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Quite a few questions regarding Spiritual Satanism and things I've r

Note Julian ruling barring Jews from power along with Christians in general dismantled a cruel regime of the enemy. He also lifted the terror such regime had placed upon Pagans to the point of destroying the Pagan culture so badly much damage was already done. Pagans went into the streets upon this rioting and demanding the arrest of the Jews and Xian counterparts that had put so much of their families to death and caused so much problems.  This was not a frivolous matter Julian was involved in. He himself had to pretend to be Christian to save its own life for years. And be a Pagan is secret. The Regime killed much of his family Hence why the enemy calls him the "Apostate." The fact he worked to warn the populace this Christian program was a scam on top of it all is important.  Julian was one of the most powerful men on earth at the time. And represents a important cross roads in Western history. The fact Constantine tried to get him killed at the front several times. Which back fired on him alone is revealing. Julian was a military and political genius.  
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 5:10:18 AM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Quite a few questions regarding Spiritual Satanism and things I've read
I don't believe he ordered such. As such temple never existed from the start. The only time Jerusalem was built was by Constantine and up. That wailing wall bullshit is the ruins of a Roman Garrison that was standing on what believe is the Temple Mount. It was simply the mount the Garrison was built upon. Jerusalem was a Pagan concept before being stolen by Jews. That's what fucked Julian over I am aware of this. He was too nice and preached tolerance. Yes he wanted a return to the original religions. Which dismantles the power of Christianity which should be obvious. He was murdered for a good reason. But none of this is my point in the matter. My point was simply an historical example of Jewish power and its influence in creating Christianity.
From: mack_brigham <mackbrigham@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2013 1:15:38 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Quite a few questions regarding Spiritual Satanism and things I've read
  Emperor Julian was not as anti-jewish as you might think. In fact, he ordered the rebuilding of a Jewish temple to show his acceptance of other religions. He simply had Hellenistic polytheism become the state religion and didn't want others to have power over people (e.g. hold government positions).
--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote: Greece was destroyed it went thought an civilization ending situation that plunged it into a dark age of centuries starting around the end of the Minoan period. This is why as the Egyptians state the Greeks lost most of their knowledge of origin and such. Its lucky anything remained. By the time they recovered enough the Jews where around and called Hellenized Jews. Jews that dressed as Greeks and took up Greek culture to better infiltrate. They also infiltrate the mystery schools in some regions as well. In Alexandria they where hated for this.   The Jews never got that far until the Roman Empire where they became the elites by controlling the money and key networks of the Empire then helping to bank roll the Caesar rise to power which caused a civil war and ended the Republic and the power of the Patrician houses. They then started to intermarry and become full adopted members into the Flavian  dynasty. Which was the one that built the colosseum for distraction of the plebs and I suspect for a purpose of black magic the energy of thousands of dying men and animals is powerful. By this time Roman is degenerate. And from here on as the surviving records state Jewish power elites and their lobbies control the Caesar courts. This is how Christianity was forced by the sword upon the populace.   Its no mistake when Julian became Emperor he banned all xians and JEWS from any position of political power. And wrote a book exposing the Xian hoax as a Jewish scam and weapon. He was murdered shortly after. Then the Jews ran right back into their offices which shows the power they held. It was with the resources and power of Rome the Jews got the Vatican up and running with and used this to extend this program and their power across the planet.    One of the major points of anger among the Europeans that lead up to the reformation was the Catholic hierarchy was Jewish to the core. Even the Jesuits where founded by five powerful Jews. And the majority of the Popes have been Jews. The most openly worst of them where known to be Marrano Jews from Spain.   This is why the agent Luther who defended the Jews to point he was believed to be  Jewish he was such a philo-semite. Does a one eighty and becomes fire breathing anti-Jewish individual. He was an agent hijacking what was originally a Pagan rebirth movement. Its mission was to con people that xianity was not jewish and the jews where against it. As people had it with jewish xianity and kosher rome.  That's why the church never touched him. But killed thousands of others.     ________________________________ From: Fourth Reich <fourth_reich666@... To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2013 9:33:18 PM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Quite a few questions regarding Spiritual Satanism and things I've read   Why did those things infiltrate Greece first. Weren't the Greeks spiritually powerful enough to know what they were and to feel their energy. Also, have greek philosophers like Pythagorus reincarnated, I know it's slightly of topic but I was wondering about it all day "Man in his essence is with the infinite, unlimited creative power some people call God." HAIL THE SATAN, BEARER OF LIGHT!!!!!!!!!! Heil Mein Fuehrer!!!!! Heil all The Nazi Leaders, Long live the Golden Age!! HAIL MARDUK, WHO SHINES LIKE THE SUN!!!!!!!!!! HAIL THE MIGHTY HORUS!!!!!!!!!! and Hail be to The Gods of Duat! SIEG HEIL!!!!! RID THE JEWISH CHAINS!! : www.fourthreich666.tk ________________________________ From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...; To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com; Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Quite a few questions regarding Spiritual Satanism and things I've read Sent: Sun, Aug 18, 2013 1:25:55 AM   I already did.  The Jew is a gene hijacker that infiltrates all races from within to bring them down. ________________________________ From: Mazin Kamal <mazink02@... To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2013 9:19:52 PM Subject: RE: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Quite a few questions regarding Spiritual Satanism and things I've read   They were genetically engineered to look like humans. They don't even look like humans to me.correct me if I'm wrong Any race with a penis and Vagina can breed with human beings. Maybe Don could answer this HAIL THE SATAN, BEARER OF LIGHT!!!!!!!!!! Heil Mein Fuehrer!!!!! Heil all The Nazi Leaders, Long live the Golden Age!! HAIL MARDUK, WHO SHINES LIKE THE SUN!!!!!!!!!! HAIL THE MIGHTY HORUS!!!!!!!!!! and Hail be to The Gods of Duat! SIEG HEIL!!!!! RID THE JEWISH CHAINS!! : www.fourthreich666.tk - Mazin ________________________________ From: bestrielwotonsdotter <siannamarie13@...; To: <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com; Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Quite a few questions regarding Spiritual Satanism and things I've read Sent: Sun, Aug 18, 2013 1:11:39 AM   Then, please explain to me why it is they look human, and can breed with gentiles? Answer: they *are* partially human. As distasteful as it may sound to you, it's the truth. You can't breed with a race that doesn't share enough genetic material as yours does. If you think about it, it makes the crime of the reptilians even greater: they took a group of Father's children, and so completely modified them genetically, that all that is left of them is just enough genetic material in common with the rest of Father's children that they can pass for human, just enough so that they can even breed with them, enabling them to corrupt the gentile bloodlines. --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Fourth Reich <fourth_reich666@ wrote: The Jewish race is by NO chance partially human. <br/<br/"Man in his essence is with the infinite, unlimited creative power some people call God."<br/<br/HAIL THE SATAN, BEARER OF LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!<br/Heil Mein Fuehrer!!!!!<br/Heil all The Nazi Leaders, Long live the Golden Age!!<br/HAIL MARDUK, WHO SHINES LIKE THE SUN!!!!!!!!!!<br/HAIL THE MIGHTY HORUS!!!!!!!!!!<br/and Hail be to The Gods of Duat!<br/<br/SIEG HEIL!!!!! <br/<br/RID THE JEWISH CHAINS!! : www.fourthreich666.tk<br/
"They are greys, the greys are nothing but reptilians from reports going back thousands of years. The outward appearance is stated to be a kind of bio-suit that within is a pinkish scaly reptilian. There are legends among the Africans of finding these being dead and cutting them open and this is what they found. Also abductees reported the same."
So are "greys" not life beings but only some kind of space suits for reptiles?
Somewhere on JoS there is information that "greys" altered their dna to be deprived of emotions. So could we say that as greys are just masqarade suits, it is reptilians who are real ET beings with no emotians?
And does it mean that jews (as their children) have no emotians too?
no affection, no love, no rage, no resent...pure monsters
If I am right, it's quiet clear wy Germans took them into Ghetto.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

From the records around Homo Erectus, Homo Sapiens just popped up in a blink from the fossil records and had advanced creative ability.
It seems we where altered to make it a possibility. Geneticist do know that the human DNA has been genetically  engineered. We are dealing with the creation of all new races in this. Obviously before this the previous branches could reproduce as well. It would be foolish to also build a work force that can't replace itself. So we always where endowed with this. I am aware of those who claim different but they are wrong.
The mining for gold claims are false. Something happened and they transplanted their civilization on earth. That is why they went to the trouble of creating a massive labour force and the infrastructure to support them.  The Sumerian texts actually state. Humans where created to help the Gods build the earth. Sitchen has been known to have inserted bullshit claims in several places. 
The Draconian claims are highly dubious and tie into a larger train of bullshit being pushed by the trendy scam filled nuuu age.
The Reptilians did produce their own group. Obvious enough to allow them to appear human on the surface the point is infiltration after all.  But the Jews still look odd and do have a reptile like appearance  the more purer the blood. They are genetic group as the Cohen gene proves. And I was told by a Jew I once talked with. A Gentile sticks out in the Jewish area's because they do not have the physical Jewish features, the Jews can tell their own with. This is why the Jewish race has blood laws to make sure this gene code gets passed down intact.
The Jews make constant mention in their religious texts they have a special blood line from Yahweh. That Gentile races do not. And this special code makes them special and the Chosen. The fact geneticist can now tell Jewish DNA apart from all others shows this.  The next question is what is Yahweh then. Judeo-Xian ritual magicians in contact with the beings the Jews  refer to as their God and its hierarchy. All reported one thing from summoning them in the ritual chambers and medium ship with them going back before people knew about aliens. They are greys, the greys are nothing but reptilians from reports going back thousands of years. The outward appearance is stated to be a kind of bio-suit that within is a pinkish scaly reptilian.  There are legends among the Africans of finding these being dead and cutting them open and this is what they found. Also abductees reported the same.

From: mack_brigham <mackbrigham@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 11:40:51 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Quite a few questions regarding Spiritual Satanism and things I've read


Yes, I have a few more questions that I can think of at the moment. At what point along the evolutionary chain did Satan step in? As well, how did we evolve to be so astoundingly similar to extra terrestrials that interbreeding was possible? That seems highly unlikely. Were we altered to make it a possibility? Why couldn't we produce on our own before Satan allowed it? Was this put in place by those who were running the mining operation? What point along the evolutionary chain were we at while we were mining? Also, if the Jews were created using Draconian DNA, why is it that they look no different than we do? Satan was, of course, of an entirely different race.

Also, being an atheist and a hardcore skeptic, I don't want to preform a ritual of such importance until I'm positive it's something I want. I won't be positive it's something I want until I'm out of questions, and I've had time to reflect on the answers and put the pieces together. So thank you for answering them. You're bringing me closer to wanting to preform it. :)

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "smoketillyahchoke" <smoketillyahchoke@ wrote:

by designeded , that meens and acknowledges that Enki was in control of the genetic engineering and creation of mankind, humanity was intended to be nothing more than a slave race. And our Mighty Father and other gods and godesses of the Anunaki felt that an inteligent existance should be in control of they're own destiny, thus Lord Enki gifted us the ability to breed, aswell blessed us the sacred soul Kundalini, wich is what thrives{generates] the human soul aura biolectricity, chi. wich is of literal god potential and True Magnificant Divinity Divination. Jews where created by the Enemy Draconians , in wich upon genetic engineering manipulation put they're Gene [ Dna] Into the human gene, and made a literal human hybrid. The jews Where created to Wage War against all other Cultures and races of humanity- They are responible of the manifestation of mainstreem religion wich was the result of the Notorious Blasphemy of the inquisition the spainyard
catholic inquisition and the european inquisition, wich swept the eastern continent of this planet, and the entire western continent., wich was the mass execution of men women and children that had any other belif and way of life that was not of The christ illusion, people where tortured mutilated. Horrendous acts Evil Acts against human kind- wich the inquisition was aswell the removal and desicration ,alteration of all ancient history and spiritual alchemy of whom ancient cultures and civilizations of mankind truely descend from, tiz was replaced With the Hoax and filth of mainstreem religion and programing. - - to answer your last questionthe ancient civilizations cultures people from long ago, once stood side by side with our gods and godesses , they accepted the reality that there where hirer dietys our Gods and Godesses, that where willing to accept knowledge wisdom of spiritual alchemy [ Meditations ] , inteligence of architecht and the
study of the advance astrology and astronomy. i am more than certain that so long ago, humankind was well aware that they descended from a higher existance of a God race, wich is a reason why so manyGods Godesses where worshiped honored trusted and loved by the ancient mankind. do you hav any more questions.? you should perform dedication ritual- and then jump into meditation program - asap- i recomend from experience , you should begin - the hells army training program , to help advance yourself swiftley!
HAIL FATHER LUCIFER!!! - may the truth set souls free.
--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "mack_brigham" <mackbrigham@ wrote:

Thanks for your reply. I definitely learned a lot regarding Greys as well as the other races. What of my other questions?

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "smoketillyahchoke" <smoketillyahchoke@ wrote:

This website , can explain more to you about the enemy igigi [Greys] - Luciferianliberation.com- hope this helps answer a bit more of your curiosity. By all meens friend- Jump right into the truth and thank you for being open minded to study the JOS , embrace the truth and may the truth liberate your soul empowered and free, from the grasp of the enemy!
Hail Father Lucifer Enki!
--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "mack_brigham" <mackbrigham@ wrote:

I've spent at hours reading everything I can at joyofsatan.org. I want to start off by saying I am currently an atheist (and have been since I reached the age of rational thought), but am strongly considering Spiritual Satanism. I feel oddly attracted to it like no other religion, and the thought of Spiritual Satanism and everything I've learned from it makes me smile. As I read about it, many things I already knew seemed to click in my mind. I hope you can answer my questions and forgive me if some seem silly and/or obvious.

Firstly, I'm aware that Jewish people are genetically different as confirmed by various studies. According to the JoS website, humans as we know them were created "by taking the ovum from a Cro-Magnon/primate and using artificial insemination with a sperm from one of the Nephilim". Why is it that modern humans would be genetically different from each other if we all came from the same source? Also, how is it that we evolved so similarly that we could actually interbreed when we aren't from the same planets? It also says "Satan created us and designed us". What is meant by "designed"?

Secondly, what exactly are Siddhis and how can we work on them? They're mentioned quite a bit but I can't seem to find much information on them.

Thirdly, what is some generic information about greys? I couldn't find much information on them at all on the JoS website.

Lastly, how long have some of these things been known? For example: did the Satan worshipers from thousands of years ago have the same information? Did they share the belief of humans being created through artificial insemination?

Thank you for taking the time to reply.
...good points. I don't know that much about race, & you have taught me something. I should have remembered things such as sickle cell anemia being race-specific. Thank you for setting me straight. :)

with eternal love and devotion to Satan
with eternal respect to the goddesses and gods of Duat
with friendship to my sister/fellow Spiritual Satanists


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "the_fire_starter666" <the_fire_starter666@... wrote:

Here's the problem:If you go to Arctic regions, you'll see the people there don't really have "pale skins". The Inuits are mongoloids and darker looking than whites.

And besides that you know that races are much more than skin color?? They have different skull shapes (google "negroid skull shape" and "caucasoid skull shape" for example), different musculature (that's why you can see running is dominated by blacks while weightlifting by whites) and even different racial behavior. For example, East Asians are less violent than whites or blacks e.t.c They also have different racial genetic diseases. Cystic fibrosis is a white genetic disease while sickle cell anemia is a black genetic disease and only blacks or those who have mixed black blood have it.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Shantikami" <alexendorian@ wrote:

Well, skin color is just adaptation to the environment in which people live. Dark skin works better in hotter climates, pale skin in areas with strong winters. Of course, it takes at least thousands of years, if not hundreds of thousands, for skin to change radically, I think.

As for languages, just think of how the English language has changed in the last 200 years or so. It's not only different in England than from Australia and America...it's also different in each country's regions. Think of the different ways (say) a Texan speaks from how someone from Illinois speaks. It's not surprising that we have so many languages.

Eternal love and devotion to Satan
Eternal respect to the gods of Duat
with friendship to my fellow/sister Spiritual Satanists


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "bestrielwotonsdotter" <siannamarie13@ wrote:

"Why is it that modern humans would be genetically different from each other if we all came from the same source?"

This too, is a question I have. As Mack, I understand very well the jew/reptilian part of things; and I understand how Enki created the original Gentile race; however, how did it come to be that the differences in the gentile races come about? Logic would seem to suggest that we were all of the same physical characteristics, in the beginning. So, how is it that we evolved into different skin colors, with different physical characteristics? And with different languages also? Was this merely a result of natural evolution over time?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "smoketillyahchoke" <smoketillyahchoke@ wrote:

"by designeded , that meens and acknowledges that Enki was in control of the genetic engineering and creation of mankind, humanity was intended to be nothing more than a slave race. And our Mighty Father and other gods and godesses of the Anunaki felt that an inteligent existance should be in control of they're own destiny, thus Lord Enki gifted us the ability to breed, aswell blessed us the sacred soul Kundalini..."

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "mack_brigham" <mackbrigham@ wrote:

Thanks for your reply. I definitely learned a lot regarding Greys as well as the other races. What of my other questions?
Sometimes people (such as me) need others to wake us up. I want to thank you, Don, and Firestarter666 for doing so. You're right...I was fed the all-races-are-one stuff when I was in school, and never questioned it. Other than knowing that jews are an entire race apart, and that there are some race-specific disorders and facial characteristics, I did not know about how many other differences between races there are.

Now I do, and so I won't use that spooonfed lie anymore.

with eternal love and devotion to Satan


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

True, geneticists can tell the race of a person by looking at their DNA at this point. Which is obvious. They are over a hundred biological differences between Blacks and Whites alone. The racial anthropology fields where documenting massive biological differences between the races of the world. Then the Jews such as Boaz got in there and shut it down. Replaced it with Communistic lies and pseudo science. Lies such as race is skin deep, its soul deep.
What Christianity has done on the metaphysical level, liberalism which is just sugar coated Communism. Has done on the physical level. The pushing the lie of universal, racial egalitarianism and suffrage  and all that comes with this lie.  
People need to wake up and stop repeating the propaganda of Humanities enemy.

From: the_fire_starter666 <the_fire_starter666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 3:45:18 AM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Quite a few questions regarding Spiritual Satanism and things I've read


Here's the problem:If you go to Arctic regions, you'll see the people there don't really have "pale skins". The Inuits are mongoloids and darker looking than whites.

And besides that you know that races are much more than skin color?? They have different skull shapes (google "negroid skull shape" and "caucasoid skull shape" for example), different musculature (that's why you can see running is dominated by blacks while weightlifting by whites) and even different racial behavior. For example, East Asians are less violent than whites or blacks e.t.c They also have different racial genetic diseases. Cystic fibrosis is a white genetic disease while sickle cell anemia is a black genetic disease and only blacks or those who have mixed black blood have it.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Shantikami" <alexendorian@ wrote:

Well, skin color is just adaptation to the environment in which people live. Dark skin works better in hotter climates, pale skin in areas with strong winters. Of course, it takes at least thousands of years, if not hundreds of thousands, for skin to change radically, I think.

As for languages, just think of how the English language has changed in the last 200 years or so. It's not only different in England than from Australia and America...it's also different in each country's regions. Think of the different ways (say) a Texan speaks from how someone from Illinois speaks. It's not surprising that we have so many languages.

Eternal love and devotion to Satan
Eternal respect to the gods of Duat
with friendship to my fellow/sister Spiritual Satanists


--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "bestrielwotonsdotter" <siannamarie13@ wrote:

"Why is it that modern humans would be genetically different from each other if we all came from the same source?"

This too, is a question I have. As Mack, I understand very well the jew/reptilian part of things; and I understand how Enki created the original Gentile race; however, how did it come to be that the differences in the gentile races come about? Logic would seem to suggest that we were all of the same physical characteristics, in the beginning. So, how is it that we evolved into different skin colors, with different physical characteristics? And with different languages also? Was this merely a result of natural evolution over time?

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "smoketillyahchoke" <smoketillyahchoke@ wrote:

"by designeded , that meens and acknowledges that Enki was in control of the genetic engineering and creation of mankind, humanity was intended to be nothing more than a slave race. And our Mighty Father and other gods and godesses of the Anunaki felt that an inteligent existance should be in control of they're own destiny, thus Lord Enki gifted us the ability to breed, aswell blessed us the sacred soul Kundalini..."

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "mack_brigham" <mackbrigham@ wrote:

Thanks for your reply. I definitely learned a lot regarding Greys as well as the other races. What of my other questions?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
