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Nov 14, 2024
Hello my Brothers and Sisters !

I have a question about Turkish blood and race.

For the first,I m turk and I have white skin and I want to ask,are the original Turkish people(without some arab mix and etc) white?
Yes. All of the middle east and most of northern Africa were originally white populations.
You could do a DNA test as well , to see your blood origins and know more about yourself, forget about the country overall , it's about what are you, I need to do one myself, I am full white but I am curious to see the other % of origins , you never know, why not to try , nothing to lose.
You could do a DNA test as well , to see your blood origins and know more about yourself, forget about the country overall , it's about what are you, I need to do one myself, I am full white but I am curious to see the other % of origins , you never know, why not to try , nothing to lose.
I know in some past there were some discussions regarding the inaccuracies of DNA tests and how Jews might lie about the rest results in order to confuse people about their origins and race.

I'm unsure whether there were any other talks on this topic.
You could do a DNA test as well , to see your blood origins and know more about yourself, forget about the country overall , it's about what are you, I need to do one myself, I am full white but I am curious to see the other % of origins , you never know, why not to try , nothing to lose.

I heard that,DNA tests are jewish scam
The DNA tests are not perfect. There are some cases where they lie, they say that white people have some black or jew DNA when it is not true. They say that jews are white and do not have jew DNA. They purposefully change results. This is not in all cases, but it has been done some times.

The real problem with how these are done is that the base data sampling citizens who have been in these different countries for generations to get the information of what DNA is related to that country's population, they did not sample these correctly or accurately. In places like England and France, they sampled black people's DNA and said that these people are English or French. They did not sample from only the real generational citizens. So there are some problems with what is determined to be related to each country. This again was not done in every case, but enough of it was done to cause some problems in the results.

The DNA test can give you a general idea. But realize that it is not perfect and it can give some wrong results. But most of the information will be correct at least in the larger percentages of where it says you are from. If it says something like for example 50% Arabian, 20% Greek, 20% Dutch, or something like this. These will generally be true. But in the very small percentages where it says like 1% or half a %, this is where there are more often some problems.
If it says something like for example 50% Arabian, 20% Greek, 20% Dutch, or something like this. These will generally be true. But in the very small percentages where it says like 1% or half a %, this is where there are more often some problems.
I think this is generally true. I would never fully trust these DNA tests. I know a lot of European people that did a DNA test and it said that they’re like 3% Jewish. Now they’re all marching under the Jew banner and defending them at all costs. Really a dreadful sight to see.
Да. Весь Ближний Восток и большая часть Северной Африки изначально были белыми.
ЗHello, I am just beginning to understand Satanism but I have a question: Can I be a Satanist and defend European values being an Ethnic Kazan Tatar? I was born in Ukraine]
ЗHello, I am just beginning to understand Satanism but I have a question: Can I be a Satanist and defend European values being an Ethnic Kazan Tatar? I was born in Ukraine]

Welcome! And you can be a Satanist
As I know people from all races can be SS expect kikes and people who have jewish blood

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
