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Re: Apocalypse

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
I've written several articles about this over the years.

As I've mentioned repeatedly:
Back in 2003 Amdusias told the JoS ministry:
“Just as (Jehovah’s people) cannot see you, you cannot see them, but they will manifest blatantly as the earth draws closer to the climax of our cause.”

What I have learned over the years is most of what is in the Judeo/Christian Bible is man made. Curses, so-called "possessions"
Prophecies and everything else.

Upon years of research, we have learned nearly all of these prophecies and the Judeo/Christian Bible is a man made hoax. Everything in the Judeo/Christian Bible has been stolen, twisted and corrupted from ancient Pagan religions, with all the spiritual knowledge removed.

People have been predicting this for centuries:


Getting back to what is happening in the world. I know how this concerns and frightens many people.

Here are some excerpts from articles I wrote on the subject:

The Judeo/Christian Bible is nothing more than a very powerful subliminal. The truth is… all of the so-called “prophesies” in the Judeo/Christian Bible are man-made. This is not of “God.” This is why it was so important for the enemy to forcibly remove all spiritual knowledge from the populace. With all spiritual knowledge systematically removed, everyone becomes a slave to those who have and use this knowledge at the top. This is why atheism is so important to the success of communism.

Now, concerning these prophesies. There have always been earthquakes, famine, pestilences and other natural disasters. Only in the past century, has science such as geology, chemistry and physics advanced to where determinations of the magnitude and epicenter of earthquakes, the intensity of tornadoes and calculations of other natural disasters can be made. With the capabilities of the mass media, it is now possible for these occurrences to be reported worldwide within minutes. 1,000 years ago, a massive earthquake would have only been recorded locally, and would not have been reported around the entire world, as there was no extensive media to report it. Obviously, TV’s, newspapers, and radios did not exist in those times.

Most of these prophesies were written for one reason and one reason only- to create fear in an unknowing humanity, and through that fear, enslave and enforce the obedience of human beings.

Now, I have noted how in the past two years, the global warming has accelerated drastically. Fires are breaking out all over. Why?

My own opinion on this is given the advanced technology, mankind has been able to control the weather. Jews are in all these key positions. Their goal is and always has been to make the Bible as believable as possible. This isn't natural, or any "act of god."

Satan himself told me a few years ago that "A lot of people are going to die." Both Satan and Lilith told me a plague is coming. Some of you here may have also heard this from Satan or Lilith or from our other Gods.

Before the Bubonic Plague in 1348 in Europe, there was very unusual weather for a few years preceding this. Rats were displaced because of this and there were other factors involved.

Sadly and unfortunately, humanity has been ravaging and seriously abusing the earth, the environment, the ecosystem and more. Cause and effect, nature will rebel. Communism has been the absolute worst. Jews have been promoting a death agenda for centuries. Jewish communism has done untold damage to the environment. This all ties into the murderous death programs of Christianity and Islam.

The immigration, what is going on in Europe and the USA, being promoted and forced by the Jews is another issue. Filthy conditions, squalor and many of those migrants are carrying certain diseases and such. A trail of garbage was left all across Europe for one, and there are many more factors involved. This has nothing to do with anything supernatural. It is blatant cause and effect.

I know this is getting long, but there's more. Another article:

Nuclear Destruction, the Internet, etc

Post Thu Nov 23, 2017 3:37 pm

I do know and have written many times regarding the false flags for the end of days, but this time, I have reason to believe otherwise.

From studying the Jews intensely, they have a modus operandi. They infest a planet and if that planet doesn't knuckle under to their agenda, they destroy it. This is nothing new or unique to just planet earth.

The deal now, as opposed to former ages and centuries, we are very close to possible nuclear disaster.

I am convinced this is what happened to a former human populated planet "Phaeton" which is now rubble; the asteroid belt.

Mars also had a population. It is now been reduced to desertification. I read where there are small groups of desperate White people living in bunkers beneath the surface.

Beings from other worlds have a serious concern regarding what is happening here on earth, as if the earth is blown to smithereens, it will affect others in the galaxy this time. The gravitational. As the earth has a wobble, this can be much more serious in throwing the planets out of whack to where they crash into each other and upset the entire galaxy.

Other worlds have been extremely concerned for a long time. The Jews have had full control of NASA, thwarting any attempts at communication with other beings who are friendly to humanity, like Satan, and of course the media, where they make nonsense of aliens and UFOs.

Also, all those subliminal biblical prophecies are a Modus Operandi. The enemy now has control over technology that can influence the weather and given the condition of this planet (the Jews are also responsible for this, the communists raped the environment viciously), they are working to make these so-called prophecies appear to be from some "god." They work to promote their false religions and related incessantly. People need to see through these and know what they really are.

They follow a pattern with all planets they infest. It's in their "Torah Code.'

A Jewish Gift to Humanity: The Nuclear Nightmare

Below is only a partial list. The total number of the Jews involved is staggering and shocking and the list below is incomplete, due to time restrictions. The list below contains the most noted Jewish scientists who worked directly on the Manhattan Project. Nearly all of the individuals on the list below were hard-core Communists; many more were spies, who gave the formula for the atom bombto the Soviets. Upon researching, I was appalled at how the authors [mostly Jews], who wrote articles and biographies of the individuals below, portrayed these mass-murderers in a very positive light, exalting many to a hero status. Feel free to do your own research given the information contained on this website.
Below is a partial list of Jews who were directly involved in the Manhattan Project. There were many more Jews involved at all levels of researching, constructing, and advocating the use of the atomic bombthan can be listed here.

J. Robert Oppenheimer [American Jew] - Scientific Director - Project "Y"
Frank Oppenheimer [American Jew] - Brother of and Assistant to J. Robert Oppenheimer

Albert Einstein [German born Jew] - Consultant to the Project

Niels Bohr [Danish born Jew] - Consultant to the Project

Leó Szilárd [Hungarian born Jew] - Group Leader - Metallurgical Laboratory

Nicholas Kürti [Hungarian born Jew] - Worked with Franz Eugen Simon [German born Jew] and developed a method of separating uranium 235 from raw uranium ore

David Bohm [American Jew] - Performed theoretical calculations for the Calutrons at the Y-12 facility in Oak Ridge, used to electromagnetically enrich uranium for use in the bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945

Rudolf Peierls [German born Jew] - British Mission

Felix Bloch [Swiss born Jew] - Worked under Hans Albrecht Bethe, performing nuclear fission research

Eugene [Paul] Wigner [Hungarian born Jew] - Group Leader - Metallurgical Laboratory

James Chadwick [British born Jew] - Chief - British Mission

James Franck [German born Jew] - Director - Chemistry Group

Otto Frisch [German born Jew] - British Mission

Edward Teller [Hungarian born Jew] - Thermonuclear Research

Emilio Gino Segrè [Italian born Jew] - Group Leader

Hans Albrecht Bethe [German born Jew] - Chief - Theoretical Division

Klaus Fuchs [German born Jew] - Theoretical Division [Communist Spy]

Richard Phillips Feynman [American Jew] - Group Leader - Theoretical Division
Morris Kolodney [American Jew] - Manager - DP Site

Louis Rosen [American Jew] - The "Father" of the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center

Louis Slotin [Canadian born Jew] - Critical Testing - resulted in his accidental death

Jacob Beser [American Jew] - Weapons firing and fusing

Theodore Alvin Hall [American Jew] - Youngest Scientist at Los Alamos

Samuel T. Cohen [American Jew] - Worked in the Efficiency Group

Samuel Goudsmit - [Danish born Jew] - Scientific Head of the Alsos Mission

George Placzek - [Moravian born Jew] - British Mission

Eugene Rabinowitch - [Russian born Jew] - Metallurgical Laboratory

Joseph Rotblat - [Polish born Jew] - Worked with James Chadwick [Communist Spy]

Gregory Breit - [Russian born Jew] - Predecessor of J. Robert Oppenheimer

David Greenglass [American Jew] - Manhattan Project Infiltration [Communist Spy]

George Abramovich Koval [American Jew] - Special Engineer Detachment [Communist Spy]

Victor Weisskopf [Austrian born Jew] - Theoretical Division

Alvin Martin Weinberg [American Jew] - Theoretical Physics under Eugene [Paul] Wigner

Isidor Isaac Rabi [Polish born Jew] - Consultant to the Project
Stan Frankel [American Jew] - Theoretical Division

Enrico Fermi [Italian born Gentile] was married to a Jewess - Group Leader - Theoretical Division

The first atomic bomb was designed and constructed in Los Alamos, New Mexico. The top-secret code name given to this working was "The Manhattan Project." The reason for the name was that Bernard Baruch [Jew], lived in Manhattan New York, as did many of the other top officials. The chief scientist of the Los Alamos Laboratory from 1943 to 1945 was J. Robert Oppenheimer, another prominent Jew. Oppenheimer's brother Frank, a card-carrying communist, was also a leading atomic scientist working at Los Alamos.

"One of the central figures in not only laying the theoretical ground work but also persuading President Roosevelt to launch the whole atomic bomb program was Albert Einstein, a foreign-born Jew with 16 communist front affiliations."

"The first commissioner of the AtomicEnergy Commission was David E. Lilienthal, a Jew, who belonged to at least two communist fronts. He remained in that position for a considerable length of time." 1
Niels Bohr [Danish born Jew], given the Nobel Prize in 1922, escaped Denmark in 1943. "In September 1943, reliable word reached Bohr about his imminent arrest by the German police; the Danish resistance quickly managed to help Bohr and his wife escape by sea to Sweden. Soon after, Bohr was flown in a military aircraft to Britain. There he was introduced to the then-secret atomicbomb project. Eventually he was directed to the project's principal location in the United States of America. Bohr worked on the Manhattan Project at the top-secret Los Alamos laboratory in New Mexico, where he was known by the name of Nicholas Baker for security reasons."2

Leó Szilárd [Hungarian born Jew] born in Budapest, assisted Enrico Fermi in conducting the first controlled nuclear chain reaction.

Nicholas Kürti [Hungarian born Jew: Kürti Miklós] and Franz Eugen Simon [German born Jew who fled to Britain after Hitler came to power] discovered how to separate uranium-235 from uranium ore, which was necessary for the construction of an atomic bomb.3

"It is of utmost significance to point out that both atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb were in large measure a Jewish production. But basically the atom bomband its further proliferation, is a Jewish idea. One of the central figures in not only laying the theoretical groundwork but also persuading President Roosevelt to launch the whole atomic bomb program was Albert Einstein, a foreign-born Jew with 16 communist front affiliations."

"It was at this time that most of the Atomic secrets were stolen and passed on to the Soviets. When it comes to listing the spies and traitors involved, it almost reads like a Jewish Who's Who. The most notorious were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were tried and executed for treason, the only traitors in modern U.S. history to have suffered this fate. Further involved in this spy network were Harry Gold, Abraham Brothman, David Greenglass, [Ethel Rosenberg's brother], Israel Weinbaum, Miriam Moscowitz, Sidney Weinbaum, Morton Sobell. All these were Jews, and all were convicted of treason. It is also significant in the further development of the hydrogen bomb, again Jews were in the forefront, such as J. Robert Oppenheimer, Steve Nelson [real name Joseph W. Weinberg] and Edward Teller."
"To get on with the crux of our dissertation, namely the commercial and industrial proliferation of nuclear wastes in the United States, which more than any other issue hangs as an ominous pall over our heads. It threatens to bring death, cancer, leukemia, and birth defects to the mass of the population, and, in fact, exterminate humanity itself."
"It is of utmost significance to point out that the Jewish network, has kept close control of the development and proliferation of this most devastating of all technical achievements – nuclear fission and nuclear fusion." 4

1 Ben Klassen, Racial Loyality issue 27, Creativity Movement

2 Wikipedia article on Niels Bohr

3 International Council for Science (ICSU) Committee on Data for Science and Technology CODATA Newsletter Number 79 March 1999

4 Ben Klassen, Racial Loyalty issue 27, Creativity

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


[email protected]

Today at 1:13 AM

Hello everyone ...
Hope , you all are fine...

The natural disasters and cosmic phenomenons which are happening all around the world , is literally connected to the Spiritual world... And , for an Advanced Spiritual Satanist like these are a sign of Apocalypse ...

First of all , I wanna clear out that I literally hate Xians and I don't believe in the Unfaithful Unholy Bibles of the Xians...
But , Somewhere , at some point we all are forced either by our mind or the natural disasters around the world to think about a disaster like End Of Days or Armageddon ...
I honestly , believe that a battle is continuously going on between the Forces of Hell and The Forces of Heaven , and a final battle will take place between the Good and The Evil in the End Times...

And , I believe , That The End Of Days is near ...

So , feel free to share your thoughts about Apocalypse...
I have a question about:

Enrico Fermi [Italian born Gentile] was married to a Jewess - Group Leader - Theoretical Division

Wouldn't his soul feel any sort of regret once it knew the truth about the jews? Or anything?

Why did he do it?? Just curious.......
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Satan himself told me a few years ago that "A lot of people are going to die." Both Satan and Lilith told me a plague is coming. Some of you here may have also heard this from Satan or Lilith or from our other Gods.

I've been getting the feeling that something like this could happen too. Something that made my ears prick up as well is this talk of an antibiotic apocalypse. It seems the overuse of antibiotics is making bacteria resistant to them, which is very very bad because if bacteria become fully resistant to antibiotics we are back to the days when people would die because of a small cut. What makes it even more worrying to me is at least I have not heard of this through MSM.

Dahaarkan said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Satan himself told me a few years ago that "A lot of people are going to die." Both Satan and Lilith told me a plague is coming. Some of you here may have also heard this from Satan or Lilith or from our other Gods.

I've been getting the feeling that something like this could happen too. Something that made my ears prick up as well is this talk of an antibiotic apocalypse. It seems the overuse of antibiotics is making bacteria resistant to them, which is very very bad because if bacteria become fully resistant to antibiotics we are back to the days when people would die because of a small cut. What makes it even more worrying to me is at least I have not heard of this through MSM.


Humans are generating viruses without even understanding, same as how they create genetic confusion, inbreeding, and many other problems. These can take much time to accumulate so of course it is ignored and never studied.

Then, you have diseases and other viral things emerging. As far as multiculturalism is concerned, this is one of the fastest way to develop all of the above. As immunities and problems both arise in specific groups. And formulating viruses in such “diverse” environments would only give viruses even more power and adjust them to all sorts of different systems and antiobiotics or treatments.

The rise of plague is still a very viable concern. There are many latent diseases and viruses such as sexual ones that people exchange all the time and these are only now developing.

Any such strike will also come without a notice. Only when it reaches the elvel of plague the jews will start recording it.

There are also all sorts of latent plagues and poisonings the jews pass as “autoimmune problems” which come from DNA exchange from bastardization, lacking genes as a result of this process, intergration of new genes that scientists have no idea what cause especially in the longterm, exchange of foreign viruses in latent form which can activate years later but may be unidentified (like HIV becomes AIDS), high enviromental toxicity etc.

They do not even study these or let the public know. Simply because people will get frightened to the bone, and society will drop into a full chaos mode.

They do not even study these or let the public know. Simply because people will get frightened to the bone, and society will drop into a full chaos mode.

It really would appear to anyone not emotionally assosciated to this world and its tenets, as if they are just experimenting om the populace. Stress tests, toxicity tests, bastardization tests to see what arises, applying pressure to mentally break subjects and so forth.

The situation of the multicultural society is called “the great experiment” and later became “the great replacement” after all.

The leaders or this world are dumb kikes there is no need to expect anything further.

Always do your meditations and keep an optimal lifestyle, these are the two major guarantees for health overall.
This talk of a plague really concerns me. as for surviving it and fending it off. I'll have to ask the gods for advice. I really hope it doesn't end up this way, and I hope things are not that severe. But best to be prepared.

This might be related
Remember the famous justification of Dubbaya-Em-Dees that Bush used to go bully the other kids in the sandbox?

Seems like (((Einstein))) originally came up with it. He sent a letter to FDR telling him all about the nazis' atom bomb project back in '39.
From reports in the 1950's the American government was contacted by Nordic's who offered to help earth defeat the Greys. They were refused by the Jews in charge of America. The same Jews then made major deals with the Greys.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Other worlds have been extremely concerned for a long time.
HP Mageson666 said:
From reports in the 1950's the American government was contacted by Nordic's who offered to help earth defeat the Greys.  They were refused by the Jews in charge of America. The same Jews then made major deals with the Greys.
Evidently, that would have been enemy (lower race) Nordics, because our friendly (Upper Race) Nordics know that the jews wouldn't agree, nor would our friendlies offer to help them. Yet both the jews and the greys worship (or at least are slaves of and are owned by) the reptilians. Surely the dirty top rabbis would have known about the greys and lower Nordics already - or is it more like that the jew president is not told everything, to keep it safe and for reasons of "plausible deniability", that only the top dirty jews know about them?

Some might argue that it is not good to 'force the jew's hand', rather that it is better to keep your enemy, the jew, closer than your friends. When the jew's guard is down, while you're about to serve it its cup of civet cat poo coffee at £50 per cup, make sure you didn't forget to slip some cyanide in it, after you do away with the jew's poisoned-drinks taster; you'll have to poison yourself carefully and in gradual an increase of poison over several months so that you can not be poisoned when tasting it - then when the jew does... sounds of gasping for air. I speak figuratively, of course. In actuality - get the jew to trust you, and the at the right time stab it in its back. Play dirty - play jewy!

Of course, the jew is the eternal paranoiac.
I looked this up after seeings dons post and it actually could of been our Gods.
An interesting read on the subject:
“In the meantime a race of human looking aliens contacted the U.S. Government. This alien group warned us against the aliens that were orbiting the Equator and offered to help us with our spiritual development. They demanded that we dismantle and destroy our nuclear weapons as the major condition. They refused to exchange technology citing that we were spiritually unable to handle the technology which we then possessed. They believed that we would use any new technology to destroy each other. This race stated that we were on a path of self destruction and we must stop killing each other, stop polluting the Earth, stop raping the Earth's natural resources, and learn to live in harmony. These terms were met with extreme suspicion, especially the major condition of nuclear disarmament. It was believed that meeting that condition would leave us helpless in the face of an obvious alien threat. We also had nothing in history to help with the decision. Nuclear disarmament was not considered to be within the best interest of the United States. The overtures were rejected. [10]

The significant point about Cooper�s version is that the humanoid extraterrestrial race was not willing to enter into technology exchanges that might help weapons development, and instead was focused on spiritual development. Significantly, the overtures of these extraterrestrials were turned down.”


Though not sure if the above source is 100% accurate.
FancyMancy said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Other worlds have been extremely concerned for a long time.
HP Mageson666 said:
From reports in the 1950's the American government was contacted by Nordic's who offered to help earth defeat the Greys.  They were refused by the Jews in charge of America. The same Jews then made major deals with the Greys.
Evidently, that would have been enemy (lower race) Nordics, because our friendly (Upper Race) Nordics know that the jews wouldn't agree, nor would our friendlies offer to help them. Yet both the jews and the greys worship (or at least are slaves of and are owned by) the reptilians. Surely the dirty top rabbis would have known about the greys and lower Nordics already - or is it more like that the jew president is not told everything, to keep it safe and for reasons of "plausible deniability", that only the top dirty jews know about them?

Some might argue that it is not good to 'force the jew's hand', rather that it is better to keep your enemy, the jew, closer than your friends. When the jew's guard is down, while you're about to serve it its cup of civet cat poo coffee at £50 per cup, make sure you didn't forget to slip some cyanide in it, after you do away with the jew's poisoned-drinks taster; you'll have to poison yourself carefully and in gradual an increase of poison over several months so that you can not be poisoned when tasting it - then when the jew does... sounds of gasping for air. I speak figuratively, of course. In actuality - get the jew to trust you, and the at the right time stab it in its back. Play dirty - play jewy!

Of course, the jew is the eternal paranoiac.

You don't make sense Fancy Slothz. Your brain must be feeling deprived of enough Hitler Ice Cream.:
Why would enemy Nordics try to help America (which in case you forgot it is a white gentile nation at its core and the main world power) to defeat their own grey canon fodder.
And in case you haven't noticed the joos are literally like legged spiritual toxic waste bags. And the ones into kabbalas (as well as gentiles who got into joo kabbala for long) are so horriblly toxic they don't even need to try or be conscious about it to turn your energy filthy and start parasiting you.
We don't need to joo the joo. We have truth on our side and the RTR's.
The less joo in your life the better.
Monsanto is a Jewish family they got their start in the Jewish run African Slave Trade.

Jack The GOOD guy said:

This might be related
Jeremym666 said:
I looked this up after seeings dons post and it actually could of been our Gods.
An interesting read on the subject:
“In the meantime a race of human looking aliens contacted the U.S. Government. This alien group warned us against the aliens that were orbiting the Equator and offered to help us with our spiritual development. They demanded that we dismantle and destroy our nuclear weapons as the major condition. They refused to exchange technology citing that we were spiritually unable to handle the technology which we then possessed. They believed that we would use any new technology to destroy each other. This race stated that we were on a path of self destruction and we must stop killing each other, stop polluting the Earth, stop raping the Earth's natural resources, and learn to live in harmony. These terms were met with extreme suspicion, especially the major condition of nuclear disarmament. It was believed that meeting that condition would leave us helpless in the face of an obvious alien threat. We also had nothing in history to help with the decision. Nuclear disarmament was not considered to be within the best interest of the United States. The overtures were rejected. [10]

The significant point about Cooper�s version is that the humanoid extraterrestrial race was not willing to enter into technology exchanges that might help weapons development, and instead was focused on spiritual development. Significantly, the overtures of these extraterrestrials were turned down.”


Though not sure if the above source is 100% accurate.
Disarming the United States? Gun control - but in extreme measure? To turn it into the jewnited states (or rubble...)?

Sinistra said:
FancyMancy said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Other worlds have been extremely concerned for a long time.
HP Mageson666 said:
From reports in the 1950's the American government was contacted by Nordic's who offered to help earth defeat the Greys. They were refused by the Jews in charge of America. The same Jews then made major deals with the Greys.
Evidently, that would have been enemy (lower race) Nordics, because our friendly (Upper Race) Nordics know that the jews wouldn't agree, nor would our friendlies offer to help them. Yet both the jews and the greys worship (or at least are slaves of and are owned by) the reptilians. Surely the dirty top rabbis would have known about the greys and lower Nordics already - or is it more like that the jew president is not told everything, to keep it safe and for reasons of "plausible deniability", that only the top dirty jews know about them?

Some might argue that it is not good to 'force the jew's hand', rather that it is better to keep your enemy, the jew, closer than your friends. When the jew's guard is down, while you're about to serve it its cup of civet cat poo coffee at £50 per cup, make sure you didn't forget to slip some cyanide in it, after you do away with the jew's poisoned-drinks taster; you'll have to poison yourself carefully and in gradual an increase of poison over several months so that you can not be poisoned when tasting it - then when the jew does... sounds of gasping for air. I speak figuratively, of course. In actuality - get the jew to trust you, and the at the right time stab it in its back. Play dirty - play jewy!

Of course, the jew is the eternal paranoiac.

You don't make sense Fancy Slothz. Your brain must be feeling deprived of enough Hitler Ice Cream.:
Why would enemy Nordics try to help America (which in case you forgot it is a white gentile nation at its core and the main world power) to defeat their own grey canon fodder.
And in case you haven't noticed the joos are literally like legged spiritual toxic waste bags. And the ones into kabbalas (as well as gentiles who got into joo kabbala for long) are so horriblly toxic they don't even need to try or be conscious about it to turn your energy filthy and start parasiting you.
We don't need to joo the joo. We have truth on our side and the RTR's.
The less joo in your life the better.
I refer you to my questions above. Our friendly Nordics know the jew government would not agree - and why only USA nuclear disarmament? Why not also Russia (and "israel" and the UK...?) If the USA goes down, so does the rest of the world. Enemy is sneaky - pretending to be on your side; keep your enemies closer. (Unless, of course, that government was not jewish at the time. I don't keep up with such things.)
Jeremym666 said:
I looked this up after seeings dons post and it actually could of been our Gods.
An interesting read on the subject:
“In the meantime a race of human looking aliens contacted the U.S. Government. This alien group warned us against the aliens that were orbiting the Equator and offered to help us with our spiritual development. They demanded that we dismantle and destroy our nuclear weapons as the major condition. They refused to exchange technology citing that we were spiritually unable to handle the technology which we then possessed. They believed that we would use any new technology to destroy each other. This race stated that we were on a path of self destruction and we must stop killing each other, stop polluting the Earth, stop raping the Earth's natural resources, and learn to live in harmony. These terms were met with extreme suspicion, especially the major condition of nuclear disarmament. It was believed that meeting that condition would leave us helpless in the face of an obvious alien threat. We also had nothing in history to help with the decision. Nuclear disarmament was not considered to be within the best interest of the United States. The overtures were rejected. [10]

The significant point about Cooper�s version is that the humanoid extraterrestrial race was not willing to enter into technology exchanges that might help weapons development, and instead was focused on spiritual development. Significantly, the overtures of these extraterrestrials were turned down.”


Though not sure if the above source is 100% accurate.

404 not found.
Give us the original source meaning the books name.
HP Mageson666 said:
From reports in the 1950's the American government was contacted by Nordic's who offered to help earth defeat the Greys. They were refused by the Jews in charge of America. The same Jews then made major deals with the Greys.
Those motherfuckers......

I remember last year, I saw a magnificent lightning storm. Multiple strikes of lightning every second. Me and my bro were standing there in awe. We couldn't believe it was real. We heard no sound as the storm was 30-50+ miles away. It was just a ball of lightning. I was thinking to myself, this could be a great weapon if it could be controlled. I wish I took some video... Like two days later, HP Maxine posted this same message about how the weather can be controlled and manipulated.
If the weather was to turn to a normal state, could such a severe thing as a plague be averted? Or would that start a plague?
T.A.O.L. said:
If the weather was to turn to a normal state, could such a severe thing as a plague be averted? Or would that start a plague?
With the Final RTR, imagine if it backfires on the Jews in some way.
Wildfire said:
T.A.O.L. said:
If the weather was to turn to a normal state, could such a severe thing as a plague be averted? Or would that start a plague?
With the Final RTR, imagine if it backfires on the Jews in some way.
FancyMancy said:
Wildfire said:
T.A.O.L. said:
If the weather was to turn to a normal state, could such a severe thing as a plague be averted? Or would that start a plague?
With the Final RTR, imagine if it backfires on the Jews in some way.

Oh...right. Thank you fancy.
HPS Maxine said that the Sun had become stronger recently.

Solar storm of 1859 AKA Carrington Event
A solar storm of this magnitude occurring today would cause widespread disruptions and damage due to extended outages of the electrical grid.[2][3] The solar storm of 2012 was of similar magnitude, but it passed Earth's orbit without striking the planet.[4]

Yes, of course - Futurama has something about technology not working (revolting against people, rather), as well.

You can also visit Solar Storm Watch.
Wildfire said:
FancyMancy said:
Wildfire said:
With the Final RTR, imagine if it backfires on the Jews in some way.

Oh...right. Thank you fancy.
Honestly - I am "not" insinuating that that Rune should be used to raise a powerful storm over "israel". looks ignorant of such things...
FancyMancy said:
Wildfire said:
FancyMancy said:

Oh...right. Thank you fancy.
Honestly - I am "not" insinuating that that Rune should be used to raise a powerful storm over "israel". looks ignorant of such things...

Or combine it with the fehu rune and make the Jewish people complete pussies to even curse/harm the gentile race in any way.
Wildfire said:
FancyMancy said:
Wildfire said:
Oh...right. Thank you fancy.
Honestly - I am "not" insinuating that that Rune should be used to raise a powerful storm over "israel". looks ignorant of such things...

Or combine it with the fehu rune and make the Jewish people complete pussies to even curse/harm the gentile race in any way.
I feel like and maybe i might be wrong, now that we have destroyed the potrection and magick of the jews so much we are going to curse them again with rune's as a group, like i said i might be wrong but who knows.
luis said:
Wildfire said:
FancyMancy said:
Honestly - I am "not" insinuating that that Rune should be used to raise a powerful storm over "israel". looks ignorant of such things...

Or combine it with the fehu rune and make the Jewish people complete pussies to even curse/harm the gentile race in any way.
I feel like and maybe i might be wrong, now that we have destroyed the potrection and magick of the jews so much we are going to curse them again with rune's as a group, like i said i might be wrong but who knows.
If you're proficient enough, you could do it yourself on some individuals. An entire race/stolen-and-renamed country might be too much for now. You could also do the working to create like a sort of bomb. For example, instead of doing a 40-day working, you could do a prolonged working, or collect a lot of powerful energy over weeks or months and store it safely (because enemy entities steal energy) and keep collecting it and storing it - if you can handle and control a lot of energy. Then later, you could release this energy bomb onto a jew or the sanhedrin...and boom!

Make sure you're more powerful than the combined forces of the sanhedrin, its jew individuals, and its and their defences and protections, plus the entities they'd send to harass you. You don't want to punch/fight above your weight.
Wildfire said:
FancyMancy said:
Wildfire said:
Oh...right. Thank you fancy.
Honestly - I am "not" insinuating that that Rune should be used to raise a powerful storm over "israel". looks ignorant of such things...

Or combine it with the fehu rune and make the Jewish people complete pussies to even curse/harm the gentile race in any way.

Haha I like your thinking :)
Jack The GOOD guy said:

This might be related

they have an encrypted plan and it is believed that the appearance of Mashiach ben Yosef precedes the appearance of Mashiach ben David. Mashiach ben Yosef (presumably Jesus) will prepare the conditions for the coming of Mashiach ben David (perhaps an allegory for the entire people of David) who, according to the Jews, will overthrow the pagan tribes of Gog and Magog under the command of Satan, who will attack the kingdom of Israel, after the liberation and return of Satan and Demons from "captivity" a thousand years long to Earth. In accordance with the views of religious Zionism (Pinchas Polonsky et al.), the concepts of "Mashiach ben Yosef" and "Mashiach ben David" describe the stages of development of Israeli society (first of all, we are talking about the views of Rav Avraham Yitzhak Cook and about Israel of the twentieth — twenty-first century). And their complete domination of the earth
Every Jew is potentially a Messiah

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
