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Question about the exposing xianity website


New member
Mar 15, 2024
Im not a christian myself but i have some questions about the exposingchristianity.info/ website.
"All the website says is that the christian things were stolen from older religions, which isnt true,if you get into the holidays that were stolen, they are nothing near the "original" holidays. The website says about how Christian things were stoled, but it doesn't mean the Christianity itself is false" quoting the text of some Christian guy online.
Im not a christian myself but i have some questions about the exposingchristianity.info/ website.
"All the website says is that the christian things were stolen from older religions, which isnt true,if you get into the holidays that were stolen, they are nothing near the "original" holidays. The website says about how Christian things were stoled, but it doesn't mean the Christianity itself is false" quoting the text of some Christian guy online.
"They also didnt cite sources, making up things and trying to outreach connections"
All the website says is that the christian things were stolen from older religions, which isnt true,if you get into the holidays that were stolen, they are nothing near the "original" holidays.

This is irrelevant. Christianity is about overcoming the world and not indulging in material pleasures, according to their bible and church tradition. Why are their major holidays about indulging in pleasures and celebrating nature (for example, Easter bunnies, Christmas trees, cooking, baking e.t.c.), then? Easy reply: because they were stolen from Pagan holidays, which were all about celebrating nature and indulging in pleasures. Pagan religions, unlike Christianity, were life affirming ones and about celebrating life and honoring nature, and you can see this by their holidays which were stolen and carried over in Christianity.

Another piece of evidence that they were stolen is the days chosen to celebrate them. Their bible doesn't mention what time of the year Jesus was born. But many scholars say it was either in April or June. Why did they chose December 25 then, the day of Sol Invictus and around the time where all the Pagan Sun Gods were born, since that is the time the new sun is born after the Winter solstice, then?

All of these clearly show that they are stolen.

he website says about how Christian things were stoled, but it doesn't mean the Christianity itself is false

If someone steals from others it means he's a fraud. There's no way to escape this conclusion. Especially if you claim your bible is the "word of god". If it's stolen and contains numerous contradictions and absurdities then it isn't the "word of god" nor is it perfect or something that people should take seriously.

However, the Exposing Christianity website mentions other things that make it false. For example, how Jesus isn't a real being and it never existed.

It sounds like that person didn't even read that website fully.

"They also didnt cite sources, making up things and trying to outreach connections"

Literally every page of that site contains references, either at the bottom or in the text. Did that person really read the site as he claims? If so, he would notice them.

For example, this page below includes dozens of references at the bottom of it:


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
