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Questions about retirement


Active member
Sep 21, 2017
Nowhere of particular interest
Recently I finished a book called : Poor Richard's Retirement - By Aaron Clarey

And I've also been thinking about my 401k lately too, so I wondered; What is the SS stance on retirement?

I'm at a crossroads right now, and can have almost any career / job I want. And I can live pretty cheaply on my own. But the question of should I be putting away money for a 'retirement' keeps coming up, and I don't know what to do.

I've always planned to be financially independent at some point too, but this is a ways out. As well, things will drastically change between now and then for the better.

Let me know what you all would do in this situation, thank you! :)
I'd have a physical job only insofar as it supported me in the occult. If I didn't need to work for money, I wouldn't, I'd focus on spiritual advancement.

The spiritual advancement would improve my odds in terms of long term survival (ultimate goal) more than say, working and investing in genetics research for life extension (I hope the Gods are helping with that).
Just FYI, I believe Clarey has said that he's a Jew in one of his videos. If you use books written by Jews, make sure to use discretion.
HailVictory88 said:
Just FYI, I believe Clarey has said that he's a Jew in one of his videos. If you use books written by Jews, make sure to use discretion.

I used to be pretty big into Clarey's Youtube videos. This was probably 5 years ago or so. I've also read some of his books, but not that particular one. Anyway, apparently his grandmother was an ethnic German who converted to Judaism because she hated his dad. So I don't think it actually makes him a Jew, race wise. He does push some pretty Jewy stuff, though. Things like "getting rid off all of your stuff" and "always moving from place to place". He has pretty negative views on women as well. I don't know, I used to like him but that was years ago.
As a long lived or immortal being, does retirement even seem necessary? An SS strives to complete the magnum opus which in turn makes one immortal. Before even reaching that though it is still possible to live hundreds and possibly even thousands of years before the physical body perishes. Not only that, since one strives for immortality wouldn't that basically mean there isn't a need to stop working in your preferred career/ life pursuit? Its a life path that you desire after all.
True retirement is out of the question for SS. Healthy human beings do not one day retire to sit around and watch TV and have mindless fun for the rest of life. If you aren't constantly adding back to society, whether you are paid for it or not, you belong in the gutter with the rats.
Interesting, looking at him as a jew it would also make sense then why he would push for such a frugal life. Though there are benefits to some of that. . .

I'll just take what is useful and discard the rest then, not much else I can do. Aside from that, I do have the opportunity to be an entrepreneur soon too. This would lead to me working less than 10 hours a week, possibly making much more than I am now too. So I'm going to focus on that more anyways

Thanks you for the responses :D
I will soon post a book on the entrepreneur thread https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3409&p=32885&hilit=entrepreneurial#p32885
I haven't read that book but most if not all financial experts say to start saving for retirement asap due to the power of compound interest.

I agree that one should start putting money away for retirement as soon as possible.
At least get your companies match otherwise you are throwing away free money.

I don't see any conflict with saving for retirement and being SS because either way that's money for your older self whether you complete the magnum opus by then or not.

In any case that's less energy you would have to use for income for that timeframe.

If you want another good read on retirement planning, I highly recommend "The Simple Path" to wealth by JL Collins.

Poweredbythesun said:
Recently I finished a book called : Poor Richard's Retirement - By Aaron Clarey

And I've also been thinking about my 401k lately too, so I wondered; What is the SS stance on retirement?

I'm at a crossroads right now, and can have almost any career / job I want. And I can live pretty cheaply on my own. But the question of should I be putting away money for a 'retirement' keeps coming up, and I don't know what to do.

I've always planned to be financially independent at some point too, but this is a ways out. As well, things will drastically change between now and then for the better.

Let me know what you all would do in this situation, thank you! :)
A couple of years ago peoples retirement plans and things they saved up were said to.. Have failed to deliver ebough for the elderly person as the companies that stored it for you were in financial trouble.

People that own their own businesses or are self employed do not usually have a retirement plan or thing where they save up for later.

If you save up over a certain amount over where I am from you are forced to pay taxes over it. Though I am not sure how much.

What you do depends on you.

But the elderly here get moneys regardless if they have saved up or not, rather, if they still have enough wealth saved up, they would be forced to spend all that first and be excluded in some cities to some things an elderly person normally shouldnt have to pay for.

There have been plenty of campaings here about elderly people gifting to the younger so the younger wouldnt have to pay tax over it after they died.

I think it may be more about destroying family wealth if you think about it.
Don't think about retirement anything soon, at least not till 2024. You should invest in gold bonds, gold stocks and buy physical gold as we might end up in a recession soon. Your goal should be about making profit now. Think about retirement afterwards.Think for yourself and do the necessary research. That's all it takes. And that's what's important. I wouldn't be surprised if you figured out what I'm hinting at by delving deep into this subject.

Check out this link and all his videos.

Check out his books
http://libgen.io/search.php?req=Peter D. Schiff&column=author

Check out Nomi Prins books

Don't believe me or anyone else. The writing is on the wall. Do your research and make your decisions. That's all I can say here .
Hope I helped.
There are sooo many reasons why buying physical gold is stupid.

1. The obsession with physical gold is jewish.
2. Its super expensive and prices will most likely stay low for a longer period of time. Thus not giving you any return for your gold.
3. The economy can collapse this year and it wont be back up in this form or similar in any way at all. Which basicly means, that a piece of gold wont be worth the same in trades as it is now.

4. In some places the government reuires to know about those things you bought if you want to sell them later on.
Bye bye privacy. Theyre obviously trying to get you to pay more taxes.

I am sure one can think of even more reasons.
Jack The GOOD guy said:
Don't think about retirement anything soon, at least not till 2024. You should invest in gold bonds, gold stocks and buy physical gold as we might end up in a recession soon. Your goal should be about making profit now. Think about retirement afterwards.Think for yourself and do the necessary research. That's all it takes. And that's what's important. I wouldn't be surprised if you figured out what I'm hinting at by delving deep into this subject.

Check out this link and all his videos.

Check out his books
http://libgen.io/search.php?req=Peter D. Schiff&column=author

Check out Nomi Prins books

Don't believe me or anyone else. The writing is on the wall. Do your research and make your decisions. That's all I can say here .
Hope I helped.

Another heads-up, Peter Schiff is Jewish, so use discretion if you read his books :)
From what I've gathered from the replies here, and some financial advice that's came to light recently; I think I'm just going to go up to the match on my 401k contribution. I can later roll that into a IRA when I leave my current employer, and it's free money :)

The only downside to that is I'll have less income to work with, but given how fast I'm picking up pace and have been advancing lately. . I don't think things like money will be too much of a problem in the future :) Besides, I'm more interested in building my ability to produce wealth right now, as opposed to getting rich quick (I've personally seen the inside of that industry, and I'm glad I don't work for them anymore).

Honestly though, I could see myself learning more about the tax code more than anything right now. My interests have been peaked XD
T.A.O.L. said:
There are sooo many reasons why buying physical gold is stupid.

1. The obsession with physical gold is jewish.
2. Its super expensive and prices will most likely stay low for a longer period of time. Thus not giving you any return for your gold.
3. The economy can collapse this year and it wont be back up in this form or similar in any way at all. Which basicly means, that a piece of gold wont be worth the same in trades as it is now.

4. In some places the government reuires to know about those things you bought if you want to sell them later on.
Bye bye privacy. Theyre obviously trying to get you to pay more taxes.

I am sure one can think of even more reasons.
exactly, I believe mageson or hoodedcobra covered this already in a discussion with him
Aquarius said:
T.A.O.L. said:
There are sooo many reasons why buying physical gold is stupid.

1. The obsession with physical gold is jewish.
2. Its super expensive and prices will most likely stay low for a longer period of time. Thus not giving you any return for your gold.
3. The economy can collapse this year and it wont be back up in this form or similar in any way at all. Which basicly means, that a piece of gold wont be worth the same in trades as it is now.

4. In some places the government reuires to know about those things you bought if you want to sell them later on.
Bye bye privacy. Theyre obviously trying to get you to pay more taxes.

I am sure one can think of even more reasons.
exactly, I believe mageson or hoodedcobra covered this already in a discussion with him
I thing it's better to buy food, clothes and things you need to survive, you can't eat gold and nobody will exange it for something more useful, this is always if a economic collapse happen...but we have the Final Rtr we have stoped them many times i'm sure we can stop them even this time! Let's do it!
Aquarius said:
T.A.O.L. said:
There are sooo many reasons why buying physical gold is stupid.

1. The obsession with physical gold is jewish.
2. Its super expensive and prices will most likely stay low for a longer period of time. Thus not giving you any return for your gold.
3. The economy can collapse this year and it wont be back up in this form or similar in any way at all. Which basicly means, that a piece of gold wont be worth the same in trades as it is now.

4. In some places the government reuires to know about those things you bought if you want to sell them later on.
Bye bye privacy. Theyre obviously trying to get you to pay more taxes.

I am sure one can think of even more reasons.
exactly, I believe mageson or hoodedcobra covered this already in a discussion with him

Exactly, it drives me crazy when people tell me or others to buy gold and precious metals. I mean, Sulfuric Acid is needed to make a lot of modern materials, but you don't see people buying and hoarding it. Because it's NOT useful on it's own. The same is true with gold, iron, silver, lead, and many other materials.

One of the upsides of gold though is a gold / gold plated ring does look nice. And I've found that wearing a gold plated ring helps me when I'm low on willpower, but that's just my experience.
It's been said before, but just to be safe, make sure that you use "in a very positive and happy way for me" or something similar when creating an affirmation.
T.A.O.L. said:
There are sooo many reasons why buying physical gold is stupid.

1. The obsession with physical gold is jewish.
2. Its super expensive and prices will most likely stay low for a longer period of time. Thus not giving you any return for your gold.
3. The economy can collapse this year and it wont be back up in this form or similar in any way at all. Which basicly means, that a piece of gold wont be worth the same in trades as it is now.

4. In some places the government reuires to know about those things you bought if you want to sell them later on.
Bye bye privacy. Theyre obviously trying to get you to pay more taxes.

I am sure one can think of even more reasons.

You dont seem to understand economics too much. And all the reasons you gave isn't even related to why gold will go ballistic in an economic crisis. Gold is what was the original currency thousands of years ago. You didn't have notes ,you had gold,silver and bronze coins. Labour was priced at relation to gold. The time America was on a gold standard was the most prosperous times it had been. With no inflation. Constant value of money and constant value of life,increasing at a sustainable pace. Now I know from your response you have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about from your reply so I'll give you a simple book that may help you understand the basics of economics,
(Download bancrotta from the above link)

Theres a reason Russia,China and all these banks and globalist Jews like jp morgan and goldman sachs are cashing in to buy gold and silver. This is the game,they've created and this is how they get out. Anyone whose remotely knowledgeable about what happens in an inflation knows that when the dollar collapses and the government bonds have lost all confidence, stock markets collapsed, bond markets collapsed and dollars collapsed there is only one way to cash in and that is gold bonds and stocks as they're anti-counterparty risk and easy liquidity. That's why golds price goes ballistic in an hyperinflation. You can buy mansions and guns and food and anything else you say from that as paper then would have lost all value and only gold would have ballistic value. Cartons and cartons of paper would be equivalent to one ounce of gold. After the economy stabilizes you need to cash in again.
Hear what he's talking about and Google the terms if you don't understand. Keep an introspective mind.
Don't just reply without having no understanding and just typing words. I'm not trying to embarrass you. You need to understand how the game works.Ands that's achieved through study.
Poweredbythesun said:
Aquarius said:
T.A.O.L. said:
There are sooo many reasons why buying physical gold is stupid.

1. The obsession with physical gold is jewish.
2. Its super expensive and prices will most likely stay low for a longer period of time. Thus not giving you any return for your gold.
3. The economy can collapse this year and it wont be back up in this form or similar in any way at all. Which basicly means, that a piece of gold wont be worth the same in trades as it is now.

4. In some places the government reuires to know about those things you bought if you want to sell them later on.
Bye bye privacy. Theyre obviously trying to get you to pay more taxes.

I am sure one can think of even more reasons.
exactly, I believe mageson or hoodedcobra covered this already in a discussion with him

Exactly, it drives me crazy when people tell me or others to buy gold and precious metals. I mean, Sulfuric Acid is needed to make a lot of modern materials, but you don't see people buying and hoarding it. Because it's NOT useful on it's own. The same is true with gold, iron, silver, lead, and many other materials.

One of the upsides of gold though is a gold / gold plated ring does look nice. And I've found that wearing a gold plated ring helps me when I'm low on willpower, but that's just my experience.

The reason why you buy anything to profit or acquire wealth is to see comparative value with it. Gold is comparative to money as it was originally the backing behind paper money and it still exists as an anti counterparty easy liquidity asset. The assests that are set as financial assests are different than sulphhuric acid or any such things. That's why we have gold bonds and gold stocks and not sulphuric acid bonds and sulphiric acid stocks.
Originally value was compared with gold and thus labour was compared to it. In pagan societies you had gold,silver and bronze coins and such. Adolf Hitler created a society where value was relative to labor itself. That's a Utopian society where the economy never collapses or has any kind of risk. And labour,innovation and excellence is valuable. However you currently do no live in that kind of society.

You live in a kind of society where value is relative to oil. And more wars you make around the world for jewish interest,the more easily you get what you want. A 70% consumer economy cannot sustain itself. The united states outsources cheap labor and enjoys a standard of life they haven't deserved. The massive debt will someday come to bite the people. Someday rates will go up, and you will have to give back the debt.

I'll give you a very nice example of the situation the US is in. In 2008 ,a few bad banks made a few bad bets on a few bad housing markets and created a massive bubble where the consumers life savings were supposed to be annihilated. The fed came in at the crucial moment, bailed everyone out and made everything solvent. No one went to jail and nothing was fixed. They did that by borrowing at a lower interest rate massive amount of money and flooding the economy. They kept the interest rates low for as long as they could in the Obama administration. Donald Trump increased the national debt to 21 trillion dollars when he had said beforehand in a speech that the fed was being political by keeping the interest rates low. Well go figure. Now that Trump has exceeded the debt of 21 trillion dollars ,he complains that the fed has "gone crazy". Well the fed was already crazy. He should have cut the budget in half and pull out of Syria and all billions of dollars of ventures all around the world and paid back the debt when the interest rate was low.

This is the fatal kind of situation the us is in and its mathematically impossible to prevent the rates from going high. And its now unpayable. If i sound apocalyptic ,go see the numbers yourself. Someone said im fear mongering or some shit. This is a fucking fact. This is something everyone should be knowledgeable about and beyond cognitive dissonance on.

Whatever you do ,do after researching said phenomena of economics. I already gave you the resources. You can make a much mature decision than anyone on the internet telling you. Its your money and your insight. I wouldn't be surprised if you delved deep into the subject and found your answers yourself. Though if you're satisfied with the current predicament then its fine.
Aquarius said:
T.A.O.L. said:
There are sooo many reasons why buying physical gold is stupid.

1. The obsession with physical gold is jewish.
2. Its super expensive and prices will most likely stay low for a longer period of time. Thus not giving you any return for your gold.
3. The economy can collapse this year and it wont be back up in this form or similar in any way at all. Which basicly means, that a piece of gold wont be worth the same in trades as it is now.

4. In some places the government reuires to know about those things you bought if you want to sell them later on.
Bye bye privacy. Theyre obviously trying to get you to pay more taxes.

I am sure one can think of even more reasons.
exactly, I believe mageson or hoodedcobra covered this already in a discussion with him

Exactly why I added it in there.

Plus. The new trade thing wont be on the gold or oil standard nor would it be digital.
Why keep a standard that most people dont even own?
Makes no sense.

Anyway, *sigh* honestly I dont want to convey the wrong message, but I was having a moment of intuition you could say and felt that none of these would excist.
Criticize me all you want but to deny ones honest feelings.. Is the most foolish thing there is.
T.A.O.L. said:
Aquarius said:
T.A.O.L. said:
There are sooo many reasons why buying physical gold is stupid.

1. The obsession with physical gold is jewish.
2. Its super expensive and prices will most likely stay low for a longer period of time. Thus not giving you any return for your gold.
3. The economy can collapse this year and it wont be back up in this form or similar in any way at all. Which basicly means, that a piece of gold wont be worth the same in trades as it is now.

4. In some places the government reuires to know about those things you bought if you want to sell them later on.
Bye bye privacy. Theyre obviously trying to get you to pay more taxes.

I am sure one can think of even more reasons.
exactly, I believe mageson or hoodedcobra covered this already in a discussion with him

Exactly why I added it in there.

Plus. The new trade thing wont be on the gold or oil standard nor would it be digital.
Why keep a standard that most people dont even own?
Makes no sense.

Anyway, *sigh* honestly I dont want to convey the wrong message, but I was having a moment of intuition you could say and felt that none of these would excist.
Criticize me all you want but to deny ones honest feelings.. Is the most foolish thing there is.

I don't want to criticize you. But most people don't have a say in most of the things. They didn't have a say in 9/11 and the following war on terror,or the invasion of Syria , hell they didn't have a say in entering ww2. Most of these things are where people are victims. You must always study the Jews to know what they're upto. Bit coin is down and gold is up. You don't find any of the globalist Jews or entire nations cashing in on blockchain or any other asset. You see them cashing in on physical assests. Almost 99.9% of people don't even know what's happening. They just don't get it. They have such a big cognitive dissonance that when you explain them the economic problem and how the central bankers rigged the world since Napoleon, they have a hard time registering the fact. You tell a Christian ,Christ never existed and he has a similar hard time registering the fact. Its because they think such a monumental thing cant happen.The Jews have been money launderers forever. They profit off of death,bankruptcy and death. You'll need to carefully see what these bitches are upto to be prepared and ready to beat them at their own game. History is basically loans and their harvest, for the Jews. You should always study what these Jews are up to by checking zero hedge,
Jack The GOOD guy said:
T.A.O.L. said:
Aquarius said:
exactly, I believe mageson or hoodedcobra covered this already in a discussion with him

Exactly why I added it in there.

Plus. The new trade thing wont be on the gold or oil standard nor would it be digital.
Why keep a standard that most people dont even own?
Makes no sense.

Anyway, *sigh* honestly I dont want to convey the wrong message, but I was having a moment of intuition you could say and felt that none of these would excist.
Criticize me all you want but to deny ones honest feelings.. Is the most foolish thing there is.

I don't want to criticize you. But most people don't have a say in most of the things. They didn't have a say in 9/11 and the following war on terror,or the invasion of Syria , hell they didn't have a say in entering ww2. Most of these things are where people are victims. You must always study the Jews to know what they're upto.

The future isn't set in stone, Jack.

I do not think you should play by enemies rules. But judge for yourself.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
