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Raising Children


New member
Sep 20, 2011
My male partner and I are raising two children, a boy who is 10 and a girl who is 8. both were born Satanist. They both have shown inclinations in that direction all of their lives so far without promptings from us. I would be interested in any helpful advice as to how to cultivate a healthy respect for Satanism and what can be taught to them at such a young age. I had intended to teach them nothing and let them grow up and decide for themselves, but they are taught school at home and are very interested. I think they think I am holding back on them. They continually ask me questions and ask to be part of the rituals we perform in our home. So far they have not been allowed at family rituals. Does anyone have any advice or suggestions? It's seems they are dedicated to learning Satanism from somewhere and my son has started reading books on his own.

Hail Satan
I'm a little hesitant to tell parents how to raise their kids but if you like, I'll share some of my viewpoints.

Personally, I don't see much harm in opening up to them if they are curious. Especially if they think you're excluding them. I think that parents can sometimes have an inclination to underestimate the intelligence of their children because they are seen as inexperienced. Pretty much any healthy relationship has give and take and I don't see parenting as an exception. Children have needs just like anyone and if those needs are neglected, it can make them unhappy. While parents may have the power, they need to use it fairly and wisely to ensure emotionally healthy kids. Communication is another key to healthy relationships which I also believe applies to parenting. If they're interested, why not have a "heart to heart" talk with them? You might be surprised how much it helps! If you do teach them about Spiritual Satanism, take it slow and most of all, be understanding to your children. If you need to, try stepping into their shoes.

These views are based off of my own childhood experiences and observations. Understand though that I'm not attempting to instruct you on the absolute way to go about your parenting. The best way to raise them is up to you to figure out! I'm not their father so I can't say for sure what's appropriate.

Well, I hope that helped a little! If you got any more questions, ask away!
I like your views! Lol. They mirror mine, though I don't have children as yet.

On 10/3/09, DerekD <derekthehellviking@... wrote:
I'm a little hesitant to tell parents how to raise their kids but if you
like, I'll share some of my viewpoints.

Personally, I don't see much harm in opening up to them if they are curious.
Especially if they think you're excluding them. I think that parents can
sometimes have an inclination to underestimate the intelligence of their
children because they are seen as inexperienced. Pretty much any healthy
relationship has give and take and I don't see parenting as an exception.
Children have needs just like anyone and if those needs are neglected, it
can make them unhappy. While parents may have the power, they need to use it
fairly and wisely to ensure emotionally healthy kids. Communication is
another key to healthy relationships which I also believe applies to
parenting. If they're interested, why not have a "heart to heart" talk with
them? You might be surprised how much it helps! If you do teach them about
Spiritual Satanism, take it slow and most of all, be understanding to your
children. If you need to, try stepping into their shoes.

These views are based off of my own childhood experiences and observations.
Understand though that I'm not attempting to instruct you on the absolute
way to go about your parenting. The best way to raise them is up to you to
figure out! I'm not their father so I can't say for sure what's appropriate.

Well, I hope that helped a little! If you got any more questions, ask away!
I'll just add my 2 cents to Derek's post, as I also find it invaluable: Underestimating is the most common case in terms of a child's intelligence. This, as a result, may lead to some troubles, because we do not expect them to do this and that - but they are able to do the other thing, even worse/better. As for experience, my parents tend to consider me as inexperienced, BUT the point is - what do they know about spirituality, what do they know about my needs what do they know about my profession and things connected with it? NOTHING. This is because they did what Derek also mentions - broke the communication by violence. They don't know what I best for me, since they don't want to talk - and they wonder, 'why you don't want to talk to us?' Stupidity and self-righteousness.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Allison P <apocalypseofjon@... wrote:

I like your views! Lol. They mirror mine, though I don't have children as yet.

On 10/3/09, DerekD <derekthehellviking@... wrote:
I'm a little hesitant to tell parents how to raise their kids but if you
like, I'll share some of my viewpoints.

Personally, I don't see much harm in opening up to them if they are curious.
Especially if they think you're excluding them. I think that parents can
sometimes have an inclination to underestimate the intelligence of their
children because they are seen as inexperienced. Pretty much any healthy
relationship has give and take and I don't see parenting as an exception.
Children have needs just like anyone and if those needs are neglected, it
can make them unhappy. While parents may have the power, they need to use it
fairly and wisely to ensure emotionally healthy kids. Communication is
another key to healthy relationships which I also believe applies to
parenting. If they're interested, why not have a "heart to heart" talk with
them? You might be surprised how much it helps! If you do teach them about
Spiritual Satanism, take it slow and most of all, be understanding to your
children. If you need to, try stepping into their shoes.

These views are based off of my own childhood experiences and observations.
Understand though that I'm not attempting to instruct you on the absolute
way to go about your parenting. The best way to raise them is up to you to
figure out! I'm not their father so I can't say for sure what's appropriate.

Well, I hope that helped a little! If you got any more questions, ask away!
JUST continue doing what you do and teach them the truth about Satan. Teach them to meditate. They learn best from you.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "MontgomeryY" <breathevivation@... wrote:

My male partner and I are raising two children, a boy who is 10 and a girl who is 8. both were born Satanist. They both have shown inclinations in that direction all of their lives so far without promptings from us. I would be interested in any helpful advice as to how to cultivate a healthy respect for Satanism and what can be taught to them at such a young age. I had intended to teach them nothing and let them grow up and decide for themselves, but they are taught school at home and are very interested. I think they think I am holding back on them. They continually ask me questions and ask to be part of the rituals we perform in our home. So far they have not been allowed at family rituals. Does anyone have any advice or suggestions? It's seems they are dedicated to learning Satanism from somewhere and my son has started reading books on his own.

Hail Satan
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "MontgomeryY" <breathevivation@... wrote:
My male partner and I are raising two children, a boy who is 10 and a girl who is 8. both were born Satanist. They both have shown inclinations in that direction all of their lives so far without promptings from us. I would be interested in any helpful advice as to how to cultivate a healthy respect for Satanism and what can be taught to them at such a young age. I had intended to teach them nothing and let them grow up and decide for themselves, but they are taught school at home and are very interested. I think they think I am holding back on them. They continually ask me questions and ask to be part of the rituals we perform in our home. So far they have not been allowed at family rituals. Does anyone have any advice or suggestions? It's seems they are dedicated to learning Satanism from somewhere and my son has started reading books on his own.

Hail Satan
whats so bad about letting them join in the rituals its not like some spirit is gonna go nuts on them if such a thing happened either it would be an angel trying to start something or a demon that feels disrespected and im pretty sure all of satans demons know how to treat a 8 or 10 year old that is already with satan

anyway let the kids join in a couple of rituals at least once or twice what harm could it do

you will never know if its safe for them unless you let them join in and try for themselves then again why am i talking like it could cause a problem anything a satanist does that comes from satan will likely help him not harm him (unless however lol they being stupid and incorrectly attempting black magick)
I understand what you're talking about Siguard. Anytime I would get really argumentative with my parents and challenge something they said, they would often make some sort of violent gesture at me. Nowadays I tend to be more tactful with my criticisms regarding them or I just don't say anything. Discounting my views and ideas frequently also made me quite upset with them. This created a lot of anger and resentment in me. Sometimes my frustration with their parenting would boil over to the point where I would tell them quite point-blank that I didn't think they were good or great parents. Of course, this always resulted in them being offended and making what could likely be accurately described as "guilt trip" comments. They would typically say something like, well hey we don't beat you, or, if we're so terrible, how come we give you food and a place to live in. It's true that they've provided for my basic biological needs but they have significantly failed to connect emotionally to me in a way that was meaningful and lasting. I can't be confidently open with them because they're too protective controlling, that is, they "know what's better for me." If my mother knew I was a Spiritual Satanist, I'm sure that she would be relentlessly trying to reconvert me to xianity.

Having my mother trying to "save me" would be a bad thing for me because in fact, as of now I'm not even on my own yet. Sound clingy? I don't blame you if you think they are! I'm also studying for a degree online that I can't say I'm truly interested in field-wise. This has been at least moderately due to parental pressure. "I'm good at it." I am however tolerating it at the present moment because I think the degree could be useful for a future career. The way my parents have acted towards me, I have to seriously wonder though if they might deny me an independent living. I have no intent to live with them though. If after going through with my education they refuse to allow me to move out, I will take matters into my own hands. I will leave without their permission or knowledge and without their knowing of my whereabouts. I have looked into it and there is no law against adult runaways. If I left a note notifying them of my leave, they wouldn't even be able to report me as missing. If they did, they would be lying to the police. Even if they hired a private detective and he found me, he would be under a legal obligation to not disclose my location without my consent! Not only would they not be able to stop me but it would also be fairly easy to do. Just pack some stuff, grab a bus ticket out of town, get an apartment or room, get a job, and then boom, freedom! On top of all that, I'd be able to practice Spiritual Satanism freely with nobody being the wiser! You'd be right in thinking that I've relished the idea a few times! Though it might look like it, I don't see the concept as avoiding my problems. If I want to be independent and left alone, I have every right to! For freaking out loud, I'm 21!

I know from personal experience as well that bad parenting can play a major role in depression. At one point, I was so extremely depressed that I actually sought the help of an online psychic healer. I felt "kind of dead inside" as I described it to here. Although perhaps a little right-hand path minded, she appeared to be quite helpful in alleviating my emotional pain and I regained a reinvigorated fighting spirit as time went on. My parents undoubtedly were not there for me as a youngster and they even went so far as to verbally abuse me in at least a few cases I can think of. I almost always verbally abused myself in response just to make them stop. Looking back, I can't help but find it disconcerting. Verbal abuse towards your children is absolutely uncalled for as far as I'm concerned! It's things like this which created inner wounds that stayed with me until I got help.

By the way, I bet you'd be a good mother Allison! I kind of used to think that I didn't really want to be "dragged down" as a father family figure but I've become really open to that sort of life! I definitely think if the right lady came along, she could charm me into being her cherished man! Also, this might be kind of unusual for a man, but I think I'd love to have a daughter! I've always held a fondness for the feminine gender! Even when I was in Kindergarten, I just adored girls and women! I actually had a bit of an Elementary sweetheart before I moved away from her! Yeah, that's a nice memory. I still remember her name too!

In any case, you all are my real family! I wouldn't feel ashamed to associate myself with any of you!
Criticism - even when I do not want to comment on something, after a time they would tell me "why are you being so official?" Anger, resentment and hatred - I've been forcefully fed with those feelings/emotions. Yes, they don't beat me NOW, but they did it then, especially my dad (therefore I could easily say I have no father - my True and ONLY Father is Satan). While I was writing my post, I saw in a TV programme that they talked about how parents can destroy their children, how they can break the emotional bond - my accursed dad did that. They are not protective - they are OVERprotective, as well as mine. Your plan seems quite crazy, but I know little about the American reality, so I'd say this is the most commonsensical idea. I was also thinking f how to avoid my problems with parents, but then I came to conclusion, that the only way I can avoid those problems is to wait, get stronger and make them suffer - it might not be as great, but the fact that I am going to be their tyrant, as they were mine, makes me feel alive. Scorpios are patient, and their strikes - lethal, or excruciatingly painful. 21 you say, well, I'm 22 (this Oct):p
Verbal abuse, critique, humiliation, guilt - yeah, these are the things with which my father tried to educate me, impose "good values". I know one thing - what you give is what you get, tenfold stronger.

What's unusual? That you want to have a daughter? Helluva no:p I also remember my group colleague from my kindergarten. And we were always "joined in a pair" that was to get married:p I even remember her face from those times:)

Yeah, I often come to a conclusion that HERE is my family, not at home where I live...


American --- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "DerekD" <derekthehellviking@... wrote:
I understand what you're talking about Siguard. Anytime I would get really argumentative with my parents and challenge something they said, they would often make some sort of violent gesture at me. Nowadays I tend to be more tactful with my criticisms regarding them or I just don't say anything. Discounting my views and ideas frequently also made me quite upset with them. This created a lot of anger and resentment in me. Sometimes my frustration with their parenting would boil over to the point where I would tell them quite point-blank that I didn't think they were good or great parents. Of course, this always resulted in them being offended and making what could likely be accurately described as "guilt trip" comments. They would typically say something like, well hey we don't beat you, or, if we're so terrible, how come we give you food and a place to live in. It's true that they've provided for my basic biological needs but they have significantly failed to connect emotionally to me in a way that was meaningful and lasting. I can't be confidently open with them because they're too protective controlling, that is, they "know what's better for me." If my mother knew I was a Spiritual Satanist, I'm sure that she would be relentlessly trying to reconvert me to xianity.

Having my mother trying to "save me" would be a bad thing for me because in fact, as of now I'm not even on my own yet. Sound clingy? I don't blame you if you think they are! I'm also studying for a degree online that I can't say I'm truly interested in field-wise. This has been at least moderately due to parental pressure. "I'm good at it." I am however tolerating it at the present moment because I think the degree could be useful for a future career. The way my parents have acted towards me, I have to seriously wonder though if they might deny me an independent living. I have no intent to live with them though. If after going through with my education they refuse to allow me to move out, I will take matters into my own hands. I will leave without their permission or knowledge and without their knowing of my whereabouts. I have looked into it and there is no law against adult runaways. If I left a note notifying them of my leave, they wouldn't even be able to report me as missing. If they did, they would be lying to the police. Even if they hired a private detective and he found me, he would be under a legal obligation to not disclose my location without my consent! Not only would they not be able to stop me but it would also be fairly easy to do. Just pack some stuff, grab a bus ticket out of town, get an apartment or room, get a job, and then boom, freedom! On top of all that, I'd be able to practice Spiritual Satanism freely with nobody being the wiser! You'd be right in thinking that I've relished the idea a few times! Though it might look like it, I don't see the concept as avoiding my problems. If I want to be independent and left alone, I have every right to! For freaking out loud, I'm 21!

I know from personal experience as well that bad parenting can play a major role in depression. At one point, I was so extremely depressed that I actually sought the help of an online psychic healer. I felt "kind of dead inside" as I described it to here. Although perhaps a little right-hand path minded, she appeared to be quite helpful in alleviating my emotional pain and I regained a reinvigorated fighting spirit as time went on. My parents undoubtedly were not there for me as a youngster and they even went so far as to verbally abuse me in at least a few cases I can think of. I almost always verbally abused myself in response just to make them stop. Looking back, I can't help but find it disconcerting. Verbal abuse towards your children is absolutely uncalled for as far as I'm concerned! It's things like this which created inner wounds that stayed with me until I got help.

By the way, I bet you'd be a good mother Allison! I kind of used to think that I didn't really want to be "dragged down" as a father family figure but I've become really open to that sort of life! I definitely think if the right lady came along, she could charm me into being her cherished man! Also, this might be kind of unusual for a man, but I think I'd love to have a daughter! I've always held a fondness for the feminine gender! Even when I was in Kindergarten, I just adored girls and women! I actually had a bit of an Elementary sweetheart before I moved away from her! Yeah, that's a nice memory. I still remember her name too!

In any case, you all are my real family! I wouldn't feel ashamed to associate myself with any of you!
I see, guess we both have it rough in the parents department. Although, I think your situation is probably more worse off than mine.

Also, happy birthday man! My birthday won't be till April. I happen to be an Aries. I consider myself to be a rather mellow and likable fellow, but if someone really incenses me, they'd better watch out because my reaction will almost certainly be nasty! Someone's crime would of course have to be rather blatant before I would feel such wrath to be justified. So far, nobody has faced the true limits of my retribution.

So, being the tyrant of your tyrants? I've considered that before. Not a bad idea I suppose if you know your parents are going to be in a tight spot.

Interesting that you find my plan crazy. As I see it, that idea would be the most effective way to get out of my parent's clutches. I don't know if running away is particularly looked down on in your society, but it really isn't in mine as far as I know. I doubt they'll make me feel running away is necessary, but I'm prepared to do it if they try to run my life. They'd have only themselves to blame if that happened.
I'm the same way. Lol. I mean temperament wise. I'm a Virgo, though.
The one sure fire way to enrage me is to knowingly and maliciously
insult my Father Satan...pentecostals/rabid fundies are particularly
prone to this. They wish to consider us 'the enemy'? Fine! I'm more
than willing to oblige. I don't mean to come off as sounding overly
homicidal, but I can't help it! It's the lack of respect that I cannot
stand. Hells, my own boyfriend is without, but he doesnt go round
insulting Satan and the Demons! He does his best to try and understand
our relationship, even though he's without. I don't ask for people to
like it, but is a little respect too much to ask for? I think not.
Okay...rant over now. Lol. Hail Satan always!

On 10/8/09, DerekD <derekthehellviking@... wrote:
I see, guess we both have it rough in the parents department. Although, I
think your situation is probably more worse off than mine.

Also, happy birthday man! My birthday won't be till April. I happen to be an
Aries. I consider myself to be a rather mellow and likable fellow, but if
someone really incenses me, they'd better watch out because my reaction will
almost certainly be nasty! Someone's crime would of course have to be rather
blatant before I would feel such wrath to be justified. So far, nobody has
faced the true limits of my retribution.

So, being the tyrant of your tyrants? I've considered that before. Not a bad
idea I suppose if you know your parents are going to be in a tight spot.

Interesting that you find my plan crazy. As I see it, that idea would be the
most effective way to get out of my parent's clutches. I don't know if
running away is particularly looked down on in your society, but it really
isn't in mine as far as I know. I doubt they'll make me feel running away is
necessary, but I'm prepared to do it if they try to run my life. They'd have
only themselves to blame if that happened.
Derek, when I use 'crazy' I ALWAYS mean 'bold but DAMN good.' And you shouldn't understand it other ways;)

If your parents are going to be cleaver enough to realise that your escape is their fault, this may give them a hint that something isn't ok with them.

Oh, and thanks;)

A Scorpio like me is likeable - we tend to attract the opposite gender, which is true in 100% as for me (but paradoxically, I've never had sex yet). Vengefulness... I need to be careful because as I'm thinking of 'my' people, some of them get on my nerves, but after a period of time, be it a month or longer, everything is ok. By that time, had I harmed them, I'd might regret it. Yes, vengeance is holy, when justified.

Lack of respect is what bites the whole Earth, Allison. Lack of respect for nature, animals, other humans AND Father. And the way I see it, your BF is level-headed, DESPITE being Without.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Allison P <apocalypseofjon@... wrote:

I'm the same way. Lol. I mean temperament wise. I'm a Virgo, though.
The one sure fire way to enrage me is to knowingly and maliciously
insult my Father Satan...pentecostals/rabid fundies are particularly
prone to this. They wish to consider us 'the enemy'? Fine! I'm more
than willing to oblige. I don't mean to come off as sounding overly
homicidal, but I can't help it! It's the lack of respect that I cannot
stand. Hells, my own boyfriend is without, but he doesnt go round
insulting Satan and the Demons! He does his best to try and understand
our relationship, even though he's without. I don't ask for people to
like it, but is a little respect too much to ask for? I think not.
Okay...rant over now. Lol. Hail Satan always!

On 10/8/09, DerekD <derekthehellviking@... wrote:
I see, guess we both have it rough in the parents department. Although, I
think your situation is probably more worse off than mine.

Also, happy birthday man! My birthday won't be till April. I happen to be an
Aries. I consider myself to be a rather mellow and likable fellow, but if
someone really incenses me, they'd better watch out because my reaction will
almost certainly be nasty! Someone's crime would of course have to be rather
blatant before I would feel such wrath to be justified. So far, nobody has
faced the true limits of my retribution.

So, being the tyrant of your tyrants? I've considered that before. Not a bad
idea I suppose if you know your parents are going to be in a tight spot.

Interesting that you find my plan crazy. As I see it, that idea would be the
most effective way to get out of my parent's clutches. I don't know if
running away is particularly looked down on in your society, but it really
isn't in mine as far as I know. I doubt they'll make me feel running away is
necessary, but I'm prepared to do it if they try to run my life. They'd have
only themselves to blame if that happened.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
