AskSatanOperator said:
Hey JOS I noticed that I'm becoming more sensitive and aware of my emotions and other people's energies. Before practicing spiritual satanism I was mostly indifferent and unaware not only of my own emotions but others as well. But now without even trying I can pick up on people's moods and self-perception.For example, I was in a large retail store earlier today and it felt as if I was bombarded with different energies coming from people. And to be frank, some people's energies when I'm around them or look at them make me feel disgusted and uncomfortable. I'm not saying this to say I'm better or their bad but the energy radiating off of them is making me disgusted and uncomfortable. I'm assuming it's because they have such a low level of consciousness. Can anyone relate? And is there a way I can turn this off? Any advice on how to deal with this new awareness I seem to have gained? Sometimes it feels as if I can pick up on their thoughts. It happens but not as often.
Void Meditation , being still is allowing Awareness to withdraw into the Source of Phenomenon. The Atma ,so yes you will be more sensitive.
Mental and physical activity ,activate the illusion ,the Great Dream,that is Creation. Kundalini drop into Root Chakra meant entangling Awareness in the Intellectual (mental) , instinctive (sensory physical body)
Processes, obscuring the Source or Atma.
So when these two processes are suspended or even striving to suspend them ,Atma manifests more or a "Rise in Energy" is experienced.
Its not really a "rise in energy", the Atma is always there ,it's just that mental and physical body activity obscure It. Awareness is withdrawing to the Source.
What Being Still or Void Meditation will eventually teach you is that you are not the physical body ,you are not the emotions ,you are not your thoughts , your are not the ego personality of the mind ,you are Atma. And when practiced you will eventually hit Samadhi ,freeing the mind from delusion of taking the illusion as real and realizing the Reality that produces the Dream, that's creation.
People think Being Still is "doing nothing" or going into a "coma" or something
No what happens is that one feels more alive not less,you feel more energy not less, making your mind realize that Existence ,Life in itself is Pure Energy and it is Eternal.
When hit the first Samadhi which is realizing the God form within , the Pure Unchanging Energy ,the energy rush is huge and very intense. The mind from then on is freed from the delusion of seeking contentment in sensuality. Its very intense the first Samadhi and this is before Kundalini rising.
Material things , wealth is not bad we seek them out necessity. The foolish thing is seeking contentment in them. Contentment is only in the Atma.
You see Atma is the fullness of everything ,it's the Source. So it's desireless. Desire is then had when Awareness goes away from the fullness of Atma , that's lowering in Awareness. It makes sense. So the lower Awareness the more the desire,the more the ego;ego which can be defined as the sense of separation from Atma and the Universe around you. So the problem with identifying with the physical body is that one first and foremost is in lower physical consciousness so they are pretty much steeped in desire,which can be defined as the search for contentment. So they will seek contentment in the sensuality of the the phenomenal Universe. Keeping them away from the the true contentment only found in the Atma within themselves. The mind , mental activities natural tendance is to externalise Awareness. So in this , people then mistaken the ego personality and the physical body as Existence or Life. But Existence ,Life itself is Atma it's Eternal ,get it. That's the delusion people are under.
Yoga is about liberating the mind from this. By practicing Void Meditation the mind starts being freed from this delusion ,as it feels more of the pure Eternal Atma energy. Once the mind experiences even just for a few minutes of the fullness of Atma, Samadhi. Its liberated to a point, there's no reversal. One breaks into ecstasy meditation. This is at the heart chakra when one gets past the gate at the navel. You will know when you hit it.
Dharma is allowing the fire of pure Atma to "burn you", purify you. This the Hindus call "tapas" meaning to burn. The Swastika is often shown with a ring of fire around it. The Eternal Flame of Atma. The point of Void Meditation or being still is too first break into contemplation ,that's hit Samadhi, the first one before Kundalini rising. This is called Chit Kundalini or Satchidananda ,God in form. After this tapas to burn in the Atma becomes easy ,the Kundalini will eventually just naturally rise ,if you continue in Tapas Samadhi.
The point is to convince the Mind of Atma, lifetime after lifetime it has been wrongly programed to identify the physical body as Life. You will also know that you broken into contemplation or Samadhi when ,you become really convinced that you are Atma. Before the intellectual mind with it's ego makes you doubt.
This is the natural way so along as one is always Atma Aware while in the physical body,the natural tendance would be to get Self Realized,that's to withdraw Awareness into the Absolute Reality beyond the Eternal Flame within you. That's the point of practicing Void Meditation to break into contemplation,after that the mind experiences a higher enjoyment past sensual pleasures ,it's stops obscuring Atma flow into it. One becomes consistently Atma aware , Kundalini eventually naturally rises. The real battle is breaking into contemplation.
Keep practicing Void Meditation, being still go within and breath fire like a dragon and roar like a lion. That's the secret of being still. More energy is generated not less,this energy can then be used in other worldly activities.
The real wealth is the eternal flame,you want to be a fire flame spitter. We are rich forever because we are THAT.
Being Still is the secret. Soldiers know the energy generated from being still ,its the
best exercise. Living life just for sensuality ,is futile ,no wonder the mental health issues in the world today. People are ignoring the Source or are simply ignorant of it or think It separate from creation especially if one belongs to the Abrahamic Faith's.
Be still,tap into the Eternal Flame flame,burn and be a fire flame spitter. The energy generated from this , brings wealth on its own both spiritual and material. That's what even the Pyramid represents , Eternal Fire with the Peak as the Absolute Reality (Swastika). The Eye of Horus
Satan to HP Maxine :-
"Do you know why the Pyramid has so much power? Because it points to the sky."
The message is look to the Inner Sky,Void Meditation , being still does this.