/or married to Jews and like the bible, it is a swindle. The Jews know this and protect it. They protect their most important programs by pretending to be enemies of them, but underneath it all, they control both sides, and work these both sides to their agenda. This is one of the most important keys to understanding how they operate. It has been extremely effective for centuries. People fall for it all of the time.   This is no different from how they control the Gay Rights Movement: http://gblt.webs.com/Enemy_Control.htm   In their religious writings, homosexuality is an abomination. Their real intention is to have everyone live under Old Testament and Talmudic law. Open sexuality, let alone homosexuality was NOT tolerated in the USSR. Gay and in the gulag was commonplace. Even heterosexual free sex, nudity and so forth were severely punished. Jewess Sharon Osbourne, wife of Ozzy Osbourne, wrote an autobiography. She included that during the late 1980’s during “Glasnost” for the first time, the USSR allowed Ozz fest. She wrote how a teenage Russian girl in the audience pulled up her t-shirt and bared her breasts openly. The KGB immediately moved in within seconds, yanked the girl from the bleachers, and proceeded to savagely beat her with clubs before they hauled her off and no doubt, she must have been given a long prison sentence under the most brutal conditions.   My point is, there are so many total idiots who actually believe that communism is liberal and free. In communist countries, you can go to prison [and these are some of the most brutal and heinous places known to humanity], for simple fortification [having sexual intercourse without a marriage license].   For those of you who are ignorant about communism, I suggest you read some of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s books, such as The Gulag Archipelago, One day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch, and many more. The latter you can also watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdkvpopu0kY   People really need to read Russian history. Millions upon million of innocent people were falsely arrested, tortured [many of the methods very similar to the Inquisition], packed into prison cells the same way the Jews pack farm animals into tiny crates and cages [“goyim” means “cattle”], and then given long and intensely brutal sentences in a Siberian slave labor camp, of which very few ever returned. Russian author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn survived and lived to tell about it. His crime? He was corresponding with a friend and happened to lightly criticize Josef Stalin. His mail was censored, he was arrested, tortured and sent off to Siberia, like millions of others.   I have also made several posts regarding what is now going on in Red China. The slave labor. This is ALL Jewish. The late Mao Tse-Tung, no different from Stalin, mass murdered and tortured millions upon millions of innocent Chinese. This is not something to take lightly. Stupid idiots who spend their time in front of the Jew-tube, watching endless streams of worthless crap, playing nothing but video games and listening to the Jewish indoctrination; those who are ignorant of history and believe “it could never happen here” are in for a very serous rude awakening.   I also want to add that Putin is working with all the other controlling Jews to try to bring Russia under communist control again. There are Russian patriot groups over there and of course, most are infested with Christianity. THIS IS HOW THEY GET CONTROL...WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!     High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

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That's from August this is October. That is how fast things change based on newer information. I don't speak or read Russian. So when I was finally able to get translated articles for the New Right sources, that made the difference. The previous opinion I had was formed by the information I could only get from the mainstream sources.  What this new development means is the planet is in dip shit. As Russia is still controlled, they are allies with Jewish run Red China and everything is simply just for show. To make the world believe the Zionist West and Russia and its allies are valid opposition.  Russia as stated is just undermining the Syrians, Iranians and others while pretending to be opposition. Its the perfect control. This is a march to a planned third world war.

On Friday, October 11, 2013 9:16:48 PM, "siannamarie13@..." <siannamarie13@... wrote:
  Ok, as [/IMG]</var>   "

---In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

    I haven't read through all of this thread due to a lack of time. I will tell you this... This is what I keep reiterating, how the Jews take control of both sides. This is a very blatant example. Putin is a Jew. His father was a Talmud scholar. Of course, he is a Jewish communist and claims to be “against Israel.” They all do. This takes the heat off of the correct accusations that communism is a Jewish program.   Now, the former Soviet Union, being under Jewish communist control, and being very clever; USSR would take the side of whatever country Israel was against, such as supposedly supporting Arab nations. This was all a front. USSR would send these countries inferior weapons, many of which didn't even function. Jews in USSR would also publicly whine and blatantly about the "anti-Semitism" under communism. This is all for show and to confuse you. So, Israel openly supports the free world, and the USSR openly supports the enemies of Israel, but the both are working together under the table for world communism.   This is no different from Christianity. The Jews claim to be against it, even going as far to promote they "killed christ" "are of the devil" and so forth. They forever whine about being persecuted by Christianity. Now, look a little deeper. Every page on that stupid bible has the word "Jew/s" written on it, "Israel" The nazarene was a Jew, his disciples were Jews, his mother and father were observant Jews, both the Old and New Testaments are nothing but Jewish patriarchs, Jewish heroes, denigration of Gentiles and the Jewish teachings promoting communism. Now, just how can Christianity be against Jews? It is all a false front. People are under a powerful spell and they cannot see this.   It is a fact, that communism, is a Jewish invention; all of its top leaders are Jewish, and/or married to Jews and like the bible, it is a swindle. The Jews know this and protect it. They protect their most important programs by pretending to be enemies of them, but underneath it all, they control both sides, and work these both sides to their agenda. This is one of the most important keys to understanding how they operate. It has been extremely effective for centuries. People fall for it all of the time.   This is no different from how they control the Gay Rights Movement: http://gblt.webs.com/Enemy_Control.htm   In their religious writings, homosexuality is an abomination. Their real intention is to have everyone live under Old Testament and Talmudic law. Open sexuality, let alone homosexuality was NOT tolerated in the USSR. Gay and in the gulag was commonplace. Even heterosexual free sex, nudity and so forth were severely punished. Jewess Sharon Osbourne, wife of Ozzy Osbourne, wrote an autobiography. She included that during the late 1980’s during “Glasnost” for the first time, the USSR allowed Ozz fest. She wrote how a teenage Russian girl in the audience pulled up her t-shirt and bared her breasts openly. The KGB immediately moved in within seconds, yanked the girl from the bleachers, and proceeded to savagely beat her with clubs before they hauled her off and no doubt, she must have been given a long prison sentence under the most brutal conditions.   My point is, there are so many total idiots who actually believe that communism is liberal and free. In communist countries, you can go to prison [and these are some of the most brutal and heinous places known to humanity], for simple fortification [having sexual intercourse without a marriage license].   For those of you who are ignorant about communism, I suggest you read some of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s books, such as The Gulag Archipelago, One day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch, and many more. The latter you can also watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdkvpopu0kY   People really need to read Russian history. Millions upon million of innocent people were falsely arrested, tortured [many of the methods very similar to the Inquisition], packed into prison cells the same way the Jews pack farm animals into tiny crates and cages [“goyim” means “cattle”], and then given long and intensely brutal sentences in a Siberian slave labor camp, of which very few ever returned. Russian author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn survived and lived to tell about it. His crime? He was corresponding with a friend and happened to lightly criticize Josef Stalin. His mail was censored, he was arrested, tortured and sent off to Siberia, like millions of others.   I have also made several posts regarding what is now going on in Red China. The slave labor. This is ALL Jewish. The late Mao Tse-Tung, no different from Stalin, mass murdered and tortured millions upon millions of innocent Chinese. This is not something to take lightly. Stupid idiots who spend their time in front of the Jew-tube, watching endless streams of worthless crap, playing nothing but video games and listening to the Jewish indoctrination; those who are ignorant of history and believe “it could never happen here” are in for a very serous rude awakening.   I also want to add that Putin is working with all the other controlling Jews to try to bring Russia under communist control again. There are Russian patriot groups over there and of course, most are infested with Christianity. THIS IS HOW THEY GET CONTROL...WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!     High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

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 Thank You for a respectful, courteous answer to [/IMG]</var>

---In [email protected], <mageson6666@... wrote:

That's from August this is October. That is how fast things change based on newer information. I don't speak or read Russian. So when I was finally able to get translated articles for the New Right sources, that made the difference. The previous opinion I had was formed by the information I could only get from the mainstream sources.  What this new development means is the planet is in dip shit. As Russia is still controlled, they are allies with Jewish run Red China and everything is simply just for show. To make the world believe the Zionist West and Russia and its allies are valid opposition.  Russia as stated is just undermining the Syrians, Iranians and others while pretending to be opposition. Its the perfect control. This is a march to a planned third world war.

On Friday, October 11, 2013 9:16:48 PM, "siannamarie13@..." <siannamarie13@... wrote:
  Ok, as [/IMG]</var>        
I have heard that a few countries in the ME are not part of the global banking system. Iran, Syria, and  ______? Iraq and Afghanistan used to have a free currency, until the US stepped in and ruined it for them by taking their leaders out. Just like Lincoln and Kennedy, they both wanted to get away from the Jewish bankers and the central bank.

 Hail Satan!!In Satan I Trust! Forever in the Service of Satan!

On Friday, October 11, 2013 11:36 PM, "siannamarie13@..." <siannamarie13@... wrote:
   Thank You for a respectful, courteous answer to [/IMG]</var>

---In [email protected], <mageson6666@... wrote:

That's from August this is October. That is how fast things change based on newer information. I don't speak or read Russian. So when I was finally able to get translated articles for the New Right sources, that made the difference. The previous opinion I had was formed by the information I could only get from the mainstream sources.  What this new development means is the planet is in dip shit. As Russia is still controlled, they are allies with Jewish run Red China and everything is simply just for show. To make the world believe the Zionist West and Russia and its allies are valid opposition.  Russia as stated is just undermining the Syrians, Iranians and others while pretending to be opposition. Its the perfect control. This is a march to a planned third world war.

On Friday, October 11, 2013 9:16:48 PM, "siannamarie13@..." <siannamarie13@... wrote:
  Ok, as [/IMG]</var>        

Either way, Jews fight amongst themselves..so it doesn't matter. 

---In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

Ok, as [/IMG]</var>   "

---In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:

    [/IMG][/url]   People really need to read Russian history. Millions upon million of innocent people were falsely arrested, tortured [many of the methods very similar to the Inquisition], packed into prison cells the same way the Jews pack farm animals into tiny crates and cages [“goyim” means “cattle”], and then given long and intensely brutal sentences in a Siberian slave labor camp, of which very few ever returned. Russian author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn survived and lived to tell about it. His crime? He was corresponding with a friend and happened to lightly criticize Josef Stalin. His mail was censored, he was arrested, tortured and sent off to Siberia, like millions of others.   I have also made several posts regarding what is now going on in Red China. The slave labor. This is ALL Jewish. The late Mao Tse-Tung, no different from Stalin, mass murdered and tortured millions upon millions of innocent Chinese. This is not something to take lightly. Stupid idiots who spend their time in front of the Jew-tube, watching endless streams of worthless crap, playing nothing but video games and listening to the Jewish indoctrination; those who are ignorant of history and believe “it could never happen here” are in for a very serous rude awakening.   I also want to add that Putin is working with all the other controlling Jews to try to bring Russia under communist control again. There are Russian patriot groups over there and of course, most are infested with Christianity. THIS IS HOW THEY GET CONTROL...WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!     High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

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    This has to do with news, and information. I know High Priest Don came upon some further information in September, as he sent me a copy. There are times when one reads a news article, but the article is incomplete and then further information appears at a later date, revealing more. This goes for anyone. Given the news, we all are pretty much dependent upon the news available at any given time, and go from there. Then, with more research or later news, things can change.     Here is a copy of a reply I sent to the teen groups today. Someone was pretty much asking the same question.   *********   Yes. I also want to add that most Jews are ashamed to be Jews and many try to pass themselves off as “Italians” “Mediterraneans” “Celtic” etc. Also, many Jews who hold positions such as Putin will not readily openly admit their Jewishness. Putin strongly hints at it by revealing his father was a Talmudic scholar. That is enough right there. That line of study is closed to Gentiles, especially at that level, and in the USSR? Only a total idiot would fall for that he is now a Jew. Unbeknownst to many, the Jews received special [meaning privileged] treatment in the USSR. In addition, “religion” was said to have been strongly discouraged in all communist countries, which promoted total atheism. Obviously, again, the Jews are always an exception and do not have to abide by or live with the rules that Gentiles must endure. Again, Putin states that his family “shared an apartment with Jews” alludes even more to his Jewishness. The above article is very revealing, as he hints all over that he is a Jew.     High Priest Don sent me this article, which is very revealing:   http://www.jewishproblem.com/putin-i-wi ... -the-jews/   Putin: “I will do everything for the Jews!” Posted on October 18, 2012 by admin   Putin will save “us” says Jew Kapner! By “us” he means Jews. “RUSSIA’S PM TO JEWISH DELEGATION: I WAS FIRST TO RESTORE JEWISH PROPERTY! MOSCOW — In an extraordinary 40 minute meeting with Russian Jewish leaders yesterday (November 25), Russian Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin promised to assist the Jewish community in combating anti-Semitism, building schools and reclaiming former synagogue buildings for Jewish communities.”   Jew-lover Putin admits growing up in the same apartment with a bunch of enemy Jews. While talking to a Jewish audience, Putin reveals that his own father was an avid Talmudic scholar… “Mr. Putin said he was familiar with both the menorah and the Chanukah holiday, because as a child his family shared their communal apartment with a Jewish family. He fondly recalled the pleasant demeanor of the various family members, as well as their attempts to preserve their traditions despite Communist reprisals for practicing religion. The Prime Minister recalled that he often saw the father of the house poring over large Talmudic tomes.”   Putin pledges to make Russia comfortable for the enemy Jew. Perhaps that will shed light on why he treats nationalists and proud Russian patriots like Jews treat animals. “Focusing on the Federation, Mr. Putin described its founding as a positive development to bring diverse groups within the Jewish community together to work toward common goals. He expressed his hope that the new Federation would help foster a climate of communal strength that will make Russia a country where Jews will live comfortably.”   Source: Chabad.org – Jewish News - Chanukah Journal Nov 26, 1999 http://www.chabad.org/news/article_cdo/ ... ournal.htm       Here is more from the Jerusalem Post: http://www.jpost.com/Jewish-World/Jewis ... llionaires   At Putin's side, an army of Jewish billionaires   We have to keep our Jewishness and be united in the Diaspora," says Russian Jewish Congress VP.   When the air-conditioning broke down at the reception for the unveiling ceremony of the Red Army monument in Netanya on Monday, it didn’t matter if you were a billionaire, multimillionaire or broke.   Everyone suffered the same.   In one corner sat Mikhail Fridman, the seventh-richest man in Russia, whose fortune is estimated at $15 billion by Forbes. He stayed hydrated in the sweltering heat by sipping a glass of water.   In another stood Moshe Kantor, the chemicals tycoon who Forbes said was worth $2.3b. He repeatedly removed the beads of sweat from his head with a napkin.   The two men were part of a group of two dozen or so affluent Russian-speaking businessmen who came to the ceremony where President Vladimir Putin was the guest of honor. Some, like Fridman, flew in especially from Russia. Others, like Kantor, drove from nearby Herzliya, where many businessman from the former Soviet Union including Leonid Nevzlin and Gabriel Mirilashvili, to name a few, have made their homes.   For many members of this class of ultra rich Putin’s arrival in the country was an opportunity for them to brush shoulders with one another and to mingle with friends and officials from the motherland. The richest man in the room filled with rich men was probably the media-shy Fridman, who declined to speak to The Jerusalem Post.   “I am a private person,” he said, displaying seemingly good English.   Other faces were more familiar to locals. Lev Leviev, the diamonds and real estate mogul who is a bit of anomaly in this world, was on hand. Although born in Uzbekistan, then part of the Soviet Union, he immigrated to Israel as a teenager in the 1970s and made his money in the Jewish state. Only after the markets in the former Soviet Union opened did the Israeli, whose worth was estimated at about $1.7b. earlier this year, invest extensively in natural resources and property in that part of the world.   Not everybody in the room was a billionaire. Some were worth a mere couple of hundred of million dollars.   Alexander Levin, a Ukrainian businessman who was among those who donated to build the monument, is one of latter.   The real estate developer, who last year set up the World Forum for Russian Jewry, an advocacy group based in New York, explained why he it was an important cause.   “My two grandparents were killed during World War II so it’s very important to us,” he said. “We are paying just a little [in comparison to what they paid].”   How much is a little? Levin said the exact sum “was not important” but that it was “a lot of money.”   Members of United Israel Appeal-Keren Hayesod, which raised the money to build the marble and concrete monument overlooking the azure Mediterranean Sea, were also tight-lipped.   “We organized a group of 10 to 15 top businessmen who raised the money that helped transform this dream to reality,” said Gadi Dror, the UIA’s director of the eastern region. “We do not go [into the] figures because they [the donors] prefer not to but it is meaningful amount.”   A source later said each businessman had donated at least $100,000.   Watching the group of mega-wealthy interact, one cannot help but wonder how so many affluent businessmen in the former Soviet Union are Jewish.   German Zakharyaev, vice president of the Russian Jewish Congress, cited two main reasons for that. First, Jews are few among many.   “We are a minority and as such we have to be strong [if we are] to preserve our customs,” said the businessman who, as a member of the Mountain Jewish community of the eastern Caucuses, is a minority within a minority.   “This is something in our commandments that we have to keep our Jewishness and be united in the Diaspora.”   Second, he said, Jewish businessmen are hard workers.   “We think a lot and we sleep a little,” he said.         High Priestess Maxine Dietrich http://www.joyofsatan.com           Magus Star [magusstar11@...] wrote:   May I have your source for Putin's jewish ancestry? I'm curious to know.       --In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:       Ok, as I cannot find Don's original post on this, I'm going to respond here... So, Don says Putin is a jew. And yet, in a post he made on August 25 {of this year}, he made it sound as though Putin wasn't a jew...   "Putin dismantled the Gorbachev era regime government which was full of Jewish Oligarchs who had sized all of Russia's national resources and key power areas into the private sector hands of the Chosen.. And replaced them with Russian nationalists. After arresting many of the Oligarchs and their Gentile cronies and putting them in jail.  And nationalized Russia's major resources and rebuilt the economy and military. This is why under Putin Russian made a major national recovery. Putin is well liked by the Russian People."   "Putin has further antagonized the Jew World Order by being allies with Syria and Iran. Put of this is oil. The Jewish puppet state of Georgia was crushed by Russia in a war designed to corner the major oil pile lines and supply in the Caucasus region for Israel.  The international Jews are always trying to attack Russian via cultural war or encirclement tactics on the international level. To starve them into submission to big Jew."   "Putin is the reason Syria and Iran still exist and the ME has not erupted into a major world war.  Putin is probably the biggest humanitarian  in power on earth at this point. Millions are still alive because of him. But because of the above there might be World War in the ME. As Iran knows that its next after Syria and Russia knows it can't afford to lose its allies or its next sooner of later. The Jew World Order predation has no limits."   So, you understand why I'm confused, as it would seem by the above statements made by Don that he had nothing but praise and admiration for Putin.   Or, is it just Putin trying to fool the Gentiles, all the while making us believe he's this really great guy, getting rid of all the jews that were in power before, during the Gorbachev administration, arresting all of them, going up against Israel in defense of Syria, but secretly is jew?     ---In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:               I haven't read through all of this thread due to a lack of time. I will tell you this... This is what I keep reiterating, how the Jews take control of both sides. This is a very blatant example. Putin is a Jew. His father was a Talmud scholar. Of course, he is a Jewish communist and claims to be “against Israel.” They all do. This takes the heat off of the correct accusations that communism is a Jewish program.       Now, the former Soviet Union, being under Jewish communist control, and being very clever; USSR would take the side of whatever country Israel was against, such as supposedly supporting Arab nations. This was all a front. USSR would send these countries inferior weapons, many of which didn't even function. Jews in USSR would also publicly whine and blatantly about the "anti-Semitism" under communism. This is all for show and to confuse you. So, Israel openly supports the free world, and the USSR openly supports the enemies of Israel, but the both are working together under the table for world communism.       This is no different from Christianity. The Jews claim to be against it, even going as far to promote they "killed christ" "are of the devil" and so forth. They forever whine about being persecuted by Christianity. Now, look a little deeper. Every page on that stupid bible has the word "Jew/s" written on it, "Israel" The nazarene was a Jew, his disciples were Jews, his mother and father were observant Jews, both the Old and New Testaments are nothing but Jewish patriarchs, Jewish heroes, denigration of Gentiles and the Jewish teachings promoting communism. Now, just how can Christianity be against Jews? It is all a false front. People are under a powerful spell and they cannot see this.       It is a fact, that communism, is a Jewish invention; all of its top leaders are Jewish, and/or married to Jews and like the bible, it is a swindle. The Jews know this and protect it. They protect their most important programs by pretending to be enemies of them, but underneath it all, they control both sides, and work these both sides to their agenda. This is one of the most important keys to understanding how they operate. It has been extremely effective for centuries. People fall for it all of the time.       This is no different from how they control the Gay Rights Movement:   http://gblt.webs.com/Enemy_Control.htm       In their religious writings, homosexuality is an abomination. Their real intention is to have everyone live under Old Testament and Talmudic law. Open sexuality, let alone homosexuality was NOT tolerated in the USSR. Gay and in the gulag was commonplace. Even heterosexual free sex, nudity and so forth were severely punished. Jewess Sharon Osbourne, wife of Ozzy Osbourne, wrote an autobiography. She included that during the late 1980’s during “Glasnost” for the first time, the USSR allowed Ozz fest. She wrote how a teenage Russian girl in the audience pulled up her t-shirt and bared her breasts openly. The KGB immediately moved in within seconds, yanked the girl from the bleachers, and proceeded to savagely beat her with clubs before they hauled her off and no doubt, she must have been given a long prison sentence under the most brutal conditions.       My point is, there are so many total idiots who actually believe that communism is liberal and free. In communist countries, you can go to prison [and these are some of the most brutal and heinous places known to humanity], for simple fortification [having sexual intercourse without a marriage license].       For those of you who are ignorant about communism, I suggest you read some of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s books, such as The Gulag Archipelago, One day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch, and many more. The latter you can also watch on youtube:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdkvpopu0kY SaveFrom.net <http://savefrom.net/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dtdkvpopu0kY&utm_source=chrome&utm_medium=extensions&utm_campaign=link_modifier        People really need to read Russian history. Millions upon million of innocent people were falsely arrested, tortured [many of the methods very similar to the Inquisition], packed into prison cells the same way the Jews pack farm animals into tiny crates and cages [“goyim” means “cattle”], and then given long and intensely brutal sentences in a Siberian slave labor camp, of which very few ever returned. Russian author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn survived and lived to tell about it. His crime? He was corresponding with a friend and happened to lightly criticize Josef Stalin. His mail was censored, he was arrested, tortured and sent off to Siberia, like millions of others.       I have also made several posts regarding what is now going on in Red China. The slave labor. This is ALL Jewish. The late Mao Tse-Tung, no different from Stalin, mass murdered and tortured millions upon millions of innocent Chinese. This is not something to take lightly. Stupid idiots who spend their time in front of the Jew-tube, watching endless streams of worthless crap, playing nothing but video games and listening to the Jewish indoctrination; those who are ignorant of history and believe “it could never happen here” are in for a very serous rude awakening.       I also want to add that Putin is working with all the other controlling Jews to try to bring Russia under communist control again. There are Russian patriot groups over there and of course, most are infested with Christianity. THIS IS HOW THEY GET CONTROL...WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!           High Priestess Maxine Dietrich http://www.joyofsatan.com                
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JoyofSatan.org is forbidden in Russian enternet!!! after that smb is doubting put-in is a joo! The fuckers also are trying to forbid black salary, to worsen a judgement for it - they try to grasp our economy in their hands! they are increasing laws forbidding non-heterosexuality - knowing this, who doubts put-in is a joo???

---In [email protected], <maxine.dietrich666@... wrote:

    This has to do with news, and information. I know High Priest Don came upon some further information in September, as he sent me a copy. There are times when one reads a news article, but the article is incomplete and then further information appears at a later date, revealing more. This goes for anyone. Given the news, we all are pretty much dependent upon the news available at any given time, and go from there. Then, with more research or later news, things can change.     Here is a copy of a reply I sent to the teen groups today. Someone was pretty much asking the same question.   *********   Yes. I also want to add that most Jews are ashamed to be Jews and many try to pass themselves off as “Italians” “Mediterraneans” “Celtic” etc. Also, many Jews who hold positions such as Putin will not readily openly admit their Jewishness. Putin strongly hints at it by revealing his father was a Talmudic scholar. That is enough right there. That line of study is closed to Gentiles, especially at that level, and in the USSR? Only a total idiot would fall for that he is now a Jew. Unbeknownst to many, the Jews received special [meaning privileged] treatment in the USSR. In addition, “religion” was said to have been strongly discouraged in all communist countries, which promoted total atheism. Obviously, again, the Jews are always an exception and do not have to abide by or live with the rules that Gentiles must endure. Again, Putin states that his family “shared an apartment with Jews” alludes even more to his Jewishness. The above article is very revealing, as he hints all over that he is a Jew.     High Priest Don sent me this article, which is very revealing:   http://www.jewishproblem.com/putin-i-wi ... -the-jews/   Putin: “I will do everything for the Jews!” Posted on October 18, 2012 by admin   Putin will save “us” says Jew Kapner! By “us” he means Jews. “RUSSIA’S PM TO JEWISH DELEGATION: I WAS FIRST TO RESTORE JEWISH PROPERTY! MOSCOW — In an extraordinary 40 minute meeting with Russian Jewish leaders yesterday (November 25), Russian Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin promised to assist the Jewish community in combating anti-Semitism, building schools and reclaiming former synagogue buildings for Jewish communities.”   Jew-lover Putin admits growing up in the same apartment with a bunch of enemy Jews. While talking to a Jewish audience, Putin reveals that his own father was an avid Talmudic scholar… “Mr. Putin said he was familiar with both the menorah and the Chanukah holiday, because as a child his family shared their communal apartment with a Jewish family. He fondly recalled the pleasant demeanor of the various family members, as well as their attempts to preserve their traditions despite Communist reprisals for practicing religion. The Prime Minister recalled that he often saw the father of the house poring over large Talmudic tomes.”   Putin pledges to make Russia comfortable for the enemy Jew. Perhaps that will shed light on why he treats nationalists and proud Russian patriots like Jews treat animals. “Focusing on the Federation, Mr. Putin described its founding as a positive development to bring diverse groups within the Jewish community together to work toward common goals. He expressed his hope that the new Federation would help foster a climate of communal strength that will make Russia a country where Jews will live comfortably.”   Source: Chabad.org – Jewish News - Chanukah Journal Nov 26, 1999 http://www.chabad.org/news/article_cdo/ ... ournal.htm       Here is more from the Jerusalem Post: http://www.jpost.com/Jewish-World/Jewis ... llionaires   At Putin's side, an army of Jewish billionaires   We have to keep our Jewishness and be united in the Diaspora," says Russian Jewish Congress VP.   When the air-conditioning broke down at the reception for the unveiling ceremony of the Red Army monument in Netanya on Monday, it didn’t matter if you were a billionaire, multimillionaire or broke.   Everyone suffered the same.   In one corner sat Mikhail Fridman, the seventh-richest man in Russia, whose fortune is estimated at $15 billion by Forbes. He stayed hydrated in the sweltering heat by sipping a glass of water.   In another stood Moshe Kantor, the chemicals tycoon who Forbes said was worth $2.3b. He repeatedly removed the beads of sweat from his head with a napkin.   The two men were part of a group of two dozen or so affluent Russian-speaking businessmen who came to the ceremony where President Vladimir Putin was the guest of honor. Some, like Fridman, flew in especially from Russia. Others, like Kantor, drove from nearby Herzliya, where many businessman from the former Soviet Union including Leonid Nevzlin and Gabriel Mirilashvili, to name a few, have made their homes.   For many members of this class of ultra rich Putin’s arrival in the country was an opportunity for them to brush shoulders with one another and to mingle with friends and officials from the motherland. The richest man in the room filled with rich men was probably the media-shy Fridman, who declined to speak to The Jerusalem Post.   “I am a private person,” he said, displaying seemingly good English.   Other faces were more familiar to locals. Lev Leviev, the diamonds and real estate mogul who is a bit of anomaly in this world, was on hand. Although born in Uzbekistan, then part of the Soviet Union, he immigrated to Israel as a teenager in the 1970s and made his money in the Jewish state. Only after the markets in the former Soviet Union opened did the Israeli, whose worth was estimated at about $1.7b. earlier this year, invest extensively in natural resources and property in that part of the world.   Not everybody in the room was a billionaire. Some were worth a mere couple of hundred of million dollars.   Alexander Levin, a Ukrainian businessman who was among those who donated to build the monument, is one of latter.   The real estate developer, who last year set up the World Forum for Russian Jewry, an advocacy group based in New York, explained why he it was an important cause.   “My two grandparents were killed during World War II so it’s very important to us,” he said. “We are paying just a little [in comparison to what they paid].”   How much is a little? Levin said the exact sum “was not important” but that it was “a lot of money.”   Members of United Israel Appeal-Keren Hayesod, which raised the money to build the marble and concrete monument overlooking the azure Mediterranean Sea, were also tight-lipped.   “We organized a group of 10 to 15 top businessmen who raised the money that helped transform this dream to reality,” said Gadi Dror, the UIA’s director of the eastern region. “We do not go [into the] figures because they [the donors] prefer not to but it is meaningful amount.”   A source later said each businessman had donated at least $100,000.   Watching the group of mega-wealthy interact, one cannot help but wonder how so many affluent businessmen in the former Soviet Union are Jewish.   German Zakharyaev, vice president of the Russian Jewish Congress, cited two main reasons for that. First, Jews are few among many.   “We are a minority and as such we have to be strong [if we are] to preserve our customs,” said the businessman who, as a member of the Mountain Jewish community of the eastern Caucuses, is a minority within a minority.   “This is something in our commandments that we have to keep our Jewishness and be united in the Diaspora.”   Second, he said, Jewish businessmen are hard workers.   “We think a lot and we sleep a little,” he said.         High Priestess Maxine Dietrich http://www.joyofsatan.com           Magus Star [magusstar11@...] wrote:   May I have your source for Putin's jewish ancestry? I'm curious to know.       --In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:       Ok, as I cannot find Don's original post on this, I'm going to respond here... So, Don says Putin is a jew. And yet, in a post he made on August 25 {of this year}, he made it sound as though Putin wasn't a jew...   "Putin dismantled the Gorbachev era regime government which was full of Jewish Oligarchs who had sized all of Russia's national resources and key power areas into the private sector hands of the Chosen.. And replaced them with Russian nationalists. After arresting many of the Oligarchs and their Gentile cronies and putting them in jail.  And nationalized Russia's major resources and rebuilt the economy and military. This is why under Putin Russian made a major national recovery. Putin is well liked by the Russian People."   "Putin has further antagonized the Jew World Order by being allies with Syria and Iran. Put of this is oil. The Jewish puppet state of Georgia was crushed by Russia in a war designed to corner the major oil pile lines and supply in the Caucasus region for Israel.  The international Jews are always trying to attack Russian via cultural war or encirclement tactics on the international level. To starve them into submission to big Jew."   "Putin is the reason Syria and Iran still exist and the ME has not erupted into a major world war.  Putin is probably the biggest humanitarian  in power on earth at this point. Millions are still alive because of him. But because of the above there might be World War in the ME. As Iran knows that its next after Syria and Russia knows it can't afford to lose its allies or its next sooner of later. The Jew World Order predation has no limits."   So, you understand why I'm confused, as it would seem by the above statements made by Don that he had nothing but praise and admiration for Putin.   Or, is it just Putin trying to fool the Gentiles, all the while making us believe he's this really great guy, getting rid of all the jews that were in power before, during the Gorbachev administration, arresting all of them, going up against Israel in defense of Syria, but secretly is jew?     ---In [email protected], <[email protected] wrote:               I haven't read through all of this thread due to a lack of time. I will tell you this... This is what I keep reiterating, how the Jews take control of both sides. This is a very blatant example. Putin is a Jew. His father was a Talmud scholar. Of course, he is a Jewish communist and claims to be “against Israel.” They all do. This takes the heat off of the correct accusations that communism is a Jewish program.       Now, the former Soviet Union, being under Jewish communist control, and being very clever; USSR would take the side of whatever country Israel was against, such as supposedly supporting Arab nations. This was all a front. USSR would send these countries inferior weapons, many of which didn't even function. Jews in USSR would also publicly whine and blatantly about the "anti-Semitism" under communism. This is all for show and to confuse you. So, Israel openly supports the free world, and the USSR openly supports the enemies of Israel, but the both are working together under the table for world communism.       This is no different from Christianity. The Jews claim to be against it, even going as far to promote they "killed christ" "are of the devil" and so forth. They forever whine about being persecuted by Christianity. Now, look a little deeper. Every page on that stupid bible has the word "Jew/s" written on it, "Israel" The nazarene was a Jew, his disciples were Jews, his mother and father were observant Jews, both the Old and New Testaments are nothing but Jewish patriarchs, Jewish heroes, denigration of Gentiles and the Jewish teachings promoting communism. Now, just how can Christianity be against Jews? It is all a false front. People are under a powerful spell and they cannot see this.       It is a fact, that communism, is a Jewish invention; all of its top leaders are Jewish, and/or married to Jews and like the bible, it is a swindle. The Jews know this and protect it. They protect their most important programs by pretending to be enemies of them, but underneath it all, they control both sides, and work these both sides to their agenda. This is one of the most important keys to understanding how they operate. It has been extremely effective for centuries. People fall for it all of the time.       This is no different from how they control the Gay Rights Movement:   http://gblt.webs.com/Enemy_Control.htm       In their religious writings, homosexuality is an abomination. Their real intention is to have everyone live under Old Testament and Talmudic law. Open sexuality, let alone homosexuality was NOT tolerated in the USSR. Gay and in the gulag was commonplace. Even heterosexual free sex, nudity and so forth were severely punished. Jewess Sharon Osbourne, wife of Ozzy Osbourne, wrote an autobiography. She included that during the late 1980’s during “Glasnost” for the first time, the USSR allowed Ozz fest. She wrote how a teenage Russian girl in the audience pulled up her t-shirt and bared her breasts openly. The KGB immediately moved in within seconds, yanked the girl from the bleachers, and proceeded to savagely beat her with clubs before they hauled her off and no doubt, she must have been given a long prison sentence under the most brutal conditions.       My point is, there are so many total idiots who actually believe that communism is liberal and free. In communist countries, you can go to prison [and these are some of the most brutal and heinous places known to humanity], for simple fortification [having sexual intercourse without a marriage license].       For those of you who are ignorant about communism, I suggest you read some of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s books, such as The Gulag Archipelago, One day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch, and many more. The latter you can also watch on youtube:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdkvpopu0kY SaveFrom.net <http://savefrom.net/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dtdkvpopu0kY&utm_source=chrome&utm_medium=extensions&utm_campaign=link_modifier        People really need to read Russian history. Millions upon million of innocent people were falsely arrested, tortured [many of the methods very similar to the Inquisition], packed into prison cells the same way the Jews pack farm animals into tiny crates and cages [“goyim” means “cattle”], and then given long and intensely brutal sentences in a Siberian slave labor camp, of which very few ever returned. Russian author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn survived and lived to tell about it. His crime? He was corresponding with a friend and happened to lightly criticize Josef Stalin. His mail was censored, he was arrested, tortured and sent off to Siberia, like millions of others.       I have also made several posts regarding what is now going on in Red China. The slave labor. This is ALL Jewish. The late Mao Tse-Tung, no different from Stalin, mass murdered and tortured millions upon millions of innocent Chinese. This is not something to take lightly. Stupid idiots who spend their time in front of the Jew-tube, watching endless streams of worthless crap, playing nothing but video games and listening to the Jewish indoctrination; those who are ignorant of history and believe “it could never happen here” are in for a very serous rude awakening.       I also want to add that Putin is working with all the other controlling Jews to try to bring Russia under communist control again. There are Russian patriot groups over there and of course, most are infested with Christianity. THIS IS HOW THEY GET CONTROL...WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!           High Priestess Maxine Dietrich http://www.joyofsatan.com                
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Very informative, but I have a question.  Since Russia and China are under Jewish control, are Iran and Syria the last two "free" countries left in the world?? And who will the next "world war" be fought between then??

It seems to me that when (or if) Iran and Syria fall, the whole developed world will be under their control.  Who will there be left for the Jews to fight against??

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 7:52 AM, <osufan3456@... wrote:
  Very informative, but I have a question.  Since Russia and China are under Jewish control, are Iran and Syria the last two "free" countries left in the world?? And who will the next "world war" be fought between then??

It seems to me that when (or if) Iran and Syria fall, the whole developed world will be under their control.  Who will there be left for the Jews to fight against??
hes right us

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 10:53 AM, david poston <dvdposton@... wrote:

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 7:52 AM, <osufan3456@... wrote:
  Very informative, but I have a question.  Since Russia and China are under Jewish control, are Iran and Syria the last two "free" countries left in the world?? And who will the next "world war" be fought between then??

It seems to me that when (or if) Iran and Syria fall, the whole developed world will be under their control.  Who will there be left for the Jews to fight against??

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
