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Race mixing

One Wire Phenomenon

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2020
If a white women has slept with a black guy before is it safe to have sex with her?
Does the black guys soul connect with me aswel after i have sex with her? How will i know if she has slept with a black guy or not,is it just a trusting thing or will i be able to notice it?
One Wire Phenomenon said:
If a white women has slept with a black guy before is it safe to have sex with her?
No her soul and mind has been permanently ruined and lots of blacks have HIV.

Does the black guys soul connect with me aswel after i have sex with her? How will i know if she has slept with a black guy or not,is it just a trusting thing or will i be able to notice it?
Just ask her. It should be the standard for everyone woman you talk to. If you are too scared don’t ask it directly but say “were all of your past partners white”?
One Wire Phenomenon said:
If a white women has slept with a black guy before is it safe to have sex with her?
Does the black guys soul connect with me aswel after i have sex with her? How will i know if she has slept with a black guy or not,is it just a trusting thing or will i be able to notice it?

In my opinion:

If this was a one time case, not a longterm relationship or if she doesn´t have mixed children,

if you do your protection and your cleaning everyday you should be fine.

We should avoid people who are realy negative, like heavy drug users, etc.

Because they are low on energy/connected to bad energy, I see it like if you mix a new battery and a nearly empty one, the new one get´s more discharged exponiently, it isn´t worth doing.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
If a white women has slept with a black guy before is it safe to have sex with her?
Does the black guys soul connect with me aswel after i have sex with her? How will i know if she has slept with a black guy or not,is it just a trusting thing or will i be able to notice it?
If you're at a point where you both are intimate enough to have sex together you could just ask her.
Personally I would never have a relationship with any race mixers.
Unless the white woman weighs 600 pounds, or she is part jewish, there is an extremely low chance that she has done that. The only people that do this, 99% of the time are either part jewish or they are so fat that they can't even walk.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Unless the white woman weighs 600 pounds, or she is part jewish, there is an extremely low chance that she has done that. The only people that do this, 99% of the time are either part jewish or they are so fat that they can't even walk.

Thats not true! A lot of Beautyful white girls think its a good thing to be with blacks guys. I have seen a lot of pretty white women who are absolutely gorgeous and who date black guys. Here where i come from if a black person is neatly dressed with a proper Afrikaans or English acsent the white girls love it unfortunately.
Mt question is is it safe for me to have sex with a white women who has been with another race i mean will it pollute my soul?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Unless the white woman weighs 600 pounds, or she is part jewish, there is an extremely low chance that she has done that. The only people that do this, 99% of the time are either part jewish or they are so fat that they can't even walk.

Not 99% of the time but. LOL.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Unless the white woman weighs 600 pounds, or she is part jewish, there is an extremely low chance that she has done that. The only people that do this, 99% of the time are either part jewish or they are so fat that they can't even walk.

What the hell does being fat have to do with what OP said? :lol:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
If a white women has slept with a black guy before is it safe to have sex with her?
Does the black guys soul connect with me aswel after i have sex with her? How will i know if she has slept with a black guy or not,is it just a trusting thing or will i be able to notice it?

No :roll: you’re not having sex with the black guy. This seems to be common amongst even non spiritual Satanist men, they can’t fathom the thought that a woman has slept with someone else before because it means she’s tarnished or something abrahamic sounding.
I was searching the JoS and i found this so im just shaing it but i still do not have a awnser yet to my question.

Exposing lies about “benefits” of race mixing and in-breeding depression
In many communist-owned countries there is a long going hoax that people have to breed with “the more – the better” far genetic types to themselves to create “healthy kids” with less genetic diseases. Those who say so somehow mix two notions of breeding with your own race and… incest. Jews created a hoax that Whites were “in-breading too long so they became somehow sick race and White women somehow needs “fresh genes” from non-white (a code word for mass rape) to create “more genetically healthy generation”. I wish to share some non-jewish material that fully debunks this pseudo-scientific hoax to make our people destroy their body and soul.

This hoax is fully based upon non-realizing the existence of different races. Example how it works. It is as absurd as not admitting the existence of tigers and lions as different type of cats. Big cats have this problem of many generational incest cause territorial problems. Real incest – father with daughter, mother with son, etc – and so many generations. Still they would not mix with other cats in non-zoo natural conditions. When people mix them in zoo they realize those born are less healthy even then those born from close relatives inside one type in nature. Still when it comes to humans, they still try to mix water with electricity while we have no territorial problems nor many generational ongoing incests.

I was told by scientists in those countries they do experiments with rodents: if you breed one hamster with another from the far area, cubs will be healthier. Their Doctors and Professors can’t get the difference between different species and different area. My answer was: try to breed hamster with a rat – and you will have your race-mixing. They understand hamsters more than themselves. A Black is less close to them than a rat to a hamster. What they do with hamsters is like breeding two pure Nordic Scandinavians: one – from Norway and another – from Sweden. What they do with their private lives is the same as sleeping with animals or birds. This is what Jews did to science.

From the article Miscegenation

Miscegenation is a term referring to sexual relations between individuals of different racial origins. Popularly known as “race mixing”.

Merriam-Webster: “a mixture of races; especially: marriage, cohabitation, or sexual intercourse between a white person and a member of another race”.[1]

Miscegenation comes from the Latin miscere, “to mix” and genus, “kind, race”. It dates to 1863.[2]

“Miscegenation: The Theory of the Blending of the Races, Applied to the American White Man and Negro” was the name of a propaganda pamphlet printed in New York City in December of 1863, and the first known instance of the word’s use. The pamphlet purported to be in favor of promoting the intermarriage of whites and blacks until they were indistinguishably mixed, claiming this was the goal of the Republican Party.

The pamphlet was revealed to be a written by by anti-Lincoln Northern Democrats (“Copperheads”) to discredit the Republicans, the Lincoln administration, and the abolitionist movement. Some radical elements of the abolitionist movement did in fact did support the goals of the pamphlet, but it was largely because miscegenation was so repulsive to the common man that this propaganda was effective.

From the article Effects of race mixing

This article describes research on the effects of race mixing. This includes research not only on groups where the parents are from different races but also on groups where the parents themselves are race mixed.


In general, for characteristics that are affected by a large number of genes (which is likely usually the case), one would expect that a mixed-race group would have characteristics intermediate between those of the parental/ancestral races.

However, if the parents/ancestors were atypical compared to the racial average(s), then this would to some degree affect this expectation. One factor affecting the relatives of atypical parents may be regression to different racial mean effects.

There is a widespread belief that race mixing is beneficial by decreasing inbreeding. However, the population size needed to avoid problems caused by inbreeding is small and is even smaller if there is even a small genetic exchange with neighboring groups from the same race.

From the article on inbreeding depression.

Inbreeding depression refers to reduced (depressed) biological fitness in the offspring of genetically very closely related individuals while outbreeding depression refers to reduced biological fitness in the offspring of distantly related individuals. More generally it refers to reduced biological fitness in whole populations due to such effects.

In particular outbreeding depression is an important genetic consequence to consider in regards to the effects of race mixing. However, it is very rarely mentioned, with the focus often instead being on on the supposed benefits of a reduction of inbreeding depression, despite the population sizes needed to avoid inbreeding depression being very small and even smaller if there is even a small genetic exchange with neighboring groups from the same race.

Avoiding inbreeding depression

The population number needed to avoid inbreeding depression has been studied in biology due to many species dramatically decreasing in population sizes due to the effects of humans on the environment.

An often cited rule is the 50/500 rule which states that for wild animals a minimum of 50 individuals is needed to avoid inbreeding depression due to recessive alleles.[4]

Furthermore, a minimum of 500 individuals is needed in order to avoid decreasing genetic variability within the population. This since otherwise the number of new mutations will be lower than effects of random genetic drift which decrease genetic variability. It has been questioned how important a high genetic variability is. For example, there are species of albatrosses which have survived for nearly a million year despite extremely low genetic variation.[4][5] A high genetic variability may mainly be important if the environment should dramatically change.

The 50/500 rule assumes conditions that seldom exist in practice. This may be due to factors such as only a few females living long enough to reproduce, only a few males reproducing, or large fluctuations in population size (for example, due to periodic droughts). It has therefore been estimated that for many species the numbers may be 10 times as large. This number varies greatly for different species and may be much lower for species with a low fertility (such as humans).[4]

On the other hand, selective breeding has been performed with considerably less than 50 individuals without any obvious negative effects.[4] Another aspect of selective breeding is breeding between very closely related individuals in order to “fix” desired characteristics. This may however be accompanied by negative side-effects.

The 50/500 rule assumes a completely isolated group. In practice many groups of wild animals have some genetic exchange with neighboring groups. Even only a very small such exchange with neighboring groups dramatically reduces the numbers needed in order to avoid inbreeding depression.[4]

Some critics have argued that 50/500-numbers are too low while other critics have argued that they are too high (in particular for long-lived species such as humans).[6][7]

Contrary to popular belief, a population that has been inbreeding for a long time may have reduced risk of inbreeding depression due to the harmful recessive alleles increasingly being removed from the population by natural selection.

From the article Effects of race mixing

Instead [in race-mixing], there may be greater risks of negative effects for both children and parents caused by factors such as

1. Genetic outbreeding depression.
2. Increased risk of relationship problems (including violence and homicide) in interracial relationships.[1]
3. Identity problems for mixed-race children by not belonging to any racial group.
4. Social isolation for mixed-race children by not belonging to any racial group.
5. Disapproval by society or specific groups against interracial relationships. For example, many Jewish individuals, organizations and the state of Israel actively oppose, campaign against, and prohibit Jews from marrying non-Jews.[2]
6. Genetic similarity theory predicts that the parents and other relatives of mixed-race children will feel less close to the mixed-race children. It also predicts that other persons belonging to the races of the parents will feel less close the mixed-race children. In turn, mixed-race children are predicted to will feel less close to their parents, other relatives, and to other persons belonging to the races of the parents. This may cause various problems for the children, the parents, and others.

Extensive race mixing is one proposed explanation for the fall of many civilizations due to dysgenic effects.[3][4]

Even if there were no dygenic effects from race mixing, for society large scale race mixing may still cause problems due to factors such as the appearance of new mixed race groups that may feel more or less alienated from their ancestral races. This may increase the ethnic heterogeneity in a society and associated negative societal effects.

Race mixing may be especially problematic for societies where the predominant race is a high K race (see the article about the Differential K theory) with a high degree of altruism and a consequent extensive welfare system. This means that immigrant race mixers from a low K race may have many children without having to support the children themselves and who are instead supported by the welfare systems. (Immigrants from low K races may also have many children within their own group and who are supported by welfare systems paid for by the high K race.)

From the viewpoint of transmitting a parent’s genetics to the next generation, mixed race children will transmit less. This since a co-parent from another race will have more dissimilar genetics than a co-parent from the same race. For example, the measured genetic differences between human races is argued to imply that a White English parent will in relative terms be almost twice as closely related to a child with a White English co-parent as to a mixed race child with a Black Bantu co-parent. In terms of the genetic interests of a parent this is argued to imply that having a non mixed child is almost the equivalent to having twice the number of such mixed race children. Another stated example is that a parent will be genetically closer to an average individual of the parent’s own race than to the parent’s own mixed race child with a co-parent from a genetically distant race.[5][6]
United States

Intimate partner violence

A 1989 study stated that the risk of spouse homicide was 7.7 times higher in interracial marriages relative to intraracial marriages, that the risk for White wives was 12.4 times higher in interracial marriages, and that the risk for White husbands was 21.4 times higher in interracial marriages.[1]

The Council of Conservative Citizens has furthermore argued that the above understates the risk for in particular White females. This since research found many cases of White females being killed by other Blacks while being in the company of a Black boyfriend, many cases of White females dying of drug overdoses while they did drugs with Black males, or otherwise dying because of “accidents”. In addition, there were many stated cases of Black boyfriends killing family member or close friends. About half of these were young children of a mother who was dating a Black male.[7][8]

A 2009 study stated that Black men in interethnic relationships were more likely than Black men in intra-ethnic relationships to perpetrate acts of partner violence.[9]

A 2010 study stated that interracial couples had a higher risk for intimate partner violence, including intimate partner violence causing physical injury and/or arrest, than both ethnic minority and White couples.[10]

A 2012 study stated that the prevalence rate for any occurrence of intimate partner violence was highest for interethnic couples. Interethnic couples also had more severe intimate partner violence. Male partners in interethnic couples had higher rates of binge drinking and alcohol problems compared to male partners in intra-ethnic couples.[11]

A 2013 study stated that interracial couples demonstrated a higher level of intimate partner violence (including mutual intimate partner violence) than monoracial white couples and a level similar to monoracial black couples.[12]

Other studies on interracial relationships

A 2005 study stated that “Interracial marriage is associated with increases in severe distress for Native American men, white women, and for Hispanic men and women married to non-white spouses, compared to endogamous members of the same groups. Higher rates of distress are observed for intermarried persons with African American or Native American husbands or wives, and for women with Hispanic husbands.”[13]

A 2008 study stated that “Partners in interethnic unions generally reported lower levels of relationship quality than did partners in same-ethnic unions. These differences held for women as well as men, and for married as well as cohabiting couples. Differences in relationship quality were largely accounted for by more complex relationship histories, more heterogamous unions, fewer shared values and less support from parents. In contrast, differences in socioeconomic resources did not appear to play an explanatory role.”[14]

A 2011 study found that “nonblack individuals with black partners have significantly more depressive symptoms and less relationship satisfaction than their counterparts with nonblack partners, regardless of respondent race and whether the nonblack partner is the same versus a different race from the respondent. Further, the relationship between partner race and depressive symptoms is partially and significantly mediated by relationship satisfaction.”[15]

A 2012 survey which also reviewed earlier studies stated that interracial marriages in general have a greater risk for divorce. White females/Non-White males have the highest risk.[16]

Mixed-race children

A 2003 study stated that most earlier studies on mixed-race adolescents had found increased risk for emotional, health, and behavior problems. The most common suggested explanation was identity problems, leading to lack of self-esteem, social isolation, and family problems in mixed-race households. The study stated that it was the first using a large, nationally representative sample. Compared with non-mixed adolescents the mixed race adolescents often had increased risk for various health problems, substance abuse problems, and behavior problems. While there were differences between different mixed race groups, there was a generally increased risk for all race combinations for most risks.[17]

A 2006 study found increased risks for multiracial adolescents for various problems including violent behaviors.[18]

Another 2006 study which examined behavioral health found that multiracial Hispanics/Latino adolescents and multiracial non-Hispanic adolescents had more behavioral health problems than monoracial Hispanic adolescents.[19]

A 2008 study stated that “Over the past 40 years the fraction of mixed race black-white births has increased nearly nine-fold…. As one might expect, on a host of background and achievement characteristics, mixed race adolescents fall in between whites and blacks. When it comes to engaging in risky/anti-social adolescent behavior, however, mixed race adolescents are stark outliers compared to both blacks and whites…. Mixed race adolescents — not having a natural peer group — need to engage in more risky behaviors to be accepted.”[20]

A 2008 study of Chinese-Caucasian, Filipino-Caucasian, Japanese-Caucasian and Vietnamese-Caucasian individuals found that biracial Asian Americans were twice as likely as monoracial Asian Americans to be diagnosed with a psychological disorder.[21]

United Kingdom

A 2014 UK study stated that mixed-race children and young people had greater risk for mental health issues due to poor self-esteem, hostile and rejecting relationships, and the experience of discrimination from both Black and White peers. They were overrepresented in the youth justice system, in the child protection system, and in the looked after system.[22]


A 2014 Dutch study found that mixed marriages between Dutch and Muslims had no effect on their friends and families cultural views and therefore did not lead to “integration of minority groups”. The researcher stated that “It is a false hope to think mixed marriages bring different groups in the population closer together” and “A mixed marriage rarely leads to emotional ties between the two partners’ families and friends”. Furthermore, “The family relationships are rarely harmonious” with various cultural conflicts within the relationship and between relatives.[23]

South Korea

A 2005 article stated that mixed race individuals in South Korea often had poorer educational outcomes, difficulty getting a job, often worked as day laborers, had difficulties in dating, had higher risk for criminality, and that 40% had attempted suicide. One stated explanation was racism by Koreans.[24]

Latin America

A higher degree of European ancestry in American countries is associated with higher achievement test scores according to a 2014 analysis using genetic data.[25]
A higher degree of Amerindian ancestry in Mexican districts is associated with lower achievement test scores according to a 2014 analysis using genetic data.[26]

Latin America (and also the parts of the Caribbean speaking non-Latin languages) has had extensive race mixing. There is a marked racial hierarchy in which individuals and groups having a lighter skin color usually have higher socioeconomic status as well having higher average results on many other beneficial statistical variables. This has been argued to be the most important social structure and more important than traditional classes.[27]

Such a racial hierarchy still exists in Communist Cuba despite large scale attempts to eradicate it through forced measures.[27]

Haiti has been ruled by Blacks for two centuries and few Whites have lived in the country. Despite this, there is still a racial hierarchy with Mulattoes usually having a higher socioeconomic status than Blacks.[27]

Whites are only a few percent of the population in many other countries in the Caribbean which has been argued to make it hard to claim that Whites could politically oppress the other parts of the population. East Asians have never had any political power and often arrived as indentured labors but have today usually a high socioeconomic status like Whites.[27]

Residential racial segregation (despite similar income) is common in for example Brazil and also between Blacks and Mulattoes.[27]

A 2014 article found 31 genetic admixture studies which reported, for individuals residing in the Americas, associations between continental ancestry (e.g., European, Amerindian, Sub-Saharan African, East Asian, and Pacific Islander) and some index of educational attainment or socioeconomic status. None of the associations went in a direction opposite to that predicted by the average IQ scores of the ancestral populations. The results were argued to “support a racial hereditarian hypothesis along with others that predict a fairly internationally consistent association between continental ancestry and cognitively correlated indices of socioeconomic status such as education, income, and job prestige”.[28]

South Africa

In South Africa the term “Coloured” refers to a mixed race group with heterogeneous origins. The group has been stated to usually be intermediate between the Black and White populations on many statistical variables but to deviate from this regarding certain variables such as regarding the frequency of homicide which has been stated to be the highest of any racial group in South Africa.[27]

One explanation for this is that “Coloured” feel alienated from both the Black and the White populations and join criminal gangs partly in order to get a sense of belonging.

The last important thing I wish to say here about Inbreeding depression and incest. Race mixing and non-White immigration does not stop but ENFORCES it. And I will explain why.

Again, example of how it works with tigers. Siberian male tiger fights for up to 3 thousands kilometers territory against other males. When humans [other species] reduce natural territories, other males have no way to go, and therefore die out. So one male becomes the father of all cubs born on this only left by humans territory. And as far as the other males were ripped off of territory and females and therefore had no cubs, the only new male generation is going to be brothers of all new female generation. So, one brother would strip others off of territory and breed with all sisters, so we have even more close genes here, and so it goes – closer and closer with every generation.

Now what it all has to do with White Genocide. Other species – Blacks, Asians and mixed/Browns – come and mass rape, mass murder and mass mutilate White people, deprive them from homes, from territory and space. More and more people die of violence. They flee from no-go zones i.e. their territory reduces. Those survived being raped [gene-refreshed] do aborts and are less healthy and more traumatized to bear even their own race kids in future. White Race of European descent was 35% in 1900 and is only 9% now due this, 2% women of breeding age. We go less and less… and guess what?? If we go 100 persons left on the Earth our children will HAVE to incest – the closer a specie is to extinction, the closer it is to incest. These 2 processes go hand by hand.

The Lion

White incest is what liberal kikes tell us they are fighting against, and white incest is what is the final result of all their fight.




Ol argedco luciftias said:
Unless the white woman weighs 600 pounds, or she is part jewish, there is an extremely low chance that she has done that. The only people that do this, 99% of the time are either part jewish or they are so fat that they can't even walk.

And also woman weighs 600 pound with pink/blue hair ,she also wears big square glasses.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Unless the white woman weighs 600 pounds, or she is part jewish, there is an extremely low chance that she has done that. The only people that do this, 99% of the time are either part jewish or they are so fat that they can't even walk.
This is not true, there are many Whites who race mix, not as much as the enemy would like to but there are some unfortunately.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
If a white women has slept with a black guy before is it safe to have sex with her?
No the black person's soul cannot connect to your one, there is no way. But there is something else even more dangerous. There are cases of white women giving birth to black babies, with white partners.
I think the above article is misleading but is the only one I could find. Is actually white women who had unprotected sex with black mans (I don't understand how the other way around like in the article can be possible). It is known that sex with other people to some extent impacts the DNA as well. It is possible that spermatozoids from the black person remained inside the woman's uterus and somewhat fecundaded when the woman conceived the baby with the white man. Is a possible explanation. This before anything else is a proof of how toxic race mixing is. I also read about the other way around, black couples giving birth to white babies, but I think in that case there is a disease called albinism which might explain this.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Unless the white woman weighs 600 pounds, or she is part jewish, there is an extremely low chance that she has done that. The only people that do this, 99% of the time are either part jewish or they are so fat that they can't even walk.
If you go to the big capitals of white countries like London, Berlin, Rome, Madrid, Paris, in US big cities etc, you will likely see thousands of mixed race couples and families. Unfortunately is not only 600 pounds white women who engage in race mixing, there are endless racially unaware women (and men) who see nothing wrong in mixing with blacks or arabs or indians etc, irrespective of how they look. Is more about racial unawareness and stupidity than physical aspect.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Unless the white woman weighs 600 pounds, or she is part jewish, there is an extremely low chance that she has done that. The only people that do this, 99% of the time are either part jewish or they are so fat that they can't even walk.

Actually my aunt married a guy who is 75 percent black and a quarter white. This doesn't excuse racemixing and I still wish she chose a white man but the guy is pretty hardworking decent and professional in manner and pretty successful. Hes never mistreated her. Hes far removed from the ghetto types. Even in his voice you wouldn't hear that he was black. Guess she's the 1percent?

Again dont do this people. I mean my cousins are good ppl too and didn't choose their parents but still again, nothing excuses racemixing by any means. I never asked why she chose him.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
If a white women has slept with a black guy before is it safe to have sex with her?
No her soul and mind has been permanently ruined and lots of blacks have HIV.

Does the black guys soul connect with me aswel after i have sex with her? How will i know if she has slept with a black guy or not,is it just a trusting thing or will i be able to notice it?
Just ask her. It should be the standard for everyone woman you talk to. If you are too scared don’t ask it directly but say “were all of your past partners white”?
Thank you i feel the same! But i would like to know what the HP has to say about this because i listened to a audio sermon on JoS and she said that Satan will forgive people who have done such acts,but they should not do it anymore. If Satan forgives this then it means i can have sex with her because obviously the person who He forgives will still need to have sex and who is it going to be? A whitety! If their soul was completely destroyed then then Satan would not give them a second chance and forbid it to have sex with them i think. So thats why i need to know.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Thank you i feel the same! But i would like to know what the HP has to say about this because i listened to a audio sermon on JoS and she said that Satan will forgive people who have done such acts,but they should not do it anymore. If Satan forgives this then it means i can have sex with her because obviously the person who He forgives will still need to have sex and who is it going to be? A whitety! If their soul was completely destroyed then then Satan would not give them a second chance and forbid it to have sex with them i think. So thats why i need to know.
Satan can forgive whoever he wants for any reason. You and I are not Gods. We have no obligation to do such a thing. This is not a xtain cult of forgiveness. I don’t “forgive” and do not associate with any woman that has done such things.

If one has any self respect and dignity they will have the mentality that I have regarding this, but it’s up to every individual to decide if they would be a with a coal burner and support such acts.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
If a white women has slept with a black guy before is it safe to have sex with her?
No her soul and mind has been permanently ruined and lots of blacks have HIV.

Does the black guys soul connect with me aswel after i have sex with her? How will i know if she has slept with a black guy or not,is it just a trusting thing or will i be able to notice it?
Just ask her. It should be the standard for everyone woman you talk to. If you are too scared don’t ask it directly but say “were all of your past partners white”?
Thank you i feel the same! But i would like to know what the HP has to say about this because i listened to a audio sermon on JoS and she said that Satan will forgive people who have done such acts,but they should not do it anymore. If Satan forgives this then it means i can have sex with her because obviously the person who He forgives will still need to have sex and who is it going to be? A whitety! If their soul was completely destroyed then then Satan would not give them a second chance and forbid it to have sex with them i think. So thats why i need to know.
You have to act and think with your own head.
If that woman has fucked blacks, what makes you think that she will never do it again? What does Satan's forgiveness have to do with all of this? the woman isn't even an SS.
Satan forgives those who found the truth and understand their past mistakes, so they will never race mix again. How does this have to do with a girl who most likely is gonna fuck another black when the occasion arises?
If you want to fuck inferior human beings go on, satisfy your "needs", but don't twist reality to make it seem that it's OK to fuck mudsharks.
Aquarius said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
No her soul and mind has been permanently ruined and lots of blacks have HIV.

Just ask her. It should be the standard for everyone woman you talk to. If you are too scared don’t ask it directly but say “were all of your past partners white”?
Thank you i feel the same! But i would like to know what the HP has to say about this because i listened to a audio sermon on JoS and she said that Satan will forgive people who have done such acts,but they should not do it anymore. If Satan forgives this then it means i can have sex with her because obviously the person who He forgives will still need to have sex and who is it going to be? A whitety! If their soul was completely destroyed then then Satan would not give them a second chance and forbid it to have sex with them i think. So thats why i need to know.
You have to act and think with your own head.
If that woman has fucked blacks, what makes you think that she will never do it again? What does Satan's forgiveness have to do with all of this? the woman isn't even an SS.
Satan forgives those who found the truth and understand their past mistakes, so they will never race mix again. How does this have to do with a girl who most likely is gonna fuck another black when the occasion arises?
If you want to fuck inferior human beings go on, satisfy your "needs", but don't twist reality to make it seem that it's OK to fuck mudsharks.
Hey im not twisting nothing okay !!
Stop being such a grumpy asshole
If the women was SS then yes i would make love to her by all means. If she is not then no i wont unless i know it wont effect me and that is why i am asking. Fuck sakes
One Wire Phenomenon said:
If a white women has slept with a black guy before is it safe to have sex with her?
Does the black guys soul connect with me aswel after i have sex with her? How will i know if she has slept with a black guy or not,is it just a trusting thing or will i be able to notice it?
Well here depend on how much she has slept with black guys, if she did it only once i dont think it's that big of a problem still i would not recommend it, sleeping with people from other races from what i read on the forum can confuse the soul and messing things up.
Well the only way to know is to ask right? Still asking directly especially as the world is today can give a bit of a red flag for her that ''yO rAcIsT'' so... try to make it sound like a silly joke in way?
Firstly, I am not an expert about this topic but I think what matters is her current viewpoint towards race-mixing and having a relationship with another race. If she did such things before and does not have any intention to do them again right now, it means that she understood her mistake. What I mean is that every day more people are becoming aware of how detrimental is race-mixing, so there will be people who made such wrong activities before but now feeling regretful. So, I think the important thing is not if she's done it before, the main thing is whether she recognize it now as a mistake or a normal activity. If you perceive this, you can decide what to do.

Also, I am thinking about the mixed children. It was not their choice and I kinda feel sad about them.

Shadowcat said:
Again dont do this people. I mean my cousins are good ppl too and didn't choose their parents but still again, nothing excuses racemixing by any means. I never asked why she chose him.

I believe it is also distressing for that guy too, as he didn't choose his family, to have a mixed identity :(

Besides,I have such questions in my mind like, what about their future families? I mean, they have those double-identity crisis and they have the both genes, but whom they can be with if they are mixed? For eg. if a person has both black and white parents, do they suppose to be with a white person or a black one? (BTW Please could anyone inform me if you have an info about this?)
Lenore said:
Firstly, I am not an expert about this topic but I think what matters is her current viewpoint towards race-mixing and having a relationship with another race. If she did such things before and does not have any intention to do them again right now, it means that she understood her mistake. What I mean is that every day more people are becoming aware of how detrimental is race-mixing, so there will be people who made such wrong activities before but now feeling regretful. So, I think the important thing is not if she's done it before, the main thing is whether she recognize it now as a mistake or a normal activity. If you perceive this, you can decide what to do.

Also, I am thinking about the mixed children. It was not their choice and I kinda feel sad about them.

Shadowcat said:
Again dont do this people. I mean my cousins are good ppl too and didn't choose their parents but still again, nothing excuses racemixing by any means. I never asked why she chose him.

I believe it is also distressing for that guy too, as he didn't choose his family, to have a mixed identity :(

Besides,I have such questions in my mind like, what about their future families? I mean, they have those double-identity crisis and they have the both genes, but whom they can be with if they are mixed? For eg. if a person has both black and white parents, do they suppose to be with a white person or a black one? (BTW Please could anyone inform me if you have an info about this?)

thank you
Sundara said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
If a white women has slept with a black guy before is it safe to have sex with her?
Does the black guys soul connect with me aswel after i have sex with her? How will i know if she has slept with a black guy or not,is it just a trusting thing or will i be able to notice it?

No :roll: you’re not having sex with the black guy. This seems to be common amongst even non spiritual Satanist men, they can’t fathom the thought that a woman has slept with someone else before because it means she’s tarnished or something abrahamic sounding.

Yea i have noticed that too
Lenore said:
Firstly, I am not an expert about this topic but I think what matters is her current viewpoint towards race-mixing and having a relationship with another race. If she did such things before and does not have any intention to do them again right now, it means that she understood her mistake. What I mean is that every day more people are becoming aware of how detrimental is race-mixing, so there will be people who made such wrong activities before but now feeling regretful. So, I think the important thing is not if she's done it before, the main thing is whether she recognize it now as a mistake or a normal activity. If you perceive this, you can decide what to do.

Also, I am thinking about the mixed children. It was not their choice and I kinda feel sad about them.
Too bad for them. Mixed’s should be sterilized so that the racial carnage cannot continue.

Besides,I have such questions in my mind like, what about their future families? I mean, they have those double-identity crisis and they have the both genes, but whom they can be with if they are mixed? For eg. if a person has both black and white parents, do they suppose to be with a white person or a black one? (BTW Please could anyone inform me if you have an info about this?)
Someone that is mixed, no matter what race(s) should NEVER go white. If someone is half black they should always go black since their children will be pure again very easily since the black genes express strongly. With other more obscure mixes it can be hard to tell. Usually what you resemble is the best route, a hapa should go Asian, but never white. It’s simple.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Lenore said:
Firstly, I am not an expert about this topic but I think what matters is her current viewpoint towards race-mixing and having a relationship with another race. If she did such things before and does not have any intention to do them again right now, it means that she understood her mistake. What I mean is that every day more people are becoming aware of how detrimental is race-mixing, so there will be people who made such wrong activities before but now feeling regretful. So, I think the important thing is not if she's done it before, the main thing is whether she recognize it now as a mistake or a normal activity. If you perceive this, you can decide what to do.

Also, I am thinking about the mixed children. It was not their choice and I kinda feel sad about them.
Too bad for them. Mixed’s should be sterilized so that the racial carnage cannot continue.

Besides,I have such questions in my mind like, what about their future families? I mean, they have those double-identity crisis and they have the both genes, but whom they can be with if they are mixed? For eg. if a person has both black and white parents, do they suppose to be with a white person or a black one? (BTW Please could anyone inform me if you have an info about this?)
Someone that is mixed, no matter what race(s) should NEVER go white. If someone is half black they should always go black since their children will be pure again very easily since the black genes express strongly. With other more obscure mixes it can be hard to tell. Usually what you resemble is the best route, a hapa should go Asian, but never white. It’s simple.
I agree if they are mixed they must stay with mixed,if the are black stay black simple!!
Sundara said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
If a white women has slept with a black guy before is it safe to have sex with her?
Does the black guys soul connect with me aswel after i have sex with her? How will i know if she has slept with a black guy or not,is it just a trusting thing or will i be able to notice it?

No :roll: you’re not having sex with the black guy. This seems to be common amongst even non spiritual Satanist men, they can’t fathom the thought that a woman has slept with someone else before because it means she’s tarnished or something abrahamic sounding.
Except we're not talking about a woman who has sex with white guys but with black guys. That's a no go for myself.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Lenore said:

Firstly, thank you for the other answers, but this one is not adequate for someone to understand their mistakes. I mean, I may be wrong about this situation since I am still learning. But to understand the right attitude, I need to know why you think it is wrong. I appreciate if you explain it.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Too bad for them. Mixed’s should be sterilized so that the racial carnage cannot continue.

Someone that is mixed, no matter what race(s) should NEVER go white. If someone is half black they should always go black since their children will be pure again very easily since the black genes express strongly. With other more obscure mixes it can be hard to tell. Usually what you resemble is the best route, a hapa should go Asian, but never white. It’s simple.
I am doubtful that the first line is in line with our Gods' view.

Then on the second paragraph you contradict yourself.

It would be more humane solution for mixed people to continue copulating with the dominant genotype than to disable their reproduction. Then again, if someone knowingly goes against this then it would be totally justified to smack them down, I think.

What do you think?
Henu the Great said:
I am doubtful that the first line is in line with our Gods' view.
I’m not a Demon so I’m unsure why you are telling me this. Gods are the most pure beings in the universe, so they want that for us. Obviously it doesn’t mean that they hate mixed people thought they certainly have more compassion than me.

Then on the second paragraph you contradict yourself.
I can’t enforce no mixed reproduction and some of those that are mixed may want to have children so I gave them a solution. If I was supreme leader this wouldn’t be happening though, so there’s no contradiction.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Henu the Great said:
I am doubtful that the first line is in line with our Gods' view.
I’m not a Demon so I’m unsure why you are telling me this. Gods are the most pure beings in the universe, so they want that for us. Obviously it doesn’t mean that they hate mixed people thought they certainly have more compassion than me.
I'm telling you it because our Gods are our guides, and we should do in accordance to their guidances. Now, is what you said in accordance with their guidance? Of that, I'm doubtful.

I can’t enforce no mixed reproduction and some of those that are mixed may want to have children so I gave them a solution. If I was supreme leader this wouldn’t be happening though, so there’s no contradiction.
The contradiction is my eyes became from you saying two different things in one post, so why would you say there is no contradiction?

Above all, is all of this in accordance with our Gods? Of that I'm most curious here and if at all possible it would be nice if not you then someone else would clear this out.

You are right that we can't enforce anything right now. In the future however... That would be another case.
HpHC & Hps Shannon both commented on this here. They did not specifically state will of the Gods but they did more or less agree about mixed races sticking to the dominant race type.
solun said:
HpHC & Hps Shannon both commented on this here. They did not specifically state will of the Gods but they did more or less agree about mixed races sticking to the dominant race type.
Thank you for clarifying.
solun said:
HpHC & Hps Shannon both commented on this here. They did not specifically state will of the Gods but they did more or less agree about mixed races sticking to the dominant race type.

Isnt it better for race mixed people to just procreate with other mixed race people? After all they are a race already. I have seen some very decent coloured people and they are proud to be coloured and have coloured children. They have their own unique culture in a way and isnt that something that also should be preserved?
One Wire Phenomenon said:
solun said:
HpHC & Hps Shannon both commented on this here. They did not specifically state will of the Gods but they did more or less agree about mixed races sticking to the dominant race type.

Isnt it better for race mixed people to just procreate with other mixed race people? After all they are a race already. I have seen some very decent coloured people and they are proud to be coloured and have coloured children. They have their own unique culture in a way and isnt that something that also should be preserved?
In some cases, yes.

In other cases going with the dominant race is better option.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Unless the white woman weighs 600 pounds, or she is part jewish, there is an extremely low chance that she has done that. The only people that do this, 99% of the time are either part jewish or they are so fat that they can't even walk.

Well, if you knew my mom you'd probably stop thinking that :lol: :lol: Although she actually had long-term family and self-esteem issues when she met my father
SouthernWhiteGentile said:

Each time I read your comments I just smile and roll my eyes lmao.

Why did you write the quote upside down in your signature btw?
Write it normal and not upside down.

We do this with the tetra to reverse that🙃
Sundara said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
If a white women has slept with a black guy before is it safe to have sex with her?
Does the black guys soul connect with me aswel after i have sex with her? How will i know if she has slept with a black guy or not,is it just a trusting thing or will i be able to notice it?

No :roll: you’re not having sex with the black guy. This seems to be common amongst even non spiritual Satanist men, they can’t fathom the thought that a woman has slept with someone else before because it means she’s tarnished or something abrahamic sounding.

Be realistic, what's happened, has happened.

Only in severe cases this is to be taken seriously, or if you seek marriage or something. And even then, most people nowadays have done a lot of things, so one is probably going to end up alone if they have imaginary standards.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
If a white women has slept with a black guy before is it safe to have sex with her?
Does the black guys soul connect with me aswel after i have sex with her? How will i know if she has slept with a black guy or not,is it just a trusting thing or will i be able to notice it?
Personally, I wouldn’t touch a race mixer with a ten foot pole. The only exception would be if they’re an SS who has renounced race mixing, cut off all links from their sex chakra and has cleaned their aura/chakras everyday for 2+ years. In my opinion, SS should only be lovers with other SS of their own race or Succubi/Incubi.

Someone who has never cleaned their aura is like someone who has never taken a shower in their life. Would you have sex with someone who has never taken a shower? No.
Academic Scholar said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
If a white women has slept with a black guy before is it safe to have sex with her?
Does the black guys soul connect with me aswel after i have sex with her? How will i know if she has slept with a black guy or not,is it just a trusting thing or will i be able to notice it?
Personally, I wouldn’t touch a race mixer with a ten foot pole. The only exception would be if they’re an SS who has renounced race mixing, cut off all links from their sex chakra and has cleaned their aura/chakras everyday for 2+ years. In my opinion, SS should only be lovers with other SS of their own race or Succubi/Incubi.

Someone who has never cleaned their aura is like someone who has never taken a shower in their life. Would you have sex with someone who has never taken a shower? No.
Same here.
NinRick said:
Each time I read your comments I just smile and roll my eyes lmao.
That doesn’t surprise me at all you are very immature much more than myself. How about you actually give a detailed response or rebuttal to someone for once?

Why did you write the quote upside down in your signature btw?
Explained on the post “hearing things”.
Academic Scholar said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
If a white women has slept with a black guy before is it safe to have sex with her?
Does the black guys soul connect with me aswel after i have sex with her? How will i know if she has slept with a black guy or not,is it just a trusting thing or will i be able to notice it?
Personally, I wouldn’t touch a race mixer with a ten foot pole. The only exception would be if they’re an SS who has renounced race mixing, cut off all links from their sex chakra and has cleaned their aura/chakras everyday for 2+ years. In my opinion, SS should only be lovers with other SS of their own race or Succubi/Incubi.

Someone who has never cleaned their aura is like someone who has never taken a shower in their life. Would you have sex with someone who has never taken a shower? No.
I get what you mean but if its just casual sex it should not matter at all. Only if you want to have kids and marry them but even then I think if you are a SS you should be with another SS if its possible because obviously you are more compatible and can understand each other better.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
