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Quitting porn?


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2019
Anyone knows how to quit porn for good? Thanks to every satanic brother and sister in advance.
Disclaimer: I have not completely quit porn, but I have significantly reduced my usage. My advice might or might not work for you, think of it what you will.

I found that being busy and sticking to a schedule help me. I limit my time on the computer, and make sure I know what I'm on the computer for when I'm using it. I try to avoid browsing my phone in bed for no reason. I realized that porn really isn't that enjoyable, and that after a binge it I feel horrible.

I don't think porn is really physically addictive, so after a few days without it I usually feel pretty good, I just try to focus on this good feeling and not let myself start thinking that I should try it once more "just for fun". Also, when I start using porn again I feel bad and it isn't worth it. Of course, you shouldn't shame yourself or think about sex in a Xian way, just realize that porn is boring and you could use your time for a lot more fulfilling things. Spending extra time meditating or doing a working to attract a suitable sexual partner is a lot better than giving some Jewish human trafficker who owns a porn site advertising revenue by watching their garbage.
I know there is a lot of talk against celibacy, however I also believe addictive, wasteful orgasms are simply huge unnecessary expenditures of energy. Perhaps normally a person in society would masturbate once a week, or as needed, however porn has made masturbation addictive way beyond normal urges. I am sure those involved with daily porn usage can testify that orgasms are pretty bland or unsatisfying; this is a sign of how desensitized you have become.

As far as quitting porn, you need to use willpower to break the most powerful urges. Additionally, block all porn websites you frequent, delete all porn media/videos/images you have saved, and delete any sexual imagery from normie sources. Perhaps even delete social media if you encounter lustful material.

Know that porn is a jewish scheme to weaken goyim. Majority of porn companies are owned by Mindgeek, a company that does a lot of shady psychology stuff (like porn) and is based in Israel. Every time you view porn, you are doing what they want you to do. Keep this in your head and use it to fight urges.

Also know that every time you resist an urge and let more and more time pass between indulgences, the less intense the urges will become. This is the same principle for all addictions. You will readily adapt, but you first need to defeat the most powerful urges at the beginning.

Good luck, you will be fine.
You like a woman watching porn and another man is fucking her, not you. Don't put this inferiority complex into your subconscious. Watching porn takes your imagination to the limit.
It’s a matter of understanding in my opinion.
When you are consuming that it’s mostly kinks that make you have an orgasm not really the sensations you experience on your body, so basically you’re just easily stimulating your brain with jew created stuff.
If you don’t wanna go cold turkey just watching soft core porn that is preferabily amateur and then start masturbating with just your immagination feeling the different sensations on your body. The most powerful orgasms I had was when I used all my astral senses to immagine sex, for example the touch, the smell, the girl’s moanings ecc
mercury_wisdom said:
Anyone knows how to quit porn for good? Thanks to every satanic brother and sister in advance.
I feel like if you like a partner to have sex with it will be difficult to quit porn.
Do you have someone? If you don't then find someone to have sex with and i feel like it will help with quitting porn. Now if you really addicted and even with a partner you can't stop me really suggest you to do a freeing the soul working.
mercury_wisdom said:
Anyone knows how to quit porn for good? Thanks to every satanic brother and sister in advance.

Do some sex magick, you need your Lust and sexual energy for the working. And plus you get your orgasm, and after you climaxed you wont need porn.
Get yourself busy with other constructive things like exercising, meditating, reading etc. And if you feel an urge to watch porn, just try meditating on it, observe how it feels, watch it fade away. Best of luck!
Quitting additions is a Neptunian task so I'd check for actual Transits to your Neptune or House with the cusp in Pisces to find in case the best moment.
Also steering away horgasm from porn to personal visualization is much healtier, as porn is mostly jewish crap. You can try erotic images as an intermediate stage (nudity without porn crap) to build visualizations and fantasies.
I am trying to quit porn too.

I received a tip from Lydia (thank you) while asking for a SR reading, so I will paste it here.

"As for the porn addiction, I know of 2 other SS men who successfully did a freeing the soul working to fix the same problem. Uruz might be the best rune to use as it also rules sex, so the affirmation can be something like "In healthy and beneficial ways for me, I am now totally and completely free from watching porn, and able to enjoy a healthy sex life".

Also, vibrating Uruz into your sacral chakra can help, and affirm that any blockages or problems with your sacral chakra are removed. If you find your sex drive becoming out of control, switch to Berkano in the sacral, at least for a while. Berkano won't inhibit it, but balance and nourish"

Now basically I started a work using uruz and sowilo (to empower the uruz rune), and using an affirmation like Lydia suggested. After this one, I will do a Mars square to increase my male energy or another like this if I see that it needs more day.

Also , find a girlfriend or masturbate using ONLY your imagination.

This fucking shit has destabilized a part of my mind.
No need to quit porn just watch it rarely. Masturbate when you want or need, as much as you need and watch porn rarely now and then.
Blitzkreig said:
Perhaps normally a person in society would masturbate once a week, or as needed, however porn has made masturbation addictive way beyond normal urges.
The values given here are very off. For the overwhelming majority of people, once a week would be way too low. "Average" numbers would be around once a day or once every two days, and then more or less than that depending on the person's individual sexdrive. There might be some very few people who have really low sexdrive and would only need an orgasm once a week, but these are a minority. Just like there are a few people who healthily need several a day, on the other end of the spectrum. But the average line lies between those two, and not somewhere on the far end of one side.
I guess your main goal would be to be able to differentiate being horny naturally in contrast of wanting porn.
The latter is more of a ‘mechanical horniness’ that may have started because of emotions you couldn’t handle and tried to escape with porn.
With time and repetitions you lost this initial sexual desire you might have had and replaced it with numb / no desire masturbation.
That’s why you need a bit more each time.

Masturbation is good when it comes from a sexual desire within you but how to recognise it now that the only message your brain get is wanting porn ?
Stopping porn will diminish how many times you get these messages, giving you opportunity to recognise the ones about your true desire.
Of course you’re gonna have a really hard time to tell the difference mostly in the beginning, but it’s alright you have the right to fail, you might learn more from those mistakes.
In the end you would only masturbate from true desire, and why not sometimes with some porn in a healthy way.

Now about stopping porn some part of it will require willpower of course. Fight your urges, even if you fail don’t blame yourself. Going forward everyday can only lead you ahead right ? Doesn’t matter if you fail you can only win in the end since you decide to build yourself higher each time.
That’s more about the mechanical urges.

About the emotional ones each time you want porn ask yourself why and try to find the root of it. It could be stress because of a new deadline your boss gave you and you got nervous. Once you found it search online or in a book how to live in a healthy way this emotions and the urge will be gone.

And of course meditation will help, go build a nice and clean aura.

You’re in the right track, good luck !
RhuledKhekho said:
I guess your main goal would be to be able to differentiate being horny naturally in contrast of wanting porn.
The latter is more of a ‘mechanical horniness’ that may have started because of emotions you couldn’t handle and tried to escape with porn.
With time and repetitions you lost this initial sexual desire you might have had and replaced it with numb / no desire masturbation.
That’s why you need a bit more each time.

Masturbation is good when it comes from a sexual desire within you but how to recognise it now that the only message your brain get is wanting porn ?
Stopping porn will diminish how many times you get these messages, giving you opportunity to recognise the ones about your true desire.
Of course you’re gonna have a really hard time to tell the difference mostly in the beginning, but it’s alright you have the right to fail, you might learn more from those mistakes.
In the end you would only masturbate from true desire, and why not sometimes with some porn in a healthy way.

Now about stopping porn some part of it will require willpower of course. Fight your urges, even if you fail don’t blame yourself. Going forward everyday can only lead you ahead right ? Doesn’t matter if you fail you can only win in the end since you decide to build yourself higher each time.
That’s more about the mechanical urges.

About the emotional ones each time you want porn ask yourself why and try to find the root of it. It could be stress because of a new deadline your boss gave you and you got nervous. Once you found it search online or in a book how to live in a healthy way this emotions and the urge will be gone.

And of course meditation will help, go build a nice and clean aura.

You’re in the right track, good luck !
Ok, Thank you
Thank you for the advice brothers and sisters I will try to stop it bit by bit using will power then replace it with natural masturbation.
Shael said:
Blitzkreig said:
Perhaps normally a person in society would masturbate once a week, or as needed, however porn has made masturbation addictive way beyond normal urges.
The values given here are very off. For the overwhelming majority of people, once a week would be way too low. "Average" numbers would be around once a day or once every two days, and then more or less than that depending on the person's individual sexdrive. There might be some very few people who have really low sexdrive and would only need an orgasm once a week, but these are a minority. Just like there are a few people who healthily need several a day, on the other end of the spectrum. But the average line lies between those two, and not somewhere on the far end of one side.
Very true brother, I need it everyday or I will have a bad mood lol
Aquarius said:
Shael said:
Blitzkreig said:
Perhaps normally a person in society would masturbate once a week, or as needed, however porn has made masturbation addictive way beyond normal urges.
The values given here are very off. For the overwhelming majority of people, once a week would be way too low. "Average" numbers would be around once a day or once every two days, and then more or less than that depending on the person's individual sexdrive. There might be some very few people who have really low sexdrive and would only need an orgasm once a week, but these are a minority. Just like there are a few people who healthily need several a day, on the other end of the spectrum. But the average line lies between those two, and not somewhere on the far end of one side.
Very true brother, I need it everyday or I will have a bad mood lol
I feel like masturbation is needed everyday but not sex. I feel like Sex and Masturbation are two different needs, they are connected but different. Masturbation is more like eating or drinking water, you just need it daily while sex i think it's not the case.
Aquarius said:
Very true brother, I need it everyday or I will have a bad mood lol
I wouldn't be able to sleep due to the sexual energies if I was to try and "skip" a day.
I did quit porn 1 jear before quitting alc, I wasn´t addicted i just did watch maybe once or twice a week.
The main reason for quiting was Varg, he said men who watch porn limit there desire to get a real girl.
Why should you try to get a girl if within two clicks you can satisfy your sex drive. I tryed it and well it turned out good. was way more motivated to talk to girls and did meet some nice girls.

I also did hear from guys who did look to much porn, after some time without porn they can´t get a errection. this did decrease thear selfesteem even more ,so they are even more shy to talk to a girl.

I would advice to instead look porn, imagine sex you did have with a real girl, or if there is no real experience imagine something with a girl you know in real life and use this energy to get her. Or give it as a present to your GD ( imagine sigil enlighted with your orgasmic energy). for both you need a affirmation.

Like : "[name of desired one] is deeply in love with me and desires me sexually."

or "I send this orgasmic energy as present to [ name GD]."

mantak chia did also write in his book multiorgasmik men about the porn issue.

for more info about sex magic, love spell:


Ciao, maybe this Sermon can be useful for you
Shael said:
Blitzkreig said:
Perhaps normally a person in society would masturbate once a week, or as needed, however porn has made masturbation addictive way beyond normal urges.
The values given here are very off. For the overwhelming majority of people, once a week would be way too low. "Average" numbers would be around once a day or once every two days, and then more or less than that depending on the person's individual sexdrive. There might be some very few people who have really low sexdrive and would only need an orgasm once a week, but these are a minority. Just like there are a few people who healthily need several a day, on the other end of the spectrum. But the average line lies between those two, and not somewhere on the far end of one side.

The average has been skewed by people's exposure to pornography. It is an addiction of the mind, just like how gluttony can become an addiction and result in overeating.
luis said:
Aquarius said:
Shael said:
The values given here are very off. For the overwhelming majority of people, once a week would be way too low. "Average" numbers would be around once a day or once every two days, and then more or less than that depending on the person's individual sexdrive. There might be some very few people who have really low sexdrive and would only need an orgasm once a week, but these are a minority. Just like there are a few people who healthily need several a day, on the other end of the spectrum. But the average line lies between those two, and not somewhere on the far end of one side.
Very true brother, I need it everyday or I will have a bad mood lol
I feel like masturbation is needed everyday but not sex. I feel like Sex and Masturbation are two different needs, they are connected but different. Masturbation is more like eating or drinking water, you just need it daily while sex i think it's not the case.

Need it daily for what? Sperm production puts a big toll on the body. Go 7 days without ejaculation and you will see the benefits of retaining that energy. My opinion is that ejaculation just to do so is a pointless energy drain.
Aquarius said:
Shael said:
Blitzkreig said:
Perhaps normally a person in society would masturbate once a week, or as needed, however porn has made masturbation addictive way beyond normal urges.
The values given here are very off. For the overwhelming majority of people, once a week would be way too low. "Average" numbers would be around once a day or once every two days, and then more or less than that depending on the person's individual sexdrive. There might be some very few people who have really low sexdrive and would only need an orgasm once a week, but these are a minority. Just like there are a few people who healthily need several a day, on the other end of the spectrum. But the average line lies between those two, and not somewhere on the far end of one side.
Very true brother, I need it everyday or I will have a bad mood lol

Is that a true need? Why would a healthy body "need" that? If it is a horny urge, it is possible to ignore it or transmute said energy (6th Tibetan rite) for example. The reason I say this is because ever since I stopped masturbating and viewing porn, my nervous system has increased in health and strength dramatically.
Blitzkreig said:
luis said:
Aquarius said:
Very true brother, I need it everyday or I will have a bad mood lol
I feel like masturbation is needed everyday but not sex. I feel like Sex and Masturbation are two different needs, they are connected but different. Masturbation is more like eating or drinking water, you just need it daily while sex i think it's not the case.

Need it daily for what? Sperm production puts a big toll on the body. Go 7 days without ejaculation and you will see the benefits of retaining that energy. My opinion is that ejaculation just to do so is a pointless energy drain.
Yes, some jew from israel that is a moderator on r/nofap thinks that too.
Blitzkreig said:
Need it daily for what? Sperm production puts a big toll on the body. Go 7 days without ejaculation and you will see the benefits of retaining that energy. My opinion is that ejaculation just to do so is a pointless energy drain.
It has been stated before by the HPs that masturbation, and the resulting orgasm of such, works heavily to clean and empower your entire system, chakras and everything. This is why the average lies at 1 a day, just like you would shower every day for example.

Ejaculation is only a "pointless energy drain" if you do not program the energies upon orgasm. If this is not done, then yes ejaculation is rather pointless and a waste of energy. Once you actually start programming your orgasmic energy every time however, it turns into one of the most powerful and healthy forms of magick you can possibly do. A simple affirmation to clean/empower your chakras will turn a "pointless" ejaculation into a pleasurable and powerful means of self-empowerment.
Blitzkreig said:
Is that a true need? Why would a healthy body "need" that? If it is a horny urge, it is possible to ignore it or transmute said energy (6th Tibetan rite) for example. The reason I say this is because ever since I stopped masturbating and viewing porn, my nervous system has increased in health and strength dramatically.
Please do read my comment regarding "NoFap" and its poisonous nature, which should explain why some people get "benefits" from less masturbation. https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=23947&p=103864#p103864

Purpusefully ignoring healthy urges of horniness, even in an effort to "conserve energy" is essentially a light version of celibacy. Entire family lines of strong Aryans were erased from existence because the enemy relentlessly pushed these teachings of celibacy onto them and they ended up accepting it.
HP Mageson666 said:
Stop connecting to it.

Is sexual energy transmutation real, HP? I wanted to trasmutate my sexual energy into normal energy so that I will have more energy and no need for sex, porn , urges, etc. I could give more of my time into SS.
Blitzkreig said:
Aquarius said:
Shael said:
The values given here are very off. For the overwhelming majority of people, once a week would be way too low. "Average" numbers would be around once a day or once every two days, and then more or less than that depending on the person's individual sexdrive. There might be some very few people who have really low sexdrive and would only need an orgasm once a week, but these are a minority. Just like there are a few people who healthily need several a day, on the other end of the spectrum. But the average line lies between those two, and not somewhere on the far end of one side.
Very true brother, I need it everyday or I will have a bad mood lol

Is that a true need? Why would a healthy body "need" that? If it is a horny urge, it is possible to ignore it or transmute said energy (6th Tibetan rite) for example. The reason I say this is because ever since I stopped masturbating and viewing porn, my nervous system has increased in health and strength dramatically.
Orgasm is healthy and necessary, I would avoid getting info from sources like r/nofap full of degenerates and jews.
Blitzkreig said:
Aquarius said:
Shael said:
The values given here are very off. For the overwhelming majority of people, once a week would be way too low. "Average" numbers would be around once a day or once every two days, and then more or less than that depending on the person's individual sexdrive. There might be some very few people who have really low sexdrive and would only need an orgasm once a week, but these are a minority. Just like there are a few people who healthily need several a day, on the other end of the spectrum. But the average line lies between those two, and not somewhere on the far end of one side.
Very true brother, I need it everyday or I will have a bad mood lol

Is that a true need? Why would a healthy body "need" that? If it is a horny urge, it is possible to ignore it or transmute said energy (6th Tibetan rite) for example. The reason I say this is because ever since I stopped masturbating and viewing porn, my nervous system has increased in health and strength dramatically.

Masturbation is neccessary to do if you feel the need to do it and i'm sure if someone ignores it for too long will have serious mental issues.
A healty body needs masturbation/sex if it asks for. Your nervous sistem will get better in any case if you do "someting that makes it healthier" (that's like the placebo effect) but stopping yourself from masturbation if you need it is dangerous.
Read this https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=5430
I watched pornography and masturbated addictively for as long as I can remember (I started when I was 10) because my parents didn't look what I was doing. The result was that I couldn't cum while my ex-girlfriend was giving me a blow job :oops: :lol:

NoFap is something that ALL Gentiles should practice. Pornography is Jewish shit to destroy young people's brains. Just see what Israel's military forces did after taking over the city of Ramallah in Palestine.
When Palestinian residents of the besieged West Bank town of Ramallah turned on their TVs over the weekend, what they encountered was neither news nor any of the usual Palestinian Authority programming; they encountered pornographic movie clips.

Three of the four TV stations in Ramallah, headquarters of Yasser Arafat, had been occupied by Israeli troops. The town's remaining TV station was meanwhile running a crawl at the bottom of the screen explaining that the porn clips were the work of the occupying forces. "We urge parents to take precautions," it read.
Fucking disgusting Jewish rats :evil:

One more thing. Watching pornography makes the brain want stronger stimuli. At first I was excited by the sight of the boobs .. but then it didn't impress me anymore and I masturbated to Rule 34 from Pokemon or Furry stuff :lol: :lol: :lol: . After a long time, abstinence from pornography feels beyond words. I feel just indescribably AWESOME and my fetishes returned to normal :!:

I encourage you to NoFap. DO NOT CONFUSE WITH TOTAL SEXUAL ABSTINENCE. Everyone should find a partner and have fun with him/her instead of fucking his/her hand :lol:
Shael said:
Blitzkreig said:
Is that a true need? Why would a healthy body "need" that? If it is a horny urge, it is possible to ignore it or transmute said energy (6th Tibetan rite) for example. The reason I say this is because ever since I stopped masturbating and viewing porn, my nervous system has increased in health and strength dramatically.
Please do read my comment regarding "NoFap" and its poisonous nature, which should explain why some people get "benefits" from less masturbation. https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=23947&p=103864#p103864

Purpusefully ignoring healthy urges of horniness, even in an effort to "conserve energy" is essentially a light version of celibacy. Entire family lines of strong Aryans were erased from existence because the enemy relentlessly pushed these teachings of celibacy onto them and they ended up accepting it.

I read your post, and I think we both agree on the dangers of porn. What I wish to convey to you is that many people have developed an unhealthy masturbation habit through pornography, likely 100% of people who actively masturbate do so under the influence of porn. Because of this, it would require them to undertake a form of abstinence from lustful behavior so that it can become normal again. I would say after ~3 months of stopping porn and masturbation, everything is less sexual for me. I stop thinking about sex, I don't get any insane urges, and I don't have wet dreams like I used to. At this point, you could make the case that I am now able to return to masturbation, and that would hold more merit than saying the same to my 3-month younger version.

Do not worry, I do not plan on being celibate for my entire life, however I what do you think about the point that semen production constitutes a toll on the body to continue, and that halting the outflow of semen would allow the body to preserve its energy for other tasks. In my case, I found that my nervous system functions much better after halting my awful habit. I agree that sexual magic or using sex for rituals can be useful, but how is jerking off by yourself useful? I simply do not understand what sort of benefit that would incur.
Aquarius said:
Blitzkreig said:
Aquarius said:
Very true brother, I need it everyday or I will have a bad mood lol

Is that a true need? Why would a healthy body "need" that? If it is a horny urge, it is possible to ignore it or transmute said energy (6th Tibetan rite) for example. The reason I say this is because ever since I stopped masturbating and viewing porn, my nervous system has increased in health and strength dramatically.
Orgasm is healthy and necessary, I would avoid getting info from sources like r/nofap full of degenerates and jews.

And jews run porn, so how can you know what to do? 100% of people who masturbate watch porn, therefore 100% of those people are corrupted, sexually. The jews made porn and pushed it onto the goyim, as they did with all other propaganda.
Aquarius said:
Blitzkreig said:
luis said:
I feel like masturbation is needed everyday but not sex. I feel like Sex and Masturbation are two different needs, they are connected but different. Masturbation is more like eating or drinking water, you just need it daily while sex i think it's not the case.

Need it daily for what? Sperm production puts a big toll on the body. Go 7 days without ejaculation and you will see the benefits of retaining that energy. My opinion is that ejaculation just to do so is a pointless energy drain.
Yes, some jew from israel that is a moderator on r/nofap thinks that too.

So that proves that /r/nofap is corrupt, but that speaks on the community itself, not the teachings of the community, or the principles it is based on. To me, it sounds like a good community was infiltrated to be misled or destroyed. If not /r/nofap, than what about /r/semenretention?
Blitzkreig said:
Aquarius said:
Blitzkreig said:
Is that a true need? Why would a healthy body "need" that? If it is a horny urge, it is possible to ignore it or transmute said energy (6th Tibetan rite) for example. The reason I say this is because ever since I stopped masturbating and viewing porn, my nervous system has increased in health and strength dramatically.
Orgasm is healthy and necessary, I would avoid getting info from sources like r/nofap full of degenerates and jews.

And jews run porn, so how can you know what to do? 100% of people who masturbate watch porn, therefore 100% of those people are corrupted, sexually. The jews made porn and pushed it onto the goyim, as they did with all other propaganda.
Who the f*ck gave you the statistic that every one who masturbates watches porn? Well I am sure as hell that shael and aquarius don't they legit just adviced to use my astral senses rather than porn nofap is the most destructive thing I have ever done some people have high sex drive and would masturbate every day some once a week or once a month it all depends on your drive but one thing's for sure celibacy should never be practiced neither does porn, porn is corrupted and jewish just as nofap just.
Ejaculation opens the chakras. This is why in that quick moment of orgasm a sex spell is strong. It's when you spend all day playing with yourself that it turns into a negative thing. Just like meditating all day long can hurt you so will masturbating.

If you think bottling your sexual energies and urges is healthier and beneficial than to masturbate once a day then you really need to stay away from r/nofap nonsense. Not only will not ejaculating for a long period of time, going with your individual sex drive, can cause you mental problems but physical physical as well.
Sarmatian said:

NoFap is something that ALL Gentiles should practice. Pornography is Jewish shit to destroy young people's brains. Just see what Israel's military forces did after taking over the city of Ramallah in Palestine.
When Palestinian residents of the besieged West Bank town of Ramallah turned on their TVs over the weekend, what they encountered was neither news nor any of the usual Palestinian Authority programming; they encountered pornographic movie clips.

NoFap is the same bullshit as Christianity. "Do not touch your willy or it will be bad for you".

Now if you are a porn addict, or if you were, cutting back on porn may be necessary to come even with your brain.

If you want a jew to call it NoFap for you and create a religious ideology so you don't jack off too much, that doesn't mean that "Gentiles should practice it".

Do you need a jewish permission and ideology, and a community to clap for you and support you daily for not touching your genitilia this day?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
