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Question about marriage.

Spiritual Satanism does not directly ban marriage or interactions based on your spiritual beliefs.

That being said, it is a good idea to not marry someone whose life goals, life ethics and perspective do not align with yours, as that can obviously cause disagreements.

Wiccans are a mixed bag, especially modern ones, which only really follow the pop culture information that Wicca offers, and are not necessarily sworn to it as a "path". Those can be of varying quality, but since they have the propensity to look into alternate sources from the mainstream, they might understand the wisdom of JoS.

Wicca itself is a constructed system that, while based in some folk traditions and some good practices, is heavily corrupted, watered down and weak. Partly due to external sabotage (Wicca is ostensibly a continuation of Thelema, which, as many know here, was propagated by a nutcase that worked with dangerous, jewish-adjacent entities) as well as just general ignorance due to not having deeper knowledge.

As a spiritual Satanist, you can marry someone who doesn't really have an interest in spirituality if your views align and you are otherwise compatible. If you were to marry someone spiritual, things are complicated, because JoS's message and information is ultimately the truth. The logical conclusion there is that your partner will see this truth and become a Spiritual Satanist themselves. If that does not happen, it is due to their personal limitations, spiritual curses upon them, and other factors. This is a hurdle that will often result in trouble.
A marriage is a contract conjoining 2 people and regulated by the state. So long as your marriage is lawful, and you are in a relationship with someone who is not jewish and is the same race as you, it is acceptable.
Marriage is more complicated than some contract.

It’s truly connecting your energy and being with someone else, that’s true marriage.

Anything else is ultimately vain.

An SS “marrying” a Wiccan will mean both’s energies will start rubbing with each other. If the SS does their practices regularly their energies will likely overpower the Wiccan and lead the Wiccan to adopt SS pver time, as unlike the Wiccans our practices empower the soul.
If the SS does their practices regularly their energies will likely overpower the Wiccan and lead the Wiccan to adopt SS pver time, as unlike the Wiccans our practices empower the soul.
I’m not saying the SS(Spiritual Satanist) will do this to Wiccan consciously btw, but with relationships and especially sex, the energtic mixing will likely result in the Wiccan become more like the SS over time in their energetic makeup, this will be more true if the SS is male as females are naturally feminine/receptive but I think it’ll happen as well if the SS is the female in this situation, simply cause energetically the SS will likely be far more powerful, if they’ve been doing the various practices the JOS teaches properly for a while.
From my personal experience, all the Wiccans I have met or seen in person who were into things like angelic magic and the new age stuff, had an energy and aura that was even much worse than the average xian.
I find it totally inappropriate and reckless for a SS to have someone like that as a partner.
I mean you are free to do whatever you want literally whenever you want. From healthy outlets like eating a chocolate bar cause you want one to something dumb like drinking Gasoline.

Why would you want to though is the question?

The idea of "Religious Freedom" is pretty nonsensical when you think about it. It came to me after the Thoth God's rituals ( https://ancient-forums.com/threads/...powerful-joining-brothers-and-sisters.295144/ get involved if you haven't already ) and all the word Religion means at it's, at it's core, is a science of the spiritual: and one is always free to be ignorant if they want.

Our Might Glorious Father Satan is literal Freedom itself. Like the literal freedom based properties of the Fehu/Uruz/Ansuz runes themselves. Akin to the Badass Super Satanically Charged older brother who's the very concept of Freedom itself that all derives it's power from. With that in mind he has Stated without question "I will allow the dictates of one's own personality."

In chapter 2 though of the The Al Jilwah it states
"I requite the descendants of Adam, and reward them with various rewards that I alone know. Moreover, power and dominion over all that is on earth, both that which is above and that which is beneath, are in my hands. I do not allow friendly association with other people, nor do I deprive them that are my own and that obey me of anything that is good for them. I place my affairs in the hands of those whom I have tried and who are in accord with my desires. I appear in diverse manners to those who are faithful and under my command."

"I give and take away; I enrich and impoverish; I cause both happiness and misery. I do all this in keeping with the characteristics of each epoch. And none has a right to interfere with my management of affairs. Those who oppose me I afflict with disease; but my own shall not die like the sons of Adam that are without. None shall live in this world longer than the time set by me; and if I so desire, I send a person a second or third time into this world or into some other by the transmigration of souls."

In this case the layman's terms for this means you must suffer the effects of the causes you create. If you go with someone who's not an SS than there will be effects to that cause. You must brave them, grow from them and reach out a helping hand to help another rise above.

If you want to be with someone just cause than you do not deserve anyone because you aren't going to put effort into the relationship. If you're lonely, and this is a lonely path, than you must understand that first loving yourself is MASSIVELY important. Like the very first step in getting a relationship. How can you treat others with respect if you don't respect yourself: because by not respecting yourself you don't know the concept of respect to start with. Than there is the fact that self-love, self-trust, and self-confidence teach you that others have that. You must learn to be Human to act Human and treat others with Humanity: and who would want to be in a relationship with someone who's not human/treated with humanity?
Question about marriage.Can Wiccans marry satanists? :)
Wicca is an enemy ideology, in fact it is an offshoot of christianity (disguised as paganism, which it is not), widely promoted by jews (Hollywood) in the United States through Pop culture, TV series where characters use books on wicca with angelic magic and other shit.

It's the same as marrying a christian or a muslim woman.

Based on the above, my answer is: NO, You can't get married if you consider yourself a Spiritual Satanist and it's not about free will, but common sense!

It is important to be aware of and be able to predict the consequences of your actions: You don't want your wife to use angelic magic in your house to open portals for greys, angels and other astral freaks who would torture your children? Or that your wife would one day become obsessed with these entities and hurt your children? I think you don't want that.
My last boyfriend is someone that agree with satanism and political vision of JoS but he is not caring about his energies... The result is that sometimes I felt attacked by his energy(strange but true). We was planning to marry but watered down.
I said that to explain that anyway you have to care about your aura before the religion. But Jews never... Never!
Most people are non Satanists
If you only want a Satanist the chances are you will never get married
Try to find someone who thinks like you and is compatible with you instead

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
