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Questions and Curiosities


New member
Dec 17, 2003
First of all I would like to apologize.  No doubt what I have to ask will be very familiar, as I am sure those of you who are reading this have seen these situations and questions I will be presenting many times before, from many other people.  I have looked through and read other conversations on this group as an attempt to find the answers that I seek, but non have fully been able to answer what I have to ask.
Secondly, I would like to make it clear that I by no means intend to offend anyone with my questions, but as I am new to the idea of even looking into Satanism, I may inadvertently upset some people with either the content of my questions, or the way in which I present them.
Thirdly, as you can already see this will be a fairly long, uh, well "essay" may even be an appropriate word for it.  I apologize, but it has taken a lot for me to even get this far and I wish to present all that I have to say in one message.

Now that I got that out of the way, I thank you if you are still reading and are perhaps willing to help me. Let me give you a little background of my life. I am sure it will sound very familiar to many of you.
I was adopted into a christian family when I was born.  My parents are very extreme mix of protestants and political conservatism.  I was forced from a very young age to go to a christian private school, and have been there throughout my entire preschool to high school years.  Only when I was able to move on to college could I be free of the indoctrination.  I was even forced during those years (even then it was against my wishes) to attend a youth group, a christian version of boy scouts known as "royal rangers," and church on Sundays.  Every night I was forced to have devotional time for at least half an hour, and had to pray before every meal.  This was how I was raised.  This was all that I knew.  I even thought it to be right, at least for the first 17 years.
When I finally moved on to college, I began to see just how...closed minded and subjugated my life has been up until then. I had never learned about evolution, and the curiosity led me to study it on my own.  After years of the internal conflict between my logic and reasoning with the indoctrination of all that I was raised on, I finally accepted the fact that christianity is simply wrong.  I was even able to admit to myself that I am bisexual (a "curse" I had been fighting privately for years, under threat of being disowned and possibly worse, ie gay camp).
I also grew an interest in quantum physics.  (This may not seem relevant but I assure you that it is.)  The world of quantum physics is incredible, and the lessons and theories that come from it are so close to being arcane.  Take for instance quantum entanglement.  It is the very idea that information can be directly influenced between two existing particles of matter regardless of their distance.  Our minds are made of matter, so this (in a very basic sense) opens up the possibility of influencing our world (and the minds of others) through thoughts alone.
I did research into the occult and the arcane, and have studied what I suppose you could call the theoretical possibility of magick.  Unfortunately, much to my GREAT disappointment, non of the experiments I have attempted yielded any observable results, as of yet.  I do continue to attempt a few, on occasion, but still am having difficulty.
One last thing to mention before I get to the heart of my questions.  I am currently in my third year of college.  I am majoring in psychology, though I have a fairly extensive knowledge of programming as well (In other words, I operate on logic and reasoning above all else).  One of  the greatest things that I take from my classes is the idea of skepticism.  The very teaching of the Joys of Satan web site (for I have read nearly everything on the site) agree with this notion, the idea that we should not take the word of the christian bible, or the torah, or the talmud, or the quaran, immediately as truth.  I was brought up to believe that I should simply swallow everything that the bible tells me as reality, and that since it is "the word of god" it is never wrong.  I will NOT fall into that trap again.
And this brings me to my main question.  I will admit that I very much want to become a Satanist, and mean it.  I wish to learn, and be able to preform the magick mentioned on the Joys of Satan website.  I wish to be able to communicate with beings higher than myself, and learn from them.  I desire power, yes, and I desire to improve myself.
BUT. If I were to simply and blindly accept what you teach as truth, then I would be no better than when I was a christian.  Please, all that may be reading this, and those that are able to help me.  I require proof, I need something to latch on to.  My faith in christianity fell apart because it was an ENTIRELY faith-based religion.  I need only the simplest of proofs, such as a demonstrable working spell of TRUE magick, for me to devote my very soul.  There is so much logic in the teachings that I have read from the Joys of Satan website, and I find it all incredibly fascinating.  I am willing to put faith into what I do, and grow my beliefs in faith.  BUT there MUST be a solid grain of observable fact that I can base these all on.  I look for evidence.  Please understand that I am not trying to discredit ANY of you, as I believe that the path of Satanism is as close to the truth in religion as there can be.  BUT just as I will NOT be blindly putting my faith back into the falsities of christianity, I cannot do the same to ANY other worldview.  Please, try to understand my problem.
I do not know much about magick.  I wish very desperately to learn of course, and would devote much of my time, and indeed life, to practicing it if I choose the path of Satanism.  But I need your help, those of you who are willing to help.  Magick is, in my limited understanding, a very powerful tool.  Is there perhaps any of you who could use this tool to assist me?  Again, I know very little about magick, but should any of you be able to observably prove to me the validity of the theory of magick (as i am currently calling it) I will be greatly in you debt.
I very likely have upset many of you reading this.  I ask for your forgiveness if I have, but please do try to understand my viewpoint.  And for those of you who have actually taken the time to read through my entire article, I thank you as well, even if you cannot assist me.
//Side note: my father is a doctor, and therefor has a decent amount of money.  He is currently funding my college tuition.  As soon as I am able to, I will be moving out, but I must finish college and acquire a job before this.  Fortunately, he and I have come to a compromise.  I may downright hate it, but I must go to church as often as I can (on Sundays that is) so long as it does not interfere with my college or work.  It is an extremely frustrating situation, but I simply bring a book and shut out the filth as best I can.  Again, this is a compromise, so it is something I must do if I wish to continue to go to college, and more importantly have both a home to live in and food to eat.  It is extremely regrettable but it is a manage situation, for the time being.  I just thought that this should be known.  I am able to fool them, by appearing as another foolish "lamb" but I assure you that I am not.
You could look back on the experiences of members and see the consistency of accounts from people who have never met each other in their life. Or perhaps you could do more research on the JoS and newsletter and see just how perfectly it all fits together. Or you (highly recommended) could try one of the meditations on the meditation page and see just how much it works. Or you could picture Satans sigil in your head and ask him to send you a sign of his existence. 
Don't concern yourself with that, at least for me I'm not gonna get offended at all. I pretty much understand the beliefs and misconceptions many people have, so I will clarify this for you:
First of all, as you may know, magick is something considered "supernatural" in the sense that most untrained people can't do it. Knowing this, doesn't make it any sense to you that if there was some way to do it instantly without any previous knowledge or training then everybody would do it? Think about it: what you're asking, if it was possible, then everybody would do it by chance. So really, I don't know if I will disappoint you by saying this, but no there's no instant way to get observable results with magick if you haven't had any previous occult training or knowledge. There's a lot to study and practice before doing that. That's exactly the reason many occult societies and groups in their few initiations only teach theoretical stuff as well as energy work and meditation techniques. 
Magick itself is a complete science with its own laws, theoretical knowledge, as well as lots of spiritual preparation you need to have done before you can see results in the material world. There are many ways magick can fail, like if you are spiritually untrained, can't concentrate well, if you do a spell in a bad astrological timing, if it's a targeted spell on somebody with a stronger soul e.t.c. So nobody really said it's something easy, it needs lots of background knowledge and even a few basics of astrology to know. But if you study you'll see it's pretty predictable when you get no results, it just means you are in one of the categories above (spiritually untrained, bad timing e.t.c.)
So you don't need to obsess over that, it's okay, you don't have to accept it in the beginning. The most important thing in Spiritual Satanism is really transforming and empowering our souls with power meditation with Satan and the Gods' guidance. That's what's about, raising our kundalini and reaching Godhood. A person who is new obviously needs to start from the inside-out, that is focusing on the meditational/yoga part of Spiritual Satanism and train his mind and soul. That's the reason we practice things like power meditations, because besides transforming our souls, it's also training practice so you will have a laser-focused mind and strong enough soul to have success in magick.
So just stick with the power meditation part and do rituals to Satan and you'll be okay in the beginning.
Another thing I may add here: nobody asked you to put any "faith", all its asked is simply try if you like it. You seem to believe somehow that we're here to try to convert and convince people. If you read the site you'll see it's not something somebody cares so much to try to do magick tricks in order to convince someone like you. Of course nobody would waste his energy that way and it would serve no purpose. Not to mention this article which blatantly warns against something like that as well:
Extraordinary Ability  

All you have to do is if you read the things on the site and like them you may try them. Just like you do daily physical exercise, if you do. By yourself. If you don't care about that or nothing works for you or you are not willing to put any effort on your part you can just leave. Really. Exactly like I said, you don't need to have any "faith" nor believe anything you haven't experienced.


Ya brov ur right about the part were you said it would make me no better than the Christians,but it all has to do with weather or not youre willing to put youre time into meditations and years of self empowering to achive even adept power.most of us here har been satanists in our past lives (many many past lives) and I think of it now as more of a renewal of a contract that is only necessary because we remember close to nothing as we go through reincarnation and you're not entirely the same person as you were for example I don't even think I was human in a past life,but that's a different post, bottom line is I waited diligently and intensely for any numerical representation movement of objects I've always heard voices in my head and when I was young maybe 5 I could see the astral and I felt like I could talk to things in my head but I couldn't tell because it just seemed like me thinking,but for you this will be a different process you must come to satan though his ability to find new followers is truly incredible you have to put emotion into the beliefs you hold and if you feel attuned with youre energy or in other words psychicly
Open try taking youre thoughts amplifying them and give them energy,picture maybe his sigil(I've always been able to recreate the presence of a person but I've never met our lord so once a person does you can do that and (invoke I believe it is)his energy and communicate with him so bottom line is hes powerful enough to physically move things but he lives in Orion's Belt so it must be done spiritually
I will be attempting power meditations again, and hope that they work.  I am not above putting real work and effort into getting what I want.  On the contrary, should a sign be given to me I will be putting a LOT of effort into improving myself and my abilities this way.

As for the sigil prayer idea, do you believe that would work? I mean, forgive me if this sounds blasphemous (for I in no way intend it to be) but why would he be concerned with one weak soul as mine to produce a sign?  I may try it, but would such a prayer come across as arrogant on my part?
Well "showing" proof without experiencing it yourself is extremely hard if not impossible. See you need to know inside. Not just what you think.

See I was exactly like you. I had absolutely no religious beliefs or faith of any kind that could be proven immediately by science and logically.

But the more I read the more I "felt" it was true.

Last year I Did the ritual of giving my soul and everything I am to Satan. Now here's when I knew it was real. That night, and that day. I felt an energy and power I have never experienced. As well as pure bliss. And the feelings of being free. Knowing God as felt you and you feel him. Not how some other religions say you do. This I guarantee was different. Imagine being spiritually electrically Zapped in an incredible way. That's how I KNOW it's all real.

But since then I am struggling with the meditation part of things. I asked the group for help. And I think
The advice will.

I will never give up on it because I knew then and now that it's real. So power meditation is my personal life goal.

I hope that this sorta answers your question.
Well, honestly, it was only after that I dedicated to Father Satan that I learned beyond any doubt that HE IS REAL!
However, I did have years of research behind me. Therefore I knew that the other stuff was pretty much BS.

I knew there was something though. And I felt drawn to Satan. So, I finally swallowed my fears and dedicated. It
wasn't anytime at all that I knew beyond any doubts that HE is real! So, you might just try talking to HIM. Not
sure you will get a sign or an answer. I think there is something to taking that leap of faith, so to speak. But unlike
all the other religions I had tried, this one turned out to be the truth.

Not sure any of this will help. Your journey is just that -- yours! I suggest dedicating with all ones heart. Otherwise,
its not going to mean nearly as much. There is the possibility that you will receive an answer if you simply ask HIM.
However, Father may want to see you take that step. Maybe someone else here can advise you more. I assure you,
though, that Father Satan is real!

Hail Father Satan! Hail Isis! Hail Anubis!
On Fri, 1/16/15, fitzsaiying@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Questions and Curiosities
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Friday, January 16, 2015, 4:05 PM


First of all I would like to
apologize.  No doubt what I have to ask will be very
familiar, as I am sure those of you who are reading this
have seen these situations and questions I will be
presenting many times before, from many other people.  I
have looked through and read other conversations on this
group as an attempt to find the answers that I seek, but non
have fully been able to answer what I have to
Secondly, I would
like to make it clear that I by no means intend to offend
anyone with my questions, but as I am new to the idea of
even looking into Satanism, I may inadvertently upset some
people with either the content of my questions, or the way
in which I present them.
Thirdly, as you can already see this
will be a fairly long, uh, well "essay" may even
be an appropriate word for it.  I apologize, but it has
taken a lot for me to even get this far and I wish to
present all that I have to say in one message.

Now that I got that
out of the way, I thank you if you are still reading and are
perhaps willing to help me. Let me give you a little
background of my life. I am sure it will sound very familiar
to many of you.
I was adopted into a
christian family when I was born.  My parents are very
extreme mix of protestants and political conservatism.  I
was forced from a very young age to go to a christian
private school, and have been there throughout my entire
preschool to high school years.  Only when I was able to
move on to college could I be free of the indoctrination. 
I was even forced during those years (even then it was
against my wishes) to attend a youth group, a christian
version of boy scouts known as "royal rangers,"
and church on Sundays.  Every night I was forced to have
devotional time for at least half an hour, and had to pray
before every meal.  This was how I was raised.  This was
all that I knew.  I even thought it to be right, at least
for the first 17 years.
When I finally moved
on to college, I began to see just how...closed minded and
subjugated my life has been up until then. I had never
learned about evolution, and the curiosity led me to study
it on my own.  After years of the internal conflict between
my logic and reasoning with the indoctrination of all that I
was raised on, I finally accepted the fact that christianity
is simply wrong.  I was even able to admit to myself that I
am bisexual (a "curse" I had been fighting
privately for years, under threat of being disowned and
possibly worse, ie gay camp).
I also grew an
interest in quantum physics.  (This may not seem relevant
but I assure you that it is.)  The world of quantum physics
is incredible, and the lessons and theories that come from
it are so close to being arcane.  Take for instance quantum
entanglement.  It is the very idea that information can be
directly influenced between two existing particles of matter
regardless of their distance.  Our minds are made of
matter, so this (in a very basic sense) opens up the
possibility of influencing our world (and the minds of
others) through thoughts alone.
I did research into
the occult and the arcane, and have studied what I suppose
you could call the theoretical possibility of magick. 
Unfortunately, much to my GREAT disappointment, non of the
experiments I have attempted yielded any observable results,
as of yet.  I do continue to attempt a few, on occasion,
but still am having difficulty.
One last thing to
mention before I get to the heart of my questions.  I am
currently in my third year of college.  I am majoring in
psychology, though I have a fairly extensive knowledge of
programming as well (In other words, I operate on logic and
reasoning above all else).  One of  the greatest things
that I take from my classes is the idea of skepticism.  The
very teaching of the Joys of Satan web site (for I have read
nearly everything on the site) agree with this notion, the
idea that we should not take the word of the christian
bible, or the torah, or the talmud, or the quaran,
immediately as truth.  I was brought up to believe that I
should simply swallow everything that the bible tells me as
reality, and that since it is "the word of god" it
is never wrong.  I will NOT fall into that trap
And this brings me to
my main question.  I will admit that I very much want to
become a Satanist, and mean it.  I wish to learn, and be
able to preform the magick mentioned on the Joys of Satan
website.  I wish to be able to communicate with beings
higher than myself, and learn from them.  I desire power,
yes, and I desire to improve myself.

BUT. If I were to
simply and blindly accept what you teach as truth, then I
would be no better than when I was a christian.  Please,
all that may be reading this, and those that are able to
help me.  I require proof, I need something to latch on
to.  My faith in christianity fell apart because it was an
ENTIRELY faith-based religion.  I need only the simplest of
proofs, such as a demonstrable working spell of TRUE magick,
for me to devote my very soul.  There is so much logic in
the teachings that I have read from the Joys of Satan
website, and I find it all incredibly fascinating.  I am
willing to put faith into what I do, and grow my beliefs in
faith.  BUT there MUST be a solid grain of observable fact
that I can base these all on.  I look for evidence. 
Please understand that I am not trying to discredit ANY of
you, as I believe that the path of Satanism is as close to
the truth in religion as there can be.  BUT just as I will
NOT be blindly putting my faith back into the falsities of
christianity, I cannot do the same to ANY other worldview. 
Please, try to understand my problem.
I do not know much
about magick.  I wish very desperately to learn of course,
and would devote much of my time, and indeed life, to
practicing it if I choose the path of Satanism.  But I need
your help, those of you who are willing to help.  Magick
is, in my limited understanding, a very powerful tool.  Is
there perhaps any of you who could use this tool to assist
me?  Again, I know very little about magick, but should any
of you be able to observably prove to me the validity of the
theory of magick (as i am currently calling it) I will be
greatly in you debt.
I very likely have
upset many of you reading this.  I ask for your forgiveness
if I have, but please do try to understand my viewpoint. 
And for those of you who have actually taken the time to
read through my entire article, I thank you as well, even if
you cannot assist me.
note: my father is a doctor, and therefor has a decent
amount of
money.  He is currently funding my college tuition.  As
soon as I am
able to, I will be moving out, but I must finish college and
acquire a
job before this.  Fortunately, he and I have come to a
compromise.  I may downright hate it, but I must go to
church as often as I can (on Sundays that is) so long as it
does not interfere with my college or work.  It is an
extremely frustrating
situation, but I simply bring a book and shut out the filth
as best I
can.  Again, this is a compromise, so it is something I
must do if I
wish to continue to go to college, and more importantly have
both a home
to live in and food to eat.  It is extremely regrettable
but it is a
manage situation, for the time
being.  I just thought that this
should be known.  I am able to fool them, by appearing as
another foolish "lamb" but I assure you that I am

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Hail Satan Yes he exist Abd is very real and powerful I do the 3rd eye mediation 3 times a day for 10 minI use the electric blue color It work so well 
I see satan,  first I saw an inverted cross rotating then his sigil And then out father himself 
It's awesome 
I also see him in my dreams 
Just  give it time it worked !
Hail all 666 

Sent from my iPhone
On 17 Jan 2015, at 21:58, "Yog Sothoth yogsothoth666999@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  You could look back on the experiences of members and see the consistency of accounts from people who have never met each other in their life. Or perhaps you could do more research on the JoS and newsletter and see just how perfectly it all fits together. Or you (highly recommended) could try one of the meditations on the meditation page and see just how much it works. Or you could picture Satans sigil in your head and ask him to send you a sign of his existence. 
You said:
"I am not above putting real work and effort into getting what I want. On the contrary, should a sign be given to me I will be putting a LOT of effort into improving myself and my abilities this way."
I again think you're adding faith where faith isn't necessary. Even a sign can be false and deceivings. Don't you know that? For example there are sometimes "signs", miracles and other things associated with xianity/christinsanity. It's pretty possible for an enemy being to do some trick in order to have some being have blind faith into something and twist its meaning. These miracle things do actually nothing, they only delude people. See this post by HP Maxine for more info about the delusional nature of xian miracles:
 https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ages/22927
You seem to be looking for these sort of delusional things so that you can have some blind faith in something.
All I'm saying is that: Ok, don't believe anything and just keep an open mind. Forget that something is gonna happen after those power meditations. Just do these power meditations out of curiosity, because you are curious and interested in them. No expectations at all. Be like a child which is curious about things.That's actually the correct attitude to do the meditations for, not any effort or straining (which blocks them). Expecting anything out of them doesn't help at all, but the opposite. I've seen many times in people who have problems: usually those people have high expectations and results they're trying to get from them.
Part of whether or not Spiritual Satanism is for you has to do with whether you like the practices you're doing(power meditations e.t.c.) and you find them interesting. Not just merely doing them reluctantly just because you expect something out of them.
Hi there!

I totally 100% know what you're talking about and feel.

I was an atheist before yet have an open mind.

I think you should do the meditations and see if they work. Only then you'll know if it works!

Thank you everyone for your input.  While it is still unfortunate that I am unable to manifest anything from my attempts so far, I will continue to try.  I am interested in the truth, beyond all else, and since there is a lot going for this worldview I will continue to put forth the effort.

There are still some aspects that seem too close to my previous experiences (ie, I was always told to just pray and have faith, and "god" would eventually reveal himself to me.  In SOME ways, that is what I am being told here; to continue power meditation until it works.  Many people from my former church claim, just as many of you have, that they can "feel the presence of god" when they pray.)  HOWEVER.  I recognize that it is of a different nature.  There certainly is a difference here between prayer and power mediation.  I recognize that.  But there still are similarities that...slightly concern me.  Nevertheless I am going to continue attempting power meditation, or at least working my way towards it (I am just now learning how to breath properly, as I am very new to the idea of power meditation.)

You must understand, I am not interested in what "feels good for me."  I am interested in the truth of reality.  I admit, that when I tried those yoga breathing exercises, that afterwords I felt quite good. When I was in Tae Kwon Do there were similar breathing exercises that we did, so it is a familiar thing to me.  I will continue doing so for a while, even if I (for some reason I dont have yet) decided to leave/not be a Satanist.  But again, I am not pursuing this for what feels good to me; I want, need, to know the truth.  For far too long have I been indoctrinated with the lies of the christian church.  With such a FUNDAMENTAL aspect of my childhood, upbringing, and even personality absolutely SHATTERED, I feel broken and lost.  Satanism offers what very well may be the truth of reality.

I suppose that, in many ways, I am looking for something to hold on to.  Something to keep me grounded.  Something that I can, in essence, rebuild my life around.  That is why I am being so, well, paranoid.  I just want to know that I am making the right choice.

I don't know if this is a thing that any of you are willing to do, but I would very much like if there was someone willing to help me through this transitional period.  I know that may be asking a lot, so I don't really expect help.  Nevertheless I might as well put out the idea.  I understand that there is a TON of material on the JoS website, and that I also have the community here on Yahoo Groups as a place to go and ask questions (as I already have).  Nevertheless, there is a difference between talking to a community and looking up articles online, and instead talking with an individual on a personal level.  Just a thought, again I don't really expect anything.

Side note; I realized, "the_fire_starter666", that I have accidentally replied to all 3 of your messages through email, not as a group post.  I was not ignoring your advice; on the contrary, yours was the first I replied to.  So please check your email, just in case it did not get through.

And again, thank you to those of you who read my ridiculously long message.  I tend to rant, you see.
<td val[/IMG]No worries, fate will unfold its magick to you and you will be able to see clean from now on
From:"fitzsaiying@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date:Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 11:25 AM
Subject:[JoyofSatan666] Re: Questions and Curiosities

  Thank you everyone for your input.  While it is still unfortunate that I am unable to manifest anything from my attempts so far, I will continue to try.  I am interested in the truth, beyond all else, and since there is a lot going for this worldview I will continue to put forth the effort.

There are still some aspects that seem too close to my previous experiences (ie, I was always told to just pray and have faith, and "god" would eventually reveal himself to me.  In SOME ways, that is what I am being told here; to continue power meditation until it works.  Many people from my former church claim, just as many of you have, that they can "feel the presence of god" when they pray.)  HOWEVER.  I recognize that it is of a different nature.  There certainly is a difference here between prayer and power mediation.  I recognize that.  But there still are similarities that...slightly concern me.  Nevertheless I am going to continue attempting power meditation, or at least working my way towards it (I am just now learning how to breath properly, as I am very new to the idea of power meditation.)

You must understand, I am not interested in what "feels good for me."  I am interested in the truth of reality.  I admit, that when I tried those yoga breathing exercises, that afterwords I felt quite good. When I was in Tae Kwon Do there were similar breathing exercises that we did, so it is a familiar thing to me.  I will continue doing so for a while, even if I (for some reason I dont have yet) decided to leave/not be a Satanist.  But again, I am not pursuing this for what feels good to me; I want, need, to know the truth.  For far too long have I been indoctrinated with the lies of the christian church.  With such a FUNDAMENTAL aspect of my childhood, upbringing, and even personality absolutely SHATTERED, I feel broken and lost.  Satanism offers what very well may be the truth of reality.

I suppose that, in many ways, I am looking for something to hold on to.  Something to keep me grounded.  Something that I can, in essence, rebuild my life around.  That is why I am being so, well, paranoid.  I just want to know that I am making the right choice.

I don't know if this is a thing that any of you are willing to do, but I would very much like if there was someone willing to help me through this transitional period.  I know that may be asking a lot, so I don't really expect help.  Nevertheless I might as well put out the idea.  I understand that there is a TON of material on the JoS website, and that I also have the community here on Yahoo Groups as a place to go and ask questions (as I already have).  Nevertheless, there is a difference between talking to a community and looking up articles online, and instead talking with an individual on a personal level.  Just a thought, again I don't really expect anything.

Side note; I realized, "the_fire_starter666", that I have accidentally replied to all 3 of your messages through email, not as a group post.  I was not ignoring your advice; on the contrary, yours was the first I replied to.  So please check your email, just in case it did not get through.

And again, thank you to those of you who read my ridiculously long message.  I tend to rant, you see. [/TD]

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
