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Racial Affirmations

Try this for a mantra: I embrace any and all ideals values and goals that belong to the ( your race ) race
Do more of the final RTR every day. Become glorious like a Sloth while freeing your soul from jewish crap. Have you done a 9 day "working" with the final RTR ? See the post HPS Maxime made.
Then if you still feel like that the august 26th will be a good day for psychic healing. A 40 day ANSUZ rune + your second affirmation seems like a plan.
Do you feel like elaborating a bit more so we can help better?

Your affirmations are not bad at all.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do you feel like elaborating a bit more so we can help better?

Your affirmations are not bad at all.
What would you do if you were most mixed with White and had a White Aryan soul but since you don’t look fully White the White race would never see you as one of their own and racially aware Whites would tell you to your face that you’re not white?
Academic Scholar said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do you feel like elaborating a bit more so we can help better?

Your affirmations are not bad at all.
What would you do if you were most mixed with White and had a White Aryan soul but since you don’t look fully White the White race would never see you as one of their own and racially aware Whites would tell you to your face that you’re not white?

Story of my life :roll: :lol:

My logical belief is that with the racially aware once the mass education of race is a thing then there won't be any problems for us. Most racially aware white who are without ( and of other racially woke races) have very limited knowledge of this subject and mostly go into it and continuously stay biased from understanding where mixed race people stand in this. Mostly probably because they don't care and I understand that. They just focus on what they know is white and there's nothing wrong with that. every time I find these people they can debate it against as much as they want but they always end up losing when I explain how a person that is mixed race but mostly white IS just a white person. Once I break it down to them. I think I only found one or two white people who stay in denial for bias reasons and just two is pretty good seeing I've run into these people many times. It can just be a little annoying if someone thinks like, " oh look at this Mexican who wishes he was white." (Which only non whites have said this to me and one of those two white people I mentioned) But even then I explain how that sentence is completely wrong since they are seeing a nationality as a race. I mean tbh being part of the Asian race wouldn't bother me whatsoever since Asian people are cool but it's not who I am.

At the end of the day it doesn't really matter what the ignorant people think or say but I can understand where you come from not being accepted by them especially since if it wasn't for that part you would find racially aware friends irl and then maybe even open them up to SS. Just keep your head up high because you know who you are and you have accepted it. Plus, if I can find some whites that are willing to be educated on this then I'm sure you can too. :)

Academic Scholar said:
Stormblood said:
And if you were to use the first affirmation, pairing it with the rune Odhal would be good ^^
Thank you! I just don't know what moon phase and moon sign to start a racial working like this in.

New moon to full makes sense to me. I've used this rune myself in several workings without taking into consideration of the waning or waxing and just made sure it wasn't void and it worked great for me. But using the moon could help a lot more.
Academic Scholar said:
Stormblood said:
And if you were to use the first affirmation, pairing it with the rune Odhal would be good ^^
Thank you! I just don't know what moon phase and moon sign to start a racial working like this in.

For the first affirmation, the Moon should better be waxing or Full. But I have no idea what sign would be best. Maybe a fixed sign like Taurus or Scorpio.

For the second affirmation, as suggested, New Moon might be the best. However, the sign is also important. For endings, you might want to do Pisces or Scorpio which are the best, in my opinion for the purpose at hand. Alternatively, there is also Capricorn, Aquarius or Taurus. The best rune in my opinion would be Oss/Ansuz.
Academic Scholar said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do you feel like elaborating a bit more so we can help better?

Your affirmations are not bad at all.
What would you do if you were most mixed with White and had a White Aryan soul but since you don’t look fully White the White race would never see you as one of their own and racially aware Whites would tell you to your face that you’re not white?

In life in general there will be people that do not accept you. The color of your skin does mean nothing on this at this point. Unfortunately, nor does the soul.

Any White person can go to any other White country and not be accepted.

Acceptance has also been derailed. For some reason people think free sex, free love, and free gurbs must come their way due to "acceptance". M

I have heard of the argument of "my soul is __insert what you would like to be___" here. There are Africans who claim their soul is "Norse". Whatever bullshit you want, there is someone to say it.

This is still of not major importance. An example here the jews will not accept any goy even if he keeps saying he is the best slave to rabbi jesus or a jew "in the soul".

Where you live is where you should be accepted. As for Whites in these clear White countries I tell you with reasurance they are the least racist people on earth and they will understand you.

It comes with being mixed however this reality. It is nothing bad now. However I try to explain to you that lack of accpetance or self acceptance is not about you being biracial but rather an internal and just social issue.

The thing is I knew a person half White half Asian. This person was accepted by everyone on his White side. Actually they kind of had them as something unique. However this never fixed their self acceptance issue. And they always felt alien regardless of what acceptancr and reasurance they received.

In other words their problem was in their mind not in the actual acceptance of either race.

Plus this is just a natural fact and it cannot be "changed".

It's only baffling you since you try to self force to be "White" and get the acceptance of them rather than accepting what you are and fitting where you can.

As to what I would do. I'd just accept the fact and go on and fit where I would be accepted, nation or race wise.

Life goes on and many of the so called "racially aware" people cannot see past their own nose just yet.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Academic Scholar said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do you feel like elaborating a bit more so we can help better?

Your affirmations are not bad at all.
What would you do if you were most mixed with White and had a White Aryan soul but since you don’t look fully White the White race would never see you as one of their own and racially aware Whites would tell you to your face that you’re not white?

I just wanted a racial identity :( ...
Academic Scholar said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Academic Scholar said:
What would you do if you were most mixed with White and had a White Aryan soul but since you don’t look fully White the White race would never see you as one of their own and racially aware Whites would tell you to your face that you’re not white?

I just wanted a racial identity :( ...

The race of your predominance is also your racial identity.

Not sure about your details for to give you an accurate answer. For example there are people who have 3 white ancestors 1 black.

This is clearly closer to White. There are people with two white ancestors and two blacks. This is where a person must choose which they will tend with.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Academic Scholar said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do you feel like elaborating a bit more so we can help better?

Your affirmations are not bad at all.
What would you do if you were most mixed with White and had a White Aryan soul but since you don’t look fully White the White race would never see you as one of their own and racially aware Whites would tell you to your face that you’re not white?

In life in general there will be people that do not accept you. The color of your skin does mean nothing on this at this point. Unfortunately, nor does the soul.

Any White person can go to any other White country and not be accepted.

Acceptance has also been derailed. For some reason people think free sex, free love, and free gurbs must come their way due to "acceptance". M

I have heard of the argument of "my soul is __insert what you would like to be___" here. There are Africans who claim their soul is "Norse". Whatever bullshit you want, there is someone to say it.

This is still of not major importance. An example here the jews will not accept any goy even if he keeps saying he is the best slave to rabbi jesus or a jew "in the soul".

Where you live is where you should be accepted. As for Whites in these clear White countries I tell you with reasurance they are the least racist people on earth and they will understand you.

It comes with being mixed however this reality. It is nothing bad now. However I try to explain to you that lack of accpetance or self acceptance is not about you being biracial but rather an internal and just social issue.

The thing is I knew a person half White half Asian. This person was accepted by everyone on his White side. Actually they kind of had them as something unique. However this never fixed their self acceptance issue. And they always felt alien regardless of what acceptancr and reasurance they received.

In other words their problem was in their mind not in the actual acceptance of either race.

Plus this is just a natural fact and it cannot be "changed".

It's only baffling you since you try to self force to be "White" and get the acceptance of them rather than accepting what you are and fitting where you can.

As to what I would do. I'd just accept the fact and go on and fit where I would be accepted, nation or race wise.

Life goes on and many of the so called "racially aware" people cannot see past their own nose just yet.

I wanted to add something in similarity to pretty much that there's nothing we can do to make some people see the side of mixed race people for now so we can't really worry about it but I felt I couldn't express it that well so I'm glad you took the time to say it and in way better way than I was gonna say it. Your reply helped me a lot as well. Thank you :)
hailourtruegod said:
Story of my life :roll: :lol:

My logical belief is that with the racially aware once the mass education of race is a thing then there won't be any problems for us. Most racially aware white who are without ( and of other racially woke races) have very limited knowledge of this subject and mostly go into it and continuously stay biased from understanding where mixed race people stand in this. Mostly probably because they don't care and I understand that. They just focus on what they know is white and there's nothing wrong with that. every time I find these people they can debate it against as much as they want but they always end up losing when I explain how a person that is mixed race but mostly white IS just a white person. Once I break it down to them. I think I only found one or two white people who stay in denial for bias reasons and just two is pretty good seeing I've run into these people many times. It can just be a little annoying if someone thinks like, " oh look at this Mexican who wishes he was white." (Which only non whites have said this to me and one of those two white people I mentioned) But even then I explain how that sentence is completely wrong since they are seeing a nationality as a race. I mean tbh being part of the Asian race wouldn't bother me whatsoever since Asian people are cool but it's not who I am.

At the end of the day it doesn't really matter what the ignorant people think or say but I can understand where you come from not being accepted by them especially since if it wasn't for that part you would find racially aware friends irl and then maybe even open them up to SS. Just keep your head up high because you know who you are and you have accepted it. Plus, if I can find some whites that are willing to be educated on this then I'm sure you can too. :)
How is a mixed race person who's predominantly / most mixed with White just a White person period ??

I should've clarified what I was trying to ask from the beginning. I was trying to ask how to deal with having a White Aryan soul yet not looking like the typical white person. I was brainwashed most of my life to be ashamed for being most mixed with White then once I find JoS and become proud of what I am, I get shamed by my race for not being 100% White, not looking like a typical white person and get regarded as non-white. So I was very confused. Then I heard how in Germany whites are waking up and even attacking people who they perceive as non-white immigrants, even though I'm not Arabic I thought that they'd probably attack me if I were there and it made me feel some type of way. But I see now I just have to deal with it and overcome it through acceptance, deep deprogramming and lots of magick workings. Your answer helped me the most thank you.
Academic Scholar said:
hailourtruegod said:
Story of my life :roll: :lol:

My logical belief is that with the racially aware once the mass education of race is a thing then there won't be any problems for us. Most racially aware white who are without ( and of other racially woke races) have very limited knowledge of this subject and mostly go into it and continuously stay biased from understanding where mixed race people stand in this. Mostly probably because they don't care and I understand that. They just focus on what they know is white and there's nothing wrong with that. every time I find these people they can debate it against as much as they want but they always end up losing when I explain how a person that is mixed race but mostly white IS just a white person. Once I break it down to them. I think I only found one or two white people who stay in denial for bias reasons and just two is pretty good seeing I've run into these people many times. It can just be a little annoying if someone thinks like, " oh look at this Mexican who wishes he was white." (Which only non whites have said this to me and one of those two white people I mentioned) But even then I explain how that sentence is completely wrong since they are seeing a nationality as a race. I mean tbh being part of the Asian race wouldn't bother me whatsoever since Asian people are cool but it's not who I am.

At the end of the day it doesn't really matter what the ignorant people think or say but I can understand where you come from not being accepted by them especially since if it wasn't for that part you would find racially aware friends irl and then maybe even open them up to SS. Just keep your head up high because you know who you are and you have accepted it. Plus, if I can find some whites that are willing to be educated on this then I'm sure you can too. :)
How is a mixed race person who's predominantly / most mixed with White just a White person period ??

I should've clarified what I was trying to ask from the beginning. I was trying to ask how to deal with having a White Aryan soul yet not looking like the typical white person. I was brainwashed most of my life to be ashamed for being most mixed with White then once I find JoS and become proud of what I am, I get shamed by my race for not being 100% White, not looking like a typical white person and get regarded as non-white. So I was very confused. Then I heard how in Germany whites are waking up and even attacking people who they perceive as non-white immigrants, even though I'm not Arabic I thought that they'd probably attack me if I were there and it made me feel some type of way. But I see now I just have to deal with it and overcome it through acceptance, deep deprogramming and lots of magick workings. Your answer helped me the most thank you.

Hey no problem. It always feels good to help out my people here.

I guess I worded myself wrong. We're obviously not just white people, physically. What I meant was spiritually. We have the traits and potential in our soul and even blood the white race carries and that itself makes us part of this group. Of course the average person will think it's nonsense to say this but that's because our world currently is backwards and people only see the physical instead of both it and the spiritual.

https://twitter.com/succubus_sheep/status/1055931897992351744?s=19 :D

I hope this doesn't upset you. I found it funny and wanted to share it.
I am also dealing with this situation psychologically. I am of mixed race according to my ancestry dna results. I am of black,Celtic and Nordic ancestry, with only a percentage of native american. I also have physical features that prove both my black and white ancestry. Which makes it hard for me to fit in fully with either race. It's like a "Too black to be white" and "Too white to be black" situation. I have darker skin than the average white person due to my predominant black ancestry, but I also have tiny red and blond hairs, and a bluish brown tint to the eyes and also a cleft chin which I heard was a Germanic trait. Adolf Hitler also had this trait in one of his portraits. I am not attracted to other black people unless they are mixed race like me and with obvious Norse features. I never actually fell in love with any black person in my entire life which is ironic considering that I'm mixed race. My hope is that satan will bless me with a pure gentile white male that I can connect spiritually with and eventually purify my race.
The Proud Gentile said:
My hope is that satan will bless me with a pure gentile white male that I can connect spiritually with and eventually purify my race.
That won't ever happen it doesn't work like that. He wouldn't be purifying you or your descendants at all; you would instead be altering and diluting him and his descendants. Find someone who is mixed like you are.
The Proud Gentile said:
I am also dealing with this situation psychologically. I am of mixed race according to my ancestry dna results. I am of black,Celtic and Nordic ancestry, with only a percentage of native american. I also have physical features that prove both my black and white ancestry. Which makes it hard for me to fit in fully with either race. It's like a "Too black to be white" and "Too white to be black" situation. I have darker skin than the average white person due to my predominant black ancestry, but I also have tiny red and blond hairs, and a bluish brown tint to the eyes and also a cleft chin which I heard was a Germanic trait. Adolf Hitler also had this trait in one of his portraits. I am not attracted to other black people unless they are mixed race like me and with obvious Norse features. I never actually fell in love with any black person in my entire life which is ironic considering that I'm mixed race. My hope is that satan will bless me with a pure gentile white male that I can connect spiritually with and eventually purify my race.
Mixing with a pure white wont purify your race, and will pollute his, what you have to find is someone who is racially similar to you
The Proud Gentile said:
I am also dealing with this situation psychologically. I am of mixed race according to my ancestry dna results. I am of black,Celtic and Nordic ancestry, with only a percentage of native american. I also have physical features that prove both my black and white ancestry. Which makes it hard for me to fit in fully with either race. It's like a "Too black to be white" and "Too white to be black" situation. I have darker skin than the average white person due to my predominant black ancestry, but I also have tiny red and blond hairs, and a bluish brown tint to the eyes and also a cleft chin which I heard was a Germanic trait. Adolf Hitler also had this trait in one of his portraits. I am not attracted to other black people unless they are mixed race like me and with obvious Norse features. I never actually fell in love with any black person in my entire life which is ironic considering that I'm mixed race. My hope is that satan will bless me with a pure gentile white male that I can connect spiritually with and eventually purify my race.
If you're predominantly Black, then you belong to the Black race and you're a Black person, which means you should only be with a Black man / mixed Black man or else it'd be race mixing. Since you're a Black person, being with a White or non-Black person would only destroy your race, not purify it. As the clergy has stated before, power meditation + the Magnum Opus will make you racially pure and the solution for mixed race people is to stick to the race they predominantly are.

I finally figured out that my issues really just stemmed from myself, I'm predominantly White but I could never accept that I'm a White person due to the kike brainwashing. All these racial issues can be solved through de-programming by self-hypnosis, magick workings and power meditation.
Academic Scholar said:
The Proud Gentile said:
I am also dealing with this situation psychologically. I am of mixed race according to my ancestry dna results. I am of black,Celtic and Nordic ancestry, with only a percentage of native american. I also have physical features that prove both my black and white ancestry. Which makes it hard for me to fit in fully with either race. It's like a "Too black to be white" and "Too white to be black" situation. I have darker skin than the average white person due to my predominant black ancestry, but I also have tiny red and blond hairs, and a bluish brown tint to the eyes and also a cleft chin which I heard was a Germanic trait. Adolf Hitler also had this trait in one of his portraits. I am not attracted to other black people unless they are mixed race like me and with obvious Norse features. I never actually fell in love with any black person in my entire life which is ironic considering that I'm mixed race. My hope is that satan will bless me with a pure gentile white male that I can connect spiritually with and eventually purify my race.
If you're predominantly Black, then you belong to the Black race and you're a Black person, which means you should only be with a Black man / mixed Black man or else it'd be race mixing. Since you're a Black person, being with a White or non-Black person would only destroy your race, not purify it. As the clergy has stated before, power meditation + the Magnum Opus will make you racially pure and the solution for mixed race people is to stick to the race they predominantly are.

I finally figured out that my issues really just stemmed from myself, I'm predominantly White but I could never accept that I'm a White person due to the kike brainwashing. All these racial issues can be solved through de-programming by self-hypnosis, magick workings and power meditation.

Yeah I can see your point there. I think that I'll just find a nice mixed race guy with my features. Intermixing with either of the pure races white/black would be equally destructive.
Nikolas said:
As I understood:
If you are predominatly black ( which means you are part black part white) then you are mixed, so you should only be with a mixed person. You cant be with a pure black and neither with a pure white.
Dont be disappointed about being mixed. I personally know a lot of whites ( pure) who are so dumb it makes me wonder how humans became so shitty. Prove that you are smart, gain understanding, meditate a lot, make the Gods proud, do RTRs. Be the way Gods wanted us the be when they created us. Prove you are worthy to be called a human being. Being mixed doesnt make any difference. You can be better than maaaany whites. Even though you are like this, im sure the Gods appreciate and love you:)
Read the " accepting one's self" sermon.
All the best :)

Thank you for this, I understand my place as a mixed race person and that I should only go with mixed people. I appreciate everything you just said. Thank you and have a great day
The Proud Gentile said:
Academic Scholar said:
The Proud Gentile said:
I am also dealing with this situation psychologically. I am of mixed race according to my ancestry dna results. I am of black,Celtic and Nordic ancestry, with only a percentage of native american. I also have physical features that prove both my black and white ancestry. Which makes it hard for me to fit in fully with either race. It's like a "Too black to be white" and "Too white to be black" situation. I have darker skin than the average white person due to my predominant black ancestry, but I also have tiny red and blond hairs, and a bluish brown tint to the eyes and also a cleft chin which I heard was a Germanic trait. Adolf Hitler also had this trait in one of his portraits. I am not attracted to other black people unless they are mixed race like me and with obvious Norse features. I never actually fell in love with any black person in my entire life which is ironic considering that I'm mixed race. My hope is that satan will bless me with a pure gentile white male that I can connect spiritually with and eventually purify my race.
If you're predominantly Black, then you belong to the Black race and you're a Black person, which means you should only be with a Black man / mixed Black man or else it'd be race mixing. Since you're a Black person, being with a White or non-Black person would only destroy your race, not purify it. As the clergy has stated before, power meditation + the Magnum Opus will make you racially pure and the solution for mixed race people is to stick to the race they predominantly are.

I finally figured out that my issues really just stemmed from myself, I'm predominantly White but I could never accept that I'm a White person due to the kike brainwashing. All these racial issues can be solved through de-programming by self-hypnosis, magick workings and power meditation.

Yeah I can see your point there. I think that I'll just find a nice mixed race guy with my features. Intermixing with either of the pure races white/black would be equally destructive.

That must really suck. I'm scared to take one of those in fear of being in the same boat. Pretty sure I am just white from our records though. Another worry is having one's significant other get something incapatable. Being mixed must be lonely in that sense, being someone who is more ethical.
Academic Scholar said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do you feel like elaborating a bit more so we can help better?

Your affirmations are not bad at all.
What would you do if you were most mixed with White and had a White Aryan soul but since you don’t look fully White the White race would never see you as one of their own and racially aware Whites would tell you to your face that you’re not white?

Ask people to stop being dicks and accept the facts. If you are mostly white you are white but mixed. White first though. Sometimes just white maybe.
Academic Scholar said:
I have a lot of racial shame, denial and hatred. I subconsciously think I'm a different race than the one I really am due to brainwashing and racial hatred. Its time that I deal with this, so I want to go into a deep trance and deprogram myself from all this racial hatred and shame. Affirmations aren't my forte which is why I'm making this post, I wanted suggestions/help on what racial affirmations one can do to deprogram themselves from any racial hatred towards themselves and other Gentiles. These are the affirmations I've made so far:

"I fully embrace my [insert own race] ancestry, heritage, and racial identity."
"I'm now free from any and all racial shame, denial and hatred forever in a positive, healthy manner for me."
i was told by people that i am not "white enough" or that i looked different.
All Satanic Races are awesome in their own ways

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
