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Race mixing!

@kyleshand: 1) Of course the person is white if he has over 75% or something white blood. Like you said it's almost impossible not to have other racial genes unless you live in a very secluded place. Note BTW this refers to having children mostly. Not just having a relationship with a person of a different race. It's procreating mixed blood thats dangerous. The whole thing is genetics mostly.2)No it's not. Like I said above, there are no confusion of genes involved.
But for practical purposes, it's much better to be with another SS than anybody else. Often people who have relationships with atheists or whatever else feel like a wall between them, like they can't express themselves properly and they also might have problems with them. Either relationship with a SS or a succubus/incubus is the best choice and safest one. Laveyans are atheists, they're not Satanists. By Pagans, do you mean neo-pagans? If yes, most of them follow xian-like ideas of universal tolerance and other BS like that. You'll probably have problems with them as well if you tell them you practice spiritual warfare against the jews and you hate the jews.
I even think having a relationship with a succubus or incubus is even better than with a dedicated Satanist sometimes. There are cases where 2 different SS's have incompatible personalities and don't fit for eachother. The best thing, together with an incubus or succubus of course is finding your soulmate. If you indeed find who your soulmate is then you won't have to worry any more about relationships.
Note: just to clarify some things here: I'm certainly NOT condoning trying to summon an incubus/succubus when you're just new and haven't done anything else or you don't have an idea about them or you underestimate them and think they're sex toys. It certainly is good for experienced SS's who know things though.
The Dire Consequences of Race-Mixing You would think that educating people about the negative consequences of race-mixing would be gratefully received and seen as similar to giving warnings about the dangers of smoking or fast food. And yet, when the subject does get brought up and you do try to warn people, they don’t thank you for it, but accuse you of ‘hating’ bi-racial people instead. If people knew the facts about race and the differences between them, they would realize that it is actually the parents of bi-racial people that are hating them, by forcing this genetic status on them in the first place. Herein, I hope to give people a better understanding of the real life consequences of race-mixing. There is very little around on the internet that is specifically devoted to the subject and most people I find have never even really thought about it before.  The fact is, one quick fumble between the sheets can have a lasting negative effect on all successive generations. Genetic Similarity Theory There are two genetically directed instincts within us regarding choosing a mate. The most powerful one is explained by ‘Genetic Similarity Theory.’ This is the drive that makes you seek out a partner with a large amount of the same hereditary genes as you. This is to ensure that the features your combined genes contribute to in your children, physical and mental, are the same as the ones your ancestors had. This is the reason why there are people that look like you from far back in your family past, like grandparents or great grandparents. This is not just because you are related to them, it is because their parents choice of partner was similar to your own parents choice of partner. Your hereditary genes will have stayed the way that they were in your ancestors, being continually passed down from generation to generation, molding descendants in the likeness of their predecessors. This is why you get musical families, where each generation has musicians in it. The parent instinctively finds a partner with the same genes that their parents had and the talent for music can be passed on. It is also why people say that husbands pick wives who are similar to their mothers. If there were no drive to find partners with similar hereditary genes then there would be no distinct races. If you are mixed race, then there will be no-one in your family past that you resemble. They will all have been prevented from having an unobstructed influence on your form and character. The second, lesser instinct is for variety, and this is there to ensure that you don’t mate with an extended family member, encouraging you to look for someone who is unlike you. This will add novel DNA to your offspring’s genome, leading to less chance of genetic disease. It is the source of the phrase ‘opposites attract,’ and works well when you are living among your own race, creating a healthy, disease-resistant population. Unfortunately, if other races are living among you, it can turn into a genetically destructive desire to mate with them and will result in a weakening of disease resistance. Different races are susceptible to different diseases and this susceptibility will then be passed on to the mixed race child, giving them both races’ weaknesses instead of just the one. Mendelian Inheritance In a mixed race relationship between two pure types, the children will not have a smooth blend of characteristics from each parent, but the characteristics will each separate out into their individual racial components forming a patchwork of features in the offspring. This is true for all hybrids, even ones produced from breeds of the same species, and is why plant breeders do not generally create seed from F1 hybrids; the finished plants will show individual features from each parental type, rather than a harmonious blend, with the majority of the plants showing more of the dominant type’s characteristics. If you crossed a recessive small leaf plant with a dominant big leaf plant, you would not get a medium leaf plant, but a mainly big leaf one, with a few small leaves here and there. If you bred the hybrid back in with the pure types, you would no longer be able to predict quite how the plants would turn out, as each formerly pure type would have been adulterated and every so often, it would produce a plant with wildly differing characteristics to the parent’s type. The same happens with animals; you cannot get back to a pedigree once you have been left with a mongrel. Hybridization shatters the form entirely into separate units of characteristics, and these units get jumbled up again each time they get passed on. People see attractive half-castes and think that the children will inherit the same characteristics, but it is impossible for them to be passed on like that, as they separate out again into the individual races’ features ensuring there is no unity of form to be passed on. Since Black genes are dominant and White genes are recessive, Mulattoes will always look more Black than White. This is why the mixed race ‘Seal’ (Black/Mestizo) and the White Heidi Klum’s two children look nothing whatsoever like either parent: they do not have a harmonious brown blend of each parents features, but have predominantly Black features instead. Species, Subspecies and Breeds According to the evolutionary definition of race, races started out as the same species, but have diverged far enough apart from one another over time, to now almost be classified as separate species. In all defining categories man is composed of subspecies at least and by many standards, the variations are enough for the races to be classed as different species entirely. For example, if you saw two animals, one with feathers and one with fur, you would call them different species. The difference between Caucasian hair and Negro ‘hair’ is nearly as big a difference as between fur and feathers. The reality is that Negro ‘hair’ can be felted as it lacks the natural oil glands of real hair. It actually has far more in common with wool than it does hair and was defined as such up until the last century. The differences between the races of man show more variance between them than even different breeds of dog do, which is why races are not called breeds. Human breeds are the separate strains within the race, Caucasian for example has Nordic, Alpine, Slavic, Mediterranean and others. Breeding between the human races is like breeding bulls with mares or goats with sheep; both of these produce viable offspring, so being able to produce offspring together is no guarantee of being the same species. Differences Between the White and Black Races People like to say that Caucasian man has only 0.5% difference in his DNA from a Negro, implying that there is only a very small difference between them; yet, there is only 1.5% difference in DNA between a Caucasian and a chimpanzee. A very small amount of change in the DNA makes for huge differences between species, due to the many different ways that the genes themselves can be combined. Unlike the Cultural Marxist lie that race is only skin deep, just about every part of the body is uniquely different among the races. They have different genital size, position and placing, different shape and sized feet, legs and arms, different amounts of teeth, eggs and muscle, different skull shape and thickness, in fact the bones themselves are so entirely different from each other that forensic scientists can tell what race someone is just from a tiny scrap of bone from anywhere in the body, by sight alone. Blood transfusions are not possible between the races (yet they are possible between cats and dogs) and neither are bone marrow transplants. A mixed race person stands little chance of finding a donated organ that will not reject their mismatched body, since the organs are irreconcilably different as well. Obviously, the skin is different (the largest organ of the body), but so are the lungs, testicles, brain and kidneys. Caucasoid brains are larger than Negroids and the frontal lobes have deep fissures associated with complex problem solving, whilst Negroid brains are smaller and have shallow fissures. Consequently the average Negro IQ is 15 points lower than the average Caucasian IQ. This result is found regardless of geography and social status. Negroes adopted into affluent White families and Negroes in Africa and in America all produce the same averaged IQ results. Obviously not all people have their average racial IQ and there are always exceptional individuals at either end of the scale, yet exceptions serve to prove the rule, rather than to negate it. Different Rates of Hormones From The Biology of The Race Problem using breeds of dog as an example: ‘It may be assumed that in two behavioral types the genetics of each system is different, and the interaction between the genetic factors and the glandular processes also differs. Within the pure behavioral types there is a harmonious relationship between behavioral systems and the other bodily organs. This holds both for the inactive and active types. Among the hybrids however, in which there is mixed physical form, there is also a disharmonious relationship between the bodily organs and the reaction systems. The factors which influence behavior become mixed and varied, just as those which determine physical form. In the mixed types, the harmonious relationship found within each pure behavioral type is BROKEN UP, and the result is DISHARMONY among the systems.’ One of the most important differences between the races is the rate of hormones that each produce. Hormones control our emotions, our pain control, our sensitivity – all the different feelings that affect our behavior are correlative with various secretions from different glands. Mixed race individuals can have a different rate of secretions to that needed for the particular organs that they have ended up with, which can cause highly unstable temperaments. This is caused by the same conflicting racial characteristics that result in things like having a Negro skull but Caucasian skin, or a Caucasian skeleton with Negro skin. Rather than having each organ being partially Caucasian and partially Negro in a harmonious blend of the two, some of the organs will be Negro but some will be Caucasian. So you might get White testicles in a predominantly Black body for instance, or a Black brain in a White body. In a mixed race person who appears to be mainly Negro, there is no way to predict whether all his organs are too. Negroes have higher testosterone rates than Whites and are more aggressive and less emotionally-balanced because of this, but at least their organs are intended for that amount of testosterone. Hormone irregularities are also linked with depression and not surprisingly there is a very high rate of depression, as well as all other health problems, among mixed race individuals when compared to non-mixed individuals. There is also a much higher suicide rate among mixed race children – they are five times more likely to commit suicide than someone of a singular race. Women, Children and Marriage Children like to look like their parents.  Little girls especially like to look like their mother. It must be very upsetting for mixed race children to see someone who looks nothing like them, that they will not be growing up to look like. It must also be very upsetting to know that this was knowingly done to you, by your own parents. Beauty products to make Black people look White are a massive industry – from wigs to skin whitening creams, Blacks desperately want to make themselves look White. A mixed race child has to live with the knowledge that they could have been born happy with their skin color and content with their hair type, if only their parents hadn’t deliberately deprived them of this. Some people like to think that they ‘own’ their bodies, but you can only really own something that you have made yourself or that you have purchased. The human body is formed according to it’s genes and you are just its trustee. The beneficiary is the race, and the genes are relying on you to replicate them in a way that they can continue to grow in the form nature chose for them. You are just the current captain of your gene-chariot, not the owner of it, and the consequent drivers are all counting on you to be a careful pilot.  Women who commit miscegenation are giving away something that is not theirs to give, since they owe their very existence to their ancestors, who laid down their lives to protect them and provided everything that they now benefit from. As well as the permanent alteration to your posterity’s genes, mixed race relationships are also more likely to split up and even more alarmingly, White women are 12 times more likely to be killed by a Black husband than a White one, and White men are 21 times more likely to be murdered by a Black wife than a White one. Conclusion Race is more fundamental than gender, and yet gender confusion is acknowledged as a disorder that modern medicine thinks is so drastic that it requires physical mutilation to attempt to put right. How much more of a disorder is being mixed race? Does anyone seriously think a child would choose to have no ancestors, no people, no community? These unfortunates do the best they can with a bad lot, trying not to end up hating life and despising those who do have a family tree behind them. And there is nothing whatsoever that they can do about it. Even three month old babies know more about race than most adult Europeans; they show a preference for the faces of their own race, even when they are of people they have never seen before. They instinctively know what race they are. Which race’s face is it that 3 month old mixed race babies find comforting? The natural state of babies and children is racist, and this lasts until they are old enough to understand and succumb to the liberal programming that all Whites are now subjected to.  
@Peter Thomas

Actually the disorientation sensation is supposed to happen AFTER adding elemental layers to the aura.Maybe some other meditation you did that is causing it?

Here HP Vovim Baghie tells how to add elemental layers to the aura in the topic Advanced Protection.Other great information there too:

On a sidenote this thread is dedicated to race mixing.Please make a new thread next time with appropriate topic.

Sorry, I read it I was just kind of confused because I thought that subraces weren't supposed to be mixed/loss of cultural identity in white people. I wasn't trying to ask a dumb question, I just don't know much about this topicHail Satan!
What exactly is that like? Are incubus/succubus there all the time or do you have to do some ritual for them to be there? Do they have a physical presence? And on the topic of soulmates, is there just 1 for each person?Hail Satan!
They come to you when they want to be with you, like regular relationships. They can physically touch you or cuddle up with you too.
@the_fire_starter. Thanks for your replies and answers to my questions. So it is okay to have sexual experiences with other races and relationships as long as you do not procreate with them, is that correct? Honestly, that view describes my inner feelings and reactions to things perfectly. In fact I know a Korean girl who I'm really fond of and we get along great (I'm English) but I have never ever liked the idea of having children that wasn't like me. It just wouldn't feel natural. But it is difficult to help who you feel attracted to. I am attracted sexually women of all races. But I wouldn't ever reproduce with someone of a different race than me.

On the subject of inter ethnic and interreligious marriage, I know this is not the rule or the goal at the moment but what if we were to create a Satanic tribe? (Ethnic identity) By living in areas together, speaking Enochian, dressing a certain way, limiting marriages and reproduction to our own people etc. In other words White Satanists, (And Satanists of other races can do the same with their own people) surrender allegiances to Germany, USA or England or whatever and embrace their new Satanic nation. It's just an idea that has appealed to me for a long time. What do you think?
A note. I learned about the dangerous affects of race mixing. Any and all main races, and sub races should stay entirely in their respective branch period. No I don't have extensive information like Magnum Arcanum posted, but I do know it's deadly.
@kyleshand: That part about creating a Satanic nation would really make it an easy target to the enemies. That's why it's dangerous. Unless you mean using a disguise or in the new Satan's age when the enemy lies will be destroyed. I dunno if it's possible to do it in a disguise and claiming we're something else, but that's definitely gonna happen after the war is fully won. Not only a nation, but SS will be a mainstream thing, with temples and everything and the enemy brainwashing lies won't exist. HP Maxine said though that some xian churches and other enemy places are important for art and architecture though, so these won't be destroyed but will become museums.
As about speaking Enochian this is useless because Enochian is only for use in magickal purposes. It's not meant to be something you speak every day, otherwise it would remove its qualities. The same with Sanskrit.
Its funny because i have been called racist because i said i would never date someone of another race. Not because i think they are less then me but because i have absolutely no sexual attraction to them what so ever. Then they sad that's even worst. Im white and could only ever date a fellow white person for sexual reasons. Though being gay kinda makes it even harder to talk to these nut jobs. XD
I don't know about you there James Marshall, I mean personally I like a nice asian myself. :)
although I realize that I shouldn't mix races myself, I like the physique of all races, I would much rather date a person of my own race though.
@kyleshand what do you mean by "racial mixing"? Do you mean having a biracial child? I understand what you mean by you don't want to have a child of a different race, but the heart wants what the heart wants. Only time will tell if that Korean is fond of you as well and wants to start a family with you. How do you think that would make her feel if you turned her down because of her race? She'll be heart broken, she'll tell her parents, her siblings, other family members, and you'll have the rep of a racist bad guy in her family. You should think about tuat.

On Apr 21, 2015, at 12:35 AM, j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  @kyleshand: That part about creating a Satanic nation would really make it an easy target to the enemies. That's why it's dangerous. Unless you mean using a disguise or in the new Satan's age when the enemy lies will be destroyed. I dunno if it's possible to do it in a disguise and claiming we're something else, but that's definitely gonna happen after the war is fully won. Not only a nation, but SS will be a mainstream thing, with temples and everything and the enemy brainwashing lies won't exist. HP Maxine said though that some xian churches and other enemy places are important for art and architecture though, so these won't be destroyed but will become museums.
As about speaking Enochian this is useless because Enochian is only for use in magickal purposes. It's not meant to be something you speak every day, otherwise it would remove its qualities. The same with Sanskrit.
I disagree being White is being Russian. Russian is Rus Land, the Rus are White People. European Russia is the only real Russia.
@Duece White: You obviously don't understand that you can easily tell people that before everything else. Sure before meeting someone you can easily tell them "i am not a children person, I don't want any children" and you make it clear before hand. If that person then grows fond of you it's their fault, as you made it clear in the beginning.
Just like I clarify that I'm not a monogamous guy and I don't like commitments and marriage. If someone wants to start a serious relationship with me after I tell them that, and they get worried/disappointed/whatever it's their fault because they can't say I didn't mention that to them.
@Duece White: However, many guys are afraid of losing the other person or of not finding one. If that's the case and the guy is afraid to clarify it that he doesn't want children with a person of another race, then it's his fault. That's really almost a disease among some guys in that they lie or ommit things in order to not be rejected. Sure if you are honest though about not wanting children, then I don't see anything wrong in it.

These things always lead to race mixing. It's better to not bother. Passion typically gives way to reason rarely ever does it not.

As friends that's fine, but eh.. I wouldn't bother any further. I plan to do it the healthy way, sticking to the race which is prominent in me.

You need to read and study about Hitler's writing about racialism listed somewhere in either the JoS PDF section in Satan's library, or on soon to be back National Socialist Archive, still sad those dinosuar bastards took the site down again T_T
dude wtf. race mixing is a HORRIBLE idea because bi racial children are born with birth defects and no immune system.they almost always look like some deformed cripple. this is why race mixing is bad.

On Tuesday, April 21, 2015 8:41 PM, "Duece White duce.minaj@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @kyleshand what do you mean by "racial mixing"? Do you mean having a biracial child? I understand what you mean by you don't want to have a child of a different race, but the heart wants what the heart wants. Only time will tell if that Korean is fond of you as well and wants to start a family with you. How do you think that would make her feel if you turned her down because of her race? She'll be heart broken, she'll tell her parents, her siblings, other family members, and you'll have the rep of a racist bad guy in her family. You should think about tuat.

On Apr 21, 2015, at 12:35 AM, j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  @kyleshand: That part about creating a Satanic nation would really make it an easy target to the enemies. That's why it's dangerous. Unless you mean using a disguise or in the new Satan's age when the enemy lies will be destroyed. I dunno if it's possible to do it in a disguise and claiming we're something else, but that's definitely gonna happen after the war is fully won. Not only a nation, but SS will be a mainstream thing, with temples and everything and the enemy brainwashing lies won't exist. HP Maxine said though that some xian churches and other enemy places are important for art and architecture though, so these won't be destroyed but will become museums.
As about speaking Enochian this is useless because Enochian is only for use in magickal purposes. It's not meant to be something you speak every day, otherwise it would remove its qualities. The same with Sanskrit.

James Marshall. Some of this shit comes from xianity. I figured out that xianity has cultural marxism(as kikes change it at will to control whoever wherever) in it.

Also, there is the regular version for those who refuse to follow xianity. It's now seen as... *cringes*... normal..

And is promoted subliminally in the media for those further who refuse to do it anyway. And then there are those who just flat out refuse like us, we get called lunatics, supremacists, racists, dicks, heretics(lolz on that one) etc...

It's funny, it says in the LIE-ble that everyone should stick to their own race, and then it goes for a reach around and contradicts itself saying that everyone will be united as one race, psh...

Any jackass can see the ultimate agenda here is to cause confusion and spread cultural marxism at any cost, whether through pisstianity, or through political means.

Kikes are so weak they have to reduce us almost to the strength of a baby to control us...

Still though, this shit needs to be taken seriously and eradicated.
dalightskin@... If you want to betray all your ancestors, Satan, All the Gods of hell, Your children, All of Gentile humanity and play right into the jews hands. Sure go right ahead. For an Aryan Satanist like yourself to say that he would mix races is one of the most disgusting things i have ever seen. 

On Tuesday, April 21, 2015 9:59 PM, "j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @Duece White: You obviously don't understand that you can easily tell people that before everything else. Sure before meeting someone you can easily tell them "i am not a children person, I don't want any children" and you make it clear before hand. If that person then grows fond of you it's their fault, as you made it clear in the beginning.
Just like I clarify that I'm not a monogamous guy and I don't like commitments and marriage. If someone wants to start a serious relationship with me after I tell them that, and they get worried/disappointed/whatever it's their fault because they can't say I didn't mention that to them.

@fake name *cough cough*, I am kind of... Ya know... a result of race mixing, on the grounds that I'm light skinned ya see. I have only known about those effects from inbreeding, not race mixing. You might be taking about other types of races besides black and white but I highly doubt that biracial children with deformities are that way because of the fact that they are biracial.
Now hold on a second, I didn't say that I was actually going to have a relationship with another race. All I said was that I do find some other races attractive, but that doesn't mean I'm just going to betray my own race, if you will read the end of my last message in the topic you will see that I said I would much rather date my own race than another.
I ask that some of you please refrain from jumping to conclusions before replying negatively, take the time and read the *entire* message before lashing out at someone. Frankly it makes me quite angry when people reply negatively to my posts without even understanding what I'm saying, please don't let your emotions get the better of you before posting things like this.
Yes it it. To list the plethora of mental and physical problems from race mixing would take all day. 

On Wednesday, April 22, 2015 9:22 PM, "dalightskin@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @fake name *cough cough*, I am kind of... Ya know... a result of race mixing, on the grounds that I'm light skinned ya see. I have only known about those effects from inbreeding, not race mixing. You might be taking about other types of races besides black and white but I highly doubt that biracial children with deformities are that way because of the fact that they are biracial.

Everybody should know that there are some rare exceptions though. I do happen to know one or two people who aren't attracted to people of their own race at all. They don't feel any sort of attraction at all, they just feel emptiness when they are with a person of their own race. It's rare but it does happen.
@kyleshand:  I don't understand what is going on, but I cannot find any the_fire_starter's posts in this thread.
And I do hope that it is okay to have relations with other races as long as you do not procreate with them, as I am white and Satan and my guardian gave me 2 Chinese succubi.  So I was a bit concerned and worried here for a while.
I was also wondering if it's possible to get a succubi pregnant.  
And what would happen if you did?

On Sun, Apr 19, 2015 at 9:19 AM, kyleshand@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  @the_fire_starter. Thanks for your replies and answers to my questions. So it is okay to have sexual experiences with other races and relationships as long as you do not procreate with them, is that correct? Honestly, that view describes my inner feelings and reactions to things perfectly. In fact I know a Korean girl who I'm really fond of and we get along great (I'm English) but I have never ever liked the idea of having children that wasn't like me. It just wouldn't feel natural. But it is difficult to help who you feel attracted to. I am attracted sexually women of all races. But I wouldn't ever reproduce with someone of a different race than me.

On the subject of inter ethnic and interreligious marriage, I know this is not the rule or the goal at the moment but what if we were to create a Satanic tribe? (Ethnic identity) By living in areas together, speaking Enochian, dressing a certain way, limiting marriages and reproduction to our own people etc. In other words White Satanists, (And Satanists of other races can do the same with their own people) surrender allegiances to Germany, USA or England or whatever and embrace their new Satanic nation. It's just an idea that has appealed to me for a long time. What do you think?
Well I apologize then, also for the other post I was just kidding, I didn't think it would get a second look.
This is not so and is an unbalance in the soul, unnatural, like any fuck ups and imperfection there is, for not enough improvement plus indoctrination that their races are not enough for them. This is not like sexual prefference where someone is gay etc.
@Deuce White + @the_fire_starter

I am simply being honest about the feelings I experience as a human being because without honesty and truthfulness we can not actually learn anything.

I am a White/European, of Anglo Saxon ancestry. I want my children and my descendants long after I am gone to be that as well, like most other dedicated Satanists here I share the concerns about race mixing.

At the same time, I feel sexual attraction to females of all races and if I get to know one on a personal level sometimes feel emotionally drawn to them too.

Now because that's how it is within myself I can only assume this is how it is for most people. Most of us are able to feel attracted to all races but many of us also have higher sentiments about preserving our heritage.

Also @the_fire_starter, I would be interested to see the Venus placement and aspects in the charts of a person who is not attracted to their own race as you mentioned. Because that sounds like a damaged Venus to me.
@lord kayle your are obviously trolling. Satan would never do that. Take your delusional BS elsewhere.

On Thursday, April 23, 2015 4:28 PM, "dalightskin@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Well I apologize then, also for the other post I was just kidding, I didn't think it would get a second look.

@egon_88_666: No it's not because the people I'm talking about are known dedicated Satanists here for many years who have been empowering their souls and know race-mixing is bad. I can't get into more details, but really I'm not talking at all about outsiders. HP Maxine even said that in non-jewwashed environments race mixing does happen but it's very rare, less than 1% of population.
@Lord Kayle: I am the_fire_starter666, if you read the posts via the groups page it shows my yahoo username I'm using. But for some reason it doesn't recognize my yahoo email in 2 of the JoS groups so I put my gmail there instead. If you read the posts from your email, then you only see my gmail account. I know this is weird, but it happens in Yahoo lots of times when you use an email different from your yahoo account.
@kyleshand: Relax I never said anything about you being bad or something. I only clarified that to another person who confused you with somebody else.
I want to reply on this subject.
I am not completely attracted to men of my race. I am a black female and I for one have been a dedicated satanist for going on 6 years and have been empowering my soul and have been actively here in the groups for sometime. I understand the situation and have accepted it and have come to terms with them. I was told by HP maxine and the gods that everything will be fine and that there are always exceptions. I believe the ignorance and soul imbalance and brainwashing people are mentioning here perhaps applies to those who are without. I am surprised how some satanists get attacked for having a different opinion. I am a dedicated satanist and go accordingly to Satan's will and plan and I honestly don't care at all what others think of me now because the only thing that matters is what the gods think of me.I am not here to be liked by everyone here. And I will like to see who the first one here will be to call me an infiltrator or troll here.
Race mixing is wrong and it definitely destroys a race. I know not to have children with others outside of my race because I believe in sustaining each of the beautiful races so that they may advance and live on because they are so unique. Though I am not entirely sexually attracted to my race and do not see them sexually in that way, I want the best for them and want them to grow.
There are those who are lost and brainwashed and confused and we all need to work out this problem if so any. The best thing to do is to keep meditating to clear out any and all problems and imbalances. We all have our problems.
Hail Satan!
Hail our Creator God Satan.

On Friday, April 24, 2015 2:46 AM, "j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @egon_88_666: No it's not because the people I'm talking about are known dedicated Satanists here for many years who have been empowering their souls and know race-mixing is bad. I can't get into more details, but really I'm not talking at all about outsiders. HP Maxine even said that in non-jewwashed environments race mixing does happen but it's very rare, less than 1% of population.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
