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Race mixing!

Don't know who said that the kkk is bad but there is nothing wrong with being proud of your race everyone else is proud of theirs just because I I'm from the south and proud of my race I'm a bad guy right
On Apr 23, 2015 8:03 PM, "kyleshand@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  @Deuce White + @the_fire_starter

I am simply being honest about the feelings I experience as a human being because without honesty and truthfulness we can not actually learn anything.

I am a White/European, of Anglo Saxon ancestry. I want my children and my descendants long after I am gone to be that as well, like most other dedicated Satanists here I share the concerns about race mixing.

At the same time, I feel sexual attraction to females of all races and if I get to know one on a personal level sometimes feel emotionally drawn to them too.

Now because that's how it is within myself I can only assume this is how it is for most people. Most of us are able to feel attracted to all races but many of us also have higher sentiments about preserving our heritage.

Also @the_fire_starter, I would be interested to see the Venus placement and aspects in the charts of a person who is not attracted to their own race as you mentioned. Because that sounds like a damaged Venus to me.
@Rob Wilson: You're not a bad guy, obviously :) KKK IS bad for many reasons: 1)It's xian, 2)it attacks non-whites instead of jews 3)it uses things like physical violence 4)it's infiltrated by jews. If you research on the origins of KKK you'll notice it was originally an occult organization, not a xian one and it's obvious from the occult symbolism it uses.
@the_fire_starter   Hey it's okay. I know you wasn't. I was replying to you and another person in one post is the reason I explained things how I did then.
BloodYou carry in your blood the holy inheritance of your fathers and forefathers. You do not know those who have vanished in endless ranks into the darkness of the past. But they all live in you and walk in your blood upon the earth that consumed them in battle and toil and in which their bodies have long decayed.

Your blood is therefore something holy. In it your parents gave you not only a body, but your nature.

To deny your blood is to deny yourself. No one can change it. But each decides to grow the good that one has inherited and suppress the bad. Each is also given will and courage.You do not have only the right, but also the duty to pass your blood on to your children, for you are a member of the chain of generations that reaches from the past into eternity, and this link of the chain that you represent must do its part so that the chain is never broken.

But if your blood has traits that will make your children unhappy and burdens to the state, then you have the heroic duty to be the last.

The blood is the carrier of life. You carry in it the secret of creation itself. Your blood is holy, for in it Satan's will lives.  Helmut Stellrecht
For the Hitler Youth (1938)

On Friday, April 24, 2015 4:47 AM, "Shannon Outlaw soutlaw92@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I want to reply on this subject.
I am not completely attracted to men of my race. I am a black female and I for one have been a dedicated satanist for going on 6 years and have been empowering my soul and have been actively here in the groups for sometime. I understand the situation and have accepted it and have come to terms with them. I was told by HP maxine and the gods that everything will be fine and that there are always exceptions. I believe the ignorance and soul imbalance and brainwashing people are mentioning here perhaps applies to those who are without. I am surprised how some satanists get attacked for having a different opinion. I am a dedicated satanist and go accordingly to Satan's will and plan and I honestly don't care at all what others think of me now because the only thing that matters is what the gods think of me.I am not here to be liked by everyone here. And I will like to see who the first one here will be to call me an infiltrator or troll here.
Race mixing is wrong and it definitely destroys a race. I know not to have children with others outside of my race because I believe in sustaining each of the beautiful races so that they may advance and live on because they are so unique. Though I am not entirely sexually attracted to my race and do not see them sexually in that way, I want the best for them and want them to grow.
There are those who are lost and brainwashed and confused and we all need to work out this problem if so any. The best thing to do is to keep meditating to clear out any and all problems and imbalances. We all have our problems.
Hail Satan!
Hail our Creator God Satan.

On Friday, April 24, 2015 2:46 AM, "j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @egon_88_666: No it's not because the people I'm talking about are known dedicated Satanists here for many years who have been empowering their souls and know race-mixing is bad. I can't get into more details, but really I'm not talking at all about outsiders. HP Maxine even said that in non-jewwashed environments race mixing does happen but it's very rare, less than 1% of population.

@Shannon Outlaw     Can I ask, are you attracted specifically to a certain race of men or are you just not attracted to your own race? Like are you attracted to White, Asian, Arab etc just not Black. Or is there one specific race you tend to feel most draw to?

Because if you are attracted to all men but those of your own race then that could be a form of negative programming deep in your sub conscious mind against your own race.

Another thing I want to share with people here, who may not know this, is that sexual fetishes are the result of anxieties of one form or another. For instance, there is a huge market for sexual humiliation, domination, masochism etc many things which are around things people have anxieties about on a daily basis. Cuckold porn is popular too. (It's where a man watches his wife have sex with other me).

If you create too much of an anxiety within yourself around the subject of race mixing, or if you create that within your children for instance, you can get an unwanted backlash. This is the same with any subject or any particular thing you have insecurities and anxieties about. Sexual orgasm is an emotional release, it's a moment of being totally open to another person, so any anxieties or personal hangups a person has often find expression in sexual behaviors.

I am not saying, go ahead and race mix. I am saying, be conscious of the kind of inner narrative you talk to yourself with. If you make interracial sex, into something dark, forbidden and taboo in your mind, you could accidently create an unconscious desire for it.

This doesn't just apply to race mixing, we see this all the time in the kinds of sexual expression people are finding nowadays. It's a reaction to sexual repression and negative subconscious programming.
@Roib Wilson. Yes the KKK of today, not the original Druids, or Free Masons I believe they were, are racially proud yes, But most hate all other races just like kikes. That's not a manifesto that is Satanic, but rather Xian, or Jewhovan in origin. I mean they've killed thousands of innocent Blacks, and other races. I do not condone racial slurs/racism unless it comes to kikes. I prefer racialism which is also  National Socialist idealogy that calls for separation of all races, not racism. You might also check out the tale of jewbola on here

Not that I'm really getting onto you, trying to educate.

Check out the original KKK here.

The Satanic Origins of the Ku Klux Klan  https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ages/33453  
@KyleshandI speak for myself.
I am not attracted to all men of other races, just one, and that is not most important to mention here.

As I have mentioned before, I have analyzed and accepted the situation and have been honest with myself in why I am.

In my time of meditating it has become more clear to me. I carry no negative emotion about the subject whatsoever and I definitely do not try to fight it or create a psychological backlash. I simply let my meditations heal whatever may need healing and so far after years I feel no change. Just peace with it, thanks to the gods. But the more I meditate, the more I have a deep love of my race and a desire for wanting the best for them. Before I was so confused and thought something was very wrong with me though I knew my intentions were not of any kind of conditioning. I have always felt a deep attraction to one main race. But all and all the most important thing is the mind with which I am attracted to. Everyone is different.
And in saying again, I love my race and want them to carry on and grow and continue to advance and be strong and healthy. I desire to teach them and guide them and become a leader of my race in our upcoming new satanic world. But sexually I am not attracted to and do not see them in that way. I also do not desire to have children what so ever with any other races at all and if I did have a child I would rather him or her to be of my race quite naturally but anyway...
 The idea of race mixing does not appeal to me because it really is detrimental in the long run. When you see the individual beauty of each race then you understand why.
Everyone SHOULD want to preserve their race and if they didn't, that is a form of suicide and self hate.
More of a reason to elevate the soul and clean and clear out the dross and any "imperfections" therein.Power meditation is key~~
To those who feel they may not be attracted to their own race, take the time to be completely honest with yourself and ask yourself and higher self why that is. Let power meditation help you come to terms with any, if so, hang ups or problems and realize the beauty and unique metaphysic of your race. As was said over and over again, there are exceptions and so I speak for myself and won't judge anyone. Consistent meditation will handle any problems, if any, in the long run.
 With a currently jewed up world, harmful social conditioning and centuries of soul degeneration, we all have some negative aspect deep in ourselves in one way or the other that needs healing.
Keep meditating.

Responsibility to the responsible.

 Hail our Creator God Satan.
@Shannon Outlaw

Nobody's gonna dog on ya for liking men for other races. I personally like asian chicks, certain looking black chicks, and middle eastern chicks.. And I'm mostly Aryan.

I just take it out in the porn heh.. We all know better than to do that. It's destructive. I dunno how this shit happens other than to guess mixing multiple cultures in one country together for centuries causes this..

While I will say that multiple countries having ties is good, I will also say that each should be to their own country. I don't see why anyone would call you that.. I mean, you sound very earnest, and from that post the other day I saw RichardLester respond to from 2011 I surely wouldn't think that nor should anyone else.

We all like what we like. No need to point fingers, or get haughty anyone. I personally and some others.. only stated above that race maxing is deadly without the extensive links to back up the claim. I studied it over a year ago so I lost the information heh.. 
<td val[/IMG]To see brothers and sisters in Satan here openly admitting they would distory their race........ Truly it sickens me to the core. I am not speaking of Shannon Outlaw here as she understands that one should not mix. But to the others, your ancestors are frowning down open you. Just because your mixed does NOT give you any form of right to distory your races. In fact to the ones who are survirly mixed it is your DUTY to be the last of your line. I really don't care what your "into" race mixing of ANYFORM is wrong and will have no place in a Satanic world.

At Apr 25, 2015, 7:38:37 PM, descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]<'[email protected]' wrote: @Shannon Outlaw

Nobody's gonna dog on ya for liking men for other races. I personally like asian chicks, certain looking black chicks, and middle eastern chicks.. And I'm mostly Aryan.

I just take it out in the porn heh.. We all know better than to do that. It's destructive. I dunno how this shit happens other than to guess mixing multiple cultures in one country together for centuries causes this..

While I will say that multiple countries having ties is good, I will also say that each should be to their own country. I don't see why anyone would call you that.. I mean, you sound very earnest, and from that post the other day I saw RichardLester respond to from 2011 I surely wouldn't think that nor should anyone else.

We all like what we like. No need to point fingers, or get haughty anyone. I personally and some others.. only stated above that race maxing is deadly without the extensive links to back up the claim. I studied it over a year ago so I lost the information heh..
What i can do to bring the truth to my fellow students? I dont want them to believe the jewish bullshit! And dont want them to die in christians hell:-(
@Yog: You kinda got me lost mate. So basically your logic says this "if you understand you should not mix, then it's OKAY to mix". But "if it happens you don't understand you should not mix, then it's NOT OKAY to mix". Did I get it right? 
It makes no sense. 
And please explain what does this "if you're severely mixed it's your duty to be the last of you line" means. Cause it can mean many things, including that they should not procreate at all, and go extinct -- which is plain shit cause it's not at all on you to tell others how and what to do with their lives, just because you're racially purer than them (this is but an assumption tho). There are always other ways to go around this. 
And I feel I should mention a few things before you go on rampage calling me a troll, infiltrator and possibly a kike. I'm White of European descendant and there are no known mixes in my genealogy. I'm fully proud of being White and I'm not a supporter of race mixing.
But there are always exceptions. And one thing keeps on getting back on my mind. If (some of?) the Gentile Gods were not to mix with humans, we weren't even here. This should not serve as an excuse to race mix. Not at all. And I'm well aware that the situation back then was diametrically different of the situation we live in today. But since you mentioned the place of things in a satanic world, I thought I should mention that. 

Pe 26 avr. 2015, la 04:54, Yog Sothoth yogsothoth666999@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] a scris:

<td val[/IMG]To see brothers and sisters in Satan here openly admitting they would distory their race........ Truly it sickens me to the core. I am not speaking of Shannon Outlaw here as she understands that one should not mix. But to the others, your ancestors are frowning down open you. Just because your mixed does NOT give you any form of right to distory your races. In fact to the ones who are survirly mixed it is your DUTY to be the last of your line. I really don't care what your "into" race mixing of ANYFORM is wrong and will have no place in a Satanic world.

At Apr 25, 2015, 7:38:37 PM, descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666][url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]' wrote: @Shannon Outlaw

Nobody's gonna dog on ya for liking men for other races. I personally like asian chicks, certain looking black chicks, and middle eastern chicks.. And I'm mostly Aryan.

I just take it out in the porn heh.. We all know better than to do that. It's destructive. I dunno how this shit happens other than to guess mixing multiple cultures in one country together for centuries causes this..

While I will say that multiple countries having ties is good, I will also say that each should be to their own country. I don't see why anyone would call you that.. I mean, you sound very earnest, and from that post the other day I saw RichardLester respond to from 2011 I surely wouldn't think that nor should anyone else.

We all like what we like. No need to point fingers, or get haughty anyone. I personally and some others.. only stated above that race maxing is deadly without the extensive links to back up the claim. I studied it over a year ago so I lost the information heh..
christian hell does not exist. Very few people get caught by that soul collector and the so called christian hell is just a mind trip run by greys and angels.

On Thursday, April 30, 2015 4:00 AM, "peliterapeutti@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  What i can do to bring the truth to my fellow students? I dont want them to believe the jewish bullshit! And dont want them to die in christians hell:-(

I just have to say that hes right ... don't call him a troll jew or a kike cause all he is doing is asking a legitimate question!
I'm confused with the race mixing topic, I'm half Mexican / half white. So does that mean I cannont have kids do to this reason. also I saw yog say something about mixing races is wrong and you will have no place in the Satanic world. Does that mean I'm not accepted. i need more knowledge to understand what you guys are trying to explain. Thanks!
averyjohn, if you are Gentile (non-Jew) and were sincere in your dedication to Lord Satan, you are accepted.

On Friday, May 1, 2015 1:38 PM, "averyjohn616@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I'm confused with the race mixing topic, I'm half Mexican / half white. So does that mean I cannont have kids do to this reason. also I saw yog say something about mixing races is wrong and you will have no place in the Satanic world. Does that mean I'm not accepted. i need more knowledge to understand what you guys are trying to explain. Thanks!

Thanks man, I was very sincere and I'm actually working on building up my connection with satan. Also I have been meditating and working on the 40 day meditation program. Have a good day!
Alright I can see your earnesty, but I keep asking you have you done this? See below.

How to Dedicate You Soul to Satan  If you haven't then you'll have to wait until after you do. When you are undedicated it's downright dangerous to fight like this. The enemy will harass you miserabally. Don't go thinking you're some kind of all powerful hero who should, or can withstand pain needlessly it's childish, and inconsiderate of yourself.

Dedicate before you start fighting.
Mexican isn't a race actually. There white mexicans, amerindian mexicans and mexicans that are a mix of those two. I believe there's a member here who is Mexican yet she's blond haired and blue eyed. Chances are that you're considered white yourself too.
Ok--sorry so late for answering, I haven't checked this topic for a while. So in the meantime they go back to the astral?
To anyone who thinks that race mixing is alright. It isn't. Yog Sothoth meant that if you are mixed then you should not be the first to have kids because the racial purity needs to be restored. It doesn't mean you should not have kids period.

Anyone who is mixed, most of us are, I am, you are fully accepted in the Satanic World which was the original world before our enemy hit us. Whichever race you are more of is the one you should go with. I am mostly celtic so I will do that. This method will steadily restore the racial purity. You could be mixed with four or more things and you will still be accepted.

The enemy(jews) promote race mixing to ruin us Spiritually, Culturally, Nationally, physically, psychologically, mentally, and all other methods of destruction that are brought about by it.

Race mixing is seriously dangerous, and should not be performed under any circumstances and we would not have naturally done so.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
