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Racially motivated shooting spree in Alabama.


Dec 18, 2017

Ok, y'all. We just had a black man in Alabama target white people for his shooting spree. Clown world is getting to that point now.

If you haven't been doing your AoP and cleaning your aura, then you'd best start before its way too late.

Especially if your white, or "white adjacent" as the far left would call it. The war on whiteness is real. It's a thing. The far left and the jews want white people dead.

If you want to save yourself, RTR to the moon and back everyday. That's all there is to that. Not doing so is more or less letting the enemy kill you because that is what will happen if the RTR are not performed.

So don't do dumb shit. Invest in your AoP. Do the RtR. Speak out when you can. Get guns and stock up on ammo. Don't be a victim. Be aware of your surroundings. If something doesn't feel right, leave.

Stay safe and stay frosty.
Another day in jew clown world.

Many will just pray they have been doing their aura and had other knowledge, because as the enemy pushes this clownworld, maybe even going to the mall or supermarket in many places is going to look a lot like a movie.
Leftists tell black people that whites are evil monsters that oppressed them and still oppress them, they write best-selling self-hating books like "White Fragility", a kike psychoanalyst calls "whiteness" an "incurable parasitic condition"(nice projection here, by the way) and Coca Cola and other woke companies train their employees to be "less white".

Anti-white hatred is pushed everywhere, so it's not surprising something like that would happen.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Another day in jew clown world.

Many will just pray they have been doing their aura and had other knowledge, because as the enemy pushes this clownworld, maybe even going to the mall or supermarket in many places is going to look a lot like a movie.

This whole white hatred is much worse than last year. I am pretty sure the vast majority is awake it's just that some suffer from stockholm/traitor sindrome and just want to kiss the ass of the jew empire instinctively.
peacemaker666 said:

Ok, y'all. We just had a black man in Alabama target white people for his shooting spree. Clown world is getting to that point now.

If you haven't been doing your AoP and cleaning your aura, then you'd best start before its way too late.

Especially if your white, or "white adjacent" as the far left would call it. The war on whiteness is real. It's a thing. The far left and the jews want white people dead.

If you want to save yourself, RTR to the moon and back everyday. That's all there is to that. Not doing so is more or less letting the enemy kill you because that is what will happen if the RTR are not performed.

So don't do dumb shit. Invest in your AoP. Do the RtR. Speak out when you can. Get guns and stock up on ammo. Don't be a victim. Be aware of your surroundings. If something doesn't feel right, leave.

Stay safe and stay frosty.
They want race mixing so bad. But they won’t get it. At least from me. I was taught to marry your own kind. Besides, I do not want a girlfriend ever! I got betrayed too much. I’m done. I’d rather DIE than love again. I push them away.
Rational Satanist said:
Leftists tell black people that whites are evil monsters that oppressed them and still oppress them, they write best-selling self-hating books like "White Fragility", a kike psychoanalyst calls "whiteness" an "incurable parasitic condition"(nice projection here, by the way) and Coca Cola and other woke companies train their employees to be "less white".

Anti-white hatred is pushed everywhere, so it's not surprising something like that would happen.

Where I live, there are not even pure whites but only some mixed like me who look white, jews and traitors push songs and movies that promote interracial crap and in the comment sections some clowns type shit like "A white girl should not refuse a proposal of a non-white", I was like bitch we have our own consciousness too, we are not robots, we have our own will and preferences too just like any other person. Boils my blood every time when I am reminded that such clowns exist on this planet.

Every Spiritual Satanist is safe and protected.
Every Spiritual Satanist is safe and will remain safe for eternity.
peacemaker666 said:
If you haven't been doing your AoP and cleaning your aura, then you'd best start before its way too late.
I’m not sure why you think those things will stop a bullet from going through your skull that’s just not how it works.

It would be better advice to tell people to purchase a handgun to brandish everywhere they go, or wear a Kevlar vest under your clothes, or both. OR you can just “Avoid the Groid” and not have to do any of this.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
peacemaker666 said:
If you haven't been doing your AoP and cleaning your aura, then you'd best start before its way too late.
I’m not sure why you think those things will stop a bullet from going through your skull that’s just not how it works.

It would be better advice to tell people to purchase a handgun to brandish everywhere they go, or wear a Kevlar vest under your clothes, or both. OR you can just “Avoid the Groid” and not have to do any of this.
AoP will protect you from negative astral influences. That translates into you avoiding physical harm.

Bullets are not stopped, but the scenario where bullets are flying your way is.
"I am always totally safe and protected at all times and in every way."

Best affirmation for protection there is.

I always notice more police attracted to me when I'm out after I use it.
956GOD said:
They want race mixing so bad. But they won’t get it. At least from me. I was taught to marry your own kind. Besides, I do not want a girlfriend ever! I got betrayed too much. I’m done. I’d rather DIE than love again. I push them away.

You're only holding yourself back with this. You should do workings for emotional healing, and after you have recovered, do a working to attract someone who is emotionally mature and won't hurt you, or ask Father to help you with that in a standard ritual.

Girls aren't bad. Bad people are bad. Just remember that.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
peacemaker666 said:
If you haven't been doing your AoP and cleaning your aura, then you'd best start before its way too late.
I’m not sure why you think those things will stop a bullet from going through your skull that’s just not how it works.

It would be better advice to tell people to purchase a handgun to brandish everywhere they go, or wear a Kevlar vest under your clothes, or both. OR you can just “Avoid the Groid” and not have to do any of this.
Said from someone who doesn't even meditate.
The aura doesn't stop a bullet, but it can act to defuse a situation and make you avoid certain situations. Also the Gods wouldn't let that happen.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
peacemaker666 said:
If you haven't been doing your AoP and cleaning your aura, then you'd best start before its way too late.
I’m not sure why you think those things will stop a bullet from going through your skull that’s just not how it works.

It would be better advice to tell people to purchase a handgun to brandish everywhere they go, or wear a Kevlar vest under your clothes, or both. OR you can just “Avoid the Groid” and not have to do any of this.

Why have the jews survived as long as they have despite gentiles repeatedly trying to destroy them through the ages? Spiritual protection. They cut down the strength of gentiles while forcing gentiles to empower the aura of protection for the jews, among other things. Underestimating something like the Aura of Protection is foolish especially when Maxine stressed the importance of it so strongly for so long. It really is essential.
[quote]I’m not sure why you think those things will stop a bullet from going through your skull that’s just not how it works.

It would be better advice to tell people to purchase a handgun to brandish everywhere they go, or wear a Kevlar vest under your clothes, or both. OR you can just “Avoid the Groid” and not have to do any of this[/quote]

Dear southernwhitegentile,

An AoP might not stop a bullet from careening its way into your skull, but mayhap it may let you avoid the situation of getting shot at entirely. Maybe you might get a little nudge to slow down on your way to work. Maybe you run into every single red light on your way to the mall. Maybe those little delays save your life when you just missed the shooter.

Or perhaps if you were to go to an event with a lot of people, and you feel its time to leave for no reason, then you leave... and find out that you just missed being in the vicinity of the shooter.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It's purpose is to keep you safe, not shield you. Two entirely different things.

Now if you feel like Kevlar vests and open carrying guns is a good idea, then you be you and you do you.
When I was new to Spiritual Satanism, I did not understand very well the importance and value of race and I wanted to go and live in the United Races of the Planet. Now I realise the mistake I would have made, another mistake would be to go and live with another race.
Excuse the Semi-Snide remark pals but I was just thinking in too much of a realist way. In a life or death situation like a mass shootout it seems ridiculous to me to have “faith” and hope that something you can’t see will save you. I would only rely on myself in that scenario.
jrvan said:
Why have the jews survived as long as they have despite gentiles repeatedly trying to destroy them through the ages?
I’m really starting to think that this doesn’t even have a complicated answer. Like another member said we can rid the world of Jews and their programs but they will still be hiding under rocks for decades and even centuries waiting to strike again. They are the equivalent of 2 legged roaches.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Excuse the Semi-Snide remark pals but I was just thinking in too much of a realist way. In a life or death situation like a mass shootout it seems ridiculous to me to have “faith” and hope that something you can’t see will save you. I would only rely on myself in that scenario.
jrvan said:
Why have the jews survived as long as they have despite gentiles repeatedly trying to destroy them through the ages?
I’m really starting to think that this doesn’t even have a complicated answer. Like another member said we can rid the world of Jews and their programs but they will still be hiding under rocks for decades and even centuries waiting to strike again. They are the equivalent of 2 legged roaches.
Go look at how many attempted kills were on Hitler. Just so you know, Sorath was his Guardian Demon.
Once during war(ww1) a bomb was incoming and he felt it was better to move away from where he was, guess where a bomb hit when he moved away.
Excuse the Semi-Snide remark pals but I was just thinking in too much of a realist way. In a life or death situation like a mass shootout it seems ridiculous to me to have “faith” and hope that something you can’t see will save you. I would only rely on myself in that scenario.

Dear southernwhitegentile,

Its not bad to think in a realistic way, especially in the short term. I advocate being prepped. If a certain group came to my neighborhood with the intent of burning and rioting, well, I have access to some arms. I have some food stocked. If the stores ran out I'd be ok for a few day, maybe a week or two.

However it would be foolish to discount the longterm benefit of an AoP. Its like stacking a playing card deck in your favor for future draws.
Just for shits and giggles look up all of the attempts on Hitlers life and ask yourself if doing your AOP and being close to the gods is worth it. I shit you not the stuff he avoided is hilarious. One that I remember is a guy with a briefcase bomb and Hitler conveniently forgot something in another room and as he left the bomb went off. Just look it up if nothing else to laugh at how hard these assholes tried to get rid of our great Antichrist.

I for one am glad to be in a small town and being able to easily pass as white I see cops all the time at the gas station where I work and I never fear these idiotic shooters. For me it also helps giving off a kind of "Crazy White Woman" vibe it makes people less likly to mess with me.

Stay safe, Stay strong

Hail Father Satan
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Excuse the Semi-Snide remark pals but I was just thinking in too much of a realist way. In a life or death situation like a mass shootout it seems ridiculous to me to have “faith” and hope that something you can’t see will save you. I would only rely on myself in that scenario.
jrvan said:
Why have the jews survived as long as they have despite gentiles repeatedly trying to destroy them through the ages?
I’m really starting to think that this doesn’t even have a complicated answer. Like another member said we can rid the world of Jews and their programs but they will still be hiding under rocks for decades and even centuries waiting to strike again. They are the equivalent of 2 legged roaches.
Nobody Is saying you should stay in the middle of a bad situation and hope nothing happens. Magic does not work that way, maybe when you are raised or a God but of course you should try to get the fuck out of there, your protection, your intuition and the Gods will make sure nothing happens.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
jrvan said:
Why have the jews survived as long as they have despite gentiles repeatedly trying to destroy them through the ages?
I’m really starting to think that this doesn’t even have a complicated answer. Like another member said we can rid the world of Jews and their programs but they will still be hiding under rocks for decades and even centuries waiting to strike again. They are the equivalent of 2 legged roaches.

The Tree of Life/Racial Soul of the jews/reptilians was uprooted from the soil of life a long time ago by Father Satan. The only reason the jews and their masters have been able to keep their uprooted Tree/Soul alive is through parasitism. What the FRTR is doing is destroying their already uprooted Tree of Life. Don't worry, brother - this time they will be destroyed for good. It's a universal destruction of their soul, and if you want to see what happens to the body when the soul is gone or drained, just look at the greys. The greys had their souls drained, and their physical bodies reflect that. The soul is like a star in the Celestial/Astral plane (the Sun is a star and soul comes from Sol), and if you drain the star then the body reflects the state of the star. As above, so below.

So if the body looks like that when the soul is drained, and it's kept artificially alive with the microchip like a RC car and drinking blood... then imagine what will happen to the bodies of jews when their soul, rather than being drained, is fully destroyed.

The gentiles who tried to destroy the jews in the past hadn't done what we are doing now. Their spiritual knowledge was removed, and their physical wars didn't amount to anything because of the spiritual protection afforded to the jews from mass xian prayer. Us destroying the collective soul of the jews and reptilians is literally prophesied and warned of by the past rabbis. It was a promise from Satan that one day the jewish soul would be obliterated.

As above, so below. Celestial programs the Terrestrial. When we program things on the Astral it manifests and affects the Physical. Astral = Stars. And we program using our voice, just like the first sound of the universe (AUM) spawned the motion of creation that led to everything in existence. This is Magick. We can do this because, unlike the jews, we have the Aether element in our souls. That's why the jews have to rely on directing the energies of others because they can't generate energy for themselves. Their soul was uprooted from the energy matrix of the universe.

If you still doubt the power of the Celestial Plane after everything I just explained then I would like to further point out that every animal on Earth has a Celestial counterpart as a constellation. I personally believe those animal constellations to be the racial souls of the animals. The constellation of Orion might be the racial souls of humanity, but I'm less sure of that for now.

As for the constellation of Zion/Tsion, I have no idea where that is or what it is. But we're destroying it.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
peacemaker666 said:
If you haven't been doing your AoP and cleaning your aura, then you'd best start before its way too late.
I’m not sure why you think those things will stop a bullet from going through your skull that’s just not how it works.

It would be better advice to tell people to purchase a handgun to brandish everywhere they go, or wear a Kevlar vest under your clothes, or both. OR you can just “Avoid the Groid” and not have to do any of this.

Jumping on the bandwagon a little here.

Not everyone can go out and get a ballistic vest and handguns to physically protect themselves. Some live in countries with a ban on firearms for civilians, other places won’t even let you carry a pocket knife without being over 18+ and having a licence.

The enemy destroyed our knowledge of how to spiritually protect ourselves. Why? Because knowledge is power, and someone with knowledge and spiritual power can avoid death, misery and suffering. You can empower your aura to literally protect you from disease and sickness. You can do the same for avoiding situations that would put you in harms way or worse.

A strong and empowered AoP is something all gentiles can achieve no matter where they live and what their financial situation is like. An aura on our level may not stop a bullet, but it will stop you from walking in front of the barrel of the gun in the first place. So no one with a sane mind should disregard the importance of an aura. It may be very simple and basic to strengthen one’s aura, however that and cleaning yourself is the most imperative thing anyone can do.

There’s a reason it’s the first thing we learn how to do on JoS.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Excuse the Semi-Snide remark pals but I was just thinking in too much of a realist way. In a life or death situation like a mass shootout it seems ridiculous to me to have “faith” and hope that something you can’t see will save you. I would only rely on myself in that scenario.

Something else I should mention is that there's literally a myth where Athena overpowers Ares, and I believe this is symbolically representing the superiority of mental/spiritual warfare and defense. Athena is the Divine Mind, and that's why she emerges from Zeus's head fully clad in armor and with a spear. The armor is her spiritual protection, kind of like her AoP. And her spear is a psychic spear for mental/spiritual warfare. Ares represents physical warfare, and spiritual warfare can easily overpower an army of physical fighters with no spiritual protection. I believe that's the message that the Greeks tried to tell us.

Hephaestus is the Divine Blacksmith who forges his automatons. This I believe has to do with programming the mind with affirmations/commands just like a computer is programmed with lines of code. This is also most likely where the jews got the concept of their golem which is a mindless robot that can't think for itself nor program itself, and can only be programmed by the "master" aka the jews. They accomplished that by forcing everyone to go to church and be programmed by their bible subliminal verses.

It's also my belief that the Divine Mind represented by Athena, which is the Divine level blueprint for our minds, cannot and must not be programmed, and that this is the meaning of the myth of Hephaestus trying and failing to impregnate her, and also the reason for her status as a chaste Goddess. If the Divine Mind was programmed then it would affect all of reality for everyone from the top down. It would be like a cosmic microchip.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
peacemaker666 said:
If you haven't been doing your AoP and cleaning your aura, then you'd best start before its way too late.
I’m not sure why you think those things will stop a bullet from going through your skull that’s just not how it works.

It would be better advice to tell people to purchase a handgun to brandish everywhere they go, or wear a Kevlar vest under your clothes, or both. OR you can just “Avoid the Groid” and not have to do any of this.

How do you want to avoid the groid in the South
And if you think all brown people are inherently criminal you should just go to www.chimpmania.com
You can bash the k**ns there all you want
idiocy smasher said:
How do you want to avoid the groid in the South
I agree that it’s hard to stay segregated down here but there are plenty of white spaces in the south. I just got back from the Ozarks region and it’s a very nice pure place the town Harrison is actually the most WN in the country.

you think all brown people are inherently criminal
I don’t recall saying that.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
