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Question about Economic collapse an money


New member
Dec 7, 2021
I know that filthy jews are trying to collapse all currency, but what other ones can you use temporarily, till those ones lose value, I hear euro may last a while after but wasn't sure
If all currencies collapse and we experience a full-fledged economic crisis your best bet is to have a good stock of food, water, medicine, guns and ammunition, and whatever else you need on a daily basis.

Forget about euro, buy gold and silver if you can. If you can't, just stock on the above as much as you possibly can.
BlackOnyx8 said:
If all currencies collapse and we experience a full-fledged economic crisis your best bet is to have a good stock of food, water, medicine, guns and ammunition, and whatever else you need on a daily basis.

Forget about euro, buy gold and silver if you can. If you can't, just stock on the above as much as you possibly can.

What about platinum and palladium
I think people will switch to Bitcoin and maybe another few cryptos if they do this. That is unless they shut down the power a bunch of places or create black outs (be prepared for this too or you will regret it if this happens and your not)
slyscorpion said:
I think people will switch to Bitcoin and maybe another few cryptos if they do this. That is unless they shut down the power a bunch of places or create black outs (be prepared for this too or you will regret it if this happens and your not)
Yes it seems blackouts are on the way aswell. They already tested this in some areas.
Fireof666 said:
What about platinum and palladium

Those work as well, but the others are more generally accepted as currency. You can buy small amounts of any of these metals online and should do that as one means of preserving your wealth.

slyscorpion said:
I think people will switch to Bitcoin and maybe another few cryptos if they do this. That is unless they shut down the power a bunch of places or create black outs (be prepared for this too or you will regret it if this happens and your not)

Beyond power outages, they can also declare them illegal or place other restrictions on them, as China has already. Not like they cannot do this for precious metals, but physical objects are easier to transact with.

As far as crypto coins go, Monero and others are completely private. This is unlike Bitcoin, which can have your name tied to a wallet or it makes your transactions publically accessible.
I do not understand the logic behind cryptocurrency in the event of total economic collapse and a dystopian martial law scenario arising. What makes you think that in a situation like this that you are permitted to even have an internet connection let alone access to your virtual wallet and a currency your government can't control. This is the first thing to be shut down in this event.

In addition, in a time of extreme crisis and collapse where everyone is struggling severely, no one is going to accept your invisible internet money for actual goods and services. Most likely in an event of total collapse people will be trading goods and services in exchange for other goods and services until the economy is reset.

What is valuable is actual resources like food, tools, fuel etc. Physical things that actually have applicable use and undeniable value. Invisible internet money, green toilet paper, shiny metals and so on. These things only have imaginary value while the economy is running. If the economy collapses these all become worthless. In the event of a famine nobody is going to give you food in exchange for your magic internet money. They will give you food in exchange for something that actually has value, such as the things I mentioned above.

And besides, if you are on the brink of starvation you will give all of this "wealth" away for a can of beans. Most likely they won't even give you that for it. If you are concerned about the collapse, invest in storing resources, not currency. Currency loses all it's value in the event of a total collapse.

A can of beans, a bag of rice, a liter of fuel. These things will be worth more than all your gold and bitcoins should shit hit the fan and civilization regresses as a result of the economy collapsing entirely.

People who are hoarding these things planning for a TOTAL collapse are in for a rude awakening in my opinion. You can't eat bitcoin, you can't burn gold for warmth, you can't use dollar bills as a blanket. These are all worthless things that only have imaginary value in this clown economy. And when the economy goes down, these things go down with it.

Do not listen to fools who think they will own the world because they have 3 bitcoin.

Do wealth workings, empower your solar chakra and clean & empower your soul consistently and daily. Wealth is in the soul.
Fireof666 said:
I know that filthy jews are trying to collapse all currency, but what other ones can you use temporarily, till those ones lose value, I hear euro may last a while after but wasn't sure

BlackOnyx8 said:
If all currencies collapse and we experience a full-fledged economic crisis your best bet is to have a good stock of food, water, medicine, guns and ammunition, and whatever else you need on a daily basis.

Forget about euro, buy gold and silver if you can. If you can't, just stock on the above as much as you possibly can.
If you are reffering to a food and electricity crisis and extreme inflation, I don't see how gold, silver or crypto-currency can help you other than keep your money safer than having them as fiat currency. For example in the case of a food crisis where people will want food but their money will worth nothing, could you go to supermarket and fill a trolley with food and stuff and pay with 3 links from your golden chain or something? I doubt is going to work this way. The most vital is as you initially said to have the essentials to survive without depending on government or supermarkets. Also money will be inflated but I am assuming they won't be inflated to the point where you can't buy food anymore. Let's say the prices on rice. bread and related will go up 10 times, you could still afford to buy basic aliments for a few months if you have a few thousands of euros/dollars/pounds saved. You would need to prepare to be able to defend yourself from those who will probably be sitting at the corner of the street and wait people to go out of the supermarket and follow them to steal their food. I expect this to happen if there is going to be a food crisis, because there will be endless people who will be at the mercy of the government if they could not save any money to prepare for this.

However what is 100% sure is that if you have to choose between withdrawing your money from the bank or keep them there, is definitely better to withdraw them because the banks will most likely steal all the money people have in their bank accounts.

Also assuming that there will be blackouts than will last unknown periods of time, best is to buy food that can be cosummed straight away without the need to heat or cook it (canned food, already made meals etc). In such circumstances, I don't think any crypto currency or precious metals will help anybody to get food. I am not sure if the currencies will stabilize and return to normal once the crisis is over.

slyscorpion said:
I think people will switch to Bitcoin and maybe another few cryptos if they do this. That is unless they shut down the power a bunch of places or create black outs (be prepared for this too or you will regret it if this happens and your not)
I doubt bitcoin will help people get any food, basically you would need overnight most retailers, small or big, to accept bitcoin payments and that will most likely require special devices, special softwares, endless wallets to be created etc. I was about to say infrastructure but since bitcoin is decentralized it doesn't need an organized infrastructure or something like the fiat currency does. During a crisis I think is going to be impossible to use bitcoin widely, maybe will become widely used after the jews are dealt with as there will be nobody to keep stopping and preventing bitcoin and other crypto currencies from increasing in power.
The Alchemist7 said:
Fireof666 said:
I know that filthy jews are trying to collapse all currency, but what other ones can you use temporarily, till those ones lose value, I hear euro may last a while after but wasn't sure

BlackOnyx8 said:
If all currencies collapse and we experience a full-fledged economic crisis your best bet is to have a good stock of food, water, medicine, guns and ammunition, and whatever else you need on a daily basis.

Forget about euro, buy gold and silver if you can. If you can't, just stock on the above as much as you possibly can.
If you are reffering to a food and electricity crisis and extreme inflation, I don't see how gold, silver or crypto-currency can help you other than keep your money safer than having them as fiat currency. For example in the case of a food crisis where people will want food but their money will worth nothing, could you go to supermarket and fill a trolley with food and stuff and pay with 3 links from your golden chain or something? I doubt is going to work this way. The most vital is as you initially said to have the essentials to survive without depending on government or supermarkets. Also money will be inflated but I am assuming they won't be inflated to the point where you can't buy food anymore. Let's say the prices on rice. bread and related will go up 10 times, you could still afford to buy basic aliments for a few months if you have a few thousands of euros/dollars/pounds saved. You would need to prepare to be able to defend yourself from those who will probably be sitting at the corner of the street and wait people to go out of the supermarket and follow them to steal their food. I expect this to happen if there is going to be a food crisis, because there will be endless people who will be at the mercy of the government if they could not save any money to prepare for this.

However what is 100% sure is that if you have to choose between withdrawing your money from the bank or keep them there, is definitely better to withdraw them because the banks will most likely steal all the money people have in their bank accounts.

Also assuming that there will be blackouts than will last unknown periods of time, best is to buy food that can be cosummed straight away without the need to heat or cook it (canned food, already made meals etc). In such circumstances, I don't think any crypto currency or precious metals will help anybody to get food. I am not sure if the currencies will stabilize and return to normal once the crisis is over.

slyscorpion said:
I think people will switch to Bitcoin and maybe another few cryptos if they do this. That is unless they shut down the power a bunch of places or create black outs (be prepared for this too or you will regret it if this happens and your not)
I doubt bitcoin will help people get any food, basically you would need overnight most retailers, small or big, to accept bitcoin payments and that will most likely require special devices, special softwares, endless wallets to be created etc. I was about to say infrastructure but since bitcoin is decentralized it doesn't need an organized infrastructure or something like the fiat currency does. During a crisis I think is going to be impossible to use bitcoin widely, maybe will become widely used after the jews are dealt with as there will be nobody to keep stopping and preventing bitcoin and other crypto currencies from increasing in power.

I will have to look up what happened in other places that had currency collapse or hyper inflation before I make a comment here. I think if most places (not run by the government itself) risk going out of business very quickly they will switch to some cryptocurrency. There is no gaurentee it will be Bitcoin. It's probably whatever one is easiest and quickest to use and set up. I personally don't think Bitcoin is this.

So yeah it's a process but not everything goes down like they want it too that's the point.
slyscorpion said:
...message ping...Economic study on other Nations

Look up Venezuela from about 1979-1986 or so when they "collapsed" from an energy crisis issue. They used to be the best country in Latin America.

I bet it Venezuela was targeted for (((communization))) since it's basically a socialist shithole now a days.
Dahaarkan said:
A can of beans, a bag of rice, a liter of fuel. These things will be worth more than all your gold and bitcoins should shit hit the fan and civilization regresses as a result of the economy collapsing entirely.

People who are hoarding these things planning for a TOTAL collapse are in for a rude awakening in my opinion. You can't eat bitcoin, you can't burn gold for warmth, you can't use dollar bills as a blanket. These are all worthless things that only have imaginary value in this clown economy. And when the economy goes down, these things go down with it.

Unlike crypto, gold does not lose value if the power goes out. Yes, you cannot eat it, but it is better than nothing. Ideally, an individual will make sure they are stockpiled on necessary resources before turning the rest of their wealth into gold/silver.

If you have a significant amount of money (like many thousands of dollars) it is not that hard to fill up the space in your residence with survival items. At that point, it would make sense to store the rest as gold/silver.
Henu the Great said:
The only way to retain your wealth after currencies lose their status is to hold physical property of any sort. I think any reasonable and wealthy person is well aware of the realities and how to prepare for the worst to come.

And also remembering of course to invest in crypto with some of it. I think a combination of both is best.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=357904 time=1653427969 user_id=21286]
Dahaarkan said:
A can of beans, a bag of rice, a liter of fuel. These things will be worth more than all your gold and bitcoins should shit hit the fan and civilization regresses as a result of the economy collapsing entirely.

People who are hoarding these things planning for a TOTAL collapse are in for a rude awakening in my opinion. You can't eat bitcoin, you can't burn gold for warmth, you can't use dollar bills as a blanket. These are all worthless things that only have imaginary value in this clown economy. And when the economy goes down, these things go down with it.

Unlike crypto, gold does not lose value if the power goes out. Yes, you cannot eat it, but it is better than nothing. Ideally, an individual will make sure they are stockpiled on necessary resources before turning the rest of their wealth into gold/silver.

If you have a significant amount of money (like many thousands of dollars) it is not that hard to fill up the space in your residence with survival items. At that point, it would make sense to store the rest as gold/silver.

The point I'm trying to make is that one doesn't need to obsess over these things. Physical preparation is always good and precautions should always be taken. But equally important is the spiritual side of this.

Wealth is in the soul and when wealth becomes deeply engraved into your soul you will always be secure and have the resources you need, regardless of what happens with the economy. Poverty denotes not simply a lack of currency but a lack of resources required for comfortable living.

For those who have done this on the spiritual side, an "economic collapse" may be just a temporary bump or inconvenience, for those who took only physical preparations and neglected the spiritual side of this, the economic collapse could be their total downfall regardless of all the physical preparations they've made.

And I'm not saying do one or the other. You must do both. Things in the material come and go, and are influenced heavily by the spiritual. Those who do not have wealth deeply engraved on their soul may find their stockpiles and reserves quickly depleted and reduced to poverty again in a short time.

This is why I said his best option would be stocking food, water, medicine and ammo, among other necessary supplies.

If such a scenario occurs the last place you will want to be is outside of your home. I agree with that, a lot of people will resort to crime to be able to survive, to feed their kids and so on. It will be a tough situation and most people is not even remotely prepared to handle that. They trust the government has it all under control. But when that doesn't happen, they will try to steal from others and put yourself and your family at risk.

If such an event takes place, lock yourself inside your property, load your guns and be aware of your surroundings.

It is also good to invest in learning survival skills, not just making fire, water purification or whatever, but everything that living off the grid requires. Knowing how to grow food, how to hunt, how to operate firearms, how to fix your car, how to install a solar panel, how to forage for edible wild plants and mushrooms, construction skills... this is to name a few, the list of things you'd need for actual survival during such a scenario is too vast.

I believe gold and silver, (perhaps crypto in a distant future) will be valuable assets after society is rebuilt, but obviously not during an ongoing crisis, it would be completely useless there and I agree with that 100%. Only buy it if you have more than enough of the above... otherwise it will be useless when you run out of food or whatever else you need to survive.

You'd have better luck bartering a pack of cigarettes for a bag of rice than if you were trying to use gold as a currency during a dystopian scenario.

I also agree that wealth is in the soul, and you will never go without food or shelter, or whatever else you need. I personally believe wealth workings are almost as equally important as an aura of protection and should be done daily as part of the routine, non-stop, for as long as it takes to fully manifest your financial freedom.

This builds karma of wealth over time and also ensures your lineage will be wealthy at least partly, from what they will inherit from you. As well as you yourself in your next life if it comes to that.
Dahaarkan said:
For those who have done this on the spiritual side, an "economic collapse" may be just a temporary bump or inconvenience, for those who took only physical preparations and neglected the spiritual side of this, the economic collapse could be their total downfall regardless of all the physical preparations they've made.

And I'm not saying do one or the other. You must do both. Things in the material come and go, and are influenced heavily by the spiritual. Those who do not have wealth deeply engraved on their soul may find their stockpiles and reserves quickly depleted and reduced to poverty again in a short time.

This is a good point to be reminded of, thanks.
Gear88 said:
Look up Venezuela from about 1979-1986 or so when they "collapsed" from an energy crisis issue. They used to be the best country in Latin America.

Venezuela was always a shithole. Full of low IQ jackasses who never saved money nor did anything. The only reason that country got money was because of the oil they had, and when the first tri-racial jew came to offer them free money in exchange for the presidency they fell like flies. I'm glad they're fucked, unfortunately they're spreading all across Latin America.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
