Racial Clarity Working
START: Waxing moon in Taurus or Cancer. The best time is as close to the full moon as possible. Always try to do this in the hour of the Moon. Never start this during the Void of Course Moon.
1. Raise your energies: https://archive.fo/nLuwC
2. Vibrate the rune OTHAL or it’s variations 24 times or 40 times. 24 is the number of OTHAL, 40 is Lord Satan’s number.
3. Affirm 9 times:
“I’m consciously and completely aware of which race my soul truly belongs to and of what my true race is in all ways forever.”
Do this everyday for 40 days, 80 days or 90 days.
How to pronounce OTHAL:
To obtain planetary hours, download this free software:
JoS Planetary Calendar For 2021: