EasternFireLion666 said:
About the mid terms... idk if things will change. I think the republicans will retain both chambers. I think many non whites are rejecting the liberal propaganda more and more
Places like California and parts of the North East are still totally lib-tarded, but I feel like throughout most of the country Trump has more support than ever before. When he got elected, a huge percentage of his base wasn't really happy about him, just happy that he wasn't Killary Kiketon. But now most Americans see that he really isn't doing a bad job. He's done a lot of good, and all the crying kikes and their propaganda don't have any real effect on most people. If he actually was doing anything wrong, don't you think they would be talking about that? Instead of just the vague "he's a racist/sexist/homophobic/antisemitic evil supervillain monster and he paid a prostitute to do her job," all
without mentioning any sort of actual crimes because of course there aren't any. In years of being investigated, if he ever actually did commit any crimes obviously it would be all the (J)news are talking about. All the fake news kikes are now obviously lying retarded fake kikes, and only the most soulless lib-tards actually believe them. They can call all the dumb names they want, but a liberal calling someone some ridiculous name meant as emotional blackmail just doesn't work anymore. Most Americans have been called all these dumb names for so long we just don't care anymore.
Another big thing, this attempted invasion from the migrant army was a BIG influence in support of Trump. Nobody wants this invasion to happen, even most liberals are saying "This group is WAY too big! They're not going to be let in! They can't be." People know that Trump is the only one who would care to keep this army out of the country, any other leader would have the door wide open. So people vote for more Republicans to back Trump up to ensure our protection and the security of our borders.
Remember, whether or not you like him and even though he's far from perfect, Trump is connected into the collective soul of all of America. And America's soul is a part of Satan, it is protected and guided however it needs to be. America is guided to prosperity and freedom, and Trump is a tool of this work. That's why joos hate him, but jooses lose and slothzez winz!