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Question #5033: Intimacy problems with my boyfriend


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Hello everyone. It's been at least 3 months that my boyfriend and I when we are intimate, many times we struggle to have full intercourse. I'm trying to improve my womanhood but I see it's not working--he taught me how he likes to be touched, but every time I stroke him the way he wants, he loses his erection. Same thing if I use my mouth.

He always tells me that I'm beautiful, that I arouse him and that he wants me.... But every time we are about to do it, he starts to lose his erection. All this makes me feel down because I don't understand if it's me doing it wrong and I'm not capable, if it's the fault of putting on the condom (which makes him lose his mood) or if it's him lying and not having the courage to tell me that he doesn't really like me that much.

I just add that he is a great person and supported me in many moments. We get along well and are quite in sync. Maybe astrologically we are inclined to be close friends, but not lovers.

Sorry for the slightly raw rant. I just felt the need to say it.

If you have any advice, I invite you to share it. If you don't want to expose yourself, you can comment through "Ask Satan" indicating the number of my question and writing at the beginning that it is the relevant answer.

Thank you.
Hello everyone. It's been at least 3 months that my boyfriend and I when we are intimate, many times we struggle to have full intercourse. I'm trying to improve my womanhood but I see it's not working--he taught me how he likes to be touched, but every time I stroke him the way he wants, he loses his erection. Same thing if I use my mouth.

He always tells me that I'm beautiful, that I arouse him and that he wants me.... But every time we are about to do it, he starts to lose his erection. All this makes me feel down because I don't understand if it's me doing it wrong and I'm not capable, if it's the fault of putting on the condom (which makes him lose his mood) or if it's him lying and not having the courage to tell me that he doesn't really like me that much.

I just add that he is a great person and supported me in many moments. We get along well and are quite in sync. Maybe astrologically we are inclined to be close friends, but not lovers.

Sorry for the slightly raw rant. I just felt the need to say it.

If you have any advice, I invite you to share it. If you don't want to expose yourself, you can comment through "Ask Satan" indicating the number of my question and writing at the beginning that it is the relevant answer.

Thank you.
It's probably nothing to do with you. He is probably desensitized by porn & media, excessive masturbation or "death grip". He could also have psychological issues preventing him from staying up. He is unlikely to share any of these with you if they are what's going on.
the man is very excited because he wants to have sex with you, this can cause the erection to disappear. from coercion. or can't stand condoms. the man doesn't want to get into bed with someone he doesn't think is beautiful. I don't think the problem is with the attraction.
Hey, don't feel down, it can easily be that it has to do with him and not you. He could have some sort of block and Porn also does this. Porn addicts cannot enjoy sex. Porn is just an eye candy and sex is a whole different thing. It doesn't feels the same, it's not the same in any way.

So first he should get off porn. Than the best would be if he could clean his soul and advance himself. If not, I'm sure there are still activities that can improve his performance in bed. Like workout or something.

Than you can also look into your synastry with him. https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/synastry-chart-online-calculator This is a good site for this.
You may find something there that has to do with this. In this case you can start a MUNKA working to obliterate this aspect.

Than you can search for tips on the internet on how to do these things. For example if you create a vacuum in your mouth, he will feel it much better.
He always tells me that I'm beautiful, that I arouse him and that he wants me.... But every time we are about to do it, he starts to lose his erection. All this makes me feel down because I don't understand if it's me
That happened to me so many years ago, before even Dedicating to Satan. It happened on few occasions with no apparent pattern, with 2 women, both of them were sexually tuned and sex was good. This disappeared after a while, it happened during the first weeks/months of the relationship, but one woman later become my long-time partner and sexuality was good. That was definitely my fault, and I discover now decades later, why. Don't worry about you.
It was due to heavy psychological issues and chakra blockages, caused by childhood heavy traumas involving sex. In short, erection disappeared (in matter of seconds!) because my subconscious mind wanted to avoid sex. Not the partner, sex in itself.
I think later on my unconscious mins accepted sexuality in both cases, and I "deactivated" the issues causing this. The have been lying buried for years, now as SS I have knowledge to fix and heal that.

It's probably nothing to do with you. He is probably desensitized by porn & media, excessive masturbation or "death grip". He could also have psychological issues preventing him from staying up. He is unlikely to share any of these with you if they are what's going on.
I agree. But I also want to add on my personal experience, sometimes he may even be unaware of his problems - if any - as they may lie buried in the subconscious and not consciously known. Not necessarily he is hiding facts, maybe yes maybe no.
Hello everyone. It's been at least 3 months that my boyfriend and I when we are intimate, many times we struggle to have full intercourse. I'm trying to improve my womanhood but I see it's not working--he taught me how he likes to be touched, but every time I stroke him the way he wants, he loses his erection. Same thing if I use my mouth.

He always tells me that I'm beautiful, that I arouse him and that he wants me.... But every time we are about to do it, he starts to lose his erection. All this makes me feel down because I don't understand if it's me doing it wrong and I'm not capable, if it's the fault of putting on the condom (which makes him lose his mood) or if it's him lying and not having the courage to tell me that he doesn't really like me that much.

I just add that he is a great person and supported me in many moments. We get along well and are quite in sync. Maybe astrologically we are inclined to be close friends, but not lovers.

Sorry for the slightly raw rant. I just felt the need to say it.

If you have any advice, I invite you to share it. If you don't want to expose yourself, you can comment through "Ask Satan" indicating the number of my question and writing at the beginning that it is the relevant answer.

Thank you.
-This very much sounds like a textbook case of erectile dysfunction. The problem is not yours and is totally out of your control. It's got nothing to do with you.
- You said: if it's the fault of putting on the condom (which makes him lose his mood)
Putting on a condom makes him lose his mood because he knows that his penis will quickly go flaccid if it takes even the slightest pause from continuous stimulation. And its embarrassing for him.
- Men with ED rather skip foreplay and quickly go to intercourse because of the short-life of their erection.
- Erectile dysfunction can happen to anyone at any age and is due to many reasons (age, diet, lack of exercise, low testosterone), but it's mostly psychological.
- You can talk to your partner about taking performance pills (such as Tadalafil or Cialis), herbal supplements that improve blood flow and testosterone., and /or improving his lifestyle.

This is a very important topic. Many relationships that would be wonderful, go bad because sex is ruined for many people, causing frustration and feelings of guilt and self-blame, leading to resentment and psychological hang-ups or trauma.

Porn, over-sexualization, both men and women not knowing how to have healthy intimacy and foreplay, and so on, are all responsible. For example, sometimes foreplay is all that's needed, but people try to just quickly "bang" or whatever term they call it these days because they think that's what it's about.

The emotional and mental realms should also be engaged, for it all to be fulfilling. But people are ruining their minds with porn and crass overt sexualization.

This can all be rectified with spiritual awareness, time, cleaning the soul and chakras, and removing the joo influences from this world.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
