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Show him the hellstorm documentary. He'll see how the jews and allied nations were war criminals and how Hitler was just trying to defend his people and was viciously lied about.

On Monday, September 28, 2015 5:35 AM, "peliterapeutti@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Is there clear evidence that they were good people too? My friend belives that they were satanists now, but he doesnt think they were the good guys. He doesnt belive in Hitlers speeches also, cause he thinks that Hitler was crazy.
Hail Satan!!

@peliterapeutti I see you have been posting lots of different questions about all sorts of topics that are listed on the JoS website. You seem to not have performed the dedication ritual (I sincerely hope I am wrong) and are not meditating. You should not perform any meditations or reverse torah rituals without having dedicated!!! This is extremely dangerous and to be frank, idiotic. You also should actually READ the JoS website! If you read it fully, including all the sermons, you will have plenty of answers to plenty of your questions. You seem to avoid the question anytime anyone asks if you have dedicated, which makes it seem like you are an infiltrator. Perhaps I am wrong, I sincerely hope I am, however all you ever do is ask questions, and never answer any questions which are directed to you. Perhaps (for whatever reason) you cannot find the links to these pages, but you need to actually study the website. I will post some links below which will help you get the answers to your questions.
DEDICATION RITUAL:How to Dedicate You Soul to Satan  JOY OF SATAN WEBSITE:Joy of Satan  POWER MEDITATION PAGE:Satanic Meditation Information  SATANIC SERMONS PAGE:Satanic Sermons  Answer to your direct question here about Reverse Torah Ritual for one particular person:There is no Reverse Torah Ritual to be directed for a single person, per se, however, there is a Sanskrit word of power that you can use to vibrate into someone's soul that will do the trick as long as it is a 40 day working. Here is the link to the information about that.Using Words of Power - Freeing the Soul  PLEASE READ THESE PAGES!!! This is imperative to get the answers to SEVERAL of your questions. 
First of all yes im not dedicated. And second *facepalm* if YOU could once in a while visit this e-group you should have heard that NOBODY physical OR spiritual thing havent attacked me even ONCE, even i have done the curse rituals a million times. And yes i have read the joy of satan fully but like 90% of my questions answers isn't there. Have YOU read the webpage Jack? So just dont call me a fucking troll or a infiltraitor because i am not one of them! I just ask questions that havent been anwered in joy of satan.
Hail satan FOREVER and beyond!!
[/IMG] PERHAPS I AM WRONG[/I][/B], I sincerely hope I am". Did you not see the part where I admit I very well could be wrong? I was not accusing, I was just stating theories based on facts. A lot of the questions I have seen I know the answers based on the Sermons webpage (which I linked for you earlier), which should be read thoroughly. There are literally hundreds of pages worth of reading. It took me about a month of CONSTANT study to get through pretty much all of them. However, yes some of your questions have not been answered on the website. Many of these questions you could get answered yourself by the Gods or by Father Satan, if you opened yourself up spiritually and dedicated. Most of the time I try to ask Father and the gods if I cannot find the answer on the website. Then I will ask on here just to verify.
I was not trying to start a fight, since we should not fight among fellow Satanists, I was just stating my observations over the past couple months. Not to mention, I am sure 99% of everyone here (if not everyone) would agree with me that you should not be performing these or meditations without having dedicated. I am also sure that many agree with me and are confused as to why you will not dedicate??? especially in your last sentence "Hail satan FOREVER and beyond!!". If this is truly how you feel, you really should dedicate. Otherwise you are wasting everyone's time, including the Gods of Hell and Satan.
Again, wasn't trying to start a fight, because fellow Satanists should not fight with other Satanists, the enemy wants us to fight with each other, rather than them. So calm the fuck down. Just been stating theories based on observations. 
Peliterapeutti is obviously stubborn, does not listen to the well-intentioned advice of experienced members, does not want to dedicate and is setting an overall bad example to newbies and people interested or curious about Spiritual Satanism and Satan. They have been doing this for quite some time now.
I say, don't waste any more time on her/him/it. They have made a decision by NOT dedicating and choosing to immerse themselves in the reverse torah rituals and meditations. So whatever consequences of the actions they have chosen to do, let it come to them.
Just don't come bitching and whining to the groups when you get smacked and rammed hard in the head and ass by the enemy.

On Thursday, October 1, 2015 11:43 AM, "talonjackman@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  [/IMG] PERHAPS I AM WRONG[/I][/B], I sincerely hope I am". Did you not see the part where I admit I very well could be wrong? I was not accusing, I was just stating theories based on facts. A lot of the questions I have seen I know the answers based on the Sermons webpage (which I linked for you earlier), which should be read thoroughly. There are literally hundreds of pages worth of reading. It took me about a month of CONSTANT study to get through pretty much all of them. However, yes some of your questions have not been answered on the website. Many of these questions you could get answered yourself by the Gods or by Father Satan, if you opened yourself up spiritually and dedicated. Most of the time I try to ask Father and the gods if I cannot find the answer on the website. Then I will ask on here just to verify.
I was not trying to start a fight, since we should not fight among fellow Satanists, I was just stating my observations over the past couple months. Not to mention, I am sure 99% of everyone here (if not everyone) would agree with me that you should not be performing these or meditations without having dedicated. I am also sure that many agree with me and are confused as to why you will not dedicate??? especially in your last sentence "Hail satan FOREVER and beyond!!". If this is truly how you feel, you really should dedicate. Otherwise you are wasting everyone's time, including the Gods of Hell and Satan.
Again, wasn't trying to start a fight, because fellow Satanists should not fight with other Satanists, the enemy wants us to fight with each other, rather than them. So calm the fuck down. Just been stating theories based on observations. 

I agree Magus. Definitely a waste of time. I had been keeping an eye to see what the deal was with them, and hoped with a post with information they would either come to their senses or whatever, obviously this is not the case. I will set my sights on helping others who actually want to be helped.
Anything which wastes the energy of a Satanist which would be better directed against the enemies of Satan or towards personal development is counter-productive.

Personally, I dedicated immediately before I did anything, and I would never regret that, however it is a life long decision and I don't think anyone should dedicate until they are ready. Reasonably speaking, one leaves themselves open to astral attack and all kinds of negativity by doing so but ultimately people can make their own poor decisions and they are the only ones who have to live with them. 
Like i have said! I CANT do the FUCKING dedication cause im underage!! Sorry if i yell but its just infuriates me so much. And btw i cant do meditation cause i use medication to keep my huge anxiety away. I will sometime soon. so why would you ASK first that if i am dedicated and do i fucking meditate. And i do the reverse torah rituals cause even now i want to help my family, friends, and evryone to wake the fuck up. So why would you stop. Calling. Me. A. Fucking. Infiltraitor! Cause im not one!
Like i have said! I CANT do the FUCKING dedication cause im underage!! Sorry if i yell but its just infuriates me so much. And btw i cant do meditation cause i use medication to keep my huge anxiety away. I will sometime soon. so why would you ASK first that if i am dedicated and do i fucking meditate. And i do the reverse torah rituals cause even now i want to help my family, friends, and evryone to wake the fuck up. So why would you stop. Calling. Me. A. Fucking. Infiltraitor! Cause im not one!
@peliterapeutti: Your age is irrelevant. Where did you read in the site that you have to be 18 to do it? It doesn't say such thing.  Read the dedication page carefully, please:
I am under-age and my parents would cause me serious problems if they ever caught me doing a Satanic ritual. 
If there is absolutely no way you can perform the ritual without placing yourself in danger, you can perform it in your astral temple.
You can do the above ritual when you are older. Performing the dedication on the astral is every bit as valid as doing it physically. Satan is very understanding concerning teens who are forced into accepting Christianity while living at home and being underage.

Also, again the medication is irrelevant. You're supposed to train at the power meditation no matter what.

You clearly havent read the hole webpage too. Go back and read it again because there reads that medication has been created by the enemy to damage astral and pineal gland. In addition, Maxine Dietrich herself have said that too. And i CANT do it cause my parents wont ALLOW that.?
Btw what time i can do the morning meditation from like 6.00 to 12.00 am or something like that? When does the joy of satan app comes to android?
You can do the dedication ritual in your astral temple it is important you do so that way you can be under the protection of Satan. Otherwise the enemy can really mess you up. Even if you're on medication you can still do small things like void which is basically nothing since you basically turn off all your thoughts and this meditation can be 5 min. or less.

On Saturday, October 3, 2015 9:32 AM, "peliterapeutti@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Btw what time i can do the morning meditation from like 6.00 to 12.00 am or something like that? When does the joy of satan app comes to android?

@peliterapeutti: The groups posts do say that psychiatric medication is created by the enemy, I agree. But does the site say to stop meditating because you're taking medication?No. Never. It only says in the invoking the elements page to not do that exercise if you are taking medications, and instead do safer meditations, but it doesn't say to stop them completely. If you take medication, there's no reason at all to stop doing meditations nor does the site recommend it to stop meditating under any circumstance. It only says to stop specific advanced meditations and do safer ones.
So you can see, whether medication is dangerous or not is unrelated to whether you should meditate or not. No matter what medication you take, you should do power meditation every day.

Now in regards to the dedication and meditation: It doesn't matter if you live with your parents, because you can still meditate. Just pretend to be sleeping or thinking. Or wait until they are asleep and do it at night, or wake up in the morning before them. There are many options. Nobody said you need to do 30 mins, even if you do only 5 mins it's better than nothing.
The dedication ritual is something you can do in the astral temple which is a place you create in your imagination. See above at what I said about meditations. The same thing applies there.

So, do you see why I'm saying these are excuses? Because a person who wants to do something he can do it no matter what their parents think, without them knowing about it.
Its called just finding a lighter after secretly writing the dedication out, then perform it at night in the bathroom in a very low whisper with the shower on plus the fan on. You light it over the sink and do your best to get all the ashes in the sink to go down to clean up. You can also do it in your astral temple so their is so reason for you not to do it. You can do it but your choosing not to.

On Saturday, October 3, 2015 8:16 AM, "peliterapeutti@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  You clearly havent read the hole webpage too. Go back and read it again because there reads that medication has been created by the enemy to damage astral and pineal gland. In addition, Maxine Dietrich herself have said that too. And i CANT do it cause my parents wont ALLOW that.?

Look when is started meditating i had high blood pressure and on sic medation now i have normal blood and my self stoo taking sic medation and no more do i need that by doing daily medation i have held my self and even back pain is way better because of the medations Hail SATAN Hail The DEMON GODS
And i think i have done it in my astral temple. If you need to just visualize the temple inside and do it in there then yes, i HAVE done it. But i didnt feel anything after that and i stopped meditation cause i felt that i could be spirityally blocked to do any meditation cause i didnt feel anything even that i opened my third eye, and almost my pineal gland. Btw should you feel anything when opening your third eye or pineal gland? Can you do full chackra meditation than physchical yoga, cause its VERY hard and unpleasent for me. And thinking of it, i didnt saw ANY nightmares when i did aura cleaning and protection, so i think they work. But i cant do the void meditation cause it is hard for me to not think of anything.
@peliterapeutti You really sound anxious. Telling from your posts you've been rushing some things, skipping others (basic things by the way) and expecting results to come sooner than they take.

Here's my advice, and you don't need to insult me for that: take some steps back. It's good to have enthusiasm but if you're serious about taking this path then you need to do it the right way. Take it easy, step by step. Spiritual progress is a journey and not something to rushed. You have to learn how to walk before you learn how to run.

And the first thing, and this is a basic thing, is to take your time to read the JoS website throughoutly, patiently and in a way you really absorb the information. Knowledge is power. J.l3mm0n has been replying to you with basic information that you should have already gotten from the website. You wouldn't have many of the questions you've been making if you read all of it. There lies all you need to know. If you started by this step then you would know, among other things, that through power meditation you can overcome mental problems such as anxiety and within some time you would no longer need to take the medicine and even your parents would know that; although they wouldn't know the source of your cure.

Getting into a meditative state already means getting to a point of balance, that is, when you are neither anxious nor depressed; your mind is neither in the future not in the past! You're simply in peace and your mind is in the here and now. So, meditating consistently alone will help lessen your anxiety to some extent. But keep in mind that this, as well as any other results from meditation such as feeling the effects like you said, comes gradually and with consistency.

After you absorb the information on the website you'll even feel more secure about dedicating, which is what you MUST do before starting any of these meditations.

As for not thinking of anything in void meditation, don't expect to be able to do it right away. Void meditation in my opinion is one of the most difficult disciplines and many people, even some non-beginners from what I've seen, struggle with it. You will not succeed right away. But don't get discouraged from that. What comes easy goes easy. The key once again is consistency. What you need to do is to practice dodging your thoughts during void meditation. Do some effort to dodge these thoughts and to keep your mind in the present. You can start with thirty seconds which is a realistic goal to start with, then aim for one minute, two minutes and so on. Just so you know you don't have to do much, five minutes is an adept level. Practice this everyday and just do your best without getting discouraged if it doesn't go like you expected. The more you do it, the better you get at it.
Also have in mind that the moment you meditate is a moment to be enjoyed and not to get anxious about the results.

And well, you said you don't meditate because of your parents and medicine.
But you said you've been doing the reverse torah rituals. So tell me, what's the difference? Why can you do the rituals but not meditate? A well done ritual is practically a kind of meditation.
And btw you should not be messing around with the rituals. That's dangerous. Much emphasis is put on how dangerous it is to meditate without being dedicated. If it's not safe to even meditate without dedication, what makes you think doing these rituals is?

And as you have already been told, the medicine does not prevent you from meditating.

These are my advices and I hope you don't get me wrong. No one is giving these advices to you with the intention of pissing you off.

So summing it up, take some steps back and take your time with all of this progress. Start this journey from the right point and make sure you know how to walk.

After this, I just want to point out one thing: I see you post random questions in the form of replies in random posts. And I noticed you mention that you aren't able to start new topics. Have you tried solving this issue? Checking out the help tutorials?

Good luck

Do you need to be PHYSICHALLY dedicated before starting the meditations and rituals or just astrally? And what meditations should i do consistently to cure the anxiety?
@peliterapeutti Yes, I don't see why you wouldn't. Not only this but also I believe your anxiety problem will probably be much smaller by the time you get to open your chakras and then advance to even higher levels because you strengthen your mind and soul and increase your energy with all this process. So, there is a reason why we call it 'spiritual advancement' ;)
I suggest you cease with the use of anxiety medications. Depending on how long you have been using them you should taper down instead of quitting at once because that can cause serious problems. Do some research on these groups because there was a lot said about the joo medications. Especialy sleeping pills and benzodiazepines.
Well, it seems that if you actually create an astral temple and dedicate in it, that counts. Although I myself don't know exactly how that works. But in my opinion doing it physically is better, even though doing it astrally is valid.

As for treating your anxiety, perhaps ust meditating regularly will take care of it as consistent meditation naturally increases your energy and strengthens your mind, but if the problem is bigger and needs a stronger solution then take a look at this page

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... aling.html

Hope that helps. And yes, raising your energies is a good idea and this is mostly done regularly with consistent meditation but there are also specific meditations you can use for this such as the foundation meditation.
Joy, activeness, mental and physical health, resistance to illnesses and stronger magickal power are just some examples of the various benefits of high levels of energy.
You can find many more details about energy, increasing energy, healing and many other topics on the JoS website ;)
Yeah i will stop soon like next year. (It is soon for me cause ive been anxietyed since age of 12 (im now 16) and i think my anxiety will soon end.
@Peliterapeutti: No, you don't have to be physically dedicated. Astral dedication counts as if you are physically dedicated. Really. There's no difference in the degree. You're not considered second-degree Satanist if you are dedicated astrally.
Anyway, Programming your aura with green peaceful energy will work with your anxiety too. Just do it together with other basic meditations, like void meditation and cleaning your aura.
Peliterapeutii: dude you ask soooo many fukin questions that could be answered on the joy of satan site.
what you need to do is get off the e groups and read and study all of joyofsatan, and then DEDICATE your soul to satan.
and you keep asking questions about satanism and spiritual warfare has if you are already dedicated..
You shouldnt be worried about any of that until you have dedicated, seriously i dont understand why you haven't dedicated yet?
I AM dedicated! Fire_starter_666 said that you ONLY need to be astrally dedicated, but why does it say that you can do the physichal dedication when your older? And sorry if im lazy, is this laziness caused by the enemy?
Anxiety and depression are two different things. Naturally you can take vitamin c (whole food source) tryotophan (now legal again as it was illegal for years because jew pharma was scared of it because it works) magnesium and vitamin b6. Most of these can be found by drinking oj, eating nuts and eating the proper amount of meat (lamb is a great source)

Meditations on the solar do wonders for anxiety. I would combine the two. As above so below.

Hail Satan!
Why livingforsatan? If he is too lazy enough to READ that i HAVE said that i have dedicated already. And yeah sorry for asking too many questions here but there is just SOOO many non-interesting sermons that are just too long for me to read. Yeah, i know im lazy, but i read what im interested, like warfare sermons or other interesting sermons from ministries/highpriests/priestesess. But okay, i try and study ALL of the joy of satan webpage☺ sorry if i post this several times but it some of my messages wont get through jewhoo.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
