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question about cigarettes (and smoking)

LaTe bLoOmErX

Dec 9, 2023
AskSatanOperator said:
I have excessive Air in my soul, so I have hard time getting motivated and feel Emotions. Which affects my belief system. Therefore , I’m very pessimistic.
apart from the fact that this post "scared" me a little
(i don't really have that type of advanced spiritual abilities, at least now because i have some troubles etc that involves the regularity in all of this, i'm still working on my flaws and i thankfully now have some "free" time to do it)

i would like to ask you, is this true? so that means, could excessive consumption of cigarettes, or in any case excessive inhalation of air in our physical body, lead to a problem of a spiritual nature of this type? or maybe actually make the situation even worse?
i think i already saw something about this somewhere in jos but i don't really remember where or if on the sites or the forums etc
in Italy for example it's very common to start smoking cigarettes and maintain this habit even having a "regular" sporting life underestimating any collateral damage, could it be that the spiritual damage is also that intense?
Smoking will negatively impact your health and spirituality, other than being a degenerate habit, of course. Leave it to the lower level people.
I have a lot of air and i dont fell like him, i think his problem is not the air but his atitude towards life.
Smoking cigarettes 99.9% of the time is ultimately harmful to the body and soul. Just like eating junk or microwaved food.

Having an excess amount of any element can bring difficulties to anyone trying to live a balanced life. And smoking really is just a reflection of an imbalance in the soul, so it doesn't necessarily have to be an excess of Air.

As far as being too pessimistic, that is something that needs to change. Being realistic is fair and has its place but pessimism as a dominance is neither necessary or helpful. This only impedes on surrounding yourself with positive energy and having a positive environment.

I would advise to spend some time working with the ANSUZ rune to free your mind and express more positive and optimistic emotions in a healthy way.
LaTe bLoOmErX said:
AskSatanOperator said:
I have excessive Air in my soul, so I have hard time getting motivated and feel Emotions. Which affects my belief system. Therefore , I’m very pessimistic.
apart from the fact that this post "scared" me a little
(i don't really have that type of advanced spiritual abilities, at least now because i have some troubles etc that involves the regularity in all of this, i'm still working on my flaws and i thankfully now have some "free" time to do it)

i would like to ask you, is this true? so that means, could excessive consumption of cigarettes, or in any case excessive inhalation of air in our physical body, lead to a problem of a spiritual nature of this type? or maybe actually make the situation even worse?
i think i already saw something about this somewhere in jos but i don't really remember where or if on the sites or the forums etc
in Italy for example it's very common to start smoking cigarettes and maintain this habit even having a "regular" sporting life underestimating any collateral damage, could it be that the spiritual damage is also that intense?

I used to smoke cigars. Even in moderate use and a very occasional smoke, all tobacco use is harmful. It is a poison.

It's bad for your physical health, kills you slowly and yes it impacts you spiritually.

It is to be avoided. You are better off having healthy habits like drinking a cup of organic tea with a spoonful of honey or anything else that isn't going to harm your overall health and well-being.

This isn't about excessive inhalation of air, it's in regards to endless carcinogens and toxic smoke that dries out the lungs and causes disease.
LaTe bLoOmErX said:
Sarramixa said:
i think his problem is not the air but his atitude towards life.
probably, of course
but i'm and i've been smoking something around 2 packs of cigarettes, very heavy cigarettes, for years and years, almost since i was a child, these are 40 cigarettes a day, some days in the past i reached 4 packs, so 80 cigarettes, so i was starting to think it had a certain strong spiritual influence, as all the rest, u know, anyway, thanks

I dont want to hurt u with what i writed but really is a bad habit That u need to Change. The moon is going done( new moon) is a good opurtunity to stop until the new moon or ar least reduce a litle everyday. My mother smoke a lot also, i started to smoke st 13 but mostly joints i never likes só much tabaco and i know is very hard but u can if u really want
LaTe bLoOmErX said:
AskSatanOperator said:
I have excessive Air in my soul, so I have hard time getting motivated and feel Emotions. Which affects my belief system. Therefore , I’m very pessimistic.
apart from the fact that this post "scared" me a little
(i don't really have that type of advanced spiritual abilities, at least now because i have some troubles etc that involves the regularity in all of this, i'm still working on my flaws and i thankfully now have some "free" time to do it)

i would like to ask you, is this true? so that means, could excessive consumption of cigarettes, or in any case excessive inhalation of air in our physical body, lead to a problem of a spiritual nature of this type? or maybe actually make the situation even worse?
i think i already saw something about this somewhere in jos but i don't really remember where or if on the sites or the forums etc
in Italy for example it's very common to start smoking cigarettes and maintain this habit even having a "regular" sporting life underestimating any collateral damage, could it be that the spiritual damage is also that intense?
Smoking inflames and damages the respiratory/pulmonary system, which reduces your capacity for air, reducing your ability to do vibrations/meditations and reduces your ability to do pranayama, and reduces absorption of oxygen into your blood, which has a knockon effect on the rest of the body, and therefore the soul. As above so below.

It is also irritating to the nasal passages, throat, mouth and teeth and can burn your mucosa, damaging these tissues also. Heavy smokers tend to have the same raspy sounding voice for a reason. It's because they suffer the same damage, having the same effects on their voice. Smokers are vulnerable to cancers of all kinds as well, not just lung cancer. Throat, mouth, even colon cancer, and anybody can get it, even young people.

Drawing/toking on a smoke has nothing to do with excess air, it is not a breathing exercise(pranayama) and does not have anything to do with the air element. It has the opposite effect. Smokers can take in less air.

As Thoth once said, life is in the breath. Less breath means less life-force. Inhaling when you smoke is like napalm to your lungs. The lungs do not have pain receptors, so you are unaware of the actual harm being done to them. Even if you do short or shallow draws, it is impossible to prevent smoke from entering your lungs. Inflammation of tissues in the lungs also means that you can absorb less oxygen from the same volume of air.

I used to binge smoke. Cigars, cigarillos and pipes. There is nothing beneficial about this activity, and is not worth sacrificing your lungs to do. It is a dirty activity, and vapers believe that vaping is different and that it's better but it is not. It is just as harmful, not only to yourself but to the environment.

Vaping and smoking are two sides of the same coin, but vaping is even worse for the planet due to the manufacturing process(lithium mining, sweatshops, plastics, etc) and waste generated, which does not degrade and get recycled by nature.
Sarramixa said:
i think his problem is not the air but his atitude towards life.
you're right, actually

i always try to "discover everything" before acting and i always wait for the "perfect moment" (the perfect moment is now, i know of course)
for this reason, even with myself i try to analyze everything in depth first and then act, but the last internal block that i established was too strong, and let's say i'm not yet so "free" to do the things i should and want do "in the real world" or even at my home, nothing to worry about, family issues and i'm the only one of my brothers who stayed here at home without leaving, this situation will soon change but i can't really do that much now if i don't want to go crazy and lose control, like everytime, i'm in what u might call "survival mode", let's say i'm also not the one in charge of these things, that's why i'm "waiting" while i try doing at least "something useful"
this time should be the right time anyway, i'm not studying or working and i can continue like this temporarily until that "situation" ends
remaining alive maybe
there are a lot of terribly wrong things that i've underestimated about myself, thinking that it's enough to meditate, do as many right things as possible and things like that, u know
but no it seems that my primary problems come precisely from these disgusting habits
sometimes i wonder if i'm really retarded or something
among other things in all this confusion as you can see, i quickly become dependent on anything, even attention, in fact in the end either i am ignored (deserved and the right thing) or i detach myself (as i realize)
always these extremes instead of a balance
learning science is helping me understand "everything" about it, once u know it's very simple
i can't even concentrate, ever since i was a child, and all the chaos i'm still "forced" to experience doesn't help, i can't wait to move out, trying to help my family here will destroy me even more, they can't listen to the most simple request or advise, they just don't care anymore, they never did that profoundly
i mean about themselves, me, my brothers, their marriage, anything really
i can't even help myself like i should at the moment, it can sounds like an excuse or laziness or i don't know, but well it's not that true actually
among other things about these "wrong habits"
studying the chemistry "behind"
they correspond exactly to what unfortunately i naturally lack or can't control
luckily i still have a brain to understand, many qualities and a lot of resistance
(as i write and by the messy way i do it, u can understand how much i need to express myself)
thank you for your patience with me, i don't even deserve it
Power of Justice [JG said:
" post_id=480237 time=1703982875 user_id=21556]
Sungio13 said:
Smoking cigarettes 99.9% of the time is ultimately harmful to the body and soul. Just like eating junk or microwaved food.

What's wrong with microwaved food?

Hmm, this is a belief I've held onto for some time now. I remember reading about how breast milk's nutritional components seriously deteriorate when microwaved to heat up.

I'll be 100% honest here, ever since I read up on that, I've had serious doubts about using microwaves. To the point to where I've possibly even "pleceboed" myself to actually find microwaved food repulsive and even upsetting to my stomach. I did some quick research on any other possible downsides to microwaving your food but results were extremely minimal.

Anyone reading this can disregard my point to microwaved food being harmful and at this point, I can say that this is only an opinion and a preference. All the best to everyone's diet and care to one's body. :)
Sarramixa said:
I dont want to hurt u with what i writed but really is a bad habit That u need to Change.
yo this made me cry
thank you, i was angry and almost asleep at that moment
i'm lucid now
sorry for the ignorance, thanks for your patience
Sungio13 said:
Power of Justice [JG said:
" post_id=480237 time=1703982875 user_id=21556]
What's wrong with microwaved food?

Hmm, this is a belief I've held onto for some time now. I remember reading about how breast milk's nutritional components seriously deteriorate when microwaved to heat up.

I'll be 100% honest here, ever since I read up on that, I've had serious doubts about using microwaves. To the point to where I've possibly even "pleceboed" myself to actually find microwaved food repulsive and even upsetting to my stomach. I did some quick research on any other possible downsides to microwaving your food but results were extremely minimal.

Anyone reading this can disregard my point to microwaved food being harmful and at this point, I can say that this is only an opinion and a preference. All the best to everyone's diet and care to one's body. :)

I had seen some articles to suggest that microwaving is a harmful way of cooking food, going beyond simply nutritional loss, which happens with all foods. Speaking broadly, whatever energy goes into a food, including how it was made before cooking, is the output you will get.

Yet, our stomach is like an oven, and I believe its digestive powers are influenced by the Sun. A strong solar "oven" can still create strong aspects of vitality from microwaved food, so I personally believe that is the limit for the majority of people. I had done plenty of things for my health, but no individual item made as much difference as a Sun Square, alongside yoga.

If you don't want to microwave, you can use a small convection oven. However, we also have to balance our time spent cooking with the rest of our day. Therefore, I would not totally balk at microwaved or other unhealthy foods. Personally, I also make use of sandwiches or soups for quick meals.
Power of Justice [JG said:
" post_id=480237 time=1703982875 user_id=21556]
Sungio13 said:
Smoking cigarettes 99.9% of the time is ultimately harmful to the body and soul. Just like eating junk or microwaved food.

What's wrong with microwaved food?
I can't really say if microwaved food is bad, I just try to avoid it just in case, but what is REALLY bad is microwaving food in plastic containers, as microplastics will fill the food and that is proven. So that it TOTALLY to avoid.
LaTe bLoOmErX said:
Sarramixa said:
i think his problem is not the air but his atitude towards life.
you're right, actually

i always try to "discover everything" before acting and i always wait for the "perfect moment" (the perfect moment is now, i know of course)
for this reason, even with myself i try to analyze everything in depth first and then act, but the last internal block that i established was too strong, and let's say i'm not yet so "free" to do the things i should and want do "in the real world" or even at my home, nothing to worry about, family issues and i'm the only one of my brothers who stayed here at home without leaving, this situation will soon change but i can't really do that much now if i don't want to go crazy and lose control, like everytime, i'm in what u might call "survival mode", let's say i'm also not the one in charge of these things, that's why i'm "waiting" while i try doing at least "something useful"
this time should be the right time anyway, i'm not studying or working and i can continue like this temporarily until that "situation" ends
remaining alive maybe
there are a lot of terribly wrong things that i've underestimated about myself, thinking that it's enough to meditate, do as many right things as possible and things like that, u know
but no it seems that my primary problems come precisely from these disgusting habits
sometimes i wonder if i'm really retarded or something
among other things in all this confusion as you can see, i quickly become dependent on anything, even attention, in fact in the end either i am ignored (deserved and the right thing) or i detach myself (as i realize)
always these extremes instead of a balance
learning science is helping me understand "everything" about it, once u know it's very simple
i can't even concentrate, ever since i was a child, and all the chaos i'm still "forced" to experience doesn't help, i can't wait to move out, trying to help my family here will destroy me even more, they can't listen to the most simple request or advise, they just don't care anymore, they never did that profoundly
i mean about themselves, me, my brothers, their marriage, anything really
i can't even help myself like i should at the moment, it can sounds like an excuse or laziness or i don't know, but well it's not that true actually
among other things about these "wrong habits"
studying the chemistry "behind"
they correspond exactly to what unfortunately i naturally lack or can't control
luckily i still have a brain to understand, many qualities and a lot of resistance
(as i write and by the messy way i do it, u can understand how much i need to express myself)
thank you for your patience with me, i don't even deserve it
If i can help u with what i writed is good, but Im nobody to BE so critic. i see myself against the wall and my ONLY options was to Change, dont let yourself get to that point
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=480303 time=1704013984 user_id=21286]
Sungio13 said:
Power of Justice [JG said:
" post_id=480237 time=1703982875 user_id=21556]
What's wrong with microwaved food?

I'll be 100% honest here, ever since I read up on that, I've had serious doubts about using microwaves. To the point to where I've possibly even "pleceboed" myself to actually find microwaved food repulsive and even upsetting to my stomach. I did some quick research on any other possible downsides to microwaving your food but results were extremely minimal.

Yet, our stomach is like an oven, and I believe its digestive powers are influenced by the Sun. A strong solar "oven" can still create strong aspects of vitality from microwaved food, so I personally believe that is the limit for the majority of people. I had done plenty of things for my health, but no individual item made as much difference as a Sun Square, alongside yoga.

I actually really appreciate this information, and I'm even grinning at the thought of how much time I can possibly save by using a conventional oven.

I'll see if I can simply 'will' a change in my perception and the input I give to microwaved food. And if not, a Sun Square might do me good.

Aquarius said:
Power of Justice [JG said:
" post_id=480237 time=1703982875 user_id=21556]
I can't really say if microwaved food is bad, I just try to avoid it just in case, but what is REALLY bad is microwaving food in plastic containers, as microplastics will fill the food and that is proven. So that it TOTALLY to avoid.

Yes. This is still completely true.
A microwave heats up food by friction of vibrating water molecules. Since the water molecule is polar with a positive and negative charge on 2 different sides. A microwave oven is just a box that generates a strong magnetic field. The magnetic field reverses direction 60 times per second, or 50 times per second in Europe, because of the 60Hz or 50Hz AC voltage from the wall outlet. Every time the direction of the magnetic field changes, all of the water molecules rotate to align their polar charge with the magnetic field. And having all of these water molecules vibrating so fast is what creates all of the heat.

There is no dangerous radiation or anything that would make the food dangerous or unhealthy. But there could be different amounts of water in different areas of the food, and it can cause some parts to become extremely hot. If you are heating something up in a type of container that is not good for high heat, like a plastic container, this is a very bad idea just because of the hot plastic going into the food.

Most frozen foods that are designed to be cooked in a microwave are extremely unhealthy. They are often filled with synthetic chemicals and a week's worth of salt per serving. People saw how unhealthy these are and how sick they feel after eating these, and they assume this is related to the microwave doing something harmful.

I still do not feel good about using a microwave for most things, but it is not so much for any true or logical reason related to health or safety. It is more because I don't think it is the most functional tool for most things. I would rather cook anything in a pan over a flame stove, or in an oven, then it gets cooked fully and evenly.
thank you all for your replies to my post, you are right and all of you are good people with a big heart, it's my fault if sometimes (due to my actual lifestyle) i'm not able to receive your help instantly, but i guarantee you that i appreciate it very much, i'm already partially taking action ❤️
LaTe bLoOmErX said:
i would like to ask you, is this true? so that means, could excessive consumption of cigarettes, or in any case excessive inhalation of air in our physical body, lead to a problem of a spiritual nature of this type? or maybe actually make the situation even worse?

You are confusing air inhalation with the element of air within the soul, but this is not the same thing. For example, the rapid inhalation of air (breath of fire) can actually increase willpower and the fire element, not air.

Also, remember that the energy of a cigarette has its own properties. It had been said before by HPHC that cigarettes are associated with "baser emotions or energies", hence the rougher and masculine connotations with their consumption. Therefore, you will gain other problems from this consumption, not necessarily detachment from motivation and emotions.
some answers here were fucking awesome
even if i don't reply i always read everything

by switching to lighter cigarettes and reducing the number of them
improvements of
mood, smell, taste, mental clarity

this shit is real
LaTe bLoOmErX said:
some answers here were fucking awesome
even if i don't reply i always read everything

by switching to lighter cigarettes and reducing the number of them
improvements of
mood, smell, taste, mental clarity

this shit is real
Switching to lighter ones will not work, you have to quit once and for all. What the light ones will do is make you smoke even more. You are procastinating the ending of this addiction with a fake action. You don't really want to stop, if you wanted to then you would just do it. You need to want it.

You can apply this method to quitting cigarettes: https://easypeasymethod.org/
don't worry, i know myself
i have already abandoned many addictions in the past
i have to do this gradually
anyway, thank you for caring about me ❤️
i think a month could be sufficient to stop and completely bury the addiction
these days i need to be calm, shut up and meditate otherwise i'll lose my fucking mind
if anyone here had strong addictions in the past
you know what i'm talking about
i thank you once again
if it weren't for your answers here, who knows when i would have considered this
LaTe bLoOmErX said:
i think a month could be sufficient to stop and completely bury the addiction
these days i need to be calm, shut up and meditate otherwise i'll lose my fucking mind
if anyone here had strong addictions in the past
you know what i'm talking about
i thank you once again
if it weren't for your answers here, who knows when i would have considered this
It's very individual. Some can quit cold turkey with no problems aside from temporal withdrawal, which is universal, but these people simply deal with it differently.
LaTe bLoOmErX said:
AskSatanOperator said:
I have excessive Air in my soul, so I have hard time getting motivated and feel Emotions. Which affects my belief system. Therefore , I’m very pessimistic.
apart from the fact that this post "scared" me a little
(i don't really have that type of advanced spiritual abilities, at least now because i have some troubles etc that involves the regularity in all of this, i'm still working on my flaws and i thankfully now have some "free" time to do it)

i would like to ask you, is this true? so that means, could excessive consumption of cigarettes, or in any case excessive inhalation of air in our physical body, lead to a problem of a spiritual nature of this type? or maybe actually make the situation even worse?
i think i already saw something about this somewhere in jos but i don't really remember where or if on the sites or the forums etc
in Italy for example it's very common to start smoking cigarettes and maintain this habit even having a "regular" sporting life underestimating any collateral damage, could it be that the spiritual damage is also that intense?

I recommend getting rid of smoking completely!
Smoking is really bad for your health, I know what I'm talking about, although I've never smoked or even tried, since my grandfather died of lung cancer due to the fact that he smoked constantly.
He died in agony, although he had good health and was envied by many!
That's good to hear and congratulation, but also remember that if you've quit smoking, then you're in the process of clearing your lungs now. The duration of such cleansing depends on the amount of toxins in the lungs. (I don't know how long/how much you smoked.) For example, after quitting smoking, you may cough more often within a few weeks. This is normal because it means that the pulmonary cilia are active and clearing the airways and lungs of mucus.
If you want to speed up the detoxification process, take care of your diet, i.e. reach for products that support the detoxification of the body. That is, vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins A, C and E, nuts, pickles, fresh vegetables and fruits, garlic and onion. I heard pineapple is good too. Or herbs such as rosemary, eucalyptus, thyme, oregano, pine or ginger. Drinking water is probably the most important thing.
So take care of your lungs now and never go back to smoking.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
