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Question #5594: Serious Doubts/How to realize that the gods have not accepted you


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I've been on the path for several years now, doing daily frrt, meditating, practicing yoga.

But I have bad qualities in me, I am whiny, angry, greedy, used drugs, did bad things to people. Overall I rate myself on the level of a fallen Andropod that I can barely get out of it.

I often have bad dreams, and I can't get accurate predictions( I use pendulum, sigils, tarot.) or communication with Satan or Gods.

There have been bad events, and good events. In general, my outer life has remained + - the same. but inside I feel a strong personality change, just not enough will and strength to manifest them fully in life yet.

Can the gods see that I will not succeed - I will go on a downward spiral in the end and it is not worth spending resources and time/strength on me, because of what events/coincidences/failures and bad dreams happen, so that I myself leave and do not interfere?

What should you expect if you are not accepted by the gods?

Let's just summarize my journey

Good things - I've become more aware, I realize where I went wrong. I feel pleasant sensations from meditation, from sigils, yoga. After frrt and purging - I feel great.
Some of my requests have been fulfilled, some not.
After Gods rituals I sometimes feel pleasant energy, sometimes not.

Bad things - horrible nightmares, they haunt me all the time on the way, some entities make predictions that come true, and contradict the predictions that I made with the help of the pendulum and sigils of the Gods, I bet that it is the enemy is playing scenes on purpose, because at this moment in the world he has more power, unfortunately. But I have my doubts - what if I am just too bad, too ignorant for this path and Satan wants me to go out on my own?

Motivation is very important in the beginning, but if there is something more important than that, it is discipline. As you work on your chakras and aura every day, your soul will become more open to the astral. Chakra Spining work is very useful for this.

Keep practicing.
A parent doesn't consider their children a lost cause and abandon them when they stumble. No matter how many times you fall, the Gods will be there to help. They're not secretly showing you the door and telling you to leave.
You will have a better understanding of yourself as you progress. But I can tell you confidently that you are not hopeless at all and it's possible for every kind of SS to make it anywhere.

and I can't get accurate predictions( I use pendulum, sigils, tarot.) or communication with Satan or Gods.

prediction is a very hard and advanced side of spirituality. And also astral communication and alike. You can meditate on the Gods' sigil for other reasons, such as connecting to them, but what you want to achieve is not for beginners.

Bad things - horrible nightmares, they haunt me all the time on the way

Do a good Aura of protection that you can find on the forums.

some entities make predictions that come true, and contradict the predictions that I made with the help of the pendulum and sigils of the Gods, I bet that it is the enemy is playing scenes on purpose, because at this moment in the world he has more power, unfortunately. But I have my doubts - what if I am just too bad, too ignorant for this path and Satan wants me to go out on my own?

Being ignorant is natural for a beginner, you are here to learn to banish ignorance. What you say here is basically just your mind playing with you. When you 'predict' with pendulum, it will answer what you think and know. Your own self will answer trough the pendulum, it's like you are talking with yourself. Or with a random Ghost. But the first one is more likely.

Moreover, there is no such a thing as "too bad" or "too ignorant" for them, since we are all "too ignorant" compared to them.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
