If I have Capricorn on the cusp of my 6th house how can I strengthen it? I was asking because I have Saturn in Pisces and Neptune in Capricorn. Neptune in my 6th house combined with having Saturn in Pisces is causing major inconsistencies in my daily work routine as well as destroying my ability to Meditate properly. My focus at the moment is fixing my natal 6th house to give me more consistency in my daily work. What kind of Rune combo can I use for this?
Greetings, Brother / Sister!
Congrats with great placement! Neptune Capricorn 6th house can give unlimited gifts in holistic medical profession.
TCM first and foremost, Reiki, Thai massage, herbs, Ayurveda, all types of Ancient Pagan medicine can be learned through reading endless books learning Ancient languages to read original manuscripts on it. Capricorn in its heights is greatest sign for career in any sphere while Neptune gives extreme spirituality and guidance from Gods.
If on the other hand you have more disposition for art than for science, again, with your Saturn in Pisces, all kinds of serious classic music that demands extremely serious Capricornian consistent learning through life, all kinds of very serious classic art that demand extreme Saturnian dedication and work. Since this also includes 6th house topics still, art can be used for healing. For example, traditional shamanic cultures of Siberia in Ancient times used their music instruments, singing and dance mostly for healing as shamanic trans practice (this will come better if you yourself are of Yellow Race or Siberian / Mesoamerican tribe - they have this in their blood). Ancient national dance of your country, everything. Everything that combines Saturnian / Capricornian seriousness and dedication through extreme labor and higher serious spiritual Beauty, not the beauty that attracts or entertains, but the Beauty that heals and puts straight.
And of course if you are not into Ancient medicine but you wish to be pure modern scientist all kinds of medical profession especially those connected to Neptunian topics such as fluids, chemicals or psychology, will go great.
Neptunian science is also all chemicals and all under-water investigations by default. Antarctica investigations.
Harder will go if you wish some other non predominantly Neptunian types of science but depending on other signs in your chart any prominence of 6th house is greatest thing to have for career emphasis in life. The higher planets are very versatile and applicable to everything in their highest octaves especially in obvious career-related situation such as 6th Capricorn.
Higher planet or Saturn in 6th if left unsublimated might bring weaker health yet talent in healing to improve it and sublimate it into career dream. Neptune rules dreams and highest endeavors given by Gods. Come to Gods to find the profession of your dream, let them guide you to your success. If you have health problems ask Gods to guide you to your healing.