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Question about making a girl break up with her bf

Jack said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Jack said:
Never saw her again . This ones different . It's not because she's hot but she makes me leave everyone else I also might have a chance with . I couldn't care if someone hotter than her might come along, as long as she'd be with me. I thought that love at first sight was some kind of fairy tale hoax sold to young girls to sell songs and make money .You may call it unethical, which it probably is but I will regret it for ages to come if I do not do this now.

Even if you think of such a thing, it doesn't always work out.
There may be attraction, but if things relationship wise (astrology) aren't harmonious with the other person, there could be issues in the relationship in other parts.

I've had many a person confess to me or ask me out of nowhere. Didn't know them. Never seen them before either. So I ignored and refused.
Even though I ended up going to the same place every single day due to necessity.

Some of the people I did give a chance and well they turned out to be dicks. Kinda.
The kind of obsessive person because they had some girls cheat on them before.

Which also raises the question. You mention chasing after several girls, like you're desperate for a relationship.
Doesn't that sound like there is some issue in and of itself?

Which also raises the question, have you ever cheated? And if so, wouldn't you be better off in a polygamous relationship?
I wasn't desperate for relationships. I don't want to label it but you could say I only approached them out of the desire to have physical intimacy. Idk ,maybe I have emotional intimacy problems ? But my intuition says I can open up to this girl .I wouldn't need anyone else or be polygynous. There there no point in talking about this any further as even though this is an anonymous forum I don't want to write something I don't want to see.

First of all. Do not ever open up yourself as a Satanist if you meant that, you will regret it later. Or If you meant opening up with love feelings for her. Do not even do that either. Conceal your intention until your intention is made concrete.

Plan A

Just make yourself look to her as a better deal than her bf. And you don't do it directly but indirectly which she cannot detect. But her subconscious mind can detect it.

It's like a story metaphors. Metaphors in the stories goes straight to the subconscious mind and is understood. This is also a reason why telling a story loaded with metaphors can HEAL physically as well.

Plan B which is obviously the plan A you replaced it with this girl :

Focus on yourself. Even if you feel like she is someone from your past life, fuck that truth. Because? It's past.

I've also met a woman I felt like I knew her since ages she told me the same. Yeah she could have been my wife in past life. But what again? You have to look ahead not back. Don't look back.

And obviously you won't follow plan B :mrgreen:

But seriously, if someone makes your brain get obsessed with her, make you forget everything, then you are putting that someone on a pedestal and you will regret it later bro.

I've done this same mistake 5-6 times. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Now I'm really starting to realise my self worth.

Your main focus should be on YOURSELF.

When you focus on yourself, you will feel beautiful and WHOLE and COMPLETE.

If still you don't wanna do this, then Make her chase you. Make girls chase you. It's their job. Not yours as a Man. Make her get infatuated with you instead.

We just have 60-70 years to live one lifetime. And at the age of 60+, you can't even sit for long.

Isn't that time too short Jack? Why not give your full attention, focus on becoming a God?

If still you wanna have this girl, then sure your affirmations are strong and perfect. You can absolutely get this girl and make her bf cry. :mrgreen:

But later or sooner you will see yourself caught up in meaningless things, problems, attachment which takes your attention away from yourself.

But still if you can't get her out of your mind then MAKE HER CHASE YOU, make her obsessed with you.
Later you will realise she is not EVERYTHING for you. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Dypet Rod said:
This type of thing is really dividing, isn't it?

On one hand, I don't think a couple who is genuinely happy with each other should be forcedly broken up, either.

On the other hand, though...on the Joy of Satan itself, there are meditations and magick workings that teach you exactly what Jack is asking here. For example, how to break up a couple by putting a repelling aura of protection around the desired person and affirming that their aura is completely repelling the person that they are currently in a relationship with. Not to mention, there are Demons on the Demons page that are described as having the ability to break up couples.

So, is it really "wrong" after all?
Ethics is one of the most important concepts in Satanism, that's for sure. The Demons themselves teach ethics. But is this specific type of thing really a matter of ethics? Can it really be mediated by concepts of right and wrong, good and evil?

Like I said, if a couple is genuinely happy with each other, I don't think anyone should force them to break them up. But at the same time, there is a reason why this type of knowledge is made free and available on the Joy of Satan for whoever SS desires to use it, right?

Abusive relationships where the victim is blind to the abuse they're suffering is one example where using it would be valid. But I don't think this is the case here.

There are other things to consider. For one, there should be certainty that the person one is pursuing is highly compatible with you, which require a great deal of clarity and advanced psychic abilities, especially since birth chart aren't of course readily available. Not to mention, when people are infatuated, if they make synastry charts on their own they tend to get gross misunderstandings and epic errors in readings, because they're usually blind to the truth.

On the other hand, one should consider: am I really ready for a love relationship? Is my backyard clean? In other words, is my soul free from traumas, hangups and blockage that not only sabotage myself but would also sabotage my prospective relationship?

If someone is doing well on both sides I expressed, then it would be okay to pursue the relationship, even using those aggressive methods. Unfortunately, in 99% of the cases this one is doing badly on both fronts. Even doing negatively on one front, would be harmful because in the end one would only end up creating more hangups, traumas and other issues. It's better to spare oneself the drama at that point because it only becomes an obstacle to one's spiritual advancement, which is something to avoid at all costs. Not to mention, important relationships like family, friends and significant others are very time-consuming.
Zeffie of the Wind said:

This topic had some decent info on how to go about doing this.
I had a severe lack in progress since this girl is resisting my advances even though looking at me with sexual eyes,probably because of the boyfriend problem. Doesn't even concede her number. I'd forgotten about that Zastir mantra. It would be a good way to break her resistance. Pretty ironic considering Shael unearthed this way of going around things and now hes lecturing me about ethics and morality considering the topic he shared it was having the exact same situation as me.
These workings take time I personally doubt you'll still be into this person by the time they begin to take effect judging by the way you describe the situation. This person won't even give you their number but somehow they secretly desperately want you?

Idk sounds like you've lost your marbles over her. Since we brought up my topic I will say I needed fast results because the two people in question were not in a relationship yet, they were close friends and the point was to prevent them from connecting on a level where they become a couple, as if that happened it would complicate and elongate the process for me.

If I was in your shoes with the person already being in a relationship I'd probably take it easy and take my time to get to know the person better and get closer to them to be sure I'd go forward with this. This is a considerable time and energy investment. I already knew the person closely and was planning to make my moves when he took interest in someone else.

You also always have the option to sever your connection with this person and your feelings for this person will die out pretty quickly and you can move on.

As for my personal opinion on these things I'm not against doing this sort of thing. Realistically speaking you're the one who loses the most here if you break them up and then your relationship with her doesn't last anyway.

If you two are incompatible and break up and your influence dying out they most likely will get back together and you're left with a considerable time and energy investment totally wasted. So make sure.
Stormblood said:
Dypet Rod said:
This type of thing is really dividing, isn't it?

On one hand, I don't think a couple who is genuinely happy with each other should be forcedly broken up, either.

On the other hand, though...on the Joy of Satan itself, there are meditations and magick workings that teach you exactly what Jack is asking here. For example, how to break up a couple by putting a repelling aura of protection around the desired person and affirming that their aura is completely repelling the person that they are currently in a relationship with. Not to mention, there are Demons on the Demons page that are described as having the ability to break up couples.

So, is it really "wrong" after all?
Ethics is one of the most important concepts in Satanism, that's for sure. The Demons themselves teach ethics. But is this specific type of thing really a matter of ethics? Can it really be mediated by concepts of right and wrong, good and evil?

Like I said, if a couple is genuinely happy with each other, I don't think anyone should force them to break them up. But at the same time, there is a reason why this type of knowledge is made free and available on the Joy of Satan for whoever SS desires to use it, right?

Abusive relationships where the victim is blind to the abuse they're suffering is one example where using it would be valid. But I don't think this is the case here.

There are other things to consider. For one, there should be certainty that the person one is pursuing is highly compatible with you, which require a great deal of clarity and advanced psychic abilities, especially since birth chart aren't of course readily available. Not to mention, when people are infatuated, if they make synastry charts on their own they tend to get gross misunderstandings and epic errors in readings, because they're usually blind to the truth.

On the other hand, one should consider: am I really ready for a love relationship? Is my backyard clean? In other words, is my soul free from traumas, hangups and blockage that not only sabotage myself but would also sabotage my prospective relationship?

If someone is doing well on both sides I expressed, then it would be okay to pursue the relationship, even using those aggressive methods. Unfortunately, in 99% of the cases this one is doing badly on both fronts. Even doing negatively on one front, would be harmful because in the end one would only end up creating more hangups, traumas and other issues. It's better to spare oneself the drama at that point because it only becomes an obstacle to one's spiritual advancement, which is something to avoid at all costs. Not to mention, important relationships like family, friends and significant others are very time-consuming.
She is highly compatible with me and I can feel it. She has the somewhat low pitch voice and a more masculine presence, atypical for a girl. The only other girl I know who is this way is my older cousin sister who I'm closest to in my life. My mother also has such a low pitch voice so it's not improbable that im going to get along with her on a more deeper level.
Jack said:
Zeffie of the Wind said:

This topic had some decent info on how to go about doing this.
I had a severe lack in progress since this girl is resisting my advances even though looking at me with sexual eyes,probably because of the boyfriend problem. Doesn't even concede her number. I'd forgotten about that Zastir mantra. It would be a good way to break her resistance. Pretty ironic considering Shael unearthed this way of going around things and now hes lecturing me about ethics and morality considering the topic he shared it was having the exact same situation as me.

Since when could eyes be sexual? But the difference between you and that guy is you have a history so...
Arin said:
Jack said:
Zeffie of the Wind said:

This topic had some decent info on how to go about doing this.
I had a severe lack in progress since this girl is resisting my advances even though looking at me with sexual eyes,probably because of the boyfriend problem. Doesn't even concede her number. I'd forgotten about that Zastir mantra. It would be a good way to break her resistance. Pretty ironic considering Shael unearthed this way of going around things and now hes lecturing me about ethics and morality considering the topic he shared it was having the exact same situation as me.

Since when could eyes be sexual? But the difference between you and that guy is you have a history so...
You know when you see them. Communication is 70% non verbal.
Dahaarkan said:
These workings take time I personally doubt you'll still be into this person by the time they begin to take effect judging by the way you describe the situation. This person won't even give you their number but somehow they secretly desperately want you?

Idk sounds like you've lost your marbles over her. Since we brought up my topic I will say I needed fast results because the two people in question were not in a relationship yet, they were close friends and the point was to prevent them from connecting on a level where they become a couple, as if that happened it would complicate and elongate the process for me.

If I was in your shoes with the person already being in a relationship I'd probably take it easy and take my time to get to know the person better and get closer to them to be sure I'd go forward with this. This is a considerable time and energy investment. I already knew the person closely and was planning to make my moves when he took interest in someone else.

You also always have the option to sever your connection with this person and your feelings for this person will die out pretty quickly and you can move on.

As for my personal opinion on these things I'm not against doing this sort of thing. Realistically speaking you're the one who loses the most here if you break them up and then your relationship with her doesn't last anyway.

If you two are incompatible and break up and your influence dying out they most likely will get back together and you're left with a considerable time and energy investment totally wasted. So make sure.
Tell me more. How did you get fast results ? How many reps were you using and in what way, the affirmation etc.
Jack said:
She is highly compatible with me and I can feel it. She has the somewhat low pitch voice and a more masculine presence, atypical for a girl. The only other girl I know who is this way is my older cousin sister who I'm closest to in my life. My mother also has such a low pitch voice so it's not improbable that im going to get along with her on a more deeper level.

I didn't come to this topic to debate with you about your own business. I came here to provide an answer to Dypet Rod's general dilemma. If people can learn from it, all the better, but I'm not going to mind other people's businesses on specific cases. That would be a private discussion that doesn't belong in the forum, if I wanted to meddle. I'm interested in doing so.

These are my thoughts exactly about one starting a relationship as well. Being ready on your side and being compatible enough. The other person should be ready enough as well.

What I was wondering is how right it really is to judge someone for wanting to get another someone by these means. But in the end, as you guys put it, it's just a matter of general individual common sense and making the connection between these notions and this type of working.
I used Shael's method with the 47 reps plus placing a white aura of repulsion around him to repel his love interest, vibrating vivikta into his aura 108 times. I used similar affirmations for all these steps revolving around isolation and rejection. You need to use similar affirmation so that the workings compliment each other.

I don't have the affirmations written down anymore but it's simple you want affirmation that isolates the person from their SO and bring them towards you. I started seeing results around the 50ish day and stopped at 90 days. They have grown more distant and his love interest has no interest in being in a relationship with him whatsoever.

Again, this is a considerable time and energy investment, so be sure.
Shael said:
"Muh dick got hard when I saw dis hot chick. We only talked for 2 mins and I know nothing about her, but oooh did u see dat ass? I gotta hit that, so time to make her break up with her bf. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, amiright guyz? Morals and ethics are for loserz."

Let's not forget that this "fateful encounter" already happened once in 2017, with a different "hot chick", of whom I don't want to know what Jack tried doing to. https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1181&p=7215#p7215

Well look who is invoking fire. But you are taking things out of context lately. When someone falls in love I mean usually it isn't about sex, just in the fact that I would say women that I fall in love with sex would be just her giving herself to me out of love showing me she is mine.
But you can attract based on other ways and what you think of it ie. you raise your energy invoke fire that is very much sexual energy, like you can see sex in the eyes and knows the person wants it. If it was that way he'd still be better off with her than a non ss.
Fateful? Who cares if he tried to get in her in bed...
And what the F*** is it with people taking things out of context.
Random question here guys - what is the color for an aura of repulsion exactly? I've not figured this out yet and its not clear either in the jos page about aura colors. Intuition says white for some reason but im not 100% sure

Specifically if you want to destroy a friendship between person A and B (A being the one who's being the "victim" of person B) This isnt love related, just feel like person A could do better without fuckers and their shitty influences/habits and im having some spare energy to do it
V12-POWER said:
Random question here guys - what is the color for an aura of repulsion exactly? I've not figured this out yet and its not clear either in the jos page about aura colors. Intuition says white for some reason but im not 100% sure

Specifically if you want to destroy a friendship between person A and B (A being the one who's being the "victim" of person B) This isnt love related, just feel like person A could do better without fuckers and their shitty influences/habits and im having some spare energy to do it
I believe it's totally white.
Any updates? Did your spell work?
I'm curious how this turned out
94n said:
Any updates? Did your spell work?
I'm curious how this turned out
Certain things happened and I chose to not do this after a lot of meditation and thinking. There were certain things that were driving me to do this, but these were motivated by an inner weakness. I was actually set on doing this no matter what but something happened and I came back here to check something. Then I read that VOE post again and again for some reason. I was asking guidance from the Gods in that period and I thought something was clouding my judgment. The more I detached from the feelings and thought about it,the more I realized I was motivated to do this for all the wrong reasons. I might laugh looking at my earlier posts considering it is funny now, but it was a very sensitive situation. I might have destroyed this womans loving relationship with her bf without knowing or caring to know much about the real her. I would have then dumped her when I realized after spending time with her that the persona I had cast upon her was not, her. It was an illusion, a mental image I was unconsciousy trying to paint her over with things I was driven to seek through traumatic childhood experiences with my mother, which was the sole reference for all of my relationships with the opposite sex. It was unconsciously embedded deep in my subconscious and those experiences with my mother and the corresponding feelings that had subsequently determined my self worth and the reasons for my drive for companionship were becoming increasingly clear to me as I was working with the necronomicon rune of GIBIL. Suddenly this woman wasn't so important to me and the 'love' which was nothing more than a little boy trying to possess humans as toys to try to fill a hole in his heart ,became clear.

I understand now that this process of peeling off limitations, emotional bindings and wrong driving frames of the mind can take years to even recognize. I was lucky and I actually thank that woman for triggering this self discovery. It was pretty hardcore and I couldn't do things for the month after because I was so caught up with dealing with the emotional feelings that were erupting, which had previously been suppressed since childhood. It had been building upon itself and I was unable to recognize it for myself even though I know about this process from my studies before. However after I had accepted and let go of my emotions and my previous self, it was suddenly liberating to see and think about things in a different light. Regardless it's been many months since that I haven't and will not try to seduce that woman ever again.

I didn't update here because it's my personal business. However a lot of people might learn from this situation. What happens is as a child when you have experiences, you elicit strong feelings and as a child who is more in touch with the unconscious you tend to plaster those feelings and experiences in the deep parts of your identity (because the identity is formed till puberty) and the frames through which a child interprets the subsequent experiences and his drives to seek out similar experiences. Sometimes there might be traumatic experiences that set really bad frames and really destructive behaviors inside of you. Then you are surprised when you don't care about other people and try to take everything you want with those same frames. You can't help it because your behavior is limited to thinking and feeling within that frame. Until you keep thinking and feeling the same way, without realizing and recognizing why you feel this way, you are bound to repeat the same kind of experiences again and again. Meditation and knowing Thyself is important so that it can free you from your inner limiters and you can finally think freely without the unfortunate strong emotions guiding your actions. Once I realized all this, I realized I didn't actually need or really want this woman nor did I want to break her away from her bf to make her mine. It was a kind of mental delusion that was motivated from unconscious self destructive desires nourished by strong emotions that were guiding me to do these things. Once I accepted and recognized it, they started erupting and I let go of all the emotions I had been keeping bottled up. I cried a lot and it was very much required, as men we are taught not to cry and I believed that too. Once all of the emotional energy that was blocked was released (it took weeks) ,the frame and the guiding drives collapsed because they had no support. It was thus time to think and discover what I really wanted and this girl and breaking up her relationship was not that.

I don't feel shy talking about this or embarrassed because I've already let of that part of myself and now talking about this is like talking about a person of the past long gone. Its because the feelings and thinking motivated by those feelings as that person are gone. My mother and father didn't pay much attention to me in my childhood and both have them do not have any kind of emotional connection with me. They never tried to accept me for who I was or want to know, who I was. Everything was transactional in nature. And as a little child I was severely stripped of any kind of emotional love. In that situation as a child I was driven to gain the love of my mother for myself which never happened. I was driven thus, in all of my adult relationships to gain a woman so that she could nourish me with the love that was due from my mother since childhood. I had both mommy issues and daddy issues in the very literal sense of the word. There was a hole in my heart that I was trying to fill will woman I was encountering. However my expectations were failing because a woman is your lover and not your mother. This made me turn detest those women, because they were not the way I unconsciously wanted them to be I.e, one who nourishes me with the love that was due me. But I had another serious problem that was clouding my judgment and preventing me from recognizing this pattern of behavior . The more distanced person even than my mother,was my father. I simply do not know who this man living in our house is. We have never in my life talked about anything 'real',bonded or shared any emotional experience. He was mostly completely absent in my earlier part of my life and never taught me anything about how to be a man. I mostly did everything I could to make my mother happy so that she would love me. These were always physical things, like going to bed early, doing good in school, bringing accolades so that she could brag to the other wives how much better her son was than the others. Whenever she heard someone praise me, she pampered me (for physical achievements) and I was driven to achieve more physical achievements and praise which would trigger more attention from my mother. More me more achievements = more attention from my mother. I didn't ever do anything that my mother didn't like because I was scared of her judgment. I wanted to be exactly as she wanted to me because I wanted her love. Maybe if I do this ,she would love me. But that never happened.

My father started getting somewhat involved with me when I was nearing the end of middle school. He wanted to influence my career choice and he wanted me to become something that he wanted me to become. Till then I was doing everything my mother wanted and my persona was based on satisfying her. Now that my father started giving me some attention, I wanted to please him because he had finally been interested in me. I didn't even know what I wanted to do in life because I was never used to thinking for myself. However I started noticing the constant arguments and emotional mayhem that was my house which had been completely oblivious to me (because I was aligned with one parent only.) It's somewhat depressing to talk about, but my father doesn't deserve to be a father. Idk why he gave birth to us, but he simply does not GAF about anyone other than the voice that's coming inside of him. He doesn't care about anything other than himself, he doesn't feel anything other what his fragile ego let's him feel. I started noticing this behavior of him ,and I don't know why this was a kind of behavior I started emulating. It was an escape from the judgment of my mother and my desire to please her and constantly failing. If I was narcissistic and I thought only about myself, then I wouldn't have to care about what other people thought about me, which means I wouldn't need to feel the need to please my mother. In this period I started leaving religion and really revolting against the world. I started thinking for myself (or what I thought I was doing. ) I didn't label or realize what was happening till now until recently.

But the original need for love didn't go away. Even if I consciously detested my mother after recognizing her behavior, I was unconsciously driven to want her love. And now I had also a behavior of narcissism and not giving a fuck about anyone other than myself. I used to think narcissism was some kind of Jewish nonsense till now .

So now you have an adult who is still inherently a child with narcissism who thinks only about himself therefore he can't feel or doesn't care about feeling or respecting other people's emotions, with an unconscious drive to seek female validation. And you can understand what happened. Everything was simply going haywire. Nothing was working, I was constantly unhappy, I was becoming more and more narcissistic with each passing day. It got to the point where I couldn't comprehend something if it wasn't in relation to me. It was pretty hardcore . Through a brutal awakening from that girl, I eventually started meditating on my life and labeling and piecing everything that had happened so far. In my deep meditations, memories that were suppressed came up ,emotions erupted and feelings overwhelmed me. I had to accept and let go of all these. It was like a kind of ghost that was possessing me had left me. My throat which was burdened left free and I could finally breathe fully.

And now since all of the fake and wrong frames are removed, and I have no true reference for what I'm supposed to do. I'm navigating the world figuring out what I like and dont like and what I want to do. And I thank that woman although I do not think about her much.
Stormblood said:
Jack said:
She is highly compatible with me and I can feel it. She has the somewhat low pitch voice and a more masculine presence, atypical for a girl. The only other girl I know who is this way is my older cousin sister who I'm closest to in my life. My mother also has such a low pitch voice so it's not improbable that im going to get along with her on a more deeper level.

I didn't come to this topic to debate with you about your own business. I came here to provide an answer to Dypet Rod's general dilemma. If people can learn from it, all the better, but I'm not going to mind other people's businesses on specific cases. That would be a private discussion that doesn't belong in the forum, if I wanted to meddle. I'm interested in doing so.
Wow I literally wrote she has a low pitch voice like my mother so she would get along with me. Its pretty ironic to look at my lack of self realization in retrospect after a while like this.
VoiceofEnki said:
Jack said:
VoiceofEnki said:
You are right it is your own business, however when you put it like that it is more a personal issue. If they are the same race and she's happy with the person she's with now, and their relationship is harmonious, then you really shouldn't go and interfere to break them up.

In my opinion this is no different than cursing someone to death for bumping into you accidentally, or looking at you funny.

We should use our spiritual powers with care and be wise about how we apply them. You will harm two people simply because of your own obsessive desire, this is not healthy at all and clearly indicates a personal problem you should work to fix instead.

Spend your energy in better ways and be more mature about how you look at relationships and woman in general.
I get what you're saying and I would in my right mind say the same things to people who asked such a question. The situation is extremely troublesome and fate seems to be fucking with me . I think that if I get her , everything will make sense.

You are simply infatuated with her now. As a result you cannot think rationally. Knowing your tendencies with relationships in the past, and in general how you have thought about relationships and woman, you should wait before you act on this.

Thing is, she isn't going to disappear. She has a different boyfriend now, but even if she stays with them for another few weeks, it doesn't really change anything. While during that time your own thinking can change a lot. You can regain some rationality after this infatuation fades, if then you still feel emotional desire (Emotional being the key here), to be with her, you can still consider it.

Also at that time you can ask yourself, how long will you be able to have a relationship with her? If you end up breaking someone up, because you felt you were a better boyfriend for them, then at least you need to try and have a long lasting, or permanent relationship with them, otherwise you have potentially destroyed someones happy future for nothing.

Right now if you ask yourself if you will be there for her during her life, undoubtedly your answer will be "Yes of course", because you are infatuated and when in that state you can never look at things objectively, unless you have perfect self and emotional control, which you don't.

So my advice would be to wait. Since she's not going anywhere anyway, and see how your feelings develop over the next few weeks. Of course you can try to be close to her, without stalking or pursuing her in the mean time, so there is some connection that can logically be made.

If you are more desirable to her and she's not too invested in her current relationship, there's a good chance she will try to approach you, if you are within reach anyway, and even decide to break up without the need for any spiritual interference.

It's not like I can't understand where you are coming from. Without going into too many personal details, I also have a tendency to be very obsessive and possessive when I like someone. Therefore, I can say I understand your feelings now, even if they manifest differently from the way it does in me.

It's also because of that, that I advice you and told you what I have, and why I am not entirely against using magic in situations like this, but you need to be careful and you need to be able to take responsibility.

I have asked myself this same question in the past. "Should I just use magic to break that girl and her bf up so I can make her mine? I have the means, so why not? I am an SS, my genetics are superior, I understand her better than anyone, I am of course better for her than her current bf.. So why not make her mine?" Etc.

In the end my wisdom and reason prevailed and I decided against it, and after a few weeks the infatuation which made me feel obsessed with her faded away and I was glad I didn't impulsively try to act on some temporary feelings without thinking.

I guarantee you, it will be the same for you. Even if you feel some regret, it's not a deep regret, and this has nothing to do with fate or anything, due to your infatuation with her you are making a much bigger deal out of this than it really is.

On average there are hundreds of people who can be "The one" for someone. If there is some fated synastry, which is extremely rare, then it will come to you anyway on it's own.

Besides that it is remarkably common for you to find someone you have good synastry with, so you don't need to worry there won't be a next person, because there always will, unless you are such a failure that nobody wants you, but as an SS that should hardly be possible.
Thank you my brother. Since I already wrote so much on this, I should atleast thank you.
Jack said:
I made this topic because I wanted to get that spell information sorted out,considering I've never broken up a couple before and not for a philosophical discussion about morality or share my personal reasons for doing something and I think I've already given away lots of useless information ,of no use to anyone reading this.

I have my own reasons for doing things. People change, what once was may not be so in the future. I'm going to take responsibility for all that is to come. Things always happen without warning and the reason becomes apparent afterwards. Some big events may signify big changes and change of who a person is. He may change his outlook on life after experiencing something different from his past experiences. I can't let this chance slip away and I need to confirm something very important and close to myself.

Theres no need to go on about this anymore. This is nothing of concern to anyone here or our purpose . Therefore I'll close this discussion from my end because I don't want to say things that are useless as hollow words to others.
Infact i confirmed that she was not a woman who could satisfy that which I wanted her for. I confirmed that she was never going to behave the way I wanted her to. I confirmed no woman could fill the hole my mother left in my heart. The only way to heal it was not from others, but from myself from within.

You've written a lot of something very meaningful, and I personally appreciate you opening up your feelings. It also displays a beautiful amount of compassion and empathy towards yourself. It also shows your self awareness and your eagerness to learn from your situation.

Thank you for updating. ❤
Jack said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
Jack said:
So I have a black magick day coming up and I need to make a girl break up permanently with her boyfriend. I want her to completely extinguish any and all feelings or bonds with him.


I would change this into,
"XXX is repelling all of bfs interests,affections and attraction in every way. They are permanently and completely breaking up and find each other completely revolting and repulsive."

What are your thoughts on this, ? I'm going to infuse destruction runes into her aura to get the job done.

OR you could just mind your own business. Just a thought...
This is my business. Previously I used to date different girls so I didn't get needy. This girl comes along and completely uproots my life upside down. Even if I have sex with the other girls, I simply can't get her out of my mind. That must mean that it is intended for me to pursue her. I stopped talking to the other girls. My only desire is to make her mine and nothing else.

Sounds obscene. That poor girl. She doesn’t deserve this bullshit. I believe in free will and responsibility with power... get a grip on your own self and quit controlling other people’s emotions. Love isn’t a game, it should be mutual and consensual. If you really believe it is meant to be, ask the gods about it. It probably isn’t, and with this attitude, in a few years you won’t even want her anymore. Then you just ruined years of her life and her heart.
Blackdragon666 said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
Jack said:
So I have a black magick day coming up and I need to make a girl break up permanently with her boyfriend. I want her to completely extinguish any and all feelings or bonds with him.


I would change this into,
"XXX is repelling all of bfs interests,affections and attraction in every way. They are permanently and completely breaking up and find each other completely revolting and repulsive."

What are your thoughts on this, ? I'm going to infuse destruction runes into her aura to get the job done.

OR you could just mind your own business. Just a thought...
I think he has feelings for her. Let him get her :)

“Get her”
I’ve always despised hearing that as a female. Like an object to be chased and eventually discarded. This type of question is very “middle school” to begin with, and women can and should choose their partners. This is taking advantage of someone. Just because someone has “feelings” for someone doesn’t give them any right to enforce them or have it be reciprocated. Just because someone is a satanist and may feel above it all and at liberty to do something like this, that person they’re wanting at the end of the day is a human being and is deserving of choice and equal respect when it comes to a relationship. Think of it this way, the gods are much higher and holier than any of us, yet they still treat us with love respect and complete free will. They respect boundaries and have the wisdom to make much higher choices for us too.
Sundara said:
Jack said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
OR you could just mind your own business. Just a thought...
This is my business. Previously I used to date different girls so I didn't get needy. This girl comes along and completely uproots my life upside down. Even if I have sex with the other girls, I simply can't get her out of my mind. That must mean that it is intended for me to pursue her. I stopped talking to the other girls. My only desire is to make her mine and nothing else.

Sounds obscene. That poor girl. She doesn’t deserve this bullshit. I believe in free will and responsibility with power... get a grip on your own self and quit controlling other people’s emotions. Love isn’t a game, it should be mutual and consensual. If you really believe it is meant to be, ask the gods about it. It probably isn’t, and with this attitude, in a few years you won’t even want her anymore. Then you just ruined years of her life and her heart.
This is two months year old. I did not do anything like what I was planning to do. Read the entire thread for information I.e if you want to .
Sundara said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
OR you could just mind your own business. Just a thought...
I think he has feelings for her. Let him get her :)

“Get her”
I’ve always despised hearing that as a female. Like an object to be chased and eventually discarded. This type of question is very “middle school” to begin with, and women can and should choose their partners. This is taking advantage of someone. Just because someone has “feelings” for someone doesn’t give them any right to enforce them or have it be reciprocated. Just because someone is a satanist and may feel above it all and at liberty to do something like this, that person they’re wanting at the end of the day is a human being and is deserving of choice and equal respect when it comes to a relationship. Think of it this way, the gods are much higher and holier than any of us, yet they still treat us with love respect and complete free will. They respect boundaries and have the wisdom to make much higher choices for us too.
If a female SS is into some decent guy, I'll advise her to get him, lol. As long as there is soul compatibility and one is not being an asshole by let's say ruining a good relationship, love workings are ok. Of course if you're going to make someone be not only interesting in you but also get into a relationship with you, you have to make sure it's worth their while.

For example, one should make sure that their own feelings are genuine love and not an infatuation or lust. Financial security, time and effort required to sustain the relationship, how they will affect your affairs as an SS should also be considered.
Sundara said:
Sounds obscene. That poor girl. She doesn’t deserve this bullshit. I believe in free will and responsibility with power... get a grip on your own self and quit controlling other people’s emotions. Love isn’t a game, it should be mutual and consensual. If you really believe it is meant to be, ask the gods about it. It probably isn’t, and with this attitude, in a few years you won’t even want her anymore. Then you just ruined years of her life and her heart.

Yeah how dare he chase after a potential mate out of natural instinct.

A Satanist doesn't hope that something is "meant to be" or wait for their wishes to be handed to them miraculously. A Satanist uses their power to pursue their desires.
Dahaarkan said:
Sundara said:
Sounds obscene. That poor girl. She doesn’t deserve this bullshit. I believe in free will and responsibility with power... get a grip on your own self and quit controlling other people’s emotions. Love isn’t a game, it should be mutual and consensual. If you really believe it is meant to be, ask the gods about it. It probably isn’t, and with this attitude, in a few years you won’t even want her anymore. Then you just ruined years of her life and her heart.

Yeah how dare he chase after a potential mate out of natural instinct.

A Satanist doesn't hope that something is "meant to be" or wait for their wishes to be handed to them miraculously. A Satanist uses their power to pursue their desires.[/

Responsibility to the responsible. Impulsive action isn’t wisdom. Seeing it from her perspective, and also being a satanist, I wouldn’t tolerate it. A good man wouldn’t want their women to tolerate this either. In fact, I have been manipulated into loving someone before, and I did in fact fall out of love with him when I discovered this. Healthy relationships are built on honesty and sincerity. Women need to be free of this behavior. Men do too. But for now, happy learning. That’s the magical part of being a satanist, the things we learn! I shouldn’t have said anything. I care for anyone dedicated to learning about the gods and Satanism, for the right reasons. Anyone who’s truly a part of the family.
Sundara said:
Dahaarkan said:
Sundara said:
Sounds obscene. That poor girl. She doesn’t deserve this bullshit. I believe in free will and responsibility with power... get a grip on your own self and quit controlling other people’s emotions. Love isn’t a game, it should be mutual and consensual. If you really believe it is meant to be, ask the gods about it. It probably isn’t, and with this attitude, in a few years you won’t even want her anymore. Then you just ruined years of her life and her heart.

Yeah how dare he chase after a potential mate out of natural instinct.

A Satanist doesn't hope that something is "meant to be" or wait for their wishes to be handed to them miraculously. A Satanist uses their power to pursue their desires.[/

Responsibility to the responsible. Impulsive action isn’t wisdom. Seeing it from her perspective, and also being a satanist, I wouldn’t tolerate it. A good man wouldn’t want their women to tolerate this either. In fact, I have been manipulated into loving someone before, and I did in fact fall out of love with him when I discovered this. Healthy relationships are built on honesty and sincerity. Women need to be free of this behavior. Men do too. But for now, happy learning. That’s the magical part of being a satanist, the things we learn! I shouldn’t have said anything. I care for anyone dedicated to learning about the gods and Satanism, for the right reasons. Anyone who’s truly a part of the family.

I knew someone, that was lured with magick. He later told her. She broke up with him and hates him.

For me personally, if someone did this to my boyfriend or girlfriend, I would kill them.
Jack have you done some serious divination such as casting a chart on her or something to know if she is the one...… Or are you just bewitched by the pussy.
Sundara said:
Impulsive action isn’t wisdom.

No, it isn't. It's objectively morally wrong also. But in my humble opinion this is something that transcends common sense. It's easy to sit there in hindsight saying this is wrong for a number of reasons but when you are in that moment when that desire for a potential mate kicks in it kind of overwhelms any logical thinking. Especially in young adults who are actively looking for a partner, there's no fighting it.

I personally approach things with the sense that I'd rather have a terrible outcome than not try at all. I'd rather know that I tried everything I could but it still didn't work out than knowing I let an opportunity arise and did nothing until it slipped away forever.
HP Mageson666 said:
Jack have you done some serious divination such as casting a chart on her or something to know if she is the one...… Or are you just bewitched by the pussy.
At first I was hooked on her just like I would be hooked on any other female who was hot, but she was much more enticing because she said she had a bf which made me want her more. I wanted to make her mine as in 'my possession'. I also had an unconscious desire particularly for her because she had a type of demeanor which I unconsciously linked to my mother,and since I wanted female validation to satiate my desire for gaining the love of my mother which was due me, I was hell bent on deploying a brutal until she cracks type love spell on her. In a lack of self awareness I also unconsciously noticed she had a low pitch voice like my mother and her behavior also matched her somewhat.

I also wanted her to 'fix' me and give me the love that was due me. Like fix my broken self. Which is not a role she can fill because she would be my lover and not my mother.

I couldn't care less if she was astrologically incompatible with me. Infact all the blatant signs that she was very loyal and committed to her bf was being twisted and skewed in my mind to interpret something that I wanted to believe. All objections and red flags were flying over my head. I simply was overlooking anything that did not match my view of the situation.

Thankfully I recognized my unconscious processes motivating my self destructive behaviour and thus I stopped. It took a lot of time but I realized that all that love was ,was simply Infatuation and narcissistic validation seeking behaviour fueled by traumatic experiences in my childhood. I wrote a reply detailing this on this page to someone which you can read about actually what happened, i.e if you want to.
Jack said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Jack have you done some serious divination such as casting a chart on her or something to know if she is the one...… Or are you just bewitched by the pussy.
At first I was hooked on her just like I would be hooked on any other female who was hot, but she was much more enticing because she said she had a bf which made me want her more. I wanted to make her mine as in 'my possession'. I also had an unconscious desire particularly for her because she had a type of demeanor which I unconsciously linked to my mother,and since I wanted female validation to satiate my desire for gaining the love of my mother which was due me, I was hell bent on deploying a brutal until she cracks type love spell on her. In a lack of self awareness I also unconsciously noticed she had a low pitch voice like my mother and her behavior also matched her somewhat.

I also wanted her to 'fix' me and give me the love that was due me. Like fix my broken self. Which is not a role she can fill because she would be my lover and not my mother.

I couldn't care less if she was astrologically incompatible with me. Infact all the blatant signs that she was very loyal and committed to her bf was being twisted and skewed in my mind to interpret something that I wanted to believe. All objections and red flags were flying over my head. I simply was overlooking anything that did not match my view of the situation.

Thankfully I recognized my unconscious processes motivating my self destructive behaviour and thus I stopped. It took a lot of time but I realized that all that love was ,was simply Infatuation and narcissistic validation seeking behaviour fueled by traumatic experiences in my childhood. I wrote a reply detailing this on this page to someone which you can read about actually what happened, i.e if you want to.

Thank you Jack, you have drawn my attention to similar issues within myself and I appreciate the effort you put into letting out and writing these. I have reason to believe that this is a problem which persists in a lot of men here- to varying extents-which shouldn't be rejected or looked upon with disdain as clearly it is a means of freedom. Many so-and-so people I think go for partners based on those maternal/paternal instincts, but the differing people here need to be aware of exactly how much energy they have, so that they dont dig themselves into a hole with the information given- Love spells etc.

Free will is supreme, but one effectively pigeonholes theirs and another's free will by engaging in things like this- meanwhile the wheel of time spins.

I'm going to revise this with my own experiences, I know I'm quite at risk of issues with things like this, the case with my father and mother is similar to yours, though with differences; I felt no need for validation from anyone really during my childhood which I am led to perceive is a result of being over 4 retrograde planets in my chart. I have always flickered from great overconfidence and ungrounded assertion- which comes from my father, to deep depression and oversensitivies which are of and characteristic of my mother. The girl I chased, astrologically, matched up with these characteristics, a popular girl who had a pronounced personal secretive nature (that attracted me) that was to do with her own father. In terms of synastry we didnt match up and I would of caused a lot of issues for her, her social sphere and family. Emotions aside, we were just different people.

Astrological incompatibility, compulsion, infatuation with the person, denying that anyone else could ever suffice, are all likewise features I had with this too, with a hint of self-pity, drugs and teenage angst lol. All it took was acknowledging I was "royal" in my own way, had different patterns, routines, frames as you say. As an SS who was undergoing a transformative period, she was the sexual projection of said wider transformation, but I was and still am certainly not in the position to teach others in that dominant way and rep what I haven't given time- no matter how much I desire to be more in that deeper sense. If that what I want for myself internally is to be, it wont be achieved by dependence on an unconscious projection of a woman- while she suffers my hang ups.
Dahaarkan said:
Sundara said:
Sounds obscene. That poor girl. She doesn’t deserve this bullshit. I believe in free will and responsibility with power... get a grip on your own self and quit controlling other people’s emotions. Love isn’t a game, it should be mutual and consensual. If you really believe it is meant to be, ask the gods about it. It probably isn’t, and with this attitude, in a few years you won’t even want her anymore. Then you just ruined years of her life and her heart.

Yeah how dare he chase after a potential mate out of natural instinct.

A Satanist doesn't hope that something is "meant to be" or wait for their wishes to be handed to them miraculously. A Satanist uses their power to pursue their desires.

True. There's no room here for christianity 2.0 ideals. How does one describe "love at first sight", a man approaching a girl any kind of setting and successfully getting her number...(the list goes)

These are all varying degrees of influence which can translate to small/low grade magic to attain a desire, in this case love or lust.

Using high grade magic such as a working, JoS information and/or a ritual in the comfort of ones chamber to attain such a desired goal is no different. Simply more effective.
13th_Wolf said:
Jack said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Jack have you done some serious divination such as casting a chart on her or something to know if she is the one...… Or are you just bewitched by the pussy.
At first I was hooked on her just like I would be hooked on any other female who was hot, but she was much more enticing because she said she had a bf which made me want her more. I wanted to make her mine as in 'my possession'. I also had an unconscious desire particularly for her because she had a type of demeanor which I unconsciously linked to my mother,and since I wanted female validation to satiate my desire for gaining the love of my mother which was due me, I was hell bent on deploying a brutal until she cracks type love spell on her. In a lack of self awareness I also unconsciously noticed she had a low pitch voice like my mother and her behavior also matched her somewhat.

I also wanted her to 'fix' me and give me the love that was due me. Like fix my broken self. Which is not a role she can fill because she would be my lover and not my mother.

I couldn't care less if she was astrologically incompatible with me. Infact all the blatant signs that she was very loyal and committed to her bf was being twisted and skewed in my mind to interpret something that I wanted to believe. All objections and red flags were flying over my head. I simply was overlooking anything that did not match my view of the situation.

Thankfully I recognized my unconscious processes motivating my self destructive behaviour and thus I stopped. It took a lot of time but I realized that all that love was ,was simply Infatuation and narcissistic validation seeking behaviour fueled by traumatic experiences in my childhood. I wrote a reply detailing this on this page to someone which you can read about actually what happened, i.e if you want to.

Thank you Jack, you have drawn my attention to similar issues within myself and I appreciate the effort you put into letting out and writing these. I have reason to believe that this is a problem which persists in a lot of men here- to varying extents-which shouldn't be rejected or looked upon with disdain as clearly it is a means of freedom. Many so-and-so people I think go for partners based on those maternal/paternal instincts, but the differing people here need to be aware of exactly how much energy they have, so that they dont dig themselves into a hole with the information given- Love spells etc.

Free will is supreme, but one effectively pigeonholes theirs and another's free will by engaging in things like this- meanwhile the wheel of time spins.

I'm going to revise this with my own experiences, I know I'm quite at risk of issues with things like this, the case with my father and mother is similar to yours, though with differences; I felt no need for validation from anyone really during my childhood which I am led to perceive is a result of being over 4 retrograde planets in my chart. I have always flickered from great overconfidence and ungrounded assertion- which comes from my father, to deep depression and oversensitivies which are of and characteristic of my mother. The girl I chased, astrologically, matched up with these characteristics, a popular girl who had a pronounced personal secretive nature (that attracted me) that was to do with her own father. In terms of synastry we didnt match up and I would of caused a lot of issues for her, her social sphere and family. Emotions aside, we were just different people.

Astrological incompatibility, compulsion, infatuation with the person, denying that anyone else could ever suffice, are all likewise features I had with this too, with a hint of self-pity, drugs and teenage angst lol. All it took was acknowledging I was "royal" in my own way, had different patterns, routines, frames as you say. As an SS who was undergoing a transformative period, she was the sexual projection of said wider transformation, but I was and still am certainly not in the position to teach others in that dominant way and rep what I haven't given time- no matter how much I desire to be more in that deeper sense. If that what I want for myself internally is to be, it wont be achieved by dependence on an unconscious projection of a woman- while she suffers my hang ups.
Thank for Brother 13th Wolf. Its important for us men to get in touch with our emotions which leads us to self actualize and know who we are. Running away from ourselves through external stimuli only creates resentment and agony within ourselves. Acceptance creates liberation. Of we acknowledge an emotion and then let go of it, it will run its course and disappear. However if we keep it bottled up ,it will start to define our behavior and build upon itself as a loop. As men we are taught not to show emotion, but we must let of of this way of thinking and realize that our emotional being and our emotional needs are important to define ourselves as men. We must transform ourselves in a masculine way and get in touch with our inner emotional processes which leads to control and thus to clarity,power and happiness.
Braun666 said:
Dahaarkan said:
Sundara said:
Sounds obscene. That poor girl. She doesn’t deserve this bullshit. I believe in free will and responsibility with power... get a grip on your own self and quit controlling other people’s emotions. Love isn’t a game, it should be mutual and consensual. If you really believe it is meant to be, ask the gods about it. It probably isn’t, and with this attitude, in a few years you won’t even want her anymore. Then you just ruined years of her life and her heart.

Yeah how dare he chase after a potential mate out of natural instinct.

A Satanist doesn't hope that something is "meant to be" or wait for their wishes to be handed to them miraculously. A Satanist uses their power to pursue their desires.

True. There's no room here for christianity 2.0 ideals. How does one describe "love at first sight", a man approaching a girl any kind of setting and successfully getting her number...(the list goes)

These are all varying degrees of influence which can translate to small/low grade magic to attain a desire, in this case love or lust.

Using high grade magic such as a working, JoS information and/or a ritual in the comfort of ones chamber to attain such a desired goal is no different. Simply more effective.

Satasism is not reverse xtardanity, not "I do what I what I want whenever I want. Fuck nature and consequences". Satanism is wisdom and knowledge. There's nothing wise about going after someone who's not astrologically compatible with you. It's the opposite of wisdom, as that leads down a path of hangups and blockages, especially once one's attic is cluttered and unclean.
Braun666 said:
Dahaarkan said:
Sundara said:
Sounds obscene. That poor girl. She doesn’t deserve this bullshit. I believe in free will and responsibility with power... get a grip on your own self and quit controlling other people’s emotions. Love isn’t a game, it should be mutual and consensual. If you really believe it is meant to be, ask the gods about it. It probably isn’t, and with this attitude, in a few years you won’t even want her anymore. Then you just ruined years of her life and her heart.

Yeah how dare he chase after a potential mate out of natural instinct.

A Satanist doesn't hope that something is "meant to be" or wait for their wishes to be handed to them miraculously. A Satanist uses their power to pursue their desires.

True. There's no room here for christianity 2.0 ideals. How does one describe "love at first sight", a man approaching a girl any kind of setting and successfully getting her number...(the list goes)

These are all varying degrees of influence which can translate to small/low grade magic to attain a desire, in this case love or lust.

Using high grade magic such as a working, JoS information and/or a ritual in the comfort of ones chamber to attain such a desired goal is no different. Simply more effective.
Mageson has spoken about that, it's called infatuation.
Stormblood said:

True that makes sense, I’m aware of this too and have experienced the same in my own life with friendships and potential lovers. And I totally agree that if one does not move forward with wisdom and true knowledge, then their demise will be lurking just around the corner.

My reply was moreso about the bordering of xitianity in the reply that was given. But the idea of using magic is doing what works, and theres levels, varying degrees. I left out the wisdom part but it should be common sense. Someone going rambo mode on this path is asking for disaster. Satan trusts his own with this power.

In this case OP wants to end a relationship so that he can have the lead and step in. A method of doing so is on the JoS for a reason. Most people(non-satanists) are pawns on a chessboard, npc’s, those without, unfortunately and thus have no notion on magic, reality and fate. Nor wisdom and understanding the potential effects of their actions.

In relation to OP here are 2 examples of methods he might do to achieve his desire... 1. A simple conversation with the girl to get the goal, or 2. A large rep of mantras, orgasm and other astral methods while the potential partner sleeps to get the goal. Option 2. Is much more effective. And as far as this being mutual or not, is irrelevant. A highly evolved mage could gain the interest of a partner with just conversation alone if they are at such a level. Both are means to the same end, it’s only a matter of perception. Mutuality can be created and built over time. We see the same in nature with many animals, the initial approach from the male to a female.

Well someone needs to know if going to a higher level of magic is necessary and worth the energy spent to acquire the partner. They make that judgement based on whatever facts they can gather. With magic one must look to the potential outcome(s), and if it favors them in a positive and beneficial way. Also assessing the ethicality of their endeavour, among other things. That’s why with high levels of power come greater understanding, otherwise ones demise and destruction would be inevitable. I should have included that, I simply implied that most should know this and it’s common sense.

All this to say, my reply didn’t imply threading without knowledge and wisdom or a reverse xitianity motto. And again I do agree that this path requires wisdom and threading with true knowledge in whatever magic one does.
Aquarius said:

Understood. So just to clarify further you mean that one should not act on infatuations?

I believe an infatuation can evolve to love. Where love can be having spent time with a partner for some time and knowing that it’s love. Love is where that infatuation stands still and never goes down or becomes short lived. Synastry is must though if one wants it to be long term.

But infatuations alone could qualify as lusting over someone and there are magickal methods to acquire a partner for those purposes alone. So what was stated still applies.
Braun666 said:
Aquarius said:

Understood. So just to clarify further you mean that one should not act on infatuations?

I believe an infatuation can evolve to love. Where love can be having spent time with a partner for some time and knowing that it’s love. Love is where that infatuation stands still and never goes down or becomes short lived. Synastry is must though if one wants it to be long term.

But infatuations alone could qualify as lusting over someone and there are magickal methods to acquire a partner for those purposes alone. So what was stated still applies.
Infatuation is not love, it's infatuation is a momentary period that doesn't take in account your compatibility with the person, your real feelings towards the other person,(infatuation is like inebration, you're not really consciously making logical and wise choices while infatuated) when infatuation is over you most likely feel like you don't really love the other person but that's because you think infatuation is love, which is not, so that is why you should differentiate love from infatuation, the first is a real emotion, the latter is, if I may, naiveness.
Aquarius said:
Braun666 said:
Aquarius said:

Understood. So just to clarify further you mean that one should not act on infatuations?

I believe an infatuation can evolve to love. Where love can be having spent time with a partner for some time and knowing that it’s love. Love is where that infatuation stands still and never goes down or becomes short lived. Synastry is must though if one wants it to be long term.

But infatuations alone could qualify as lusting over someone and there are magickal methods to acquire a partner for those purposes alone. So what was stated still applies.
Infatuation is not love, it's infatuation is a momentary period that doesn't take in account your compatibility with the person, your real feelings towards the other person,(infatuation is like inebration, you're not really consciously making logical and wise choices while infatuated) when infatuation is over you most likely feel like you don't really love the other person but that's because you think infatuation is love, which is not, so that is why you should differentiate love from infatuation, the first is a real emotion, the latter is, if I may, naiveness.

True I see what you mean. Infatuation means that it was never love to begin with and won't be because its use is more appropriate in past tense scenarios where the attraction did not sustain itself for a prolonged period that would qualify as love in addition to having deeper knowledge of the person if one is a Satanist.

Infatuation might serve it's purpose for lust where if a mage so desires to have a temporary "fling" with a partner of choice, that short lived drive/attraction will lead to higher more intense orgasms. But as for love, which as it relates to the OP's desires in this inquiry you are right about the importance of making the distinction as the infatuation would not make for a wise pursuit for love or better yet a long term relationship.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
