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Question #5230: The firmament


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I've heard from Christian conspiracy theorists that space isn't real and the enemy they call God has us all in an invisible magic superdome in the sky called the firmament whats the deal with that
I've heard that all our life is a dream of one being and he's just bored, I've heard that we live in a simulation or that after death, the same life will begin again and hence the déjà vu, you can hear anything, it doesn't matter.
I've heard from Christian conspiracy theorists that space isn't real and the enemy they call God has us all in an invisible magic superdome in the sky called the firmament whats the deal with that
That's the view of the universe as presented in their Bible. You see, the barbaric jews who wrote their holy book believed the earth is flat with a dome in the sky called "firmament". How can anyone believe this was written by an omniscient "god" and not a bunch of backwards goat-f***ing kikes is beyond me.
I've heard from Christian conspiracy theorists that space isn't real and the enemy they call God has us all in an invisible magic superdome in the sky called the firmament whats the deal with that
Well in Egypt was Nut ..as a sky dome like representing the arching principle the egg the seed the womb whom knows(?) .. And Old Norse theres Bifrost the flaming rainbow bridge and the bowing branches of the 9 worlds of Yggdrasil amd shown them coming back down arching towards the outer circumstances of Midgard(Middle Earth) and Ancient Persian though of the sky as a giant crystal sea shell..and Ancient Vedic Aryan mentions the Casal Ocean and so on and so on with Over 200 Plus Pagan cultures and so many stories also like how the Hopi spoke of Pahana(may not hsbe spelled that right) the True White Brother whom is spoken to arrive as did Hitler with both the Swastika and Iron Cross as symbols being as an Avatar.
Well in Egypt was Nut ..as a sky dome like representing the arching principle the egg the seed the womb whom knows(?) .. And Old Norse theres Bifrost the flaming rainbow bridge and the bowing branches of the 9 worlds of Yggdrasil amd shown them coming back down arching towards the outer circumstances of Midgard(Middle Earth) and Ancient Persian though of the sky as a giant crystal sea shell..and Ancient Vedic Aryan mentions the Casal Ocean and so on and so on with Over 200 Plus Pagan cultures and so many stories also like how the Hopi spoke of Pahana(may not hsbe spelled that right) the True White Brother whom is spoken to arrive as did Hitler with both the Swastika and Iron Cross as symbols being as an Avatar.
Its not that space is not real in the way you might have heard or imagined. The fact is there are 200 Plus proofs also that Earth is Not A Spinning Ball. Back in 2015 Eric Dubay had original channel before shut down repeatedly though he continues to remain with channel now but its not like it used to be as far as his songs where he Heiled Hitler and inspired me with his kyrics about Anne Frank never wrote it was written by her dad with a ball point pen which didn't exist then..and anyways..well..yah..water takes the shape if rhe vessel it is in..water seeks its own level..hence Sea Level .not sea curve. .. Its more like we are inside of a giant egg of energies.. perhaps a form of energy separates as simply as does density when different liquidd upon onr another eventually divide themselves and seek out their own levels. Why helium rises faster the oxygen around the helium is heavier ... eventually the helium dissipates..the rubber balloon keft empty falls to the earth again as its matter is density heavier then the oxygen Molochules around it I can go on for hours but maybe just wait if you have other specific questions? Yes the Jews lie about shit and want to claim they own and have invented and whatever great things it all but ..No .we will prevail. Truth Will Prevail! We can do great things but I feel the whole cover up is based around Hitler and everything he amd the Ahhunurbi and Vril etc were working for and towards..thats why operation paperclip hughjump, Antarctic Treaty ..all this commie shit
I've heard from Christian conspiracy theorists that space isn't real and the enemy they call God has us all in an invisible magic superdome in the sky called the firmament whats the deal with that

I've heard from Christian conspiracy theorists that space isn't real and the enemy they call God has us all in an invisible magic superdome in the sky called the firmament whats the deal with that
Its not that space is not real in the way you might have heard or imagined. The fact is there are 200 Plus proofs also that Earth is Not A Spinning Ball. Back in 2015 Eric Dubay had original channel before shut down repeatedly though he continues to remain with channel now but its not like it used to be as far as his songs where he Heiled Hitler and inspired me with his kyrics about Anne Frank never wrote it was written by her dad with a ball point pen which didn't exist then..and anyways..well..yah..water takes the shape if rhe vessel it is in..water seeks its own level..hence Sea Level .not sea curve. .. Its more like we are inside of a giant egg of energies.. perhaps a form of energy separates as simply as does density when different liquidd upon onr another eventually divide themselves and seek out their own levels. Why helium rises faster the oxygen around the helium is heavier ... eventually the helium dissipates..the rubber balloon keft empty falls to the earth again as its matter is density heavier then the oxygen Molochules around it I can go on for hours but maybe just wait if you have other specific questions? Yes the Jews lie about shit and want to claim they own and have invented and whatever great things it all but ..No .we will prevail. Truth Will Prevail! We can do great things but I feel the whole cover up is based around Hitler and everything he amd the Ahhunurbi and Vril etc were working for and towards..thats why operation paperclip hughjump, Antarctic Treaty ..all this commie shit
Its actually creepy how the jews were able to manipulate to destroy every nations pagan roots and displacing makind to then worship them as the "moon walking gods"(coughs on set disney hollywood underwater etc cgi)
Well in Egypt was Nut ..as a sky dome like representing the arching principle the egg the seed the womb whom knows(?) .. And Old Norse theres Bifrost the flaming rainbow bridge and the bowing branches of the 9 worlds of Yggdrasil amd shown them coming back down arching towards the outer circumstances of Midgard(Middle Earth) and Ancient Persian though of the sky as a giant crystal sea shell..and Ancient Vedic Aryan mentions the Casal Ocean and so on and so on with Over 200 Plus Pagan cultures and so many stories also like how the Hopi spoke of Pahana(may not hsbe spelled that right) the True White Brother whom is spoken to arrive as did Hitler with both the Swastika and Iron Cross as symbols being as an Avatar.
I meant to say that 200 plus pagan cultures of volk had geocentric roots. The central tree.. tree can become petrified and stone and so mountain or magnetic loadstone castle or pyramid etc..the sun and moon with astrolobe around 32 miles in circumstance..the moon perhaps a slightly concave carbon like but non-terrafirma..like the hollow mask illusion in that stupid BBC (they use Einstein's face as a modle🤮but the idea is something I recall befor ever seeing that as wad raised without a TV and studied the hollow mask illusion.. perhaps it is phosphate oxygenozeged becomes phosphorous (aka Lucifer in Greek) and absorbs discharges it from us during moon(Sin) waxing or waning ?
I meant to say that 200 plus pagan cultures of volk had geocentric roots. The central tree.. tree can become petrified and stone and so mountain or magnetic loadstone castle or pyramid etc..the sun and moon with astrolobe around 32 miles in circumstance..the moon perhaps a slightly concave carbon like but non-terrafirma..like the hollow mask illusion in that stupid BBC (they use Einstein's face as a modle🤮but the idea is something I recall befor ever seeing that as wad raised without a TV and studied the hollow mask illusion.. perhaps it is phosphate oxygenozeged becomes phosphorous (aka Lucifer in Greek) and absorbs discharges it from us during moon(Sin) waxing or waning ?
The sun and moon relativity the same size but the moon is NOT reflecting the suns light..it has a light of its own..it can be measured its moon temperature and is a rotting light where things putrefy and rot whereas the sun life sustaining warm light .like YIN YANG they around the pentagram upon Baphomet's forehead (?) the Star atop the Yule tree(?) the punned point crown adorn the Pinnacle of May Pole? I have seen the sun set iver and over again 6 times in a row within a few moments of each other as was in a hot air balloon..the horizon always stayed at my eye level..I never had to look down to see it fall away. A ship can be brought back into view with a god enough telescope after it appears to " go over around the curve"...it is just iut if our perspective. Parallax aka Samuel Rowbothim has many great experiments and wrote Earth Not A Globe. Anyways regardless of if you think were in the outside of a spinning ball stuck with FreeMasin all Caps G Gravity for God that magically holds sucks us to the earth while we chase the sun sljnning around about while they play golf on the moon. Yah. They would never lie about space...just Hitler and just every single thing they can lie about they will so they can claim to represent the messengers of the gods like faggot ass angles pretending to care about humanity hahahhaha NASA stands fir Never A Straight Answer. .the Real Tesla would turn in his grave to see what is done in his name today..
The sun and moon relativity the same size but the moon is NOT reflecting the suns light..it has a light of its own..it can be measured its moon temperature and is a rotting light where things putrefy and rot whereas the sun life sustaining warm light .like YIN YANG they around the pentagram upon Baphomet's forehead (?) the Star atop the Yule tree(?) the punned point crown adorn the Pinnacle of May Pole? I have seen the sun set iver and over again 6 times in a row within a few moments of each other as was in a hot air balloon..the horizon always stayed at my eye level..I never had to look down to see it fall away. A ship can be brought back into view with a god enough telescope after it appears to " go over around the curve"...it is just iut if our perspective. Parallax aka Samuel Rowbothim has many great experiments and wrote Earth Not A Globe. Anyways regardless of if you think were in the outside of a spinning ball stuck with FreeMasin all Caps G Gravity for God that magically holds sucks us to the earth while we chase the sun sljnning around about while they play golf on the moon. Yah. They would never lie about space...just Hitler and just every single thing they can lie about they will so they can claim to represent the messengers of the gods like faggot ass angles pretending to care about humanity hahahhaha NASA stands fir Never A Straight Answer. .the Real Tesla would turn in his grave to see what is done in his name today..
🌅Why I saw the sun set over and over was cause the operator kept making the flames bigger to rise us up to see it again and again
🌅Why I saw the sun set over and over was cause the operator kept making the flames bigger to rise us up to see it again and again
I recommend more real life outside of the basement for you.
That's the view of the universe as presented in their Bible. You see, the barbaric jews who wrote their holy book believed the earth is flat with a dome in the sky called "firmament". How can anyone believe this was written by an omniscient "god" and not a bunch of backwards goat-f***ing kikes is beyond me.
You think they also fuck the goats backwards? As in, instead of them fucking the goats they are the ones getting fucked by goats? I'd not question it at all considering how damn ugly these fuckers are.
I recommend more real life outside of the basement for you.
I have not been a basement..its ok I have a sense of humor too and won't get butt hurt over anyone who prefers the jew version of reality if thats what you choose. I do know the Aryans lead the way in technology and as Hitler had dreamed devote much love and passion to the sciences..such ad the World Ice Theory that he was looking into and was going to have included in that huge science museum for the public with access to a powerful telescope. Have already been attacked by the Jews in my past..been targeted and several times in different newspapers without giving them consent and of course it was warped into the version and definitions they spun. I have to have a tough shell but am very kind hearted mother of 3(my sons are young men now) & have been taking care of myself as even a child who was abandoned for not being Christian and being a "heathen"..even at 3/4 years old(?!) So enough of the woe us me sounding shit now just know I got myself saner then I may sound to you. Look into even Slavic creation legends shows Rod(kind of like Odin/Wotan) and their awareness of the cosmic egg..well all European and other volk have fascinating stories of old. I attached a ketter from Mercator to John Dee about the four main indrawing seas they said was sucking the iron nails out of "King Arthur"(?)s ships and made them go asunder...so he reflected the ships with all wooden nails..anyways..we can agree at least on Heil Hitler & Hail Satan!🏔️🔥❤️💀⚡⚡✨
I recommend more real life outside of the basement for you.
I have not been a basement..its ok I have a sense of humor too and won't get butt hurt over anyone who prefers the jew version of reality if thats what you choose. I do know the Aryans lead the way in technology and as Hitler had dreamed devote much love and passion to the sciences..such ad the World Ice Theory that he was looking into and was going to have included in that huge science museum for the public with access to a powerful telescope. Have already been attacked by the Jews in my past..been targeted and several times in different newspapers without giving them consent and of course it was warped into the version and definitions they spun. I have to have a tough shell but am very kind hearted mother of 3(my sons are young men now) & have been taking care of myself as even a child who was abandoned for not being Christian and being a "heathen"..even at 3/4 years old(?!) So enough of the woe us me sounding shit now just know I got myself saner then I may sound to you. Look into even Slavic creation legends shows Rod(kind of like Odin/Wotan) and their awareness of the cosmic egg..well all European and other volk have fascinating stories of old. I attached a ketter from Mercator to John Dee about the four main indrawing seas they said was sucking the iron nails out of "King Arthur"(?)s ships and made them go asunder...so he reflected the ships with all wooden nails..anyways..we can agree at least on Heil Hitler & Hail Satan!🏔️🔥❤️💀⚡⚡✨
Ok, but I have seen with my own eyes the curvature of the Earth and anyone going high enough can see it themselves, hence my above comment.
Ok, but I have seen with my own eyes the curvature of the Earth and anyone going high enough can see it themselves, hence my above comment.
Please even one photo..as the horizon is sea level..and the only curved horizon you may have seen is out of airplane windows with curved window giving that fish eye lens which also makes the ground level look curved before even ascending. The circumference of earth that is said what mainstream narrative says would not allow for one to see the distance one can(with or even 0ften without a telescope) The earth is not a spinning ball as I can tell..have made songs about this in pondering but feeling strongly that it is more of earth floating growing like crystals in water..rather then water on a ball in space...though there is water on)in earth therr is more water and makes mire sense that, kike Atlantis was said to be a central island with other rings of islands between rings of water....
I've often wondered if we are underneath some Casal ocean (hare Krishna!) or and is it rising or on the surface and what different elements and spaces are there we really don't know completely and should be skeptical about the NASA(military commie hollywood run programs)...look at the OTS..their fake ass shrunken heads and bullshit us still to this day considered real to normies and even more open and questioning folk..I don't know.
But Eric Dubay has free audio and vids like 200 Proofs Earth Is Not A Spinning Ball..he had started IFERS+International Flat Earth Research Society which is NOT TO BE CONFUSED with the clowny bullshit"flat earth society'" which is made to mock things.
🌠In 2015 YT had alot more but by 2017 millions of channels that were alot if geocentric National Socialist but after constant and massive shit there back then just prior the controlled demolition covid shit it was all censored more then ever before aling with alot if the Internet. Anyways..rambling now.. here is Ptolmeys model of the universe (no words spoken..this is more speculative and I don't hang my hat on just one thing but think the sacred geometry of planets is pretty awesome and I never saw this in school as kid...
Please even one photo..as the horizon is sea level..and the only curved horizon you may have seen is out of airplane windows with curved window giving that fish eye lens which also makes the ground level look curved before even ascending. The circumference of earth that is said what mainstream narrative says would not allow for one to see the distance one can(with or even 0ften without a telescope) The earth is not a spinning ball as I can tell..have made songs about this in pondering but feeling strongly that it is more of earth floating growing like crystals in water..rather then water on a ball in space...though there is water on)in earth therr is more water and makes mire sense that, kike Atlantis was said to be a central island with other rings of islands between rings of water....
I've often wondered if we are underneath some Casal ocean (hare Krishna!) or and is it rising or on the surface and what different elements and spaces are there we really don't know completely and should be skeptical about the NASA(military commie hollywood run programs)...look at the OTS..their fake ass shrunken heads and bullshit us still to this day considered real to normies and even more open and questioning folk..I don't know.
But Eric Dubay has free audio and vids like 200 Proofs Earth Is Not A Spinning Ball..he had started IFERS+International Flat Earth Research Society which is NOT TO BE CONFUSED with the clowny bullshit"flat earth society'" which is made to mock things.
🌠In 2015 YT had alot more but by 2017 millions of channels that were alot if geocentric National Socialist but after constant and massive shit there back then just prior the controlled demolition covid shit it was all censored more then ever before aling with alot if the Internet. Anyways..rambling now.. here is Ptolmeys model of the universe (no words spoken..this is more speculative and I don't hang my hat on just one thing but think the sacred geometry of planets is pretty awesome and I never saw this in school as kid...
🔥Did NOT mean for the above to say "kike Atlantis" (but meant to say Like...anyways..I use the word kike sometimes so it probably auto came up and using a super cheap phone..will improve this and better communication in future if you want to continue this ir questions and will do my best in the meantime by texting more carefully 🥁 ;)
Well Hitler
It's just another lie meant to confuse and distract people. It is easily disproven and anyone with some form of intelligence (so, not NPCs, for sure) can see it for themselves.

Well in Egypt was Nut ..as a sky dome like representing the arching principle the egg the seed the womb whom knows(?) .. And Old Norse theres Bifrost the flaming rainbow bridge and the bowing branches of the 9 worlds of Yggdrasil amd shown them coming back down arching towards the outer circumstances of Midgard(Middle Earth) and Ancient Persian though of the sky as a giant crystal sea shell..and Ancient Vedic Aryan mentions the Casal Ocean and so on and so on with Over 200 Plus Pagan cultures and so many stories also like how the Hopi spoke of Pahana(may not hsbe spelled that right) the True White Brother whom is spoken to arrive as did Hitler with both the Swastika and Iron Cross as symbols being as an Avatar.
✨ The Vril is real! Haunabu2 the classic, one of my favorites, and really know we are capable...just that I do NOT believe in mainstream narrative the commie small hats been spinning since 1945(&before as they been doing this parasitic shit saying they claim ownership over lands seas souls airs yes space and planets themselves etc..fucken dumb to think they tell the truth about the moon etc
Please even one photo..as the horizon is sea level..and the only curved horizon you may have seen is out of airplane windows with curved window giving that fish eye lens which also makes the ground level look curved before even ascending. The circumference of earth that is said what mainstream narrative says would not allow for one to see the distance one can(with or even 0ften without a telescope) The earth is not a spinning ball as I can tell..have made songs about this in pondering but feeling strongly that it is more of earth floating growing like crystals in water..rather then water on a ball in space...though there is water on)in earth therr is more water and makes mire sense that, kike Atlantis was said to be a central island with other rings of islands between rings of water....
I've often wondered if we are underneath some Casal ocean (hare Krishna!) or and is it rising or on the surface and what different elements and spaces are there we really don't know completely and should be skeptical about the NASA(military commie hollywood run programs)...look at the OTS..their fake ass shrunken heads and bullshit us still to this day considered real to normies and even more open and questioning folk..I don't know.
But Eric Dubay has free audio and vids like 200 Proofs Earth Is Not A Spinning Ball..he had started IFERS+International Flat Earth Research Society which is NOT TO BE CONFUSED with the clowny bullshit"flat earth society'" which is made to mock things.
🌠In 2015 YT had alot more but by 2017 millions of channels that were alot if geocentric National Socialist but after constant and massive shit there back then just prior the controlled demolition covid shit it was all censored more then ever before aling with alot if the Internet. Anyways..rambling now.. here is Ptolmeys model of the universe (no words spoken..this is more speculative and I don't hang my hat on just one thing but think the sacred geometry of planets is pretty awesome and I never saw this in school as kid...
No photos, just real life. Climb to at least about twelve hundred meters and you'll see for yourself. As for the other stuff, don't care didn't read.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
