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Race Awakening Ritual For 4th, 5th, 6th of June

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to all our Warriors and Satanic Family.

Due to being busy on work and JoS related work, we will keep this brief. As everyone understands the Race Awakening is of paramount importance. This ritual is to be coupled with an RTR on these days, ie, the Final RTR.


It's imperative as many people as possible take part in this ritual. This was done again in March, so this will reinforce the energies from there and all the times we have done this.

For more elaborate answers to questions and the post from last time, please do check here:


Black Members will be able to do their own ritual, which is very important in waking up the Black Gentiles so that we can move ahead into a better understanding of self preservation and going better for everyone involved.

Ritual to Incite Black Awareness and Action:


Lastly, good and exciting news are coming on more than one areas. We have been working on some things which everyone is going to be pleased about. Will be a few days. As such we have been really time pressed. Soon these rituals will also be put in webpages (as will come many other updates). Until now the resources below should suffice.

Ritual to Incite White Awareness and Action

Either write or carve the following Runes:

Óðal Sól Óss



*If someone cannot carve or write the Runes, or consecrate with blood, just very intently vibrate these and it should be perfectly fine!

The Runes can be carved into wood, or written on paper. If you carve the Runes, vibrate each Rune while you are carving it. To increase the power of the Runes, when performing this ritual for the first time, you can stain them with your blood. Given the dire situation of our race, this ritual needs all the power we can give it. If staining in blood, this should only be done one time. You should be continuously vibrating the name of the Rune when staining it. There are different ways of vibrating the Runes. Feel free to use whatever suits you.

The combinations of everyone performing the ritual will come together in power. To repeat this ritual, just focus on your carved or written Runes and vibrate them as follows below. Your Rune board or paper should be securely stored in a safe place and only taken out when performing this ritual.


Raise your energies. [See link below], and recite the following prayer:

In The Name of Satan, we call forth the Powers of Hell, the Original, and True Gods of the White Race to come forth and manifest themselves. Satan, True God, Almighty and Ineffable, Who hast Fathered the White Aryan Race that reflects in Thine own image and likeness, we ask you to bestow your powers upon us. Awaken all of our White Aryan People to the Jewish menace that works to destroy us. Incite our White Aryan People into action. Instill our White Aryan Ancestral Pride. Awaken our White Aryan Brothers and Sisters to the Menace of Christianity,Islam, and related Jewish programs so that they all may be completely and thoroughly destroyed forever. Bestow the Power of Your Protection to our White Race and White Children worldwide. Praise, Honor and Glory be given to You, Our True Father and to Our Original Gods!! We are Your Direct Descendants and Children!!

The above prayer can be either recited out loud or in your mind.

Now, vibrate Óðal, Sól,Óss, 88 times, while focusing on your Runes.

You vibrate these together, not separately.

Óðal, Sól, Óss is one round, then Óðal, Sól, Óss...

When you are finished, recite the following with intent:

All White People are now racially aware
All White People are critically aware of the Jewish problem
All White People are taking action to secure the existence of our White Race
All White People are working towards a secure future for our White Children


Then close the ritual by stating: HAIL SATAN AND HIS WHITE RACE FOREVER!!



For those of you who are experienced, you can raise your energies doing whatever works for you.
Raising Your Energies: http://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Raising_Energies.htm
Pdf copy of The Runic Kabalah: http://web.archive.org/web/20150603001921/http://webzoom.freewebs.com/spiritualwarfare666/The%20Runic%20Kabalah.pdf
Audio Mp3 Zip File of the Runic Kabalah: http://www.exposingchristianity.com/Runic%20Kabalah%20Audio%20CD.zipJoS Webpage of the Runes: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Runic_Kabalah.html
Ritual to Incite Black Awareness and Action

Focus on the above image of the Udjat (pronounced UUDYAHT).


This is the all-seeing eye of Horus. This eye is symbolic of seeing and knowing the truth.


Raise your energies.

[See link below], and recite the following prayer:

In The Name of Satan, we call forth the Powers of Hell, our Original Egyptian Gods, the True Gods of the Black Race to come forth and manifest themselves.

Satan, True God, Almighty and Ineffable, we ask you to bestow your powers upon us. Awaken all of our Black People to the Jewish menace that works to enslave and to destroy us. Incite our Black People into action against them.

Instill our Black African Ancestral Pride. Awaken our Black Brothers and Sisters to the Menace of Christianity, Islam, and related Jewish programs so that they all may be completely and thoroughly destroyed forever. Open the Eyes of all Black People worldwide so they can recognize and identify and know the truth about the Jewish menace that works to enslave the entire world. Praise, Honor and Glory be given to You, Our True Father and to Our Original Egyptian Gods!!

The above prayer can be either recited out loud or in your mind.

Now, vibrate YEEMUHN RAH one time

Then, vibrate UDJAT, MA, REKH, 99 times, while focusing on the above image of the All-Seeing and Knowing Eye.

You vibrate these together, not separately. UDJAT, MA, REK THis one round, then UDJAT, MA, REKH is the second round...After vibrating the above 99 times, vibrate YEEMUHN RAH once again.

When you are finished, recite the following with intent 18 times:

Vibrate YEEMUHN RAH once again and Affirm:

-All Black People are fully aware of the Jewish menace worldwide.
-All Black People are actively and aggressively rejecting all Jewish programs.
-All Black People are fully aware that both Christianity and Islam are false programs created to enslave everyone both spiritually and materially.
-All Black People are leaving Christianity and Islam and are returning to the Original Gods of Ancient Egypt.

Vibrate YEEMUHN RAH once again and Vibrate SATANAS

Then close the ritual by stating: HAIL SATAN!!

§YEEMUHN RAH is the Ancient Egyptian “AUM”
§Udjat is pronounced UUD-YAHT
§Rekh is Ancient Egyptian and the meaning is “to know.”
REKH is guttural. The KH sound is vibrated in the back of the throat.Like hacking up to spit, but lightly. Roll your R. §MA is Ancient Egyptian and the meaning is “to see.”MA is pronounced as MAH

For those of you who are experienced, you can raise your energies doing whatever works for you.

Raising Your Energies:http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Raising_Energies.htmMp3
Audio for hearing the correct pronunciations of the words in this ritual:http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/pixie666/Ancient_Egyptian.mp3
TeachMeErebokinesis said:
Are you supposed to do this if you're not white or black? What if you're Mexican or Asian

Last time I checked Asians, Hindus and Mexicans are racially aware and not at the brink of extinction or race war/permanent displacement from anyone else, so that as stated suffices that the jew programs do collapse simply by the Final RTR about that one.

Are Mexicans going to be a minority in Mexico in 20 years? Or Asians in Asia? Or Hindus in India? There is no racial demographic problem in these places, nor there is anything in sight, and that is a good thing. Are Chinese going to be a minority in China in two decades? Doesn't look like it.

Are Koreans displaced by Blacks or Arabs brought in Korea at alarming rates?

Also, if anyone wants to lay a hand, they can lay a hand by doing either of these rituals to assist with the energy, but these shouldn't include any blood staining of runes for example, as it's unrelated to the purpose.

I have done all rituals myself to help others without asking "What is in it for me", as it's by helping others that we help ourselves in this case in waking up Gentiles.
Quick question. How much blood do I need to gain maximum power?
NinRick said:
Quick question. How much blood do I need to gain maximum power?

Your comment is baseline dangerous, bordering a little bit of stupid, so I had to approve this as this sounds dangerous. I deleted the second part of this comment where you wrote something really weird.

The blood is symbolic, just a few drops will do. Couple drops. A diabetic needle is just fine.

This has nothing to do with quantity, do not stress it. It's easy and humane, not some horror flick type of shit. It's symbolic and to add power.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TeachMeErebokinesis said:
Are you supposed to do this if you're not white or black? What if you're Mexican or Asian

Last time I checked Asians, Hindus and Mexicans are racially aware and not at the brink of extinction or race war/permanent displacement from anyone else, so that as stated suffices that the jew programs do collapse simply by the Final RTR about that one.

Are Mexicans going to be a minority in Mexico in 20 years? Or Asians in Asia? Or Hindus in India? There is no racial demographic problem in these places, nor there is anything in sight, and that is a good thing. Are Chinese going to be a minority in China in two decades? Doesn't look like it.

Are Koreans displaced by Blacks or Arabs brought in Korea at alarming rates?

Also, if anyone wants to lay a hand, they can lay a hand by doing either of these rituals to assist with the energy, but these shouldn't include any blood staining of runes for example, as it's unrelated to the purpose.

I have done all rituals myself to help others without asking "What is in it for me", as it's by helping others that we help ourselves in this case in waking up Gentiles.

This is very true. The people with low IQ race baiting self hating Mexicans like George Lopez, other Mexican-american actors and their Mexican fans who praise their work are all in the minority in general. Only some Mexicans in America are ok with Muslims being in Mexico or look at how Lopez makes shows bashing white as the most evil things but always has a white blonde hair blue eyed wife in the show. LMAO talk about blatantly hating yourself and projecting that hate onto innocents.

Most Mexicans especially nearly all if not all Mexicans in Mexico are extremely nationalistic and even though there has been "refugees" go to Mexico the majority of the citizens spoke out against it and even said for the politicians to take them in in their house/ neighborhoods instead of being next to the average person, just like white people in their countries say but the western media never ever covers Mexicans saying that and it's obvious why.

In regards to the last part you mentioned. I've done the white awakening ritual about 3-5 times. If I knew all the times this ritual was said to be done since the first time I could have an exact count how many times I've done it. The reason I did it and even used blood the first time was because if anyone remembers a while ago I didn't realize Mexican was a race and was extremely confused and just believed the false statement that Mexicans are white just because some have white genes. I know better now though. It makes sense now why it felt "off" when I said the affirmation. I was stating it as if a white person. I even felt like I was going crazy having to force those thoughts and feelings of "this feels off" to go away.

Regardless if I somehow helped the white race I don't mind and thus don't regret anything and would gladly help out on any ritual to help you guys out anytime. As well with the black race. We're all in this together. What helps other races helps my people as well but even if it didn't affect us whatsoever I would still help because I know it's the right thing to do and all Gentile races deserve to exist to have the opportunity to better themselves as well as having justice against our common enemy.

That being said, if non-whites and non-blacks do this ritual do we just follow the instructions of vibrating the runes, while leaving out the blood part, and the affirmation having to be stated in a way that is directed to the race were sending the energy to?
@Everyone reading this:

1, 9, or best 10 repetitions of the White(88) ritual affirmation is the numbers you wish to state.

10 = material, material manifestation, money, and property.

@HP. Cobra

Are we supposed to spam the 88/99 rituals a lot or is it like the previous time where you mentioned even one repetition is considered spamming?

Also what is the significance of June 4th, 5th, and 6th. What astrological aspect is occurring that boost the awakenings?
Here is a PDF document with the Kundalini Yoga, the Returning Curses parts 1 and 2, the Wealth and Prosperity ritual, and the White Race Awakening. It's only 4 pages if you print it out double sided. Also the Kundalini Yoga instructions used to be small and jammed up in the top left corner of the pages, so I resized and realigned them to take up the whole page and look more balanced. But this can be like a good daily routine to always do. Only "problem" is the Wealth and Prosperity and Race Awakening rituals don't have all of the instructions in here, so this is just a guide to look at if you already know how to do them. But I think it looks neater this way. :p

Or you can print just pages 1-5 to have a daily routine of Kundalini Yoga and Returning Curses
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TeachMeErebokinesis said:
Are you supposed to do this if you're not white or black? What if you're Mexican or Asian

Last time I checked Asians, Hindus and Mexicans are racially aware and not at the brink of extinction or race war/permanent displacement from anyone else, so that as stated suffices that the jew programs do collapse simply by the Final RTR about that one.

Are Mexicans going to be a minority in Mexico in 20 years? Or Asians in Asia? Or Hindus in India? There is no racial demographic problem in these places, nor there is anything in sight, and that is a good thing. Are Chinese going to be a minority in China in two decades? Doesn't look like it.

Are Koreans displaced by Blacks or Arabs brought in Korea at alarming rates?

Also, if anyone wants to lay a hand, they can lay a hand by doing either of these rituals to assist with the energy, but these shouldn't include any blood staining of runes for example, as it's unrelated to the purpose.

I have done all rituals myself to help others without asking "What is in it for me", as it's by helping others that we help ourselves in this case in waking up Gentiles.

This is great news and I'm glad you answered my thoughts!
I plan to join in on both rituals this time, the Black race is so beautiful and I hate to see it being poisoned by Jewish propaganda.
I always get so happy when hearing about upcoming rituals!!
Uhm, guys, dont we have asian race awakening too?. Cause you know, its not just black and white that race mix, asians do it also especially my fellow filipino's. It seems most in the philippines desires to marry either a European or a korean man/woman these days.

And also brothers/sisters, I know this is off topic but I really need to know so Id aprecieate your answers. Its about binding spells. If you do binding spells without an object related to the target person , to still make the binding powerful, like a way to compensate for the lack of object or personal belonging related to the target person. Thanks guys.

Ive been so lazy this past few weeks I wasnt participating in our war which is why my concsience is eating me right now.
Its time too join the fight again once and for all. Thank you hps for this opportunity to become a satanist, which you have given us through your hard work. Thanks to satan for he has show me how to save my life through your sermons and guidance.
Thank you brothers and sisters.
Hail Satan!
Hail JOS Ministries international!
Hail all forces off hell
Lastly, good and exciting news are coming on more than one areas. We have been working on some things which everyone is going to be pleased about. Will be a few days. As such we have been really time pressed. Soon these rituals will also be put in webpages (as will come many other updates). Until now the resources below should suffice.

When have you NOT Been time-pressed? :lol:

The work you And other HP of The Clergy have done has Been INSANELY INCREDIBLE!

Keep up The COBRASTIC/SLOTHTASTIC(etc) work guys! :cool: :cool:
hailourtruegod said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TeachMeErebokinesis said:
Are you supposed to do this if you're not white or black? What if you're Mexican or Asian

Last time I checked Asians, Hindus and Mexicans are racially aware and not at the brink of extinction or race war/permanent displacement from anyone else, so that as stated suffices that the jew programs do collapse simply by the Final RTR about that one.

Are Mexicans going to be a minority in Mexico in 20 years? Or Asians in Asia? Or Hindus in India? There is no racial demographic problem in these places, nor there is anything in sight, and that is a good thing. Are Chinese going to be a minority in China in two decades? Doesn't look like it.

Are Koreans displaced by Blacks or Arabs brought in Korea at alarming rates?

Also, if anyone wants to lay a hand, they can lay a hand by doing either of these rituals to assist with the energy, but these shouldn't include any blood staining of runes for example, as it's unrelated to the purpose.

I have done all rituals myself to help others without asking "What is in it for me", as it's by helping others that we help ourselves in this case in waking up Gentiles.

This is very true. The people with low IQ race baiting self hating Mexicans like George Lopez, other Mexican-american actors and their Mexican fans who praise their work are all in the minority in general. Only some Mexicans in America are ok with Muslims being in Mexico or look at how Lopez makes shows bashing white as the most evil things but always has a white blonde hair blue eyed wife in the show. LMAO talk about blatantly hating yourself and projecting that hate onto innocents.

Most Mexicans especially nearly all if not all Mexicans in Mexico are extremely nationalistic and even though there has been "refugees" go to Mexico the majority of the citizens spoke out against it and even said for the politicians to take them in in their house/ neighborhoods instead of being next to the average person, just like white people in their countries say but the western media never ever covers Mexicans saying that and it's obvious why.

In regards to the last part you mentioned. I've done the white awakening ritual about 3-5 times. If I knew all the times this ritual was said to be done since the first time I could have an exact count how many times I've done it. The reason I did it and even used blood the first time was because if anyone remembers a while ago I didn't realize Mexican was a race and was extremely confused and just believed the false statement that Mexicans are white just because some have white genes. I know better now though. It makes sense now why it felt "off" when I said the affirmation. I was stating it as if a white person. I even felt like I was going crazy having to force those thoughts and feelings of "this feels off" to go away.

Regardless if I somehow helped the white race I don't mind and thus don't regret anything and would gladly help out on any ritual to help you guys out anytime. As well with the black race. We're all in this together. What helps other races helps my people as well but even if it didn't affect us whatsoever I would still help because I know it's the right thing to do and all Gentile races deserve to exist to have the opportunity to better themselves as well as having justice against our common enemy.

That being said, if non-whites and non-blacks do this ritual do we just follow the instructions of vibrating the runes, while leaving out the blood part, and the affirmation having to be stated in a way that is directed to the race were sending the energy to?

The thing with Mexicans is that except some very few people who are like Whites and would pass as White, they are now a race of their own with their own identity and everything.

You can clearly discern a Mexican when you see them on the street, especially males. We have to also go with the reality of the times, and this is a reality.

Calling Hindus black for example is totally inaccurate. They are another people, not black. Like Hispanics however they have a very strong influence from another core race, but differientation has went on for in some cases like 7 or 10 thousand years.

You can just say the affirmation, yes. More energy is more power.
Artanis said:
Lastly, good and exciting news are coming on more than one areas. We have been working on some things which everyone is going to be pleased about. Will be a few days. As such we have been really time pressed. Soon these rituals will also be put in webpages (as will come many other updates). Until now the resources below should suffice.

When have you NOT Been time-pressed? :lol:

The work you And other HP of The Clergy have done has Been INSANELY INCREDIBLE!

Keep up The COBRASTIC/SLOTHTASTIC(etc) work guys! :cool: :cool:

This time it was brutal but there will be light ahead in the tunnel, just wait a few days. We will inform. :)
tyrantmage said:
Uhm, guys, dont we have asian race awakening too?. Cause you know, its not just black and white that race mix, asians do it also especially my fellow filipino's. It seems most in the philippines desires to marry either a European or a korean man/woman these days.

And also brothers/sisters, I know this is off topic but I really need to know so Id aprecieate your answers. Its about binding spells. If you do binding spells without an object related to the target person , to still make the binding powerful, like a way to compensate for the lack of object or personal belonging related to the target person. Thanks guys.

Ive been so lazy this past few weeks I wasnt participating in our war which is why my concsience is eating me right now.
Its time too join the fight again once and for all. Thank you hps for this opportunity to become a satanist, which you have given us through your hard work. Thanks to satan for he has show me how to save my life through your sermons and guidance.
Thank you brothers and sisters.
Hail Satan!
Hail JOS Ministries international!
Hail all forces off hell

The reality is the Asian people are as a category safeguarded. Now there are however major distinctions beneath this.

We have effectively thanks to Communism lost track of the different Chinese peninsula races. What we know though is that some of the most advanced Asian people in China did perish under Mao. This includes the spiritual etc. As such only the serfs were kept and deliberately bred for further slavery by Mao.

This aside anything else has caused a huge dislike and mistrust on other Asian people such as Koreans, Japanese, and Phillipino, and others. And let us say with good reason.

I have been reading Asian history and it is brutal. What is the case in the Phillipines, Japan and Korea is the reverse of what was the case in Mao. In these 3 places you had an insurgence of the best people constantly leading, and not communistic garbage. This has also a racial dimension to it, as the communists destroyed the intelligent, the best etc. So it is normal for not wanting to mix or being worried.

However as a core gene the Asian people are safeguarded. They are not in any risk of extinction. What is important is to do the Final RTR so that we can destroy jewish communism.

Centrally however I think the whole Phillipino Korean thing is just a TV show based thing. To be accurate in this case this is like saying a White person from Czechia is attracted to a White person from Hungary. There is no race or seed race loss here. I wouldn't be immidiately worried.

Feel free to correct me if I am wrong in this post however, in regards to the situation.
Did Kim in North Korea carry a mass murder operation in a deliberate fashion like Mao? There is scarcely any information around this sort of thing.
I am very happy to hear such news!
Thank you for your hard work HP. HoodedCobra666
and of course all the other Highpriests/Highpriestesses and all of our gods too!
Hail Satan!!!!!!
I just realized, mudslims are celebrating a holiday today, the 4th, until the 6th. Would this have an affect on our race-awakening rituals? Since I'm guessing they're gonna do some mudslim rituals as well.
I'm writing this reply for those who do this rutial for the first time and want to use blood to empower the runes, but hesitating how to. I personally did use a needle and there is an easy method to spill a few drops of blood. You see those lines on your finger (your fingerprint)? :)

Prick your finger between the lines with the needle. Then gently push the sides of your finger and there it is! You can now stain the runes. This is how I've done it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
NinRick said:
Quick question. How much blood do I need to gain maximum power?

Your comment is baseline dangerous, bordering a little bit of stupid, so I had to approve this as this sounds dangerous. I deleted the second part of this comment where you wrote something really weird.

The blood is symbolic, just a few drops will do. Couple drops. A diabetic needle is just fine.

This has nothing to do with quantity, do not stress it. It's easy and humane, not some horror flick type of shit. It's symbolic and to add power.

Omg yeah I get it I am also sorry for this stupid question... and thank you!
Good to know, that it's possible to do both of these rituals no matter what race you are, i have spare energy so i will be doing both of them from now on.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Like Hispanics however they have a very strong influence from another core race, but differientation has went on for in some cases like 7 or 10 thousand years.

This ^^

Since accepting this fact I have felt more at ease within myself and having the sense of racial pride that I don't think I ever felt before. At least not like this. As hard as I tried I didn't feel this same pride when I was telling myself I'm just a "mixed white from Mexico". And if you knew me irl you'd know I really tried hard for several years to falsely accept the latter.

I feel the soul energies of the Aztecs still run in many Mexicans and I have went from looking at the indigenous in a bad light to respecting the fact their blood is the "purest"/closest to the blood of the Aztecs ( even within Mexicans we are raised looking at the lighter, darker, or the in between, what have you, Mexicans in a bad light. Then there's contempt against other states in Mexico just because they're not the ones you're born into. So dumb.. :roll: ).

Anyways, before I go more off topic here I'll lastly add that I've been researching some things related to the above and found some interesting things and I plan to put it into a thread once I have all my thoughts gathered. I'll have to put in the main forum since my spanish isn't the best at the moment but I'm working on it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all our Warriors and Satanic Family.

Due to being busy on work and JoS related work, we will keep this brief. As everyone understands the Race Awakening is of paramount importance. This ritual is to be coupled with an RTR on these days, ie, the Final RTR.


It's imperative as many people as possible take part in this ritual. This was done again in March, so this will reinforce the energies from there and all the times we have done this.

For more elaborate answers to questions and the post from last time, please do check here:


Black Members will be able to do their own ritual, which is very important in waking up the Black Gentiles so that we can move ahead into a better understanding of self preservation and going better for everyone involved.

Ritual to Incite Black Awareness and Action:


Lastly, good and exciting news are coming on more than one areas. We have been working on some things which everyone is going to be pleased about. Will be a few days. As such we have been really time pressed. Soon these rituals will also be put in webpages (as will come many other updates). Until now the resources below should suffice.

Ritual to Incite White Awareness and Action

Either write or carve the following Runes:

Óðal Sól Óss



*If someone cannot carve or write the Runes, or consecrate with blood, just very intently vibrate these and it should be perfectly fine!

The Runes can be carved into wood, or written on paper. If you carve the Runes, vibrate each Rune while you are carving it. To increase the power of the Runes, when performing this ritual for the first time, you can stain them with your blood. Given the dire situation of our race, this ritual needs all the power we can give it. If staining in blood, this should only be done one time. You should be continuously vibrating the name of the Rune when staining it. There are different ways of vibrating the Runes. Feel free to use whatever suits you.

The combinations of everyone performing the ritual will come together in power. To repeat this ritual, just focus on your carved or written Runes and vibrate them as follows below. Your Rune board or paper should be securely stored in a safe place and only taken out when performing this ritual.


Raise your energies. [See link below], and recite the following prayer:

In The Name of Satan, we call forth the Powers of Hell, the Original, and True Gods of the White Race to come forth and manifest themselves. Satan, True God, Almighty and Ineffable, Who hast Fathered the White Aryan Race that reflects in Thine own image and likeness, we ask you to bestow your powers upon us. Awaken all of our White Aryan People to the Jewish menace that works to destroy us. Incite our White Aryan People into action. Instill our White Aryan Ancestral Pride. Awaken our White Aryan Brothers and Sisters to the Menace of Christianity,Islam, and related Jewish programs so that they all may be completely and thoroughly destroyed forever. Bestow the Power of Your Protection to our White Race and White Children worldwide. Praise, Honor and Glory be given to You, Our True Father and to Our Original Gods!! We are Your Direct Descendants and Children!!

The above prayer can be either recited out loud or in your mind.

Now, vibrate Óðal, Sól,Óss, 88 times, while focusing on your Runes.

You vibrate these together, not separately.

Óðal, Sól, Óss is one round, then Óðal, Sól, Óss...

When you are finished, recite the following with intent:

All White People are now racially aware
All White People are critically aware of the Jewish problem
All White People are taking action to secure the existence of our White Race
All White People are working towards a secure future for our White Children


Then close the ritual by stating: HAIL SATAN AND HIS WHITE RACE FOREVER!!



For those of you who are experienced, you can raise your energies doing whatever works for you.
Raising Your Energies: http://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Raising_Energies.htm
Pdf copy of The Runic Kabalah: http://web.archive.org/web/20150603001921/http://webzoom.freewebs.com/spiritualwarfare666/The%20Runic%20Kabalah.pdf
Audio Mp3 Zip File of the Runic Kabalah: http://www.exposingchristianity.com/Runic%20Kabalah%20Audio%20CD.zipJoS Webpage of the Runes: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Runic_Kabalah.html

´´These Rituals will be put in webpages``. I thought these Race rituals were already :?
Coraxo said:
I just realized, mudslims are celebrating a holiday today, the 4th, until the 6th. Would this have an affect on our race-awakening rituals? Since I'm guessing they're gonna do some mudslim rituals as well.

The enemy is doing corrosive crap 24/7 to no effect. The RTR has been at the center here, fending it off. So no, do not worry, and proceed.

They can slain millions of animals to have the same useless manifestations they have as per usual. This is not the case for Satan's side.

Let them celebrate, as this conflation of energy is also good. Based on this agitation people can wake up better and faster.
Donovandal said:
Good to know, that it's possible to do both of these rituals no matter what race you are, i have spare energy so i will be doing both of them from now on.

I said this for people who are mixed or from another racial background that do not exactly want to participate in either. This is my bad for not having been clearer.

If you are White then you better be putting all your efforts in one, and after this, you can tend to other things. The value of one White ritual here is important and supersedes anything else.

If you are Black, you also got to focus on the Black ritual, and put all your focus there, as this is the major importance.

People who are of other background or interested to help can do either or both, assisting the general work being done.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Isn't the race of mexicans latino?

Latino does not really refer to any race, it refers to people who speak languages of Latin origin like Spanish, Portuguese and Italian, this has been totally misunderstood and for example a Mexican, a Chilean or a Bolivian who usually enters into the term "latino" are racially quite different.
Legendary Creature said:
I just want to make sure:

It's inhale, Othal / Sol / Oss (all three with one breath), then exhale?

I am pretty sure you vibrate them separately :D
Legendary Creature said:
I just want to make sure:

It's inhale, Othal / Sol / Oss (all three with one breath), then exhale?

Yes, this can be done.

You can also Breath - Othal - Breath - Sol - Breath - Oss but this is not a necessity.

Either way is fine.
Wotanwarrior said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Isn't the race of mexicans latino?

Latino does not really refer to any race, it refers to people who speak languages of Latin origin like Spanish, Portuguese and Italian, this has been totally misunderstood and for example a Mexican, a Chilean or a Bolivian who usually enters into the term "latino" are racially quite different.
How about Hispanics?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The enemy is doing corrosive crap 24/7 to no effect. The RTR has been at the center here, fending it off. So no, do not worry, and proceed.

They can slain millions of animals to have the same useless manifestations they have as per usual. This is not the case for Satan's side.

Let them celebrate, as this conflation of energy is also good. Based on this agitation people can wake up better and faster.

As I thought, thanks for the confirmation.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TeachMeErebokinesis said:
Are you supposed to do this if you're not white or black? What if you're Mexican or Asian

Last time I checked Asians, Hindus and Mexicans are racially aware and not at the brink of extinction or race war/permanent displacement from anyone else, so that as stated suffices that the jew programs do collapse simply by the Final RTR about that one.

Are Mexicans going to be a minority in Mexico in 20 years? Or Asians in Asia? Or Hindus in India? There is no racial demographic problem in these places, nor there is anything in sight, and that is a good thing. Are Chinese going to be a minority in China in two decades? Doesn't look like it.

Are Koreans displaced by Blacks or Arabs brought in Korea at alarming rates?

Also, if anyone wants to lay a hand, they can lay a hand by doing either of these rituals to assist with the energy, but these shouldn't include any blood staining of runes for example, as it's unrelated to the purpose.

I have done all rituals myself to help others without asking "What is in it for me", as it's by helping others that we help ourselves in this case in waking up Gentiles.
I propose to do a ritual for all the gentiles. Please HP Hooded Cobra to think about it. Use the appropriate runes. With affirmation: "All the Gentiles inevitably join Satan and his Gods". Something like that. What do you say Commander?
Master Darkness said:
I propose to do a ritual for all the gentiles. Please HP Hooded Cobra to think about it. Use the appropriate runes. With affirmation: "All the Gentiles inevitably join Satan and his Gods". Something like that. What do you say Commander?
This is getting old. Grow up, like really.
Master Darkness said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TeachMeErebokinesis said:
Are you supposed to do this if you're not white or black? What if you're Mexican or Asian

Last time I checked Asians, Hindus and Mexicans are racially aware and not at the brink of extinction or race war/permanent displacement from anyone else, so that as stated suffices that the jew programs do collapse simply by the Final RTR about that one.

Are Mexicans going to be a minority in Mexico in 20 years? Or Asians in Asia? Or Hindus in India? There is no racial demographic problem in these places, nor there is anything in sight, and that is a good thing. Are Chinese going to be a minority in China in two decades? Doesn't look like it.

Are Koreans displaced by Blacks or Arabs brought in Korea at alarming rates?

Also, if anyone wants to lay a hand, they can lay a hand by doing either of these rituals to assist with the energy, but these shouldn't include any blood staining of runes for example, as it's unrelated to the purpose.

I have done all rituals myself to help others without asking "What is in it for me", as it's by helping others that we help ourselves in this case in waking up Gentiles.
I propose to do a ritual for all the gentiles. Please HP Hooded Cobra to think about it. Use the appropriate runes. With affirmation: "All the Gentiles inevitably join Satan and his Gods". Something like that. What do you say Commander?

Well at least your not anymore using curse runes to do this thats a good step.

It would be far better to incite intrest in Satanism if you know how to of course Directing this energy into the mass mind.

I was kind of thinking the other day if we wanted Satanism to be more popular or to become a fad thing or something some person or multiple people more likely would have to connect somehow with the mass mind and become something that plays out in it kind of like be a glitch in the system lol.

I dont really care for your affirmation though cause do we want everyone to come to our side and do our Gods even want that. I think what I am talking about is much better I am working on a website and youtube channel and stuff.

Of course my audience really isnt the people on here as everyone already knows the truth and about the meditations and JoS site etc thats why I never post much about it but I was thinking of doing a working to resonate with people and connect to the mass mind somehow in a few months I am not ready yet as my content isnt up. My whole working was focused on the generational planets and this plays out in a theme of what I am creating. I have no idea if it will work or not but I do know this made some Jews nervous if you remember the threats I blocked them though.

Hail Satan

If you want to help out do the final rtr till you are ready then do something you are talented with.

Oh and yeah I did this ritual twice so far. I am on board with this an excited to help take down the barrior when it comes.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
