1. Jewish mythological "seraphim" are, both in the esoteric jewish kabbalah and in exoteric paintings and such, described as lizards/snakes.
The snake is always a negative symbol in their mythology, as they consider serpentine life-embracing energy evil. But in this one case, the reptiles are positive.
In either case, the reptillian conspiracy theory had to come from somewhere. Yes, 95% of what they say is stupid and wrong. But they do have a small root of truth.
For the most part, alien entities of the enemy aren't even "reptiles", as they have nothing to do with lizards on our own planet. They are called this way due to the resemblance. But they are barely even lifeforms to begin with. Due to their hate of 666, I would assume they are not carbon based life.
It's pretty logical that beings that evolved in a completely different direction of parasitism and hivemind consciousness would be opposed to species whose literal basis is evolution, adaptation, and change.
We can evolve, they can't. They see evolution as admitting you are "wrong", and they see themselves as "right" because this is how all life operates. It wants to keep living.
The idea that there are very powerful beings within our own "general species direction" or "form of life", that have taken evolution to very high levels, is reasonable.
So is the idea that other "forms of life" that are antithetical to evolution and change are varying in levels of power, and their most powerful for act just like the Enemy does, trying to prove a point that we are "inferior".
Dwelling on the enemy is not too necessary to begin with, as the important thing here are the Gods.
2. No, they don't. We do not enforce political beliefs as we are not a political organization. We have religious and spiritual beliefs as we are a religious and spiritual organization.
There are spiritual principles that the Gods mastered and do follow, such as loving one's race, individuality, striving to be better, meritocracy based hierarchy, etc.
These things do resonate with Hitler's view of National Socialism, as he was a man of the Gods.
However, people like Voltaire and Tesla were equally men of the Gods, and modern politics would place them as far left.
Conversely, political systems change and evolve over time quite a lot. To say that Socrates, for example, was "far right", is to remove him from the context of the time and place him within the modern context. There is correlation, and you can probably reach a label, but you've taken a path to understand Socrates' mentality that he hasn't taken in order to reach.
Similarly so, the political conclusions reached by Hitler were reached in a specific context, with specific experiences he had, and whether they were "good or bad" is not an easy thing for anyone to decide in 2025, decades later, having lived a completely different life to what he did.
These people have one pattern in common which makes us respect them:
They followed the Gods.
They took action.
They did what they thought was best at the time, and got results.
They spiritually advanced within their own individual path.
As you advance, you might be a great conqueror like Alexander. You might be a great thinker with an incredibly soft heart like Tesla. You might be someone ruthless who did the extreme because he knew it to be right and to have a purpose, like Hitler.
No, we don't enforce any politics. We think some things are true, but one shouldn't dogmatically believe them, but rather through reason, discover them.
We also do not follow the "traditional boogeyman Hitler" "neo nazi" ideology that most of the world believes and that some people have stupidly embraced. "Hating and wanting to exterminate other races", "whites are better by virtue of simply being born white, and if you waste your life its still okay because you're white", "women should be limited and are inferior", blah blah blah. All these accusations have been thrown on the nazis without a clear analysis of that time.
Most of these things are things jews have created. The misogyny of the bible. The idea that "non-jews have animal souls" still being part of their doctrine millenia later. Their prophecies of their messiah that will come and rule the world. That is incredibly "neo nazi" as the modern world says, but the world instead attacks someone who took extreme measures to deal with an extreme problem.
3. Depends. "Is every hebrew aware that he is part of an operation to destroy humanity and his people's narcissism, low behavior and incest led them to being manipulated by beings that see life as trash to be assimilated or discarded"? No. Obviously. If every jew was completely in on this, it would be impossible to hide.
It is their "spiritually aware" that know.
However, jews are:
- a tribe that, since its inception, has acted as a mafia, and has maintained itself through incest and race mixing to the degree where they have many exclusive illnesses
- spiritually altered by the entities they have been in contact with beyond repair
- have a tendency for evil and all their "stereotypical behavior" due to racial patterns
For these reasons, and for their endless historical crimes against the Gods, jews are completely incompatible and antithetical with the Temple of Zeus.
That being said, we have no "doctrines that people are obliged to follow". You can just not believe that people have psychological tendencies due to race, like 99% of the world believes and has been programmed to believe. You will eventually trust a jew at the wrong time and run into trouble.
As far as "our hate of them", we do not incite any physical action against them. We fought their garbage on a spiritual level, and have won. They will lose power.
And once they completely lose power over the world, the fact that they are cursed beyond repair and won't reach the higher levels of enlightenment is not a factor for us.
Boohoo, they can't be immortal. Surprise, most people won't ever reach that level anyway. Such is life.
Many tribes got into similar shit that the jews got into, prehistoric tribes, island communities, whatever. They didn't advance, and eventually entropy got to them and they died.
This is natural, and if the jews only did this, without plotting to take over the world out of pure narcissism, we wouldn't care about them.
Once they become a non-issue, we won't talk about them other than their past crimes. And, obviously, they will never get to be with the Gods.
4. Closing here is not the opposite of opening them through meditation. You don't further seal them, or whatever.
It is a visualization technique to help protect them from outside influence. If someone truly had the ability to "close" their Chakras, as in stop them from functioning or undo progress they have done in opening them, they would also be wise enough not to do that.